A message on the topic of the biography of Tolstoy. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy: short biography

  • 05.07.2019

(09.09.1828 - 20.11.1910).

Born in the Yasnaya Polyana estate. Among the writer's paternal ancestors is an associate of Peter I - P. A. Tolstoy, one of the first in Russia to receive the title of count. Participant Patriotic War 1812 was the father of the writer, Count. N.I. Tolstoy. On his mother's side, Tolstoy belonged to the family of the Bolkonsky princes, related by kinship to the Trubetskoy, Golitsyn, Odoevsky, Lykov and other noble families. On his mother's side, Tolstoy was a relative of A.S. Pushkin.

When Tolstoy was in his ninth year, his father took him to Moscow for the first time, the impressions of the meeting with which were vividly conveyed by the future writer in the children's essay “The Kremlin.” Moscow is here called “the greatest and most populous city in Europe,” the walls of which “saw the shame and defeat of Napoleon’s invincible regiments.” The first period of young Tolstoy's Moscow life lasted less than four years. He was orphaned early, losing first his mother and then his father. With his sister and three brothers, young Tolstoy moved to Kazan. One of my father’s sisters lived here and became their guardian.

Living in Kazan, Tolstoy spent two and a half years preparing to enter the university, where he studied from 1844, first at the Oriental Faculty and then at the Faculty of Law. Studied Turkish and Tatar languages from the famous Turkologist Professor Kazembek. In his mature years, the writer was fluent in English, French and German languages; read in Italian, Polish, Czech and Serbian; knew Greek, Latin, Ukrainian, Tatar, Church Slavonic; studied Hebrew, Turkish, Dutch, Bulgarian and other languages.

Classes on government programs and textbooks weighed heavily on Tolstoy the student. He got carried away independent work above historical theme and, leaving the university, left Kazan for Yasnaya Polyana, received by him through the division of his father's inheritance. Then he went to Moscow, where at the end of 1850 he began writing activity: an unfinished story from gypsy life (the manuscript has not survived) and a description of one day lived (“The History of Yesterday”). At the same time, the story “Childhood” was begun. Soon Tolstoy decided to go to the Caucasus, where his older brother, Nikolai Nikolaevich, an artillery officer, served in the active army. Having entered the army as a cadet, he later passed the exam for junior officer rank. The writer's impressions of Caucasian War reflected in the stories “Raid” (1853), “Cutting Wood” (1855), “Demoted” (1856), and in the story “Cossacks” (1852-1863). In the Caucasus, the story “Childhood” was completed, published in 1852 in the magazine “Sovremennik”.

When the Crimean War began, Tolstoy was transferred from the Caucasus to the Danube Army, which was operating against the Turks, and then to Sevastopol, which was besieged by the combined forces of England, France and Turkey. Commanding the battery on the 4th bastion, Tolstoy was awarded the Order of Anna and the medals “For the Defense of Sevastopol” and “In Memory of the War of 1853-1856.” More than once Tolstoy was nominated for the military Cross of St. George, but he never received the “George.” In the army, Tolstoy wrote a number of projects - about the reformation of artillery batteries and the creation of artillery battalions armed with rifled guns, about the reformation of the entire Russian army. Together with a group of officers of the Crimean Army, Tolstoy intended to publish the magazine “Soldatsky Vestnik” (“Military Leaflet”), but its publication was not authorized by Emperor Nicholas I.

In the fall of 1856, he retired and soon went on a six-month trip abroad, visiting France, Switzerland, Italy and Germany. In 1859, Tolstoy opened a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana, and then helped open more than 20 schools in the surrounding villages. To direct their activities along the right path, from his point of view, he published the pedagogical magazine “Yasnaya Polyana” (1862). In order to study the organization of school affairs in foreign countries the writer went abroad for the second time in 1860.

After the manifesto of 1861, Tolstoy became one of the world mediators of the first call who sought to help peasants resolve their disputes with landowners about land. Soon in Yasnaya Polyana, when Tolstoy was away, the gendarmes carried out a search in search of a secret printing house, which the writer allegedly opened after communicating with A. I. Herzen in London. Tolstoy had to close the school and stop publishing the pedagogical magazine. In total, he wrote eleven articles about school and pedagogy (“On public education”, “Upbringing and education”, “On social activities in the field public education" and others). In them, he described in detail the experience of his work with students (“Yasnaya Polyana school for the months of November and December”, “On methods of teaching literacy”, “Who should learn to write from whom, the peasant children from us or us from the peasant children”). Tolstoy the teacher demanded that school be brought closer to life, sought to put it at the service of the needs of the people, and for this to intensify the processes of teaching and upbringing, to develop Creative skills children.

At the same time, already at the beginning of his creative career, Tolstoy becomes a supervised writer. Some of the writer’s first works were the stories “Childhood”, “Adolescence” and “Youth”, “Youth” (which, however, was not written). According to the author, they were supposed to compose the novel “Four Epochs of Development.”

In the early 1860s. For decades, the order of Tolstoy’s life, his way of life, is established. In 1862, he married the daughter of a Moscow doctor, Sofya Andreevna Bers.

The writer is working on the novel “War and Peace” (1863-1869). Having completed War and Peace, Tolstoy studied materials about Peter I and his time for several years. However, after writing several chapters of the “Petrine” novel, Tolstoy abandoned his plan. In the early 1870s. The writer was again fascinated by pedagogy. He put a lot of work into creating “ABC”, and then “ New alphabet" At the same time, he compiled “Books for Reading”, where he included many of his stories.

In the spring of 1873, Tolstoy began and four years later completed work on a great novel about modernity, calling it by name main character- “Anna Karenina.”

Spiritual crisis, experienced by Tolstoy at the end of 1870 - beginning. 1880, ended with a turning point in his worldview. In “Confession” (1879-1882), the writer talks about a revolution in his views, the meaning of which he saw in a break with the ideology of the noble class and a transition to the side of the “simple working people.”

At the beginning of the 1880s. Tolstoy moved with his family from Yasnaya Polyana to Moscow, caring about providing an education to his growing children. In 1882, a census of the Moscow population took place, in which the writer took part. He saw closely the inhabitants of the city slums and described them terrible life in an article on the census and in the treatise “So What Should We Do?” (1882-1886). In them, the writer made the main conclusion: “... You can’t live like that, you can’t live like that, you can’t!” "Confession" and "So What Should We Do?" were works in which Tolstoy acted simultaneously as an artist and as a publicist, as a profound psychologist and a courageous sociologist-analyst. Later, this type of work was in the journalistic genre, but included art scenes and paintings, saturated with elements of figurativeness, will occupy a large place in his work.

In these and subsequent years, Tolstoy also wrote religious and philosophical works: “Criticism of Dogmatic Theology”, “What is My Faith?”, “Connection, Translation and Study of the Four Gospels”, “The Kingdom of God is Within You”. In them, the writer not only showed a change in his religious and moral views, but also subjected to a critical revision of the main dogmas and principles of the teaching of the official church. In the mid-1880s. Tolstoy and his like-minded people created the Posrednik publishing house in Moscow, which printed books and paintings for the people. The first of Tolstoy's works, published for the “common” people, was the story “How People Live.” In it, as in many other works of this cycle, the writer made extensive use not only of folklore plots, but also expressive means oral creativity. Tolstoy's folk stories are thematically and stylistically related to his plays for folk theaters and, most of all, the drama “The Power of Darkness” (1886), which captures the tragedy of a post-reform village, where under the “power of money” centuries-old patriarchal orders collapsed.

In 1880 Tolstoy's stories "The Death of Ivan Ilyich" and "Kholstomer" ("The Story of a Horse"), and "The Kreutzer Sonata" (1887-1889) appeared. In it, as well as in the story “The Devil” (1889-1890) and the story “Father Sergius” (1890-1898), the problems of love and marriage, purity are posed family relations.

Tolstoy’s story “The Master and the Worker” (1895), stylistically related to his cycle, is based on social and psychological contrast. folk stories, written in the 80s. Five years earlier, Tolstoy wrote the comedy “The Fruits of Enlightenment” for a “home performance.” It also shows the “owners” and “workers”: noble landowners living in the city and peasants who came from a hungry village, deprived of land. The images of the former are given satirically, the author portrays the latter as reasonable and positive people, but in some scenes they are “presented” in an ironic light.

All these works of the writer are united by the idea of ​​the inevitable and close in time “denouement” of social contradictions, of the replacement of an obsolete social “order.” “I don’t know what the outcome will be,” Tolstoy wrote in 1892, “but that things are approaching it and that life cannot continue like this, in such forms, I am sure.” This idea inspired largest work of the entire work of the “late” Tolstoy - the novel “Resurrection” (1889-1899).

Less than ten years separate Anna Karenina from War and Peace. “Resurrection” is separated from “Anna Karenina” by two decades. And although much distinguishes the third novel from the two previous ones, they are united by a truly epic scope in depicting life, the ability to “match” individual human destinies with the fate of the people. Tolstoy himself pointed out the unity that existed between his novels: he said that "Resurrection" was written in the "old manner", meaning primarily the epic "manner" in which "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina" were written " "Resurrection" became last novel in the writer's work.

At the beginning of 1900 The Holy Synod excommunicated Tolstoy from the Orthodox Church.

IN last decade During his lifetime, the writer worked on the story “Hadji Murat” (1896-1904), in which he sought to compare “the two poles of imperious absolutism” - the European, personified by Nicholas I, and the Asian, personified by Shamil. At the same time, Tolstoy created one of his best plays, “The Living Corpse.” Her hero is kindest soul, soft, conscientious Fedya Protasov leaves his family, breaks off relations with his usual environment, falls to the “bottom” and in the courthouse, unable to bear the lies, pretense, pharisaism of “respectable” people, shoots himself with a pistol and takes his own life. The article “I Can’t Be Silent” written in 1908, in which he protested against the repression of participants in the events of 1905–1907, sounded sharply. The writer’s stories “After the Ball”, “For What?” belong to the same period.

Weighed down by the way of life in Yasnaya Polyana, Tolstoy more than once contemplated and for a long time did not dare to leave it. But he could no longer live according to the principle of “together and apart,” and on the night of October 28 (November 10) he secretly left Yasnaya Polyana. On the way, he fell ill with pneumonia and was forced to stop at the small station of Astapovo (now Leo Tolstoy), where he died. On November 10 (23), 1910, the writer was buried in Yasnaya Polyana, in the forest, on the edge of the ravine, where as a child he and his brother searched for “ green stick”, which kept the “secret” of how to make all people happy.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born in 1828, on September 9. The writer's family belonged to the noble class. After his mother died, Lev and his sisters and brothers were raised by cousin father. Their father died 7 years later. For this reason, the children were given to their aunt to raise. But soon the aunt died, and the children went to Kazan, to their second aunt. Tolstoy's childhood was difficult, but, however, in his works he romanticized this period of his life.

Lev Nikolaevich received his basic education at home. Soon he entered the Imperial Kazan University at the Faculty of Philology. But he was not successful in his studies.

While Tolstoy was serving in the army, he would have had quite a lot of free time. Even then he began to write an autobiographical story “Childhood”. This story contains good memories from the publicist's childhood.

Lev Nikolaevich also took part in the Crimean War, and during this period he created a number of works: “Adolescence”, “ Sevastopol stories" and so on.

"Anna Karenina" is Tolstoy's most famous creation.

Leo Tolstoy fell asleep eternal sleep in 1910, November 20. He was interred in Yasnaya Polyana, in the place where he grew up.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a famous writer who, in addition to recognized serious books, created works useful for children. These were, first of all, “ABC” and “Book for Reading”.

He was born in 1828 in the Tula province on the Yasnaya Polyana estate, where his house-museum is still located. Leva became the fourth child in this noble family. His mother (nee a princess) soon died, and seven years later his father too. These terrible events led to the fact that the children had to move to their aunt in Kazan. Lev Nikolaevich will later collect memories of these and other years in the story “Childhood,” which will be the first to be published in the Sovremennik magazine.

At first, Lev studied at home with German and French teachers; he was also interested in music. He grew up and entered the Imperial University. Tolstoy's older brother convinced him to serve in the army. Leo even took part in real battles. They are described by him in “Sevastopol Stories”, in the stories “Adolescence” and “Youth”.

Tired of wars, he declared himself an anarchist and went to Paris, where he lost all his money. Having come to his senses, Lev Nikolaevich returned to Russia and married Sophia Burns. Since then, he began to live on his native estate and engage in literary creativity.

His first a great work became the novel "War and Peace". The writer took about ten years to compose it. The novel was well received by both readers and critics. Next, Tolstoy created the novel Anna Karenina, which received more greater success public.

Tolstoy wanted to understand life. Desperate to find an answer in creativity, he went to church, but was disappointed there too. Then he renounced the church and began to think about his philosophical theory- “non-resistance to evil.” He wanted to give all his property to the poor... Even the secret police began to follow him!

Having gone on a pilgrimage, Tolstoy fell ill and died in 1910.

Biography of Leo Tolstoy

IN different sources, the date of birth of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy, is indicated in different ways. The most common versions are August 28, 1829 and September 9, 1828. Born the fourth child in a noble family, Russia, Tula province, Yasnaya Polyana. There were only 5 children in the Tolstoy family.

His family tree starts with the Ruriks, his mother belonged to the Volkonsky family, and his father was a count. At the age of 9, Lev and his father went to Moscow for the first time. Young writer I was so impressed that this trip gave rise to such works as “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”.

In 1830, Lev's mother died. After the death of the mother, their uncle, the father’s cousin, took over the upbringing of the children, after whose death the aunt became their guardian. When the guardian aunt died, a second aunt from Kazan began to take care of the children. In 1873, my father died.

Tolstoy received his first education at home, with teachers. In Kazan, the writer lived for about 6 years, spent 2 years preparing to enter the Imperial Kazan University and was enrolled in the Faculty of Oriental Languages. In 1844 he became a university student.

Studying languages ​​was not interesting for Leo Tolstoy, after which he tried to connect his destiny with jurisprudence, but even here his studies did not work out, so in 1847 he dropped out of school and received documents from educational institution. After unsuccessful attempts to study, I decided to develop farming. In this regard, I returned to parents' house to Yasnaya Polyana.

IN agriculture I didn’t find myself, but I didn’t behave badly Personal diary. Having finished working in farming, I went to Moscow to focus on creativity, but all my plans have not yet come true.

Very young, he managed to visit the war, together with his brother Nikolai. The course of military events had an impact on his work, this is noticeable in some works, for example, in the stories “Cossacks”, Hadji - Murat”, in the stories “Demoted”, Woodcutting”, “Raid”.

Since 1855, Lev Nikolaevich became a more skilled writer. At that time, the law of the serfs, which Leo Tolstoy wrote about in his stories: “Polikushka”, “Morning of the Landowner” and others, was relevant.

The years 1857-1860 were full of travel. Under their impression, I prepared school textbooks and began to pay attention to the publication of a pedagogical magazine. In 1862, Leo Tolstoy married young Sophia Bers, the daughter of a doctor. Family life, at first, did him good, then the most famous works were written, War and Peace, Anna Karenina.

The mid-80s were fruitful, dramas, comedies, and novels were written. The writer was concerned about the theme of the bourgeoisie, he was on the side common people To express his thoughts on this matter, Leo Tolstoy created many works: “After the Ball,” “For What,” “The Power of Darkness,” “Sunday,” etc.

Roman, Sunday” deserves special attention. To write it, Lev Nikolaevich had to work hard for 10 years. As a result, the work was criticized. Local authorities, so afraid of his pen that they put him under surveillance, were able to remove him from the church, but despite this, ordinary people supported Lev as best they could.

In the early 90s, Leo began to get sick. In the fall of 1910, at the age of 82, the writer’s heart stopped. It happened on the road: Leo Tolstoy was traveling on a train, he became ill and had to stop at the Astapovo railway station. The station chief gave shelter to the patient at home. After 7 days of visiting, the writer died.

Biography by dates and Interesting Facts. The most important.

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Conversation for children 5-9 years old: “Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy”

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna, GBOU School No. 1499 DO No. 7, teacher
Description: The event is intended for children of senior preschool and junior school age, educators preschool institutions, teachers junior classes and parents.
Purpose of work: The conversation will introduce children to the great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, his work and personal contribution to children's literature.

Target: introducing children of senior preschool and primary school age to the world of book culture.
1. introduce children to the biography and work of the writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy;
2. introduce children of senior preschool and primary school age to literary works;3. develop emotional responsiveness to literary work;
4. cultivate children’s interest in the book and its characters;
Attributes for games: rope, 2 baskets, fake mushrooms, hat or mask - Bear.

Preliminary work:
- Read fairy tales, stories, fables of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
- Organize an exhibition of children's drawings based on the works they read

introduction in verse

Dvoretskaya T.N.
Great soul man
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
Famous writer talented from God.
A wise teacher with the soul of a teacher.
He was a generator of bold ideas.
He opened a school for peasant children.
Lev Nikolaevich - great thinker.
Founder, benefactor.
Noble family, count blood.
He thought about the troubles of ordinary people.
He left behind a legacy
Knowledge has become an encyclopedia.
His works and experience are invaluable capital.
For many generations, it became the foundation.
The writer is famous, and in the 21st century
We will proudly tell you about this man!

Progress of the conversation:
Presenter: Dear guys, today we will meet amazing person and a great writer.
(Slide No. 1)
Near the city of Tula there is a place called Yasnaya Polyana, where on September 9, 1828, the great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born. He was the fourth child in a large noble family. His mother, Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya. His father, Count Nikolai Ilyich, traced his ancestry back to Ivan Ivanovich Tolstoy, who served as a governor under Tsar Ivan the Terrible.
(Slide No. 2)
The little writer spent his childhood in Yasnaya Polyana. Lev Tolstoy elementary education received at home, he was given lessons in French and German teachers. He lost his parents early. Leo Tolstoy's mother died when he was one and a half years old, and his father died when the boy was nine years old. The orphaned children (three brothers and a sister) were taken in by their aunt, who lived in Kazan. She became the children's guardian. Leo Tolstoy lived in the city of Kazan for six years.
In 1844 he entered Kazan University. Classes according to the program and textbooks weighed heavily on him and after studying for 3 years, he decided to leave the institution. Leo Tolstoy left Kazan for the Caucasus, where his older brother Nikolai Nikolaevich Tolstoy served in the army with the rank of artillery officer.

To the Young Leo Tolstoy wanted to test himself to see if he was a brave man, and to see with his own eyes what war was. He entered the army, at first he was a cadet, then after passing the exams, he received a junior officer rank.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was a participant in the defense of the city of Sevastopol. Awarded the Order St. Anne with the inscription “For bravery” and medals “For the defense of Sevastopol.
Russian people have long glorified courage, bravery and bravery.
Listen to what sayings were made in Rus':
Where there is courage, there is victory.

Don't lose courage, don't take a step back.
A soldier's job is to fight bravely and skillfully.
Anyone who has never been in battle has never experienced courage.
Now we will check how brave and courageous our boys are.
Exit to the center of the hall. The game is played: Tug of war.
Leo Tolstoy traveled abroad twice in 1850 and 1860.
(Slide No. 3)
Returning back to Yasnaya Polyana, the family estate of Leo Tolstoy opens a school for serf children. At that time the country had serfdom- this is when all the peasants obeyed and belonged to the landowner. Previously, even in the cities there were not many schools, and only children from rich and noble families studied in them. People lived in villages and they were all illiterate.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy announced that the school would be free and that there would be no corporal punishment. The fact is that in those days it was customary to punish children; they were beaten with rods (a thin twig) for bad behavior, for an incorrect answer, for not learning a lesson, for disobedience.
(Slide No. 4)
At first, the peasants shrugged their shoulders: where has it been seen that they teach for free. People doubted whether such lessons would be of any use if they did not flog a mischievous and lazy child.
In those days, peasant families had many children, 10 to 12 people each. And they all helped their parents with housework.

But they soon saw that the school in Yasnaya Polyana was not like any other.
(Slide No. 5)
“If,” wrote L.N. Tolstoy, “the lesson is too difficult, the student will lose hope of completing the task, will do something else, and will not make any effort; if the lesson is too easy, the same thing will happen. We must try to ensure that all the student’s attention can be absorbed in the given lesson. To do this, give the student such work that each lesson feels like a step forward in his learning.”
(Slide No. 6)
The following folk proverbs have been preserved and survived to this day about the power of knowledge:
From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.
It is good to teach whoever listens.
Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.
Live and learn.
The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.
Without patience there is no learning.
Learning to read and write is always useful.

(Slide No. 7)

At the Tolstoy school, the children learned to read, write, count, and they had lessons in history, natural science, drawing and singing. The children felt free and cheerful at school. In the classroom, little students sat down wherever they wanted: on benches, on tables, on the windowsill, on the floor. Everyone could ask the teacher about anything they wanted, talked to him, consulted with neighbors, looked into their notebooks. Lessons turned into a general interesting conversation, and sometimes into a game. There were no homework assignments.
(Slide No. 8)
During breaks and after classes, Leo Tolstoy told the children something interesting, showed them gymnastic exercises, played games with them, ran races. In winter I went sledding down the mountains with my children, and in summer I took them to the river or to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

(Slide No. 9)
Come on guys, and we’ll play a game: “Mushroom Pickers”
Rules: Children are divided into 2 teams, each team has 1 basket. At the signal, children collect mushrooms.
Condition: You can only take 1 mushroom in your hands.
Music plays, children collect mushrooms and put them in their common team basket.
The music fades out, a bear comes out into the clearing (starts roaring), the mushroom pickers freeze and do not move. The bear goes around the mushroom pickers; if the mushroom picker moves, the bear eats him. (The eaten mushroom picker is placed on a chair). At the end of the game, the mushrooms in the baskets are counted. The team that has collected the most mushrooms and whose team has the most mushroom pickers left unharmed wins.
(Slide No. 10)
At that time there were few books for children. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy decides to write a book for children. The ABC was published in 1872. In this book, Lev Nikolaevich collected best fairy tales, fables, proverbs, stories, epics and sayings. Small instructive works make children all over the world sympathize and worry, rejoice and be sad.

(slide No. 11)
The works written by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy contain useful and wise advice, teach us to understand the world around us and the relationships between people.
(Slide No. 12)
The works of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy are a real treasure trove for children. Children are small and attentive listeners who learn love, kindness, courage, justice, resourcefulness, and honesty.
Children are strict judges in literature. It is necessary that the stories for them be written clearly, entertainingly, and morally... Simplicity is a huge and difficult to achieve virtue.
L.N. Tolstoy.
(Slide No. 13)
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was a master at inventing different games and fun for children. Here are some of them. Guys, try to guess some interesting riddles.
It walks along the sea, but when it reaches the shore, it disappears. (Wave)
There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow)
He bows, bows, when he comes home he will stretch out. (Axe)
Seventy clothes, all without fasteners. (Cabbage)
Grandfather builds a bridge without an axe. (Freezing)
Two mothers have five sons. (Hands)
Twisted, tied up, dancing around the hut. (Broom)
It's made of wood, but the head is iron. (Hammer)
Every boy has a closet. (Signet)

(Slide No. 14)

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote sayings for children.
Where there is a flower, there is honey.
Unknown friend, not good for services.
Help your friend as much as you can.
The bird is red with its feather, and the man with his mind.
A drop is small, but drop by drop the sea.
Don't take it by the handful, but take it in a pinch.
If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.
Summer gathers, winter eats.
Know how to take, know how to give.
You won't learn everything at once.
Learning is light, not learning is darkness.
The end is the crown of the matter.

Presenter: Well, at the end of our event we invite you to play an outdoor game:
"Golden Gate".

Rules of the game: The two leaders join hands and build a “gate” (raise their clasped hands up). The rest of the players join hands and begin to dance in a circle, passing under the “gate”. The round dance must not be broken! You can't stop!
Everyone playing in chorus pronounces the words (chorusing)

“Golden Gate, come through, gentlemen:
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is prohibited
And we won’t let you through the third time!”

When the last phrase sounds, “the gate is closing” - the drivers lower their hands and catch and lock those participants in the round dance who are inside the “gate”. Those who are caught also become “gates”. When the “gate” grows to 4 people, you can divide them and make two gates, or you can leave just a giant “gate”. If there are few “masters” left in the game, it is advisable to arrive under the goal, moving like a snake. The game usually goes down to the last two uncaught players. They become new leaders, form new gates.
(Slide No. 14 and No. 15)

Thank you for your attention! See you again!


Illustrations from our young artists based on the works of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy read.

In 1828, on August 26, in the Yasnaya Polyana estate, the future great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy was born. The family was well-born - his ancestor was a noble nobleman who received the title of count for his services to Tsar Peter. Mother was from ancient times noble family Volkonskikh. Belonging to a privileged layer of society influenced the behavior and thoughts of the writer throughout his life. A brief biography of Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich does not fully reveal the entire history of the ancient family.

Serene life in Yasnaya Polyana

The writer's childhood was quite prosperous, despite the fact that he lost his mother early. Thanks to family stories, he preserved her bright image in his memory. A short biography of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy indicates that his father was the embodiment of beauty and strength for the writer. He instilled in the boy a love for hound hunting, which was subsequently described in detail in the novel “War and Peace.”

He also had a close relationship with his older brother Nikolenka - he taught little Levushka various games and told him interesting stories. Tolstoy's first story, “Childhood,” contains many autobiographical memories of the writer’s childhood years.


A serene, joyful stay in Yasnaya Polyana was interrupted due to the death of his father. In 1837, the family was taken under the care of an aunt. In this city, as he claims short biography Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, the writer’s youth passed. Here he entered the university in 1844 - first at the Faculty of Philosophy and then at the Faculty of Law. True, studies attracted him little; the student preferred various amusements and revelries.

In this biography of Tolstoy, Lev Nikolaevich characterizes him as a person who disdainfully treated people of the lower, non-aristocratic class. He denied history as a science - in his eyes it had no practical use. The writer retained the sharpness of his judgments throughout his life.

As a landowner

In 1847, without graduating from university, Tolstoy decides to return to Yasnaya Polyana and try to improve the life of his serfs. Reality sharply diverged from the writer’s ideas. The peasants did not understand the master’s intentions, and a short biography of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy describes his management experience as unsuccessful (the writer shared it in his story “The Morning of the Landowner”), as a result of which he leaves his estate.

The path to becoming a writer

The next few years spent in St. Petersburg and Moscow were not in vain for the future great prose writer. From 1847 to 1852, diaries were kept in which Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy carefully verified all his thoughts and reflections. A short biography tells that during his service in the Caucasus, work was being carried out in parallel on the story “Childhood”, which will be published a little later in the magazine “Sovremennik”. This marked the beginning of further creative path great Russian writer.

Ahead of the writer lies the creation of his great works "War and Peace" and "Anna Karenina", but for now he is honing his style, publishing in Sovremennik and basking in favorable reviews from critics.

Later years of creativity

In 1855, Tolstoy came to St. Petersburg for a short time, but literally a couple of months later he left it and settled in Yasnaya Polyana, opening a school there for peasant children. In 1862 he married Sophia Bers and was very happy in the first years.

In 1863-1869, the novel “War and Peace” was written and revised, which bore little resemblance to the classic version. It lacks traditional key elements of the time. Or rather, they are present, but are not key.

1877 - Tolstoy completed the novel Anna Karenina, in which the technique of internal monologue is repeatedly used.

Since the second half of the 60s, Tolstoy has been going through an experience that was only overcome at the turn of the 1870s and 80s by completely rethinking his previous life. Then Tolstoy appears - his wife categorically did not accept his new views. The ideas of the late Tolstoy are similar to socialist teachings, the only difference being that he was an opponent of the revolution.

In 1896-1904, Tolstoy completed the story, which was published after his death, which occurred in November 1910 at the Astapovo station on the Ryazan-Ural road.

Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich (1828 - 1910) is one of the most famous Russian writers and thinkers, one of the greatest writers in the world, educator, publicist and religious thinker.

Brief biography of Tolstoy

Write short biography of Tolstoy quite difficult, since he lived a long and very varied life.

In principle, all short biographies can be called “short” only conditionally. Nevertheless, we will try to convey in a concise form the main points of the biography of Leo Tolstoy.

Childhood and youth

The future writer was born in Yasnaya Polyana, Tula province, into a wealthy aristocratic family. He entered Kazan University, but then left it.

At the age of 23 he went to war with Chechnya and Dagestan. Here he began to write the trilogy “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”.

In the Caucasus he took part in hostilities as an artillery officer. During Crimean War went to Sevastopol, where he continued to fight. After the end of the war, he went to St. Petersburg and published “Sevastopol Stories” in the Sovremennik magazine, which clearly reflected his outstanding writing talent.

In 1857 Tolstoy went on a trip to Europe. From his biography it clearly follows that this trip disappointed the thinker.

From 1853 to 1863 wrote the story “Cossacks”, after which he decided to interrupt literary activity and become a landowner, doing educational work in the village. For this purpose, he went to Yasnaya Polyana, where he opened a school for peasant children and created his own system of pedagogy.

Tolstoy's creativity

In 1863-1869 he wrote the fundamental work “War and Peace”. It was this work that brought him worldwide fame. In 1873-1877 the novel “Anna Karenina” was published.

Portrait of Leo Tolstoy

During these same years, the writer’s worldview was fully formed, which later resulted in the religious movement “Tolstoyism.” Its essence is indicated in the works: “Confession”, “What is my faith?” and "Kreutzer Sonata".

From Tolstoy’s biography it is clearly clear that the doctrine of “Tolstoyism” is set forth in the philosophical and religious works “Study of Dogmatic Theology”, “Connection and Translation of the Four Gospels”. The main emphasis in these works is on moral improvement man, denunciation of evil and non-resistance to evil through violence.

Later, a duology was published: the drama “The Power of Darkness” and the comedy “The Fruits of Enlightenment,” then a series of stories and parables about the laws of existence.

Admirers of the writer’s work came to Yasnaya Polyana from all over Russia and the world, whom they treated as spiritual mentor. In 1899 the novel “Resurrection” was published.

The writer’s latest works are the stories “Father Sergius”, “After the Ball”, “ Posthumous notes Elder Fyodor Kuzmich" and the drama "The Living Corpse".

Tolstoy and the church

Tolstoy's confessional journalism gives a detailed idea of ​​his emotional drama: painting pictures of social inequality and idleness of the educated strata, Tolstoy harshly posed questions of the meaning of life and faith to society, criticized everything state institutions, going so far as to deny science, art, court, marriage, and the achievements of civilization.

Tolstoy's social declaration is based on the idea of ​​Christianity as a moral teaching, and he interpreted the ethical ideas of Christianity in a humanistic manner, as the basis of the universal brotherhood of man.

In a short biography of Tolstoy, there is no point in mentioning the writer’s numerous harsh statements about the church, but they can be easily found in various sources.

In 1901, a resolution of the Holy Governing Synod was issued, which officially announced that Count Leo Tolstoy was no longer a member Orthodox Church, since his (publicly expressed) beliefs are incompatible with such membership.

This caused an enormous public outcry, since Tolstoy’s popular authority was extremely great, although everyone was well aware of the writer’s critical mood in relation to the Christian church.

Last days and death

On October 28, 1910, Tolstoy secretly left Yasnaya Polyana from his family, fell ill on the way and was forced to get off the train at the small Astapovo railway station of the Ryazan-Ural Railway.

Here, seven days later, in the house of the station master, he died at the age of 82.

We hope that a short biography of Tolstoy will interest you for further study of him. creative heritage. And lastly: you may not know this, but in mathematics there is a riddle of Tolstoy, the author of which is himself great writer. We highly recommend checking it out.

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