A complex of gymnastic exercises hadu from zviad arabuli. The practice of healing and rejuvenating the body

  • 14.10.2019

Gymnastics Khadu for the face - video and the principle of performing anti-aging life-prolonging exercise. This technique is an effective alternative to surgical intervention and various innovative cosmetic advances. Gymnastics continues the complex of exercises for the muscles of the face, while it is truly unique, aimed specifically at working out the facial and neck muscles. Khadu's technique is somewhat different from similar gymnastics, however, it can be called the most effective, since it allows you to achieve the required, expected results in a fairly short time. Using these exercises, your facial skin will become more youthful, the oval of the face will acquire beautiful, even outlines, and its outline and silhouette will return to normal.

Lifting gymnastics for the face - video, efficiency, success and effectiveness.

This set of exercises includes several main aspects:

Interesting on the net:

  • when performing gymnastics in an enhanced mode, facial muscles are stimulated;
  • an active blood flow is provided to the muscles of the face;
  • this gymnastics requires sufficient physical activity.

The last point is not surprising, since a series of exercises was created by a man who, in addition to everything, also developed a general program aimed at the whole body as a whole. That is, gymnastics for the face is only one element from the general series, however, it was she who became widespread among the female sex, who is constantly striving for rejuvenation.

The simplicity and effectiveness of Khadu exercises made them extremely popular, the highest performance of the complex acts as a full-fledged alternative to new developments in surgery, cosmetology, medicine and cosmeceuticals. This means that today people are striving to change their body with the help of the forces of their body, and not through unartificial interference.

How to properly perform gymnastics Hadu for the face? Special rules and guidelines for a better result.

Gymnastics Khadu for the face is popular among the female sex because special exercises are aimed at adjusting the muscles of the neck and face. However, you need to pay utmost attention to the accuracy and precision of the exercises, in addition, it is not advisable to overuse and over-indulge in instructions. This technique is distinguished by its masculine approach. By themselves, these exercises are a complete, developed complex, therefore, if you make any changes to it, the consequences can be very undesirable. For example, the subcutaneous fat layer on the face can become excessively thin, making it thin and appear haggard. If you apply Khadu gymnastics correctly, you will very soon get the desired result.

  1. First, it is imperative to warm up your face. To do this, it must be stretched and then squeezed. Open your jaw to stretch, and squeeze your eyes firmly with your cheeks and eyebrows to squeeze. Try to feel the facial muscles as much as possible, warm them up well. In this case, you can turn your head, just do not close your eyes.
  2. Hadu facial exercises:
  • move your eyebrows up and down, as if frowning and be surprised, while speeding up the pace;
  • make a rat's face, cute at first, and then evil;
  • pronounce the sound "wow" or "wow";
  • move your lips to the left - to the right.
    Stretch and squeeze your lips and eyes as if you want to scare the mirror, then turn your head. Start doubling the pace of your exercise. Stretch down, for this, bend down, then repeat the same up and around.

Hadu gymnastics for weight loss is a health-improving set of exercises aimed at strengthening and rejuvenating the body. The complex can also be used for weight loss. Gymnastics consists of exercises that involve extreme muscle tension and a slow pace of execution.

The gymnastics is extremely intense due to the maximum tension. With a slow pace of movement, the muscle goes through all stages of fatigue, because of this, the workouts are quite short (about 20-30 minutes), but very effective.

Hadu gymnastics follows the principles:

  • Movements are very slow;
  • Muscles are tense to the maximum;
  • The exercise involves complete fatigue of the loaded muscles.

The complex is distinguished by the fact that when performing the exercise, the loaded muscle and its antagonist (for example, biceps and triceps) are simultaneously strained, while in classical training, the opposite muscle, as a rule, is not involved.

Along with powerful muscle tension, breathing regulation is also practiced in the healing complex - especially deep breaths and exhalations, synchronized with the stages of the exercise.

Khadu involves the work of a muscle in a static mode. This principle of training helps to increase the rate of metabolic processes in the muscle, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the metabolic rate in the body as a whole and, accordingly, to weight loss. Gymnastics accelerates metabolism, forcing the body to work in an enhanced mode, because when performing such intense exercises, a lot of energy is required for the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Oxygen, saturating the body in excess, promotes the rapid burning of fatty deposits, as well as the acceleration of metabolism.

In addition, hadu works to restore the health of the spine. With age, the spine deforms, its length decreases, and, accordingly, growth decreases. With the help of gymnastics, the spine assumes a healthy position, the growth of a person increases. Due to this, you can visually become slimmer - the stomach is tightened, due to the correct position of the head, the size of the chin decreases.

The severity of the workout in general contributes to the intense burning of calories, after a few exercises you will feel how strong the load on the body is. Gymnastics will not make you pumped and like a bodybuilder (which many girls fear when doing strength training), the muscles will be harmoniously developed, the silhouette will take on beautiful outlines.

Gymnastics has an advantage over other weight loss techniques in that it can be practiced by people who are not suitable for aerobic exercise. Hudu workouts are static, there are no jumps and other active movements, they are suitable for people with diseases of the joints, spine, as well as the elderly.

Complex of exercises hadu

Choose exercises in which deep breathing is activated, abdominal, diaphragmatic breathing is involved, and problem areas for you are worked out.

  1. Exercise the weightlifter stance with chest breathing: put your feet shoulder-width apart, inhale deeply with your chest, at the same time pulling your shoulders back so that the shoulder blades touch, pull your pelvis back and bend your back. With exhalation, the shoulders move forward, the pelvis also moves forward, you need to slouch a little, while exhaling, tighten the abdominal muscles strongly. In this exercise, the abdominal muscles are especially worked out, and the flexibility of the spine also develops, this is important for subsequent exercises.
  2. Diaphragmatic breathing: Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, round your back slightly (you need to slouch a little), arms freely along the body. Inhale, relaxing the muscles of the diaphragm, while the chest should be practically motionless. Exhalation is also produced by the tension of the diaphragm. This is an unusually useful exercise, abdominal breathing is present in many healing techniques and systems (well covered in), for weight loss it is especially effective because with such breathing more oxygen enters the lungs, which enriches the blood, speeding up metabolism and actively burning adipose tissue. In addition, moving in this way, the diaphragm massages the abdominal organs, contributing to their normal functioning, relieves a person of constipation and toxins, which means it will be easier to get rid of excess weight. Repeat for about 20 inhalations and exhalations.
  3. Exercise bike. Sit on a chair, lean back a little, imitate cycling, bending and unbending your legs with effort. The movements should be as if you are pressing on poorly spinning pedals, each leg is strained as much as possible. This exercise is effective in reducing the volume of the hips and abdomen, which are particularly problem areas for many women. The number of repetitions is 20.
  4. Straightening the legs on the chair. Sitting on a chair, forcefully straighten your legs at an angle of 90 degrees to your body, then bend them with force and press them under the seat of the chair. The exercise also works the abdominal and leg area. Repeat 15-20 times.
  5. Rack exercise. Spread your legs wide enough, squat down a little, raise your arms and spread them wide. Then, as you exhale, straightening your back, press your hands to your stomach with effort; arms, abdominal muscles and chest should be strongly tense. As you inhale, take the original position (without relaxing your muscles!). This exercise works the muscles of the chest, abdomen, and shoulders. Repeat 5-6 times.

When performing exercises, do not forget that muscle tension should be maximized, that is, at the limit of your capabilities.

It is likely that some exercises will be difficult to perform at first, do not be discouraged, over time the body will adapt, and you will be able to do a full complex, transforming your figure and improving your health. Gymnastics will help you get a toned, slender silhouette and rejuvenate your body.

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Patented system of development and improvement of the body human Zviad Arabuli originates from the practice of hatha yoga. Zviad Arabuli developed this system and has been improving it for over 20 years. Rejuvenating gymnastics a, prolonging life Zviada Arabuli is named "Khadu" in honor of the mountain village Khadu in Georgia, where the roots of the ancient Arabuli clan come from.

The origins, principle of action, technique of performing exercises of rejuvenating gymnastics Khadu are described by Zviad Arabuli in the book "The Practice of Rejuvenating the Body".

The main meaning of Khadu gymnastics, as the author says, is that it develops and harmonizes the body, makes it self-regenerate.

To train Khadu, you do not need any special simulators or any special physical training. Hadu gymnastics exercises accessible to almost anyone, including people with reduced mobility. All you need is the desire to train, supported by motivation and will.

It should be noted that there are many women of different ages among those who practice Khadu. Hadu gymnastics is not only done to rejuvenate the body and get rid of diseases. Among young men, gymnastics Zviad Arabuli is also popular, because helps to develop and shape beautiful, strong muscles with simple exercises without the use of weights. Initially, Khadu gymnastics developed as a system of exercises for building muscle mass and has earned well-deserved respect from bodybuilders.

Three main principles of the Khadu rejuvenation system

Gymnastics Khadu is safe and cannot harm the body instead of healing, subject to certain rules, namely, inhaling through the nose, exhaling through the mouth, movements should be slowed down and smooth. In addition, the subconscious regulation of the load will completely protect the body from injury.

So the main principles of the Khadu rejuvenation system:
- all movements are very slow and smooth;
- with maximum voltage;
- until the trained muscle group is completely tired.

All these principles are equivalent, and require indispensable observance in order to achieve harmonious development of the whole organism and, as a result, a mandatory increase in the level of health.

The impact of Khadu gymnastics on the body

Hadu practice forms a perfectly functioning human musculoskeletal system. And the state of the nervous system and the metabolic system is completely determined by the state of the musculoskeletal system. With its inferiority, there can be no normal metabolism and a healthy nervous system.

Catching up on Khadu, the health of the body occurs through the solution of problems and the development of the musculoskeletal system, involving other interrelated systems and organs in the healing processes.

Here are some common indications for Hudoo gymnastics: Osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, age-related degradation of joints and intervertebral discs, salt deposits, hernias, limitation of mobility, rehabilitation after injuries.

If you want to improve your body, form a beautiful, relief body, recharge with vital energy, look 15-20 years younger, then go for it, The practice of rejuvenating the body of Zviad Arabuli in front of you.

Training with Zviad Arabuli

Training according to the method of Zviad Arabuli has the highest efficiency. Therefore, it is quite difficult to perform, but also, accordingly, short-lived. Depending on the level of training and the psychophysical state of the person, the training takes from 5 to 20 minutes.

Watch online video of gymnastics Khadu Zviad Arabuli

In this video, two Hadu gymnastics exercises to strengthen the spine

You can watch other videos of Khadu gymnastics in the video library on the official website of Zviad Arabuli hadu. org / video /

There are a lot of exercises in Khadu gymnastics. Some of them are similar and are more invented for a change, in order to prevent the muscles from getting used to a certain load. At the initial stage, it is important, namely, the correctness of the exercises, and not their number, and the regularity of the exercises. Over time, when you adapt to the stress and learn to feel your body, exercises can be supplemented, changed, or even come up with your own.

Hadu exercise safety rules

Following these simple rules will help you avoid injury and get the desired rejuvenation effect.

  • All movements must be very slow and smooth.
  • The load should be increased GRADUALLY.
  • Breathing is slow, smooth, without jerks and tension: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth through tightly compressed lips.
  • If you feel dizzy, faint or unwell, discontinue the activity and rest. After a short rest, the lesson can be continued. Over time, the body adapts to increased stress and such problems will not arise.
  • During the Hudu phase, take short breaks between exercises.

Gymnastics Khadu for face and neck rejuvenation

In the practice of Khadu there are also exercises for working with the face and neck. Exercises for the face contribute to the natural nourishment and hydration of the skin, because provide a rush of blood to the facial muscles, as well as the removal of metabolic products and the supply of new hormones.

The most relevant exercise for women. Stretch your face by opening your eyes; then shrink it by closing your eyes.

Your mimic muscles should warm up and numb from fatigue, only in this case the skin will receive additional nourishment from the inside.

Repeat the exercise 50-60 times at any convenient pace.

Important: When stretching the face, the muscles should stretch to the back of the head. Make sure that the muscles in your forehead are working too.

Gymnastics hadu for the eyes

At the request of visitors, we present online video of eye exercises and lens of Zviad Arabuli.

Exercises for training the eyes of Zviad Arabuli in many ways similar to the usual eye exercises that ophthalmologists usually recommend.

The main difference is that they are performed in the Khadu gymnastics complex when the blood is already warmed up. The influx of fresh, hot blood dramatically increases the effectiveness of the exercise. This explains the improvement in vision after training Khadu.

Tip: The eye exercises are very strong, so do the exercises with fewer repetitions in the beginning.

The effect of rejuvenation and healing of Khadu gymnastics

In conclusion, we formulate results that can be expected after training according to the Khadu rejuvenation system:

  • 2 times more powerful than the cardiovascular system
  • 2 times more powerful respiratory system
  • 2 times more powerful metabolic system
  • 2 times more powerful and stable nervous system
  • 2 times stronger joints


  • harmoniously developed musculature
  • health promotion
  • preservation of biological age within 25 - 30 years

The successes that you will see in the coming weeks (after regular training, of course) will serve as a good incentive to continue training. anti-aging gymnastics Khadu.

Every woman at any age dreams of looking dignified. The appearance of the first wrinkles signals that action needs to be taken. Sometimes cosmetic products alone are not enough. Some resort to plastic surgery to rejuvenate their face.

There are a wide variety of facial techniques and exercises that promise to remove wrinkles and restore skin elasticity. It is difficult to find gymnastics that meets all individual requirements, because it does not always bring the desired result.

How the Khadu technique works

Khadu gymnastics for the face, developed by Zviad Arabuli, is easy to perform. Only the muscles of the face are involved. Being carried away by practical Hatha yoga, Arabuli came to understand that the muscles of the body are the best simulator not only for the body, but also for the face. Based on his knowledge, he began to develop a rejuvenating facial technique. The Khadu technique got its name in honor of the native Georgian village of its founder.

For more than 20 years, Zviad Arabuli has been improving exercises, achieving faster and more effective results.

Gymnastics is aimed at uniform development of immobile or sedentary muscles of the face. After all, in order to keep the body in good shape, it is necessary to perform exercises aimed at developing different muscle groups. Thanks to such activities, the body becomes fit and slender. So, in the case of the face, the exercises of the Khadu techniques strengthen and restore the work of the muscles, thereby rejuvenating it. The "antics" of the face became the basis of the practice of Khadu. Performing simple exercises and simple rules, you can achieve a stunning effect:

  • rejuvenate the contours of the face;
  • remove fine wrinkles;
  • prevent premature flabbiness;
  • normalize the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • improve blood circulation.

Correct performance of gymnastics is the key to effective results

Developed by a man, Khadu is a rather difficult technique, performed with a certain rigidity. Therefore, a set of exercises is performed in several approaches that have a short duration.

Attention! Performing exercises at the very beginning of acquaintance with the method of rejuvenation can provoke weakness, malaise, and dizziness may appear. If these signs appear, you should stop exercising and take some rest. After 5 - 10 minutes, resume it.

The principles of the rejuvenation technique:

  • Clarity of facial movements.
  • Execution safety.
  • Exercise regularity.
  • Efficiency in a short time.

Gymnastics rules:

  • movements are done smoothly;
  • each exercise is performed 60 - 65 times;
  • you need to achieve complete fatigue of the muscles of the face, until slight numbness.

The last recommendation has its own nuance. Gymnastics should start with a measured slow pace and gradually increase the speed and load. If this requirement is met, the muscles will warm up evenly.

It is not enough to complete the exercises simply by repeating the instructor's movements. There is a technique using which to achieve the desired result will be much easier and faster.

Who can do Khadu gymnastics?

On the vastness of the World Wide Web, you can watch a video describing and directly performing the exercises, which is gaining popularity and is of interest to users.

Almost everyone is allowed to do Khadu gymnastics. Exceptions are people with hypertension or who have recently undergone botox and other plastic surgeries on their face.

Hadu gymnastics is interesting, simple and effective. Using it, you can not only rejuvenate and tighten the skin, but also give it a natural glow and improve the complexion. An additional plus of gymnastics is a good mood.

A beautiful, toned face without signs of aging is every woman's dream. This has been strived for at all times. Many techniques have been developed that promise a decent result. One of them is Khadu face gymnastics. The technique, which is simple for independent implementation, is aimed at a significant rejuvenation of the skin. This effect is achieved due to the intense work of the muscles.

Methodology author

Khadu's technique was invented, implemented, perfected in practice and actively promoted by the Georgian athlete Zviad Arabuli. The author gave the name of the technique to the name of the village in which he was born in 1967. Although he developed gymnastics and began to practice while living in Moscow.

The technique quickly gained popularity. Followers note the uniqueness and effectiveness of the classes. Attention is drawn to a truly masculine approach to the formation of the necessary reliefs, maintaining youth.

Operating principle

The central principle of work to achieve the result is the alternation of straining and relaxing exercises for different muscle groups. The participation of exclusively musculature is practiced. No additional shells or accessories are required.

Important! The exercises of the complex are subject to measured and smooth execution. The active part of the lesson involves significant stress, leading to fatigue. Thanks to this, the desired effect is achieved.

The complex is designed in such a way that not only the main muscle groups are involved, but also deep, usually not involved, instances. This helps to achieve maximum involvement of the body. The body is toned, strength and endurance are stimulated.

The Khadu method is based on the principles of Hatha Yoga. Ancient practices are partially changed by the author, aimed at achieving certain results. Zviad Arabuli's technique activates the body's work, activating hidden reserves.

Exercise rules

Khadu's technique does not accept improvisation. To achieve the declared effect, it is necessary to strictly follow the procedure, the recommendations of the trainer. Gymnastics has existed since 1996, has been tested and improved many times.

The man's technique is characterized by a harsh approach to classes. The dynamics of training allows you to significantly increase the metabolism in tissues, to actively involve all systems of the body. It is the intense physical activity that is assigned the leading role in achieving the result.

Attention! The peculiarity of the technique is the absence of tactile contact with the skin during muscle training. The exercises are based on the detached work of the muscles. The onset of tangible fatigue indicates the quality of each approach.

The procedure for performing gymnastics

It is better to practice Khadu in the morning. All exercises during gymnastics are carried out slowly, but with the application of maximum physical strength. As a result, actions should cause fatigue. Aggression towards the body is unacceptable. Breathe smoothly during training: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

Basic gymnastics is necessarily preceded by a warm-up. In the course of preparation, the muscles on the face are warmed up. To do this, the muscles are compressed (eyes close tightly, acting with eyebrows and cheeks), stretched (mouth wide open). The degree of readiness of the muscles is determined individually. It is advisable to connect intuitive sensitivity.

It is permissible to offer the warmed-up muscles a more intense load. To do this, go to the next stage of training.

Exercises are performed:

  1. They work out emotions: they are surprised and frown. To do this, they work with eyebrows: they alternately raise and lower them. The movement begins in a slow rhythm, gradually increasing the pace.
  2. Move the mouth: move the lips to the right, to the left as far as possible.
  3. Pronounce English "Wow" clearly, or replace this word with pronouncing the combination of Russian letters "y-o-s".
  4. Stretching and squeezing the lips and eyes alternate. It turns out a kind of frightening of the reflection in the mirror. Performing the exercise, they begin to gradually accelerate the pace of movements. Further actions are complemented by turning the head to the sides.

At the end of the session, stretching is done: the head is moved as much as possible up, down, on the sides. All exercises of the complex are subject to multiple repetitions. Their number depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, the degree of fitness. As you master gymnastics, the number of repetitions is increased, bringing it to 40-60. The pace is also increasing as they become involved in the work. Only regular training can bring visible results.

When to expect the result

A serious approach to training with daily load distribution will bring stunning results. Gymnastics Huda is ranked among the simple, safe ways to stop aging. The technique is recognized as a good alternative to professional procedures for maintaining appearance. With regular exercise, you can forget about plastic surgery.

Exercise helps to tone the body, give the skin a healthy look, give it a fresh glow. The effect is achieved after the first workouts. To lose excess volume, correct facial contours, tighten the oval, smooth out wrinkles, you will have to work for at least a month.

An important point! The more difficult the task, the longer and more thoroughly it will take to study.

If the practice is used for a long time, including it in the usual way of life, it will be possible to significantly slow down the aging process and improve health. Daily exercises require no more than 15 minutes, and the effect of "age reduction" lasts more than 1 year.

Hadu's technique refers to training with a high degree of safety. The possibility of injury is minimal if the author's recommendations are strictly followed:

  • exercises are performed with sufficient stress, but smoothly;
  • the load is increased gradually, as you become familiar with the practice;
  • at the initial stages of development, it is advisable to perform the minimum number of repetitions, make a short recovery pause between exercises;
  • in case of health problems (dizziness, muscle spasm), immediately stop training, allow the body to completely cope with unpleasant manifestations.

There are no tangible contraindications to Hudu's studies. It is advisable to refrain from training if you feel unsatisfactory. Chronic health problems impose individual limitations. You may have to give up a particular exercise, reduce the load or pace.

Pros and cons of the technique

The obvious advantage of gymnastics is the absence of significant restrictions. Everyone can practice Khadu, regardless of age, income, lifestyle. It is easy to master the technique, practice at home for free. A significant advantage is the rapid achievement of results with a minimum investment of time for classes.

Khadu's anti-aging technique rarely gets negative reviews. The disadvantages of gymnastics include the need for strict adherence to technique. An improperly performed exercise will not harm, but will not have the expected effect. Some people are confused by the tough approach to training. Half-strength training will not bring results.

Hadu gymnastics is designed to keep the muscles in good shape, to keep them young. The technique is suitable for those who are ready to work on themselves.

Useful videos

Gymnastics for the face according to the Khadu method.

Khadu. Gymnastics for the eyes from Zviad Arabuli.