Leonardo da vinci short biography for children. Biography of Leonardo da Vinci

  • 08.12.2021

Born in Vinci, Italy (near Florence) in 1452. He was the son of Ser Piero da Vinci, a lawyer, and a peasant girl named Caterina. They were not married, so their son was illegitimate. His father married a woman from a wealthy family and was sent to live with his grandparents. Later, he lived with his father's family, but as an illegitimate son he was deprived of the means to receive a good education and acquire lucrative professions. However, such restrictions could not quell da Vinci's ambition and love of knowledge.

At the age of 15, da Vinci became a student of Andrea del Verocio in Florence, where his skills as an artist flourished and even intimidated his mentor. But he was always interested in the invention, in 1482 he made a change of scenery, which revealed in him a real inventor.

From 1478 to 1482, he created his own studio.

In search of a wider scope of work, da Vinci moved from Florence to Italy's cultural capital, Milan. There, da Vinci sold himself to Duke Lodovico Sforza as a military engineer.

Da Vinci spent 17 years in Milan working for the Duke, inventing, creating paintings, sculptures, studying science and bringing to life many innovative and daring ideas. Without a doubt, 17 years spent in Milan were the most productive for da Vinci.

In 1499 the French invaded Milan and the Duke of Sforza fled. Leonardo spent the rest of his life traveling in cities like Venice and Rome. During this period, he created the painting "Mona Lisa" (in 1503) and performed more than 30 autopsies.

He died in 1519, in the middle of the Renaissance.

Biography by dates and interesting facts. The most important thing.

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Leonardo da Vinci's biography of a briefly famous artist is set out in this article.є

Leonardo da Vinci short biography

Born in 1452 near Florence, in the small town of Vinci. Leonardo was the son of a wealthy notary and a peasant woman (many biographers believe that he was illegitimate) and was brought up from an early age by his father. He had hopes that the grown-up Leonardo would follow in his footsteps, but social life did not seem interesting to him.

At 15, da Vinci became a student of Andrea del Verocio in Florence, where his skills as an artist flourished and even intimidated his mentor. But he was always interested in the invention, in 1482 he made a change of scenery, which revealed in him a real inventor.

From 1478 to 1482, he created his own studio.

In search of a wider scope of work, da Vinci moved from Florence to Italy's cultural capital, Milan. There, da Vinci sold himself to Duke Lodovico Sforza as a military engineer.

Da Vinci lived for 17 years in Milan working for the duke, inventing, creating paintings, sculptures, studying science and bringing to life many innovative ideas.

Great Italian artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in the small village of Anchiano LU, located near the town of Vinci (Vinci FI). He was the illegitimate son of a wealthy notary, Piero da Vinci, and a beautiful villager, Katarina. Shortly after this event, the notary married a girl of noble birth. They had no children, and Piero and his wife took a three-year-old child to their place.

The short period of childhood in the village is over. Notary Piero moved to Florence, where he apprenticed his son (Andrea del Veroccio), a famous Tuscan master. There, in addition to painting and sculpture, the future artist had the opportunity to learn the basics of mathematics and mechanics, anatomy, work with metals and plaster, and methods of leather dressing. The young man eagerly absorbed knowledge and later widely used it in his activities.

An interesting creative biography of the maestro belongs to the pen of his contemporary Giorgio Vasari. In Vasari's book "The Life of Leonardo" there is a brief story about how Andrea del Verrocchio (Andrea del Verrocchio) attracted a student to fulfill the order "Baptism of Christ" (Battesimo di Cristo).

The angel, painted by Leonardo, so clearly demonstrated his superiority over the teacher that the latter threw away the brush in annoyance and never painted again.

The qualification of the master was awarded to him by the guild of St. Luke. Leonardo da Vinci spent the next year of his life in Florence. His first mature painting was The Adoration of the Magi (Adorazione dei Magi), commissioned for the monastery of San Donato.

Milan period (1482 - 1499)

Leonardo came to Milan as an envoy of peace from Lorenzo de Medici to Lodovico Sforza, nicknamed Moro. Here his work took a new direction. He was enrolled in the court staff, first as an engineer and only later as an artist.

The Duke of Milan, a cruel and narrow-minded man, was little interested in the creative component of Leonardo's personality. The ducal indifference worried the master even less. Interests converged in one. Moreau needed engineering devices for warfare and mechanical structures for the amusement of the court. Leonardo understood this like no one else. His mind did not doze, the master was sure that the possibilities of a person are endless. His ideas were close to the humanists of modern times, but largely incomprehensible to contemporaries.

Two important works belong to the same period - (Il Cenacolo) for the refectory of the monastery of Santa Maria della Grazie (Chiesa e Convento Domenicano di Santa Maria delle Grazie) and the painting "Lady with an Ermine" (Dama con l'ermellino).

The second is a portrait of Cecilia Gallerani, mistress of Duke Sforza. The biography of this woman is unusual. One of the most beautiful and learned ladies of the Renaissance, she was simple and kind, able to get along with people. An affair with a duke saved one of her brothers from prison. She had the most tender relationship with Leonardo, but, according to contemporaries and the opinion of most researchers, their brief relationship remained platonic.

A more common (and also not confirmed) version of the intimate relationship of the master with the students of Francesco Melzi (Francesco Melzi) and Salai (Salai). The artist preferred to keep the details of his personal life a deep secret.

Moro commissioned the equestrian statue of Francesco Sforza from the master. The necessary sketches were made and a clay model of the future monument was made. Further work was hampered by the French invasion of Milan. The artist left for Florence. Here he will return, but to another master - the French king Louis XII (Louis XII).

Again in Florence (1499 - 1506)

The return to Florence was marked by the entry into the service of the Duke of Cesare Borgia (Cesare Borgia) and the creation of the most famous canvas - "La Gioconda" (Gioconda). The new work involved frequent trips, the master traveled around Romagna, Tuscany and Umbria with various assignments. His main mission was reconnaissance and preparation of the area for hostilities by Cesare, who planned to subjugate the Papal States. Cesare Borgia was considered the greatest villain of the Christian world, but Leonardo admired his tenacity and remarkable talent as a commander. He argued that the Duke's vices were balanced by "equally great virtues". The ambitious plans of the great adventurer did not come true. Master in 1506 returned to Milan.

Later years (1506 - 1519)

The second Milan period lasted until 1512. The Maestro studied the structure of the human eye, worked on the monument to Giacomo Trivulzio (Gian Giacomo Trivulzio) and his own self-portrait. In 1512 the artist moved to Rome. Giovanni di Medici, son, was elected pope under the name of Leo X (Leo X). The pope's brother, Duke Giuliano di Medici, highly appreciated the work of his compatriot. After his death, the master accepted the invitation of King Francis I (François I) and left for France in 1516.

Francis proved to be the most generous and grateful patron. The maestro settled in the picturesque castle of Clos Lucé (Le Clos Lucé) in Touraine, where he had every opportunity to do what he was interested in. By royal commission, he designed a lion, from whose chest a bouquet of lilies opened. The French period was the happiest in his life. The king gave his engineer an annual annuity of 1,000 ecu and donated land with vineyards, providing him with a peaceful old age. The life of the maestro ended in 1519. He bequeathed his notes, instruments and estates to his students.


Inventions and works

Most of the master's inventions were not created during his lifetime, remaining only in notes and drawings. An airplane, a bicycle, a parachute, a tank… He had a dream of flying, the scientist believed that a person can and should fly. He studied the behavior of birds and sketched wings of various shapes. His design for a two-lens telescope is surprisingly accurate, and his diaries include a brief note about the possibility of "seeing the Moon big."

As a military engineer, he was always in demand, the light bridges he invented and the wheel lock for the pistol were used everywhere. He dealt with the problems of urban planning and land reclamation, in 1509 he built the St. Christopher, as well as the Martezana irrigation canal. Duke Moreau rejected his "ideal city" project. A few centuries later, London was built on this project. In Norway there is a bridge built according to his drawing. In France, already being an old man, he designed a canal between the Loire and Saone.

Leonardo's diaries are written in easy, lively language and are interesting to read. His fables, parables and aphorisms speak of the versatility of a great mind.

The secret of genius

There were plenty of secrets in the life of the titan of the Renaissance. The main one opened relatively recently. But did it open? In 1950, a list of the Grand Masters of the Priory of Sion (Prieuré de Sion), a secret organization created in 1090 in Jerusalem, was published. According to the list, Leonardo da Vinci was the ninth of the Grand Masters of the Priory. His predecessor in this amazing post was (Sandro Botticelli), and his successor was the constable Charles de Bourbon (Charles III de Bourbon). The main goal of the organization was to restore the Merovingian dynasty to the throne of France. The Priory considered the offspring of this kind to be the descendants of Jesus Christ.

The very existence of such an organization raises doubts among most historians. But such doubts could have been sown by members of the Priory who wished to continue their activities in secret.

If we accept this version as the truth, the master's habit of complete independence and the strange attraction to France for a Florentine become clear. Even Leonardo's writing style - left hand and right to left - can be interpreted as an imitation of Hebrew writing. This seems unlikely, but the scale of his personality allows us to make the most daring assumptions.

Stories about the Priory arouse the distrust of scientists, but enrich artistic creativity. The most striking example is the book by Dan Brown (Dan Brown) "The Da Vinci Code" (Da Vinci Code) and the film of the same name.

  • At the age of 24, together with three Florentine youths was accused of sodomy. The company was acquitted for lack of evidence.
  • Maestro was a vegetarian. People who consume animal food, he called "walking cemeteries."
  • He shocked his contemporaries by the habit of carefully examining and drawing in detail the hanged. He considered the study of the structure of the human body to be the most important of his studies.
  • It is believed that the maestro developed for Cesare Borgia tasteless and odorless poisons and wiretapping devices made of glass tubes.
  • TV mini-series "The Life of Leonardo da Vinci"(La vita di Leonardo da Vinci) shot by Renato Castellani, received the Golden Globe Award.
  • named after Leonardo da Vinci and is decorated with a huge statue depicting a master with a model helicopter in his hands.


Leonardo da Vinci can be safely attributed to the unique people of our planet ... After all, he is known not only as one of the greatest artists and sculptors of Italy, but also as the greatest scientist, researcher, engineer, chemist, anatomist, botanist, philosopher, musician and poet. His creations, discoveries and research were more than one era ahead of their time.

Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 near Florence, in the city of Vinci (Italy). Little information is known about da Vinci's mother, only that she was a peasant woman, was not married to Leonardo's father, and until the age of 4 she was engaged in raising her son in the village, after which he was transferred to his father's family. But Leonardo's father, Piero Vinci, was a fairly wealthy citizen, worked as a notary, and also owned land and the title of messer.

Leonardo da Vinci received his primary education, which included the ability to write, read, the basics of mathematics and Latin, at home. For many, his manner of writing in mirror image from left to right was interesting. Although, if necessary, he could write traditionally without much difficulty. In 1469, the son moved with his father to Florence, where Leonardo began to study the profession of an artist, which was not the most revered at that time, although Piero had a desire for his son to inherit the profession of a notary. But at that time an illegitimate child could not be a doctor or a lawyer. And already in 1472, Leonardo was accepted into the painters' guild of Florence, and in 1473 the very first dated work by Leonardo da Vinci was written. This landscape depicted a sketch of a river valley.

Already in 1481 - 1482. Leonardo was hired by the ruler of Milan at that time, Lodovico Moro, where he acted as the organizer of court holidays, and part-time military engineer and hydraulic engineer. Being engaged in architecture, da Vinci had a huge impact on the architecture of Italy. In his writings, he developed various options for a modern ideal city, as well as projects for a central-domed church.

At this time, Leonardo da Vinci tries himself in various scientific directions and achieves unprecedented positive results almost everywhere, but he cannot find the favorable situation in Italy of that time that he needs so much. Therefore, with great pleasure in 1517 he accepts the invitation of the French king Francis I to the post of court painter and arrives in France. During this period, the court of France is trying quite actively to join the culture of the Italian Renaissance, so the artist is surrounded by universal reverence, although according to many historians, this reverence was rather ostentatious and was of an external nature. The undermined forces of the artist were at the limit, and after two years, on May 2, 1519, Leonardo da Vinci died in, near Amboise, in France. But despite the short life path, Leonardo da Vinci became a recognized symbol of the Renaissance.

You will find a message about the Italian scientist and artist, inventor and scientist, musician and writer, as well as a representative of the art of the Renaissance, in this article.

Message about Leonardo da Vinci briefly

The great genius was born in the village of Anchiato near the town of Vinci on April 15, 1452. His parents were unmarried, and he spent the first years of his life with his mother. After that, the father, a well-to-do notary, took his son into his family. The young man in 1466 enters the workshop of the Florentine artist Verrocchio as an apprentice. Among his hobbies are drawing, modeling, sculpture, work with leather, metal and plaster. In 1473, in the Guild of St. Luke, he received the qualification of a master.

The beginning of his creative path was marked by the fact that he devoted all his free time only to painting. In the period 1472 - 1477, such famous paintings by Leonardo da Vinci as "The Annunciation", "The Baptism of Christ", "Madonna with a Flower", "Madonna with a Vase" were created. And in 1481 he created the first major work - "Madonna with a Flower".

The further activity of Leonardo da Vinci is connected with Milan, where he moves in 1482. Here he enters the service of Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan. The scientist had his own workshop, where he worked with his students. In addition to creating paintings, he developed a flying machine based on the flight of birds. First, the inventor created the simplest apparatus on the basis of wings, and then he developed an airplane mechanism with the described complete control. But they failed to bring their idea to life. In addition to design, he studied anatomy and architecture, gave the world a new, independent discipline - botany.

At the end of the 15th century, the artist created the painting “Lady with an Ermine”, the drawing “Vitruvian Man” and the world-famous fresco “The Last Supper”.

In April 1500, he returned to Florence, where he entered the service of Cesare Borgia as an engineer and architect. After 6 years, da Vinci is back in Milan. In 1507, the genius met Count Francesco Melzi, who would become his student, heir and life partner.

The next three years (1513 - 1516) Leonardo da Vinci lives in Rome. Here he created the painting "John the Baptist". 2 years before his death, he began to have health problems: his right hand became numb, it was difficult to move independently. And the last years the scientist was forced to spend in bed. The great artist died on May 2, 1519.

  • The artist perfectly owned both the left and right hand.
  • Leonardo da Vinci was the first to give the correct answer to the question "Why is the sky blue?". He was sure that the sky was blue because there was a layer of illuminated air particles between the planet and the blackness above it. And he was right.
  • Since childhood, the inventor suffered from "verbal blindness", that is, a violation of the ability to read. Therefore, he wrote in a mirror way.
  • The artist did not sign his paintings. But he left identification marks, which have not yet been studied.
  • He was excellent at playing the lyre.

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