Leonardo da vinci short biography for children. Leonardo da Vinci biography briefly

  • 08.12.2021

Osmolovsky Vadim

Purpose of work:

Study of the biography of the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, who lived more than 500 years ago.

Get acquainted with the biography of Leonardo da Vinci, who created works of amazing beauty;

Learn about the achievements of the great Leonardo as a scientist and engineer;

Create a presentation about the life of a genius.



Leonardo da Vinci

"What a miracle of nature man."

Beehive Shakespeare.

Completed by the student of the 4th "D" class

MBOU "SOSH" No. 3 with UIOP "Kotovsk

Osmolovsky Vadim

Purpose of work:

Study of the biography of the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, who lived more than 500 years ago.


Get acquainted with the biography of Leonardo da Vinci, who created works of amazing beauty;

Learn about the achievements of the great Leonardo as a scientist and engineer;

Create a presentation about the life of a genius.

Fundamental questions.

  • What is the genius of Leonardo da Vinci?
  • How can the seemingly incompatible be combined in one person?
  • What is genius, and where are its limits?

Activity stages

  • Collect as much information as possible about the great Leonardo.
  • Study the collected material and analyze it.
  • Select the most interesting facts about Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Try to answer problematic questions.

Short biography.

Leonardo da Vinci is a great Italian artist, painter, sculptor, architect, scientist, inventor, writer, one of the largest representatives of the art of the High Renaissance.

Leonardo had no last name; "Da Vinci" simply means "Originally from the town of Vinci"... His full name is Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, that is, "Leonardo, son of Monsieur Piero of Vinci."

Born April 15, 1452 in the city of Vinci, near Florence. Leonardo da Vinci was the illegitimate son of a Florentine notary and a peasant girl; was brought up in his father's house and, being the son of an educated man, received his primary education at home: he learned to read, write, mastered the basics of mathematics and Latin.

His handwriting is amazing, He writes from right to left, the letters are inverted so that the text is easier to read with a mirror.

Leonardo had good teachers, but most of all he learned from himself. The extraordinary versatility of his nature was revealed in his early youth. From childhood he drew, wrote and calculated jokingly. In addition to the arts and sciences, he did a lot of physical exercise in his youth, rode excellently, mowed and chopped wood perfectly.

An excellent companion in the circle of young people, Leonardo had many friends, but even more than that he loved the company of beautiful Florentines, with whom he enjoyed great success.

A student of Verrocchio in the field of painting, who quickly outstripped his teacher, Leonardo da Vinci lived and worked first in the merchant Florence, then at the courts of various princes, everywhere offering grandiose plans and nowhere finding real understanding. Tired and disappointed, Leonardo da Vinci in January 1516 accepted the invitation of King Francis I to move to France and here he lived the last four years of his life in the castle of Clu (in Touraine), completing the work he had begun.

Leonardo as an artist, sculptor and architect.

Already his first canvases - "Annunciation", "Madonna Benois", "Adoration of the Magi" - made it clear that a great artist had appeared in Italy. At the same time, he deeply and thoroughly studies the anatomy of humans and animals. The creator of "The Last Supper" and "La Gioconda" also showed himself as a writer, realizing early on the need for a theoretical substantiation of artistic practice.

The most famous painting in the world, Mona Lisa (1510), by Leonardo da Vinci, is in the Louvre.

It is still unclear who exactly posed for the great master. The artist received an order for the painting from Francesco del Giocondo, a Florentine silk merchant, and most historians are inclined to believe that the portrait depicts Lisa Gherardini, Giocondo's wife.

The only drawback of the painting is that the Mona Lisa is devoid of eyebrows. Perhaps this is the result of excessive diligence with which the picture was cleaned in subsequent centuries, and it is also possible that the model herself could completely pluck them out, since in those days it was fashionable.

The Last Supper is a fresco on the wall of the refectory of the Santa Maria della Grazie monastery in Milan. Even in the era of Leonardo himself, she was considered his best and most famous work. The fresco was created between 1495 and 1497, but during the first twenty years of its existence, it began to deteriorate.

The theme of the picture is the moment when Jesus Christ announces to his disciples that one of them will betray him.

He worked a little in painting, but managed to make a huge contribution to the development of the visual arts. Leonardo da Vinci managed to create a new painting technique. Before him, the landscape in the picture was secondary, the line clearly outlined the subject, the canvas was a painted drawing. Leonardo was able to see and capture a blurred line, to show the phenomenon of light scattering in the air.

Horse Leonardo

Leonardo worked on it for 16 years.

He created many drawings, as well as an eight-meter clay model.

In an effort to surpass all existing equestrian statues, Leonardo wanted to make a grandiose sculpture, showing a rearing horse. But faced with technical difficulties, Leonardo changed the idea and decided to portray a walking horse.

November 1493 model Horse without a rider was put on public display, and it was this event that made Leonardo da Vinci famous.

In the seventies of the XX century, two projects of reproductions of Leonardo's horse were launched at once.

In the case of the first statue, the process dragged on and in September 1999, after 15 years and spent 2.5 million, a giant horse was installed at the San Siro racetrack in Milan (top photo).

Another result of the reconstruction, funded by the American billionaire Frederick Meyer since 2002, everyone can see a philanthropist in the botanical garden. The new recreation project is closest in parameters to the unfinished original.

Leonardo as an inventor

As a designer, Leonardo da Vinci was ahead of his era in many ways. He created many projects that became the prototypes of outstanding achievements in the following centuries. During the life of the master, only one invention of the engineer received recognition - a wheel lock for a pistol.

Leonardo was especially interested in the problems of flight. He studied in detail the flying mechanism of birds of different breeds, he was sure that he would invented an outstanding flying machine. The first idea of ​​an airplane belongs to him.

The scheme of the telescope (telescope) also belongs to the hand of an outstanding scientist of his time.

The greatest scientist of his time, Leonardo da Vinci enriched almost all areas of knowledge with conjectures and observations. But how surprised a genius would be if he knew that his numerous inventions are used even so many years after his birth.

He created a project for a diving suit, scuba gear, a device capable of compressing air and sending it through pipes, a lifebuoy, webbed gloves, which eventually turned into well-known fins.

One of the most famous drawings by Leonardo represents the ancient design of the automobile.

Researchers have proven that it is Leonardo da Vinci who owns the "copyright" to the parachute, helicopter, machine gun and many other mechanisms, without which it is impossible to imagine modern civilization.

Medicine and Anatomy

This talented person was also interested in the structure of the human body. During his life, Leonardo made a thousand notes and drawings devoted to anatomy, but he never managed to publish them. The master made dissections of animals and people, described the structure of the body in the smallest detail. Experts say that these Leonardo's notes are so unique that they are three hundred years ahead of their time.


The creator of The Last Supper and La Gioconda also showed himself as a thinker, early realizing the need for a theoretical basis for artistic practice: “Those who give themselves up to practice without knowledge are like a sailor setting off on the road without a rudder and a compass ... practice should always be based on good knowledge of theory. "

Demanding from the artist an in-depth study of the depicted objects, Leonardo da Vinci entered all his observations in a notebook, which he constantly carried with him. The result was a kind of intimate diary, the likes of which is not found in all world literature. Drawings, drawings and sketches are accompanied here with short notes on perspective, architecture, music, natural history, military engineering, and the like; all this is interspersed with various sayings, philosophical reasoning, allegories, anecdotes, fables. Taken together, the records of these 120 books represent materials for an extensive encyclopedia. However, he did not strive to publish his thoughts and even resorted to secret writing; a complete transcript of his notes has not yet been completed.

Recognizing experience as the only criterion of truth and opposing the method of observation and induction to abstract speculation, Leonardo da Vinci, not only in words, but in fact, inflicts a fatal blow on medieval scholasticism with its addiction to abstract logical formulas and deduction. For Leonardo da Vinci, speaking well means thinking correctly, that is, thinking independently, like the ancients who did not recognize any authorities. So Leonardo da Vinci comes to reject not only scholasticism, this echo of feudal-medieval culture, but also humanism, the product of the still fragile bourgeois thought, frozen in a superstitious admiration for the authority of the ancients. Denying book scholarship, declaring the knowledge of things to be the task of science (as well as art), Leonardo da Vinci anticipates Montaigne's attacks on literary scholars and opens the era of new science a hundred years before Galileo and Bacon.


The huge literary legacy of Leonardo da Vinci has survived to this day in a chaotic form, in left-hand manuscripts. Although Leonardo da Vinci did not print a single line of them, however, in his notes he constantly turned to an imaginary reader and throughout the last years of his life did not leave the thought of publishing his works.

After the death of Leonardo da Vinci, his friend and student Francesco Melzi selected from them fragments related to painting, from which the "Treatise on Painting" (Trattato della pittura, 1st ed., 1651) was later composed. In full, the handwritten legacy of Leonardo da Vinci was published only in the XIX-XX centuries. In addition to tremendous scientific and historical significance, it also has artistic value due to its concise, energetic syllable and unusually pure language. Living in the heyday of humanism, when the Italian language was considered secondary in comparison with Latin, Leonardo da Vinci admired his contemporaries with the beauty and expressiveness of his speech (according to legend, he was a good improviser), but did not consider himself a writer and wrote as he spoke; Therefore, his prose is an example of the spoken language of the 15th century intelligentsia, and this saved it as a whole from the artificiality and grandeur inherent in the prose of humanists, although in some passages of Leonardo da Vinci's didactic writings we find echoes of the pathos of the humanistic style.

Even in the least "poetic" by design fragments, the syllable of Leonardo da Vinci is distinguished by vivid imagery; so, his "Treatise on Painting" is equipped with magnificent descriptions (for example, the famous description of the flood), striking in the skill of verbal transmission of pictorial and plastic images. Along with descriptions in which the manner of an artist-painter is felt, Leonardo da Vinci gives in his manuscripts many examples of narrative prose: fables, facets (humorous stories), aphorisms, allegories, prophecies. In fables and facets, Leonardo stands on the level of the 14th century prose writers with their ingenuous practical morality; and some of his facets are indistinguishable from Sacchetti's novellas.

Interesting Facts.

He played the lyre masterly. When Leonardo's case was heard in the Milan court, he figured there precisely as a musician, and not as an artist or inventor.

Leonardo was the first to explain why the sky is blue. In his book "On Painting" he wrote: "The blue of the sky is due to the thickness of the illuminated particles of air, which is located between the Earth and the blackness above."

Leonardo was ambidextrous - he was equally good at right and left hands. They even say that he could write different texts at the same time with different hands. However, he wrote most of his works with his left hand from right to left.

It is believed that da Vinci was a vegetarian (Andrea Corsali, in a letter to Giuliano di Lorenzo Medici, compares Leonardo to one Indian who did not eat meat). The phrase often attributed to da Vinci: “If a person strives for freedom, why does he keep birds and animals in cages? .. Man is truly the king of beasts, because he cruelly exterminates them. We live by killing others. We are walking cemeteries! Even at an early age, I gave up meat "is taken from the English translation of the novel by Dmitry Merezhkovsky" The Resurrected Gods. Leonardo da Vinci ".

Leonardo, in his famous diaries, wrote from right to left in a mirror image. Many people think that in this way he wanted to make his research secret. Perhaps it is so. According to another version, the mirror handwriting was his individual feature (there is even information that it was easier for him to write in this way than in the normal way); there is even the concept of "Leonardo's handwriting".

Among Leonardo's hobbies were even cooking and the art of serving. In Milan for 13 years he was the steward of the court feasts. He invented several culinary devices that make the work of cooks easier. An original dish "from Leonardo" - thinly sliced ​​stew with vegetables on top - was very popular at court feasts.

Death of a genius

On April 23, 1519, Leonardo da Vinci made a will, and on May 2, he died surrounded by his students and his masterpieces. Leonardo da Vinci was buried in the castle of Amboise. The inscription was engraved on the tombstone: "Within the walls of this monastery lie the ashes of Leonardo of Vinci, the greatest artist, engineer and architect of the French kingdom."

Leonardo left behind a huge number of drawings, drawings and diary entries.

The entries reflect the colossal work done by an inquiring mind that has never known rest.


  • In the course of this work, it was possible to show that the most amazing property of Leonardo da Vinci is UNIVERSALITY.
  • This extraordinary man knew everything and could do everything - everything that his time knew and skillfully, in addition, he foresaw a lot that in his time was not yet thought of.
  • Surrounded by legends during his lifetime, the great Leonardo is a symbol of the boundless aspirations of the human mind.

Leonardo da Vinci can be safely attributed to the unique people of our planet ... After all, he is known not only as one of the greatest painters and sculptors of Italy, but also as the greatest scientist, researcher, engineer, chemist, anatomist, botanist, philosopher, musician and poet. His creations, discoveries and research were not one epoch ahead of their time.

Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 near Florence, in the city of Vinci (Italy). Little information is known about da Vinci's mother, only that she was a peasant, was not married to Leonardo's father, and until the age of 4 she was raising her son in the village, after which he was transferred to his father's family. But Leonardo's father, Piero Vinci, was a fairly wealthy citizen, worked as a notary, and also had land and the title of messenger in his possession.

Leonardo da Vinci received his primary education, which included the ability to write, read, the basics of mathematics and Latin, at home. For many, his manner of writing in a mirror image from left to right was interesting. Although, if necessary, he could write traditionally without much difficulty. In 1469, the son and his father moved to Florence, where Leonardo began to study the profession of an artist, which was not the most revered at that time, although Pierrot had a desire for his son to inherit the profession of a notary. But at that time the illegitimate child could not be either a doctor or a lawyer. And already in 1472 Leonardo was accepted into the guild of painters of Florence, and in 1473 the very first dated work of Leonardo da Vinci was written. This landscape was a sketch of a river valley.

Already in 1481 - 1482. Leonardo was recruited into the service of the ruler of Milan at that time, Lodovico Moro, where he acted as an organizer of court holidays, and in combination as a military engineer and hydraulic engineer. Engaged in architecture, da Vinci had a huge impact on the architecture of Italy. In his writings, he developed various options for a modern ideal city, as well as projects for a central domed church.

At this time, Leonardo da Vinci tried himself in various scientific directions and almost everywhere achieved unprecedented positive results, but he could not find the favorable environment in Italy of that time that was so necessary for him. Therefore, in 1517, with great pleasure, he accepts the invitation of the French king Francis I to the position of court painter and arrives in France. During this period, the French court is trying to quite actively join the culture of the Italian Renaissance, so the artist is surrounded by universal veneration, although according to the testimony of many historians, this veneration was rather ostentatious and was of an external nature. The artist's powers were undermined and after two years, on May 2, 1519, Leonardo da Vinci died in, near Amboise, in France. But despite the short life path of Leonardo da Vinci, he became a recognized symbol of the Renaissance.

Leonardo da Vinci(full name - Leonardo di ser Pierre da Vinci) was born in 1452 in the village of Anchiano, near Florence, in the family of a notary and a peasant woman. In childhood, the future creator was separated from his mother, he strove to recreate her image all his life in his canvases.


Leonardo is known to the modern generation primarily as an artist. Despite the fact that the Italian genius considered himself to be a scientist. He worked a little in painting, but managed to make a huge contribution to the development of the visual arts. Leonardo da Vinci managed to create a new painting technique. Before him, the landscape in the picture was secondary, the line clearly outlined the subject, the canvas was a painted drawing. Leonardo was able to see and capture a blurred line, to show the phenomenon of light scattering in the air.

The most famous paintings of the artist: "Mona Lisa", "Lady with an Ermine", "John the Baptist".

Science and Engineering

As a designer, Leonardo da Vinci was ahead of his era in many ways. He created many projects that became the prototypes of outstanding achievements in the following centuries. During the life of the master, only one invention of the engineer received recognition - a wheel lock for a pistol.

Leonardo was especially interested in the problems of flight. He studied in detail the flying mechanism of birds of different breeds, he was sure that he would invented an outstanding flying machine. The first idea of ​​an airplane belongs to him.

The scheme of the telescope (telescope) also belongs to the hand of an outstanding scientist of his time. Leonardo da Vinci is credited with inventions such as a parachute, catapult, robot, searchlight, bicycle and even a tank.

Medicine and Anatomy

This talented person was also interested in the structure of the human body. During his life, Leonardo made a thousand notes and drawings devoted to anatomy, but he never managed to publish them. The master made dissections of animals and people, described the structure of the body in the smallest detail. Experts say that these Leonardo's notes are so unique that they are three hundred years ahead of their time.

The genius was also interested in other spheres of life and creativity: music, literature, architecture, philosophy, natural science. He detailed his thoughts on these areas in his diary. A kind of Leonardo's encyclopedia is still being deciphered.

At the end of his life, Leonardo da Vinci moved to France, where he served as a court painter, mechanic and architect. In 1519 he dies of illness. The mysterious personality of the genius of the Renaissance and today excites the minds of researchers. Fortunately, Leonardo had students who became the successors of his ideas and discoveries.

If this message is useful to you, it's good to see you.

Leonardo da Vinci is the greatest artist and brilliant scientist, whose merits are difficult to compare with anyone else's. Born on April 15, 1452 near the city of Vinci (hence the prefix of his surname).

His artistic hobbies are not limited to painting, architecture and sculpture. Despite the enormous achievements in the field of exact sciences (mathematics, physics) and natural science, Leonardo did not find sufficient support and understanding. Only many years later, his work was truly appreciated.

Carried away by the idea of ​​creating an aircraft, Leonardo da Vinci first developed the simplest apparatus (Daedalus and Icarus) based on wings. An airplane with full control became his new idea. However, it was not possible to bring it to life due to the lack of a motor. Also, the famous scientist's idea is a vertical take-off and landing apparatus.

Studying the laws of fluid and hydraulics in general, Leonardo made a significant contribution to the theory of locks, sewer ports, testing ideas in practice.

Famous paintings by Leonardo da Vinci are La Gioconda, The Last Supper, Madonna with an Ermine, Mona Lisa and many others. Leonardo was exacting and exacting in all his deeds. Even being carried away by painting, he insisted on a complete study of the object before starting the drawing.

Leonardo da Vinci's manuscripts are priceless. They were published in full only in the 19th and 20th centuries, although during his lifetime the author dreamed of publishing a part of Z. In his notes, Leonardo noted not just reflections, but supplemented them with drawings, drawings, and descriptions.

Being talented in many fields, Leonardo da Vinci made a significant contribution to the history of architecture, art, physics.

End of life

Two years before his death, the master's right hand became numb, and he could hardly move without assistance. The third year of his life in Amboise, 67-year-old Leonardo spent in bed. On April 23, 1519, he left a will, and on May 2, he died surrounded by his students and his masterpieces at Clos-Luce.


To date, about 7000 pages have survived from Leonardo's diaries, which are in different collections. At first the invaluable notes belonged to the master's favorite student, Francesco Melzi, but when he died, the manuscripts disappeared. Some fragments began to emerge at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries. At first, they did not meet with due interest. Numerous owners did not even suspect what treasure fell into their hands. But when scientists established the authorship, it turned out that the granary books, and art history essays, and anatomical sketches, and strange drawings, and research in geology, architecture, hydraulics, geometry, military fortifications, philosophy, optics, drawing technique are the fruit of one person. All entries in Leonardo's diaries are made in a mirror image.

Great art

"Mona Lisa", she is "Dzhokonda". Full title - Portrait of Mrs. Lisa del Giokondo- a painting by Leonardo da Vinci, located in the Louvre (Paris, France), one of the most famous works of painting in the world.

Even the first Italian biographers of Leonardo da Vinci wrote about the place that this painting occupied in the artist's work. Leonardo did not shy away from working on Mona Lisa - as was the case with many other orders, but, on the contrary, gave himself up to her with some kind of passion. All the time that remained with him from the work on "The Battle of Anghiari" was devoted to her. He spent considerable time on it and, leaving Italy at a mature age, took with him to France, among some other selected paintings. Da Vinci had a special affection for this portrait, and also thought a lot during the process of its creation, in the "Treatise on Painting" and in those notes on painting techniques that were not included in it, you can find many indications that undoubtedly refer to the "La Gioconda" ".

After life

In 1485, after a terrible plague epidemic in Milan, Leonardo proposed to the authorities a project of an ideal city with certain parameters, planning and sewerage system. Duke of Milan, Lodovico Sforza, rejected the project. Centuries passed, and the London authorities recognized Leonardo's plan as the perfect basis for the further development of the city. In modern Norway, there is a working bridge designed by Leonardo da Vinci. Tests of parachutes and hang-gliders, made according to the master's sketches, confirmed that only the imperfection of the materials did not allow him to rise into the sky.

  • Leonardo was the first to explain why the sky is blue. In his book "On Painting" he wrote: "The blue of the sky is due to the thickness of the illuminated particles of air, which is located between the Earth and the blackness above."
  • Leonardo was ambidextrous - he was equally good at right and left hands. They even say that he could write different texts at the same time with different hands. However, he wrote most of his works with his left hand from right to left.
  • Leonardo, in his famous diaries, wrote from right to left in a mirror image. Many people think that in this way he wanted to make his research secret. Perhaps it is so. According to another version, the mirror handwriting was his individual feature (there is even information that it was easier for him to write in this way than in the normal way); there is even the concept of "Leonardo's handwriting".
  • According to one of the versions put forward, "Mona Lisa" is a self-portrait of the artist.
Leonardo da Vinci [The true story of a genius] Alferova Marianna Vladimirovna

Short biography of Leonardo da Vinci

April 15, 1452 - Leonardo was born in the village of Anchiano near Vinci. His mother, about whom almost nothing is known, was supposedly called Katerina. His father is Ser Piero da Vinci, 25 years old, a notary, from a dynasty of notaries. Leonardo is illegitimate.

In his diary, Leonardo's grandfather, Antonio da Vinci, wrote: “On Saturday, at three o'clock in the morning on April 15, my grandson, the son of my son Piero, was born. The boy was named Leonardo. He was baptized by his father Piero di Bartolomeo "(3 am - 10:30 pm).

1452 - Leonardo's father marries Albiera Amadori, who at that time was 16 years old.

1452-1456 - Presumably these four years Leonardo has been living with his mother.

1457-1466 - Leonardo is taken to Vinci, from now on he lives in his father's family. He is looked after by his grandparents, stepmother and uncle. The father is mostly on the road. Leonardo attends elementary school.

1464 - Leonardo Albier's stepmother dies, his father soon marries a second time.

1464 Leonardo's grandfather dies.

1466 (tentative) - Leonardo enters the workshop of Andrea Verrocchio. Simultaneously with Leonardo, Ghirlandaio, Perugino, Lorenzo di Credi worked in Verrocchio's workshop. The exact record of Leonardo's appearance in Florence dates back to 1469, however, to become an artist, he had to study for six years. Usually no concessions were made for anyone at that time. Therefore, the date 1466 seems more realistic.

1469 - Lorenzo Medici the Magnificent comes to power in Florence.

1472 Leonardo qualifies as a Master in the Guild of Saint Luke.

1472 - Leonardo da Vinci paints the head of an angel in Andrea Verrocchio's Baptism and begins work on the Annunciation.

1473 - the second wife of Ser Pierrot, Leonardo's father, dies.

1473 Leonardo writes Madonna of the Carnation. During these years, he performed several more works, which were reported by Vasari. These works have not survived. It is believed that the artist Caravaggio made a copy of one of them, which was never completed by the Master - "The Gorgons of Medusa".

1474 Leonardo paints a portrait of Ginevra Benci, the first portrait of his work, commissioned by Bernardo Bembo.

1474 - Leonardo's father marries for the third time, to Margarita de Francesco.

1476 - Antonio's legitimate heir is born to Ser Piero da Vinci.

1478 - the Pazzi conspiracy; Giuliano Medici is killed, Lorenzo Medici is wounded. The conspirators were executed.

1478 - Leonardo receives an order for an altarpiece for the chapel of St. Bernard in the Palace of the Signoria, but does not fulfill the order.

1478-1480 - Leonardo (presumably) writes two Madonnas - "Madonna Litta" and "Madonna Benoit".

1479 - commissioned for the painting "Saint Jerome".

1480 - Leonardo starts his own workshop, about which the corresponding record has been preserved.

1481 - commissioned for a large altarpiece "Adoration of the Magi".

1482 - in February Leonardo moves to Milan, to the court of Lodovico Moro.

1483 - the beginning of work on the painting "Madonna of the Rocks".

1485 - "Portrait of a Musician".

1487 - portrait of Cecilia Gallerani ("Lady with an Ermine").

1487 - development of a flying machine - an ornithopter. The idea to create an aircraft did not leave Leonardo for many years. It is not for nothing that Vasari wrote about Leonardo: "... this brain in its inventions has never found peace for itself."

1487 Leonardo completed the design of the dome of the Milan Cathedral, but withdrew his model from the competition.

1490 - drawing of the Vitruvian man.

1490 - performances and tents at the wedding of Giano Galeazzio Sforza and Isabella of Naples. This wedding is known as the Celestial Celebration.

1490 Leonardo begins work on The Horse.

1490 Leonardo meets the engineer Francesco di Giorgio in Pavia.

1491 Lodovico Moro marries Beatrice d'Este. Leonardo is the organizer of the celebration for the occasion.

1493 - the model of the "Horse" is ready.

1494 - French King Charles VIII invades Italy. Lodovico Moro sends all the metal to his father-in-law in Ferrara.

1495 - Caterina dies, Leonardo makes a note in his diary about her burial.

1495-1498 - work on the fresco "The Last Supper" in the Monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan.

1496 - the mathematician Fra Luco Pacioli arrives in Milan, with whom Leonardo quickly became friends and for whose book he made illustrations.

1496 Leonardo prepares the scenery for the Danae festival.

1496 - the painting "The Beautiful Ferroniera".

1499 - September 2, Lodovico Sforza flees Milan. On September 6, Milan was captured by the French troops of King Louis XII, who succeeded Charles VIII on the throne of France. Gascon crossbowmen disfigure the model of the Sforza monument.

6 October Louis XII enters Milan. “The Duke has lost his state, personal property and freedom, and none of his undertakings has been completed,” writes Leonardo. Leonardo leaves Milan in December.

1500 Leonardo visits Mantua and Venice. In Mantua, he makes cardboard for the portrait of Isabella d'Este, but he never painted her portrait. In Venice, he visits artists' studios, meets with Giorgione.

1500 - Leonardo returns to Florence and receives an order for the painting "Saint Anne with Madonna and Christ Child" from Servite monks.

1500 - Lodovico Sforza is captured and sent to prison in France.

1502 Leonardo enters the service of Cesare Borgia as a military engineer. Cesare Borgia - the son of Pope Alexander the Sixth, received an order from his father to reclaim the papal possessions lost in previous years. Which he does. Leonardo is appointed "General Architect and Engineer ..." On the instructions of the Borgia, the Master inspects the fortresses and draws up geographical maps, including a map of Arezzo, which shows the distances between cities with amazing accuracy, and a map of Imola. Friendship with Niccolo Machiavelli, author of the book The Sovereign.

1503 - after the death of Pope Alexander VI, Cesare Borgia hastily returned to Rome, and Leonardo left for Florence in March.

1503 Leonardo begins work on the Mona Lisa.

1504 - "Treatise on the Flight of Birds" was created.

1504 - On May 4, an agreement was signed to create the fresco "Battle of Anghiari". Leonardo goes to work. Leonardo and Niccolo Machiavelli develop a plan to change the course of the Arno River.

1504 - Leonardo's father dies. Stepbrothers refuse Leonardo's inheritance rights.

1506 - Return to Milan, service to King Louis XII of France.

1507 - Leonardo returns to Florence to receive what was due to him by will after the death of his uncle. Litigation with brothers.

1508-1512 - work in Milan on the equestrian monument to Marshal Truvilzio.

1508 Leonardo finishes work on the second version of Madonna of the Rocks.

1511 - Leonardo, together with Francesco Melzi, settles in Vaprio.

1512 - The son of Ludovico Moro, Massimiliano, regains power over Milan.

1512 - Moving to Rome under the patronage of Pope Leo X and his brother Giuliano Medici.

1512 - French troops are defeated. The Medici return to Florence.

1513-1516 - work on the painting "John the Baptist".

1514 - a plan to drain the Pontic marshes.

1515 - King Louis XII of France dies. Francis I becomes King of France. French troops enter Milan again. At the meeting of Pope Leo X and Francis I in Bologna, Leonardo demonstrates his mechanical lion and receives an invitation to move to France.

1516 - after the death of Giuliano Medici, Leonardo accepts the invitation of the French king Francis I and moves to live in Clos-Luce, near Amboise. Leonardo receives the official title of the first royal painter, engineer and architect, as well as an annual rent of one thousand crowns. Leonardo had never had the title of engineer in Italy before.

1517 - Leonardo organizes royal festivals, is engaged in the project of the royal palace, canal and drainage of marshes.

1518 - organization of royal holidays.

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book of Leonardo da Vinci the author Dzhivelegov Alexey Karpovich

Alexey Jivelegov LEONARDO DA VINCI

From the book of 100 Brief Biographies of Gays and Lesbians by Russell Paul

18. LEONARDO DA VINCI (1452-1519) Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452 in the city of Vinci, in the province of Tuscany in Italy. The illegitimate son of a Florentine notary and a peasant girl, he was raised by his paternal grandparents. Leonardo's extraordinary talent

From the book of Great Prophecies the author Korovina Elena Anatolievna

Leonardo da Vinci's Dream Ragno Nero was not the only one to do divination in Italy during the High Renaissance. Even the masters of the painting and sculptural workshop indulged in this. Their "stories about the future" were especially popular in the Society they formed.

From the book by Michelangelo Buonarroti author Fisel Helen

The emergence of a rivalry with Leonardo da Vinci Michelangelo has repeatedly asked himself the question: how does Florence continue to fund art in its present plight? But he was not the only artist whom she supported - as a result of the French

From the book of Leonardo da Vinci author Chauveau Sophie

Chapter 9 "Wall duel" with Leonardo da Vinci Insulting a competitor Like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo wanted to be both an engineer and a draftsman, and a painter, and a sculptor, and a stonemason. He did everything at once, and he did not have time for himself,

From the book 10 geniuses of painting the author Balazanova Oksana Evgenievna

The main dates of the life of Leonardo da Vinci 1452 - the birth of Leonardo in Anchiano or Vinci. His father has been serving as a notary in Florence for three years. He marries sixteen year old Albiera Amadori. 1464/67 - arrival of Leonardo in Florence (exact date unknown). Death of Albiera and

From the book by Leonardo da Vinci [with pictures] author Chauveau Sophie

Embrace the immensity - Leonardo da Vinci “And, carried away by his greedy attraction, wanting to see a great mixture of various and strange forms produced by skillful nature, among the dark wandering rocks, I approached the entrance to a large cave, in front of which for a moment

From the book Imaginary Sonnets [collection] the author Lee-Hamilton Eugene

From the book of 50 geniuses who changed the world the author Ochkurova Oksana Yurievna

25. Leonardo da Vinci about his snakes (1480) I love to watch their live heap Drain to the floor like the juices of Evil; Their color is black, then white, Here is the blue of the wave, here is the green of the emerald. A dam has not been created for their swell, Her place is an ocean, where darkness reigns; These flexible ones are silent

From the book The most piquant stories and fantasies of celebrities. Part 2 author Amills Roser

Vinci Leonardo da (born in 1452 - died in 1519) An ingenious Italian artist, architect, engineer, inventor, scientist and philosopher, who showed himself in almost all areas of natural science: anatomy, physiology, botany, paleontology, cartography, geology,

From the book Artists in the Mirror of Medicine author Solovieva Inna Solomonovna

Leonardo Da Vinci Leonardo Da Vinci - whose full name is pronounced no other than Leona? Rdo di ser Pie? Ro da Vi? Nchi was born on April 15, 1542 near Florence, in the village of Anchiano, which is located in the region of the city of Vinci, and died in France in 1519. Leonardo Yes

From the author's book

The smile of Gioconda (Leonardo da Vinci) Woman of the world Look for the same familiar features in the stream of oncoming faces ... Mikhail Kuzmin All our life we ​​have been looking for someone: a loved one, the other half of our torn "I", a woman at last. Federico Fellini on the heroines

From the author's book

Chapter 2 Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci (Leonardo da Vinci) - Italian painter, sculptor, encyclopedic scientist, engineer, inventor, one of the most prominent representatives of the High Renaissance culture, was born on April 15, 1452 in the city of Vinci near Florence (Italy).