Comparison of the characteristics of Onegin and Lensky. Onegin and Lensky: comparative characteristics of images

  • 03.12.2021

(411 words)

Lensky and Onegin are opposed to each other throughout the novel, which is deliberately and frankly emphasized by the author himself:

They agreed. Wave and stone
Poetry and prose, ice and fire

Lensky is a romantic, an idealist. He poeticizes his beloved Olga, his friendship with Onegin, and, in general, life, which he sees only in an ideal light. He is pleasant in communication, obliging with the ladies and free to keep with the men. Studying in Germany radically influenced his worldview. His head is full of philosophical dogmas of German romanticism, which he does not think to doubt. He sees poetry as his vocation, he chose his beloved as his muse. However, he does not have sufficient insight, sobriety and at least some life experience, therefore he does not notice Olga’s easy recklessness, Olga’s close mind and his too mediocre, imitative rhymes, perceiving them as quite serious literary work.

Lensky has a lot of vital energy, an ardent imagination and an enthusiastic attitude towards the world, he is cheerful and harmonious. Not yet fully matured, he is childishly quick-tempered, spontaneous and firmly convinced of his rightness regarding any issue and, like an adult, is serious in his intentions, bold in decisions.

Onegin, his complete opposite, is devoid of any idealism, his cold mind is rather pessimistic and sarcastically negative. He, unlike Lensky, is fed up with the world around him, he cares and touches little, he hardly finds sources of pleasure, and even suffers from the dullness of life. Having received jerky knowledge in various fields in childhood, he continued his studies already at balls and receptions, learned the skillful art of communicating with ladies, the art of seduction, witty small talk and acquired a delicate taste and the ability to recognize newfangled trends.

This life experience, although very specific, shaped his character and outlook. He is not able to admire coquettes, seeing their feigned seriousness and emptiness, he cannot admire life, knowing how much deceit and pretense are around. All this led to absolute laziness of body and mind, to complete indifference to everything in the world, to cruelty and coldness of heart.
It would seem that two such different young people could become good friends.

Why did they become friends? Perhaps such different views on life provided a huge field for discussions and disputes, and, as you know, when they gathered in the evenings, they stayed up late in conversations. Contributed certainly and a narrow village circle of friends. With whom else to talk in the wilderness, what else to do in the evening. At the same time, both young people, due to their youth, had a common need - the need to reason and reflect, whether it is Lensky's romantic thoughts or Onegin's arrogantly mocking views. Finding an interlocutor who can understand what you are talking about, dispute or agree with you, is no less important, if not more important, than finding your like-minded person.

Ah, dear Alexander Sergeevich! Has your pen written something more perfect than the living and eternal novel "Eugene Onegin"? Haven't you invested a large part of yourself, your frantic inspiration, all your poetic passion in it?

But didn't you, O immortal classic, lie when you said that Onegin has nothing in common with you? Are the traits of his character peculiar to you? Isn't it your "spleen" on it, isn't it your disappointment? Is it not your "black epigrams" he draws to his enemies?

And Lensky! Really, how he looks like you, young lover! On you - another, on that you whom you no longer dared to open to the world clearly ...

Lensky and Onegin ... both of them - yours, O immortal Alexander Sergeevich, a colorful and lively portrait on the wall of poetry. Do you agree with the idea of ​​such audacity?

However, be that as it may, allow, in view of your silence, every admirer of your genius to draw their own conclusions, letting their own imagination fly.

We will compare and compare two bright ones, barely touching the facets of your personality directly. In order to avoid obtrusive parallels between you, sir, and the characters of your poem, we will make every effort to make a dry statement of their striking characteristics.

So, Onegin. Handsome, smart, stately. In the description of his Petersburg daily routine, dear Alexander Sergeevich, we find your lines about at least three hours he spends at the mirrors in preening. You even compare it to a young lady dressed like a man, hurrying to the ball. Perfume, lipstick, fashion haircut. Dandy, pedant and dandy. Always elegant in clothes. And, by the way, it will be said, nails, sir ... He, like you, sir, spends a lot of time at the dressing table, caring for them.

Alas, all the actions he performs on himself in order to be attractive are just a tribute to secular habit. He has long cooled down to the opposite sex, disappointed in love. He does not want to please women at all. Not! Love has long been replaced by the "art of seduction", which, however, does not bring any satisfaction.

Social events have long lost all taste for him. He often goes to balls, but out of inertia, out of boredom and nothing to do. Secular is boring to him. Everything is disgusting, tired! But, not knowing another life, he continues to drag out his usual way of life. No friends, no love, no interest in life.

Onegin's way of thinking, worldview - you, Alexander Sergeevich, expose everything to the merciless "Russian blues", or depression. Immeasurable inner emptiness, lack of dreams, boredom, joylessness. At the same time, the liveliness of a cold, sober mind, the absence of cynicism, nobility.

You emphasize its prosaic nature by the inability to “distinguish the polecat from the iambic”, and their preference for Scott Smith, with his political economic books, only confirms the presence of non-poetic exact thinking.

Whether business Lensky!

What evil muse visited you, Alexander Sergeevich, when you brought together your so different heroes in friendly bonds? Could the relationship between Lensky and Onegin not lead to tragedy? Your Lensky...

Handsome, but beautiful differently than Onegin. You endow him with natural beauty with long, dark, curly hair. With the inspirational look of the poet and a lively, warm heart, open to the world.

Vladimir Lensky is sensitive to the perception of nature and the universe as a whole. “Suspicious of miracles” in everything, he understands and feels the world in his own way. Idealist, the right word!

The eighteen-year-old dreamer, in love with life, firmly believes in the existence of his soulmate, who is waiting for him and languishing. In faithful, devoted friendship and "sacred family", as you, venerable Alexander Sergeevich, deigned to call the Holy Trinity.

Describing the relationship between Onegin and Lensky with your own pen, you compare them with the union of water and stone, fire and ice, poetry and prose. How different they are!

Lensky and Onegin. Comparative characteristics

It was your pleasure, Lord of the Muses, to play these two beautiful youths in a sad game that to this day prompts the reader to sprinkle tears on the pages of your great novel. You make them related by friendship, at first “from nothing to do”, and after a closer one. And then brutally...

No, better in order. So, they get closer: Lensky and Onegin. A comparative description of these two heroes, so characteristic of your time, Alexander Sergeevich, can be complete only when describing their friendship.

So, contradictions meet, as states At first they are boring to each other because of the dissimilarity of judgments. But after a while this difference turns into a magnet that attracts opposites. Each thesis becomes the cause of lively disputes and discussions between friends, each dispute turns into a subject of deep reflection. Perhaps none of them took the position of a comrade, but they also retained interest, respect for the flow of someone else's thought. Listening to Lensky, Onegin does not interrupt his youthfully naive judgments, poems and ancient legends. Being a disappointed realist, he is in no hurry to reproach Vladimir for idealizing people and the world.

similarity of heroes

Daily joint horse rides, dinners by the fireplace, wine and conversations bring young people together. And, at the same time, over time, similarities between Onegin and Lensky are revealed. Endowing them with such bright features, you, master of the pen, pull them out of the usual circle of rural communication, with boring conversations about the kennel, their own relatives and other nonsense. The education of the main characters, which is one of the few common features for both of them, makes them yawn in the circle of rural nobility.

Two destinies, two loves

Onegin is five or six years older than Lensky. Such a conclusion can be reached, proceeding from the precious Alexander Sergeevich, indicated by you, at the age of twenty-six at the end of the novel ... When, bending his knees, he wept for love at her feet ... at Tatyana's feet ... But, no. Everything is in order.

Oh, great connoisseur of the human soul, oh, subtlest psychologist of deepest feelings! Your pen reveals before Onegin's dead soul the bright, pure ideal of a young maiden - Tatyana Larina. Her young, tender passion pours out before him in a frank letter, which you attribute to him to keep for life as evidence of the possibility of sincerity and beauty of feelings in which he no longer believed. Alas, his hardened, moping heart was not ready to reciprocate. He tries to avoid meeting Tatyana after a conversation with her in which he denies her high feelings.

In parallel with this discordant love, you develop Vladimir Lensky's feelings for Tatiana's sister, Olga. Oh, how different these two loves are, like Lensky and Onegin themselves. A comparative description of these two feelings would be superfluous. The love of Olga and Vladimir is full of chaste passion, poetry, youthful inspiration. The naive Lensky, sincerely wishing his friend happiness, tries to push him into Tatyana's arms, inviting him to her name day. Knowing Onegin's dislike for noisy receptions, he promises him a close family circle, without unnecessary guests.

Revenge, honor and duel

Oh, how much effort Eugene is making to hide his furious indignation when, having agreed, he ends up at a provincial ball with many guests, instead of the promised family dinner. But more than that, he is outraged by Tatyana's confusion when he sits on the place prepared for him in advance ... opposite her. Lensky knew! Everything is set up!

Onegin, really, did not want what your, Alexander Sergeevich, inexorable pen prepared for when he took revenge on Lensky for his deceit! When he drew his beloved Olga into his arms in a dance, when he whispered freedom in her ear, he portrayed a gentle look. Cynically and short-sightedly appealing to the jealousy and contempt of the young poet, he obediently followed the fate you had destined for both of them. Duel!

In the morning at the mill...

Both have already moved away from stupid insults. Both had difficulty finding a reason to duel. But no one stopped. Pride is to blame: no one intended to pass for a coward by refusing to fight. The result is known. A young poet is killed by a friend's bullet two weeks before his own wedding. Onegin, unable to indulge in memories and regrets about the death of the only person close to him, leaves the country ...

Upon his return, he will fall in love with Tatyana, who has matured and flourished, only now a princess. Kneeling before her, he will kiss her hand, pray for love. But no, it’s too late: “Now I have been given to another and I will be faithful to him for a century,” she will say, weeping bitterly. Onegin will be left completely alone, face to face with memories of love and a friend killed by his own hand.

Duels of the creator of Onegin and quite appropriate parallels

You have been reproached, dear Alexander Sergeevich, for insufficient grounds for a duel between your heroes. Funny! Didn't your contemporaries draw parallels between these two young men and yourself? Haven't they noted the similarities between such opposite Onegin and Lensky with your contradictory, dual nature? This boundary bifurcation into Lensky - an inspired poet, a superstitious lyricist - and a secular rake, a chilled, tired Onegin ... did they not discover? To one you give your fiery genius, love, cheerfulness and, without suspecting it, your own death. The other is given over to wandering, alienation and, in the end, a long trip abroad, which you yourself so dreamed of. The characterization of Onegin and Lensky is a comprehensive disclosure of yourself, isn't it? And if such an obvious resemblance of both heroes to you, dear classic, was exposed by your contemporaries, did they not know what easy, insignificant reasons for dueling were enough for you yourself? And how many times in every week of your life have you started to play with death, fearlessly and indifferently looking at the cold barrel in the hands of your enraged opponent?

Composition-comparison of Lensky and Onegin

Thanks to Alexander Pushkin, Russian literature has become richer in many wonderful works. His novel in poetic form "Eugene Onegin" is admired and reveled in by many, since the poet in his creation conveyed the life of Russia in the 19th century, and also showed the noble youth of that time.
In his work, Pushkin pushed two rather different people together - Onegin and Lensky, although there was something similar in them. Eugene is the owner of an aristocratic education, that is, he has a stock of the necessary knowledge that is needed for a secular society. He understood foreign languages ​​and danced well, and his manners were correct.
As for the mind, Eugene is much more educated than his peers. But at the same time, although Onegin read the classics, it still did not revive any romance in his soul, but in Lenskoye, on the contrary.
Eugene's life is unburdened by anything. He attends balls, goes to theaters, and also participates in love affairs. However, he soon gets tired of all this, and he understands that such a life is empty. He begins to think that the world is filled with boredom, envy and slander, and people waste themselves on trifles, so their life has no meaning. And because of such understandings of his, Onegin is overcome by the blues, and he loses any interest in life.
To overcome this state of his, he tries to read and write a lot. However, all this does not have the desired success. Even work does not save him and therefore he becomes an egoist who does not think about anyone but himself, he is far from feelings, for him the main thing is only his own pleasure and interest. But he still suffers because of his condition.
The opposite of Eugene is Lenskaya. He is a nobleman and a little younger than Onegin. Vladimir received his education in Germany. Lenskoy is a real romantic, he loves to dream and dream, and also does not stop believing in great, pure and strong love, he extols the concept of friendship. He considers Olga his companion, his soul mate, but the girl is empty and quickly forgets him when he dies in a duel.
At first glance, it seems that Lenskoy and Onegin are completely different, but they have some similarities. So, they are both nobles, have an excellent education, are smart. In addition, they both do not like social life, and they consider it empty, and both are much better developed than the people who surround them. They both believe in friendship, but Lensky praises it, but Onegin resorts to it only to satisfy his boredom, but he is still attached to Vladimir.
As you can see, these two completely opposite personalities are similar in their own way, but Onegin kills Lensky only because he is afraid of the ridicule of society and that he will be accused of cowardice. Society has a great influence on them, and it also makes smart, as well as noble heroes of the novel unhappy.

The source of the development of society at all times was the dissatisfaction of people with their own lives and social foundations. On the threshold of the nineteenth century in Russia, among the advanced noble youth, unconsciously, gradually, dissatisfaction with the surrounding reality began to be felt. Typical representatives of this circle are Eugene Onegin and Vladimir Lensky - the heroes of the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

The main common feature of Onegin and Lensky is their dissatisfaction with the noble society, although they received an upbringing typical for the nobles of that time. Cut off from Russian culture, brought up by French tutors, they did not have any serious goal in life. Therefore, Onegin soon became disillusioned with the idle bustle of the world: “although he was an ardent rake, he finally fell out of love with scolding, and a saber, and lead,” “he completely cooled off” to life. Lensky was also alien to secular interests: "he did not like feasts, he fled from noisy conversation."

In the countryside, living among limited, self-satisfied landowners and being spiritually superior to those around them, they became friends, although they represented opposite human natures. Onegin in his best years fell into a spleen, was "indifferent to everything", Lensky - a lyrical nature, possessing "freedom-loving dreams", always "enthusiastic speech", he was "an admirer of Kant and a poet." Lensky considered poetry to be his element, while in Onegin Pushkin emphasizes "a sharp, chilled mind."

In Lensky, the poet notes love for nature, "the noble aspiration of feelings and thoughts of the young, high, tender, daring", "thirst for knowledge and work and fear of vice and shame." On Onegin’s arrival in the village, “for two days, secluded fields seemed to him new, the coolness of a gloomy oak forest, the murmur of a quiet stream, on the third - a grove, the hills no longer occupied him”, “hard work was sickening to him”, and when he, “ yawning, he took up the pen, ”it didn’t work out for him. Being by nature an outstanding person, Onegin cannot apply himself to anything in the society in which he is forced to live, and he himself suffers from this.

In Onegin, Pushkin highlights the ability to understand people, to be critical of them. He immediately understood Olga's mediocrity and at first glance appreciated Tatyana's originality, highlighting. her from the others. The poet shows Lensky as a person who lacks knowledge and understanding of reality. “A dear ignoramus with a heart,” Pushkin characterizes him in this way. Lensky idealizes Olga, a simple girl. Her behavior after the ball is taken for treason. This circumstance leads to an unreasonable duel and his death. But if Lensky behaves in connection with the duel like a sentimental youth with an impractical attitude to life; then Onegin, being a sober-minded person, "loving the young man with all his heart", had to prove himself "a ball of prejudice ... but a husband with honor and intelligence." But Onegin turned out to be below the prejudices of the society that brought him up, he turned out to be an egoist and, frightened by the “whisper, laughter of fools”, killed a friend. Onegin's false concept of noble honor pushed him to kill Lensky. Belinsky called Onegin a suffering egoist, an unwilling egoist, since his egoism is due to the upbringing he received in a noble society.

In the images of Onegin and Lensky, Pushkin showed the characteristic path, the inner life of a whole layer of young people in Russia of that time. Smarter, more sensitive, more conscientious, they could not find a calling in life and faded away.

For us now, I mean my generation, it is not at all easier to find a calling in life. In today's society of chaos and disorder, it is very difficult not to make a mistake. It seems to me that every person is destined to create something in his life, to leave a mark, otherwise why are we humans created?

You must always remember this and strive for your calling. Yes, it's difficult, maybe impossible, but I'll try not to give up.

- my favorite poet, whose works can be called brilliant. I read each of them with pleasure, but one of my favorites is. We studied it in literature lessons, and now we need to give a comparative comparison of Onegin and Lensky.

Comparative characteristics of the two heroes

After reading the novel Eugene Onegin, it is safe to say that Onegin and Lensky are the central figures of the work and play an important role in revealing the plot. To understand the image of Onegin and Lensky, let's make a brief comparative description of these heroes separately.

Brief description of Lensky

In order to get acquainted in detail with the characteristics of Lensky, let's turn to quotes from the work. During the events described in the novel, Lensky was eighteen. He had a "young young heart". He did not like secular life, he was not spoiled by balls, he was pure in soul, which "the merry noise did not change." He received his education in Germany, was amorous and timid. In the novel, Eugene Onegin is a living character, quick-tempered, believing in both friendship and love. Lensky is a romantic and a poet at heart. Vladimir fell in love with Olga, and when he dedicated poems to her, he was a "singer of love." Lensky had an ardent nature, full of inspiration and faith in the best.

Brief description of Onegin

At the time of the meeting with Lensky, Onegin was twenty-six. Unlike Lensky, Onegin loves social life, which happened "at once in three houses he was called." Onegin is "a hero of fun and luxury, a child", but his life is monotonous and motley. Eugene Onegin knows how to handle women, he easily manages to seduce them. Pushkin calls Onegin "the corrupter and tempter of young hearts." As they say in the novel, this character is tired of friendship and he does not believe in love, because he is tired of cheating. Onegin's character was firm and "cooled to life." He is tired of dating and Onegin wants solitude. The norm for Eugene was windiness in relationships.

Onegin received his knowledge at home, while he was taught so that the child would not be exhausted. In general, he was intelligent, loved history, knew classical literature, was interested in Greek and Roman literature, had a superficial understanding of political economy and the social sciences. If Lensky not only loved poetry, but also wrote them, then Onegin did not understand this work. He generally forgot when he read such works. Eugene prefers to read economic literature. Onegin did not have a goal in life, he had it empty and he did not strive for anything.