Ekaterina Shipulina official Instagram. Ekaterina Shipulina: we don’t see the line when we need to stop

  • 20.06.2019

Name: Matsuev Denis

Age: 43 years

Place of Birth: Irkutsk

Activity: Russian virtuoso pianist and public figure. National artist RF. Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation

ABOUT personal life famous Russian pianist Denis Matsuev in the press detailed information No. Just as there was no information about his wife and children until famous musician didn't tell in live about the birth of their daughter Anna in 2016.

Over the past ten years, the chosen one of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Denis Matsuev, ballerina Ekaterina Shipulina, has been under close surveillance yellow press. The couple did not advertise their relationship and were in no hurry to arrange a lavish wedding.

The musician never answered all the journalists’ questions about the details of his personal life - Denis Matsuev always believed that his wife and children should be able to exist in peace without being an object close attention paparazzi.

Denis Matsuev, photo

The young people met at the opening of a restaurant with mutual friends. A little later they had to work on staging a joint performance based on the project of American director Sergei Danielyan “Reflections”.

According to the script, 5 ballerinas were supposed to perform on stage to the accompaniment of 5 different musicians.

Shipulina had to perform various steps to Tchaikovsky's work, while her beloved speeded up the tempo three times, focusing on the composer's intention, and not on the balletic elongation of the melody.

From Catherine’s stories it is clear that the couple have been together for a long time - they come to the New Year to the pianist’s homeland in Irkutsk to celebrate the holiday on the shores of Lake Baikal and plunge into Epiphany in ice water legendary lake.

Therefore, when journalists noticed the ballerina’s rounded shape in 2016, they began to besiege the lovers with questions. Matsuev and Shipulina took a spectacular pause and delighted their fans with the news of an addition to the family only after the birth of their daughter.

Ekaterina Shipulina and Denis Matsuev

The musician does not comment on his paternity, he only says that he plays various classical works trying to find out if his daughter has a love for music. According to Denis Leonidovich, Anya categorically does not accept Liszt’s melody.

Facts from the biography of the chosen one

Ekaterina Shipulina was born, this moment is common-law wife Denis Matsuev and his mother only daughter, in 1979 in Perm. In the girl’s biography, ballet was present virtually from the moment she was born - the artist’s parents were famous masters of this form classical dance in my small homeland.

Catherine and her twin sister early childhood prepared for life on pointe shoes, rehearsing all kinds of steps and classical dance exercises with the little ones.

Ekaterina Shipulina studied at the Moscow Choreographic Academy

The girls' mother devoted a lot of time not so much to her own children as to her students, paying attention to Katya and her sister only if they were successful in their studies. Oddly enough, Shipulina is proud of her parents, considering such rigor to be the engine of her progress in the profession.

In 1989, both sisters entered the Perm Choreographic School, deciding to follow in the footsteps of their parents. After graduation, the family moved to the capital in 1991 at the invitation of Musical theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko.

Famous ballet artists became choreographers and teachers for younger generation artists of this illustrious institution. And in 1994, Ekaterina Shipulina became a student at the Moscow Choreographic Academy, having the opportunity to hone her skills under the guidance of the world-famous teacher Litavkina.

A year later, Katya confirmed her professionalism by performing main party in the production of "Corsair".

Career growth and world fame

After graduation, Shipulina received an invitation to work at Grand Theatre, where she initially performed in crowd scenes and episodic roles.

Speech by Ekaterina Shipulina

This became the starting point for her creative biography– the artist’s arsenal now includes leading roles in productions of world significance:

  1. "Fantasies on a Casanova Theme."
  2. "Chopiniana".
  3. "La Sylphide"
  4. "Don Quixote".
  5. "The Little Humpbacked Horse".
  6. "Russian Hamlet".
  7. "Pharaoh's Daughter"
  8. "Swan Lake".
  9. "La Bayadère"
  10. "Sleeping Beauty".
  11. "Chippolino".
  12. "Giselle".
  13. "Spartacus".

In 2002, for her work in the production of The Nutcracker, with which the company traveled halfway around the world with the participation of Ekaterina, Shipulina was awarded the Triumph Prize. The ballerina becomes the prima of her native theater, she is included in the top ten the best dancers modernity.

Talent and hard work, supported by external data, played their role - the dancer becomes a popular performer of classical dance not only in her homeland, but also abroad.

Usual life

According to Catherine, for a long time She was so eager to meet the requirements of her parents, teachers, and stage directors that she behaved in her work like a “pioneer” - even with a high temperature or severe injury, she went on stage.

Modern ballet art is merciless to the bodies of performers - many compositions require the ballerina to fall hard to her knees.

Ekaterina Shipulina and Denis Matsuev on a walk

The habit of enduring pain, drowning it out with pills and various ointments, played its unseemly role - the woman’s limbs have practically no reflexes.

A little later, Ekaterina began to be more careful about her own health, having the opportunity to dictate her own terms to the directors involved in the development of this or that project.

However, in everyday life the girl loves extreme sports; she always has skates, roller boots and a bathing suit in the trunk of her car. She enjoys going down the steep slopes at the ski resort and loves to play tennis and football.

She loves to treat herself to tasty treats and will not refuse a rare steak, despite the strict requirements of the choreographers. Fortunately, an active lifestyle and natural body constitution allow you to stay in excellent shape without exhausting diets and hours of effort in the gym.

Ekaterina Shipulina considers the appearance of baby Anna in her life to be a great happiness and has no intention of stopping her concert activities.

For a young mother, her own parent remains a model - Lyudmila Ivanovna appeared on stage after the birth of two babies and successfully continued dancing for several decades.

Fatherly Responsibilities

The press has long known the world-famous musician’s attitude towards the stamp in his passport.

Denis Matsuev, whose personal life and attention to the presence of his wife and children was exaggerated in open sources information constantly, stubbornly does not want to reveal the secrets of his own relationship to his family.

Denis Matsuev is in no hurry to tell all the details from family life

According to the artist, he has been married so many times that he does not want to comment on such statements. At this point in time, there is no exact information about the official status of Denis Matsuev and Ekaterina Shipulina.

Evil tongues claim that the ballerina got her first roles at the Bolshoi Theater only thanks to her famous lover.

It is difficult to say otherwise, but recognizing a child as his daughter was a kind of feat for the musician - Matsuev was an ardent supporter of open marriages for many years.

His assertion that only music could be his wife, and jazz could be his mistress, for a long time created an aura of pompousness for the musician.

Ballerina Date of birth November 14 (Scorpio) 1979 (39) Place of birth Perm Instagram @primabalerina

Ekaterina Shipulina - famous ballerina, leading soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. The girl, despite such an “airy” profession, is a real extreme sportswoman. She loves water skiing and ice skating. Among other sports, he distinguishes tennis - he is on the court quite often - and football. Regularly visits fitness rooms, although with her daily loads about overweight one can only dream.

Biography of Ekaterina Shipulina

Ekaterina Valentinovna was born in one of the Perm maternity hospitals in the cold November of 1979. The baby’s mother, Lyudmila Shipulina, performed on the stage of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater, so the girl’s future was predetermined from the moment she was born.

Little Katya hardly saw any affection from her mother. And this is not surprising, since the woman devoted almost all her time and energy to her students and performances. She was more than critical of her daughter and never allowed her to relax.

For ballerinas, incessant pain is a habitual state in which they constantly find themselves. And for Katya, she also became a part of life. The girl was very hardworking by nature and showed promise even when she was very young.

Ekaterina has a twin sister. In 1898, they took the entrance examination together to the Perm Ballet School and entered. Later, my sister quit ballet, unable to withstand the strong emotional and physical activity, but Catherine herself continued to work on herself and her body, moving towards her goal.

In 1994, she entered the Moscow Choreographic Academy and 4 years later she graduated with honors. The graduation number was a part from the ballet “Corsair”.

Ekaterina Shipulina's place of work as a ballerina was the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. A year after the start of her dancing career, she goes to an international ballet competition held in Luxembourg, and takes 2nd place there. This is the first honorary “silver” among her many awards.

The girl does not dwell on the achieved result and continues to work on herself. With each new performance she rises one step higher in her career ladder. And now she is already the Queen in the ball “Fantasy on a Casanova Theme”. Further, her track record is supplemented by La Sylphide and The Little Humpbacked Horse, where the ballerina shines in the role of the Tsar Maiden. Shipulina so skillfully conveys all the feelings and emotions of her hero that it is almost impossible not to believe in the recreated image and plot.

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Mothers and daughters: family beauty secrets of stars

Personal life of Ekaterina Shipulina

In Ekaterina Valentinovna’s personal life, there has been only one man for 10 years now. This is a talented pianist whose concert schedule is more than busy - Denis Matsuev. Young people are considered the most stable couple in the theater community.

This year they became young parents. Not long ago, Catherine gave birth to a daughter.

Prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater Ekaterina Shipulina told La Personne about the premiere of “Nureyev” and about her creative search.

Let's start with Nureyev. Opinions about the performance were divided: some were delighted, others did not understand at all what the fuss was about. It is interesting to know your opinion, the person who was inside this work.

Many people asked me about my impressions after the premiere, but it’s difficult for me to evaluate. This performance is already like a child for me. All of us, participants in the performance, worked on this ballet from the very first day, sometimes we didn’t even treat it very adequately. Of course, we loved him, by the end we liked everything about him.

I like this performance.

Dress A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova

You danced the monologue “Diva”, where you had to tell the story of two divas: Natalia Makarova and Alla Osipenko. How were these roles constructed?

Everything came from Yuri Posokhov, who set such correct choreography to music and text. When staging, he proceeded from letters written by these ballerinas, in particular, from words and even intonations. Of course, this is what played a big role. I think it is the choreography that touches the most subtle feelings in the viewer and evokes strong emotions.

In your opinion, why not in our time? ballet dancer such a scale as Nureyev?

I think he was such a special person, headstrong and freedom-loving. Now artists may be afraid of losing their jobs and stability, although nowadays you can go abroad without problems. I don't know the exact answer. He was one of the first such rebels. Nowadays there are also shocking and scandalous artists, but now all this is no longer relevant. Gone are the days when it was interesting. Nowadays artists try to behave with dignity, this is considered professionalism.

When creative person goes to social life– does this interfere or not, what do you think?

For Nureyev it was organic, he didn’t force himself. For many, this image is part of their image. I think if it's fun, why not?..

Dress A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova; Boots Zara

When I look at your Instagram, it seems that you are very open man. But it is clearly visible that this is the external side of life. Is this a position not to openly reveal your personal life?

Yes. Personal life is personal to remain behind the scenes. When people flaunt their relationships, their family and children, most often it looks unnatural. There is some kind of window dressing in this.

Suit and coat A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova; Prada velvet sandals; Zara bag

You studied at the Perm School, but then moved to the Moscow Academy of Choreography. What prompted you to take this step, your ambitions?

At that time, no. This was a coincidence of circumstances, since the parents, being the premieres of the Perm Theater, were invited by Bryantsev to the Music. Theater named after Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. Of course, they agreed, and literally a year later my mother took us to a Moscow school. It’s great that I had experience learning with different methods. I studied in Moscow for 4 years. It was at the Moscow Academy of Choreography that I felt some leadership qualities in myself; of course, I only wanted to go to the Bolshoi. Where else?

Did you imagine that you would someday become the prima of this theater?

Probably not. I started with the second corps de ballet, went to court, sat on a bench. In general, I went through all the stages.

Is it difficult when you have ballet parents?

On the one hand, yes. They tell you what to do and how to do it 24 hours a day. Over time, you realize that your parents say the right things. In fact, I am very grateful to them for not discouraging my desire for this art.

Suit and coat A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova; Zara bag

During the time that you have been dancing in the theater, many managers have changed...

This is true!

Dress A L Russe Anastasia Romantsova; Gucci bag (property of Galina Ulanova); Boots Zara

What actions do you recommend when changing management?

Yes. This is hard. You seem to have already achieved something, and then another person comes and you prove everything again. Each leader has his own view, his own tastes. An artist may be wonderful, but the manager may not like him.

And what to do in such a situation?


What else do you have in your life besides ballet?

IN Lately There are fewer opportunities to go somewhere and meet with friends, although I try to find time to meet and drama theater. Now the priority is the child. I don’t even want to leave him, to be honest.

I would like to return to our photo shoot in the museum-apartment of Galina Ulanova. We invited you to this photo story for a reason. You are now working with Nadezhda Gracheva, who was Galina Ulanova’s last student. Tell me, does she often share Galina Sergeevna’s comments with you at rehearsals?

She speaks very sincerely about Galina Sergeevna. They had a lot in common, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna began her journey in the theater with her and, of course, Galina Ulanova gave her a lot in creatively. Well, besides, she is a legend!

Suit and coat A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova

As for the comments, I just remembered the remark about “The Swan” by Saint-Saëns. There is no clear system in this performance, there is a outline, and each ballerina has her own hands and poses. And so, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna said that Ulanova appeared in this number without immediately suffering, as most ballerinas do. She had this concept that the swan appears proud, beautiful, and not yet tragic. He doesn't die right away.

And finally, what would you wish your viewers for the New Year?

Of course, good health! Live and enjoy every second! Inspiration and fulfillment of all dreams! And be sure to go to the theater, enjoy, empathize and have fun!

Interview Alisa Aslanova

Photo Daria Ratushina

Designer A La Russe Anastasia Romantsova

Producer Ekaterina Bornovitskaya

Stylist Ksenia Vorobyova

MUAH Alena Soboleva

We thank the Galina Ulanova Apartment Museum and the Bakhrushinsky Museum for their assistance in organizing the shooting.

Denis Matsuev is one of the few performers classical music, whose popularity rivals some pop stars. At the piano he is a virtuoso and a genius, and at ordinary life- like one of us: he loves to take a steam bath, swim in Lake Baikal, supports the football team Spartak and is not averse to kicking the ball himself.

Matsuev was considered for a long time eligible bachelor, openly admitting that he does not consider the stamp in the passport to be something important.


Such talent could only be born in musical family: Denis’s father is a composer and pianist, his mother taught piano in music school. The family lived in Irkutsk until Denis was 15 years old. Then it became obvious that he would have to leave his home for Moscow - only there could the boy gain access to the best teachers.

The last argument in favor of moving for Denis was his father’s promise that he would be able to watch his beloved Spartak play right at the stadium.

“My parents are amazing musicians... They made unprecedented sacrifices for me: leaving everything behind, they moved to Moscow to live with me in a one-room apartment,” said Matsuev. “Nothing has changed in our family: as it was when I was three years old sitting at the piano and my dad practiced with me, so, in general, it is the same now.”

In Moscow, Denis first entered the school at the Moscow Conservatory, and a year later became a laureate of the International Charitable Public Foundation “New Names”. This is how the first tour arose in the life of a sixteen-year-old boy - Matsuev visited more than 40 countries with performances and began to imagine what his life would be like in the future.

After graduating from the conservatory, the pianist conquered the next peak - he won the XI International competition them. Tchaikovsky. Then he will say: instead of watching the performances of other competitors, he followed the matches of the World Cup - and this helped him win.

Since then, Denis Matsuev regularly gives several hundred concerts a year. Finding time for personal life with such a schedule is difficult - but he succeeded.


Ekaterina Shipulina also moved to Moscow from the provinces and also followed in the footsteps of her parents: the girl’s mother danced ballet in Perm, and her daughter went further and conquered Moscow. After graduating from the Moscow Choreographic School, Shipulina was accepted into the Bolshoi Theater, where she gradually reached the main roles.

Together with Katya, in addition to Music, Dance also entered the life of Denis Matsuev.

“I don’t take marriage with a stamp in my passport seriously. I am satisfied with what is happening in my personal life now, and I don’t think about the stamp. Stamp and love do not always coincide,” Denis said in an interview with the “Snob” project, avoiding answering a question about his personal life.

But the secret still became clear. Increasingly, Ekaterina Shipulina accompanied the musician on his endless travels around the world. Her own tour schedule was no less eventful, but the couple tried not to miss any opportunity to be together.

Once, between performances in St. Petersburg, he had a window of one day - Shipulina at that moment was with the Bolshoi troupe in Nottingham, England. In a couple of hours, Matsuev managed to arrange a flight to England, spent the day with his beloved and returned back in the evening.


Fans realized that the couple was thinking about a child from Catherine’s cautious statements about motherhood. The profession of a ballerina often becomes an obstacle for a woman to give birth to a child. But Shipulina thought differently.

In an interview, she noted that she is not afraid of the difficulties that pregnancy can bring to her career. And she cited her own mother as an example - after the birth of two children, she managed to return to the stage.

In October 2016, Ekaterina Shipulina gave birth to a daughter, Anna. When asked how her birth changed his life, Matsuev sadly jokes that there is a chance for any changes only after 2021.

“Before this, unfortunately, I already had everything planned out. A simple example today: I flew from Tel Aviv, yesterday I had a concert there with Zubin Mehta, the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra, tomorrow I have a concert in St. Petersburg, at Oktyabrsky, we are playing a jazz program. Now I have time to come to my favorite studio (programs " Evening Urgant"), and there is an hour to see Anna Denisovna,” says the pianist.

In Spartacus you play the leader of the courtesans, Aegina. The men confessed after the performance: “Shipulina dances the scene of seducing the warriors THIS way! I want to run out on stage and immediately have sex with her.”

- Grigorovich staged the ballet in such a way that the audience themselves had to guess everything. This is not a strip club - vulgarity and vulgarity cannot be allowed here, a ballerina should not cross the permitted line. Since men spoke so much about my Aegina, it means that I conveyed the idea of ​​the choreographer to the public. (Smiles.)

- Choreographer Fokine said: the “speech” of a ballerina’s body should be filled with meaning. And if the variation is small, try to have time to “say”!

- You really need to put a lot of soul and effort into a small variation. For example, the ballet “Paquita”. Each ballerina only has a minute or a minute and a half to show what she is capable of. But big roles are a separate matter. During the preparation period, you walk around like a zombie, all the time thinking through the image, movements, so that on stage these are not empty gestures... Even the flutter of a ballerina’s eyelashes is not accidental.

- Your mother, Honored Artist of Russia Lyudmila Shipulina, was a leading ballerina. Now she is a famous teacher...

- Sometimes it seems to me that my mother is more of a mother to her students than to me. He says: “My girls are having a premiere, I need to buy gifts.” - “Mom, who is your daughter?!” With me she is more often than not a teacher. Strict, strong-willed, no compromises. The worst criticism comes from my mother. She says: if you always praise, there will be no progress.

- Nowadays ballerinas practically do vertical splits. Maya Plisetskaya wrote in her book that in her time this was considered vulgar.

- The aesthetics of ballet were completely different then. The teacher, Bolshoi ballerina Marina Semyonova hated it when one of her students raised her leg high. She came up and hit me on the ankle. Back then we didn’t do as many pirouettes as we do now, we didn’t jump as high. I think this progress is associated with certain artists. Some people naturally have an incredible stride. They began to imitate such an artist. And then it started - who is higher, who is further, who is faster.

- I heard from ballerinas: they don’t remember a day when their body didn’t hurt...

- Ballet dancers say: if something hurts, it means everything is fine, you’re alive and you need to go to work. I had a moment when my hip hurt like crazy. To get out of bed in the morning, I crossed my leg with my hands. She couldn’t move it, she was limping badly. Anyone who saw me was shocked: “Katya, are you going to go to work in this state?” - “Yes, now I’ll take a pill, go home and by the evening I’ll be dancing.” I was recently tested by professors. It turned out that there are no reflexes in my knees. They hit with a hammer, but the leg does not twitch. (Laughs.) Yes modern ballets, where you fall on your knees with all your might. But when you get into a rage, you don’t notice the pain. Many of us have what is called a “habitual dislocation.” You twist your ankle, spray some medicine, swallow a pill, and off you go.

When I first came to the theater, I was like a pioneer. The temperature is 38°, and I'm going to dance. I look back and understand: now in this state I would never go on stage. And before there was fear: what will they think, what if they don’t believe it? Probably, only with age do you begin to take care of your health.

“I can eat 24 hours a day”

“I know from myself: if you rub your foot, your mood will be ruined.” And for a ballerina, stage shoes are a separate issue...

- I'm dancing in American shoes now. They are made of plastic. They can be washed in washing machine. And dance in one pair for 3 months.

- Athletes maintain a strict regime - in nutrition, in daily routine. What can't a ballerina do?

- I won’t go skydiving if there’s a performance in the evening. In general, I am an extreme person. I also water ski and ice skate. I have tennis rackets in my trunk, soccer ball, skates, sneakers for the fitness club, swimsuit for the pool. As for food, I was lucky: I took after my mother’s constitution. I can eat 24 hours a day, and my weight is fine.

- I heard that you are in love...

- I'm sure the feeling of falling in love helps a lot. When a person loves, his eyes light up, he goes to work with a positive attitude, and he does everything better.

Nowadays, many ballerinas quietly give birth to children, and then go back to work. I’m also not going to delay things with the child...


Ekaterina Shipulina born in 1979 in Perm into a ballet family. Together with her twin sister Anna she studied at the Perm State Choreographic School. Graduated with honors from Moscow state academy choreography. Leading soloist of the Bolshoi Theater.