Drawing in a non-standard way on the topic: “Dandelion, dandelion - the stem is as thin as a finger!” (lesson notes). Dandelion, lesson notes on native nature

  • 11.04.2019

Organization: MADOU kindergarten No. 72 combined type

Locality: Moscow region, Odintsovo

  1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the poking method with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to hold a brush correctly when drawing.

  1. Fine.

Develop visual skills and abilities. Be able to arrange flowers throughout the leaf. Strengthen the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves and stems. Paint flower heads with a hard brush, leaving no space between the strokes. Strengthen the ability to independently draw flowers using the poking method (large and small ovals and circles).

  1. Developmental.

Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round and oval shapes in various combinations.

  1. Educational.

Instill accuracy when drawing. Form emotional positive attitude to the drawing process itself.

  1. Vocabulary work.

Drawing with a poke, spring flowers, stem, leaves, textured color.

Preparation for class

Preliminary work:

Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Introducing children to the technique of drawing using the poke method, reading Vysotskaya’s poem “Dandelion”, looking at a reproduction of Levitan’s painting “Dandelions”, looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.


Gouache green and yellow, white; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin tip; palette; light green sheet of A-4 paper; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Progress of the lesson

Conversation about the first spring flowers with children.


“Guys, the wonderful time of the year, Spring, has come. All nature wakes up from long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: (Riddle about the dandelion)

Burnt in the dewy grass

The flashlight is golden.

Then it faded, went out

And turned into fluff. (Dandelion)

I'll tell you a beautiful verse. Reading of Vysotskaya’s poem “Dandelion”.

The sun dropped a golden ray.

The dandelion has grown - the first young one!

It has a wonderful golden color,

He is a big sun, a small portrait!

Look how beautiful the dandelion is. How is this flower similar to the sun?


“Same round and yellow.”


What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is this?

The teacher asks a riddle:

“Winged fashionista, striped dress

Even if you’re small in size, if you bite, it’ll be bad!”



The teacher brings a toy bee into the group.


“Hello, bee! What is your name?" - Maya.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet bloomed anywhere. The bee really wants to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.


“Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?



Invite children to draw dandelions using the poking method. Remind and show children how to hold a brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush.

Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on small sheet paper).

Hold the brush Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers. above its metal part.

It's difficult? No, it's nothing! - Movements of the hand along the text.

Right – left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform pokes without paint

Spun like a top. on a sheet.

After a poke comes a poke!

Children draw the outline of a dandelion on their own with a pencil. (oval or round flower, at the request of the children).

Remind children and show them the features of painting with a brush, namely, using the entire bristle flat, dabbing the end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the bristles against it, you get an imitation of a large “fluffy” or “spiky” dot (children repeat the brush painting technique on a piece of paper).

Show and explain the sequence and technique of drawing with a poke.

Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. (The hand rests on the elbow, the brush is held with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and lowered from the top, the movements are repeated rhythmically).

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want it to be. (independent choice of children).

Invite children to put gouache on a brush. The gouache should be thick and the brush should be dry.

To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random pokes on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get.

Draw the children’s attention that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Remember that a light yellow shade can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on a palette.

Invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, without leaving a gap between the pokes. Then use random pokes to paint the surface inside the outline of the flower.

Paint flowers with yellow or white paint of the children's choice. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue painting.

Draw the remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water remove by dabbing on a cloth. Then put gouache on the tip of the brush and paint.

The teacher helps the children draw using their own sample.

Final part

Physical education minute “Dandelions”.

Wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress (hands on waist, turns right, left)

When he grows up, he will dress up

In a white dress (squat slowly, stand up slowly).

Light, airy

It is obedient to the wind (running in place on your toes).

After a pause, the children lay out their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their works. The teacher places the toy Maya the bee on the children's drawings.

Maya the Bee:

“Thank you guys, now I’ll collect a lot of nectar.”

Teacher for children:

“You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them."

The teacher asks suggestive questions children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a dandelion meadow look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion that you liked best? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers? (children's answers)

Do you need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Teacher for children:

“You tried to draw everything beautiful flowers, real artists. Let’s make an exhibition out of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group can admire your flowers.”

Target: teach children to draw a spring flower in an unconventional way.

To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about dandelions, its characteristic features and structure;

Learn to draw a dandelion by depicting it in a drawing characteristics its structure, with the help unconventional technology– stencil;

Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, develop fine motor skills;

Bring up careful attitude to nature, to form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself/

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Preliminary work:

  • Observation of nature in the kindergarten area;
  • Looking at illustrations of flowering plants, talking about the first spring flowers.
  • Reading and memorizing the poem “Dandelion” by E. Serova. Looking at illustrations.

Equipment: 2 bowls with green and gouache yellow color, foam pads, thick white paper half A4 size, dandelion stencil, wet and dry wipes, bee, presentation, puzzle game.

Good morning, guys!

Let's stand side by side, in a circle,

Let's say "Hello!" each other.

We are too lazy to say hello:

Hi all!" and "Good afternoon!";

If everyone smiles -

Good morning will begin.

Let's say to our guests - GOOD MORNING!!!

I suggest you guess the riddle:

The sun dropped a golden ray,

a flower has grown,

First, young

It has a wonderful golden color

He is a big sun, a small portrait.

What kind of flower is this? Why do they say that he is a small portrait of the sun?

That's right, it's as round and yellow as the sun!

Oh, children, do you hear? Who's buzzing?)…

Children: Bee.

(I bring in a bee.)

Hello, bee!

Hello guys. My name is Maya the Bee! I got into trouble. Soon my bee friends will come to visit me; they really love flower nectar from dandelions. But I have nothing to treat them with, because there are still very few dandelions in our clearing. And I really want to collect a lot of nectar and treat my friends. Maybe you can help me?

Children, where can we get dandelions?

Yes, guys, I also think we can draw dandelions. But first, let's play.

Physical exercise “Dandelion”

Dandelion, dandelion!

( They squat, then slowly rise. )

The stem is as thin as a finger.

If the wind is fast, fast

( They scatter in different directions. )

It will fly into the clearing,

Everything around will rustle.

( They say "sh-sh-sh-sh-sh." )

Dandelion stamens

They'll scatter in a round dance

( They hold hands and walk in a circle. )

And they will merge with the sky.

Now sit down on the chairs and let's take a close look at the screen. (presentation - slides about dandelion)

The sun warmed the earth, and spring flowers appeared along with the grass, looking at the sun yellow dandelions. Have you ever seen dandelions? Where did you see them?

What parts does a dandelion consist of?

Let's see what kind of stem it has?

What kind of leaves? (patterned, carved).

What does a dandelion flower look like? (in the sun, on the ball). Guys, do you know what nectar is?

(Nectar is a sweet juice that is secreted by plants, bees collect it and make honey from it.)

And the flower contains dandelion nectar.

Dandelion is a medicinal flower. It helps with cough. -

Guys, I have interesting game. Shall we play it?

The game “Make a dandelion” is like a puzzle, from different parts.

Well done boys. Let's sit down at the tables now.

Let's stretch our fingers:

Magic fingers

Here are my helpers,

Turn them any way you want.

One two three four five.

They can't sit again.

Knocked, turned

And they wanted to work.

You and I will draw dandelions using stencils, we have already done this with you. Stencils are the leaves and stems of our dandelions. Apply the stencil to white sheet, wet the sponge...What color? Use a sponge to draw the stems and shapes of the dandelions and carefully remove the stencil. Look how beautiful we can do it!

Let's continue our work. The bee is waiting for flowers, guests will soon come to her, but there is no treat.

What do we have left to draw? (Children's answers.) Let's now take a clean sponge and dip it in...What kind of paint? and apply it once to make our flower. That's all!

What wonderful flowers they turned out to be. Now let's place the dandelions together in our clearing - it turned out very beautiful.

- Guys, what do you think, is it possible to pick flowers just like that? Trample them underfoot?

Oh, here our bee has arrived! That's how great!

Bee: Oh, thank you guys! Like there are so many flowers in the meadow, I will now collect a lot of delicious nectar and treat it to my friends.

How did we draw dandelions?

Are you glad that we helped the bee?

Drawing in a non-standard way on the topic:

“Dandelion, dandelion, the stem is as thin as a finger!” (lesson notes).

2 junior group

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, visual, motor, perception of fiction.

Goals: introduce dandelion; introduce non-standard technique drawing (drawing with forks); encourage children to reflect their impressions received from observations; develop a sense of color; cultivate interest in environment; teach to appreciate and protect nature; cultivate the ability to enjoy the created compositions.

Target guidelines for preschool education: shows interest in playing games physical exercise; active when creating an individual composition “Dandelion, dandelion, stem as thin as a finger!”; participates in a conversation with the teacher; takes part in examining the drawings of his comrades; participates in a conversation about a flower; takes part in didactic game in a team.

Materials and equipment: demonstration cards with dandelion, disposable forks.

Content organized activities children

I . Organizing time.

Educator. Hello guys. I'll tell you a riddle now.

I'm a fluffy ball
I turn white in a clean field,
And the wind blew -
A stalk remains.

And what kind of flower am I? (Dandelion).

Well done boys. You guessed it right.

(The teacher shows cards with dandelions).

II . Main part.

Educator. Guys, let's look at the picture and remember what kind of dandelion we saw on the site. What colour is he?(Children's answers). And then what does his “yellow” cap turn into?(Children's answers). What kind of hat can you blow off?(Children's answers).

Guys, why do you think dandelion got its name?(Children's answers). When its cap turns white, we can blow it and that’s why it came to be called a dandelion. We kind of blow it away. Do you know that the dandelion is a unique flower: it predicts the weather - if the dandelion closes its yellow cap during the day, it will rain. This flower is also medicinal - helps with coughs and helps develop a good appetite. And how beautiful it is around when dandelions bloom. It's as if everything is covered in gold. Therefore, there is no need to pick flowers, let them please everyone and everything around.

Educator. Now let's play a game.

(It is suggested that children divide into two teams and one team choose only yellow mugs from multi-colored mugs, and the other team only white ones. Attach them to clothespins and put them in a glass. Then everyone evaluates the result together).

III . Drawing.

Educator. Well done boys. Now let's draw a dandelion.

(The teacher invites the children to draw a dandelion with forks).

IV . Reflection.

Educator. Well done boys. What beautiful drawings everyone turned out to be. Now let's play with you.

Children stand in a circle.

How balloon on a leg(stand like columns, clasping your hands above your head);

Dandelion by the path(tilt to the right, left);

Dandelion – white ball(stretch out on tiptoes);

I blew. And he flew away!(the teacher blows, the children run away)!

The game is repeated twice. Then everyone claps their hands and shouts YAY! Joy knows no bounds!

Teacher of the group "Malvina"

MBDOU No. 308 of Krasnoyarsk A.Yu.Rudakova

Altynay Murzabaeva

Summary of a drawing lesson in middle group « Dandelion in a clearing» .

Target: learn to convey an image in a drawing dandelion; practice the ability to squeeze excess water from the brush on the edge of the dish; consolidate a skill drawing by applying the entire brush and using the poking method; develop a sense of color, develop fine motor skills; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature; cultivate a sense of friendship and respect for each other.

Material: green paper, yellow gouache, large brushes, napkins - for each child, a water container, a painting with an image dandelions.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher and Children (in unison): Every day - always, everywhere,

On classes, in Game

We speak loudly and clearly

And we sit quietly.

Educator: What time of year is it now?

Children: Spring

Educator: Yes, guys!

Spring has come to us again,

How much light and warmth!

The snow is melting, the streams are babbling,

Sparrows are jumping in the puddles!

And very soon, guys, bees, butterflies, and bugs will wake up from their winter sleep.

(There is a knock on the door).

Educator: Guys! Who is this?

Educator: postman. He brought us a letter. Guys, should we read it?

Children: Yes, let's read it.

(The teacher reads the letter):

"Hello guys! The bees are writing to you. Spring has come and we woke up after a long sleep. But here trouble: the first grass has not yet appeared on earth, green leaves have not yet blossomed on the trees, spring flowers have not bloomed in the meadows. And without their nectar, aroma and sweet juice, we bees can die. Help us guys! Bees"

Educator: Guys, do you want to help the bees?

Children:- "Yes!"

Educator: What spring flowers do you know?

Children: snowdrops, coltsfoot, dandelions.

Educator: Let's study today draw dandelions.

Educator: The sun dropped a golden ray.

Increased dandelion - first, young.

It has a wonderful golden color.

He is a big sun, a small portrait.

Did you like the poem? Look how similar this flower is to the sun.

(Children look at the drawing dandelion) .

Educator: What colour dandelion?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: What color is the grass?

Children: Green.

Educator: Guys! Now let's turn into artists and draw lots and lots of pictures for the bees in the meadow dandelions. Paint flowers we will paint what color? - Yellow color.

And a poke brush will help us with this.

Look here please! I carefully dip the poke into a jar of yellow paint and press it to the sheet. I hold the brush vertically. I'm drawing dandelions all over the leaf.

Go ahead and sit at the tables. We are artists! To make the brush-poke obey our fingers, we will do some fun gymnastics for our fingers. Are you ready?

The teacher reads the text, and the children perform movements according to the text.

Our delicate flowers (fingers clenched into a fist)

The petals are blooming. (fingers in different directions)

The wind breathes a little, (children blow lightly)

The petals are swaying. (shaking hands)

Our delicate flowers

Petals close (clench their fists again)

They shake their heads, (shake fists)

They fall asleep quietly. (remove your hands from the table)

And now, guys, let’s take the magic brushes and pokes in our hands and begin paint.

(Music by E. Grieg sounds "Morning").

Children draw, and the teacher helps individual children.

Educator: How many beautiful dandelions! Well done everyone today! Now we will display all the drawings at our stand. What did we get?

Children: clearing.

Educator: Right, clearing with bright yellow dandelions.

Educator: What did we do today?

Did you like it?

Children: Yes, I liked it.


Guys, who did we help today?

Children: - "To the bees"!

Educator: And the bees tell you for it "Thank you".

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated lesson in mathematics in the middle group “In a forest clearing on New Year’s Eve” Goal: To consolidate the idea of ​​how animals winter in the forest. To practice comparing objects expressed by adjacent numbers. To learn to count.

Abstract of GCD on drawing in the educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development” “Yellow Dandelion” MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "EFIMOVSKY KINDERGARTEN OF A COMBINED TYPE" Abstract of GCD.

Artistic and aesthetic development in the middle group. Drawing. Topic: “Autumn Tree”. Integration of educational areas: Speech development.

Lesson notes for the middle group. Unconventional drawing techniques ( cotton swabs) with elements of plasticine painting “Flowers for Mom”.

Goal: to develop the ability to draw straight and wavy lines, to consolidate skills in working with paint and a brush. Educational objectives: 1. Consolidation.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the middle group “Apple tree” Objectives: Continue to teach children to draw a tree, highlighting its characteristic features: Trunk, long and short branches diverging from it. Fasten.

Drawing dandelions with children: step-by-step master class for preschool children.

Drawing dandelions with children: step-by-step master class

Tools and materials for drawing dandelions

To draw dandelions you need:

- paper blue color for background,

- gouache paints,

- brush,

- ear sticks.

How to draw dandelions with children: step-by-step description and photos

Step 1

Paint the stems of dandelion flowers with dark green paint.

Step 2

Draw 2 dandelion leaves on stems. Dandelion leaves look like triangles emerging from one another.

Show your child a picture of a dandelion and look at its leaves.

Step 3

Draw circles on the tops of the stems—the cores for the flower. For those flowers that you plan to draw faded, draw grey-brownish cores, and for blooming dandelions - green.

Step 4

Place white dots around the cores of the dandelions - imprints with ear sticks. You can make several dots that break away from the core and fly through the air.

Step 5

Lightly dip the opposite side of the stick into yellow paint and, using light pressure, draw yellow dandelion petals. The movement of the stick comes from the core with pressure and gradual separation.

The drawing is ready! Have a nice summer everyone! Despite the fact that in many regions it is cold and rainy this year, we can be pleased with pictures with such sunny flowers! Good luck in your creativity and have a nice summer holiday!

Here are the drawings that preschoolers produced from this master class. Drawings by Daryana (5 years old) and Vika (5.5 years old).