How to draw a Christmas tree. Drawing a Christmas tree with your child

  • 26.06.2019

For it, an outline in the form of a triangle is created on paper, the shape of which will result in a Christmas tree with symmetrical sides and the desired size. To do this, you can use a ruler or a regular triangle, with which it is even easier to draw neat lines.

The top of the triangle will become the crown of the tree, the branches of which can have either clear lines or imitate needles if the lines of the design are not straight, but in the form of jagged cutouts. As the sides of the triangle expand, the branches of the tree also become more massive. The lower part of the picture may end with the image of a tree trunk or simply snow in which the spreading branches of the New Year's beauty are buried.

If there are doubts that it will be possible to make the branches the same size, then inside the triangle itself you can draw thin horizontal lines that will serve as the border between the branches of the tree, allowing them to be symmetrical. According to this scheme, difficulties with how to draw a Christmas tree step by step with a pencil, easily and beautifully and in a matter of minutes, will not arise at any level of professionalism and artistic skills.

Interesting! In this technique, a pencil may not be the only possible tool. With the same success, the base part of the tree can be outlined with felt-tip pens and painted over with paints. They will help you make your Christmas tree original and voluminous applications, when toys and garlands are not drawn on top of a ready-made drawing, but are glued from other materials. You already know, ?

The second way to draw a Christmas tree is easy and beautiful

In order to use it and figure out how to draw a Christmas tree step by step with a pencil, easily and beautifully, a slightly different template is used than the one described above. The triangle is replaced by a vertical line indicating the height of the future tree. It is very easy to adjust the size using this method: the higher the line, the larger the spruce itself.

The drawing will begin with an image of a star crowning the top of the head and at the same time acting as the top of a tree. The tree will have three levels in total, the top of them in the shape of a triangle is drawn directly under the star. The jagged ends of the bottom line of the triangle imitate branches. It is advisable to make them not completely straight, but with a slight bend in the shape of a crescent, the protruding part of which will be directed downwards.

The second triangle is drawn larger and wider than the first, as the tree expands from the crown down to the bottom of the trunk. The largest triangle is the last one. The teeth on it must be present just like on all the others, otherwise the pattern will be in to a greater extent sketchy and not reminiscent of a real fluffy beauty. We also tell you about Dogs according to zodiac signs.

The last step is to draw the tree trunk, the same vertical line helps to make it even and not make a mistake with the center. You can decorate the tree according to your taste and imagination.

It's time for a festive mood. Preparing for the New Year holidays is a pleasant bustle and the smell of tangerines. Now we will talk about the main symbol New Year's holidays- about the Christmas tree. It has become an ingrained tradition of most people on earth. In every city this evergreen tree becomes the center cultural events. It pleases the eye, gives mood, brings back pleasant childhood memories and brings people together, because there is no better family tradition than the process of decorating a Christmas tree.
All over the world there are many types of holiday trees and ways to decorate them. Some people, when decorating it, resort to design solutions, while others like to decorate this symbol of the holiday with rare Christmas tree decorations that have been passed down from generation to generation.
Fortunately, the good traditions do not end there, because during this period children often wonder: how to draw a Christmas tree? Yes, it is on the eve of the New Year holidays, Christmas and after these wonderful dates that children are asked in schools or in creative circles depict this beautiful and evergreen tree. Very often the desire to draw a Christmas tree comes with festive mood. Adults have to think about how to teach a child to draw this or that thing, but every child should be able to draw a Christmas tree. Children need to develop creatively. That is why I will show you several easy ways to draw a beautiful Christmas tree.

What you will need for this:

  • paper white(you can use a sketchbook or sketchbook);
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colour pencils;
  • Christmas mood!

  1. Consider the following fun way to easily draw a Christmas tree. Take a simple pencil and draw a line in the form of a zigzag with rounded corners. Try to repeat the same broken line shape as in picture “1”. Below we draw a “tail” - it will be the trunk.
  2. We begin to draw another similar line to the right of the one we already have. We connect this zigzag to the upper and lower ends of the already drawn line and we get such a thick, uneven zigzag in the shape of a herringbone (try to follow the example in the picture). Draw a star on top.
  3. To decorate the Christmas tree, I took a green pencil and outlined the edges with dark green. The star can be decorated in any color. Yes, yes, like this the easy way you can draw a Christmas tree.

For some people, depicting objects on paper is a problem. If a person does not know how to draw a Christmas tree, this article will be of help. Detailed master classes will help solve this problem.

Christmas tree made of geometric shapes

For beginning artists, there are many options for how to draw a Christmas tree. Most often, geometric shapes are used in symbolic drawings.

Several partially overlapping triangles arranged in a pyramid with a small brown rectangle at the bottom (trunk) perfectly symbolize the Christmas tree.

Since you can draw a Christmas tree in a more simplified version, you should consider using one triangle in the image. The corners can also be smoothed or sharpened and elongated.

There is another option for how to draw a Christmas tree symbolically. For such an image, geometric shapes are not used. It is enough to draw branches using straight segments that are directed either downward at an angle or upward.

Symbolic Christmas tree for postcards, making interior items and decorating clothes

Here the designer simply needs a way to depict a tree using geometric shapes. You can even smooth out the corners of the tree’s outline or, conversely, sharpen it and slightly stretch it, lift it from above. After all, any tree in early period growing branches stretch towards the sun.

The contours of such a Christmas tree can be used as appliques for decorating clothes and making rugs, for developing patterns for making jacquard patterns on knitted items, for sewing sofa cushions and creative Christmas trees from pillows, making patterns for wallpaper and in many other interesting options.

Master class for kids

Usually children easily cope with the task of depicting a Christmas tree. But if difficulty still exists, you can also teach drawing to children using this master class. It gives a clear idea of ​​how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step.

  1. First, several triangles are drawn so that each one located above is slightly smaller than the previous one. Usually three figures are enough.
  2. For very tiny artists, the process of learning to draw the outline of a Christmas tree can be completed at this point and they can begin painting the object. If adults show how to draw a Christmas tree step by step for older children, for example, 3-4 year olds, then the task can be made more difficult. Let the child make the sides of the triangles concave inward, and the base curved outward.
  3. The eraser removes auxiliary lines.
  4. A rectangle is drawn below, which represents a tree trunk.
  5. Next comes the application of color to the object. You can only use one shade of green and brown for the trunk. But you can make each top triangle lighter than the previous one.
  6. If desired, the tree can be decorated with toys and beads. Then the drawing will be in the New Year's version.

Naturalistic image of a spruce

To draw serious pictures with a pencil - for example, landscapes - you need to know how to draw a Christmas tree step by step. The interesting thing is that they begin to depict the object in the same way as in children's master class, from the auxiliary triangle. Then, inside the main contour sketch, “rows” of branches are made - these are pyramidally arranged smaller triangles that partially overlap each other.

The bases of the triangles should be made “torn” and uneven. Yes, and the sides need to be transformed. Let them become not continuous straight lines, but consisting of interrupted segments that have a slightly different angle of inclination. By applying shading to the spruce in this way, the artist creates the effect of tree thorns.

Particular work should be done on the barrel. First it is drawn in the form of a rectangle. Then the lower part is slightly expanded, turning it into a trapezoid. The lower base of the trapezoid is made “torn”.

Now you need to apply the final shading so that in the middle the tree is lighter than at the edges. Some branches may “break out” from the main contour - these are young branches that have not yet sagged under the weight of their weight, reaching towards the sun. A sharp branch-top sticks out from above.

Winter landscape

More often coniferous trees attract artists in winter. After all, everything around in the forest is bare, and only the evergreens stand, as if cold and snow do not exist for them. Such landscapes look beautiful both in black and white and in color.

How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step was described in detail in the previous master class. Having mastered this algorithm, the artist can depict a winter landscape where snow caps and collars lie on the branches of fir trees. Making tree “robes” is quite simple. You just need to make an outline of a snowdrift on a ready-made spruce, and then remove all excess with an eraser.

Sometimes another option is used to depict fir trees. It is suitable for drawing large perennial trees. Spruce trees are not drawn with solid shading, but are made more “transparent” by drawing each branch or group of branches separately.

Now we will look at how to draw a Christmas tree in three versions with a pencil step by step.

First try to draw this Christmas tree, if it is difficult there are two easy options below.

Draw the remaining part, erase the auxiliary triangle.

We draw part of the trunk and the bucket (pot) where the tree stands.

We have a New Year’s tree, which means we need to decorate it with garland and New Year’s toys.

Let's decorate.

Below are 2 simple options.

The Christmas tree is beautiful and glowing with lights. We love dressing her up so much New Year. Beautiful garlands hang it on it, New Year's toys, we install the star at the very top. And underneath, when we woke up after the New Year, many, many gifts await us under the tree. The New Year tree is a symbol of the New Year and an integral attribute that stands in every home, apartment, and family. There are natural and artificial Christmas trees at home. For the New Year, the tree must be decorated, so the whole family decorates it, because it is big. A natural Christmas tree smells pleasant and refreshes the air at home. We also buy small Christmas tree branches and decorate them. When drawing a New Year tree, the main thing is to correctly establish its center and draw lines from it to the left and right, showing its branches. Then we show the fluffiness with wavy lines from below and again towards the line, and so on. Then you need to show the trunk of the Christmas tree below and draw a lot of toys. That's it, everything worked out for you. Have you been thinking all day: “How to draw a Christmas tree?”.. Watch many more drawing lessons about the New Year.

In this article we will tell you about in different ways how to draw a Christmas tree simply and beautifully. We will draw with pencils and paints. From this article you will learn about unusual techniques drawing a New Year tree. You will be pleased that the techniques themselves are very simple and accessible to people who do not know how to draw well. But the result is spectacular and original drawings of Christmas trees. Many drawings show step by step how to draw a Christmas tree. Even a child can use these instructions.

1. How to draw a Christmas tree. Christmas tree drawing

This is perhaps the easiest way to draw a Christmas tree with your children for the New Year. Initially, the tree consists of triangles superimposed on each other. In the future, in the photo of the Christmas tree, the sides of the triangles become more curved and curly. At the end, you need to finish drawing balls and a garland on the tree.

2. How to draw a Christmas tree step by step. Christmas tree New Year's drawing

Here is a more interesting, but at the same time difficult option on how to draw a Christmas tree step by step. Notice how the Christmas garland in the form of transverse diagonals decorates the design of the Christmas tree. Even a senior preschool or junior child can cope with this drawing of a Christmas tree step by step. school age. Meanwhile, everyone will agree that such a New Year tree design looks very festive and elegant. Looking at it, it’s as if you are recharging yourself with the energy of the approaching New Year holidays coming from the drawing of the tree.

3. How to draw a Christmas tree photo. Christmas tree pencil drawing

We have already mentioned above that the New Year's garland greatly decorates the design of the Christmas tree. Around such a Christmas tree you immediately want to spin in a cheerful, mischievous round dance. Below we will show you how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil.

We hope that you will appreciate our creation!

4. How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil. Christmas tree drawing photo
On furry prickly paws
The Christmas tree brings the smell into the house:
The smell of heated pine needles,
The smell of freshness and wind,
And the snowy forest,

And a faint smell of summer.

Remember this poem by Yu. Shcherbakov? Let's now try to draw a Christmas tree step by step with a pencil, but just be sure to make it have furry paws. This is the drawing we made of a Christmas tree for children!

5. How to draw a Christmas tree video. Christmas tree drawing for children

If you need to draw many Christmas trees at once in one drawing, then in order not to repeat yourself, we recommend that you draw these original Christmas trees. Take a closer look, all the drawings of Christmas trees are elementary, even a child can handle them. At the same time, such a forest of fir trees looks very nice, as if an illustration from some kind of New Year's children's book.

Romantic young ladies will probably want to draw a Christmas tree like the one in the photo below. The openwork, graceful New Year tree in the picture invites you and me into a New Year's fairy tale.

7. How to draw a Christmas tree step by step. Christmas tree drawing

So far we have told you about the so-called. "traditional" techniques for drawing Christmas trees. Next, we will introduce our dear readers of our site to “non-traditional” techniques for drawing Christmas trees.

For example, it’s easy and simple to draw a Christmas tree using children’s handprints. In this way you can make a beautiful teamwork for the New Year in a group kindergarten. The lights on the Christmas tree represent colorful fingerprints of children's fingers.

Modern young mothers on maternity leave with their babies devote a lot of time and effort to the early development of their children. Surely, they will also want to draw something for the New Year with their baby simple drawing Christmas trees We offer them this interesting option.

Mom draws a schematic image of a New Year tree as in the photo below. The kid uses his finger to imprint colorful balls on the picture of a Christmas tree photo.

8. How to draw a Christmas tree photo. Christmas tree pencil drawing Personally, we really like the drawings of Christmas trees as in the photo below. How to draw Christmas trees in this style? The crown of the tree is an elongated triangle, the top of the tree is slightly bent. How to decorate a Christmas tree