Official Instagram of Yegor Creed: latest news, photos. Official Instagram of Yegor Creed: latest news, photos Real Instagram of Yegor Creed

  • 30.08.2019

One of the most famous students of the Timati company is Yegor Creed. His music, original tracks and attractive appearance instantly made the guy mega-popular. Crowds of fans storm social networks in search of information about their favorite. And Yegor Creed’s Instagram blog is considered one of the most popular on the network. Judge for yourself: the number of his followers has long exceeded the 2 million mark!

Why did this modest guy attract so much attention? Start over.

Egor Bulatkin (that’s what our hero is called according to his passport) was born in 1994 in Penza. And, like his fellow countryman Pavel Volya, he owes his success, first of all, to his hard work and determination.

Since childhood, the guy was attracted by the element of music. While the rest of the boys were playing football or pulling the pigtails of their classmates, Yegor was passionately studying music, deciding once and for all to devote himself to hip-hop. He wrote songs and music himself, and even tried to shoot his first video clips.

2011 was a decisive year for Creed. His song “Love on the Net” instantly gained millions of views online, and the guy became very popular. The laurels of Justin Bieber, who managed to gain popularity on the Internet, did not give Yegor rest. And he goes to Moscow to conquer new heights.

Another significant meeting took place in 2012. Label Black Star drew attention to the talented guy after Creed dared to release a cover of Timati’s hit “Don’t Go Crazy.” Already in close company rappers Egor records new hits, among which “The Most Samaya” and “The Bride” have more than once occupied the top lines of numerous charts.

However, the singer never forgot about the Internet, always remembering that it was the World Wide Web that erected his pedestal of fame. Egor Creed has been running Instagram for a long time, very often publishing new photos and delighting fans with new videos.

One of the most popular blogs on Instagram

Mine official blog Yegor Creed registered on Instagram at the dawn of his youth. Therefore, there are already more than two thousand publications on his page.

There are photos of all kinds here. This is a photo of the singer himself in different situations, selfies with friends and fans, photo reports about the next tour or notes about a concert.

Yegor Creed's Instagram allows you to follow the life and work of the popular hip-hopper almost online. Creed often posts a whole series of new photos at once, which illuminate almost every day of his life.

In such a stellar Instagram you can see many other celebrities - colleagues from the company Timati, Ivan Urgant and Sergei Lazarev, Philip Kirkorov and Grigory Leps.

Fans actively “like” photos from personal archive, since Yegor Creed on Instagram is not embarrassed to post pictures in which he is shot with a naked torso. Moreover, a pumped up and muscular body is another reason for the performer to be proud.

Do you want to keep up with the latest news from the world of Russian hip-hop? Subscribe to Yegor Creed's page. There will never be a dull moment.

Now most stars Russian stage are registered on social networks and use them not only for personal purposes. This includes young people popular singer Egor Creed. As can be seen from the number of posts, he prefers to stay on Instagram under the official nickname egorkreed.


Egor Bulatkin (real name) was born on June 25, 1994 in Penza, Russia. His family lived in prosperity thanks to his father's business. Father owns largest factory for processing nuts. Her mother studied vocals in her youth, and her older sister, Polina Michaels, is a singer and actress.

It’s interesting that the young man managed to achieve popularity not with the help of his parents’ money, education, or cool producers, but with the help of the Internet platform Youtube. IN adolescence he recorded the song “The word “love” has lost its meaning.” The composition quickly gained popularity, which prompted Bulatkin to shoot a video.

He found an operator with powerful equipment, gathered all his friends and literally recorded his first video clip in 10 hours. For greater intrigue, I changed the name to “Love on the Net.” The video, which received more than a million views in just one week, helped Egor gain real popularity for his YouTube channel.

When the young man turned 17, he was noticed by the producers of Black Star Inc. 3 months later, after lengthy negotiations, he came to Moscow to sign a contract with the studio founded by rapper Timati. Since then, his popularity has grown in all directions. And the social network also helps him a lot with this.

    Do you follow Yegor Creed?

Account information

Now the official page of Yegor Creed on Instagram egorkreed has more than 8 million subscribers, 3655 publications. The singer himself is subscribed to 126 people for updates. Among them there are such stars as: Maxim Galkin, rapper L'ONE, Anastasia Ivleeva, Elena Perminova, Valeria, Oksana Samoilova, Dima Bilan, Polina Gagarina, Kim Kardashian, Sati Casanova, Sergei Lazarev, Yana Rudkovskaya, Timur Rodriguez, etc. In addition, he follows updates. official groups Black Star Inc.

In his status, he usually writes the names of new songs that he is going to present or has already presented to the public. Now, by following the link posted by the singer, it is open in free access new clip on musical composition"Gucci." takes a direct part in it.

From time to time, Yegor Creed pampers his subscribers with stories. From them you can find out the latest news about Everyday life singer For example, on the last short video a man shows how he gets another tattoo.

If you go to the star’s page from your phone, you will see 4 more saved stories. Moreover, each of them speaks about important event in his career:

It is worth noting that official account Yegor Creed has only one on Instagram, only egorkreed. The rest are either fan-made or fake. Finding the real one is not difficult, since it is the first one in the search and is marked with a special tick.


The young performer delights his subscribers every day with interesting, bright moments from life. And most often these are short videos from concerts, TV shows and their own music videos. Like most media figures, he tries to unobtrusively show unique advertising famous people and different companies. Below are examples of such posts:

  • Sberbank. In 2017, Creed even released the video “#THIS,” where the cards of this particular bank are clearly visible. If you follow the link under the video, you can familiarize yourself with the favorable conditions provided by the financial institution.
  • Video bloggers. Often advertises other people who have become famous thanks to the successful running of their own blogs. In this case, he simply posts joint photos with them without text or with a couple of sentences.
  • L'ays. At the end of May, I showed my personal photo with a package of chips produced by this company. Thus, he attracted attention to the product and at the same time lifted the spirits of the fans.
  • Takes part in charity. Reposts posts, thereby helping to collect required amounts for the treatment of sick children. And also does not forget to talk about what and from which company he buys in other countries.
  • In connection with the release of the show "" Yegor Creed's official Instagram account was filled with interesting photos, videos from filming and advertisements that were played before the release of some episodes. By the way, they received no more views than posts of any other nature.
  • From time to time, the singer posts photos from his personal archive. Everyone can look at mom, dad and older sister artist. There is also a photo with my great-aunt, who is already 80 years old, but still tries to live to the fullest.
  • He treats with humor the cute parodies of himself in the show “The Bachelor” and photos with a cheerful musical accompaniment. This is what he shows on his own page, reposting what he liked the most.

To keep up to date with news about Yegor Creed, you just need to subscribe to his official account on Instagram. Then it will be possible to learn about upcoming concerts and releases of new youth hits of your favorite artist before the media.

Yegor Creed's Instagram is of constant interest to users - more than 9.8 million subscribers are already following the news @egorkreed. Want to know more about the artist? Read our article.


The official Instagram page of Yegor Creed is an illustration of an active musical creativity talented young man. He was born in 1994 in Penza into a wealthy family. His parents and older sister are somehow connected with music - this love was passed on to the boy, who began learning to play the guitar from a young age.

While still at school, Creed began recording compositions in the genre of lyrical rap and posting them online for free access. The song “Love on the Net” gained great popularity, after which the guy started a channel on YouTube, where he continued to upload new compositions.

Carier start

In 2012, he won the VKontakte Star competition and won the award for best hip-hop artist. At the same time, he recorded a cover version of Timati’s song “Don’t Go Crazy.” Famous rapper I liked the composition so much that soon a contract was signed with the seventeen-year-old guy - so he became one of the real stars that are part of the Black Star label.

Already in 2015, the first album called “Bachelor” was released; in 2016, several singles were presented, which gained enormous popularity. This was followed by concerts, filming and recording of new songs. On Yegor Creed’s Instagram, new photos and stories appear almost every day - he shares moments of everyday life and studio fragments with his subscribers.

Personal life

The personal life of the performer is of great interest to subscribers - the question is who is a real girl Yegor Creed continues to excite millions of users.

In the summer of 2018, the artist participated in the talk show “Bachelor”, which was broadcast on the TNT channel. The young man’s chosen one was Dasha Klyukina, however, the relationship did not continue after the end of the season.

Previously, the performer was in a relationship with singer Nyusha - the separation was overshadowed by an unpleasant scandal. Also among the singer’s friends were Anna Zavorotnyuk, Victoria Daineko, Olga Seryabkina and Victoria Odintsova. Today the performer’s heart is free - on Yegor Creed’s Instagram there is not a single mention of close friend, girlfriend or lover.

What does Yegor Creed talk about in Instagram stories? On the Instagram page you can find up-to-date information about performances, concerts and events. The performer constantly posts excerpts of new songs and popular compositions, delights subscribers with his own photographs - he is often photographed in luxurious interiors and famous clubs.

Don’t forget about the hashtags of Yegor Creed’s stories on Instagram - #coolchallenge and #cooldance. They have spread across the Instagram network - many users post funny videos, which the performer gladly reposts on personal page. Winning the competition allows you to win a cash prize and become famous.

You can find Yegor Creed’s Instagram on the official website at Subscribe to user updates to learn the latest news, see photos, stories and videos in 2019. Next, see the Instagram account of Guf, another famous rapper.

Baseball cap, Forty Seven Brand; T-shirt, RTA (TSUM); jacket, Balenciaga (TSUM); jeans, RTA (TSUM); sneakers, Dior (TSUM)

Everyone in the industry knows that Yegor has a difficult and demanding character. But maybe that’s why all his concerts were sold out three months in advance. Creed, of course, is a little flirtatious when he says: “Yes, this is just the result of a lot of work,” but between him old version KReeD and the new Yegor will truly be an abyss. At the age of 17, Penza rapper KReeD signed a contract with label Black Star, moved to Moscow and abruptly left the genre (“When I still lived in Penza, I took part in rap battles and released completely dirty music - the kind Face and Pharaoh are doing now”) into pop music.

Instagram: @egorkreed

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Now here it is - new round. Last year, Egor released his second album, “What Do They Know?” and changed the sound again. “This is a step forward for me,” says Creed proudly. “Friends discouraged me from releasing rap tracks, they said: “They will mix you with shit, and rap portals will be completely destroyed.” And everyone was wildly surprised that the album was released. An older audience has increased, and from those portals that we thought would destroy me. There were 80% positive comments, and 20 were from the category “I never thought I’d say this, but I liked Creed.”

But now they’ll definitely smash it! Egor took part in the show “The Bachelor” on TNT (premiere today at 20:00). This means that for three months the whole country will discuss it up and down. But he did not regret: “ Best time of my life. Well, in three years that’s for sure.”

Egor has already received an offer to participate in this show. “Then I refused because I was not ready, especially since there was a peak - a lot of concerts. In general, it didn’t work out then. But it happened last year general producer TNT channel Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov again invited me to take part in the show. Slava is a true professional and a man of his craft. I met with him and said that if I agree, I will do everything sincerely, from the heart. I will adjust everything, I will be myself. And he replied that nothing else was needed. And I thought: if so, then why not.”

T-shirt, RTA (TSUM); jacket, Louis Vuitton; jeans, RTA (TSUM)

Yes, Yegor does not hide that initially he did not come to the project for love and even stated on Instagram: “I didn’t come here to look for love. In general, I lost faith in her a long time ago. I decided to take part in the show “The Bachelor” to show you the real me.” He really doesn’t believe in love (at least now). "This is my life experience. I am the kind of person - if I fall in love, I completely immerse myself in the person. I can quarrel with everyone, cancel concerts, pay penalties, simply because she wanted me to be around. But now it’s very difficult to find the one who will love me not for my personal account, a cover in a magazine and a way to promote herself, but for who I am inside.”

Creed, in his opinion, fulfilled the task of showing himself as a real person: “There will be everything there: quarrels, and my tears - I’ve never been shy about it.” We will find out whether Yegor managed to change his opinion about girls and love every Sunday on TNT at 20:00. “I was once again convinced that girls can be super insidious. I didn't even know they could be so crafty in their rivalry until I came on The Bachelor. So when some girl did something nice, like give me a blanket, just because it was cold, I felt something incredible inside. I thought: “Damn, someone is looking after you, showing concern.” Every little thing delighted me.” But Creed does not reveal other details: after all, the show must go on.

Instagram: @egorkreed

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But he talks about work willingly, invites him to a concert on April 7 at VTB Ice Palace" “The venue is designed for more than 10 thousand spectators, it is very cool and looks European. At the concert I will sing new songs, for example, I was recording “Million” Red roses", I also recorded a song with and Scrooge - a very strange tandem, because we are all different in style. And of course, the audience will be able to hear old favorites.”

baseball cap, Forty Seven Brand; T-shirt, RTA (TSUM); jacket, Paul Smith (GUM); jeans, RTA (TSUM)

Creed guarantees that it will be very cool, but warns in advance that he does not need to bring flowers. “I’m a man and I don’t really like it. I'm a person who doesn't like to give autographs and take pictures, it seems to me that this should be something so exclusive. Therefore, when we have time, we arrange an autograph session. Then I’ll sign everyone’s name and take a photo with everyone. It’s just that often people cannot understand that the artist may not have slept, after a flight, and simply in a bad mood.”

Yegor had many unpleasant situations with fans; his last vivid memory was New Year: “I had three concerts. I came to the last one - an event at Crocus. I invited my parents there to celebrate the New Year together. Three o'clock in the morning, we drive up, there is a crowd of fans at the entrance. I'm incredibly tired, I want to be with my family. I explain: “Guys, Happy New Year to you. Thank you for sharing a little of this holiday with me. I have a stage appearance soon, and then I want to spend time with my family.” And in the end, we left at eight in the morning, and they climbed over the fence, approached the back entrance and demanded attention. I don't like this. Or when people come up at the airport or when I’m eating and start barging in with their questions and phone numbers. I don’t like it when boundaries are crossed.”

Watch the premiere of the “Bachelor” project today at 20:00 on TNT.

Tickets for the Yegor Creed concert at the VTB Ice Palace can be purchased.

TSUM addresses:

Louis Vuitton - Stoleshnikov lane, 10/18;

DIOR - TSUM, st. Petrovka, 2;

Balenciaga - TSUM, st. Petrovka, 2;

Paul Smith - GUM, Red Square, 3.

The Internet has burst into people's lives rapidly, changing it beyond recognition. Now you can communicate, study and even become famous throughout the world without leaving your home; all you need to do is register on social networks. Instagram is considered one of the most popular. To be closer to their fans, stars create their own accounts on it. It also includes Yegor Creed, an enviable bachelor of Russia today.

His official Instagram page is known to followers under the address egorkreed. It will be of interest not only to fans of his appearance, but also to connoisseurs of his work. The rapper's activities are very interesting, especially for his rapid rise. So there is something to see besides beautiful face, although it is also worthy of attention.

short biography

In fact, the star's name is Yegor Bulatkin. But everywhere, including the official Instagram, he calls himself Creed. The boy was born in provincial Penza on June 25, 1994. Since childhood, he was drawn to songs and music. He loved hip-hop and even tried to write his first lyrics. He still keeps these notes. Egor graduated from the Lyceum with advanced studies in English, and then went for fame to the capital of the Russian Federation. On this moment popular artist attends the second year of the Music Academy named after. Gnessins and is studying to become a producer.

At school, Bulatkin was looking for a hobby for a long time, so he tried it different kinds sports, including tennis, basketball, football and karate. The parents were wealthy and did not worry about the future of their boy because he did not succeed in his studies, although he had abilities. Therefore, they sincerely supported any endeavors of their youngest child.

The musician's first fame came in his hometown, when a local TV channel began showing videos of his authorship, and songs spread across the Internet.

The composition “Love on the Net” and its video received more than a million views and Yegor woke up famous the next morning. Then my career took off. When the guy turned 17, he signed a contract with Black Star, where Timati’s people invited him. Today, he still works with them, earns a lot of money and participates in various television shows.

About personal life the singer does not tell, trying to keep it secret. He is still young and single, and many young girls in Russia sigh for him.

Instagram Yegor Creed

The popularity of Yegor Creed was brought by the Internet, so he does not neglect social networks and is actively developing its official page on Instagram. In it, he shares the brightest moments of his life with subscribers. As of June 2018, the musician published about 3,664 photographs depicting unique moments in the star’s life. As a result, the page reaches the top, and Yegor has 8.2 million followers who actively comment and like his posts.

The first thing I would like to note is young man- this is affection and respect for his parents, whom he does not forget and often visits. He expresses his pride in his family on his page.

Creed also adores his older sister, who lives in the USA. She too creative person and her work is related to music. Polina supported her brother in his budding career, and this strengthened their friendship.

Yegor himself admitted that he works a lot. This was one of the reasons why he still has not settled down by tying the knot. The musician believes that he needs to spend time with his family, but he can’t afford that now. But he needs to relax, which is what he does with friends between concerts and filming.

The popular performer loves to travel and play sports in free time. He believes that you need to see as much as possible in your life interesting places, which he tries to do while there is such an opportunity.

Like all men in the prime of life and unmarried, Yegor Creed publishes on his blog beautiful girls and simply gorgeous cars. Any man would envy such an environment.

He looks no less touching with a charming puppy in his arms, hinting charming girls who knows how to give beautiful gifts.

Of course, the concerts didn't go unnoticed either. Many photographs are posted publicly from there or contain information about an upcoming performance. This is very convenient for those who closely follow his work and attend concerts, receiving more chances don't miss something important.

Egor Creed also devoted space to advertising on his official Instagram. This is understandable, when you have more than 8 million followers, you can make some money from it. Fans will be interested to know what their idol likes.

He spends a lot of time with Black group Star, and these are cheerful and energetic people with great ambitions and serious plans for the future. They are very similar in character to Yegor Creed himself. IN official Instagram he posts a lot of pictures with them. The guys have clearly become friends and communicate closely, and not only about work.

Using Photoshop, the musician sometimes pleases fans with new looks. This suggests that he is well versed not only in PCs, but also in software.

The future is impossible if you do not remember the past. That's why family archive The guy also shares with pleasure. In old photographs you can see a cute, fair-haired and happy boy. It's hard to imagine how this vulnerable child grew into a “black” star with tattoos and hard songs.

To maintain his physical fitness at the proper level, the singer attends Gym and tries to motivate followers to follow his example and lead healthy image life.

Creativity also affected the official Instagram of Yegor Creed. It contains all the clips that the singer shot in Lately. He encourages you to boldly write reviews, suggestions and criticism to them. The artist is very grateful to his subscribers for their responsiveness and support.

Most of the photos are professional and staged. The blog contains very few moments from simple life. Perhaps the guy doesn’t want to let someone into his personal life, or maybe he really doesn’t have time for such luxury. That is why there is nothing to photograph. In any case, he does not forget about his fans and tries to regularly please them with new photographs.

As in the life of Yegor Creed himself, his Instagram is full of girls, hugs, cars and friends. The blog exudes masculine charisma and gangster spirit. It shows muscular friends with beards and tattoos, as well as pampering in stocking masks.

In addition, Egor is very photogenic, so he turns out well in almost all photographs. And all this is mixed with memories of family and hometown. The guy combines masculine rudeness and reverent affection for his family, which cannot but deserve respect. And although many publications are related to the female gender, the singer claims that he is looking for naturalness in a girl. He wants her to captivate with her natural charm, and not with makeup and surgery.