Dead Sea treatment contraindications. Dead Sea: benefits and contraindications

  • 30.06.2023

A trip to Israel, the land of pilgrimage for tourists from all over the world, will allow you to combine business with pleasure. It is known that rest and treatment in Israel can be successfully combined by using the services of MS Tlv.Hospital. When applying for examination and therapy abroad, trust the professionals.

We will take care of all the details, and together with qualified medical care in Israel, you will receive a relaxing holiday away from the worries of your hometown. Write an email or call us for details. We will promptly answer questions and provide an estimate of the cost of staying abroad under the medical tourism program.

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Holidays and treatment in Israel – inexpensively and comfortably

When you contact our company, vacation and treatment at the Dead Sea in Israel will cost you little. The affordable cost of services is explained by direct contacts with medical institutions and hospitality industry facilities, which we have managed to establish over the years of work.

Don't waste time and don't put off your trip. The medicine of Israel, the holy places of the Promised Land and the healing power of the Dead Sea await you. We will help you arrange tickets, organize a comfortable transfer, select a hotel or private apartment, and agree on diagnostic and treatment procedures under the supervision of the best doctors in Israel for a specific disease. We offer visits to the following areas:

In addition to general health resorts, holidays and treatment in Israel may include stays in clinical facilities for more serious illnesses. In Israel, complex health conditions are successfully diagnosed, severe cancer pathologies are treated, heart surgery is performed, and neurosurgery is performed. IVF is in demand - thanks to artificial insemination, many couples from Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and other countries were able to become pregnant and successfully give birth. In addition, tourists come to Israel for recreation and treatment to undergo plastic surgery.

Sign up for treatment

Among public and private hospitals, the Herzliya Center, Assuta Clinic, Asaf HaRofeh, Sheba, Ichilov (Suraski) and many others are famous. The hospitals operate research laboratories, test new diagnostic and therapeutic methods, and test them in practice. The cost of treatment is 30% lower than in European clinics, which explains the large number of tourists from America, Great Britain and other countries. The hospitals have comfortable hotel complexes where patients are rehabilitated under the guidance of professional doctors.

An undeniable advantage of staying in Israel is that many Russian-speaking specialists work in medical institutions. This removes communication difficulties and neutralizes the language barrier. For the peace of mind of our clients, the Tlv.Hospital medical service offers the services of Russian-speaking coordinators who not only keep the company of those arriving, but also accompany them to all procedures and excursions.

The cost in 2016 for holidays and treatment in Israel is strictly individual and depends on the complexity of the disease, time of stay in a foreign country, and accommodation conditions.

On average, a consultation with a leading specialist costs between $500 and $800, and disease diagnosis costs between $2,000 and $4,000.

As the autumn season approaches, many tourists travel to Israel with children. The weather here in September is warm, not much different from summer. The beach season continues, so swimming in the sea will bring only positive emotions. In your free time, you can stroll along the ancient streets and get acquainted with the history of these places. Cooling begins only at the end of October. However, even in November the thermometer rarely drops below 21 degrees Celsius during the day.

If you decide to visit Israel, call us. We will draw up a program for you to stay abroad for health purposes and with the possibility of relaxation. We offer affordable prices and are ready to provide a professional escort who will tell you everything about the history and features of this amazing country.

Contact the clinic doctors

The healing properties of the Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is not just a body of water unique in its concentration of salts, it is also a healing spring, which is visited by hundreds of thousands of people every year. In addition to direct treatment, here you can relax your soul and gain strength.

The Dead Sea is:

  • incredibly mild subtropical climate;
  • warm air enriched with bromine and oxygen;
  • thermal springs containing sulfur and selenium;
  • healing mud with a high percentage of trace elements and metals;
  • mineral-rich water and salt.

Indications for treatment at the Dead Sea:

  1. Skin pathologies: vitiligo, lichen planus, neurodermatitis, initial stages of scleroderma, various forms of psoriasis, acne, eczema, psoriatic erythroderma, mycosis fungoides stages 1 and 2, parapsoriasis, seborrhea.
  2. Pathologies of the respiratory tract: smoker's toxic bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, chronic pneumonia.
  3. Diseases of the joints and spine: scoliosis, rheumatism, ankylosing spondylitis, polyarthritis in their inactive phase, arthritis, arthrosis, psoriatic polyarthritis.
  4. Diseases of the genital area: decreased potency, hypertrophy of the gland, acute, chronic prostatitis.
  5. Disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system: chronic fatigue syndrome, cerebral palsy, post-stress syndrome, astheno-neurotic conditions.
  6. Endocrine system diseases: obesity, diabetes, cellulite, baldness.
  7. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: chronic pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, intestinal dysbiosis, ulcerative colitis, hepatitis, Crohn's disease, diseases of the biliary tract, cholecystitis, gastric ulcer, duodenal disease, gastritis with high or low acidity.
  8. Gynecological ailments: infertility, cervical erosion, thrush.
  9. Proctological ailments: hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, proctitis and paraproctitis beyond the acute stage, anal fissures.
  10. ENT diseases: allergic or occupational laryngitis, chronic sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, tinnitus, allergic tonsillitis and pharyngitis, chronic recurrent otitis (remission stage), Meniere's disease.

Despite all its rich properties, the Dead Sea may have contraindications for treatment. Be sure to consult your doctor if you or your loved ones have:

  • Solar dermatoses.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Kidney, liver failure.
  • Epilepsy.
  • AIDS.
  • Previous myocardial infarction (2 months ago).
  • Respiratory failure stages 2 and 3.
  • Hypertension stage 3.
  • Previous stroke (6 months ago).
  • Lupus erythematosus.
  • Acute infectious pathologies.
  • Acute pemphigus.

Treatment with Dead Sea water

The water of the Dead Sea contains an impressive amount of bromide compounds, magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium chlorides. The water is famous for its rich composition of microelements. Thanks to zinc, copper and cobalt, metabolic processes within the body are restored.

Scientific research constantly proves that the unique mineral and salt complex of water has a positive effect on a wide variety of diseases.

Dead Sea water is used for treatment and prevention:

  • skin diseases;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • joint and muscle diseases;
  • tonsillitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the bronchi and trachea;
  • rheumatism, cellulite, fatigue, increased irritability;
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary area;
  • psoriasis;
  • juvenile acne.

Salt water improves metabolic processes, accelerates blood circulation, stabilizes the nervous system, cleanses the skin, making it elastic, healthy and soft.

As I already said, Dead Sea water has healing properties:

    • renews the skin almost at the cellular level;
    • stimulates blood circulation;
    • promotes the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the skin;
    • heals minor scratches, bruises and abrasions;
    • cures skin diseases;
    • prevents collagen loss;
    • cleanses pores;
    • rejuvenates the skin and fights age-related changes.

Treatment at the Dead Sea - about which I receive feedback regularly - provides invaluable benefits. According to statistics, people who have visited this miraculous spring in Israel are 90% cured of skin diseases. Sea water is a natural gift that gives health, strength and youth. Patients who visit the Dead Sea forget about medications and hospitals for a long time

Dead Sea mud treatment

In addition to water, the Dead Sea has another health ingredient: healing mud. It contains a very high concentration of minerals and trace elements that are beneficial for the skin, bones, muscles and joints.

Treatment with Dead Sea mud is prescribed for patients suffering from disorders of the endocrine and nervous systems, immune system disorders, metabolic problems and other diseases.

Mud treatments are similar to massage. Mud, due to its natural action, puts pressure on deep-lying tissues. Blood moves into the vessels, improving the condition of the cardiovascular system.

The composition of the mud contains a large number of elements of the chemical table, for example, bentonite, mica, quartz, magnesium salts, potassium, bromine, calcium, lithium manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, iron, etc.

Mineral mud is the most effective remedy for treating joints. It is used for arthritis, rheumatism, deforming osteoarthritis, polyarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, spondyloarthritis, and also in body wraps. Mud relieves joint, rheumatic and muscle pain, the mineral substances of the mud penetrate the tissues and blood, significantly reducing inflammatory processes.

Mud activates metabolism and improves oxygen supply to tissues. Deep heating of tissues dilates blood vessels, improving lymph and blood circulation. Gradually, the body cleanses itself, washing away toxins from the source of inflammation, and the pain recedes.

Mud has a good effect on the nervous system, metabolism, blood circulation, and endocrine glands. Relieves muscle tension, stress, eliminates dandruff, strengthens hair, fights cellulite. Various skin diseases are also curable with this healing component of the Dead Sea.

During the first sessions of mud therapy, an exacerbation of the disease may occur - this is a normal reaction of the body, do not be afraid.

Mud therapy has contraindications: pregnancy, open wounds, cancer, exacerbation of skin diseases. Mud treatment is prescribed only by a doctor.

Treatment with Dead Sea salt

Salt is evaporated from the Dead Sea. Salt contains an extremely high concentration of minerals and trace elements - they are 10 times more than in ordinary sea salt. Therefore, it is ideal for cosmetic and healing procedures, because all its components are easily dissolved in solutions and water.

Salts are used as a preventive and therapeutic agent due to their saturation with useful substances. It is also very effective in cosmetology.

Dead Sea salt is used for a variety of skin conditions. Salt has a drying property and is recommended for eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, seborrhea, peeling skin, and diathesis.

Salt therapy is used for bronchial asthma, urticaria, neurodermatitis, for allergic manifestations in adults and children, and for the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases.

Salt is used to treat muscles and joints. Salt baths help relieve tension, restore strength and get rid of stress. In addition, the heart and blood vessels are trained, since during immersion the pressure increases and the pulse accelerates, but soon returns to normal. After the procedure, you need to lie down and rest for 30-40 minutes.

Salts are actively used in cosmetology: SPA procedures in almost all salons are based on Dead Sea salt. Masks and wraps moisturize the skin, tone it, making it smooth, toned and beautiful.

Cost of treatment at the Dead Sea

Estimated cost of treatment at the Dead Sea (prices are indicated for one week of stay):

      • psoriasis – $230;
      • psoriasis with arthropathy – $420;
      • neurodermatitis – $325;
      • vitiligo – $325;
      • acne – $350;
      • arthritis and arthrosis – $275;
      • chronic pneumonia, bronchitis and asthma – $275;
      • chronic fatigue syndrome – $325.

The Dead Sea – relaxation and treatment in one bottle. The stunning healing climate, water saturated with important microelements, salt enriched with minerals, and healing mud, coupled with the adequate cost of treatment at the Dead Sea, significantly help a person strengthen his health and immunity.

I sincerely wish you recovery and good health and I hope my article will help you make the right decision.

They offer patients suffering from various diseases of the skin, musculoskeletal system of the respiratory tract, medical procedures under the supervision of doctors. The clinics use modern equipment and the latest achievements in early diagnosis of diseases, treatment is carried out based on the integrated use of methods of modern conventional and alternative medicine, based on the use of unique methods of balneo-thalassotherapy and natural preparations based on Dead Sea products.

Complex individual treatment and health programs for the treatment of various pathologies have been developed and are being successfully implemented in health resorts. As a rule, such programs are developed taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s individual condition and the specific course of his disease during an correspondence consultation based on the results of tests and conclusions of the patient’s attending physicians. These programs are designed for a permanent stay at the resort for a certain time, as they include a significantly larger number of procedures than basic climatotherapy courses. Prices for these programs are based on the list and number of recommended procedures.

The healing properties of the Dead Sea are due to the characteristics of this region:

  • 330 sunny days a year and thanks to a natural air filter 400 m deep, the dangerous component of solar radiation is retained, so patients can be in the sun for up to 8 hours a day without harm to health;
  • environmentally friendly and dry air, enriched with oxygen and saturated with light ions of iodine, bromine and other elements;
  • Dead Sea water, which has no analogues in the world, with a high (up to 33%) concentration of mineral salts and elements dissolved in water, for example, the concentration of salts in the Mediterranean Sea is only 3%;
  • healing mud rich in mineral and organic components.

Climatic conditions at the Dead Sea

More than 330 sunny days throughout the year. Barometric pressure is 800-810 mm. rt. Art., the oxygen content in the air is 15% higher than at sea level.

Month Average temperature, °C Average relative humidity, % Average precipitation, mm
water air
January 21 15-20 46 11
February 19 17-22 46 9
March 21 20-25 42 7
April 22 26-29 37 2
May 25 28-33 34 0
June 28 30-37 34 0
July 30 33-38 34 0
August 30.5 33-38 36 0
September 31 30-35 40 0
October 30 26-32 41 1
November 28 22-27 45 8
December 23 17-22 49 8

Optimal time to stay at the Dead Sea

Disease Recommended period
Psoriasis, paropsoriasis Mid March - mid November
Neurodermatitis, eczema, mycoses, acne, ichthyosis All year round, except July, August
Vitiligo Mid-April – mid-October
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system All year round
Bronchitis, asthma Mid November - early April
ENT pathologies All year round
Chronic fatigue syndrome September - May
Endocrinological pathology All year round
Neurological pathology September - May
Gastrointestinal pathology All year round

First, the patient must send to the travel company "De Viza" an extract from the medical history and a health report from his attending physician, confirming that the patient has no contraindications to treatment at the Dead Sea.

Based on this conclusion, a specialist doctor at the Dead Sea clinic develops the necessary course of treatment and the travel company De Visu sends the patient a description and cost of the recommended course.

The patient pre-pays only for hotel accommodation, and the course of treatment - on the spot, based on the final correction of the course of treatment after examination of the patient by a specialist from the Dead Sea Clinic.

Indications for treatment

  1. Various skin pathologies: psoriasis, arthropathic psoriasis, neurodermatitis, vitiligo, ichthyosis, mycoses, acne, lichen planus and others;
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthropathy, chronic arthritis and polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis, joint damage and others;
  3. Respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis;
  4. Chronic pneumonia, occupational lung diseases and others;
  5. Diseases of the nervous system: neuroses, neuralgia, neuritis, stress, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  6. Diseases of the endocrine system: excess weight, cellulite, alopecia;
  7. Drug addiction;
  8. Chronic fatigue syndrome.

Contraindications to treatment

  1. Epilepsy, schizophrenia;
  2. Parkinson's disease;
  3. Previous myocardial infarction (two months before arrival);
  4. Stroke 6 months old (at least six months before arrival);
  5. Hypertension stage 3;
  6. Respiratory failure stage 2-3;
  7. Acute infectious diseases;
  8. AIDS;
  9. Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  10. Kidney and liver failure;
  11. Pemphigus;
  12. Lupus erythematosus.

Patients receiving cortisone medications in any form (ointments, tablets) must stop taking them two months before arrival, otherwise an exacerbation of the disease may occur at the Dead Sea, and the treatment process will be less effective.


Clinic PresidentmedIsrotel- the only medical facility at the Dead Sea, located in the best hotel of the resortIsrotel.

We offer:

More than 20 comprehensive treatment and health packages in 18 different medical and rehabilitation areas

- highly professional staff, first-class specialists with many years of experience

- the most innovative medical and diagnostic equipment from leading manufacturers

- certified methods of treatment and health restoration, use of non-steroidal drugs

All programs include:

· initial visit to the doctor, final determination of the spa treatment program based on the number of recommended procedures and treatment schedule

· visiting a doctor as needed at least twice a week

· balneoheliotherapy - in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations

all procedures are performed by highly qualified medical personnel

a basic set of procedures depending on the type of pathology

· final examination by a doctor and issuance of a medical report with recommendations


· patients of the clinic must have the consent of the attending physician at their place of residence for the possibility of staying and treatment at the Dead Sea

· patients of the clinic can be accepted for spa treatment in a strictly chronic phase of the disease, in the absence of contraindications for staying at the Dead Sea resort

Program sanatorium-resortaccording to the DERMATOLOGY program

Treatment methods

· gas-liquid peeling - peeling under high pressure, accelerates the process of cell renewal.

· Narrowband phototherapy - NARROW BAND ULTRAVIOLET - NB-UVB - radiation with a wavelength of 311-313 nanometers - an effective and safe remedy in the fight against intractable dermatoses, such as vitiligo, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis), alopecia areata and others.

· individual skin treatments - Dermatological complex (d'arsanval and ointment treatment) Along with hardware treatments for the treatment of skin diseases, our clinic has developed a special treatment complex using natural, non-steroidal ointments

targeted phototherapy - provides highly targeted, but painless, high-intensity radiation for phototherapy of psoriatic plaques, as well as depigmented areas of skin, without affecting healthy tissue

Lymphatic drainage is a method that accelerates the flow of lymph several times

· acupuncture - effects on the reflex zones of the nervous system

gas-liquid peeling

· narrowband phototherapy

· customized leather treatments

targeted phototherapy

· lymphatic drainage

· acupuncture

Period of stay

1 Week

2 weeks

3 weeks

Number of procedures

Cost (USD)


Cost (USD)


Cost (USD)


Program sanatorium-resort treatment of musculoskeletal diseases

Indications for spa treatment

1. Treatment of osteochondrosis, spondylosis, spondylosis of various etiologies with the presence of protrusions and herniated intervertebral discs

2.Scapulohumeral periarthritis

3.Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)

4. Gonarthrosis (osteoarthrosis) of the knee joints - degenerative-dystrophic disease of the knee joints

5. Arthrosis and arthritis of various etiologies

6. Coxarthrosis (deforming arthrosis of the hip joint)

7. Heel spur (plantar fasciitis)

8.Hallus Valgus - hallux valgus deformity of the forefoot

9. Achillesia (inflammation of the Achilles tendon)

10. Schlatter’s b-n (aseptic destruction

tuberosity larger than the tibia and its core, arising as a result of their injury during intensive skeletal growth)

11.Syndrome of the apex and the patellar ligament

12. Myofascial syndrome, tendinosis (a system of dystrophic lesions in the area of ​​large muscle tendons), ligamentosis (degenerative - dystrophic lesions of the ligamentous apparatus at the site of attachment of the joint to bone tissue

Treatment methods

Shock - wave therapy (UVT) - the most effective and most modern treatment method used in orthopedics, traumatology, urology, cardiology and cosmetology.

This is a method of treating the spine and joints due to the impact of acoustic waves on the affected area.

area. Due to their influence, softening or destruction of bone outgrowths, muscle spasms and areas of compaction of muscle tissue occur.

The shock wave therapy (SWT) method is an alternative to surgery and other invasive methods of treatment in cases where medication, physiotherapy and traditional methods are not effective enough

GLOS- therapy (deep oscillation fabrics) - a method of treating the spine and joints due to the effect of low-frequency vibration in tissues, which has an analgesic, decongestant, antispastic and trophic-regenerative effect. those. all actions are aimed at normalizing intracellular metabolic processes...

Laser therapy- a method aimed at improving microcirculation of blood and lymph. Has anti-inflammatory and immunocorrective effects, widely used in the treatment of orthopedic pathologies

Magnetotherapy- this is the physical effect of the properties of a low-frequency field on the human body. Artificially created magnetic fields can be constant, variable, continuous or pulsed (intermittent), high- or low-frequency... Low-frequency magnetic fields effectively relieve pain, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and reduce swelling

Lymphopressotherapy- a method that accelerates the flow of lymph several times, which eliminates the cause of swelling and thanks to this, the structure of muscles and subcutaneous tissue is restored faster and inflammatory processes go away.

The method is very effective for the prevention of varicose veins, tired legs syndrome, insomnia, stress and constipation.

IN ORTHOPEDICS, the method is effective for lymphedema due to arthritis. By improving lymph circulation, the load on

joints of the lower extremities and spine

The approximate course of treatment includes the following procedures:

  • Initial consultation and determination of an individual set of procedures
  • Shock wave therapy

GLOS therapy

  • Various types of massage.
  • Manual therapy.
  • Reflexology
  • Laser magnetic therapy

The final set of procedures will be determined only after an on-site inspection.

Spa treatment program for chronic fatigue syndrome - ANTI-STRESS

The approximate course of treatment includes the following procedures:

  • Initial consultation and determination of an individual set of procedures
  • Thalassotherapy in accordance with indications and contraindications.

GLOS therapy

  • Mud wraps and applications.
  • Various types of massage.
  • Acupuncture
  • lymphatic drainage

The final set of procedures will be determined only after an on-site inspection.

Spa treatment program for respiratory diseases

The approximate course of treatment includes the following procedures:

  • Initial consultation and determination of an individual set of procedures
  • Thalassotherapy in accordance with indications and contraindications.

Laser magnetic therapy

GLOS therapy

  • Mud wraps and applications.
  • Bronchopulmonary massage.
  • Therapeutic inhalations.
  • acupuncture

The final set of procedures will be determined only after an on-site inspection.

Programs sanatorium-resort treatmentGENITAL SPHERE (erectile dysfunction) in men

The approximate course of treatment includes the following procedures:

  • Initial consultation and determination of an individual set of procedures
  • Thalassotherapy according to indications and contraindications
  • Acupuncture
  • Shock wave therapy according to the Urology program

The final set of procedures will be determined only after an on-site inspection.

Cosmetic complex - BEAUTY program


Intradermalifting (RF) is a modern and effective non-surgical method of improving the contours of the face and figure by activating collagen restoration and accelerating fat metabolism. Main advantages: non-invasive, safety, long-term results

"Time Machine"QUADRO (QD) - a unique method of injection-free mesotherapy. Visible effect immediately after the first procedure, you will feel that TIME has STOPPED. Absolute safety

Gas-liquid peeling- high pressure peeling accelerates the process of cell renewal. Deep cleansing, combating comedones, preventing skin aging, improving blood circulation, lymphatic drainage

Ion lifting-stimulation of the skin using electromagnetic vibrations and electrical ions.
An effective procedure for reducing wrinkles, activating facial muscles and renewing the formation of elastic fibers. Also suitable for scalp care and hair root stimulation.

OXY therapy 60 min - non-invasive deep hydration

Body vacuum therapy (vacuum)- a method of body correction without surgery. Gives visible results after just a few sessions. A unique method of treating cellulite. Allows you to eliminate stretch marks, unwanted local fat deposits, and give skin tone .

Vibration platform - a method that is the ultimate alternative to physical exercise for any purpose. An ideal means of losing excess weight, suitable for women and men, because... significantly reduces fat volume in the abdomen, pelvis and thighs

Parafango wraps- reduction of body volume and improvement of skin elasticity

Lymphopressotherapy (lymphopress) is included in the complex of anti-cellulite measures by stimulating the removal of excess intercellular fluid

Cosmetological complex package of procedures

The approximate course of treatment includes the following procedures:

  • Initial consultation and determination of an individual set of procedures

· Thalassotherapy in accordance with indications and contraindications

Gas-liquid peeling

· Intradermalifting (RF)

· "Time Machine" QUADRO

· Non-invasive mesotherapy


· Lymphopress

The final set of procedures will be determined only after an on-site inspection.

Wellness course according to the program ANTI-CELLULITE

The approximate course of treatment includes the following procedures:

  • Initial consultation and determination of an individual set of procedures

· Thalassotherapy in accordance with indications and contraindications

· Parafango wrap

· Vacuum anti-cellulite massage

Shock wave anti-cellulite therapy

· Vibration platform

· Lymphopress

The final set of procedures will be determined only after an on-site inspection.

The Dead Sea is the familiar name for a salt lake, with water unique in its chemical composition and healing silt located at the bottom. This is one of the most interesting and unusual places on our planet. Mud, healing diseases, clean air, some special warmth from the sun and unique nature attract vacationers from all over the world.

On the coast there are numerous boarding houses, sanatoriums, resorts and clinics offering treatment using the most modern medical technologies. Vacationers and patients are provided with comfortable living conditions for proper rest and treatment. Almost everywhere here, Russian-speaking staff work on the road, so there is no language barrier.

Why is treatment at the Dead Sea so popular in Israel, prices, reviews, what are the indications for it? We’ll talk about all this today on the Popular Health website.

What makes the Dead Sea unique??

Water has a complex chemical composition with a high content of minerals. The water itself, as well as the mud from the bottom, have a powerful healing effect. Many patients whom doctors could not help come here and are very satisfied with the result.

In addition to the unique water and healing mud, the climate of this place itself has a healing effect - warm sun and clean air saturated with oxygen. This is due to the fact that the lake is located at the lowest point on earth. Thanks to the healing air, people with lung problems and more come here.

It must be said that the local clinics and sanatorium-resort complexes successfully treat a wide variety of diseases. Their range is very large. Let us list in more detail the main indications for treatment at sea in Israel:

Indications for the sea in Israel

Skin: psoriasis, various types of dermatitis (atopic dermatitis, eczema, acne, neurodermatitis, and also lichen planus, seborrhea, scleroderma and vitiligo.

Joint diseases, spinal pathologies: arthrosis, arthritis, including rheumatoid and psoriatic, polyarthritis, osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis. And also: ankylosing spondylitis, fibromyalgia, bursitis and tendinitis. Successfully treat the consequences of injuries, etc.

Pathological conditions of the respiratory system: bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis, as well as cystic fibrosis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Diseases of the genital area: including prostatitis, erectile dysfunction, etc. etc.

In addition, they will help cope with neurotic disorders and treat vegetative-vascular dystonia. In addition, you can also heal your nerves and get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Treatment options in Israel at the Dead Sea

The Dead Sea resorts are especially popular among people suffering from various dermatological diseases. The water is simply filled with minerals, particularly magnesium. Thanks to this, many skin rashes, such as psoriatic plaques, are significantly reduced, and for many, they disappear completely.

In second place in terms of treatment effectiveness are joint diseases and various soft tissue inflammations, including chronic ones. After being in the sea or taking a mud bath, significant relief occurs, which is due to the influence of minerals that stimulate blood circulation.

Clinics located on the coast are equipped with the most modern equipment. For example, experienced Dead Sea Clinic specialists successfully treat diseases of the spine and joints (intervertebral hernias, spinal stenosis, as well as osteochondrosis and sciatica) using the DTS Triton device. Even a few sessions eliminate the inflammatory process and relieve the patient of pain for a long time.

The Herzliya Medical Center clinic successfully treats orthopedic, dermatological and respiratory diseases. And, in addition, with the help of the most modern technologies, gastrointestinal diseases, pathologies of the gynecological and reproductive systems, and even various oncological diseases are treated.

Modern diagnostic methods and excellent surgical equipment make it possible to perform even very complex surgical operations.

Price of treatment in clinics

At the Dead Sea, treatment prices vary and depend on the components of the therapy. The amounts indicated in the price lists of a particular medical institution may vary significantly.

For example: A medical consultation costs, on average, approximately $300-$600. Full diagnostics - from $1000 to $7000. In addition, the total amount includes the cost of various procedures and medications.

For example, therapy for osteochondrosis and gout costs, on average, $1,735. The cost of one half-hour treatment procedure included in the treatment of eczema or psoriasis costs approximately $137. For 50 minutes of the procedure you will pay $168.

Therefore, it should be taken into account that prices depend on the specific treatment course and the treatment procedures included in it, most of which are prescribed to the patient individually.

It boasts a truly amazing mineral composition of its water, which makes it a unique healing resort. The beneficial effects of the Dead Sea are not only due to the minerals present in its waters. Climate also plays an important role: dry air and hot temperatures throughout the year are also of great importance in the fight against many diseases. you can choose a hotel near the sea.

For what diseases is treatment at the Dead Sea indicated?

Due to the high oxygen content, optimal atmospheric pressure, low humidity levels and the almost complete absence of allergens, the Dead Sea has a beneficial effect on the treatment of respiratory diseases.

A sunny climate has a positive effect on people experiencing stress or depression, especially if these illnesses are caused by insufficient natural daylight (usually typical for residents of northern regions). At the Dead Sea, where the sun shines almost all year round, such patients experience a significant improvement in mood. Magnesium, which is found in sea waters, also helps in the fight against stressful conditions; it has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Swimming in the Dead Sea helps with heart problems and high blood pressure due to the presence of potassium, magnesium and calcium in the water, which help control normal blood pressure levels. Therefore, people who suffer from heart disease are advised to swim or apply sea mud to their body.

If you have problems with the musculoskeletal system, it is also useful to take a healing course here. Phosphorus, calcium and sodium contained in the sea penetrate the skin into the body and help strengthen bones. In addition, these elements help prevent joint inflammation and reduce arthritis pain.

The water and mud of the Dead Sea have a good effect on the skin and hair; this treatment is especially indicated for patients with psoriasis. The high content of nutrients in the water relieves skin irritation, and the sunny climate improves immunity and improves the general condition of the body.

Are there any contraindications or risks associated with treatments at the Dead Sea?

In the Dead Sea region the sun shines all year round, but in the summer the weather becomes especially hot, reaching 40 degrees. Therefore, people who have difficulty withstanding heat should not rest during this period.

Since the Dead Sea is, in fact, an endorheic lake, i.e. Since the water in it only evaporates, but does not flow out, the concentration of salts in it is several times higher than in the ocean. This means that if you have open wounds (or diseases with ulcers), you may experience very painful sensations when submerged in water.

Treatment at the Dead Sea is contraindicated for patients with infectious diseases, renal failure, cirrhosis of the liver, third-degree high blood pressure and those who have had a myocardial infarction or stroke less than three months ago.

IMPORTANT: Our article provides only general information. If you have any serious chronic illness, you should definitely consult a doctor before traveling. Each case is individual.

Stay in the water in the Dead Sea for no more than 20 minutes or less, as prolonged immersion in water so saturated with salts can cause dehydration, electrolyte imbalance and other problems even in completely healthy people. When swimming, it is important to alternate between diving into the water and relaxing on the shore.