Protocol house tree man. How to get to know a child better using the “House, Tree, Person” method? Analyzing our emotions

  • 12.06.2019

You can determine and analyze the main emotional and intellectual characteristics of a particular person different ways. The “House, Tree, Person” (HTP) method is an interesting and informative test that will tell you a lot of important things about the diagnostic participant.

Characteristics of the psychological technique “House, tree, person”

Each person is a separate, specific personality that will not exist again. People differ in the very essence of the soul; their similarity is only external. The more someone becomes himself, the deeper and clearer his original features appear.

Valery Bryusov, Russian poet, novelist and playwright

A projective test for obtaining personality characteristics “House, tree, person” was proposed in the late 40s of the twentieth century by the American neuropsychologist J. Book. Initially, it was used to study the limits of an individual’s performance in production, as well as to determine the characteristics of his relationship with the team, which was the most important at that time. However, over time, Beech’s followers adapted this technique for children, and also somewhat simplified the diagnostic procedure.

  • The objectives of the study are to assess:
  • personal qualities of the subject;
  • level of mental development;

socialization among peers (especially important for children who enter kindergarten). As for the age of the subjects, the test can be carried out for the first time with a child after he reaches 3–4 years of age, when the baby has already formed elementary representations

about the rules for depicting objects.

Correct administration of the projective drawing test

Work can be carried out both in a group and individually. The only caveat is that if the technique is implemented in a team, then there should not be more than 4 people in the association. By the way, many psychologists defend their position that the most appropriate form of work is still individual, since in this case the experimenter has the opportunity to ask some leading questions. For work, the subject receives a sheet of A4 paper and a hard-soft pencil, so that in the future they can evaluate the force of pressure on the sheet.

  1. The experimenter, at his own discretion, determines which model of conduct is more productive. First: the child is given a sheet folded into an accordion shape three times (usually this is used with younger children). In this case, each object will be depicted on separate spreads. Second model: allow the subject to place all three illustrations on flat paper (in this case, several new and important aspects appear for interpretation - the distance of a particular object, pressure, and so on).
  2. Then the adult recommends: “Draw the house, tree and person the way you want.”
  3. While performing the task, the test organizer must record all comments, conditions and other external manifestations of the test taker. Such observation will be especially important for a psychologist in case the test subject exhibits deviations.
  4. After completing the drawing, an individual conversation is held. An adult can ask the child to explain who he drew, and also find out whether the character is in a good mood, what affects his well-being, and why the subject likes the depicted character the most.

The test time is limited only formally - 20–30 minutes. Usually children cope with the task faster.

Processing and deciphering the child’s results

Scoring and analysis

First of all, the experimenter must assess the symptom complexes of the subject’s personality. To do this, each of the 8 syndromes is assessed point by point from 0 to 3 points (0 - the element is not highlighted, 1 - the symptom is partially manifested, 2 - the symptom is half revealed, 3 - complete coincidence).

Symptom complexFeature of the drawingPossible points
  • Drawing in the very center of the sheet
  • Image in the top corner
  • House or tree at the very edge
  • Drawing at the bottom of the sheet
  • Lots of minor details
  • Tree on the mountain
  • Very emphasized roots
  • Disproportionately long arms
  • Wide Legs
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 1, 2
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
Anxiety (fear)
  • Clouds
  • Selecting individual parts
  • Space limitation
  • Hatching
  • Line with strong pressure
  • Lots of erasing
  • Dead tree, sick man
  • Underlined base line
  • Thick line of house foundation
  • Intensely shaded hair
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 1
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 1
0, 1, 2
0, 2
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 2
0, 1
Lack of self-confidence
  • Very weak drawing line
  • House on the edge of a leaf
  • Weak trunk line
  • Primitive tree
  • Very small door
  • Self-justifying remarks while drawing, covering the drawing with your hand
0, 2
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
Feelings of inferiority
  • The drawing is very small
  • Arms and legs are missing
  • Hands behind your back
  • Disproportionately short arms
  • Disproportionately narrow shoulders
  • Disproportionately large branch system
  • Disproportionately large two-dimensional leaves
  • A tree that died from rotting
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 2
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
  • No windows
  • Door - keyhole
  • Very big tree
  • Tree from the edge of a leaf
  • Reverse profile of tree, person
  • Branches like fingers
  • Empty eye sockets
  • Long sharp fingers
  • Grin, teeth visible
  • Aggressive stance of a man
  • Other Possible Signs
0, 2
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 2
0, 2
0, 1
0, 2
Conflict (frustration)
  • Space limitation
  • Bottom perspective (worm's view)
  • Redrawing an object
  • Refusal to draw any object
  • Two trees
  • Low quality of one of the drawings
  • Contradiction between drawing and statement
  • Accentuated waist
  • No pipe on the roof
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 2
0, 2
0, 2
0, 2
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
Communication difficulties
  • No door
  • Very small door
  • No windows
  • Windows - openings without frames
  • Excessively closed windows
  • Selected person
  • Face drawn last
  • Lack of basic facial details
  • The man is drawn primitively
  • Door without handle
  • House, man in profile
  • Hands in a defensive position
  • The drawn man is lonely, according to the child
0, 2
0, 1
0, 2
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 2
0, 2
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
  • Place the picture at the very bottom of the sheet
  • Top view of a tree or house
  • Base line going down
  • Line weakening as you draw
  • Extreme fatigue after drawing
  • Very small drawings
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 2
0, 2
0, 2

Maximum possible points:

  1. Insecurity - 32.
  2. Anxiety - 33.
  3. Lack of self-confidence - 8.
  4. Feeling of completeness - 16.
  5. Hostility - 15.
  6. Conflict, frustration - 23.
  7. Communication difficulties - 18.
  8. Depression - 10.

If the result for each indicator exceeds 50% of possible quantity points, this indicates that the child needs professional help psychologist and in the selection correctional program. The norm is considered to be the sum of points scored from zero to a quarter of each maximum value.

Interpretation of drawing features

No detail in the process of analyzing a drawing can be superfluous. Here are the nuances you should pay attention to when examining the image and interpreting the child’s behavior:

  • The absence of additional elements in the picture indicates serious emotional distress or problems in mental development.
  • The excess of details reveals in the “artist” a sensitive and very vulnerable nature. Often this feature occurs when the subject is incapable of starting a conversation.
  • A chaotic image or arrangement of elements indicates a tendency to sudden mood swings.
  • If the drawing becomes better after such actions, then there is no reason to worry.
  • But cases where the use of an eraser leads to image deterioration require clarification of the reasons for possible anxiety.
Ground linesA very important element of the drawing that determines determination.
  • The absence of at least some support indicates that the subject is uncomfortable, something is weighing him down.
  • An overly drawn outline or thick strokes express anxiety and irritability.
  • Lines emanating from below and diverging upward show a reluctance to face the unknown.
  • If the base line goes down and turns to the right, then the child is seriously worried about his future. This element is not taken into account when analyzing the results of very young children.
OutlinesThis nuance provides information about the subject’s ability to maintain personal balance.
  • Thick lines symbolize anger combined with anxiety.
  • An equally strongly induced contour of all elements is a history of a mental disorder or hidden (overt) hostility towards the depicted object.
  • The alternation of thick and thin strokes speaks of growing tension and foreboding of trouble.
  • If the baby shifts the drawing down, then he is prone to impulsiveness. However, for subjects aged 4–5 years, this arrangement is not considered beyond the norm.
  • A shift to the left is typical mainly for teenagers who are concerned about what awaits them in the future.
  • If the image goes to the right, then the child is clearly trying to avoid any worries.
  • Moving into the upper third implies pronounced aggressive tendencies, as well as increased egocentrism.
  • Turning the sheet is also a negative tendency - probably the subject is inclined to avoid responsibility.
  • If objects are turned sideways, then the subject’s personality cannot accept the environment, trying to hide his “I”.
  • The full-face image demonstrates the straightforwardness and directness of the child. Quite often, such drawings are created by children 6–8 years old - at an age when encountering new conditions (schooling) gives reason to doubt the absolute correctness of adults.
  • If the perspective of the drawing is directed into the distance, then this indicates a desire to isolate from society; the subject feels cut off from those around him.
ProportionThe ratio of details shows how strong the child’s tendency to avoid communication is, as well as the degree of his repression.
  • Severe violations of proportions indicate a serious intellectual deviation (both reversible and irreversible).
  • The image of objects in the distance shows a clear desire to reject the value meanings that a tree, a house and a person carry within them. Such nihilism is especially common in the drawings of teenagers.
Corrections and additionsIf a child completes drawings of elements without erasing the previous ones, then he is prone to internal and external conflicts.
Uncertain drawing
  • Often this occurs because it is difficult for the “artist” to imagine final result whole picture.
  • However, sometimes it can also be an indicator of a loss of balance.
  • If the size of the object is limited and looks compressed, then the subject clearly suffers from the boundaries established in his life.
TransparencyThis characteristic indicates the child's desire to ignore reality. But some objects that are not filled with color do not lose touch with reality. That is why school psychologists do not pay attention to such a component (except in cases where transparency is inherent in about 70% of the illustration).

Interpretation of key objects in the drawing


  • If the building is old, then the subject shows rejection of himself.
  • If the house is located in the foreground, then the child is hospitable and loves to spend time with his peers.
  • The steps leading to the door reveal the rational thinking of the “artist,” but if they rest against a blank wall, the subject has problems establishing communicative contact.
  • The manner in which the walls are depicted indicates the ability to control the situation. So, too thick walls with a clear outline - the desire to be included in everything that happens in real world. But thin, almost invisible contour lines they betray the opposite: a desire to close themselves off from reality.
  • The pipe symbolizes warmth and comfort. By its absence, the subject shows a lack of heat. A drainpipe is a symbol of suspiciousness.
  • Distorting details of the house reveals the subject's hostility. The same can be said about the absence or, conversely, an excessive number of doors, windows and rooms. A clear line demarcating the floors of the room indicates a rational approach to solving issues.
  • The analysis of the images of doors deserves special attention. If they are not marked in the house, then it is difficult for the child to open up to other people, including loved ones. The presence of only side ones indicates the subject’s desire to escape from problems and give in. Pay attention to the order in which the element is depicted: the door, completed in last resort, speaks of a reluctance to communicate with people. An unlocked door is a symbol of openness. The larger the size of this object, the more comfortable the child feels in life. The castle indicates secrecy and hostility towards others.
  • A well-drawn roof is a tribute to the desire to be protected. At an older age - a manifestation of infantilism. Too much canopy indicates that the subject is living in his fantasies.
  • The presence of extensions may indicate resentment or anger towards the person who owns this house.
  • A building in motion is an indicator of psychophysical disorders.
  • The drawn interior of the living room shows the need for live communication.
  • The absence of windows indicates alienation and hostility. In children's drawings you can often notice many openings. This speaks of a desire to explore the world by any means. Open shutters or curtains indicate anxiety in the subject. Wide open windows indicate the subject's straightforwardness. Introverted children often draw these elements with castles. It is also important to pay attention to the distribution of openings. If they are concentrated on the ground floor, then the child is very open; on the second, the fantasy world captures the subject more than the real one.
  • If the path to the house is shown as short, then the subject prefers loneliness; a winding path gives creative personality, but the straight line is that of an innovator who will always look for easy ways in everything. But if the path narrows towards the house, then the child is cheerful and sociable in public, but at home prefers to “recharge” in silence.


  • Foliage. The round shape of the crown indicates excessive emotionality, but the round pattern of the leaves indicates that the child feels abandoned. If the leaves are marked schematically, then this is a sure sign that the subject wants to close people off. If a child draws palm leaves, then he dreams of traveling. Net-shaped leaves are a symbol of the ability to solve problems on your own.
  • Lowered branches are a sign of reluctance to make efforts, but raised ones, on the contrary, show enthusiasm. IN adolescence it is also a thirst for power. Spread out in different sides branches indicate a search for ways of self-affirmation, but in children this arrangement indicates confusion.
  • A well-drawn crown shows the exaltation and emotionality of the subject.
  • Trunk. If it is drawn with one line, then the subject does not want to look at the world objectively, preferring to live in an illusory world. The curve is an indicator of inhibition. A tree torn out of the soil indicates a child’s lack of contact with the outside world. When the trunk expands downwards, this indicates that the child is looking for sympathy and support from loved ones.
  • If the illustration shows not one, but two trees, then perhaps the person being tested in this way showed himself and an adult who is significant to him (this requires clarification in the conversation).
  • The depiction of the earth with one stroke shows the desire for order, and with several strokes it shows the desire to obey only one’s own rules. The latter option is most often seen in illustrations made by children, which deserve the definition of “obedient.”
  • Small roots symbolize curiosity, which is driving force almost all actions of the subject. Two lines as roots are a desire to suppress some manifestations in oneself (not always bad).
  • The symmetry of the plant shows the subject’s desire to be in harmony with the world around him. This is also a manifestation of the fact that the child is undecided about a choice.

Did your child draw several trees? He may simply not be following the test instructions, or may have signs of mental retardation. However, this does not apply to the situation when 2 trees appear in the picture.


Usually, children spend the most time drawing a person. It is important for the experimenter not to interrupt or distract the subject during this process.

  • Head. With a large head, the subject shows his understanding of the concept " clever man”, and also clearly places himself in this category. Small heads, as a symbol of intellectual underdevelopment, are drawn by children aged 9–16 years, especially those with learning problems. Also, a tiny part of the body indicates the child’s shyness.
  • Neck. Long - the desire to control everything that happens around. Usually this element is inherent in the drawings of very active children. Thick and short indicates compliance.
  • Shoulders. Broad - recognition of the power of force over the mind. Small ones are a symbol of a feeling of one’s own worthlessness, belittling one’s merits. Sloping shoulder girdle - a feeling of guilt before a loved one.
  • Torso. A large one speaks of dissatisfaction with something, and a small one speaks of one’s own low value.
  • A prominent chin shows the subject's need to dominate. Wide is usually drawn by indecisive guys.
  • Sparse or too thin eyebrows are usually depicted by children who approach reality with a great deal of skepticism.
  • Those who have a hard time withstanding criticism tend to have big ears. Disproportionally small - a symbol of the desire to drown out any attempts to influence the choice or decision of a teenager. For children this does not have any symbolic meaning.
  • Small eyes show the child's isolation. Lush eyelashes are often painted by children aged 10–16 years, since at this age the desire to show off oneself awakens.
  • A wide smile denotes insincerity, forced friendliness. The dash mouth demonstrates passive acceptance of life; in children this may be due to the overprotectiveness of adults. Clearly drawn teeth are present in pictures of children who often show aggression.
  • The larger the nose, the more cheerful the subject's disposition. The emphasis on the nostrils is made by children who are prone to demonstrating anger.
  • Hair and eyebrows: the more shaded these elements are, the stronger the expression of anxiety in the subject. Unpainted hair, decorated only with an outline, speaks of the child’s hostility.
  • The longer the arms, the more ambitious the child is tested. Limbs behind the back are drawn by those who do not know how to compromise. Hands are drawn on the chest by suspicious children. The limbs are pressed too tightly to the body by clumsy guys who constantly hear such a reproach addressed to them. Unnecessarily large hands portrayed by impulsive subjects. If a child completely “forgot” about his limbs, then perhaps he has some psycho-emotional disorders. Hands behind your back is a desire to hide something. Absence of palms may be a sign that the subject does not feel mother's love. The more fingers a child draws, the more ambition he has. Thin phalanges are a symbol of hostility. Primitive knuckles symbolize callousness, sometimes even aggression. If there are fewer than five fingers, then the subject may be dependent on the opinions of adults and often feels powerless in resolving certain issues.
  • If a child begins to depict a person by drawing legs, then the “artist” treats others with a degree of timidity. The unequal size of these limbs indicates a desire for independence. The emphasis on the legs is usually made by subjects who tend to be rude. The absence of such body parts indicates shyness and isolation. Dependence on authoritative adults is shown by disproportionately small feet. On the contrary, too long ones indicate a desire to demonstrate one’s independence.
  • If the back of the figure’s head is visible, then the child tends to be withdrawn. A running man symbolizes the desire to hide something. A figure shown only in outline speaks of a reluctance to have anything in common with others. This situation can arise if a child (most often a teenager) has problems both with studying and with establishing contacts with peers.
  • A body unbalanced in space indicates tension. The image of a doll is a recognition of one’s compliance. If a child draws, for example, Baba Yaga, then he clearly has a hostile attitude towards women. But a clown in adolescence is a symbol of self-contempt.

The “House, Tree, Person” method is a useful test for a specialist in psychology working with children. However, the experimenter should be very careful in interpreting the test results, also including notes taken during the conversation with the child, as well as referring to his own experience. Only in this case can the analysis be considered objective.


The technique consists of two stages: in the first, the child creates drawings, in the second, a conversation is held when the child describes and explains what he has drawn. Instructions:“Draw the house as best you can.” You should record the time spent on drawing. After your child has completed the picture, ask him to draw a tree and then a person. While the child is working on the drawing, you need to observe him and make notes regarding the time spent, pauses that occur in drawing (during drawing what detail did it occur, how long did it last), deviations from the normal sequence of images of the elements of the house, tree and person made child's comments and expressed emotions.

How many floors does this house have?
Is this house made of brick, wood or something else?
Is this your house? (If not, whose is it?)
When you painted this house, did you think who is its owner?
Would you like this house to be yours? Why?
If this house were yours: what room would you choose? Who would you like to live with in this house?
Is this house somewhere far away or close?
What do you think about when you look at this house?
What does it remind you of?
Is this house welcoming, friendly?
Is it similar to other houses or different in some way?
What is the weather like in this picture?
What's missing in this house?
Where does the path lead from the house?
If there was a person nearby, who would it be?

What kind of tree is this?
Where exactly is this tree located?
What is the approximate age of this tree?
Is this tree alive?
What exactly in the picture confirms that the tree is alive?
Does the tree have any dead parts? If so, which one exactly?
Why did the tree die (if it was dead)?
Is this tree alone or are there others nearby?
What do you think the weather is like in this picture?
Is there wind in the picture?
Show me which way the wind blows?
What does this tree make you think of?
What does it remind you of?
Is this tree healthy?
Is this tree strong?
If you decided to draw a sun, where would you place it?
Who does this tree remind you of? Why?
What does this tree need most?

Is it a boy or a girl?
How old is he/she?
Who is he?
Is it your relative, friend or someone else?
Who were you thinking about when you were drawing?
What is he doing? Where is?
What is he thinking about?
How does he feel?
What thoughts come to your mind when looking at him?
Who does this person remind you of?
Is this person healthy?
Why do you think so?
Is this person happy?
Why do you think so?
How do you feel towards this person?
What is the weather like in the picture?
What does this person want most? Why?


Each drawing should be considered as a self-portrait of a child. Figure analysis carried out in the following sequence:
Line quality


Interpretation begins with such an indicator as the number of parts. First of all, you need to make sure you have the required parts. The house must have at least one door (except if only the side wall is painted), one window, one wall, a roof, and a chimney or other means of venting smoke or anything that can be used to heat the house. A tree must have a trunk and at least one branch. A person must have a head, a body, two legs, two arms, as well as two eyes, a nose, a mouth, and two ears. The absence of required details in the drawings, among other things, may indicate a decrease in the level of intelligence, unless during the conversation the child explained the reason for the lack of details.

If the drawing is well done in terms of proportions and perspective, but contains minimal detail, this may mean that the child is generally withdrawn or expresses disagreement with traditional values.

If the use of a small number of details is accompanied by low quality of the drawing in terms of proportions and space, it can be assumed that the child has poor contact with reality and reduced intellectual abilities.

An excessive amount of detail is a sign that the child is experiencing a strong feeling of anxiety, something in his environment makes him very worried and he is trying to drown out this feeling.

The absence of any of the required parts listed indicates a serious violation. Availability additional details(bushes, flowers, path) - the desire to fill the surrounding space, lack of a sense of security, anxiety, insecurity. Other warning signs include missing foundation lines, broken windows, a door that is smaller than the window, a window that is not rectangular (unless it is an attic window), or a transparent roof or wall that allows you to see objects inside the home.

A dilapidated, old house, an unstable building - a critical attitude towards oneself. The house consists of several different buildings - a feeling of hostility towards someone from people close to him.

The roof, indicated by a horizontal line connecting the walls, indicates inhibition of thinking, lack of emotions, acute experiences. A high, large roof means a child is prone to fantasies, even obsessed with them.

The pipe symbolizes the warmth of a relationship; its absence means a lack of warmth, care, guardianship, or the presence of a conflict in a relationship with a loved one. A disproportionately large pipe in a teenager’s drawing is a sexual conflict. There is a lot of smoke coming out of the chimney - something is bothering the child, internal tension.

A door is a possibility of access or retreat. The front door represents both entrance and exit, symbolizing accessibility. The back or side door is an escape from reality. There is no door - the child is inaccessible, withdrawn, does not want to contact others. Opened door- the child’s need for warm, close relationships, his openness, straightforwardness, sociability. A very large door - the child has a hard time with loneliness, demands attention, loves to be the center of attention. A door that is too small means extreme isolation, denial of any contact, reluctance to let others in. There is a lock on the door - secrecy, hostility, the need for protection. A fence near the house is a need for protection.

The window is an image of visual contact. Windows without frames, absence of windows, no windows on the first floor, shutters, shading, curtains, curtains - isolation, a child who has withdrawn into himself. The windows are drawn high from the ground - a certain separation of the child from the realities of life and a preference for imaginary worlds. Windows are painted last - the desire for privacy, reluctance to contact others. Open windows - straightforwardness, a sense of confidence, some self-esteem.


A large, very large tree is aggression. A very small tree means low self-esteem. The child refuses to portray more carefully the crown - hostility. Scars on the body of a tree, broken, drooping or dead branches are mental trauma. Dead tree - a feeling of inferiority, inadequacy, failure, uselessness, guilt. Damaged branches - traumatic environmental influences. A dead root system is intrapersonal disharmony.

The wind symbolizes feelings of exposure to forces that are virtually uncontrollable. The wind direction of moderate strength from left to right horizontally is considered generally accepted and is not interpreted. If the wind is strong and the direction is different from usual, then this has special meaning. The wind that blows from bottom to top (vertically or diagonally) is a strong desire to be transported from the real world to the world of fantasy. The wind blowing diagonally, from the top to the bottom corner, has the opposite meaning (in this case, the direction is interpreted in terms of time: the left corner is the past, the right is the future).

The setting sun means depression, depression. The sun drawn behind the cloud - between the child and the person whom he considers “giving warmth” there is an anxious, tense, unsatisfying relationship.


Human hands are tools with the help of which defensive or offensive actions are performed in relation to the surrounding world or oneself, and the feet symbolize movement. Self-portrait without arms and feet - helplessness. Spreading hands is an expression of the desire for action. Hands crossed on the chest - evidence of isolation, suspiciousness, and withdrawal. Long arms - the presence of some aspirations, ambitions. Short arms - lack of aspirations aimed at external world. Long and weak arms are a sign of dependence and the need for protection and care. Disproportionately long legs- desire for independence. Short legs - a feeling of helplessness.

Eyes, nose, mouth, ears are receptors that perceive external stimuli, which can be unpleasant (listening to accusations, criticism), can lead to conflict or problem. A drawing of a person with only eyes indicates suspicion, excessive caution. The absence of a nose, ears and mouth indicates a lack of desire to communicate.

Other features of the drawing.

Extra details (representing the need to smooth out an alarming situation) are: for a drawing of a house - a tree in the yard, for a drawing of a tree - a bird on it or an animal next to it, for a drawing of a person - any objects surrounding it. Trees (bushes) drawn near a tree or person often represent people (family members), and the distance between them often symbolizes the closeness or distance in their relationships.

The ground line (base line) in a drawing of a house, tree or person is not an appropriate detail. It is interpreted as a sign of insecurity (the earth line is an element that strengthens the reality of the drawing). The base line provides the necessary reference point; ensures the stability of the pattern as a whole.

Inappropriate details include clouds in the sky (for any of the three drawings), which may indicate a general feeling of anxiety associated with relationships with others.

The child’s emphasis on this or that detail is necessarily taken into account during interpretation. Emphasis can be expressed in excessive attention to detail (for example, a window is drawn into many cells and becomes like a grid), in an obsessive return to a detail after its completion. Such reinforcement may indicate vague anxiety.

Sequence of parts.

When drawing a house, the following order must be observed: roof, wall, door, window (or first the window, then the door). Another possible variant- start with the ground line, then draw the walls, roof, etc. Children who lack confidence may draw the details of an object without considering any connection between them.

The drawing of a tree is usually done in the following sequence: first the trunk, then the branches and crown and/or foliage, or first the crown of the tree, then the branches, trunk and base of the trunk. The branches of the tree symbolize the child’s sphere of contacts and relationships with the outside world, and reflect the level of his activity in the search for satisfaction; the trunk symbolizes his feelings regarding his basic abilities, personal potential. The degree of flexibility of the branches, their number, size and the degree of their mutual connection indicate the adaptability and currently available resources of the individual.

A person is depicted in the following sequence: first the head, then the face, then the neck, torso, arms (with fingers or hands), legs and feet (or legs and arms in reverse order) etc. If a drawing of a person begins with the feet and ends with the head and facial features, then such a sequence can be called pathological. A delayed image of facial features may indicate: 1) a tendency to reject perceived external stimuli; 2) about the desire to delay as long as possible the identification of the drawn person.

Any deviation from the normal sequence, including:

Unusual image order;

Arbitrary return to something previously drawn;

Reinforcement of the drawing (when the outline of a given detail is outlined repeatedly) should be regarded as requiring special attention.

Attention should be paid to the consistency of the drawings. All three drawings should be made in approximately the same manner, with the same pressure, the same detail and quantity.

Proportions of the drawing.

Using proportions, the child indicates what ratings he assigns to the drawn objects or what they symbolize.

The drawing occupies a very small area of ​​​​space - a manifestation of feelings of inferiority, a tendency to avoid reality or a desire to reject a specific drawing or its symbolic meaning. The drawing takes up almost all the allotted space, or does not even fit on the page - a manifestation of a feeling of strong frustration caused by the attitude of others combined with a feeling of hostility: a manifestation of tension and irritability or a reflection of a feeling of helplessness (if the person’s feet or parts of the legs are “cut off” by the bottom edge of the sheet) .

If the tree is large, the child acutely feels his dependence on the surrounding reality and shows aggressiveness or a tendency towards it. A tree of tiny size - a feeling of inferiority, inadequacy and the need to withdraw into oneself.


The drawing strictly in the center of the sheet is a manifestation of feelings of insecurity and rigidity. The desire to place a drawing in the upper left corner is quite noticeable anxiety or regression. This position reflects the desire to avoid new experiences and, perhaps, the desire to return to the past. If the house does not fit on the sheet and the edge of the sheet “cuts off” one or more rooms of the house, then this often expresses the child’s reluctance to draw this room because of some unpleasant associations associated with it or the people living in it. A child drawing a house adjacent to the edge of the sheet expresses a feeling of insecurity, which often has a temporary attachment (the left edge is the past, the right is the future). The same is indicated by the drawing of a person adjacent to the edge. “Cutting off” the top of a tree is a desire to find satisfaction in fantasy. The “cut” of the left edge of the picture is a fixation on the past combined with fear of the future, and the “cut” of the right edge is the desire to be in the future in order to get away from the past. If the drawing is adjacent to the upper edge of the sheet - fixation on thoughts and fantasies. A tree adjacent to the edge of a leaf - a feeling of “squeezing”, increased aggressive tendencies. The bottom edge of the sheet plays the role of the base of the picture - depressed, depressive mood, depression. A tree drawn as if on a hill represents a feeling of tension, a need for protection and security. A lonely tree on the top of a hill - a feeling of loneliness coupled with a desire for autonomy. The use of space in the drawing of a tree and a house to the left of the center - the dominance of the emotional sphere, and to the right - the intellectual.


The time spent on a drawing can indicate how meaningful it is to the child. A large amount of time spent on a particular drawing indicates the presence of a strong positive or negative feeling of the child in relation to the depicted object. If the child spent very little time, this indicates an indirect refusal to depict the object or situation symbolically represented in the drawing. It should be noted that the high quality of the drawing justifies the investment spent on it. a large number of time.

Line quality

The drawing is made with thick lines - tension of an indefinite nature. If thick lines are used to depict certain details - fixation on this detail, or hostility towards the drawn object, or what it symbolizes

There are different ways to determine and analyze the basic emotional and intellectual characteristics of a particular person. The “House, Tree, Person” (HTP) method is an interesting and informative test that will tell you a lot of important things about the diagnostic participant.

Characteristics of the psychological technique “House, tree, person”

Each person is a separate, specific personality that will not exist again. People differ in the very essence of the soul; their similarity is only external. The more someone becomes himself, the deeper and clearer his original features appear.

Valery Bryusov, Russian poet, novelist and playwright

A projective test for obtaining personality characteristics “House, tree, person” was proposed in the late 40s of the twentieth century by the American neuropsychologist J. Book. Initially, it was used to study the limits of an individual’s performance in production, as well as to determine the characteristics of his relationship with the team, which was the most important at that time. However, over time, Beech’s followers adapted this technique for children, and also somewhat simplified the diagnostic procedure.

  • The objectives of the study are to assess:
  • personal qualities of the subject;
  • level of mental development;

As for the age of the subjects, the test can be carried out for the first time with a child after he or she reaches 3–4 years of age, when the child has already formed elementary ideas about the rules for depicting objects.

about the rules for depicting objects.

Correct administration of the projective drawing test

Work can be carried out both in a group and individually. The only caveat is that if the technique is implemented in a team, then there should not be more than 4 people in the association. By the way, many psychologists defend their position that the most appropriate form of work is still individual, since in this case the experimenter has the opportunity to ask some leading questions. For work, the subject receives a sheet of A4 paper and a hard-soft pencil, so that in the future they can evaluate the force of pressure on the sheet.

  1. The experimenter, at his own discretion, determines which model of conduct is more productive. First: the child is given a sheet folded into an accordion shape three times (usually this is used with younger children). In this case, each object will be depicted on separate spreads. Second model: allow the subject to place all three illustrations on flat paper (in this case, several new and important aspects appear for interpretation - the distance of a particular object, pressure, and so on).
  2. Then the adult recommends: “Draw the house, tree and person the way you want.”
  3. While performing the task, the test organizer must record all comments, conditions and other external manifestations of the test taker. Such observation will be especially important for a psychologist in case the test subject exhibits deviations.
  4. After completing the drawing, an individual conversation is held. An adult can ask the child to explain who he drew, and also find out whether the character is in a good mood, what affects his well-being, and why the subject likes the depicted character the most.

The test time is limited only formally - 20–30 minutes. Usually children cope with the task faster.

Processing and deciphering the child’s results

Scoring and analysis

First of all, the experimenter must assess the symptom complexes of the subject’s personality. To do this, each of the 8 syndromes is assessed point by point from 0 to 3 points (0 - the element is not highlighted, 1 - the symptom is partially manifested, 2 - the symptom is half revealed, 3 - complete coincidence).

Symptom complexFeature of the drawingPossible points
  • Drawing in the very center of the sheet
  • Image in the top corner
  • House or tree at the very edge
  • Drawing at the bottom of the sheet
  • Lots of minor details
  • Tree on the mountain
  • Very emphasized roots
  • Disproportionately long arms
  • Wide Legs
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 1, 2
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
Anxiety (fear)
  • Clouds
  • Selecting individual parts
  • Space limitation
  • Hatching
  • Line with strong pressure
  • Lots of erasing
  • Dead tree, sick man
  • Underlined base line
  • Thick line of house foundation
  • Intensely shaded hair
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 1
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 1
0, 1, 2
0, 2
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 2
0, 1
Lack of self-confidence
  • Very weak drawing line
  • House on the edge of a leaf
  • Weak trunk line
  • Primitive tree
  • Very small door
  • Self-justifying remarks while drawing, covering the drawing with your hand
0, 2
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
Feelings of inferiority
  • The drawing is very small
  • Arms and legs are missing
  • Hands behind your back
  • Disproportionately short arms
  • Disproportionately narrow shoulders
  • Disproportionately large branch system
  • Disproportionately large two-dimensional leaves
  • A tree that died from rotting
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 2
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
  • No windows
  • Door - keyhole
  • Very big tree
  • Tree from the edge of a leaf
  • Reverse profile of tree, person
  • Branches like fingers
  • Empty eye sockets
  • Long sharp fingers
  • Grin, teeth visible
  • Aggressive stance of a man
  • Other Possible Signs
0, 2
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 2
0, 2
0, 1
0, 2
Conflict (frustration)
  • Space limitation
  • Bottom perspective (worm's view)
  • Redrawing an object
  • Refusal to draw any object
  • Two trees
  • Low quality of one of the drawings
  • Contradiction between drawing and statement
  • Accentuated waist
  • No pipe on the roof
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 2
0, 2
0, 2
0, 2
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
Communication difficulties
  • No door
  • Very small door
  • No windows
  • Windows - openings without frames
  • Excessively closed windows
  • Selected person
  • Face drawn last
  • Lack of basic facial details
  • The man is drawn primitively
  • Door without handle
  • House, man in profile
  • Hands in a defensive position
  • The drawn man is lonely, according to the child
0, 2
0, 1
0, 2
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 2
0, 2
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
0, 1
  • Place the picture at the very bottom of the sheet
  • Top view of a tree or house
  • Base line going down
  • Line weakening as you draw
  • Extreme fatigue after drawing
  • Very small drawings
0, 1, 2, 3
0, 2
0, 2
0, 2

Maximum possible points:

  1. Insecurity - 32.
  2. Anxiety - 33.
  3. Lack of self-confidence - 8.
  4. Feeling of completeness - 16.
  5. Hostility - 15.
  6. Conflict, frustration - 23.
  7. Communication difficulties - 18.
  8. Depression - 10.

If the result for each indicator exceeds 50% of the possible number of points, then this indicates that the child needs professional help from a psychologist and the selection of a correctional program. The norm is considered to be the sum of points scored from zero to a quarter of each maximum value.

Interpretation of drawing features

No detail in the process of analyzing a drawing can be superfluous. Here are the nuances you should pay attention to when examining the image and interpreting the child’s behavior:

  • The absence of additional elements in the picture indicates serious emotional distress or problems in mental development.
  • The excess of details reveals in the “artist” a sensitive and very vulnerable nature. Often this feature occurs when the subject is incapable of starting a conversation.
  • A chaotic image or arrangement of elements indicates a tendency to sudden mood swings.
  • If the drawing becomes better after such actions, then there is no reason to worry.
  • But cases where the use of an eraser leads to image deterioration require clarification of the reasons for possible anxiety.
Ground linesA very important element of the drawing that determines determination.
  • The absence of at least some support indicates that the subject is uncomfortable, something is weighing him down.
  • An overly drawn outline or thick strokes express anxiety and irritability.
  • Lines emanating from below and diverging upward show a reluctance to face the unknown.
  • If the base line goes down and turns to the right, then the child is seriously worried about his future. This element is not taken into account when analyzing the results of very young children.
OutlinesThis nuance provides information about the subject’s ability to maintain personal balance.
  • Thick lines symbolize anger combined with anxiety.
  • An equally strongly induced contour of all elements is a history of a mental disorder or hidden (overt) hostility towards the depicted object.
  • The alternation of thick and thin strokes speaks of growing tension and foreboding of trouble.
  • If the baby shifts the drawing down, then he is prone to impulsiveness. However, for subjects aged 4–5 years, this arrangement is not considered beyond the norm.
  • A shift to the left is typical mainly for teenagers who are concerned about what awaits them in the future.
  • If the image goes to the right, then the child is clearly trying to avoid any worries.
  • Moving into the upper third implies pronounced aggressive tendencies, as well as increased egocentrism.
  • Turning the sheet is also a negative tendency - probably the subject is inclined to avoid responsibility.
  • If objects are turned sideways, then the subject’s personality cannot accept the environment, trying to hide his “I”.
  • The full-face image demonstrates the straightforwardness and directness of the child. Quite often, such drawings are created by children 6–8 years old - at an age when encountering new conditions (schooling) gives reason to doubt the absolute correctness of adults.
  • If the perspective of the drawing is directed into the distance, then this indicates a desire to isolate from society; the subject feels cut off from those around him.
ProportionThe ratio of details shows how strong the child’s tendency to avoid communication is, as well as the degree of his repression.
  • Severe violations of proportions indicate a serious intellectual deviation (both reversible and irreversible).
  • The image of objects in the distance shows a clear desire to reject the value meanings that a tree, a house and a person carry within them. Such nihilism is especially common in the drawings of teenagers.
Corrections and additionsIf a child completes drawings of elements without erasing the previous ones, then he is prone to internal and external conflicts.
Uncertain drawing
  • Often this occurs because it is difficult for the “artist” to present the final result as a complete picture.
  • However, sometimes it can also be an indicator of a loss of balance.
  • If the size of the object is limited and looks compressed, then the subject clearly suffers from the boundaries established in his life.
TransparencyThis characteristic indicates the child's desire to ignore reality. But some objects that are not filled with color do not lose touch with reality. That is why school psychologists do not pay attention to such a component (except in cases where transparency is inherent in about 70% of the illustration).

Interpretation of key objects in the drawing


  • If the building is old, then the subject shows rejection of himself.
  • If the house is located in the foreground, then the child is hospitable and loves to spend time with his peers.
  • The steps leading to the door reveal the rational thinking of the “artist,” but if they rest against a blank wall, the subject has problems establishing communicative contact.
  • The manner in which the walls are depicted indicates the ability to control the situation. So, too thick walls with a clear outline - the desire to be included in everything that happens in the real world. But thin, almost imperceptible contour lines betray the opposite: the desire to close off from reality.
  • The pipe symbolizes warmth and comfort. By its absence, the subject shows a lack of heat. A drainpipe is a symbol of suspiciousness.
  • Distorting details of the house reveals the subject's hostility. The same can be said about the absence or, conversely, an excessive number of doors, windows and rooms. A clear line demarcating the floors of the room indicates a rational approach to solving issues.
  • The analysis of the images of doors deserves special attention. If they are not marked in the house, then it is difficult for the child to open up to other people, including loved ones. The presence of only side ones indicates the subject’s desire to escape from problems and give in. Pay attention to the order in which the element is depicted: the door, painted last, indicates a reluctance to communicate with people. An unlocked door is a symbol of openness. The larger the size of this object, the more comfortable the child feels in life. The castle indicates secrecy and hostility towards others.
  • A well-drawn roof is a tribute to the desire to be protected. At an older age - a manifestation of infantilism. Too much canopy indicates that the subject is living in his fantasies.
  • The presence of extensions may indicate resentment or anger towards the person who owns this house.
  • A building in motion is an indicator of psychophysical disorders.
  • The drawn interior of the living room shows the need for live communication.
  • The absence of windows indicates alienation and hostility. In children's drawings you can often notice many openings. This speaks of a desire to explore the world by any means. Open shutters or curtains indicate anxiety in the subject. Wide open windows indicate the subject's straightforwardness. Introverted children often draw these elements with castles. It is also important to pay attention to the distribution of openings. If they are concentrated on the ground floor, then the child is very open; on the second, the fantasy world captures the subject more than the real one.
  • If the path to the house is shown as short, then the subject prefers loneliness; a winding path reveals a creative person, but a straight path reveals an innovator who will always look for easy ways in everything. But if the path narrows towards the house, then the child is cheerful and sociable in public, but at home prefers to “recharge” in silence.


  • Foliage. The round shape of the crown indicates excessive emotionality, but the round pattern of the leaves indicates that the child feels abandoned. If the leaves are marked schematically, then this is a sure sign that the subject wants to close people off. If a child draws palm leaves, then he dreams of traveling. Net-shaped leaves are a symbol of the ability to solve problems on your own.
  • Lowered branches are a sign of reluctance to make efforts, but raised ones, on the contrary, show enthusiasm. In adolescence, it is also a thirst for power. Branches spread out in different directions indicate a search for ways of self-affirmation, but in children this arrangement indicates confusion.
  • A well-drawn crown shows the exaltation and emotionality of the subject.
  • Trunk. If it is drawn with one line, then the subject does not want to look at the world objectively, preferring to live in an illusory world. The curve is an indicator of inhibition. A tree torn out of the soil indicates a child’s lack of contact with the outside world. When the trunk expands downwards, this indicates that the child is looking for sympathy and support from loved ones.
  • If the illustration shows not one, but two trees, then perhaps the person being tested in this way showed himself and an adult who is significant to him (this requires clarification in the conversation).
  • The depiction of the earth with one stroke shows the desire for order, and with several strokes it shows the desire to obey only one’s own rules. The latter option is most often seen in illustrations made by children, which deserve the definition of “obedient.”
  • Small roots symbolize curiosity, which is the driving force behind almost all of the subject's actions. Two lines as roots are a desire to suppress some manifestations in oneself (not always bad).
  • The symmetry of the plant shows the subject’s desire to be in harmony with the world around him. This is also a manifestation of the fact that the child is undecided about a choice.

Did your child draw several trees? He may simply not be following the test instructions, or may have signs of mental retardation. However, this does not apply to the situation when 2 trees appear in the picture.


Usually, children spend the most time drawing a person. It is important for the experimenter not to interrupt or distract the subject during this process.

  • Head. With a large head, the subject shows his understanding of the concept of “smart person”, and also clearly places himself in this category. Small heads, as a symbol of intellectual underdevelopment, are drawn by children aged 9–16 years, especially those with learning problems. Also, a tiny part of the body indicates the child’s shyness.
  • Neck. Long - the desire to control everything that happens around. Usually this element is inherent in the drawings of very active children. Thick and short indicates compliance.
  • Shoulders. Broad - recognition of the power of force over the mind. Small ones are a symbol of a feeling of one’s own worthlessness, belittling one’s merits. Sloping shoulder girdle - a feeling of guilt before a loved one.
  • Torso. A large one speaks of dissatisfaction with something, and a small one speaks of one’s own low value.
  • A prominent chin shows the subject's need to dominate. Wide is usually drawn by indecisive guys.
  • Sparse or too thin eyebrows are usually depicted by children who approach reality with a great deal of skepticism.
  • Those who have a hard time withstanding criticism tend to have big ears. Disproportionally small - a symbol of the desire to drown out any attempts to influence the choice or decision of a teenager. For children this does not have any symbolic meaning.
  • Small eyes show the child's isolation. Lush eyelashes are often painted by children aged 10–16 years, since at this age the desire to show off oneself awakens.
  • A wide smile denotes insincerity, forced friendliness. The dash mouth demonstrates passive acceptance of life; in children this may be due to the overprotectiveness of adults. Clearly drawn teeth are present in pictures of children who often show aggression.
  • The larger the nose, the more cheerful the subject's disposition. The emphasis on the nostrils is made by children who are prone to demonstrating anger.
  • Hair and eyebrows: the more shaded these elements are, the stronger the expression of anxiety in the subject. Unpainted hair, decorated only with an outline, speaks of the child’s hostility.
  • The longer the arms, the more ambitious the child is tested. Limbs behind the back are drawn by those who do not know how to compromise. Hands are drawn on the chest by suspicious children. The limbs are pressed too tightly to the body by clumsy guys who constantly hear such a reproach addressed to them. Excessively large hands are depicted by impulsive subjects. If a child completely “forgot” about his limbs, then perhaps he has some psycho-emotional disorders. Hands behind your back is a desire to hide something. The absence of palms may be a sign that the subject does not feel maternal love. The more fingers a child draws, the more ambition he has. Thin phalanges are a symbol of hostility. Primitive knuckles symbolize callousness, sometimes even aggression. If there are fewer than five fingers, then the subject may be dependent on the opinions of adults and often feels powerless in resolving certain issues.
  • If a child begins to depict a person by drawing legs, then the “artist” treats others with a degree of timidity. The unequal size of these limbs indicates a desire for independence. The emphasis on the legs is usually made by subjects who tend to be rude. The absence of such body parts indicates shyness and isolation. Dependence on authoritative adults is shown by disproportionately small feet. On the contrary, too long ones indicate a desire to demonstrate one’s independence.
  • If the back of the figure’s head is visible, then the child tends to be withdrawn. A running man symbolizes the desire to hide something. A figure shown only in outline speaks of a reluctance to have anything in common with others. This situation can arise if a child (most often a teenager) has problems both with studying and with establishing contacts with peers.
  • A body unbalanced in space indicates tension. The image of a doll is a recognition of one’s compliance. If a child draws, for example, Baba Yaga, then he clearly has a hostile attitude towards women. But a clown in adolescence is a symbol of self-contempt.

The “House, Tree, Person” method is a useful test for a specialist in psychology working with children. However, the experimenter should be very careful in interpreting the test results, also including notes taken during the conversation with the child, as well as referring to his own experience. Only in this case can the analysis be considered objective.

Instructions for the drawing test "House"

Please draw a house (it should not be an apartment building, it should not be a specific house that belongs to you or your friends).

Testing material requires a sheet of A4 size paper and a pencil. The sheet of paper should be white, not glossy, without any lines or cells. Use a medium soft pencil; You cannot draw with a pen or felt-tip pens.

Questions about the drawing

  1. Where is this house located?
  2. How many rooms are there in the house?
  3. Who lives in it?
  4. Where is this house located?
  5. What is the most comfortable place in it, and why?
  6. Which place is the least comfortable, why?

When we look at windows, we have associations with eyes. If we remember children's drawings, little children's houses are anthropomorphic (the roof is like hair, the windows are like eyes, etc.). According to Freud, if in a dream we see that we are looking for some kind of house or walking inside some kind of building, this is interpreted as that we are looking for ourselves or something inside ourselves. He has a clear identification of man and house.

“My home is my fortress!” - the roof inside the house of those who are not entirely healthy is leaking. This is a natural self-identification.

The door is communication. Therefore, if the door is located in front, then, as a rule, this person is quite sociable and sociable. But there are subtleties, for example, there is a door in front, but a very high porch leads to it. This is typical for selectively sociable people, with such a tendency to select and check their acquaintances (“I have a narrow circle of friends and they have all been proven and reliable for a long time”). A narrow porch means that a person forces people who want to get close to him to go through some tests. The applicant for friendship, moving from step to step, takes an exam. Then - a well-designed, detailed porch (can be like a separate house). If a person has anxious attitudes in his contacts, he also draws a path. And if it’s even stronger, it creates a path to the house. Also, how the door is drawn: it may be drawn alarmingly or blackened, there may be a darkened handle or peephole.

If the door in front is better for communication, if on the side there is some half-heartedness, he doesn’t fully want to communicate, and if there is no door at all (“and the door is there, on the back facade”), then it’s the same as if the person is standing with his back to us, isolation, reluctance to make contact.

The door may be disproportionately small or drawn in such a way that it is impossible to enter it.

Drawing tests, since they are projective, can be more in-depth

If the road leads past the house, there is low interest in people coming to you. In general, the road is a social desirability. It is necessary to show that the person is sociable.
When there are high windows and a high foundation and a high porch, there is a feeling of some kind of fortress.
A door like a lattice is also an additional protection.

On the one hand, they show us something, like eyes. On the other hand, they talk about the degree of interest in information about the outside world. Therefore, people who are not very inquisitive draw high windows. And large windows are painted by people who are contemplative, observant and want to know more.

Antennas on the roof and huge windows indicate a high need for information and knowledge.

If the windows are small or curtained, a person has a need to quickly hide what he wants to hide.

It’s interesting when these curtains are not simple, but when they are super-ornate, with decorations, frills - any decorations speak of hysterical tendencies, a desire to attract attention, to demonstrate and show off.

Flowers on the curtains - the desire to draw attention to what he wants to draw attention to and demonstrate what he wants to demonstrate and hides what he wants to hide.

There are houses that give the impression of being lifeless, emotionally emasculated, and impoverished.

Darkened windows are like a person wearing sunglasses and not wanting their eyes to see. And empty windows mean emotional impoverishment and lack of emotionality.

If the house does not make ends meet and has a hazy and insufficiently constructed image, this will indicate its unclear self-image.

There are windows that also have bars. And here another interpretation of the house arises, rather a correlation with parents' house, in which our subject grew up. Because if he grew up like in a prison, he will draw the windows as sash windows, but they look like bars. And he will have problems with internal freedom.

Any decorations on the roof, be it weather vanes or other things, are often a need to demonstrate one’s intellectual abilities, education and erudition. Because the roof is the head.

The degree of elaboration of the roof: if it is slightly sketched in the expected way - not alarming, not in detail, rather conditionally - this is also not specifically discussed.

And if the roof is well detailed - for example, there are a lot of tiles, we can interpret. Both remind us of how a teenager often draws either a shell or a relief in a non-existent animal. It could be both: a shell on the roof and a fence like a ridge. The shell is protection from pressure from above, and aggression is also directed upward, protection from leading figures.

Tests - invisible to the world tears. Because from the outside it seems that everything is ok. Until you dig it

A window in the plane of the roof, through which you can see the sky from below, and from above you can look into it.

“Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome” is a syndrome of made thoughts, a person has the feeling that he is being watched, that his thoughts do not belong to him, but are put into his head by the KGB, a dentist, etc. He is imperatively ordered what he needs to do, where he needs to go, etc. As a rule, they arise in people who were brought up in conditions where every thought had to be learned and everything had to be examined under a microscope. Clinical patients draw transparent houses, which are like in geometry textbooks, where all the edges are visible. And then the feeling that any of his thoughts can be completely read, that he can be seen right through.

Water pipes are phallic symbolism. The pipes on the house have a special meaning. Smoke is emotionality, the release of some affects or feelings. Therefore, when there is a chimney, but there is no smoke, there is control, excessive restraint. If the smoke is moderate and normal - ok. And if there is too much smoke - a very strong affective outburst, anger, explosion, irritation, etc. There seems to be more smoke than there should be.

If there is a pipe and it is of normal size, it is normal. If there is a pipe and it’s very brick, it’s alarming, since it could be control over the sexual sphere.

The whole house is pale - the porch, foundation (need for support), dormer (need for control) and chimney are highlighted. It turns out that this is a need for support, an interest in relationships and, in particular, in the sexual sphere.

If a man has a pipe that is too blackened and disproportionate, then this may indicate anxiety, concern regarding this area: this can be the case in adolescents and indicates concern. If an adult draws a naked woman on a drawing of a person and a large pipe, or, on the contrary, he will have a small and inconspicuous, weakly drawn pipe (depending on the energy, strong or weak), there are also problems in the sexual sphere. And sometimes this happens to immature, young people - there is no pipe, because the problem of the sexual sphere is not represented in the head.

First there are irrational prohibitions on sex. And then, growing up, a person rationalizes them using religious things.

- head, mind. The attic is interpreted in three ways. If they say that there are a lot of unnecessary things, this is repression.

She bakes pies and doesn’t eat herself, she treats her girlfriends - sublimation of needs for sex.

Why can the attic be an unpleasant place? Because there are some nasty rats there, as one test subject said. And then there are a lot of fears (there are ghosts and the bats). If the roof is leaking, a person has a feeling that his psyche is not in order. And the third option is when his intellect is impaired: people with disabilities and imbecility say that the attic is empty and there is nothing to do.

On the contrary, for schizoid people prone to daydreaming it will be the most pleasant place. Because this is above the level of everyday life, it is an opportunity to rise above everyday life. And many teenagers, who in this sense are similar to schizoids, also choose the attic.

Most people say that the most pleasant place is the living room. But at the same time, often an unpleasant place is a corridor, a canopy, a place in front of the door - where there are strangers, a passageway, a draft, a lot of dirty shoes and a mess. This means that inside the house there is security, a narrow circle, one’s own, but the outside world is unpleasant, a feeling of hostility, uncertainty and insecurity - everything that does not belong to the outside world.

Just as the roof is the head, the cellar or basement is the sexual sphere. Men often say, for example, that this is an unpleasant place because there is only technology (no feelings, no relationships, only technology). Maybe in adolescence. This is a rather unpleasant moment, because in adolescence there is a combination of emotional and sexual components.

If favorite place kitchen - women who assert themselves in the role of housewife, who like to cook and like to be praised for it - their favorite place is the kitchen. On the contrary, for women on a diet and with anorexia, the kitchen is the most unpleasant place. Men who are smothered by their mother can also say that the kitchen is the most unpleasant place.

Schizophrenics with schizophrenogenic mothers say that the most unpleasant place is in the chimney.

If they say that there are no unpleasant places, this is repressing problems. And he needs to say which place is the least pleasant.

The number of rooms indicates self-esteem and level of aspiration. If there are up to five rooms, this is the norm. If twenty is a lot. This is a problem with reality.

If this house is in the mountains, in the forest, turned so that there is no door, just one room and grandparents live there - minimalism, lack of pretensions, schizoid.

The place where the house is located: if the house is among similar houses - the desire for socialization and to join the team. If the house stands on its own, far from other houses, then this is a desire for some kind of distancing.

A drawing of a house a little provokes people into some kind of magic: the feeling that if you draw it all, you will have it. And people draw more. The second interpretation is that when a house is just drawn like that, you can track who is coming there. But you can see when he's really close. And if you arrange a large area - this is all their territory and thus the house located in the center is even safer.

When they draw a tree, then only their “I” is there. And when home is here powerful influences from childhood.

For bachelors, the most pleasant childhood is the bedroom, since there is no one there except him.

In order to trust that, for example, if there are big ears, then dependence on the opinions of others, and if there is a hollow in a tree, then psychological trauma, you need to be in the know. Most people tend to discount what is said.

If a man draws himself much more than a woman in a drawing of a person, then the matter may be that he feels insecure with his peers. Very often, children who are not very confident in themselves, who do not know how to communicate with their peers, very often communicate with younger children (if they are bad, they will spread rot and show aggression, if they are good, they will receive satisfaction in the fact that they need him and that he can help, but at the same time, both will assert themselves).

Consider cozy and uncomfortable places


  • Normally, somewhere near the stove, the living room, where the family gathers. Separate room - upstairs, sometimes an attic room - from there good view, there you can retire, read books...
  • If the favorite place is the kitchen - women who assert themselves in the role of housewife, who like to cook and like to be praised for it - their favorite place is the kitchen.
  • Veranda, terrace - the border between the house and the outside world, between the outside and the inside. It happens to people who are not comfortable at home and want more freedom. A cozy place outside the home is an attempt at synthesis between external freedom and oneself. It's not bad. But it happens that a person feels bad in the house.
  • Attic, attic, second floor - when a self-sufficient person. When he wants to think, be with himself, read, break away from routine - positive features. Do not touch base problems on the 1st floor.
  • Corridor or hallway - negative.
  • Bedroom - may mean that a person needs to rest and relax. If it’s related to relationships, then it would be good for the two of us.
  • Rocking chair - the desire to relax.
  • Sometimes they draw a staircase to the 2nd floor - the person does not know how to communicate.

Often an unpleasant place is a corridor, a canopy, a place in front of a door - where there are strangers, a passageway, a draft, a lot of dirty shoes and a mess. This means that inside the house there is security, a narrow circle, one’s own, but the outside world is unpleasant, a feeling of hostility, uncertainty and insecurity - everything that does not belong to the outside world.

For women on a diet and with anorexia, the kitchen is the most unpleasant place. Men who are smothered by their mother can also say that the kitchen is the most unpleasant place.

When the attic is interpreted as an uncomfortable place, there may be options:

  • non-intellectual, with low education, low mental capacity, “losers” (such as “it’s empty there and there’s nothing to do”);
  • Repressing unpleasant thoughts, memories, problems. Refusal to work on yourself. Then they say that there is so much thrown in that you could break a leg, all the junk is piled up...;
  • When it’s scary there (dark, mice, ghosts), children’s fears are not processed;
Attic - head, mind. The attic is interpreted in three ways. If they say that there are a lot of unnecessary things, this is repression.

She bakes pies and doesn’t eat herself, she treats her girlfriends - sublimation of needs for sex.

Why can the attic be an unpleasant place? Because there are some nasty rats there, as one test subject said. And then there are a lot of fears (there are ghosts and bats).

Bedroom - if there is an emotional squabble in the family. Guest bedroom - possible problems with casual sex.


Basement - sexual sphere

This is our bottom. Can be interpreted as the subconscious, but more often it is the sexual sphere. Associated with genealogical problems in women. If this is the case, then you need to specifically ask for more details. If with a ladder, then you can fall - “fallen woman.” Men have a pleasant basement where there is a generator that heats the whole house. It can be bad - an unpleasant place, there is only technology. There are no feelings, no emotions, sex is like acrobatics.

Often - uncomfortable, cold, damp... Troubles with the basement - anti-sexual education of women and men, fears, problems with achieving pleasure.

Men often say, for example, that this is an unpleasant place because there is only technology (no feelings, no relationships, only technology). Maybe in adolescence. This is a rather unpleasant moment, because in adolescence there is a combination of emotional and sexual components.

J. Book in 1948 proposed an interesting method for the “House-Tree-Man” test, which still has no equal in popularity. It is suitable for both adults and children. We decided to talk about it in detail.

Psychological test “House-tree-person”

At the same time, the essence picture test“House-tree-person” is very simple: the subject is given paper and asked to draw three designated objects in one scene, indicating their interaction - house, person and tree.

Take a piece of paper, sit comfortably and draw a house, a tree and a person. The test has been passed, all that remains is to interpret it! A picture is a metaphor that reflects your life.

Decoding the test “House-tree-person”

Analyzing the “House-Tree-Person” test is a long and troublesome task, but once you grasp the essence, you will easily understand everything. First, notice in what order the objects were drawn? If first there is a tree, then life energy is important to a person. If a house means security and success, and if a person means satisfaction of needs. So, let’s look at the “House-Tree-Person” test and its interpretation in more detail.

Pay attention to the house - this is an attitude towards yourself. If he is large and handsome, then the person loves himself, but if he is away, then he feels abandoned. If instead of a house there is a top view, a projection, then the person has big problems.

If the house is closed, there are no windows or doors - isolation, inaccessibility. Steps that go not to the door, but to a blank wall - a conflict situation.

If the house does not have a lower line, it comes from below - the person has weak contact with reality, but if this line is too bright - difficulties and anxiety. If the lateral contours are thin - a feeling of danger. If a one-dimensional perspective is depicted, before and from the side, the person is alienated from those around him.

If there are no doors, the person is closed. If they are on the side, he is retreating or detached. And if the doors are open - a sign of frankness, a desire for warmth from the outside. If the doors are too large - dependence on others, and if they are small - isolation (as with a large lock).

If thick smoke comes out of the chimney - internal inaccessibility, thin - lack of emotional warmth. Open windows indicate straightforwardness and readiness for contacts; closed windows indicate that a person is burdened by communication. The brighter the roof, the stronger man depends on your fantasies.


The results of the “House-Tree-Man-Tree” test are determined the smallest details. For example, pay attention to the head. If it is large, intelligence is emphasized, small - its absence, unclear - shyness, conflicts are drawn last. At the same time, a long neck speaks of self-control, and a short neck speaks of impulsiveness. The more one facial feature is emphasized, the more important this channel of perception is for a person, and if the chin is emphasized, this is a desire to dominate.

Lack of ears means ignoring criticism. If the eyes are small - self-absorption, large ones - rudeness, large eyelashes - flirtatiousness. If the hair is shaded - anxiety, if not - hostility.

Large shoulders indicate a craving for power, small ones indicate a feeling of one’s own unimportance. The more angular the body, the more courageous the person. Too small a body - humiliation, large – unmet needs.

The better the limbs are drawn, the more firmly the person stands on the ground and is more ready for action.


If roots are visible in the picture, it means the person is overly curious; if they are indicated by a line, it means the presence of secrets. If the crown is round - emotionality, if the branches are drooping - refusal of effort, in different directions - searching for contacts, spraying. If all the branches are drawn with one line - avoidance of reality. Palma speaks of a desire for change, weeping willow– about lack of energy. If the trunk is drawn thin lines, and the crown is thick - the desire to assert oneself and act freely. If the lines are uniform, with pressure - determination and productivity.