When is Svetlana’s name day according to the church. Svetlana's name day according to the church calendar

  • 21.09.2023

The airy and simple female name Svetlana arose from the Slavic word “bright”. Nobody knows exactly when it originated, but the name is still popular.

Form of pronunciation of the name Svetlana in other countries: Ukraine - Svitlana, Belarus - Svyatlana, Czech Republic - Svetlushe.

Diminutive form of the name: Svetik, Svetlanochka, Sveta, Svetusik, Svetlanusik, Svetulya, Svetusya, Svetka, Svetochka, Svet, Svetulka, Lana, Lanochka, Lanusik, Lanka.

Day Angel

Svetlana celebrates her name day 3 times a year:

  • February 26.
  • April 2.
  • November 16.

Patron saints of Svetlana

The church form named after Svetlana is Fotina.

  • Photina of Palestine. Venerated on February 26th. During a shipwreck, Fotina was thrown onto an island, where she met a Christian, who, having converted her to the Christian faith, sailed away, leaving her alone in prayer. For the next six years until Photina's death, Christian periodically sailed to bring her food.
  • Photina of Rome. Honored on April 2. She is described in one of the life stories of Jesus as the girl who gave him a drink at Jacob's well. Photina and her sons were killed in 66 for their Christian faith.


Svetlana’s character depends on the time of year of birth:

Winter - Powerful, ambitious, ambitious, careerist.

Spring - Insecure, suspicious, depressed, weak-willed.

Summer - Talented, sociable, sympathetic, kind.

Autumn - Distrustful, non-conflict, reasonable, pragmatic.


Little Svetlana is growing up to be a very active, cheerful, sociable girl. She is always surrounded by friends with whom she loves to walk from morning to evening and play numerous games. At the same time, he does not refuse to help his mother with housework and look after his younger brothers and sisters. From a young age, she chooses the clothes she will wear and the hairstyle her mother will give her. She loves to twirl in front of the mirror in her mother’s clothes and look into her mother’s makeup bag. In a word, she is growing up to be a real coquette.

Thanks to her good memory, Svetlana studies well at school, but without much interest in her subjects. If her parents manage to instill in Svetlana a love of reading, she will grow up to be a comprehensively developed person. During adolescence, Svetlana is more interested in hanging out with friends than studying. If no one monitors her school progress, she will soon lose interest in studying and after school will not want to continue her studies at a higher educational institution. Svetlana knows how to make friends, she will always come to the aid of her friends, for which they appreciate her.

Even as an adult, Svetlana remains friendly and optimistic and loves meeting new people. There is no envy in her, she is incapable of harming anyone. Svetlana cannot always complete a task, but no one around her knows this, since she has the ability to convince people that she has the situation under control. Svetlana does not like to listen to other people's advice, but she loves to be praised. She is very quick-witted, flaring up at her interlocutor, and after a minute she calmly continues the conversation. She practically never has a bad mood. She always dresses with taste, follows fashion, carefully selects jewelry to match her clothes, and loves to visit beauty salons. She can easily start her life from scratch.


The emotional and impressionable Svetlana may have problems with the cardiovascular and nervous system. As an adult, Svetlana may experience frequent migraines due to nervous tension. She needs to take care of herself and not overexert herself, take light sedatives.


At school age, Svetlana does not always know what she wants to work as an adult, so after graduation she can change several professions until she finds one that can unleash her full potential. But few of Svetlana climb the career ladder, due to their reluctance to work from dawn to dusk and improve their skills. She will make an excellent cook, sales consultant, cameraman, manager, musician, artist, actress. It’s better for Svetlana not to start her own business; she lacks the business acumen that is so necessary in this matter. Basically, Svetlana just goes with the flow, preferring not to think about work problems. If she doesn’t like something at work, she will quit without regret and find another job.


Beautiful and well-groomed Svetlana is popular with men, with whom she feels more at ease than with women. Svetlana often looks like a real snow queen, but appearances are deceiving. In fact, Svetlana is very tender and passionate in love, she gives all of herself to her loved one. For her, a man’s appearance and the size of his wallet are unimportant. If she likes a man, she will date him, and may even agree to one-time sex without obligation. Having truly fallen in love, Svetlana will not cheat on her chosen one, and he will be happy with her.


It is unusual for Svetlana to marry the first man she comes across. She understands the value of marriage, so she carefully chooses her husband, thanks to this she practically does not make mistakes in her choice and gets divorced very rarely. For the sake of her family, she can quit her job and devote herself entirely to housekeeping and raising children. Thanks to Svetlana’s ability to adapt to any person, her husband will be comfortable with her and will not have to change his habits. The husband will have to manage the family budget, since Svetlana can spend all the money in a short time and not save anything for a rainy day.

Compatibility with male names

  • Excellent: Ruslan, Semyon, Alexander, Vadim, Mikhail, Igor, Nikolay, Arseny, Stepan, Konstantin, Alexey, Yaroslav, Vyacheslav, Artem, Roman, Nikita, Denis.
  • Bad: Victor, Peter, Dmitry, Maxim, Anton, Vasily, Gleb, Oleg, Vladislav, Lev, Pavel, Vladimir, Kirill, Ilya, Ivan, Matvey, Evgeny.


Planet - Mercury.

Name color - Brown.

Time of year - Winter.

Happy day of the week is Saturday.

Lucky number is 6.

Metal - Iron.

Zodiac sign - Aquarius.

Element - Earth.

Totem animal - Hare.

Plant - Lily.

Tree - Birch.

Mineral talisman - Rock crystal.

Famous people named Svetlana

Svetlana Kryuchkova is a Soviet actress.

Svetlana Savitskaya - Soviet cosmonaut.

Svetlana Nemolyaeva is a Soviet actress.

Svetlana Alexievich is a Belarusian writer.

Svetlana Bestuzheva is a Russian journalist.

Svetlana Fedorenko is a Soviet pilot.

Personal names were not limited by canons. The visual characteristics of the child, the attitude of family members towards the baby, even the serial number of birth could be used as a name. So the name “Nine” could surprise few people, and a fair-haired girl named Svetlana (Svetlyana) was found in every village.

With the adoption of Christianity, children began to be named after the holy great martyrs, the number of which at first was insignificant. That is why numerous Ivans, Maryas, and Annas appeared.

Throughout almost the entire 20th century, they were not remembered, and names were given in accordance with fashion, in honor of relatives or.

But in recent decades there has been an increasing interest in traditions, including the naming of children according to the calendar.

What are saints

The Saints and Monthly calendar are a kind of calendar for the remembrance of saints. For every day there are several names. It is believed that on a child’s birthday, one of these saints comes down to him and prepares to become his guardian angel. Therefore, it is important that the child’s name corresponds to one of the names of the holy great martyrs of that day.

Throughout the history of Christianity, the calendar has been replenished with new names, but mainly of Greek, Latin, and Jewish origin. Rus' did not have its own saints, since pagans could not become Christian great martyrs. But Old Church Slavonic names nevertheless appear, for example, Lyudmila is even mentioned twice.

How to choose a baptismal name?

The problem is not the simplest, considering that many modern secular names are either not in the calendar, or they are given in their original sound, that is, without translation.

It turns out to be a paradoxical situation when girls named after the most famous great martyrs - Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov - cannot receive this name at baptism, since Orthodoxy has only their not entirely euphonious Greek originals - Pistis, Elpis and Agape. And only the original name of the mother from Sophia (Wisdom) turned out to be more acceptable as a name.

There is no consensus among clergy on this matter. Some willingly give the child his secular name, others give the name of the nearest saint at baptism, others offer parents a choice of several options that best suit their consonance.

And what should we call Svetlana now?

Svetlana is an Old Slavonic name, which, according to the meaning of “bright” in the calendar, corresponds to Photinia (February 26) or Photina (April 2).

The name Svetlana is considered unique, the origin of which is still being debated. Previously it was believed that the church name Svetlana meant “bright”. Scientists have expressed opinions about the ancient Greek origin of this name. But this version was not confirmed either. The name Svetlana was first mentioned in the poem “Svetlana and Mstislav” by A. Kh. Vostokov, which was written in 1802. After some time, Svetlana’s name day was included in the Orthodox calendar.

Patron Saints and Angel Day

Svetlana in church - Fotinia (Fotina, Fatinia). Photinia of Palestine was the patroness of all Svetlana. Her path to faith began with a shipwreck in which only she could survive. Then the waves washed this girl to the island where blessed Martinian lived. It was he who told Svetlana that he had been living on this island completely alone for many years, but three times a year a shipowner came to him and brought provisions. After this story, he blessed Svetlana, and he rushed into the sea, where he was picked up by dolphins and was able to get to the shore with their help.

After some time, a shipman sailed to the island, but the girl refused to return to the world, after which she devoted all her time to prayers. After 6 years, she died, which was discovered by the shipowner who once again arrived on the island. The Venerable Samaritan and Great Martyr Svetlana was buried in Caesarea in Palestine, where on January 10, 1991, a temple was erected in her honor.

In Orthodoxy, the righteous turn to the icon of St. Svetlana with any problems in their lives, praying for well-being and health. Akathists in Latin are also dedicated to her.

According to the calendar, Svetlana's name day according to the church calendar are celebrated three times a year on the following biblical dates:

  • February 26.
  • April 2.
  • November 16.

If the child was born approximately on these Orthodox dates with a slight difference in days, then he should be given the name Svetlana at baptism.

Characteristics of the name

Svetlana represent responsible independent individuals who are accustomed to relying only on themselves. All the energy of this name is literally imbued with mobility, lightness, emotionality and fun. This is probably why it remains very popular among the Slavic peoples.

In their lives, these women are distinguished by their sociability and friendliness; they adore cheerful, noisy companies, as well as new acquaintances. The Svets fully justify their bright name, since they are non-envious and unforgiving individuals who can easily find a common language with absolutely any opponent. They do not have any special tenacity of character or the ability to complete the work they have started, however, thanks to their self-confidence, such women manage to convince people around them that they have the qualities they lack.

Kindness and authority can be traced in the character, inability to make decisions and perseverance, altruism and inflated self-esteem. The generosity and friendliness of such women does not prevent them from being a commander and leader, as well as firmly defending their opinions. Svetlana's positive qualities are more pronounced than her negative ones. They know how to not pay attention to someone’s public opinion, they even like it when people talk about them.

It is always quite difficult for Lights to cope with their emotions; they are very temperamental individuals. Their authority goes well with their easygoing nature. That is why it is easy to communicate with such women, even if they are in a bad mood.

If necessary, such individuals can easily change their lives, reconsider their priorities and views. Lights easily take on faith everything that other people say.

Fate is not always kind to Svetlana, but a flexible psyche and good adaptability allow such women to endure setbacks.

They quite often need support, but they absolutely do not know how to ask for help, and by nature they do not have enough determination to achieve some high goal that women set for themselves. The Lights begin to panic at the first difficulties, but it is not in their nature to ask for help. The indecisiveness of these women forces them to go with the flow, as well as follow a well-trodden path.

Despite all the absurdity of their character, Svetlana knows how to be friends with complete devotion and selflessness. It is always cozy and bright to be around such people, and the wisdom that inevitably comes to them with age only enhances the attractiveness of women for communication. There has never been and never will be self-interest and impudence in such individuals.

Sveta's childhood and youth

Little girls are mother's first helpers, they are happy to wash dishes, help cook and babysit their younger sisters and brothers. Svetki is cheerful and sociable, easily joining any children's team.

They love to command and are always the center of attention, but they lack self-confidence. They study well at school, since they have a good memory, but their knowledge is very superficial and limited to the information in textbooks. Parents need to instill in their daughters a love of reading from an early age, then they will grow into well-rounded individuals.

These girls have a very flexible psyche, therefore, what values ​​will be instilled in them by their parents and teachers in childhood will be the main ones for them. It is necessary to develop sense of purpose in Svetlanas, otherwise, as they get older, they will not want to study or work.

However, strict upbringing is not suitable for Sveta, since in this case the volcanic sides of the girl’s character may appear. After many years of suppressing emotions and feelings, they can be transmitted with a vengeance in the form of wild life and fun. Therefore, parents need to find a middle ground.

Health and sexuality

The main thing for such women is their moral and psychological state. They may often have headaches, especially in those cases when Svetlana is very nervous. These individuals need to follow a daily routine and get enough sleep, otherwise migraine attacks may intensify.

Svetlanas always feel better in the company of men with whom they easily find a common language. These individuals have a superficial approach to life, so they do not have any clear criteria for choosing a partner. If a woman likes a man, she can easily agree to have sex.

At first glance, such natures may seem unapproachable and cold, but in fact they are terribly romantic and sensitive to signs of attention. Life without a man is aimless for Svetlana; they definitely need that person who will love.

Despite all this, sex does not play any important role in a woman’s life. It will be much more important for her to find a spiritual connection, a man’s ability to provide and protect his woman. If the partner is passionate and tender, then Svetlana will literally become clay in his hands, from which a man can mold a sensual woman.

Marriage and compatibility

They choose their spouse carefully. Early marriage is not typical for such women; they wait a long time for their prince, and they rarely make mistakes in their choice.

Home, children and family happiness are what Svetlana can find themselves in. They can leave work without regret and devote themselves entirely to their family. They are given an amazing ability to adapt to people, so Svetlana’s husband will feel happy, since he will not have the need to change his habits.

Svetlanas are ready to let their spouse solve all financial problems, as well as all other life tasks. If a woman is forced to take care of all the affairs herself, then she will be unhappy in her marriage. These individuals will be happy to hand over the palm to the man, but will try to keep all matters under their own unspoken control.

Such women will provide their children with maximum comfort and coziness; all their actions will be subordinated to the interests of the children and husband. However, Svetlana does not know how to spend money rationally, preferring to live only one day at a time.

A successful marriage can develop with men named:

  • Vladimir;
  • Vadim;
  • Boris;
  • Oleg;
  • Basil;
  • Peter;
  • Alexei;
  • Edward;
  • Yuri.

Career and business

Over the course of their entire lives, such women can change many jobs and professions until they find something they really like. They are not hardworking by nature, therefore, they rarely reach any career heights. In addition, Svetlanas do not like to study; they often do not have higher education.

They can make a good cook, salesman, bartender, administrator, waitress, operator, manager or copywriter. In addition, Svetlanas are creative people, so they can choose art, culture or music as their field of activity. With age, these individuals can engage in self-education, especially if the chosen business fascinates them.

Since these women are very fond of expressing themselves as authoritarian and powerful personalities, they are quite cope with leadership positions. But they will make a bad businessman. Svetlanas do not know how to complete all the things they start, they do not know how to make profitable deals.

Most often, these natures simply go with the flow, and are not too concerned about building a career and business. These are people of mood, and a momentary impulse can make them radically change their place of work.

Talismans for good luck

Neptune and Mercury are the patron planets.

The patronizing zodiac sign for Svetlana is Aquarius. If a girl who was born under this constellation is called Svetlana, then she will be naturally endowed with talents and abilities.

Winter is considered a good time of year, and Saturday is considered a good day of the week.

Lucky colors for Svetlana: green, blue, red and brown.

totem plant: lily and birch. The birch is considered a symbol of innocence and beauty; it guards the gates that open the way to heaven. According to Christian traditions, the lily is an integral attribute of the Virgin Mary; it symbolizes 3 main Christian virtues: mercy, hope and faith.

The main totem animal is the hare. The hare is considered a controversial symbol, which means, on the one hand, fertility and love, and on the other hand, cowardice and promiscuity. The Slavs believed that this animal goes to its goal using cunning and deception, but at the same time, the hare lying at the feet of the Virgin Mary is a symbol of victory over lust.

The talisman stone for Svetlana is black opal and rock crystal.

Short congratulations in verse

To congratulate Tatyana, you can use the following cool short poems for a postcard or SMS, which can be diversified with some picture with a guardian angel in a church style.

Verse 1:

May fate generously reward you,

So that with a cool and fair wind

You've walked your life's path,

Sveta, don’t regret a single thing!

Verse 2:

Congratulations, Sveta, on your day!

Let it not get in your way

Evil people, obstacles and pain.

Be strong and have an iron will!

It will not be possible to find the name Svetlana in the calendar according to the calendar. According to the church calendar, Angel Svetlana's Day is celebrated on the days of veneration of St. Photina. The table below shows the dates on which date all Svetlanas should celebrate Angel Day. There are only three such days throughout the year.

The closest name day date to Svetlana’s birthday is considered the day of the angel. The remaining days are usually called small name days. On such days, you should thank your patroness, pray to her and go to church.

May the Lord protect you!

Watch also the video about Svetlana’s Angel Day:

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Svetlana's name day, Svetlana's Angel Day

When is Svetlana’s name day according to the church calendar: February 26 – Svetlana of Palestine, reverend; April 2 – Svetlana Rimskaya, martyr.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Svetlana:

From the Old Church Slavonic language - light, light cheeks. Svetlana's name day is celebrated twice a year. A very contradictory nature. She is neat, hardworking, but poorly adapted to life: kind, sympathetic, but at times she has nervous breakdowns when Svetlana gives too much vent to her emotions. She loves children and likes to boss them around, and not always wisely; she is a lousy teacher. Subsequently, in marriage, Svetlana is like a “mother-commander” in the family. True, she thinks so. The children and husband just play along with her.

In general, it’s not boring in Svetlana’s house: they quarrel, then make up, then play pranks on each other. However, everyone here sincerely loves each other. She doesn’t cook very well, but she tries (it is believed that out of ten Svetlanas, only one can cook deliciously). Svetlana is beautiful, devoted in marriage, but loves to flirt without thinking about the consequences. Loves various feasts.

Congratulations on Svetlana’s name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Svetlana's name day and congratulate Svetlana on Angel's Day.

Happy Angel Day, Svetlana!

We wish you without deception,

So that everything in life grows together,

What I wanted came true.

So that the enemies wither away,

So that the flowers smell like spring.

The house was cozy, warm,

Be happy in spite of everyone.

Business was definitely going great

Make life interesting

And the man is ideal

He carried you in his arms.

Svetochka, your friends

All your achievements are appreciated.

To congratulate us,

We wrote the poem in love!

Whether day or night, thanks to fate,

What did you get for luck?

As a reward from the warm summer,

The name is gentle, light - Sveta.

Warm everyone with your smile.

Justify this bright name.

Carry it until the end of days

The warmth of the passing summer!

You are beautiful, young at heart!

Name day, Svetlana, yours -

A hymn to calm and clear love.

Your treasured talisman,

May he give you good luck and peace.

Svetochka, Happy Angel Day to you!

Congratulations on the holiday today,

After all, we can’t forget about name days,

On my own behalf I wish you:

Clear skies and sunny days,

Good and faithful girlfriends and friends,

There is always prosperity and comfort in the house,

Let trouble not knock on his door.

Health, success, smiles in the eyes,

Faith, hope, good luck in business,

In the family there is understanding, warmth and love.

Let the flame of youth not go out in the blood!

Patron Saints and Angel Day

Svetlana in church - Fotinia (Fotina, Fatinia). Photinia of Palestine was the patroness of all Svetlana. Her path to faith began with a shipwreck in which only she could survive. Then the waves washed this girl to the island where blessed Martinian lived. It was he who told Svetlana that he had been living on this island completely alone for many years, but three times a year a shipowner came to him and brought provisions. After this story, he blessed Svetlana, and he rushed into the sea, where he was picked up by dolphins and was able to get to the shore with their help.

After some time, a shipman sailed to the island, but the girl refused to return to the world, after which she devoted all her time to prayers. After 6 years, she died, which was discovered by the shipowner who once again arrived on the island. The Venerable Samaritan and Great Martyr Svetlana was buried in Caesarea in Palestine, where on January 10, 1991, a temple was erected in her honor.

In Orthodoxy, the righteous turn to the icon of St. Svetlana with any problems in their lives, praying for well-being and health. Akathists in Latin are also dedicated to her.

According to the calendar, Svetlana’s name day according to the church calendar is celebrated three times a year according to the following biblical numbers:

  • February 26.
  • April 2.
  • November 16.

If the child was born approximately on these Orthodox dates with a slight difference in days, then he should be given the name Svetlana at baptism.

You might find this article useful about when Anastasia’s name day is.

Characteristics of the name

Svetlanas are responsible, independent individuals who are accustomed to relying only on themselves. All the energy of this name is literally imbued with mobility, lightness, emotionality and fun. This is probably why it remains very popular among the Slavic peoples.

In their lives, these women are distinguished by their sociability and friendliness; they adore cheerful, noisy companies, as well as new acquaintances. The Svets fully justify their bright name, since they are non-envious and unforgiving individuals who can easily find a common language with absolutely any opponent. They do not have any special tenacity of character or the ability to complete the work they have started, however, thanks to their self-confidence, such women manage to convince people around them that they have the qualities they lack.

The character reveals kindness and authority, inability to make decisions and perseverance, altruism and high self-esteem. The generosity and friendliness of such women does not prevent them from being a commander and leader, as well as firmly defending their opinions. Svetlana's positive qualities are more pronounced than her negative ones. They know how to not pay attention to someone’s public opinion, they even like it when people talk about them.

It is always quite difficult for Lights to cope with their emotions; they are very temperamental individuals. Their authority goes well with their easygoing nature. That is why it is easy to communicate with such women, even if they are in a bad mood.

If necessary, such individuals can easily change their lives, reconsider their priorities and views. Lights easily take on faith everything that other people say.

Fate is not always favorable to Svetlana, but a flexible psyche and good adaptability allow such women to endure failures.

They quite often need support, but they absolutely do not know how to ask for help, and by nature they do not have enough determination to achieve some high goal that women set for themselves. The Lights begin to panic at the first difficulties, but it is not in their nature to ask for help. The indecisiveness of these women forces them to go with the flow, as well as follow a well-trodden path.

Despite all the absurdity of their character, Svetlana knows how to be friends with complete devotion and selflessness. It is always cozy and bright to be around such people, and the wisdom that inevitably comes to them with age only enhances the attractiveness of women for communication. There has never been and never will be self-interest and impudence in such individuals.

Sveta's childhood and youth

Little girls are their mother's first helpers; they happily wash the dishes, help cook and babysit their younger sisters and brothers. Svetki is cheerful and sociable, easily joining any children's team.

They love to command and are always the center of attention, but they lack self-confidence. They study well at school, since they have a good memory, but their knowledge is very superficial and limited to the information in textbooks. Parents need to instill in their daughters a love of reading from an early age, then they will grow into well-rounded individuals.

These girls have a very flexible psyche, therefore, what values ​​are instilled in them by their parents and teachers in childhood will be the main ones for them. It is necessary to develop sense of purpose in Svetlanas, otherwise, as they get older, they will not want to study or work.

However, strict upbringing is not suitable for Sveta, since in this case the volcanic sides of the girl’s character may appear. After many years of suppressing emotions and feelings, they can be transmitted with a vengeance in the form of wild life and fun. Therefore, parents need to find a middle ground.

Health and sexuality

The main thing for such women is their moral and psychological state. They may often have headaches, especially in those cases when Svetlana is very nervous. These individuals need to follow a daily routine and get enough sleep, otherwise migraine attacks may intensify.

Svetlanas always feel better in the company of men with whom they easily find a common language. These individuals have a superficial approach to life, so they do not have any clear criteria for choosing a partner. If a woman likes a man, she can easily agree to have sex.

At first glance, such natures may seem unapproachable and cold, but in fact they are terribly romantic and sensitive to signs of attention. Life without a man is aimless for Svetlana; they definitely need that person who will love.

Despite all this, sex does not play any important role in a woman’s life. It will be much more important for her to find a spiritual connection, a man’s ability to provide and protect his woman. If the partner is passionate and tender, then Svetlana will literally become clay in his hands, from which a man can mold a sensual woman.

Marriage and compatibility

They choose their spouse carefully. Early marriage is not typical for such women; they wait a long time for their prince, and they rarely make mistakes in their choice.

Home, children and family happiness are what Svetlana can find themselves in. They can leave work without regret and devote themselves entirely to their family. They are given an amazing ability to adapt to people, so Svetlana’s husband will feel happy, since he will not have the need to change his habits.

Svetlanas are ready to let their spouse solve all financial problems, as well as all other life tasks. If a woman is forced to take care of all the affairs herself, then she will be unhappy in her marriage. These individuals will be happy to hand over the palm to the man, but will try to keep all matters under their own unspoken control.

Such women will provide their children with maximum comfort and coziness; all their actions will be subordinated to the interests of the children and husband. However, Svetlana does not know how to spend money rationally, preferring to live only one day at a time.

A successful marriage can develop with men named:

  • Vladimir;
  • Vadim;
  • Boris;
  • Oleg;
  • Basil;
  • Peter;
  • Alexei;
  • Edward;
  • Yuri.
  • Dmitriy;
  • Alexander;
  • Michael;
  • Gleb;
  • Anton;
  • Vladislav;
  • Eugene.

Career and business

Over the course of their entire lives, such women can change many jobs and professions until they find something they really like. They are not hardworking by nature, so they rarely reach any career heights. In addition, Svetlanas do not like to study; they often do not have higher education.

They can make a good cook, salesman, bartender, administrator, waitress, operator, manager or copywriter. In addition, Svetlanas are creative people, so they can choose art, culture or music as their field of activity. With age, these individuals can engage in self-education, especially if the chosen business fascinates them.

Since these women really like to show themselves as authoritarian and powerful personalities, they cope well with leadership positions. But they will make a bad businessman. Svetlanas do not know how to complete all the things they start, they do not know how to make profitable deals.

Most often, these natures simply go with the flow, and are not too concerned about building a career and business. These are people of mood, and a momentary impulse can make them radically change their place of work.

Talismans for good luck

Neptune and Mercury are the patron planets.

The patronizing zodiac sign for Svetlana is Aquarius. If a girl who was born under this constellation is called Svetlana, then she will be naturally endowed with talents and abilities.

Winter is considered a good time of year, and Saturday is considered a good day of the week.

Lucky colors for Svetlana: green, blue, red and brown.

Totem plant: lily and birch. The birch is considered a symbol of innocence and beauty; it guards the gates that open the way to heaven. According to Christian traditions, the lily is an integral attribute of the Virgin Mary; it symbolizes 3 main Christian virtues: mercy, hope and faith.

The main totem animal is the hare. The hare is considered a controversial symbol, which means, on the one hand, fertility and love, and on the other hand, cowardice and promiscuity. The Slavs believed that this animal goes to its goal using cunning and deception, but at the same time, the hare lying at the feet of the Virgin Mary is a symbol of victory over lust.

The talisman stone for Svetlana is black opal and rock crystal.

Short congratulations in verse

To congratulate Tatyana, you can use the following cool short poems for a postcard or SMS, which can be diversified with some picture with a guardian angel in a church style.

May fate generously reward you,

So that with a cool and fair wind

You've walked your life's path,

Sveta, don’t regret a single thing!

Congratulations, Sveta, on your day!

Let it not get in your way

Evil people, obstacles and pain.

Be strong and have an iron will!

Question: “A 6-year-old girl died, she was baptized Svetlana. Is it really now allowed to baptize with one’s own name, and not with Photinia, as before?”

Answer: Questions related to the name at Baptism are asked quite often. The reason for this is some misunderstanding that exists among parishioners. There is an opinion that at Baptism a person is given some kind of “secret, church” name, which must be called only in the Church. Of course this is not true. In the Sacrament of Baptism there is the rite of naming, which the priest, in agreement with the parents, proclaims by laying his hand on the baby. The fact is that, according to the teachings of the Church, every Christian at his Baptism is approached by a guardian angel who is present next to him all his life. However, there is a pious tradition according to which if a baby bears the name of one of the saints of God, already glorified in holiness, then in addition to the guardian angel, he is also helped in life by a heavenly patron whose name he bears. It is important to understand that a baby is not baptized “in the name” of this or that saint. Baptism can only be performed in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, as the Savior commanded us: “Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). The presence of a heavenly patron does not occur “automatically”; it is not a “mechanical act of witchcraft.” You must also turn to the saint whose name the baby bears, “get to know” him, read his life, find out by what feat he was glorified among the host of God’s saints. And be sure to prayerfully turn to him. Of course, saints are always ready to come to our aid, but the person must ask for it, say that he really needs help. To address the saints there are prayers, akathists, and the Canons to the saints are especially good. And of course, there must be an icon of our heavenly patron so that we know who we are addressing.

As for whether it is possible to give names at Baptism that are not in the Saints, there are no strict canonical conciliar prohibitions against this. However, in our opinion, is it really bad if a newly baptized baby has a heavenly patron, an intercessor to whom you can turn in difficult times for prayerful help and advice. It is only important that this appeal really exists and is conscious. Therefore, in the Russian Church (precisely in the Russian, in other Orthodox Churches, say, in the Georgian, Serbian, Greek there is no such tradition), there is a centuries-old pious tradition of calling the newly baptized by the names that the holy saints bear. Therefore, at Baptism, priests usually follow this tradition.

Most often this question arises in connection with the Russian name “Svetlana”. In our opinion, there is some confusion here. The name "Photinya" (Photinia, Photina), Greek. Φωτεινή", is only a translation into Greek of the name Svetlana, or, rather, on the contrary, the name “Svetlana” is a translation from Greek into Russian of the name Fotinya. We believe that they are the same name, just pronounced in different languages, and not different names. Church Tradition informs us that this was the name of the Samaritan woman with whom the Savior spoke at the well (John 4:4-42). Since ancient times, she was remembered as Photinia, then in the 19th century the name was translated and “Svetlana” appeared, but this is the same name. Now in the published church calendars this discrepancy has been eliminated, and this is how it is indicated: “Fotina (Svetlana) Samaritan of Rome” or “Svetlana (Fotina, Fotinia) of Palestine.” Therefore, you can commemorate both with this and that; we repeat, this is the same name.

In general, indulging in excessive reasoning on the topic “how to remember correctly, how to write, where to put a period, etc.” we thereby express a latent distrust of God and our Holy Church. The Lord knows all our names, everything about us sinners, “even the hairs of your head are all numbered.” (Matthew 10:30), this is what the Savior says. Therefore, God bless all our Svetlanas, Photini, Photin, living and deceased!

Priest Mikhail Makarov

>Name Svetlana, Photinia in the Orthodox calendar

Martyr Photinia the Samaritan, her memorial day is April 2

One day the Savior passed through the land of Samaria, preaching the Gospel. To rest and recuperate, He stopped near the town of Sychar. At the same time, a Samaritan woman approached the well for water. Her name was Photinia.

Christ asked her for water, to which Photinia, amazed, asked how He, being a Jew, asked for water from a Samaritan woman, because Jews and Samaritans did not communicate in those days. The Savior answered her: “If you knew the gift of God and Who says to you: Give Me a drink, then you yourself would ask Him, and He would give you living water.” Photinia did not immediately understand Him, but Christ said to her: “Everyone who drinks this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never thirst; But the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal life.”

In his words, the Lord meant Himself and His teaching by “living water,” but Photinia decided that we were talking about fresh running water. At the same time, Jesus Christ told her about her life filled with sin, and the woman recognized Him as the Great Prophet and Teacher. She began to ask Him: who worships God correctly: the Samaritans or the Jews? To which Jesus answered her: “The time will come and has already come when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is looking for such worshipers for Himself. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth. The woman says to Him: I know that the Messiah will come, that is, Christ; when He comes, He will tell us everything. Jesus says to her, “It is I who speak to you.” After this conversation, Saint Photinia rushed to the city, where she told many about her meeting with Christ. Together with her, many more Samaritans believed in Him.

Thus Saint Photinia became one of Christ’s devoted disciples, who preached the Gospel in many corners of the world.

The airy and simple female name Svetlana arose from the Slavic word light. Nobody knows exactly when it originated, but the name is still popular.

Form of pronunciation of the name Svetlana in other countries: Ukraine - Svitlana, Belarus - Svyatlana, Czech Republic - Svetlushe.

Diminutive form of the name: Svetik, Svetlanochka, Sveta, Svetusik, Svetlanusik, Svetulya, Svetusya, Svetka, Svetochka, Svet, Svetulka, Lana, Lanochka, Lanusik, Lanka.

Angel Svetlana Day according to the church calendar - patron saints

Svetlana celebrates her name day 3 times a year.

Patron saints of Svetlana

The church form named after Svetlana is Fotina.

  • Photina of Palestine. Venerated on February 26th. During a shipwreck, Fotina was thrown onto an island, where she met a Christian, who, having converted her to the Christian faith, sailed away, leaving her alone in prayer. For the next six years until Photina's death, Christian periodically sailed to bring her food.
  • Photina of Rome. Honored on April 2. She is described in one of the life stories of Jesus as the girl who gave him a drink at Jacob's well. Photina and her sons were killed in 66 for their Christian faith.

Svetlana’s character depends on the time of year of birth:

  • Winter - Powerful, ambitious, ambitious, careerist.
  • Spring - Insecure, suspicious, depressed, weak-willed.
  • Summer - Talented, sociable, sympathetic, kind.
  • Autumn - Distrustful, non-conflict, reasonable, pragmatic.

Little Svetlana is growing up to be a very active, cheerful, sociable girl. She is always surrounded by friends with whom she loves to walk from morning to evening and play numerous games.

At the same time, he does not refuse to help his mother with housework and look after his younger brothers and sisters. From a young age, she chooses the clothes she will wear and the hairstyle her mother will give her.

She loves to twirl in front of the mirror in her mother’s clothes and look into her mother’s makeup bag. In a word, she is growing up to be a real coquette.


Thanks to her good memory, Svetlana studies well at school, but without much interest in her subjects. If her parents manage to instill in Svetlana a love of reading, she will grow up to be a comprehensively developed person.

During adolescence, Svetlana is more interested in hanging out with friends than studying. If no one monitors her school progress, she will soon lose interest in studying and after school will not want to continue her studies at a higher educational institution.

Svetlana knows how to make friends, she will always come to the aid of her friends, for which they appreciate her.

Even as an adult, Svetlana remains friendly and optimistic and loves meeting new people. There is no envy in her, she is incapable of harming anyone. Svetlana cannot always complete a task, but no one around her knows this, since she has the ability to convince people that she has the situation under control.

Svetlana does not like to listen to other people's advice, but she loves to be praised. She is very quick-witted, flaring up at her interlocutor, and after a minute she calmly continues the conversation. She practically never has a bad mood. She always dresses with taste, follows fashion, carefully selects jewelry to match her clothes, and loves to visit beauty salons.

She can easily start her life from scratch.

The emotional and impressionable Svetlana may have problems with the cardiovascular and nervous system. As an adult, Svetlana may experience frequent migraines due to nervous tension. She needs to take care of herself and not overexert herself, take light sedatives.

At school age, Svetlana does not always know what she wants to work as an adult, so after graduation she can change several professions until she finds one that can unleash her full potential. But few of Svetlana climb the career ladder, due to their reluctance to work from dawn to dusk and improve their skills.

She will make an excellent cook, sales consultant, cameraman, manager, musician, artist, actress. It’s better for Svetlana not to start her own business; she lacks the business acumen that is so necessary in this matter. Basically, Svetlana just goes with the flow, preferring not to think about work problems.

If she doesn’t like something at work, she will quit without regret and find another job.

Beautiful and well-groomed Svetlana is popular with men, with whom she feels more at ease than with women. Svetlana often looks like a real snow queen, but appearances are deceiving.

In fact, Svetlana is very tender and passionate in love, she gives all of herself to her loved one. For her, a man’s appearance and the size of his wallet are unimportant. If she likes a man, she will date him, and may even agree to one-time sex without obligation.

Having truly fallen in love, Svetlana will not cheat on her chosen one, and he will be happy with her.

It is unusual for Svetlana to marry the first man she comes across. She understands the value of marriage, so she carefully chooses her husband, thanks to this she practically does not make mistakes in her choice and gets divorced very rarely.

For the sake of her family, she can quit her job and devote herself entirely to housekeeping and raising children. Thanks to Svetlana’s ability to adapt to any person, her husband will be comfortable with her and will not have to change his habits.

The husband will have to manage the family budget, since Svetlana can spend all the money in a short time and not save anything for a rainy day.

Compatibility with male names

  • Excellent: Ruslan, Semyon, Alexander, Vadim, Mikhail, Igor, Nikolay, Arseny, Stepan, Konstantin, Alexey, Yaroslav, Vyacheslav, Artem, Roman, Nikita, Denis.
  • Bad: Victor, Peter, Dmitry, Maxim, Anton, Vasily, Gleb, Oleg, Vladislav, Lev, Pavel, Vladimir, Kirill, Ilya, Ivan, Matvey, Evgeny.

Name color - Brown.

Time of year - Winter.

Happy day of the week is Saturday.

Lucky number is 6.

Zodiac sign - Aquarius.

Mineral talisman - Rock crystal.

Famous people named Svetlana

  • Svetlana Kryuchkova is a Soviet actress.
  • Svetlana Savitskaya - Soviet cosmonaut.
  • Svetlana Nemolyaeva is a Soviet actress.
  • Svetlana Alexievich is a Belarusian writer.
  • Svetlana Bestuzheva is a Russian journalist.

Svetlana's name day according to the Orthodox church calendar

Celebrating name days is an old Orthodox tradition. On this day they honor the saint whose name is given to the child when he is born. The dates for birthdays and name days can sometimes be the same, but in most cases they are completely different. You can determine the date of your name using the calendar. For example, Svetlana can find out the day of veneration of her saint using the church calendar.

About the name Svetlana

Svetlana according to the church calendar

Svetlana's name day and the meaning of the name

Svetlana is translated as pure, bright, giving light to people. Girls with this name are actually pleasant and easy to talk to, and it’s comfortable to be in the same room with them.