What happens to a person during meditation?

  • 04.06.2024

Meditation in Latin means thinking. The origins of this practice go back to ancient times. This practice of self-knowledge has existed for as long as humanity has lived on earth. But only in recent decades have research institutes begun to study it. There are dozens of directions of this spiritual practice. These are zazen, transcendental meditation, kundalini meditation, trataka and many others.

Scientists have absolutely proven that meditation helps the brain function in a different state. And thanks to this, many physiological processes in the body are normalized: the functioning of the nervous system, sleep, digestion. Research conducted by the Cardiology Center in America has proven that meditative practice prolongs life, reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases by up to 30%, and from cancer by up to 50%. And doctors in the British public health system are considering recommending that people suffering from depression introduce meditation practice into their lives.

What's going on with a person inmeditation time? Specialists from the Massachusetts General Hospital, located in Boston, conducted research among people practicing meditation. 15 people with different practice experience, from 1 year to 30 years, and 15 people who had not practiced meditation before took part. The results were stunning, because it became extremely clear that in people who practice meditation, certain brain structures increase in thickness. The aging process of the body as a whole slows down.

Study leader Sarah Lazar summed up the experience by saying: “You train your brain during meditation, so it grows. After all, it is known that musicians, linguists, and athletes have enlarged corresponding areas of the brain. The growth of the cerebral cortex occurs not due to the growth of neurons, but due to the proliferation of blood vessels, glial cells, astrocytes - the entire system that nourishes the brain.”

British scientists in their studies have found that thanks to meditation, a person’s concentration improves, attention increases, and memory improves.

All positive changes that occur to a person on the physical level can be called secondary effects. I would like to more precisely define what the main goal of meditation is.

People who view meditation primarily as a spiritual practice see it as a little more than that. A person is in reality not prepared to explore the innermost depths of himself. Most of us see the world around us only in its external manifestations. This is how our parents taught us this, both at school and at college.

You could say we were given guidance on how to look for things outside of us. And they didn’t teach how to turn your gaze inward. Meditation helps you take the first steps in this. Why is the word “enlightenment” often found next to the word meditation? By practicing meditation, a person can find answers to many questions and we can confidently say that wisdom begins to awaken in a person.

Do you want to understand this issue deeper and learn simple techniques for the most effective meditations? How and why can meditative practices radically change a person’s life for the better? Why are there so many movements and trends in the world that propagate that their meditation techniques are better, and what are the main goals of these schools? Find out what kind of meditative practice stands at the source, where did it come from on Earth?

You can read about all this, as well as gain many other valuable knowledge, by reading Anastasia Novykh’s books, which can be downloaded completely free of charge from our website. These books will fill your life with hidden meaning and change your destiny for the better. Checked! You will not regret!

Read more about this in the books of Anastasia Novykh

(click on the quote to download the entire book for free):

– What is meditation? – Tatyana asked. – I read that this is mental training in a state of trance. But I still don’t understand what it is...

– Simply put, simple meditation is training the mind, and more in-depth spiritual practice is training the spirit.

- What, spirit and thoughts are not the same thing? - Kostya climbed in again.

- No.

I noticed that the cat sitting not far away was fidgeting in place, as if getting more comfortable.

– Now we will do the simplest meditation on concentration in order to learn how to control the Chi energy. But first I would like to repeat myself a little for those who came later. In addition to the material body, a person also has an energy body. The energy “body” consists of an aura, chakras, energy channels, meridians, and special energy storage reservoirs. Each has its own name. I will introduce you to them in more detail as we go, depending on the meditation.

- Anastasia NOVIKH "Sensei I"