Why is the ocean dreaming

  • 03.01.2022

Dream interpretation ocean

Seeing the ocean in a dream is more often pleasant than scary. Especially if you dream of transparent endless waters. And if literally a century ago such a dream necessarily foreshadowed misfortunes, because the elements were frightening and immense, now this image is associated with rest, joy and tranquility.

When an interpretation is needed of what the ocean is dreaming of, it is important to focus not only on the opinion of the dream book, but also on your feelings about the endless waters. If they scare you, then we can assume that sleep is a harbinger of trouble. But in the case when the ocean is calm, blue and warm, this is the image of relaxation and vacation that you need.

There is also another interpretation of dreams with endless waters. They can symbolize the course of life or life itself in principle. Ripples or measured waves that run ashore one after another can mean important or not so important events.

For sailors, such a dream can mean a long successful voyage, and for people who are afraid of such a volume of water, it can be a difficult life test.

Analysis of the details of a dream

In order for the interpretation of what the ocean is dreaming of to be the most accurate and detailed, it is important to remember as many details as possible:

If the ocean dreamed

  • what was the ocean like (clean and calm or raging, with dirty water);
  • was there a clear understanding in a dream that it was the ocean, and not the sea (or the transition when the sea flows into the ocean);
  • land elements (did you have to see an island or a coast in a dream while swimming).

Water color

The beautiful blue or greenish color of the ocean waters is a pleasant pastime, vacation or vacation. When you have a dream in which there are measured waves with small crests, the rest will be active and good for your health.

Seeing the raging ocean (like the sea) with high, frightening waves that noisily hit the shore is an unpleasant incident in life, difficulties. If in one of the dreams the water was dirty, with debris - expect a deterioration in health.

Swimming in warm clear water and feeling free and happy is a good move, the project will be completed with excellent profit. Dive into the bottomless depths and admire colorful fish - the choice of vacancies. Perhaps you are looking for a new job for yourself - now is the time to choose, because several offers will come at once.

To sail a boat on a transparent surface, realizing that there are responsibilities, and there may be difficulties - to enjoy a job well done. The more people want to sail with you, the more significant your authority among colleagues.

"On the sea, on the ocean..."

A clear distinction between the sea and the ocean is characteristic of perfectionists and people who are prone to high detailing of any process. Not a single dream book believes that these are two completely different characters - they simply complement each other.

Sailing on a ship or yacht, with the understanding that the sea is turning into the ocean, means that it is on the eve of a significant discovery, starting an important and very profitable project.

If you dreamed about the ocean, and in a dream you are trying to prove to everyone that it is the sea, although you yourself know for sure that it is the ocean around - you are prone to self-deception and are rarely satisfied with the real state of things.

Land overboard

If you saw the shore

Seeing the ocean in a dream, realizing that water occupies all the vast expanses, and you like it, is a great dream if you are a sailor. It means that soon you will go on a successful voyage.

If you have nothing to do with the marine service, such a dream means that you are in your emotions, in your little world, a kind of cocoon from which you absolutely do not want to leave.

In this case, to see an island or a coast means hope for communication with the outside world, says Miller's dream book. But whether it will take place depends solely on you. But to swim, afraid to lose sight of the shore - you are too constrained by the framework, despite your calm disposition, it is difficult for you to stay in this position.

Go ashore

Swimming for a long time and longing for a return to shore means a protracted stay in artificially created circumstances. Perhaps it is depression, especially if, in addition to sailing on a ship or boat, you just have to swim or dive in the water. If the water covers your head, and you feel a lack of air, you can choke on your feelings. Not a single incident in life is worth such a strain on the nervous system.

The shore in this case symbolizes a haven, a home, comfort, a place where they are always ready to accept and caress.

lonely island

The ocean in a dream can symbolize both the course of life and the emotional state of the dreamer. But in order to know exactly what the subconscious mind is trying to say, it is important to analyze your life situation. If everything is calm both in love relationships and business matters, then the raging ocean with waves can speak of strong inner experiences, and not of impending difficulties.

The island in this case can mean hope. Sailing through a storm trying to find an island is a sense of doom.

saw the island

It seems to you that the vicissitudes of life will bring you to death, but the situation is completely different. The real danger is your feelings, and the situation will soon change dramatically.

If problems and troubles in life overtake one after another, trying to undermine peace of mind, and you dream of a calm ocean and an island among blue still waters - do not despair. You are on the right path, these tests are only for tempering your spirit, it is important not to turn off the chosen line.

Watching a paradise island in the middle of endless greenish waters from a bird's eye view is well-being. You will be able to get from life everything that you wanted and what you aspired to. It is important not to miss the moment.

Opinions of popular sources

Almost every dream book is sure that the calm clear waters of the ocean mean good health and the right path in life. The noise created by the waves is sometimes explained as gossip around your person. And abundant foam is a waste of time. A rather optimistic interpretation is given by Miller's dream book - a calm pleasant life if the waters were clear.

Freud's dream book - conception

The water element in almost any of its manifestations means a possible conception, says Freud's dream book. The German psychotherapist is sure that for a woman one of these dreams can mean pregnancy, and for a man - a desire to have offspring.

Miller's dream book is a lucky coincidence

Often a pessimistic interpretation of Miller is quite positive if in one of your dreams you saw the ocean. This dream book believes that a huge expanse of water appears in night dreams on the eve of important life changes.

  • For a sailor, swimming or diving in the ocean or sea is a lucky coincidence. Fast long road.
  • A quiet, calm surface is a pleasant course of business for businessmen, a successful development of relationships for lovers.
  • Swimming in a big boat and hearing the waves hitting the side is unpleasant gossip.
  • Located on a high bank and seeing how the waves collide with each other - your enemies will soon eat each other.

Ancient Veles dream book - road

An ancient dream book is sure that a huge expanse of water symbolizes a long journey and parting. At a time when this element was considered very dangerous, and no one could even think of long voyages, such a dream was considered a sign of trouble. Because once in the abyss of water, no one could return.

  • Seething - illness, difficulties, trouble.
  • Calm - a long journey, parting.
  • The waters part and the abyss is visible - a very bad sign. This is one of the dreams that does not just warn of serious incidents. Having seen such a dream, you need to prepare for the fact that the consequences of what you have planned can be very sad.
  • Dive, choke - exorbitant debts.
  • Walking along the shore with slightly wet feet is a slight malaise.