Anna Netrebko: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Opera diva Anna Netrebko spoke about the life of her son with special needs Anna Netrebko Instagram official

  • 02.07.2019

Date of Birth: September 18, 1971
Place of Birth: Krasnodar, USSR
Height: 171 cm
Weight: 63 kg



The birthplace of the famous performer was the city of Krasnodar, where she was born into a Russian family in 1971 in September. Anna's parents were descendants Don Cossacks, in whose traditions there was sonorous polyphonic singing. However, no one in the diva’s family was interested in professional vocals; it was customary for them to sing according to the mood, for the soul. But this was enough for young Anna Netrebko to become interested in singing from childhood, developing her vocal abilities from a tender age.

At the school where the gifted girl studied, the ensemble “Kuban Pioneer” was engaged in creative work, where Anna was accepted from the first audition. And after not much time, she became the soloist of this organization. In Krasnodar, this youth group was very popular, so young Anna Netrebko soon began to be recognized by the whole city after the choir performed in the house of pioneers.

After some time, the group went on tour throughout the country with a repertoire of the most popular youth songs. And the voice young talent began to be recognized outside the city. The first tour left a deep imprint on the girl’s soul, and already at the age of 10 she was absolutely sure that her subsequent life would definitely be intertwined with musical creativity.

After graduating from school and receiving a matriculation certificate, Anna went to what was then Leningrad with the goal of entering the city School of Music. The girl entered, without much difficulty getting into the course of the famous, at that time, Tatyana Lebed. However, Anna Netrebko did not have the chance to graduate from college. After studying for two years, the young performer was finally convinced that she was only wasting her time here, and submitted documents to the famous state conservatory, which she had long dreamed of.

At that time, the competition for the conservatory named after Rimsky-Korsakov was simply enormous. But the girl’s talent was so bright that even at the entrance exams, the teachers saw in her a nascent opera star. As a result, Anna ended up on T.D. Novichenko’s course and began professional training in 1990. Not much time passed, and the young student won her first victory in Smolensk, where the All-Russian competition named after Glinka, in which young vocalists took part.

The jury of this competition was headed by a well-known Opera singer Irina Arkhipova, who had the title People's Artist. The performance of young Anna Netrebko captivated the masters of that time, and they could not remain indifferent to the talent of the future diva, unanimously giving her the first prize.

This was the first high-profile victory, which left its mark on the fate of the future celebrity and played a significant role in it. Continuing to study at the conservatory, Anna was such a success that one day she received an invitation to an audition from V. A. Gergiev himself, who at that time was artistic director the very popular Mariinsky Theater. Casting aside all doubts, Anna accepted the offer and after the first audition began performing on the glorious stage of the legendary theater.

Path to glory

Many were surprised when, after the first audition, Gergiev approved the young performer for main role in a musical production famous work"The Marriage of Figaro". The master was simply shocked by the unique timbre and strength of the sound of Anna’s voice, so without hesitation he gave her the first part.

Netrebko's debut was simply deafening and since 1994, the performer regularly looks into the audience from the stage, performing key roles. And soon Anna receives the position of leading soloist representing Mariinskii Opera House. Roles in famous operas alternate one after another - “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “ The Tsar's Bride", "Boris Godunov", "Don Juan and the film opera "La Boheme", this is far from full list productions with the participation of the diva.

A theatrical career brings many new sensations to Netrebko’s life; she often goes on tour with the troupe. She is beginning to be recognized in Europe, where concerts with the participation of the talented performer are a great success. And over time, the opera diva’s talent is noticed in America. Speaking from the stage in San Francisco, Anna managed to captivate the audience so much that there was no end to the applause. This was real recognition, achievement of world fame and international success.

Anna Netrebko's rise to the top of the creative sky was rapid, but 2002 became a particularly successful year for her. This is the time when a well-known opera singer becomes a world-famous opera singer. Performing as part of the Mariinsky Theater troupe on the famous stage of the Metropolitan Opera in the opera War and Peace, Anna Netrebko achieves real resonance, multiplying the ranks of her fans.

The part from the famous Mozart’s opera “Don Giovanni”, performed in the same 2002 at the Salzburg Festival, also became successful.

In 2004, Anna became the first test of her strength as a film actress; she embodied her own story in a film called “The Princess Diaries 2”, filmed in America. Besides famous performer is engaged in the successful release of his albums. So in 2003, the first studio-produced audio album “Opera Arias” was released, which was recognized as one of the best-selling brands. And now in 2004, the diva gives her fans the next album with the peculiar name “Sempre Libera”, which also hits the top sales.

Another triumph was the play “Romeo and Juliet”, in which Anna Netrebko sang in a duet with famous performer Rolando Villazon. And then they performed together again in the opera of the famous Gaetano Donizetti called “Elisir of Love”. The following year, 2006, the star wished to change her place of residence, having received Austrian citizenship, which became her second, she moved to Austria.

The times have come when an opera diva goes on tour with the best orchestras on the planet, consisting of outstanding musicians. Fans in the capitals of the most developed countries give her a standing ovation. Her artistic gift is manifested not only in productions theater plays, she also offers audiences an inimitable stage presence in her solo performances.

The performance in Baden-Baden, where the singer performed Giuditta's aria from an operetta with the same name by Franz Lehár, was especially filled with spectators. The audience was very surprised, and the performance was eventually called “hooligan.” The whole point is that Anna got too into the image of Giuditta, who was known as a fatal beauty, and began throwing roses at the men from the audience. But the real resonance was caused by her dance, which she performed while kicking off her shoes.

But the playful mood did not end there; after choosing one of the pauses, the singer approached the accompanist, who was among the first violins, and hugged him, patting him on the head. None of this was planned in advance, and the audience really enjoyed it.

The artist from Russia collected the most abundant harvest of awards in 2008, when Anna Netrebko had the opportunity to perform with the most legendary conductors who enjoy worldwide fame. She also managed to play the main role in an opera film famous Robert Dornholm entitled "La Boheme". Thanks to the unique timbre of the opera prima's voice, her concerts are always a resounding success and are very popular among music lovers who prefer the classical genre.

Anna Netrebko remembered the year 2010 for her collaboration with the universally recognizable Philip Kirkorov, with whom she performed a song called “The Voice” while performing on the “New Wave”.

In 2012, the opera singer had to perform in a new capacity; she became one of the confidants of the presidential candidate Russian Federation V.V. Putin. The Sochi Olympics were not without Anna's participation, where the singer sang the Russian anthem at the opening of the games.

According to Forbes magazine compiled in 2011, Anna ranked key position among the 10 most famous artists from Russia. By this time, the artist’s income amounted to almost $4,000,000. And this is not surprising, because one performance in the “Golden Soprano” program brings the performer $50,000.

In 2014, Anna, in a fit of patriotic emotions, made a generous donation in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles for the restoration of the theater called “Donbass Opera,” which was badly damaged as a result of the bombings that took place in Donetsk. But in Austria they reacted to this act with great hostility. The airline with the name “Austrian Airlines”, whose “face” Anna represented in the period from the beginning of May to the end of October 2014, had to withstand a large wave of criticism.

Personal life

In 2007, Anna Netrebko was engaged to a famous baritone from Uruguay, the lucky man’s name was Erwin Schroth. Then in September 2008, the opera singer gave birth to a son, who was given the name Thiago Arua. It is noteworthy that the couple in love was in no hurry to register their relationship, citing being too busy. And after some time, the passions subsided completely, and the relationship acquired a formal character. Thiago's parents separated completely in 2013.

But in mid-2015, the name of Anna Netrebko suddenly appears in the thick of the news as a heroine romantic story. The cause of these rumors was an Azerbaijani tenor named Yusif Eyvazov, whom the opera prima was going to marry. Even from somewhere there was news that Anna was pregnant and was going to become a mother for the second time.

However, the prima only smiled, responding to these speculations, although the couple still did not deny the fact that the couple was planning to have a child. The singer also complained that rumors about her pregnancy arise after every hearty lunch.

In 2016, information appeared in the press that Anna’s son Thiago inherited extraordinary vocal abilities from his parents. A video has appeared online in which a guy sings, accompanying himself on the guitar. His life was overshadowed by a disease that, unfortunately, is becoming increasingly common among children today: autism.

Mom couldn’t put up with this and called leading specialists for help. As a result of treatment, the boy began to recover and today the problem is practically solved. On the program " Evening Urgant"- broadcast in 2016, the whole family came together. The boy who came with his mother and stepfather looked great.

IN Bolshoi Theater at the beginning of October 2016, they presented the premiere of an opera owned by Giacomo Puccini called “Manon Lescaut”. The main parts of this performance went to Yusuf Eyvazov and Anna Netrebko, who were working together not for the first time.

All art critics experienced this news as a grandiose event; according to rumors, the speculative price for this performance soared to 150,000 rubles. Giving an interview after the performance, Anna complained to reporters about the current difficulties. That such plays are not very easy, they cannot be performed very often because they have a destructive effect on the voice and inner state.

In 2017, the artist had the opportunity to play in New York on the stage of a theater called the Metropolitan Opera. She was assigned one of the main roles in the newly restored production of the famous opera performance created back in 2013 and called “Eugene Onegin”. The leading parties, according to established tradition, divided Russian performers, the prima got the image of Tatiana.

Weight loss

Anna Netrebko is rightfully considered one of the most charming and attractive opera performers of our time. However, both now and at a younger age, she has never been one of the skinny people. The singer inherited her penchant for curvaceous figures from her mother.

But this never bothered her; there was no reason to go on diets to lose weight, because everyone knows that extra weight goes well with opera roles and helps keep her voice in good shape.

But everything changes someday, and the artist still had to go on a diet before opening olympic games 2014, where she had the opportunity to perform the national anthem. And since then, Anna began to devote more time to her figure. For example, in 2017, she had to resort to a fairly strict diet alternating with long walks. The result was a weight of 63 kg with a height of 171 cm.

Photo of Anna Netrebko after losing weight


Anna Yurievna Netrebko is the most famous and most popular opera singer, whose velvety voice can be heard on the stages of opera houses around the world. Anna's soprano still amazes and delights millions of her fans, who are increasingly purchasing discs with Netrebko's opera roles in order to listen to them as often as possible.

Among the devoted admirers of Anna's talent there may be ordinary people, And famous football players, and businessmen, and the mighty of the world this. She is an incredibly public person, not by her own free will, but the opera diva’s life is full of blank spots.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anna Netrebko

Fans of Anna Netrebko's talent constantly want to receive reliable information about the opera diva, including her height, weight, age. You can calculate how old Anna Netrebko is by yourself, if you wish, by finding information about your date of birth on the Internet.

Anna Netrebko was born in 1971, so she was forty-five full years. According to her zodiac sign, Anna is a shy, creative, homely, creative, indecisive, friendly Virgo.

According to Eastern horoscope Netrebko received all the character traits that are inherent in the Pig, including good nature, sociability, curiosity, love, and simplicity.

Anna Netrebko's height is one meter and seventy-three centimeters, and her weight reaches no more than sixty-eight kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Anna Netrebko

Biography and personal life Anna Netrebko's lives have always been filled with creativity, love and understanding. Little Anyutka not only studied well at school, she sang and played music superbly.

For a long time Anna performed as part of the Kuban Cossack choir"Kuban Pioneer", which was located in the local House of Culture. The talented girl appeared in the Miss Kuban - 88 competition, in which she took second place, receiving a brand new TV for this. The beauty contest was hosted by the brilliant Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov.

After receiving secondary education, Anna entered the famous Leningrad Conservatory. To ensure herself a more or less decent living, the girl got a job as a cleaner at the Mariinsky Theater.

Already in 1993, a talented girl won a prestigious competition and was invited to several games at the same Mariinsky Theater, where foreign guests heard her. Since 1994, tours across Europe and America began; Netrebko was invited to perform opera roles in Riga, San Francisco, Salzburg, a number of Italian cities, Munich, and Vienna.

Netrebko periodically appears in the center scandalous stories, for example, when I donated money for restoration famous theater"Donbass Opera" and took a photo against the background of the flag of Novorossiya. In 2012, Anna became a confidant of the candidate for the post of President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

Anna Netrebko's personal life has always been very stormy, since the beauty was adored since kindergarten and schools. However, she never talked about her novels and never specified the reasons for the separation. Anna did not like to appear on scandalous talk shows, and if she came, for example, to the “Evening Urgant” show, she talked exclusively about her family and raising her son.

The exception to the rule was the affair and scandalous breakup with the talented dancer Nikolai Zubkovsky.

Family and children of Anna Netrebko

Anna Netrebko's family and children are her joy and reliable protection. Anna's family was very friendly; its members came from a Kuban Cossack family, so traditions were strong in it.

Father - Yuri Netrebko - was Kuban Cossack, he worked as a geological engineer.

Mother - Larisa Netrebko - worked in the communications industry, where she held the position of engineer. At the same time, she managed to raise little Annushka and her older sister Natasha.

Natalya Netrebko lives in Denmark, she is very attached to her sister, so she often supports her and attends almost all concerts. The girl is married, but does not have children of her own, so she enjoys communicating with her beloved successor.

Anna Netrebko had a strange attitude towards children, because she did not want to have them due to career growth. She believed that children would need to be surrounded with care and love, and also ensure their proper upbringing and creative development. Anna was not ready to leave her career, but after she found out about her pregnancy from her loved one, she was in seventh place with happiness.

It was precisely because of her great love for the baby that Netrebko, left without a loved one, was able to put her child on his feet, in literally healing him with love.

Anna Netrebko's son - Thiago Arua Schrott

Anna Netrebko's son, Thiago Arua Schrott, was born in 2008, and his father was the opera diva's common-law husband, Erwin Schrott.

The boy developed in accordance with his age, however, his parents soon noticed some problematic aspects in his behavior. After all the tests were carried out, it turned out that three-year-old Thiago exhibited autistic behavior.

It was because of her beloved Tisha, as she calls her son, that Anna Netrebko went to the USA. She did everything to ensure that her son developed correctly. He went to a specialized integration school and practically overcame his autism, which pleased his mother and new father.

Thiago speaks English language, but at home he communicates perfectly with his mother in Russian. He did not know how to speak until he was four years old, but ABA classes helped him develop this skill. The boy really likes to play quiet games and do things alone with himself.

At the same time, Thiago is a very self-sufficient boy and very neat, because in his entire life he has not scattered or broken toys. He is a very talented guy because he plays the guitar, sings, draws, makes magnificent flowers from ribbons and paper, and loves going to the opera.

Anna Netrebko's common-law husband - Erwin Schrott

Common-law husband Anna Netrebko - Erwin Schrott - originated from life path women in 2007. At the same time, Anna immediately said that she was not ready for a serious relationship and to have children.

The guys were not ready to cement their relationship, but lived in the same apartment, and soon the fruit of their love was born. After the birth of the child, fans again started talking about a possible marriage, and an engagement was announced.

Then the unexpected happened, because in 2013 Anna Netrebko and the Uruguayan tenor started talking about the fact that their relationship was over. The reason for the breakup may be problems with the development of their common son.

Anna Netrebko's husband - Yusif Eyvazov

Anna Netrebko's husband, Yusif Eyvazov, met back in 2014 in one of the Italian cities, they began an affair, but the opera singer was not ready to start a serious relationship. She was busy with her career and worries about the development of her little son.

The Azerbaijani opera tenor was incredibly persistent, so Anna gave in, and in 2015 the couple entered into a legal marriage. When Eyvazov proposed, he clarified that he wanted to live with Netrebko all his life, making her incredibly happy.

The wedding was incredibly luxurious and took place in the famous Vienna City Hall.

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Anna Netrebko is an opera singer. I became interested in music as a child. She was a soloist in the Kuban Pioneer choir. After graduating from school, she entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory. In 1993, she won a triumphant victory at the prestigious competition named after. Glinka and received an offer to work at the Mariinsky Theater. She made her debut on its stage in 1994.

Thanks to her talent and natural abilities, she became the leading soloist of the theater, toured Europe, and was in Latvia and Israel. The year 2002 became a fateful year for the singer, when Anna turned into a world-class celebrity. The girl’s performance on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera in the play “War and Peace” was enchanting.

In the same year, she was involved in the opera “Don Giovanni” presented at the Salzburg Festival. Opera prima performs with famous conductors. In 2008 she made her debut in the musical film La Bohème. Her concerts attract full houses. He is a confidant of President Putin.

She was engaged to singer Erwin Schrott and gave birth to his son in 2008. A few years later the couple broke up. Next novel The singer ended in marriage. Her chosen one was tenor Yusif Eyvazov. The luxurious wedding ceremony resembled an opera performance. According to rumors, the couple is expecting a new baby.

On the Instagram page, where Anna Netrebko is written as anna_netrebko_yusi_tiago, more than 121 thousand subscribers are registered.

Is your page still little known? No problem, we will be happy to solve your problem!

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    Biography Anna was born on September 18, 1971 in Krasnodar into a family of Kuban Cossacks. Her mother worked as an engineer, and her father was a geologist. Anya has elder sister


    IN Netrebko has been interested in music since childhood. As a little girl, she happily sang for relatives and guests of her parents. At school, Anya was accepted into the Kuban Pioneer ensemble, and soon the girl became its soloist. The team performed not only in Krasnodar, but also toured the country. school years

    Anya was an active and lively girl. She channeled her energy in the right direction. Netrebko has a Candidate Master of Sports degree in acrobatics, as well as ranks in athletics. Anna was distinguished not only by her magnificent vocals and sporting achievements , but also spectacular appearance. Tall, stately and beautiful girl attracted the attention of men. In 1988, the girl even took part in regional competition

    IN beauty "Miss Kuban". Netrebko took an honorable 2nd place. adolescence

    Anya firmly decided to connect her destiny with music. Having received a certificate, she left for Leningrad and entered the music school. After 2 years, the girl realized that she needed to move on. Netrebko left school and entered the N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory.

    Creative path In 1993, Anna won the vocalists named after Glinka. At this event, the talented girl was noticed by opera singer Irina Arkhipova. Thanks to her, Netrebko was invited to audition for the Mariinsky Theater.

    The girl’s voice and charisma captivated the theater director Valery Georgiev. He immediately gave Anna the main role in the production of The Marriage of Figaro. Soon she was involved in the plays “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “The Tsar’s Bride”, “The Barber of Seville”.

    As part of the Netrebko Theater troupe, she went abroad for the first time. tour. The aspiring singer's soprano captivated European and Western opera houses. In 1994, Anna was invited to Riga to participate in the play “The Magic Flute”. A year later, she performed as Lyudmila from the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila in San Francisco.

    The singer gained even greater fame in 2002. She performed on the famous stage of the Metropolitan Opera, performing the role of Natasha from the opera War and Peace. In the same year, Anna triumphantly performed at the prestigious Salzburg Festival. She sang the part of Donna Anna (opera Don Giovanni). Netrebko became a world-class star. She was eagerly awaited at the best opera houses peace.

    Currently, the singer is actively touring. Her voice can be heard in theaters in Russia, Italy, France, Austria, the USA and other countries. Netrebko annually releases new discs with masterpieces of Russian and foreign classical music, as well as modern, ethnic and jazz songs.

    Personal life

    For many years Anna has been actively performing and touring around the world. However, work never stopped her from building her personal life. For some time, the singer dated the Mariinsky soloist Nikolai Zubkovsky. The romance ended quickly because the guy raised his hand to her.

    For a long time Anna dated Italian singer Simon Alberghini. They met on tour in Washington. After a couple of dates, Netrebko and Alberghini felt strong attraction. They even planned to buy a house in Italy and live together, but due to work they were unable to carry out their plans. The lovers saw each other about once a month. The slow relationship ended after 6 years.

    In 2007, Netrebko began dating baritone from Uruguay Erwin Schrott. Within 2 weeks they were living together. A year later, the couple had a son, Thiago. Anna and Erwin were happy together for several years, but were unable to maintain their love.

    The singer was more in demand than her man. On this basis they often argued. When Thiago was 3 years old, doctors diagnosed him with autism. Anya spent a lot of time with her son, and Erwin went on tour. Gradually they grew apart and finally broke up in 2013.

    In 2014, it became known about the novel between Netrebko and opera singer Yusif Eyvazov from Baku. They met in Rome in February 2014. Anna and Yusif sang together in the production of Manon Lescaut. They communicated warmly for several weeks, and after the premiere they went home. Anna lived in Vienna, and Yusif lived in Milan. They soon realized that they wanted to be together. Eyvazov proposed to Netrebko, and she agreed.

    In December 2015, Netrebko and Eyvazov got married. Yusif found mutual language with Thiago. The family often travels together and looks very happy.

    Social media

    The opera singer is registered in many popular social networks:

    Anna has long since connected her fate with music and has never regretted it. In a few years she did fast career and conquered the world with her enchanting soprano. Netrebko is rightfully called the queen of opera, and she does not intend to give this title to anyone!

    Anna Netrebko (on Instagram – anna_netrebko_yusi_tiago) is a famous opera singer, winner of many awards. In this article, we focused on the photo of Anna Netrebko on Instagram. Anna was born in Krasnodar, September 18, 1971. Her parents are from the Kuban Cossacks, her mother worked as an engineer, and her father as a geologist. Started playing music as a child. Already during her school years, she became a soloist of the Kuban Pioneer choir. After graduating from school, she entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory in the class of Tamara Novichenko.

    In 1994 she participated in the competition named after. Glinka, where she won, and she was invited to perform at the Mariinsky Theater. The conductor was Valery Gergiev. Literally a year later, Netrebko was already invited abroad, to San Francisco. The Russian work was chosen - “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, and the young singer got the role main character. In addition to this there were many other operas - “The Magic Flute”, “The Barber of Seville”, “War and Peace”, “Rigoletto” and others. The girl gradually conquered the world's capitals. In 2002, in New York, she was expected at the Metropolitan Opera to perform the role of Natasha in War and Peace, then in 2003 - in Munich and Los Angeles.
    The woman has dual citizenship. She received the second, Austrian, in 2006, as she was going to live in Salzburg and Vienna. And on this moment she lives alternately in New York and Vienna.

    Personal life

    The singer has two experiences in total Serious relationships. The first lasted 6 years and brought her a son, Thiago Arua. The child's father was baritone Erwin Schrott from Uruguay. The son was born in 2008, and in 2013 the parents decided to separate. Two years later, in 2015, the singer married tenor Yusif Eyvazov. Her second husband is from Azerbaijan. Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov are constantly together, judging by Instagram.


    Anna Netrebko's official Instagram website is a complete delight for lovers classical music, opera and museums. The owner of the account not only loves to walk around the sights of Europe and Russia, she is happy to share this with her subscribers. In addition, fans have a rare opportunity to see and hear fragments from the singer’s performances on stage. And not only this.

    Preparations, fitting of costumes and selection of jewelry for the role in every detail, rehearsals - all this also becomes public knowledge thanks to Instagram. But on Anna Netrebko Yusif Thiago’s Instagram there is not only that. People close to her often appear, especially her son and husband. The son either walks with his mother or, with sparkling eyes, tries to play the instruments of the opera orchestra.