What is the difference between folk art and original work? What is the difference between a literary work and a folklore work?

  • 07.04.2019
1.Literary work.

A literary work is a product of human thought, enshrined in in writing and of social significance. As an example of a literary work, I chose the play by S. Ya. Marshak<<Двенадцать месяцев >>.

Play by S. Ya. Marshak<<Двенадцать месяцев>> tells that good always triumphs over evil, that the power of nature only helps kind and hardworking people.

This tale tells how the Queen is under New Year She issued a decree that she would reward the one who brought her a basket of snowdrops. The greedy and evil Stepmother and Daughter send the Stepdaughter into the forest. The stepdaughter meets 12 brothers - months - by the fire. They help her, give her snowdrops and a magic ring. The stepmother and her own daughter bring snowdrops to the palace, and the Queen orders them to show them where they picked the flowers. The stepmother and daughter talk about the Stepdaughter, and the Queen and her retinue, with the Stepmother, Daughter and Stepdaughter go to the forest. The Queen wants to execute her stepdaughter, but the brothers come to her aid for months, turn the stepmother and her daughter into dogs, disperse the courtiers and force the Queen to think about what good is.

In Marshak's fairy tale play, the characters' characters and their actions are lifelike and truthful. The Queen's whims, the insincere behavior of courtiers, for example, the Chamberlains, the anger and greed of the Stepmother and Daughter, the kindness of the Soldier, the loyalty and warmth of the Stepdaughter are truthfully depicted.
The very existence of the moon brothers in the form of people, the meeting of the girl with them by the fire in the forest, the transformation of winter into spring and then the rapid change of all seasons in a short time is implausible, fantastic.
With this combination of the fantastic and the real, Marshak achieves an amazing result: viewers and readers begin to believe that the moon brothers really exist; Marshak teaches us kindness and compassion, but does this not in the form of boring teachings, but in the form of a fairy tale that reaches the very heart.
We condemn the greedy Stepmother and Daughter, the wayward Queen, the stupid and insincere Chamberlain, and we sympathize with the Queen’s Stepdaughter and Teacher. We laugh at greed, stupidity and lies, and believe in goodness and justice.

2. Folklore work.

A folklore work is the result of a collective creative process, in which it is impossible to establish authorship. Literature unites works whose authorship is reliably known. As an example, I chose a fairy tale<<Морозко>>.

The stepmother lives with her own daughter and stepdaughter. The old woman decides to drive her stepdaughter out of the yard and orders her husband to take the girl “to an open field in the bitter cold.” He obeys.

In an open field, Frost the Red Nose greets a girl. She answers kindly. Frost feels sorry for his stepdaughter, and he does not freeze her, but gives her a dress, a fur coat, and a dowry chest.

The stepmother is already holding a wake for her stepdaughter and tells the old man to go to the field and bring the girl’s body to bury. The old man returns and brings his daughter - alive, dressed up, with a dowry! The stepmother orders that her own daughter be taken to the same place. Frost Red Nose comes to look at the guest. Without waiting from the girl " good speeches", he kills her. The old woman expects her daughter to return with wealth, but instead the old man brings only a cold body.

main character fairy tales - a stepdaughter, a hardworking, helpful and meek girl - a “socially disadvantaged character” in the stepmother’s house: “Everyone knows how to live with a stepmother: if you turn over, you’ll be beaten, and if you don’t turn over, you’ll be beaten...” homework I did, but I was never able to please my evil, cruel stepmother.

According to canon fairy tales the heroine leaves home before finding her happiness. The reason is that the stepmother drives her out: “So the stepmother came up with the idea of ​​driving her stepdaughter away from the world. “Take her, take her, old man,” he says to her husband, “where you want my eyes not to see her! Take her to the forest, into the bitter cold.”

The stepdaughter's character is so meek that she does not argue or resist when her own father leaves her in the cold winter forest. And she behaves just as meekly when the title character of the fairy tale, Morozko, tests her character, increasing the frost more and more. The girl’s answers are friendly, despite the bitter cold. For this, Morozko takes pity on the girl and generously gifts her. Wealth as a reward is a characteristic device of folk tales.

The stepmother, domineering, envious and greedy, seeing her stepdaughter unharmed and with rich gifts, orders the old man to take her own daughter to the same place in the forest. The main reason for such envy is clear from the words of the dog: “They take an old man’s daughter in gold and silver, but they don’t marry an old woman.” It is for the dowry that the old woman sends her beloved daughter out into the cold.

The situation in the forest repeats itself: Morozko appears and subjects the girl to the cold test three times. She, however, is not endowed with kindness or meekness and is filled with pride. Her answers are rude and disrespectful, and Morozko cruelly punishes this heroine: she dies from the cold.

So tragic ending folk tale“Morozko” shows the reader how cruelly the people condemn envy, greed, anger and oppression of the weak and defenseless, like the stepdaughter. Behavior negative heroes fairy tales, a stepmother and her own daughter, causes a rejection of anger and injustice in a child’s soul. And the punishment that the girl suffered is perceived by the reader as a triumph of justice.

3.What is the difference? literary work from folklore work.

There is a close connection between folklore and literature, due to the specifics verbal creativity, which displays a person’s ideas about the world around him and patterns of development public consciousness. However, in folklore and literary works there are fundamental differences that determine their characteristic features and features. There are also differences in the heroes.

The examples I gave have similar characters. There are also differences. In a fairy tale<<Морозко>>, as in the fairy tale-play by S. Ya. Marshak<<Двенадцать месяцев>> there are identical characters such as: Stepdaughter, stepmother, queen, daughter, soldier, etc.. In the fairy tale play by S.Ya. Marshak<<Двенадцать месяцев >> characters obviously not folklore, but literary origin: The Queen's Teacher, the Chamberlain, the Chancellor, the Chief of the Royal Guard, the Royal Prosecutor and other members of the Queen's retinue.

FolkloreV in a broad sense- this is historically formed, absorbed folk traditions collective co-authorship, conveyed orally or game form a poetic summary of the experience of many generations. Folklore genres include ritual, song and epic. TO epic genres include fairy tales, traditions, epics, legends, tales, as well as small forms of oral folk art - proverbs, sayings, riddles and anecdotes. The word “folklore” is often used in a narrower meaning - to define the content and method of creating verbal artistic images characteristic of these genres.

Originliteratureas an art form in many cultures is associated with the development of folk epic. It served as the basis for chronicles and biographies of saints; storytelling principle borrowed from folklore tales, was used in constructing the plots of adventurous and picaresque novels - the prototype of many genres of modern prose; The figurative structure and rhythmic organization of epics, historical, and ritual songs are reflected in the author's poetry.

However, literary works did not obey folklore canons, had a more complex composition, a freely developing plot and could only exist in writing, since each of them was an original composition created by one person.

Since the Renaissance, a characteristic feature fiction the author’s style becomes, and the object of the image is the hero’s inner world, in which the reader finds moral priorities and features of the era characteristic of a particular historical period in the development of society.

Modern literary process– a complex, diverse cultural phenomenon, manifested in the diversity of already established and emergingforms of verbal creativity.

Unlike literature, folklore retains stable forms and inactive compositional structure text. The hero’s inner world is closed: only an event or action matters, in which it is not character traits that are manifested, but generally accepted principles of behavior, accepted as the basis of an order that establishes a balance between good and evil.

1)No personal creator

2)Arose and developed as an oral folk art

3)Lives in many variants

4)Can be conveyed in recitative

5) You can dance and sing

2) Originated as writing and develops as writing

3) Has one version written by the author

4) The writer wrote

5) The reader reads

It’s the same in our examples, in the fairy tale<<Морозко>> not a personal creator, it develops as oral folk art, this fairy tale was once invented by the people a long time ago, later different versions appeared. There is Tolstoy's version and Afanasyev's version.

Korovina V.Ya.Literature and folklore. Tutorial for students in grades 9-11 - M., 1966.

There is a close connection between folklore and literature, due to the specifics of verbal creativity, which reflects a person’s ideas about the world around him and the patterns of development of social consciousness. However, in folklore and literary works there are fundamental differences that determine their characteristic features and features.

Folklore in a broad sense, it is a historically established collective co-authorship that has absorbed folk traditions, conveying in oral or playful form a poetic generalization of the experience of many generations. Folklore genres include ritual, song and epic. Epic genres include fairy tales, legends, epics, legends, tales, as well as small forms of oral folk art - proverbs, sayings, riddles and anecdotes. The word “folklore” is often used in a narrower sense - to define the content and method of creating verbal artistic images characteristic of these particular genres.

Origin literature as an art form in many cultures is associated with the development of folk epic. It served as the basis for chronicles and biographies of saints; the principle of storytelling, borrowed from folk tales, was used in constructing the plots of adventurous and picaresque novels - the prototype of many genres of modern prose; The figurative structure and rhythmic organization of epics, historical, and ritual songs are reflected in the author's poetry.

However, literary works did not obey folklore canons, had a more complex composition, an arbitrarily developing plot and could only exist in written form, since each of them was an original composition created by one person.

Starting from the Renaissance, the author's style becomes a characteristic feature of fiction, and the object of the image is the inner world of the hero, in which the reader finds the moral priorities and features of the era characteristic of a specific historical period in the development of society.

The modern literary process is a complex, diverse cultural phenomenon, manifested in the diversity of already established and just emerging forms of verbal creativity.

Unlike literature, folklore retains stable forms and a sedentary compositional structure of the text. The hero’s inner world is closed: only an event or action matters, in which it is not character traits that are manifested, but generally accepted principles of behavior, accepted as the basis of an order that establishes a balance between good and evil.

Conclusions website

  1. Folklore is a special form of oral folk art, which in verbal images conveys generalized ideas about the structure of the world and the human community. Literature as an art form is realized in written form and reflects the inner world of a person in the system public relations that developed in a specific historical period.
  2. Folklore works are the result of a collective creative process in which it is impossible to establish authorship. Literature unites works whose authorship is reliably known.
  3. Folklore genres are subject to stable rules for constructing plots, creating a figurative structure and choosing means artistic expression. In literary works, the principles of plot construction and image creation are determined by the author.

Literary and folk tales belong to the same genre, so it is quite difficult to determine how a folk tale differs from a literary one. The only visible differences are the form of the narrative and the internal content. The basis of the plot of any fairy tale is amazing story about the unprecedented adventures (sometimes misadventures) of the main characters, but in folklore works the plot is built according to a traditional scheme, but in literary works the narrative has the author’s version of the presentation.

Folk tales

To identify the differences between literary and folk tales, you should study the definitions of these concepts. Folk tale is ancient cultural heritage, which, albeit in an embellished form, preserved the idea of ​​ancestors about the relationship between the surrounding world (nature) and man. Here the line between evil and good is clearly demarcated, the basic laws of morality and moral principles human society, demonstrated the striking features of national identity, beliefs and way of life. Fairy tales, called folk tales, have their own classification:

  • Magic ("Magic Ring", "Two Frosts", "Frost").
  • Epic stories (“Bulat-Well done”, “Vavila and the buffoons”, “Dobrynya and the Serpent”).
  • Household (“Poor Master and Servant”, “Thieves and Judge”, “Expensive Lunch”).
  • Bogatyrsky ("Ivan - peasant son and Miracle Yudo", "Ivan the Cow's Son", "Nikita Kozhemyaka").
  • Satirical (“Good Pop”, “The Fool and the Birch”, “Porridge from an Ax”).

A separate niche in the presented classification is occupied by animals ("Geese-Swans", "Goat-Dereza", "Masha and the Bear"). Experts associate their occurrence with ancient pagan rituals and beliefs.

Literary tales

When comparing folk and literary fairy tales, it is definitely worth considering that the latter arose much later than the first. Thanks to the implementation educational ideas in European literature, in XVIII century the first author's readings and adaptations of folklore legends appeared, and already in the 19th century traditional fairy tales. Among those who have been particularly successful in this field are A. Hoffmann, C. Perrault, G. H. Andersen and, of course, the Brothers Grimm - recognized classics of the genre.

The similarities between literary and folk tales are determined by the fact that folklore motifs are repeated in both and are necessarily present. magical attributes, but in literary development plots and the choice of main characters are strictly subordinated to the author's will. Also from the second half of the 19th century centuries, the literary fairy tale becomes very close to short stories and even stories. A striking example The works of Russian writers: L. Tolstoy and A. Pogorelsky, and European ones: S. Lagerlöf, and L. Carroll can serve as references.

General. Folklore traditions

When comparing the features of folk and literary fairy tales, special attention should be paid to folklore traditions author's fairy tale, combining it with folk tales:

  • Writers use in their works plot motives folklore (moral and moral temptation - the test of the main character, the presence of animal helpers, the miraculous origin of the characters, hatred of the stepmother's stepdaughter, etc.).
  • According to the respected Russian folklorist V. Ya. Propp, writers use traditional images familiar from childhood central characters, which perform certain functions(antagonist, protagonist, assistant to the main character, giver, mischievous saboteur, stolen object, false hero).
  • In their creations, storytellers create time and space in accordance with the unwritten laws of the fairy-tale folklore world: the place is fantastic, sometimes indefinite: the distant kingdom, a dilapidated dugout, etc.
  • The use of poetic speech techniques: triple repetitions, constant epithets, verbal formulas, vernacular, proverbs and sayings, phraseological units.

Such close attention to folklore sources allows us to see the appeal of fairy tale writers to them and the specificity of the literary fairy tale.


To understand how a folk tale differs from a literary one, it is worth paying attention to the uniqueness of form and content, namely:

  • In the author's fairy tale, figurativeness is more clearly expressed, that is, it is described in more detail, detail and, most importantly, colorfully appearance, emotions of characters, location and events.
  • IN literary fairy tale there is psychologism, a more in-depth and detailed study inner world, feelings and emotions of the characters.
  • The characters of the author's legend are not generalized types, they have unique individual ones. For example, writers such as Ershov, Pushkin, Odoevsky, pay attention to the psychological motives of the actions and actions of the heroes.
  • Like any literary work, fairy tales by writers are characterized by a pronounced, stable tone that determines its emotional tone. For example: “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...” - pure, bright, noble; "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes" - elegant, gentle, sad; "The Tale of the Priest and his worker Balda" - jokey, mocking; "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" - ironic, but sad.

How does a folk tale differ from a literary one? The fact that the author's work allows the reader to recognize the author's face, his spiritual world, preferences and This is a fundamental difference between a folklore tale, in which the ideals of an ethnic group are reflected, and the personality of a particular narrator is erased.

Briefly about the main thing

So, how does a folk tale differ from a literary one? The latter is a work of authorship, unlike the former, which emerged as a result of collective creativity as an epic subgenre. A literary legend is an established, recognized genre of fiction, and a folk tale is a special type folklore genre, the characteristic of which is oral retelling.

Favorite literary genre of kids

Literary fairy tales are one of the most revered literary genres in children. Even the program school reading contains the works of such writers A. S. Pushkina, V.F. Odoevsky, P.P. Ershova, V.A. Zhukovsky, which are included in the golden fund of domestic and world literature for children. Reading them contributes to the rapid formation of moral and aesthetic ideas of children, develops their literary horizons and general culture. But most importantly, such works contribute to the development creativity, imagination and unconventional thinking of the young reader.

Is it different from written literature? Folk art, unlike works of literature, does not have one author, because it was created over a long period of time by many authors from the people. Such works are variant, i.e. the same thing can happen in different options, depending on the territory and time of execution (each narrator adds something of his own and leaves something out). Folk art was created and existed for a long time only in oral speech. Folk works have a special artistic structure, constant epithets and comparisons, own rhythm and style.

What genres of folk art do you know? Ukrainian creativity is very diverse. It includes epic works that tell about heroic events in the life of the people (first of all, these are thoughts), folk epic in the form of fairy tales, legends, retellings, from folk demonology, sayings, proverbs, lyrical songs, ballads, humorous works and drama.

Name the main themes of historical songs of Ukrainians. Historical songs depict heroic figures of the past and important events for the people. Ukrainian historical songs tell us about the struggle against the Tatar invasion, against the Turks, the heroic times of the Cossacks, the struggle against national oppression or social injustice. In fact, historical songs reflect every significant historical event: there are folk songs both about long-standing events and about relatively recent ones (famous songs of UPA fighters and songs of the Second World War). So, Ukrainian song several thousand years.

How they portray historical figures V folk songs? The images of historical figures in folk songs are often similar to each other: they are depicted as ardent patriots, courageous and fearless warriors, wise and worthy people. But everyone also has their own individual traits, just as everyone has them. Combining idealization with individual traits makes these images brighter and more interesting for the reader.

5. Retell the legend of Marus Churay? Express your own attitude to old events.

6. What songs do you know? What is their topic? The most famous songs Marusya Churai has “The winds are blowing, wild winds are blowing”, “The Cossacks have stood frozen”, “Oh, don’t go, Gregory...” and many others. In her songs, the talented Poltava girl depicts all aspects human life: love and friendship, some moments from public life, Cossacks, creates pictures of his native nature.

7. If you have already read Lina Kostenko’s poems, tell us which one is shown in this work.

8. Define duma as a genre of folk art. Duma - lyric-epic work heroic content, relatively large in shape. It necessarily has a plot, is performed in recitative musical accompaniment. Dumas have their own rhythmic and melodic features associated with the specifics of their execution.

9. What types of thoughts do you know? What do you know about doom artists? Name the most famous kobzars. The performers of the dumas were kobzars; the generalized image of a kobzar became one of the symbols of the Ukrainian nation. The most famous masters were Ostap Veresay, G. Goncharenko, G. Kravchenko. Now this art is being revived, schools of bandura players are being founded, and new professionals are appearing. Among modern bandura players we can mention Nevezha and the Litvins. Analyze the problems of the thought “About Marusya Boguslavka”.

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