Presnyakov senior group name. Singer Vladimir Presnyakov (junior): biography, personal life, photo

  • 05.07.2019

Vladimir Presnyakov's career began in quite early age. Fans know him as a talented singer, composer and arranger. He also tried his hand at films. He has about a dozen films to his credit. But for the bulk of people, he became popular not because of his works, but because of his three marriages.

First love - Kristina Orbakaite

With your first, let it not official wife, Vladimir met at the bottom of the concerts. At that time, Vladimir was 19 years old, and Alla Pugacheva’s daughter, Christina, was only 15 years old.

Christina still remembers the moment they met. She had already played the main role in the film “Scarecrow”, and Vladimir complimented her on her good performance in this film. The next meeting of young people took place on New Year's Eve blue light" Presnyakov performed there with a song about Charlie Chaplin, and Christina performed with dance group Vladimir Kuzmin.

It was this “blue light” that became the beginning of the relationship between the young people. Very soon Vladimir and Christina began to live together. At first they lived with Volodya's parents. A little later we moved to Pugacheva’s apartment.

One and the other parents were initially shocked by such an early relationship, but did not interfere with the young ones. They could fully enjoy each other and no one bothered them in this. Parents most were on tour.

As soon as Christina turned 16, the young people declared themselves a couple. But at the same time, they did not formalize their relationship. Their parents also supported them in this decision.

Christina still remembers this relationship with warmth. In many interviews, the couple said that they did not try to hide their relationship. On the contrary, they demonstrated their love in every possible way.

From the very beginning of living together, the couple tried to become financially independent. Vladimir tried to earn any money to support his family and refused any financial assistance parents.

As a result, the couple lived together for 10 years. Everything has happened over the years. There were joyful moments, small quarrels and scandals. Despite the fact that the age difference between Vladimir and Christina was only 4 years, it affected the marriage. Christina said that Presnyakov is in literally raised her.

The couple had a beautiful son, Nikita. Despite the fact that his parents separated, his father takes an active part in his life. Yes and with ex-wife Vladimir maintained good friendly relations.

Elena Lenskaya - homewrecker or love

Presnyakov’s first official wife was fashion designer Elena Lenskaya. Before meeting Presnyakov, she was married to another famous singer- Igor Sarukhanov.

Interesting notes:

It is not known exactly where the couple met. But then there were many rumors about their acquaintance. Who said that Elena ruined Presnyakov’s marriage with Orbakaite. Others said that when Christina left Vladimir, it was Lenskaya who supported the guy, and then became his wife.

The previous husband, Igor Sarukhanov, did not hold back Elena. They calmly, without scandals, filed for divorce. According to some reports, Elena left an apartment, a car and a small plot of land from this marriage.

Be that as it may, the young people met in difficult period. But it was precisely his feelings for the girl that did not allow Vladimir to take possession of him bad habits, among which was alcohol abuse. Elena remembers that she helped him fight alcohol addiction, and he fought against her work.

The marriage became obsolete after almost 10 years. Presnyakov also broke up with his second wife quietly and without scandals. Leaving his and Lena’s apartment, he took only his favorite painting.

Unfortunately, the couple did not have children in their marriage, although they really wanted it. The singer, who had a son, simply dreamed of a daughter. They even came up with a name for her. They wanted to call her Ivanna. But the dreams were not destined to come true.

Natalia Podolskaya - young love

When Natalya Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov met, he was a famous singer and composer, she was an aspiring singer, a graduate of the “Star Factory”. The age difference between the young people was 14 years. It seemed that there could be nothing in common between them. But no, it was love.

Natalia and Vladimir met in France. They took part together in the television competition “Big Race”. It was 2005. The young people immediately fell in love with each other and had a good time together in France.

But having arrived in Moscow, the singer disappeared from Natalia’s sight for several months. He didn't call her and they didn't meet. The fact was that just at that moment Presnyakov was experiencing another break with his wife and was drawing up documents for divorce.

But still the couple managed to reunite. For several years they lived in a civil marriage and worked as a team creative duet. The couple performed at concerts and recorded songs together.

At one point, Vladimir and Natalya decided to formalize their relationship. But this was not a worthless wedding. They exchanged rings in Las Vegas. It was fun and noisy, but such marriage registration was not valid in Russia.

A few years later, the couple decided to legitimize their relationship for real. This was registration in one of the Moscow registry offices. The ceremony took place in 2010. Five years later, the love story continued. A long-awaited child was born into the family. The couple named their son Artemy.

With the birth of his child, Presnyakov changed a lot. He seemed to look 15-20 years younger. Now the young father rejoices at every success of his son, shares his photographs on in social networks. Now Presnyakov’s dream is the birth of a daughter. Natalya supports him in this endeavor, because she also dreams of a big family.

Biography of one of popular singers Russian showbiz Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. is like a stormy river with rapids, undercurrents and waterfalls, deafening everything around with music and a unique voice. After all, it is music from the heart that guides him throughout his life, not giving in to false career temptations - he is always real, sensual, bright and a beloved artist of several generations.

Rebellious childhood

The article contains a photo of Vladimir Presnyakov with his mother Elena. In musical parties, Presnyakov Jr. has a pseudonym - Vovan Presny, which makes him his “guy on the shirt” and at the same time somehow mysterious and inaccessible. The biography of Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. cannot be called simple. From childhood, Vova rebelled so much against the then existing system of education and upbringing that he had to change educational institutions one after another, causing negative emotions not only from teachers, but also from the parents of his classmates.

Born on March 29, 1968 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), to young musicians who still live happily together, Volodya from the cradle absorbed the basic values ​​of life - music and family. And despite the fact that his father hoped to raise another saxophonist, Volodya managed to prove the right to have his own path. The guy began to emerge as a musician very early, composing music from the age of 4. His talent was helped to unfold by the nomadic life of his parents, who toured with their young son, where he was surrounded by songs, concerts and the difficulties of touring. Even in the apartment, the family was not left alone - the creative fraternity composed, improvised, joked, played music, and little Volodya kept up with the adults.

Extraordinary creativity

Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. wrote his first serious song at the age of 11, already playing keyboards, drums and guitar. From the age of 12 he sang in the Elokhov Church in Moscow. And at the age of 13 he performed with the group “Cruise”, performing his own songs - “ old tale", "Red Book", "Cat". From an early age he studied at the famous Sverdlovsk boarding school, where many famous musicians, including his father, Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. Volodya studied at the boarding school for only 2 years - his freethinking and mischief, incompatible with the rules educational institution, forced the parents to take their son to Moscow, where they were establishing concert activities.

In Moscow, he studied at the Sveshnikov Choir School, but he also rebelled against local discipline and often skipped classes. That’s why he didn’t last there until he graduated. Parents enrolled their growing son in a school named after October revolution to the conducting and choral department.

How it all began

In the 80s, fashionable dance movement- brakedance. Vladimir Presnyakov was one of the first to catch this wave and was very noticeably successful in his performance. Laima Vaikule, who was gaining popularity at the time, noted Volodya as an artistic vocal performer and offered to work together on the show. Volodya was 15 years old at the time. They successfully worked in the ensemble for a year, performing almost every day until late at night at the Hammer Center. Volodya plunged headlong into concert activities, feeling this is my purpose.

At these performances, Volodya was heard by members of the film crew musical film“Above the Rainbow” and invited him to perform songs for the main character of the film - Dmitry Maryanov. The film was received excellently by the audience, the credit for its success also goes to Volodya’s songs - “Zurbagan”, “The Roadside Grass Sleeps”, performed behind the scenes. In total, Volodya participated in the filming of 10 films in episodic roles. Popular paintings: “She with a broom, he in a black hat” (1988), “Island of Lost Ships” (1988), “8 ½ dollars” (1999), “Upside down” (2003) and others. Volodya called his cinematic experience more of a hobby and did not dream of becoming a movie star.

Solo career of Vladimir Presnyakov

At the age of 16 (1987), Volodya began working at the Alla Pugacheva Song Theater. The prima donna patronized young talent, shared her professional experience - how to present yourself on stage and perform songs. Volodya learned a lot from the stage professional. Work at the theater continued until 1994.

Vladimir’s own solo program was implemented with the “Captain” team in Tallinn in September 1988. Two years later, he already performed a large solo program, “Farewell to Childhood,” at the Moscow Olimpiysky sports complex.

In the same 1990, Volodya was awarded the Golden Key prize as a singer and artist for his first own disc, “Dad, you were like that yourself,” large circulation which was distributed throughout the country. Volodya was the first among popular artists, who received a similar music award.

Until the mid-90s, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. was in the top ten popular artists countries.

At the beginning of 1998 he made a big tour across America with live sound. The halls were filled to capacity not only with Russian emigrants, but also with Americans.

Unique voice

During the period of breakdancing, when Volodya and like-minded people often performed at the Pravda Palace of Culture, he unexpectedly fell ill with pneumonia. As a result, my voice disappeared. After recovery, the voice gradually recovered, but of a different quality - it became a high falsetto.

This is one of the popular versions of the appearance of the singer’s bewitching voice.

According to another version, known at that time only in professional circles, the voice was specially trained for a vocal career.

The question of professional voice training arose after age-related vocal withdrawal. We tried all the options, but the results were not satisfactory - the voice did not have an individual coloring. For a pop vocalist, voice recognition is of paramount importance, and from the first seconds of sound. The concept of a special style of singing specifically for Volodya was proposed.

The concept was to achieve a lower vocal register. Western rock vocalists used a similar technique, masterfully drawing out “A” and “Z” in songs. A thoughtful image was created of a romantic lyricist, with an insinuating, soft voice, easily recognizable by listeners, performing a love repertoire.

First love

At the age of 18, Volodya meets his first love - the daughter of his mentor - Kristina Orbakaite, who was three years younger than him. They met at a concert in honor of Constitution Day, where Volodya gave a concert with Laima Vaikule. Volodya fell in love with young Christina, who at that time had not yet graduated from school. Christina reciprocated his feelings. They were very beautiful couple: both are handsome and tall - Vladimir Presnyakov is 184 cm tall, and Christina is 173 cm tall. The lovers met and a year later began to live together in Volodya’s apartment, who continued his singing and creative activities. After several years of close relationship, the couple had a son, Nikita, making the young parents happy with the continuation of their love.

Being the wife of Vladimir Presnyakov, Christina enjoyed playing the role loving wife and a caring mother. But soon she became actively interested in music. Gradually everyone took up solo career, and the family broke up, which came as a complete surprise to Volodya’s parents. Nikita was only 5 years old at the time.

The star mother-in-law of Presnyakov Jr. wisely accepted the separation of the young people, considering it the right step, because, in her words, “they should be brother and sister, and not husband and wife.”

Indeed, Kristina and Volodya remained close people and good parents to your sunny son.

Second try

A whirlwind romance with a beautiful, accomplished woman, Lena Lenskaya, lasted about five years before the official marriage. Everything was romantic, the couple was received with warmth in society, everyone was waiting for the official marriage. And this soon happened. But over time, everyday life negated the romance, the easy improvisation of relationships between talented people disappeared creative people from different areas life and the couple separated. At the same time, Elena and Vladimir remained good friends.

Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalya Podolskaya

Since 2005, Presnyakov Jr. has been happy with Natalya Podolskaya, a young singer who gave birth to his son. Volodya has changed a lot in appearance, has become younger, and appears in a new image. IN creatively creates new interesting projects with other singers, and everything also pleases its audience.

He is a successful musician and a happy father. Lightweight, talented, bright, unlike anyone else, especially considering how old Vladimir Presnyakov is, and he is 50 years old, he is full of creative ideas and healthy adventurism.

We are already accustomed to the fact that Elena Presnyakova always looks wonderful, the public is delighted that this Honored Artist of Russia in her years of honor performs on stage: she can do a cartwheel, do the splits, light up and go off like a 17-year-old girl, and in 2016 this always laughing beauty had an anniversary - she turned 70 years old! Naked eye it’s clear that Elena Presnyakova does not abuse plastic surgery, and what a beautiful and slender body she has, chiseled legs, a thin waist, such breasts - young ladies will envy! In Elena’s family, both on her mother’s and father’s side, there were long-livers, they celebrated their centenary anniversaries and continued to live active life further. After all, genes decide almost everything, but it’s not just about them, positive mood, proper nutrition, physical exercise- do their job. And may Elena Presnyakova not sweat for hours in gym, but her performances on stage can be equated to fitness, because she always gives her all at her concerts.

Although Elena Presnyakova is flirtatious and says in her interviews that she can eat everything - this is not entirely true, well, maybe in her youth, anything happened - and she could eat fried potatoes at night, filling them with mayonnaise, then about the right ones, healthy diets, no one really knew anything. But now, at a more conscious age, Elena Presnyakova began to follow some rules healthy eating. In the morning, a glass of water is required on an empty stomach, an hour later - brewed in the evening oatmeal with dried fruits, and no vegetables before lunch - they can damage the stomach that has not yet woken up. Elena Presnyakova carefully takes care of her face - she smears it with expensive French cream, and applies three products at once to her eyes! But our heroine does not like to visit beauty salons; it is difficult for her to sit or lie in one place for a long time. Not so long ago, Elena Presnyakova had new teeth implanted, but the operation was not entirely successful, the fact is that now it is difficult for the artist to chew solid food, and therefore porridge became her main diet, which also contributes to the slimness of her body.

Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. and his wife Elena had a golden wedding in 2017 - these two lived together for 50 years! They met back in 1965 and almost immediately realized that they wanted to link their lives together. Both were 19 years old, he led a pop ensemble, by that time he was already very interested in jazz and played the saxophone, and Elena had recently graduated from school and decided to connect her life with music; she began her career in the group of her future husband. Joint performances and tours brought the couple closer; in 1968, their son Vladimir was born; the young parents were 22 years old. When going on tour, they often left little Volodya with his parents or in kindergarten for a five-day period. Growing up, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. never mentioned his childhood grievances and experiences in any of his interviews; he is an example of how a child, to whom parents could not pay due attention due to their busyness at work, can grow into a worthy, successful, loving mother and dad is a man.

Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. and his wife Elena Presnyakova are one of the strongest and most stable couples Russian stage, many fans ask – what is the success of their long-term union? The answer is simple: mutual respect! But is it really that simple? Probably, after all, many factors matter, and the recipe should be throughout for long years life together does not exist. You can read a bunch of books on family psychology, listen great amount advice from successful couples, but never become happy. So strong married couple, who have been together for more than 50 years, and the wife in this union is still beautiful and young, her eyes sparkle with happiness, and her husband does not look to the left - one can call it a miracle!

In the photo there are two Vladimir Presnyakovs - the elder and the younger.

Unique photo: Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. without a mustache and with a saxophone, Elena Presnyakova without a wig.

Group "Gems".

Elena is 49 years old in this photo!

In the photo with Vyatcheslav Dobrynin.

With grandson Nikita Presnyakov.

Elena Presnyakova in her youth.

With his son Volodya.

Elena with her son.

In this photo, Vladimir Presnyakov in his youth, this is how he looked without a mustache.

The Russian public knows Vladimir Petrovich Presnyakov from the legendary “Gems”. The long-haired artist attracted fans with his charming appearance and virtuoso playing of the saxophone. His achievements in the field of culture did not go unnoticed. The musician has the title of both Honored Artist and Honored Artist.

Biography of Vladimir Presnyakov Sr.

The current famous artist was born in the small Ukrainian town of Khodorov. There was always a creative atmosphere in the house. The boy’s mother had an increased inclination towards music; she herself mastered playing several musical instruments. The son did not change the family tradition either.

At first he entered a paramilitary school, where future musicians also studied. By that time, the family had already moved to Sverdlovsk. The young music lover chose the clarinet. Later he became a student at a music school. These were wonderful times, it was then that Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. met the saxophone and fell in love with it with all his soul. But I had to play this musical instrument in secret from everyone; in those years there was a prejudiced attitude towards saxophonists.

Vladimir was incredibly lucky; he was accidentally noticed by B. Rychkov, who offered to take the place of instrumentalist in his quartet. As part of this ensemble, the musician attended a jazz festival. The young talent was noticed, Vladimir became a laureate. And then there was military service. The first rank in football brought Presnyakov first to the sports company, but a little later he was transferred and made the leader of the orchestra.

Returning to civilian life, Vladimir Petrovich changed several ensembles. For a long time he led the rock group “Nordik” (“What the Guitars Sing About”). But in the mid-70s the team was subjected to repression. Talented guys were accused of having a terrible repertoire, indecent appearance. For Presnyakov Sr. hard times. Even amateur groups refused his services.

Salvation came from Yu. Malikov. The head of "Gems" was recruiting new line-up for your brainchild. Vladimir auditioned, and he and his wife worked in this ensemble for several years. Later, in 1987, when Presnyakov Jr. began performing solo, his father left the band and began helping his son. At Vladimir’s concerts, the parent performed a solo number.

Russian composer, arranger, saxophonist. Honored Artist of Russia (1996). Honored Artist of Russia (2007).

Vladimir Presnyakov. Biography

Vladimir Petrovich Presnyakov- hereditary musician, successor family traditions many generations. Born into the family of Pyotr Mikhailovich and Maria Semyonovna Presnyakov. Vladimir's mother was an amateur musician and played many instruments.

In 1957, Vladimir Presnyakov entered the Sverdlovsk military school of musicians in the clarinet class. In 1963 he went to study at Sverdlovsk School of Music named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, from which he graduated in 1967. While studying, he became interested in playing the saxophone, which later became his favorite. musical instrument. At first I had to study in secret, since in those years playing this instrument was not encouraged at school.

After graduating from college, V.P. Presnyakov became a laureate of the Moscow international festival jazz music as part of the quartet of the outstanding Soviet jazz pianist Boris Rychkov, who became the idol and teacher of the young musician for many years.
Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. in 1965 performed in one of the oldest Moldovan ensembles - VIA " Minok", which was later banned by order of the USSR Minister of Culture Ekaterina Furtseva. The ensemble was given the name " What are the guitars singing about?».

In 1967 he was drafted into the army. At first he served in a sports company, as he was a first-class football player, then he was transferred to the District House of Officers of the city of Sverdlovsk as a musician and until the end of his service he led the orchestra there. In those same years, he married singer Elena Kobyzeva.

During his service in the army, V.P. Presnyakov became a laureate of several more jazz festivals- service in the House of Officers allowed me to devote enough time to playing my favorite instrument - the saxophone. After returning from the army, Vladimir Petrovich worked in the ensemble famous singer Gyulli Nikolaevna Chokheli. Then he was a leader and saxophonist in several other groups.

“What the Guitars Are Singing About” continued performing around the country under the leadership of V.P. Presnyakov until 1975, when it was subjected to repression by the Ministry of Culture and was disbanded. The appearance of a devastating article in the Pravda newspaper, authored by Valentina Terskaya, led to the banning of the activities of this ensemble. The set of accusations was standard for that time: “kowtowing to the West”, “shaggy hairstyles”, “ defiant behavior on stage”, “disgusting repertoire”, “disgusting costumes”, etc. After this article, V.P. Presnyakov was not hired even for amateur performances; these were very difficult times morally and materially.

Salvation came in the fall of 1975 with a call to Sverdlovsk Yuri Malikov, who invited the Presnyakovs to the newly created ensemble “ Gems" Then a split occurred in the country’s most popular ensemble - the musicians left to create VIA “Plamya”, and Malikov began to recruit new ones. Naturally, he decided to invite such an excellent saxophonist and arranger as Vladimir Presnyakov. Vladimir Petrovich travels from Yekaterinburg to the audition, first alone, then he calls his wife Elena at home: “They’re taking us, come, we have to take a risk!” Son Vladimir also moves to Moscow with his parents.

During his work in “Gems”, many songs were written that became very popular: “Summer, summer, summer”, “Tamer”, “Salute”, “Ali Baba”, “You tell me”, “Paper boat”, “ Dawn - sunset”, etc.

When in 1987 son Vladimir makes serious attempts to start solo career, Presnyakov Sr. leaves “Gems” and begins working as a saxophonist for his son. Moreover, in concert program son Vladimir Petrovich has his own solo number, where he performs jazz compositions on the saxophone.

Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. Personal life

Spouse - Presnyakova (Kobzeva) Elena Petrovna- soloist of the ensemble " Gems" Son - Vladimir Vladimirovich Presnyakov, crooner. Grandson - Nikita Vladimirovich Presnyakov. Grandson - Artyom Vladimirovich Presnyakov, born June 5, 2015.

Presnyakov Sr. has five tattoos on his body. One is in the shape of a ram, the other depicts a Chinese snake. The third is an abstract saxophone. There is also the sign of Mars and the yin-yang symbol.

Loves football and is a permanent participant football club stars of Russia "Artist". He has membership card No. 1 in the beer lovers club.