Biographies of children's writers for children. The best children's writers and books for children's development

  • 06.04.2019
Modern Russian children's writers of the 21st century and their works have replaced the long-familiar Chukovsky, with his Aibolit, and Nosov, with his beloved Dunno. Some modern works very controversial. After all, we are accustomed to the fact that children's fairy tales, stories and poems should be kind, instructive in some way, and goodness should certainly win.

In addition, there are outright graphomaniacs with unstable psyches, but they have enough money to publish their collections.

Therefore, it is very important to carefully sift out the literature that falls into the hands of children. After all, it shapes their psyche and suggests the line of their behavior in various situations.

Modern children's writers in Russia have moved away from classical Soviet children's literature and do not always put morality first. And yet, they manage to convey in a fun and accessible way to children what “good” is and what “bad” is.

Contemporary children's writers of Russia, list:

  • Tatyana Bokova (I fell in love on Thursday. Miracles on New Year's Eve. Mom, Dad and Me.)
  • Sergey Georgiev (Christmas trees: Field Marshal Pulkin. Ball from Australia. Little green frog)
  • Arthur Givargizov (Notes of an outstanding student. About dragons and policemen.)
  • Tamara Kryukova (Shiny galosh on the right foot. Zhenya Moskvichev and his friends)
  • Oleg Kurguzov (Birthday upside down. In the footsteps of Pochemuchka)
  • Sergey Sedov (Hercules. 12 great labors. An eyewitness account.)
  • Maria Bershadskaya (Big little girl.)
  • Stanislav Vostokov (Do not feed, do not tease...)
  • Arthur Givargizov (From grandfather's to children's.)
  • Maria Aromstam (When the Angels rest.)
In fact, there are now a lot of children's writers, and only the most famous ones are listed here. How do people become writers? Most of them are dreamers and inventors who, having become parents, discovered that their children have nothing to read. Old fairy tales have long been read, and some of them are better protected from. It is difficult to teach children to read when there is a vacuum around, and this is in best case scenario. It's worse if the child gets stuck in computer games, where he develops not the simplest character.

Modern children's writers are psychologists, teachers and simply parents who endlessly love children, their own and others, and they grow up with their children, telling more and more new fairy tales. They know the children, and sometimes it is the children who give advice fairy tales. Only the person who communicates with children every day can write an exciting story and tear the child away from the TV with cartoons.

And one should not underestimate the influence of children's fiction on the child's psyche. Books force a child to think and imagine images on his own, which does not happen when watching cartoons.

Parents should pay more attention to their child and choose fairy tales/stories that the child will understand and will like. He just doesn't know that such a thing exists. fairy world literature and does not know how to separate good books from the bad ones.

On March 31, 1882, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was born - Russian poet, literary critic, children's writer and journalist. The passion for children's literature, which made Chukovsky famous, began relatively late, when he was already a famous critic.
In 1916, Chukovsky compiled the collection “Yolka” and wrote his first fairy tale “Crocodile”. In 1923, his famous fairy tales “Moidodyr” and “Cockroach” were published.

Charles Perrault

French poet and critic of the classical era, now known mainly as the author of Mother Goose Tales. Charles Perrault was the fourth most published foreign writer in the USSR for the years 1917-1987: total circulation its publications amounted to 60.798 million copies.

Berestov Valentin Dmitrievich

Russian poet and lyricist who wrote for adults and children. He is the author of such children's works as “The Braggart Serpent”, “The Coltsfoot”, “The Stork and the Nightingale”, etc.

Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich

Russian Soviet poet, playwright, translator and literary critic. The author of the works “Teremok”, “Cat’s House”, “Doctor Faust”, etc. Almost throughout his literary career, Marshak wrote both poetic feuilletons and serious, “adult” lyrics. In addition, Marshak is the author of classic translations of William Shakespeare's sonnets. Marshak's books have been translated into many languages ​​of the world, and for his translations of Robert Burns, Marshak was awarded the title of honorary citizen of Scotland.

Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich

In addition to his career as a fabulist and war correspondent, Sergei Vladimirovich is also the author of hymn texts Soviet Union And Russian Federation. Among his famous children's works are “Uncle Styopa”, “The Nightingale and the Crow”, “What Do You Have”, “The Hare and the Tortoise”, etc.

Hans Christian Andersen

Author worldwide famous fairy tales for children and adults: “The Ugly Duckling”, “The King’s New Clothes”, “Thumbelina”, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “The Princess and the Pea”, “Ole Lukoye”, “ The Snow Queen"and many others.

Agniya Barto

Volova's first husband was the poet Pavel Barto. Together with him, she wrote three poems - “Roaring Girl”, “Dirty Girl” and “Counting Table”. During the Great Patriotic War The Barto family was evacuated to Sverdlovsk. There Agnia had to master the profession of a turner. She donated the prize she received during the war to build a tank. In 1944, the family returned to Moscow.

Nosov Nikolay Nikolaevich

Laureate Stalin Prize third degree, 1952 Nikolai Nosov is best known as a children's writer. Here is the author of works about Dunno.

Moshkovskaya Emma Efraimovna

At the beginning of his creative path Emma received approval from Samuel Marshak himself. In 1962, she published her first collection of poems for children, Uncle Shar, which was followed by more than 20 collections of poems and fairy tales for preschool and primary school age. It is also worth noting that many Soviet composers wrote songs based on Moshkovskaya’s poems.

Lunin Viktor Vladimirovich

Viktor Lunin began composing poems and fairy tales while still in school, but began the path of a professional writer much later. The first publications of poetry in periodicals appeared in the early 70s (the writer himself was born in 1945). Viktor Vladimirovich has published more than thirty books of poetry and prose. His poetic “Az-bu-ka” for children became the standard for the transmission of letter sounds, and his book “Children’s Album” was awarded at the 3rd All-Russian Children’s Book Competition “ Father's house"In 1996 she was awarded a diploma. In the same year, for “Children's Album,” Viktor Lunin was awarded the title of laureate of the literary prize of the Murzilka magazine. In 1997, his fairy tale “The Adventures of Butter Liza” was awarded as best fairy tale about cats, a library of foreign literature.

Oseeva Valentina Aleksandrovna

In 1937, Valentina Alexandrovna took her first story “Grishka” to the editor, and in 1940 her first book “Red Cat” was published. Then collections of stories for children “Granny”, “ Magic word", "Father's Jacket", "My Comrade", a book of poems "Ezhinka", the story "Vasiok Trubachev and his comrades", "Dinka" and "Dinka says goodbye to childhood", which have autobiographical roots.

Brothers Grimm

The Brothers Grimm published several collections called Grimm's Fairy Tales, which became very popular. Among their fairy tales: “Snow White”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “ The Bremen Town Musicians", "Hansel and Gretel", "Little Red Riding Hood" and many others.

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev

Contemporaries noted his brilliant mind, humor, and talent as a conversationalist. His epigrams, witticisms and aphorisms were heard by everyone. Tyutchev’s fame was confirmed by many - Turgenev, Fet, Druzhinin, Aksakov, Grigoriev and others. Leo Tolstoy called Tyutchev “one of those unfortunate people who are immeasurably higher than the crowd among whom they live, and therefore are always alone.”

Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev

In 1846, the very first collection of poems made Pleshcheev famous among revolutionary youth. Three years later he was arrested and sent into exile, where he spent military service almost ten years. Upon returning from exile, Pleshcheev continued literary activity; Having gone through years of poverty and hardship, he became an authoritative writer, critic, publisher, and at the end of his life, a philanthropist. Many of the poet’s works (especially poems for children) have become textbooks and are considered classics. More than a hundred romances were written by the most famous Russian composers based on Pleshcheev’s poems.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky

There is no need to introduce this person. This will be done by the characters of his works, including Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, the cat Matroskin, Uncle Fyodor, postman Pechkin and others.

Art created for children is a diverse and extensive part modern culture. Literature has been present in our lives since childhood, it is with its help that the concept of good and evil is laid down, the worldview and ideals are formed. Even in preschool and junior school age young readers can already appreciate the dynamics of poetry or beautiful fairy tales, and at an older age they begin to read thoughtfully, so the books need to be selected accordingly. Let's talk about Russian and foreign children's writers and their works.

Children's writers of the 19th-20th centuries and the development of children's literature

For the first time, books specifically for children in Rus' began to be written in the 17th century; in the 18th century, the formation of children's literature began: at that time such people as M. Lomonosov, N. Karamzin, A. Sumarokov and others lived and worked. The 19th century is the heyday of children's literature, " silver Age“, and we read many books by writers of that time to this day.

Lewis Carroll (1832-1898)

The author of "Alice in Wonderland", "Alice Through the Looking Glass", "The Hunting of the Snark" was born in a small village in Cheshire (hence the name of his character - Cheshire Cat). The writer's real name is Charles Dodgson, he grew up in big family: Charles had 3 brothers and 7 sisters. He studied at college, became a professor of mathematics, and even received the rank of deacon. He really wanted to become an artist, he drew a lot, and loved to take photographs. As a boy he wrote stories, funny stories, loved the theater. If his friends had not persuaded Charles to rewrite his story on paper, Alice in Wonderland might not have seen the light of day, but still the book was published in 1865.

Carroll's books are written in such an original and juicy tongue, that it is difficult to choose a suitable translation for some words: there are more than 10 versions of the translation of his works into Russian, and it’s up to the readers to choose which one to prefer.

Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002)

Astrid Eriksson (married Lindgren) grew up in a farmer's family, her childhood was spent in games, adventures and work on the farm. As soon as Astrid learned to read and write, she began to write various stories and the first poems.

Astrid wrote the story “Pippi Longstocking” for her daughter when she was sick. Later, the stories “Mio, my Mio”, “Roni, the Robber’s Daughter”, a trilogy about detective Callie Blumkvist, a favorite triology of many, which tells the story of the cheerful and restless Carlson, were published.

Astrid's works are staged in many children's theaters around the world, and her books are adored by people of all ages. In 2002 it was approved literary prize in honor of Astrid Lindgren - she is awarded for her contribution to the development of literature for children.

Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940)

This is a Swedish writer, the first woman to receive Nobel Prize on literature. Selma was reluctant to remember her childhood: at the age of 3, the girl was paralyzed, she did not get out of bed, and her only consolation was fairy tales and stories told by her grandmother. At the age of 9, after treatment, the ability to move returned in Selma, and she began to dream of a career as a writer. She studied hard, received a doctorate, and became a member of the Swedish Academy.

In 1906, her book about the journey of little Nils on the back of Martin the goose was published, then the writer published the collection “Trolls and People,” which included fantastic legends, fairy tales and short stories, and she also wrote many novels for adults.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973)

This English writer cannot be called exclusively for children, since adults also read his books with delight. Author of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Hobbit: A Journey There and Back Again, creator amazing world Middle-earth, on which incredible films are made, was born in Africa. When he was three years old, his mother, widowed at an early age, moved her two children to England. The boy was fond of painting, foreign languages ​​were easy for him, he even became interested in studying “dead” languages: Anglo-Saxon, Gothic and others. During the war, Tolkien, who went there as a volunteer, contracted typhus: it was in his delirium that he came up with the “Elvish language” that became business card many of his heroes. His works are immortal, they are extremely popular in our time.

Clive Lewis (1898-1963)

Irish and English writer, theologian and scientist. Clive Lewis and John Tolkien were friends, it was Lewis who was one of the first to hear about the world of Middle-earth, and Tolkien - about the beautiful Narnia. Clive was born in Ireland, but most lived his life in England. He released his first works under the pseudonym Clive Hamilton. In 1950-1955, his “Chronicles of Narnia” were first published, telling about the adventures of two brothers and two sisters in a mysterious and magical land. Clive Lewis traveled a lot, wrote poetry, loved to discuss various topics and was a comprehensive developed person. His works are loved by adults and children to this day.

Russian children's writers

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (1882-1969)

Real name - Nikolai Korneychukov is known for children's fairy tales and stories in verse and prose. He was born in St. Petersburg, for a long time lived in Nikolaev, Odessa, from childhood he firmly decided to become a writer, but when he arrived in St. Petersburg, he was faced with refusals from magazine editors. He became a member of a literary circle, a critic, and wrote poetry and stories. He was even arrested for his bold statements. During the war, Chukovsky was a war correspondent, editor of almanacs and magazines. He spoke foreign languages ​​and translated works foreign authors. Most famous works Chukovsky is “Cockroach”, “Fly Tsokotukha”, “Barmaley”, “Aibolit”, “Miracle Tree”, “Moidodyr” and others.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964)

Playwright, poet, translator, literary critic, talented author. It was in his translation that many first read Shakespeare's sonnets, Burns's poems, fairy tales different nations peace. Samuel's talent began to manifest itself in early childhood: the boy wrote poetry, had the ability to foreign languages. The poetry books of Marshak, who moved from Voronezh to Petrograd, were immediately used great success, and their peculiarity is the variety of genres: poems, ballads, sonnets, riddles, songs, sayings - he could do everything. He has been awarded many prizes, and his poems have been translated into dozens of languages. The most famous works are “Twelve Months”, “Luggage”, “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, “He’s So Absent-Minded”, “Mustachioed and Striped” and others.

Agnia Lvovna Barto (1906-1981)

Agnia Barto was an exemplary student; already at school she began to write poetry and epigrams for the first time. Now many children are brought up on her poems; her light, rhythmic poems have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. Agnia was an active literary figure all her life, a member of the jury of the Andersen Competition. In 1976 she received the H.H. Andersen Prize. The most famous poems are “Bullfinch”, “Bullfinch”, “Tamara and I”, “Lyubochka”, “Bear”, “Man”, “I am growing” and others.

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (1913-2009)

He can be considered a classic of Russian children's literature: writer, chairman of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR, talented poet, writer, fabulist, playwright. He is the author of two anthems: the USSR and the Russian Federation. He devoted a lot of time to social activities, although at first he did not have a dream of becoming a writer: in his youth he was both a laborer and a member of a geological exploration expedition. We all remember such works as “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”, “What do you have”, “Song of Friends”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Under New Year" and others.

Contemporary children's writers

Grigory Bentsionovich Oster

A children's writer, from whose works adults can learn a lot of interesting things. He was born in Odessa, served in the navy, his life is still very active: he is a presenter, a talented author, and a cartoon screenwriter. “Monkeys”, “A Kitten Named Woof”, “38 Parrots”, “Got Bitten” - all these cartoons were filmed according to his script, and “ Bad advice" is a book that has gained enormous popularity. By the way, an anthology of children’s literature was published in Canada: the books of most writers have a circulation of 300-400 thousand, and Auster’s “Bad Advice” sold 12 million copies!

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky

From childhood, Eduard Uspensky was a leader, participated in KVN, organized skit parties, then he first tried his hand at being a writer, and later began writing plays for children's radio programs, children's theaters, and dreamed of creating his own magazine for children. The writer became famous thanks to the cartoon “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends”; since then the long-eared symbol, Cheburashka, has settled in almost every home. We also still love the book and cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”, “The Koloboks Are Investigating”, “Plasticine Crow”, “Baba Yaga Against!” and others.

JK Rowling

Speaking about modern children's writers, it is simply impossible not to remember the author of the series of books about Harry Potter, the boy wizard and his friends. It is the best-selling book series in history, and the films based on them have grossed huge amounts of money at the box office. Rowling had to go from obscurity and poverty to worldwide fame. At first, not a single editor agreed to accept and publish a book about a wizard, believing that such a genre would be uninteresting to readers. Only the small publishing house Bloomsbury agreed - and it was right. Now Rowling continues to write, is involved in charity work and social activities, she is a realized author and a happy mother and wife.

Despite the widespread computerization, parents continue to buy printed editions of books for their children. Of course, there is a greater demand for literature for very young children who cannot yet read. Older people prefer to download works on the Internet on their own and read them on their gadgets. But still the influence of literature on child development undeniable. Therefore, in this article we will look at what modern children's writers exist today. Review famous authors will allow you to understand what children and their parents are interested in.

The influence of literature on children's development

Let's start from the very beginning. Namely, we will understand how books influence the development of children. It should be noted that the stories that loving parents read or tell are taken completely seriously by their children. Of course, this happens up to a certain point in time, but during this period the children’s system of perceiving the world is already somewhat formed. This all means that before you start reading a book by a new author to your child, you should read it yourself.

This required condition, because modern children's writers and their works are sometimes very innovative, and some fairy tales even show a system of values ​​from the individual point of view of the writer. Writers who create such books believe that this will help children adapt to the current world and understand it. Of course, parents should decide how to raise their child, but literature must be carefully chosen from childhood in order to instill in the child a taste for good books.

How to choose a book for a child by age

If you want to instill in your child a love of reading, then you need to choose the right books according to age. Let's just say that it is too early for a two-year-old child to read Nosov's books, since they will be difficult for him to understand, but the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky are quite suitable. You can also read short nursery rhymes to your child and then memorize them together. Also suitable for this age are such fairy tales as “Ryaba Hen”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok” (although you can turn to them even earlier).

As the child grows up, you should start reading to him such works as “Three from Prostokvashino”, “Baby and Carlson”, “The Adventure of Pinocchio”. Next, include “Cinderella”, “Snow White” and similar fairy tales in the list of books. They are the ones who will teach the child to worry and sympathize, to think about justice, about what is good and bad.

Modern children's writers and their works can also take up residence on your children's book shelf. Of course, they should be selected more carefully; unknown texts must first be read by the parent. But if you already have a fairly adult child, then it’s difficult to keep track of him. But try to offer him something that he has not yet read from the classics, perhaps he will like it.

Children's writers and time-tested books

So, let's look at the best time-tested children's writers and books for children's development. These include the following.

  • Poems by Agnia Barto. You can start reading them to your baby at the age of one, because she has both short and simple poems and longer and more serious ones.
  • Quite popular among kids and its famous works Almost every child knows “Moidodyr” or “Tsokotukha Fly”.
  • At an older age, children should read the works of the Brothers Grimm. These are, for example, “Blizzard”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Reasonable Hans”, “Rose Hood”.
  • Lindgren Astrid and her most famous works “Pippi” Long Stocking” and “Kid and Carlson.”
  • More complex, which means they need to be read when the child gets older. His most popular book is “The Malachite Box,” which contains many Ural tales. If your child is interested in folklore, then offer him this option.
  • Quite an interesting series of books about the adventures of the girl Ellie in the Magic Land.
  • Lewis Carroll writes no less fascinatingly. His most famous works are “Alice in Wonderland” and “Alice Through the Looking Glass”.
  • The series of books “The Chronicles of Narnia” by Clive Lewis is very interesting, which opens up an amazing and magical world.

So, we looked at a very small list of children's books by author, but in fact it is much more extensive. Here you can add other works you know and love that you yourself read as a child. Your child will probably be interested in this.

Modern Russian fairy tale writers

Now let's look at a small list of modern children's writers (and their works), namely those who create fairy tales that are published in Russia.

  • Natalya Gorodetskaya. A very interesting modern storyteller who has already written many works. For example, she wrote the “Fairytale Kingdom” series. By reading these books, you can truly be transported to a completely different world.
  • Olga Kolpakova has already published more than a dozen books, including many interesting and instructive stories that your child will surely enjoy.
  • Sophia Prokofief is the author of many magical stories and fairy tales for both very young children and schoolchildren. Among them we can note such as “Astrel and the Guardian of the Forest”, “Snow White in the Enchanted Castle”, “In the Land of Legends”.
  • Valentina Oseeva. This writer has in her arsenal for children fairy tales, as well as short but instructive stories.

As you can see, many modern Russian children's writers and their works are quite popular, and can also have a positive impact on the development of your child so that he becomes harmonious personality who knows what love and hate are, what is good and bad, where you need to stand up for yourself, and where to support a loved one.

Contemporary foreign fairy tale writers

Not only modern Russian children's writers and their works can be present on your children's bookshelf, but also foreign ones. Of course, here you need to select much more strictly, because sometimes they offer you to read absolutely incredible things, but there are also quite fascinating ones. Let's look at the list.

  • Dick King-Smith. This English author very popular for its fascinating stories about animals that can be re-read by the whole family.
  • Sven Nordqvist. who created a series of books about Peson and his kitten Findus. This work has been translated into many languages, cartoons and a computer game have been created based on it.
  • Christine Nestlinger. This is an Austrian author who has published more than a hundred books during her career.

Of course, this is not the entire list, but just a few examples. Parents themselves must replenish it so that their child has the opportunity to read good books.

Famous children's authors who write poetry

On your child’s shelf, in addition to fairy tales, there should also be poetic works. This will significantly expand his horizons and also help develop his memory. Now let’s look at what modern children’s writers and books for children work in this style.

  • Andre Giles. This is a modern English children's poet who published the already world-famous book “The Dancing Giraffe”.
  • Marina Boroditskaya. She writes both poetry for adults and for children (of which there are many more). Here are some of the author’s poems - “The Last Day of Training”, “Forest Swamp”, “Chickenpox”, “Rybkin TV” and many others.
  • Galina Dyadina. Her most popular book is “The Book in the Vest.” It is a collection of poems, which are arranged in alphabetical order. This will help your child learn the alphabet and read interesting works.

Aspiring young authors

It is sometimes very difficult for a modern parent to choose literature for his child from such a variety of new, fashionable and, most often, even unknown authors. Therefore, below we will consider the best children's writers and books for the development of children, which are not yet entirely known, but have already received well-deserved praise from critics. In 2015, the Debut Prize was awarded to three authors who received special prize“For the best work for children and teenagers.” This is Dmitry Akhmetshin from the city of Samara. The award went to him for the story “The Adventures of Denis in the Painted World.” It should be noted that this author is quite young and has several other similar works.

Also on this list is Dmitry Buchelnikov from the city of Sochi, he was noted for his story “Majara”. This is also a young author, whose real name is Dmitry Kungurtsev. Although he has been writing children's fairy tales and poems since his youth, his work was previously only published in one magazine. But now he has received an award and recognition.

As we see, modern world is very concerned about the availability of good literature for the younger generation, which is why this year the Debut Prize was established new nomination- “For the best work for children and teenagers.” Thus, if you want to add to your list of children's books, compiled by author, and are looking for young talents who write good and interesting works, then you can take note of the works of the above writers.

Developmental literature (encyclopedias, anthologies, etc.)

At a certain stage of a child’s development, so that he learns more about the world around him and absorbs the necessary knowledge in game form, separate literature is required. These are various encyclopedias and the like. Now let's look at what modern children's writers and their works can help you with this.

  • A very interesting and talented author. Most often he creates educational literature that children really like. You can find various poems that will help your child learn the multiplication tables, as well as a number of tongue twisters, counting rhymes and many others.
  • Julia Donaldson. This author wrote a “Rhyming Story” that is quite interesting for little ones.

As your child grows older, you should purchase books such as large encyclopedias with colorful pictures. Again, here you just need to focus on the age of your child and the contents of the book itself.

Teen literature

Separately, it should be said about It is at this age that the child begins to read what he himself wants. Therefore, sometimes you should wonder what your child is so passionate about, since not all modern children's writers and their works are suitable even for a teenager. Some are better not to be included in the reading list at all. Let's look at a few authors who are considered the best.

  • Joanne Rowling. Perhaps this woman is one of the most popular in the world. It was she who wrote a series of books about the boy Harry Potter. Films have been made based on this work.
  • Offer your teenager classics - Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird", Jerome Sellinger's "The Catcher in the Rye", Ray Bradberry's "Dandelion Wine".
  • For those who love magic, there is a rather interesting series of books written by Dmitry Yemets. The two most popular are the parody “Tanya Grotter” and “Mefodiy Buslaev”.

And remember, at this age the child begins to experience adult feelings, as well as to comprehend what he wants in this life and what this world is. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing books, since many authors whose works claim to be teenage literature should be read at an older age, when the psyche and worldview have already been formed.

The most popular children's and teenage books

Now we should summarize and list the most popular modern children's writers and their works. Schoolchildren are often asked to write an essay on this topic, so let’s turn specifically to the rating of authors popular among children.

  • Max Fry and his series “Echo Labyrinths” and “Echo Chronicles”;
  • Dan Simmons - “Illion”, “Winter Ghosts”, etc.;
  • Arkady and (these authors are considered classics of Russian science fiction);
  • Diana Duane also writes fantasy;
  • Donald Bisset is a popular children's author.

Anatoly Orlov - talented Russian writer, who in his works continues the traditions of Mikhail Prishvin and Konstantin Paustovsky. Attention to the life of nature (Anatoly Orlov is a forester by profession) is combined in his texts with attention to working with words, which is especially important for books aimed at children. One of his first stories, “Pim the Deer,” has already become a favorite of many readers: it tells about the very beginning of the life of the musk deer, the smallest deer-like animal living in Russia.

Grigory Oster still remains one of the most famous children's writers in Russia. His “Bad Advice” is still relevant today, despite the fact that it was written decades ago. The winner of numerous literary awards, the 69-year-old writer is actively involved in cultural life countries. We recommend reading his stories with your children and remembering the kitten named Woof, the funny monkeys and the curious baby elephant.

Children's writer, poet, screenwriter and playwright - Andrei Usachev, perhaps, is one of those authors who understand perfectly well that stories for children should be kind and cheerful at the same time. At the same time, the laughter in his books is never “evil,” which is especially important in our case. Short memorable stories with bright characters Andrey is doing great. Separately, we note that his books are always beautifully illustrated.

The talented young writer Maria Verkhistova writes easily, so her books will definitely appeal to children. The author's focus, of course, is on the guys themselves and their imaginary fantasy worlds, where domestic cat becomes a true friend with whom you can go on any adventure. An excellent option for evening reading.

The 79-year-old classic of children's literature, Eduard Uspensky, is familiar to every person in our country. There is hardly anyone who has not read his stories about the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, about the cat Matroskin and Uncle Fyodor. Let us note that he continues to write in our time: for example, in 2011 his book “The Ghost from Prostokvashino” was published. If you haven’t read it yet, it’s worth reading with your children!

Anastasia Orlova wrote poetry since childhood, after which, already in adult life, she took a significant break from creativity - until the birth of her second child. It was then that the writer again began to create stories and poems for children, and so successfully that she won an important Russian competition"New children's book." The Rosman publishing house is publishing her book about the adventures of a truck and its trailer - a funny story about strong friendship and mutual assistance.

The young and very talented writer has already published more than 20 books for children, each of which was eagerly awaited by many readers in Russia. Anna Nikolskaya is a master in creating adventure stories and romantic stories. Her books are always accompanied by excellent illustrations. It is also worth noting that she has a rich language: an abundance of epithets is what the writer’s texts are famous for.

An amazing Soviet writer who continues to create works for children, having crossed the eighth decade. Its subtle and smart good fairy tales not about distant kingdoms and worlds - they are about the fact that magic is nearby, it is all around us. Heroes amazing adventures They become schoolchildren, then their grandmothers, and sometimes suddenly animated clouds. Sofia Prokofieva's books are a must read.

Not only funny and kind, but also very educational stories of Olga Kolpakova will tell children about fairy-tale heroes and the life of nature, about incredible worlds and Russian life. A combination of fun and very real knowledge - distinctive feature Olga's texts. A mother of two children, she knows well how to make a child laugh and how to make him think about something.

Anton Soya's books regularly cause parental debates: is it worth reading to children or not? Many people are frightened by the abundance of slang expressions in the author’s stories, but many, on the contrary, like his language. It’s better to decide for yourself: for our part, we note that the undoubted advantage of Soya’s books is the skillfully created plots - they quickly captivate children, so at least the child will probably reach the end of the story, and will not abandon the book in the middle.