Lesson-game. Folklore

  • 29.08.2019

Oral folk art represents a vast layer of Russian culture, formed over many centuries. The works of Russian folklore reflect many of the feelings of the people and their experiences, history, serious thoughts about the meaning of life, humor, fun and much more. Most works of oral folk art exist in poetic form, which made it possible to remember them well and pass them on from generation to generation orally.

Small genres of folklore include works that are small in volume: ditties, nursery rhymes, jokes, proverbs, riddles, lullabies, fables, tongue twisters. Sometimes they are classified as children's folklore creativity, because in ancient times a person’s acquaintance with these works occurred at an age when he did not even speak. These works are interesting for their brightness, accessibility, and form that is understandable to everyone.

Small genres of Russian folklore:

Russian folk proverbs

Russian proverbs and sayings are short, rhythmically organized, figurative folk sayings, often with edifying, instructive content; these are original folk aphorisms. They often consist of two parts, supported by rhyme, have rhythm, characteristic alliteration and assonance.

Russian folk nursery rhymes

Folk nursery rhymes are rhymed short stories, songs and rhymes, combined with simple movements, designed to entertain the child, train his memory, develop fine motor skills and coordination of movements, and harmonious development of the child as a whole, through an unobtrusive form of play.

Russian folk jokes

Jokes or amusements are small, funny, often rhymed works that tell in a bright, entertaining way about interesting events that happened to her heroes. They are distinguished by dynamic content, energetic actions of the characters, designed to interest the child, develop his imagination, and bring positive emotions.

Russian folk tales

Russian folk tales - small in volume fairy tales, sometimes presented in rhyming form, the plot of which is built on meaningless events that defy logic. Their task is to amuse the listener, instill in the child a sense of humor, logic, imagination and develop the entire thinking process as a whole.

Russian folk tongue twisters

Russian tongue twister - short funny phrase, built on a combination of difficult-to-pronounce sounds, invented by our ancestors for entertainment and now used to correct problems with speech and diction.

To the small ones folklore genres These are small works: proverbs, sayings, signs, riddles, jokes, proverbs, tongue twisters, puns. These genres are scientific literature called proverbs(from Greek paroimia - parable 1).

Proverbs and sayings, as works of folk art, are close to each other in their artistic characteristics.

Define what it is proverbs And sayings, Russian folklorists tried back in the 19th century. F.I. Buslaev considered proverbs and sayings as works of art native word, expressing the life of the people, their common sense and moral interests.

N.V. Gogol saw in them the result of popular ideas about life in its various manifestations.

IN AND. Dahl understood the proverb as “judgment, sentence, teaching.” In his Explanatory dictionary"He gave the following definition:

“A proverb is a short saying, a lesson, more in the form of a parable, an allegory, or in the form of an everyday sentence; a proverb is an individual of the language, of folk speech, it is not composed, but is born on its own; it is the walking mind of the people; it turns into a proverb or a simple figure of speech ". 2

A saying, as defined by Dahl, is:

"folding short speech, popular among the people, but not part of complete proverb; teaching, in accepted - current expressions; a conventional figure of speech, a common way of expressing itself." 3

TO common features Proverbs and sayings include brevity, conciseness, stability, and widespread use. Both proverbs and sayings can be defined as poetic, polysemantic, widely used in speech, stable short expressions having figurative meanings sayings. 4

Proverbs and sayings reflect folk wisdom, a moral set of rules of life. They represent broad layers of life and are educational in orientation. They enshrine the experience of the people. The topics of proverbs and sayings are very diverse. They express understanding life fundamentals, historical events, family relations, love and friendship, human vices are condemned and virtues are praised (sobriety, modesty, intelligence, hard work), as well as others moral qualities person.

It is no coincidence that V.I. Dahl, in his famous collection of proverbs and sayings, arranged the material by topic: work - idleness, yard - house - farming - agriculture, superstition - omens - happiness - luck, good - mercy - evil, etc. 5

IN folk proverbs reflected different sides human life: mythological ideas (" prophetic dream will not deceive"); features of serf life ("here's Yury's day for you, grandmother"); events of enemy invasions and wars ("empty, as if Mamai had passed"); courage, courage and heroism of the people ("the city takes courage," " to be afraid of wolves, and not to go into the forest"). They capture all sides labor activity people, love for the homeland, work is glorified (“without work, only smoke the sky,” “labor feeds, but laziness spoils”), a sense of deep human dignity is expressed (“naked, but not a thief,” “not a penny of money, but fame is good” , "poor, but honest").

Proverbs developed in all segments of the population, but most of all in the peasant environment, as the main bearer of the national folk culture. The annual cycle of peasant labor is reflected in the proverbs “for the time being, one does not sow a seed”, “a good seed, a good shoot.”

Proverbs arose both among artisans - “without an ax - not a carpenter, without a needle - not a tailor”, and among barge haulers - “need will teach the rolls to eat”.

In proverbs and sayings, various artistic and visual means and techniques are used: comparisons (“another soul is like a dark forest”), metaphors, personification (“the hops are noisy - the mind is silent”, “putting spokes in the wheels”), antitheses, i.e. . oppositions (“the root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruit is sweet”), hyperbole (“to go out of your way”, “to get lost in three pines”). Found in proverbs and artistic technique- tautology 6 (“they do not seek good from good”, “not heard by hearing, not seen by sight”).

According to their composition, proverbs are divided into mononomial, two-nomial and polynomial. Most of them are two-membered (“praise the rye in a haystack, but praise the master in a coffin”).

Proverbs can be based on opposition (“a man and a dog are always in the yard, but a woman and a cat are always in the hut”). In them, as well as in lyrical songs, the technique of parallelism is used (“a worm wears away a tree, sadness crushes a heart”).

Proverbs are rhythmic. They rhyme individual words (“you can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty”), individual parts or the entire proverb (“don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf, but get up early and start your own”). They vary in form of expression. They may include a monologue or dialogue (“from a bow we are not, from a squeak we are not, and you can’t find something to drink and dance against us”, “Titus, go thresh!” - My belly hurts. - Titus, go drink wine! - Oh, let me cover myself and somehow drag myself."

Proverbs and sayings are examples of folk eloquence, a source of wisdom, knowledge about life, folk ideas and ideals and moral principles.

Thus, proverbs and sayings, which arose as a genre of folk poetry in ancient times, have existed for many centuries and play an everyday, literary and artistic role, joining folk culture.

If you don’t want kulesh, don’t eat anything

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare.

There will be day - there will be food
I look at the book and see nothing

A new broom sweeps in a new way

What's in the forehead, what's on the forehead

Don't wake up while it's quiet

Measure seven times - cut once

As it came, so it went
The bug is small and stinky!

There will be day - there will be food

You can't spoil porridge with oil
Fight fire with fire

The belly is full, but the eyes are hungry

Contents [Show]

Folklore - Proverbs and sayings, the most ancient folk art

For your Motherland, do not spare your strength and your life.
Murder will out.
Folk wisdom
Oral folk art is diverse and inexhaustible, introducing modern man to the world artistic thinking, public consciousness people of the most distant eras and times close to us. Fairy tales, ritual songs, conspiracies, fortune telling are rooted in the thousand-year depths of history. Compared to them, epics that preserved the memory of Kievan Rus, historical songs and ballads telling about the fight against Tatar-Mongol yoke, are relatively young. Among the most ancient genres in origin oral creativity- proverbs and sayings: “At one meeting, but not only speeches”, “The bowstring is pulled, but the arrow does not fly.”
For many centuries, aphoristic sayings and figurative expressions have accumulated in the language of the people, these, in the words of M. Sholokhov, “clumps of reason and knowledge of life.”
The differences between proverbs and sayings are in their grammatical and logical form. The first ones are constructed as complete sentences, complete judgments: “The braid is a maiden beauty.” A proverb is something that is not “ripe,” but has the ability to go into its final form: “You can hit your forehead against a wall,” but “You can’t break through a wall with your forehead.”
There are also sayings that do not have a didactic meaning: “Start and finish”, “Wash for all your pennies!”, “Wasn’t there”, “Eat rolls, but don’t talk too much.”
Many sayings and sayings have a humorous or satirical connotation: “Go forward, where the broom lives,” “You will be in heaven, where the pots are fired,” “Your fun is a nuisance to people.”
Among the sayings that originated among the people are aphorisms of book origin. They differ little in structure from proverbs, but are based on literary concepts: “The exception confirms the rule”, “Language is given to man to hide his thoughts.”
Proverbs and sayings are a source of knowledge about views and ideas, how they were formed in the minds of people of different eras. This is history social thought. Only savagery and ignorance, according to Pushkin, “do not respect the past, groveling before the present alone.” They are not only a monument popular thought And vernacular(like, say, “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign”), but also living heritage included in our speech. They are constantly developing, improving, acquiring new contexts and new meanings. And they have unquestionable authority.

Introduction 3

Chapter 1. Proverbs and sayings as a genre of oral folk art 6

1.1. Comparative and comparative analysis of the concepts “proverb” and “saying”, their similarities and differences from phraseological units 6

1.2. The structure of proverbs and sayings in German, and features of their functioning in language 13

1.3 The image of a person in proverbs and sayings 24

1.4 Features of the translation of proverbs and sayings 26

Chapter 2. Classification of German proverbs and sayings with their Russian equivalents 36

2.1 German proverbs and sayings with complete agreement with their Russian variants 36

2.2 German proverbs and sayings with partial overlap with their Russian variants 43

2.3 German proverbs and sayings with different translations into Russian 47

Conclusion 57

References 59

Applications 63


For many centuries, the image of man has been the object of study in various sciences. At all times, man has tried to understand himself, express his essence, convey his accumulated experience and knowledge, and attitudes towards various phenomena of reality. future generations. The simplest and all in an accessible way language has been the transmission of this experience at all times. The most striking manifestation of language is, of course, folk art, which has its roots in the distant past and is intended to characterize not only the color original culture a certain people, its centuries-old history, but also the culture, traditions and history of the people. Within the framework of folk art, proverbs and sayings play a special role, since, passing from generation to generation, they supported the way of life folk life, strengthened the spiritual and moral character people. These are like the commandments of the people, regulating the life of everyone common man. This is an expression of thoughts that people have come to through centuries of experience. In any case, they generalize the experience of the people, derived from their social practice, at the center of which is man. Since the subject matter of German proverbs is quite large, the basis of our classification was the image of a person in proverbs and sayings. This is the relevance of this thesis.

New proverbs and sayings often appear in unusual form. Sometimes they can be found as interesting reworkings of old ones, and sometimes they appear as if out of nowhere. I hope that you know new wisdom that will delight other lovers of beauty.

From a filthy sheep - even a tuft of wool
If you don’t want kulesh, don’t eat anything

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare.

Two are plowing, and seven are waving their arms
Beat your own so that strangers will be afraid

There will be day - there will be food
I look at the book and see nothing

Rotten apple injures its neighbors
A new broom sweeps in a new way

Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age
They say they milk the chickens, but they went and didn’t find titek

Lustful as a cat, cowardly Two plow, and seven waves their arms
Beat your own so that strangers are afraid like a hare

Needed where was born
The child does not cry - the mother does not understand

The wife pleases - she plans evil things
If you have patience, there will be skill.

Don't spit in the well - you'll have to drink
Gruzdev called himself get in the body

The apple never falls far from the tree
What's in the forehead, what's on the forehead

Don't wake up while it's quiet
March has arrived, put on two trousers

Measure seven times - cut once
If you pull out your tail, your head will get stuck

Who is talking about what, and the lousy one is talking about the bathhouse
If you don’t like it, don’t listen, and don’t bother lying

As it came, so it went
The bug is small and stinky!

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today
All that glitters is not gold

There will be day - there will be food
If you know a lot, you will soon grow old

You can't spoil porridge with oil
Fight fire with fire

The belly is full, but the eyes are hungry
The chatterbox is talkative, but his hands are not clean


Homeland. Unity of the state.

1. Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.

2. On someone else’s side, I’m happy with my little crow.

3. That bird is stupid if its nest is not nice.

4. A Russian doesn’t joke with a sword or a roll.

5. The Russian harnesses slowly, but drives quickly.

6. One in the field is not a warrior.

7. It’s too early for the Tatars to go to Rus'.

8. The hen who laid golden eggs for the Tatars died.

9. The kingdom will be divided - it will soon go bankrupt.

10. An interregnum is worse than a formidable kingdom.

11. Times are shaky - take care of your hats.

Literacy and learning. Science and experience.

12. The root of learning is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.

13. A person who is not a scientist is like an unturned ax.

15. Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.

16. For a scientist they give two unlearned people, and even then they don’t take it.

17. Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.

18. Repetition is the mother of learning.

19. Live forever and learn.

20. Don’t ask the old, ask the experienced.

About skill and hard work, laziness and carelessness.

21. You can’t take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

22. A small deed is better than a big idleness.

23. Work is bitter, but bread is sweet.

24. Insomnia is treated with hard work.

25. Whoever gets up early, God gives to him.

26. He who is lazy is also sleepy.

27. The lazy man makes twice, the stingy pays twice.

28. People reap, and we lie in the sun.

29. If you don’t dig, you won’t drown.

Intelligence and stupidity.

30. Talking to a smart person is like drinking honey.

31. A fool will judge, but a smart person will judge.

32. Give a fool a candle and he will burn down the church.

33. A fool seeks a big place, but a smart man seeks to know in a corner.

34. Where woe to the wise man, there's fun for the fool.

35. I grew up, but I couldn’t stand it.

About good and bad words.

36. The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

37. The word is silver, silence is gold.

38. The razor scrapes, but the word cuts.

39. Fear not the knife, but the tongue.

40. There is honey on the tongue, and ice on the heart.

41. Don’t be afraid of the one who screams, but fear the one who is silent.

About friendship.

42. An old friend is better than two new ones.

43. A friend in trouble is known like gold in fire.

44. A friend argues, but an enemy agrees.

45. He builds each other’s mansion, but the enemy amuses the coffin.

46. ​​Friendship is friendship, and service is service.

47. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

About love.

48. Love with truth is strong.

49. Old love does not rust.

50. I can’t sleep, I can’t lie down – I’m still sad about my dear one.

51. The heart gives a message to the heart

52. You won’t be nice by force.

Home and family.

53. Don’t look for beauty, but look for kindness.

54. A wife is a friend to her husband, not a servant.

55. The husband is the head, the wife is the soul.

56. What is a treasure for when a husband and wife get along well?

57. The hut is fun for children.

58. The sun is warm, the mother is kind.

59. Your child is hunchbacked, but cute.

60. Living in orphanhood means shedding tears.

People, their spiritual properties, appearance and behavior.

61. Anger dries a person’s bones and breaks his heart.

62. Evil person– like coal: if it doesn’t burn, it blackens.

63. A cradle is for a baby, and a crutch is for an old man.

64. If you are sweet, they will peck you; if you are bitter, they will spit you out.

65. There are pebbles out of the blue for poor Ivanushka.

66. You can’t beg snow from a stingy person in winter.

67. The frightened crow is afraid of the bush.

68. The spool is small, but expensive, Fedora is large, but a fool.

69. A small fish is better than a big cockroach.

70. Place the pig at the table - he and his feet are on the table.

71. There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.

72. The lady is on her own, and the hat is on her own.

Health, illness and death.

73. Live simply – you'll live to see the years up to a hundred.

74. Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your feet warm.

75. An old tree creaks, but lives a long time.

76. Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.

Folk practical philosophy.

77. A crow cannot be a falcon.

78. You can’t jump above your head.

80. Measure seven times, cut once.

81. Rust eats iron, and sadness eats the heart.

82. The apple doesn’t fall far from the apple.

83. Every cloud has a silver lining.

84. What goes around comes around.

85. Chickens are counted in the fall.

86. All that glitters is not gold.


87. Hunger is not an aunt.

88. Silence is golden.

89. Seven Fridays a week.

90. The truth hurts the eyes.

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