What is oregano? Oregano - what is this seasoning. What dishes add oregano herb or common oregano Herb oregano second name

  • 16.02.2022

All culinary lovers are in constant search. Some are looking for a new taste, others - new combinations, others in search of new smells. To achieve any of these results, it is not at all necessary to look for some unknown products for your masterpieces or throw money away, trying unsuccessfully to "cross" jam with meat. Herbs used as seasoning often help to take a fresh look at the dish.

Today we will talk about such an interesting seasoning as oregano, or, as this plant is popularly called, oregano. On Wikipedia, you can also find the popular names of this plant (for example, matserdushka).

plant description

Oregano is a perennial bushy plant. On the branched stems of the shrub there are small leaves that have an oval shape and small inflorescences of white or pink color. In the photo you can see the oregano ordinary.

Oregano: composition

As you know, any product has its own unique composition, which determines certain properties. In turn, the common oregano consists of:

Oregano: application

This spice gained its popularity due to its sharp, bitter taste. Therefore, with this "hot" seasoning, you should be careful and add a small amount to dishes.

Where is oregano added in cooking

Oregano is ubiquitous in the culinary industry. This seasoning goes well with meat dishes, as well as potato or mushroom dishes. The spice is suitable for pates, fish and vegetables for pickling. In special cases, the grass will make friends even with desserts. So, this product is sometimes put in ice cream: the herb emphasizes freshness.

How to replace oregano

The first similar herb whose oil is often confused with oregano oil is marjoram. Combinations of mint and basil, parsley and dill are similar to oregano. Sometimes oregano replaces thyme or cumin.

Healing properties

Oregano, or oregano, can safely show off its set of benefits:


Despite such a set of positive qualities, oregano also has contraindications. For example, this spice can harm people with stomach ulcer or others diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. IN kidney and liver problems oregano also sometimes “adds fuel to the fire”, so you need to use the spice within reasonable limits. Especially it concerns pregnant women.

Briefly about the main

Thus, oregano is ubiquitous throughout Russia and Belarus. There are many of this plant in Europe. The composition of oregano includes a huge amount of useful substances necessary for the human body. So, oregano has a number of useful properties and helps to overcome many diseases.

This plant is widely used in cooking as a seasoning. Oregano has a peculiar bright taste and smell. Seasoning goes well with many products: meat, potatoes, mushrooms, fish. In Belarus, this herb is widely used in pickling vegetables and mushrooms. You can replace the spice with marjoram and some other herbs or combinations of herbs, however, the smell of real oregano is difficult to replace with something.

Do not forget that every medal has two sides. Constant and excessive consumption of spice can lead to unpleasant consequences.. The seasoning also has contraindications: acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, problems with the kidneys and liver, pregnancy.

The correct use of various herbs and spices will help bring new colors and flavors to life. So why not start experimenting right now? Why not start with oregano!

Oregano is a type of perennial spicy-aromatic bushy plant of the Lamiaceae family. The shrub has branched stems, which are covered with small oval-shaped leaves and small white or pinkish inflorescences. This plant is widespread in Europe, the Mediterranean countries and in Russia. Oregano grows, as a rule, in glades, forest edges, mountain slopes.

Oregano is mainly used in cooking - as a spice for sauces, meat, vegetables. Without this fragrant spice, it is impossible to imagine Italian cuisine with its pizza, pasta and various sausages. In France and Belgium, oregano is often added to mushroom dishes, vegetable soups, marinades, and baked goods. You can also add oregano to kvass, beer or wine - drinks acquire a special smell and are stored longer without sour.

Oregano is often used for medicinal purposes - medicinal tea, decoctions, infusions are prepared with flowers, leaves and stems. This plant is also used for external use in the form of lotions, compresses, and relaxing baths are also taken with it. In the perfumery and cosmetics industry, oregano is added to soaps, shampoos, facial lotions, and toothpaste.

Along with basil, oregano is a hallmark of such a popular Mediterranean cuisine. Oregano has been known for over 2,000 years; the ancient Greek philosopher and physician Hippocrates mentioned it in his writings. Translated from Greek oregano as "mountain decoration", another common name is.

According to the legends, animals wounded in the forests of Crete - deer, wild goats, were looking for this particular grass, which was also called ash. Animals ate this grass, and the arrows soon came out of their bodies, the wounds healed, the effect of the poison, if the arrow was poisoned, was neutralized. People noticed this and also began to use oregano to treat wounds, and later discovered other properties of this plant.

    First of all, oregano is a medicinal plant with a strong wound healing effect. Leaves and flowers of oregano contain a large amount of essential oils, tannins. Oregano contains thymol and carvacrol, thanks to which this herb is superior in action to many existing antihistamines and antiseptics. It has oregano and antimicrobial properties.

    Due to the high content of tannins, oregano is able to protect the body from the effects of food poisoning, prevent the growth of bacteria that have entered the body along with poor-quality food. Decoctions and tinctures of this herb will help get rid of diarrhea, indigestion, flatulence. On the other hand, oregano can mask the smell of stale food, passing it off as fit for consumption - you should be careful here.

    Oregano is a mild antispasmodic that can relieve many pains. Oregano copes well with muscle pain and spasms. Use oregano oil to rub the back with and, with. A tampon with a few drops of this oil applied to the tooth will save you from a toothache.

    In disorders of the nervous system, oregano is also recommended. It is believed that by adding it to food, you can get rid of. This herb increases tryptophan levels, promoting overall calmness. Previously, this herb was often used to treat hysteria,. At present, doctors still do not recommend self-medication in cases of severe or, but herbal therapy is also quite suitable as a mild sedative that improves sleep. Often, oregano is recommended for children who have an increased excitability of the nervous system, excessive activity.

    During the menstrual period, women are advised to take a decoction of this herb not only to relieve the pain symptom, but also to normalize the emotional state. Oregano is also advised to use to prevent inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Breastfeeding mothers who experience problems with milk supply are advised to add oregano to their food. During menopause, decoctions from this plant help the body to rebuild more easily and cope with hormonal disruptions. There is evidence that with the help of this plant, early menopause can be “postponed” a little, allowing the ovaries to prolong their vigorous activity.

    Oregano has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves intestinal motility, increasing the tone of smooth muscles, and significantly enhances the secretion of the digestive glands. This herb also helps with diseases of the biliary system - biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis. Thus, we can talk about a mild laxative effect of this plant.

    A decoction of oregano is also an immunomodulating and general tonic, necessary for colds, during the period of the FLU epidemic. The beneficial effect of oregano can also be explained by a very serious content in its chemical composition of vitamins (group B, vitamin C, A, K, E) as well as micro and macro elements (calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium and zinc ).

    In the treatment of colds, oregano will help to cope with even severe and chronic forms of it. For many, this herb helps stop seizures, alleviate the condition of the lungs. This is due to the pronounced expectorant effect of the active substances. In case of problems with the respiratory tract, it is advised to rinse the nasal cavity with oregano decoction - this helps with, acute,. The herb has an anti-inflammatory effect, and relieves swelling. It is also advised to gargle with a decoction of oregano.

    The external use of oregano is also widespread. Sometimes compresses from infusions of this herb literally work wonders, getting rid of fungal diseases, pustular lesions, neurodermatitis, abscesses. Oregano tincture is effective for. This grass saves after,. Baths and rubdowns with oregano are successfully used for problems with sweating of the body and legs.

    In folk medicine, decoctions of oregano are used to treat, get rid of an oppressed state. This herb is believed to improve mood. Not so long ago, scientists discovered the ability of oregano to have a beneficial effect on the condition of people affected by cancer, as well as prevent.

    Oregano oil has the most pronounced antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal activity. In addition to the previously mentioned active component of carvacrol, the oil also contains other elements that have antiseptic properties. Preparations based on oregano oil perfectly cope with various skin diseases, acne, pimples, warts, herpes. This oil will also help get rid of it. It has long been used to treat wounds - thus eliminating blood poisoning, inflammation of the wound, and providing faster healing.

    Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Phytotherapeutist

    Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

In every country there are traditional seasonings for dishes that not only add a delicate delicate flavor to food, but also have healing properties. In our article we will talk about such a spice as oregano. What is it and what is it eaten with? Reading!

What is oregano?

The seasoning has been known since the times of Ancient Rome - oregano was added to meat dishes to emperors and close people. Decoctions and tinctures were used to treat soldiers' wounds and poisonings.

Oregano plant - what is it? Translated from Greek means "the joy of the mountains." The people call the motherboard, forest mint and dushmyanka. This is a perennial shrub with multiple small flowers, reaching a height of up to 75 cm. Related species are mint and marjoram. It grows wild in the hills of the Mediterranean and the Middle East. The seasoning is grown in America and Europe. Almost throughout Russia, the plant is also easy to find on the slopes and spacious glades. But in our latitudes, oregano has not gained much popularity, which is associated with culinary and folk traditions. Most often, this seasoning is added to marinades and meat dishes. But Italian cuisine is not complete without this spice. It is added to pasta, sauces, pizza, fish dishes.

Growing oregano

If you have a flower bed or plot of land for a vegetable garden, you can grow oregano yourself. Seasoning will delight you on the table with an unusual aroma and spicy taste. You can grow a plant using seeds, seedlings, dividing the bushes.

Seeds are planted in prepared soil in spring. Oregano germinates in 2-3 weeks. During this period, it is necessary to regularly water, thin out, remove weeds, feed with mineral fertilizers. And after 2 months, the plant will gain strength and will not need any special care.

It is much easier to grow oregano from seedlings. It can be planted in a flower pot or in a flower bed after a preliminary 60-day germination in special boxes with soil.

To divide the bush, it is necessary to divide the rhizome in half in early spring so that each has young shoots. Then plant in prepared soil.

Collection and storage

The first year, oregano does not bloom, so harvesting it is not possible. The plant is harvested in the second year during the flowering period (June-July). Cut the oregano above 15 cm from the ground. Dry under open sunlight or in a special dryer, controlling that the temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. You can store the workpiece in an airtight jar for 3 years. Longer storage leads to loss of taste and healing properties. Dried oregano is more convenient to chop and use in small portions as needed.

Application of oregano

Oregano is widely used in cooking. Both freshly ground leaves and flowers are added, as well as dried billets. The seasoning has a spicy, rich taste. To spice up a dish with the help of such a spice, you need to add quite a bit of a plant, otherwise there is a high probability of completely interrupting the taste of the main product. Oregano is a spice that helps digest fatty foods and normalize digestion. Although it does not have the ability to burn fat, but thanks to the well-established work of the gastrointestinal tract, it helps to reduce a person's weight. Drinks - homemade beer and kvass, aromatic teas with oregano - will cope with insomnia, nervous tension, fatigue and headaches. Oregano honey has strong antibacterial properties. You should not add it to hot tea - all useful properties are broken down when heated above 40 degrees.

Used in homeopathy to treat high blood pressure and atherosclerosis in the form of oregano extract. Useful properties of the plant are used in cosmetology. They produce toothpastes with the addition of oregano, toilet soap, and skin care products. Used in aromatherapy as an essential oil. It is added to the bath, inhaled, enriched with cosmetics.

Indications for use

Oregano contains medicinal components such as flavonoids, essential oils, tannins, vitamin C, terpenes, carvacrol, bitter substances. It is thanks to them that the plant has the following beneficial properties:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic;
  • painkillers;
  • hemostatic;
  • restorative.

With a wide variety of problems in the body use oregano. The use inside for diseases such as gastritis, poisoning, diarrhea, flatulence, cholecystitis, headache, bronchitis, tonsillitis helps to alleviate the condition, improve the patient's well-being.

With a toothache, you can chew a fresh or dried oregano leaf - this will reduce pain and relieve inflammation. To gargle with a cold or sore throat, brew 1 tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water. And for the treatment of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, a decoction is prepared: 10 g of oregano is boiled in two glasses of water, insisted for 3 hours and taken in a tablespoon three times a day.

Outwardly used for simple burns, herpes, various dermatitis, eczema.

Women with menstrual irregularities, early menopause, lack of breast milk are recommended to eat more oregano. In menopause, oregano will help calm the nervous system and cope with hot flashes.

Contraindications to the use of seasoning

Oregano has a powerful tonic and rather aggressive effect on the body. Therefore, oregano has contraindications. In no case should it be consumed during pregnancy, as this can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth. It is not recommended to add spice to food for people suffering from chronic gastritis or stomach ulcers. In men, excessive consumption of oregano leads to erection problems.

Oregano drinks

Hot and cold drinks based on oregano are healthy and tasty. The properties of such decoctions are difficult to overestimate. They have an antiseptic, tonic and tonic effect. They have a unique pleasant spicy taste. We offer you several recipes:

  1. Oregano tea - what is it and how to make it? Pour a tablespoon of dried or fresh leaves and flowers of oregano into the teapot, pour boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Fragrant and healthy herbal tea is ready! A delicious addition would be honey from a plant added to a warm drink.
  2. Compote with oregano. In this recipe I use the stems of the plant. In the process of cooking fruit compote, add whole sprigs of the plant tied in cheesecloth to the pan. After cooking, remove the oregano. Seasoning will give an unusual taste to the drink. In addition, the spice, due to its composition, is a natural preservative, which means that your compote will last longer.
  3. Sprigs or leaves of oregano are added to the prepared kvass for fermentation for 15 hours. Then kvass is filtered. The drink is enriched with useful elements and has an unusual fresh taste.
  4. To a small pot of boiling water, add the oregano stems and leaves. Simmer for 15-20 minutes until the water is reduced by half. Remove from heat and cover with a lid. Infuse the drink for half an hour. Add lemon, honey, cinnamon to taste and you will get an unusual, delicious tonic drink. It can be drunk hot or with ice and an orange slice.

Marinades with oregano

As mentioned above, oregano (oregano) is a natural preservative. Therefore, the spice is widely used in the process of marinating various products, most often vegetables and mushrooms. Incredibly fragrant oil is obtained from oregano. What it is? To flavor any vegetable oil, olive oil is best, oregano sprigs are placed in a jar of product and left to infuse for several days - such a dressing will add zest to even the simplest salad.

Oregano is often used for fish and meat marinades. We offer a recipe for pickled cucumbers with oregano:

  1. Cut 1 kg of cucumbers into thick circles, salt and leave for a day.
  2. Then drain the juice that stands out.
  3. Prepare the marinade: mix 5 cloves of minced garlic, a tablespoon of dried oregano, half a glass of wine vinegar and a large spoonful of olive oil.
  4. Pour over the cucumber mixture and mix thoroughly. Leave for 12 hours.
  5. Then proceed to packaging in jars, sterilization and seaming.
  6. Store in a dark cool place.

Oregano is a self-sufficient seasoning that does not require additions. She has a unique taste. But if the hostess decided to cook a dish with such a seasoning, but she was not at hand, the question arises as to what can replace oregano? In this case, you can use mint, marjoram, basil, dill or parsley without significantly losing the taste of the finished dish. When cooking, keep in mind the fact that oregano has a distinct flavor (unlike parsley or marjoram). Therefore, the latter must be added to the dish in a much larger amount than indicated in the recipe.

Combination of oregano with other spices

Oregano in the dish will "sound" even brighter and more refined in combination with some other spices:

  • basil;
  • mint;
  • marjoram;
  • thyme;
  • rosemary.

If you don’t know how to replace oregano, then all of the above spices are quite suitable. Remember that it is recommended to add oregano to the dish shortly before it is fully cooked, but it is better to season it with various types of peppers at the beginning of cooking.

Oregano Recipes

Oregano is added to dishes of different nations. As mentioned above, the spice is an indispensable component of Italian cuisine, oregano is put in French bread, added to omelettes, meat and fish dishes, seasoned with sauces and soups.

Lamb with oregano

The dish is simple, but due to the unusual marinade with herbs, the meat is soft and juicy, and the taste is unusual. How to cook:

  1. Mix the following ingredients for the marinade: juice of one lemon, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, a clove of minced garlic, a tablespoon of dry oregano and mint. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Pour 1 kg of lamb with marinade. Leave at least 8 hours in the refrigerator.
  3. Then bake lamb in the oven under foil at 200 degrees for half an hour.
  4. Serve with fresh vegetables.

Oregano potato salad recipe

A very simple salad can intrigue guests with an unusual combination of flavors:

  1. Boil 500 g potatoes. Clean and cut into cubes.
  2. Squeeze out the juice of one orange. Add some olive oil and 3 tbsp. l. wine vinegar. Salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Tear 3 lettuce leaves and some fresh mint with your hands. Put on a plate.
  4. Arrange the boiled potato cubes on the mint lettuce leaves.
  5. Drizzle everything with orange dressing.

sweet and sour sauce recipe

This sauce is suitable for cutlets, steaks, chicken legs, spaghetti, pizza. It will complement many dishes with a delicate sweetish fragrant taste.

  1. Tomatoes (2 pcs.) Pour boiling water over and remove the peel. Cut and remove seeds.
  2. You also need to peel 1 large bell pepper.
  3. Using a blender, chop the peeled tomatoes and peppers, after adding a spoonful of olive oil.
  4. Send the resulting vegetable puree to the fire.
  5. After the sauce boils, add dried oregano, chopped garlic clove, salt, sugar and pepper to taste.
  6. Boil until a thick homogeneous sauce is formed. This will take about 15 minutes.

carrot coin recipe

An unusual snack on the table will be carrots marinated in herbs. It looks festive, bright, cooks quickly:

  1. Cut half a kilogram of carrots into thick circles.
  2. In boiling water, open the vegetable until half cooked.
  3. Prepare the marinade in a glass jar with a tight lid. To do this, mix 3 cloves of chopped garlic, half a teaspoon of dry mustard, oregano, black pepper and salt to taste. Add half a glass of vegetable oil, water and vinegar. Close the lid and shake until all ingredients are uniformly mixed.
  4. Place boiled carrot circles in jars for rolling and pour marinade over.
  5. Screw on the covers. After 2 days, an unusual snack will be ready!

Oregano is a fragrant and healthy spice. But you need to use it in moderation. The use of oregano in large quantities can provoke arrhythmia, impaired potency in men and sexual desire in women, increase sweating and blood pressure.

When you hear the word "oregano" for the first time, you involuntarily wonder, what is it and what does this plant look like? Oregano, or oregano in Russian, is a perennial herb with excellent medicinal and aromatic properties.

It is a small shrub with a height of 50 to 70 cm with a straight stem branching in the upper part and with oblong leaves that are bright green on top and grayish, slightly silvery below.

In mid-summer, oregano blooms with small white, pink or lilac flowers. What the oregano seasoning looks like can be seen in the photo below.

Oregano is native to Europe, but it is now a herbaceous plant that grows all over the world. In Russia, oregano habitats are glades, forest edges, hillsides, and dry meadows.

Useful properties of oregano

Oregano contains many essential oils that have bactericidal, antibacterial, disinfectant and antimicrobial properties.

decoction of herbs

Used in folk medicine to treat colds, flu and indigestion.

The active substances of the plant improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, remove toxins and harmful substances, and also have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, have a calming effect.

Oregano is rich in antioxidants, vitamins (A, group B, C, E, K, beta-carotene) and minerals (iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc.).

This is interesting! Oregano has many times the antioxidant properties of popular foods! Per gram, oregano has 12 times more antioxidants than oranges, 4 times more than blueberries, and 30 times more than potatoes.

Essential oil

Oregano contains carvacrol, thymol and rosmarinic acid. The benefits of oil and carvacrol have been scientifically proven by scientists from the West of England and Indian scientists.

They compared the effects of well-known antibiotics and oregano oil. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the essential oil can kill antibiotic-resistant microbes, and even Staphylococcus aureus.

Oregano oil is available in capsules or liquid form in bottles at health food stores or pharmacies. It is also recommended to use oregano essential oil as an aromatherapy as a tonic, stimulant.

The use of oregano in cooking

Oregano is used in cooking both fresh and dried, using only the leaves and flowers of the plant. The seasoning has a specific taste and aroma, it is slightly bitter, slightly spicy.

fresh leaves

Oregano can be added to salads, meat dishes or seafood. Beautiful green grass will add a unique flavor to them! For more flavor, before adding dried oregano, it is recommended to grind it in your hands.

As a seasoning, oregano is used to prepare various sauces and marinades. And Italian pizza and pasta is already hard to imagine without this fragrant seasoning!

Nowadays, olive oil with the addition of various herbs, spices or garlic is popular.

sprigs of oregano

Perfectly complement the taste and aroma of olive oil! The main thing to remember is that aromatic oil should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than one week.

Oregano pairs well with marjoram, black pepper, rosemary, thyme, and basil.

Important! When using oregano for the first time in cooking, be careful! Add seasoning to dishes little by little, not every gourmet will like its taste.


Here is a list of dishes that you can add oregano to refresh the taste:

  1. - baked potato;
  2. - omelets;
  3. - pasta;
  4. - homemade kvass;
  5. – aromatization of beer;
  6. - bakery products;
  7. - fried sausages;
  8. - shashlik;
  9. - tea.

Choosing oregano

Fresh and dried oregano is commonly found in supermarkets in the herbs and spices section. Fresh herbs are the richest in vitamins and essential oils.

It is better when choosing to give preference in her favor and at home dry or freeze the seasoning on your own. When buying, pay attention to the quality of greenery.

The stem should be firm and the leaves should be bright green. Be sure to inspect the bush, there should be no traces of mold and yellowed leaves. Fresh oregano should be stored in a paper bag in the refrigerator, dried - in a glass sealed container.

How to grow oregano

You always want to be sure of the quality of this or that product that the greens are organic and have not been processed with various pesticides. To do this, you can plant oregano seeds in your area.

When sowing seeds directly into the ground, flowering usually occurs only in the second year. When growing seedlings, it is likely that oregano will bloom in the year of planting.

It should be remembered that oregano grass loves open, flat and well-lit areas. The soil for planting is moderately moist and fertile, without weeds. From the moment of planting to full-fledged plants, it will take about two months.

Like any plant, oregano requires attention and care. She needs moderate watering, the plant does not like drought, but an excess of moisture will also benefit.

The first two seasons you need to regularly remove weeds and loosen the soil. After three seasons, weeding can be eliminated, as the plant has already developed enough.

Remember to periodically fertilize the post and renew the site every five years. With proper care, oregano will grow for decades!

To make the dish tasty, it is not enough just to cook this or that product. You need to learn how to choose spices and seasonings for it. After all, it is they who give food taste and piquancy.

In order for this or that seasoning to fully reveal its aroma, it must be used correctly.

  • Fresh spices are added to the finished dish.
  • Dried ones are put into food about five minutes before the end of cooking, so that they give it their flavor, but do not have time to evaporate. Meanwhile, there are exceptions to the rule here. Thyme, rosemary and oregano can be added at the very beginning of cooking. This will not affect their taste in any way. However, this seemingly plus can play a cruel joke if you overdo it with spices.
  • Dried spicy herbs are placed in dishes in a minimal amount, since the concentration of aromatic substances in dry spices is higher than in fresh ones.
  • Spices are added very carefully to fried dishes, because their aroma changes greatly during such heat treatment, which also affects the taste of the dish.
  • Boiled foods need more flavoring than fried foods.
  • You need to be able to combine certain spices and seasonings, because an incorrectly selected composition of spices can ruin the whole dish.
  • All herbs are stored in hermetically sealed glass jars in a dark place.

Recently, hostesses are increasingly using spices that were previously less in demand in dishes: marjoram, thyme, rosemary, oregano.

All these spicy herbs came from overseas cuisine: Italian, Spanish, French. Although some of them have long been known in Russian cuisine. For example, oregano.

This herb with Mediterranean roots has a completely Russian name - common oregano. She is also popularly called the mother.

It has a healing effect for many ailments, but this article will focus on its use in cooking.

Oregano in tea, kvass and alcoholic products

Of course, most often oregano (oregano) is brewed as a tea, because it has a very pleasant smell, a slightly bitter taste, is easy to drink, and at the same time has a calming effect.

A teaspoon of oregano is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes, filtered. Drink warm.
Tea is brewed not only from oregano, but also in combination with other herbs: chamomile, coltsfoot leaves, raspberries.

In Russian cuisine, oregano is also used in the preparation of kvass. Due to the presence of essential oils in its leaves, such drinks are distinguished by a delicate aroma and pleasant taste.

Fans of strong drinks can find oregano in the composition of vodka or liquor.

Oregano (oregano) is also used in cooking. This spice is added to salads, soups, main courses, sauces and pastries.

oregano in salads

Most often, fresh oregano is put in salads. But if there is only dried spice, then it is ground into powder and added along with the rest of the spices. Or mixed with vegetable (most often olive) oil and infused. After the spice reveals its aroma, salads are seasoned with oil.

By the same principle, vinegar is also insisted on this spicy herb.

Oregano in pates and sausages

In dried form, this spice is used in the preparation of sausages and pates. This seasoning, especially in combination with marjoram, gives a unique taste to such dishes.

Festive video recipe:

Oregano in mushroom dishes

In France, oregano is added to mushroom dishes, especially champignons.

They believe that mushrooms soaked in the aroma of oregano become much tastier.

Oregano in baking

In Italy, oregano is an essential ingredient in some types of pizza. For example, the famous Margherita pizza is baked with oregano. And after all, there is nothing special in the filling - only canned tomatoes, cheese, a lot of vegetable oil and spice sprinkled on top. But this pizza is known all over the world.

An alternative to it is Neapolitan pizza, where, in addition to tomatoes and cheese, there is also canned herring in oil, which is also flavored with dried oregano.

Oregano with cheese and vegetables

In South America, oregano is used in cheese, vegetable or egg dishes, and in salads.

This spice gives a good taste to pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, so it is often used in canning.
Oregano is added to marinades for barbecue or meat, grilled and in the oven. This seasoning is especially suitable for those sauces that contain tomatoes or tomato paste.

Oregano in meat dishes

Oregano is added to meat dishes in combination with marjoram, thyme and basil.

Half a kilo of any minced meat is mixed with two slices of bread soaked in water and a finely chopped onion, which was previously fried in vegetable oil. Add an egg, a teaspoon of mustard, chopped garlic, salt, pepper, oregano to taste and mix thoroughly. They make round meatballs and fry them in vegetable oil.

In order not to drown out the natural aroma of meat, this spice is added little by little. The exception is meat dishes from game, which has a specific taste that not everyone likes.

oregano in soups

If you use this seasoning in moderation, then the soups to which it is added acquire a unique taste.
In order not to interrupt the taste and aroma of chicken broth, you should not put oregano in chicken soup if it contains only noodles in addition to meat.

But in a spicy tomato soup, which is very popular in Italy, oregano will be most welcome.

Melt 50 g of butter in a large saucepan, put a chopped bunch of celery and simmer for ten minutes. One and a half kilograms of chopped tomatoes, three cloves of garlic, half a glass of vermouth, one and a half liters of chicken broth and dry herbs (parsley, thyme, oregano) are added. Pour half a liter of cream, salt, put white pepper and cook over very low heat for about fifteen minutes.

By the way, about tastes. Oregano is one of those seasonings that, as they say, are not for everyone, so you should not stick to the recipe so strictly. And in any dish, you can replace this spice with another, no less fragrant seasoning. For example, marjoram, which is so closely related to oregano that some consider the two spices to be identical.

In culinary experiments, it is recommended to exercise not only caution, as mentioned above, but also courage. However, for this you need to know the characteristics of each spicy herb and those successful herbal compositions with which you can achieve a subtle, but such an appetizing aroma!

Oregano pairs well with reyhan, or purple basil. It can also be safely combined with black and white pepper, thyme, celery. A good aroma is obtained if oregano is mixed with tarragon or fennel.

If the hostess approaches the preparation of dishes with a soul and experimenting with flavors, then a new recipe will be obtained. This is how culinary masterpieces are born.