Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the spine. How to strengthen the muscle groups of the back? Exercises on simulators

  • 12.10.2019

It's not just weightlifters and bodybuilders who need to train their back regularly. A good set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine will help form the muscle corset. This is important both for an even posture and for the prevention of spinal column deformities. The latter often occur in adulthood, especially in people with a sedentary lifestyle. By giving sports just half an hour every day, you can maintain the flexibility of the spine for many years and avoid many back problems.

How to do the exercises correctly

Before starting regular back workouts, it is important to make sure there are no contraindications... If there is a history of diseases or injuries of the spine, then a doctor's consultation is needed. Even if loads are allowed, a number of rules should be followed to avoid injuries to the musculoskeletal system:

  • perform all elements smoothly, without sudden jerks;
  • constantly listen to the sensations in the problem area (discomfort is a signal to stop exercising);
  • increase the load gradually, slightly increasing the number of repetitions as the muscles strengthen;
  • you need to do it regularly by increasing discipline and consolidating the achieved results;
  • beginners should not chase the quantity repetitions and sets made, as well as setting too fast a pace at the very beginning of the lesson.

The set of exercises for the spine given below is contraindicated for chronic diseases at the stage of exacerbation, bleeding of any etiology, the presence of severe pain in the lumbar region, shoulder blades and neck.

A set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back at home

Four easy exercises to do no inventory or practical skills required, if performed regularly, will help to create reliable muscle support for the spinal column:

  • Hip bridge... The element is performed from the initial lying position, while the bent legs rest with their feet on the floor, the arms are located along the torso. Exhaling, raise the hips up to straighten the body in the hip joints, linger a little at the top point and gradually lower the pelvis. It is advisable to perform the exercise at least 15 times. As the muscles strengthen, you can increase the load by straightening one leg at the knee while lifting the hips.
  • "Bird and Dog"- an interesting and effective exercise for all groups of back muscles. Getting on all fours (dog pose), you need to strain your abs and straighten your back. The transition to the bird pose consists in simultaneously raising the right arm and the opposite (left) leg up. At the same time, the limbs are straightened, positioned strictly horizontally and fixed for a couple of seconds. After returning to the original position, the opposite arm and leg work (do at least 5 times for each side).
  • Side bar especially useful for prolonged static load on the spine (standing work). Lying on your side and leaning on the elbow of one hand, place the other on the waist. Then tear the hips off the surface and straighten the body, fixing in this position for at least half a minute. Repeat for the other side. To complicate the task, you can raise your leg during execution or lean on the palm of a straight hand.
  • Lunges, designed to improve coordination, are performed from a standing position. Having fixed the palms at the waist, you need to step forward wide enough, bending your legs at the knee joints at a right angle. Do 10 reps for each leg. You can increase the load with the help of weights (hold dumbbells in your hands).

In addition to preventing deformities and diseases of the spine, this simple set of exercises will ensure excellent posture. Slim waist and graceful gait will be another nice bonus.

People whose work involves prolonged static loads on the back and visiting the gym are advised to perform more special elements.

An additional set of exercises to strengthen the spine (video)

Exercise machines in the gym allow you to diversify the set of standard elements for the formation of a muscle corset.

  • Stretches performed on hyperextension, straighteners perfectly strengthen muscles. From the starting position, you need to fully straighten the body, lingering for 30 seconds at the top point.
  • Deadlift- Another great element for pumping rectifiers. The exercise is intended to prevent disorders and is contraindicated in pain. Perform inclinations and extensions smoothly, holding the bar in your hands with a straight grip.
  • Prayer element is a kneeling row of a vertical block. At the lowest point, when bending the body with your head, you need to touch the floor.
  • Hyperextension can be done on fitball. The starting position is lying with your stomach on the apparatus with your palms fixed on the back of your head and a lowered torso. When unbending, straighten the body and linger for half a minute in this position.
  • Stretching with a fitball- one of the simplest, but very useful exercises for the back. You just need to lie on the projectile with your stomach and relax the muscles of the whole body as much as possible. You can stay in this position for as long as you like.

The listed exercises are not only guarantee of a strong muscle corset but also excellent remedy for back pain. Supplementing them with a standard training program, you can not to be afraid of scoliosis and osteochondrosis even with many hours of sedentary work in the office. At the same time, it is important to get up from the workplace every hour in order to stretch the muscles a little and activate blood circulation.

The Effectiveness of Back Exercises for Spinal Disorders

Scoliosis and osteochondrosis- the most common pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The first diagnosis is made at any age, since curvature of posture can be earned even in childhood. Wherein back muscles atrophy and hold the spinal column in wrong position. Special exercises for stretching and strengthening the muscles - the best way fix the situation.

A set of exercises for scoliosis (video)

Osteochondrosis is a more "age-related" disease, which is cartilage degradation intervertebral discs. It is accompanied by impaired mobility of the spinal column, periodic pain and deterioration of tissue nutrition. In this case, you should be careful, but if the case is not very neglected, exercises will help restore mobility and get rid of pain.

Training for osteochondrosis (video)

Performing a set of simple exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine every day, you can restore health and keep it for a long time.

The modern lifestyle, unfortunately, does not have the best effect on the health of the spine. Exercises for the back today are simply necessary for every person. We, modern women, spend a lot of time at the computer (both working and relaxing). In addition to a sedentary lifestyle, we often give up any physical activity. Pregnancy and the appearance of a baby, who often has to be carried in your arms, can also aggravate problems with the spine. Our husbands also often lead a sedentary lifestyle or, on the contrary, are engaged in hard physical labor. Both of them negatively affect the health of the back. This is how protrusions, hernias, scoliosis and other back problems "profit". Special gymnastics will help prevent or reduce the manifestations of the above diseases.

The exercises for the spine that I want to offer you is a complex for strengthening the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions. It consists of elements of remedial gymnastics, exercises for stretching, posture and strengthening of the back muscles, as well as simple yoga asanas. This gymnastics for strengthening the back at home takes very little time (15-20 minutes), but has a very good healing effect. Exercise is recommended daily. Start with 6 reps, gradually working up to 10-15-20. The number of repetitions and the difficulty of the exercises can be controlled independently. Do them slowly with maximum effort.

Gymnastics for the cervical spine

We start with the cervical spine.

Exercise 1. Pull your chin to the ceiling without throwing your head back. 6-10 reps.

Exercise 2. Turn the head to the right up to the shoulder. Keep your chin straight. We try to pull it back as far as possible, looking over our shoulder. When turning, we also take our gaze as much as possible to the upper right point. 6-10 reps in one direction, then in the other direction.

Exercise 3. We tilt the head to the right - to the shoulder. 6-10 slopes. Then we put our palm on our head and relax the neck - it will stretch under the weight of the hand, it is not necessary to press on purposely. Count slowly to 10-20. Then we perform these exercises to the left shoulder.

Exercise 4. Bend your head down, stretch your chin to your chest 6-10 times. Then we put both palms, woven into the lock, on the back of the head. The weight of the hands will stretch the neck. We count up to 10-20.

Strengthening the thoracic spine

Exercise 5. Straight arms weave into a lock behind the back, tilt the head forward. We pull the shoulders down, hold them back, return them to their place. 6-10 reps.

Exercise 6. Hands at the seams. Raise the shoulders and pull to the ears, hold them back, lower them down. We do 6-10 reps.

Exercise 7. Hands - on the shoulders. The body is straight. Only the thoracic region works. We turn it to the right up to the limit 6-10 times, then to the left.

Exercise 8. Now you can relax a little - we sag down and relax. We feel like clothes on a rope. The arms are braided in front of the chest. Count slowly to 10-20.

Exercises for the back on the floor

Now let's move on to floor exercises. We have exercises for the lower back and stretching of the back muscles.

Exercise 9. This is a yoga exercise. Asanas "Upward-facing dog" and "Downward-facing dog". We do them quite energetically (this is a kind of warm-up), but at the same time we are not in a hurry, completing both elements to the end. In Downward Dog, make sure your legs and back are straight. Feet and palms shoulder-width apart or closer. We stretch in the exercise with the chest to the floor (the chest should bend). We try to stand on the floor with our heels. If it is difficult, your legs can be slightly bent at the knees. From this position, we make the transition to "Dog facing up". We hold the body with our hands, not lying on the floor. We bend, but do not bend the lower back - we tighten the buttocks. We hold on to our toes, without touching the floor with our knees. Then go back to the Downward Dog. And so 6-10 transitions.

If these exercises are too difficult for you, you can make them easier. Instead of the downward facing dog position, do the kneeling position on all fours. Upward-facing dog can be eased by touching the floor with your knees. Over time, complicate the positions to the required ones.

Exercise 10. Exercise "The Little Mermaid". The position is on all fours. Knees together. Shake the "tail" left and right 6-10 times.

Exercise 11. The same initial position as in the previous exercise. Only the pelvis is now fully lowered to the right and left. We perform 6-10 repetitions in each direction.

Exercise 12. "Kitty". From a position on all fours, bend the chest inward, then bend your back like a cat. It is necessary to perform 6-10 repetitions of these elements, smoothly flowing into one another.

Exercises 13. Lie on your stomach. At the same time, we raise outstretched straight arms and legs. We try to raise them as high as possible, lifting the chest as well. We count up to 10-20. We go down. We do 6-10 of these lifts.

Exercise 14. Camel. From a kneeling position, we bend back, arching the chest. We stretch our chest to the ceiling, buttocks are drawn in. You can throw your head back for a while, but this is not necessary. Hands on feet. After a while, you can lower them to the floor. This is a pretty tricky exercise. Therefore, if you are a beginner, you can skip it. Monitor your feelings. You shouldn't feel pain or discomfort. Do everything very carefully.

Exercise 15. Lie on your back. We bend our legs at the knees. The back is straight. We lower our knees to the right and left. We perform 6-10 repetitions in each direction.

Exercise 16. Lying on your back, we first pull the right knee to the chest, then the left. We do 6-10 reps.

Exercise 17. Lying on your back, bend your knees, wrap your arms around them and pull them to your chest, lifting your pelvis off the floor. We perform 6-10 repetitions.

Exercise 18. "Rollers". We squat down. We lower the pelvis to the floor. Knees are pulled up to the chest, we wrap our hands around them. We roll onto our backs up to the neck. Then we return to squatting again. We carry out the exercise intensively, not forgetting to round the back. 6-10 reps.

Exercise 19. "Twist". We sit down on the floor. Straight legs in front of you. Bending the right leg at the knee, throw it behind the left. Left elbow on the right knee. We push it off the knee. The back is straight. We turn the upper part of the case to the right. We count up to 10-20. Then we do the same to the left.

Exercise 20. "Shiva's Twist". We lay down on the floor. The right leg is straight. The left leg, bent at the knee, pressing the foot to the right leg, lower it to the right. Only the lower part of the case is twisted. The upper one is motionless. The right hand is on the left knee. The left hand looks to the side. Pull the shoulder blades to the floor. Keep your shoulders flat on the floor. We breathe smoothly. We are trying to relax in this position. Count slowly to 10-20. Then we make the same twist in the other direction.

Do these exercises diligently and regularly. If it is difficult, then you can first do them every other day, then gradually move on to daily practice. Don't be lazy. You will feel better very soon. Your back health is in your hands!

In addition, you can master and.

Back exercises: video

Yoga for beginners. How to strengthen your back and make the correct posture (video)

If you have severe back problems, consult your doctor before exercising!

The spine holds the entire body. It is important to start exercising the muscles of the spine in childhood and continue until the end of life.

Back musculature

  • The longest and most powerful back muscle is the erector spine. It attaches to the transverse process of each vertebra. With its help, the spine unbends, tilts left and right, maintains posture. Tilting your head and maintaining balance is also the job of your longest back muscle.
  • The square muscle flexes the spine and pulls the pelvis up when you are standing.
  • The trapezius and rhomboid muscles bring the shoulder blades together, raise them, lower them.
  • The broadest muscle is in charge of the shoulders - rotates, lowers them, raises them.
  • The infraspinatus, supraspinatus, small round, serratus anterior, subscapularis and deltoid muscles also work on the shoulder girdle.

Exercises for osteochondrosis

These exercises are useful for women, men, children, both in the treatment of the disease and for its prevention.


  1. Clasp your hands... Press your forehead on the lock of your fingers .. Tilt your head as low as possible. Press down on your forehead with your hands, creating resistance. For 10-12 seconds, press your fingers first on the back of the head, then on each temple, in turn.
  2. Fingertips firmly in the middle of the forehead, vertically, 4 fingers on each side. Press your fingers on your forehead and pull the skin in different directions. Smooth out the vertical wrinkle at the same time. Also stretch the skin of your temples up and down. Finally, stretch your ears in all directions, especially their lobes. Each stretch lasts 30 seconds.
  3. Sit with your back straight.... Slowly, pushing your chin with your hand, tilt your head back. Holding your chin, and increasing the tilt, shake your head from side to side.
  4. Tilt your head helping with hands clasped in the lock. Try to lower your head down. Relax after 15 seconds.
  5. Shrug your shoulders quickly lifting them higher to the ears. Shoulder the scales up and down. Rub the withers with your fingers.


  1. Sit on a hard chair with your hands behind the back. Move your chest forward, bringing your shoulder blades together. Relax with your shoulders down. 3-5 times.
  2. Press your back against a flat surface with your arms down. Lean from one side to the other. As you bend down, pull yourself on the wrist of your raised arms, helping the bend. And so on 4-5 times. In case of scoliosis, it is not recommended to bend to the sides.
  3. Draw scales with your shoulders. The head is tilted towards the shoulder sliding down. 4-5 times.


  1. Pull in your stomach, then relax it.
  2. Bend down on all fours like a cat. Raise your head. Then tilt down towards your chest. And arch your back. 3-5 times.
  3. Lying calmly on your back, slowly raise your hands. Slowly lower your legs, bent at the knees, to the side. Try to reach the floor surface. Do not overdo it, it is better not to get a little than to get a pressure increase. Runs up to 8 times.
  4. Lie on a firm mattress with a pillow at your head and grasp the backrest firmly. Pull your shoulders and sternum up. Relax your pelvis, legs.
  5. Lie flat on your back, pull the toes towards you. Relax as much as possible and tense up again. 3-7 times.

To correct S and Z scoliosis, classes with a specialist are needed. With the first or second degree of scoliosis C, special exercises help at any age. If there is a disposition to recover, then the curvature can be corrected. It takes less time for children, more for adults. Warm up before exercising. Do all exercises slowly, without weights.

Warm up

  1. Straighten your posture. To do this, touch the door jamb with the back of the head, connected shoulder blades, buttocks, calves, heels. Keeping your posture, walk around, try to sit down.
  2. With your back to the support, slowly squat. Hands forward. Squatting, inhale, straightening - exhale.
  3. Shoulder circles standing straight or sitting. The main thing is to keep your posture.
  4. Stand up, suck in your stomach harder. Pull your buttocks up and slightly inward. Bend one leg at the knee, then lift your thigh as far as possible. Repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Main complex

  1. Lie on your back. Raise your straight legs slightly above the surface of the rug. Move your legs cross to cross, like scissors. 30 sec. vertically, 30 sec. horizontally.
  2. Sit gently on your heels. Stretch your relaxed arms away from the floor. Fingering with your hands, turn around several times in one direction and another.
  3. Standing on all fours, bend your back with a cat, then gently and slowly round your back. 5-7 times.
  4. Lie on a rolled cloth with your stomach. Behind your back, clasp your hands in a strong lock. Raise your upper body. Start at the head, then lift your shoulders, chest. Return to the starting position, relax. 10 times. 5. Stand up straight and move your shoulder blades. Relax, lower your shoulders. 10 times.
  5. Get on all fours. One arm forward, the opposite leg backward. It doesn't matter which side to start with. Now switch sides. 10 times.
  6. Lie on your back with your arms outstretched. Pull your feet along the floor to the buttocks. Try to reach the floor with your knees from the right and then to the left. 7 times.
  7. Turn the curved side of your spine down. Lie on the edge of your bed. Place a rolled up towel under your waist. Throw the hand that is on top behind your head, hold the lower one by the neck. Bend your leg, hang down a little. The lower leg is straight. After 10 sec. relax. 5-7 times.

Final exercises

  1. Lie on your back. Place your arms around your knees. Try rolling from the neck to the sacrum.
  2. Walk on your heels with your hands locked in the back. 30 sec.
  3. Now walk on your toes. Raise your hands. If it is difficult to keep them straight, place the hand with one hand in the other. 30 sec.
  4. Walk with your hips high. 30 sec.
  5. Raise your tense arms, lower them and shake them. Breathe calmly.

Exercises to strengthen the back at home

Lie relaxed on your back. Bend your legs. Use your hands to press down on the floor on both sides of your torso. Rest your feet firmly. Lift your pelvis up. It turns out a straight line - knees, pelvis, shoulders. Relax, and after a few seconds try to repeat. 3-12 times. Stretching, with persistence, the muscles of the thighs. The press is strengthening. When the bridge becomes too easy for you, raise your pelvis and straighten your knee.

Get on all fours. Bring your elbow to the opposite knee. Now stretch your arm (beak), and lift your straight leg (bird's tail) from behind. Tighten your body, and after 8-10 seconds. relax. Now the "beak" and tail will be a different arm and leg. Only 3-6 times. Try to endure 12 seconds in a tense position. The exercise is especially recommended for stubborn sports, dancing, hard work.

Side plank exercise

Lie on your side. Place your palm or bent arm firmly on the floor. The palm is for women who have been involved in sports for a long time. Try to stand up using your arm and legs. You will get a triangle, where the bent arm and the floor are legs, and the body is the hypotenuse. This will work if the elbow is placed exactly under the shoulder. The muscles of the spine are well developed above the waist. When you are confident in doing the exercise, engage your upper leg by slowly raising and lowering it.

Step forward, squatting on your back leg. Tighten up. Take a step back and straighten up and relax. Now lunge with the other leg. 3-10 times. This is how balance is trained. If it's easy to stay straight on the lunge, try diagonal lunges.

Simple exercises for the back muscles

Baby pose

Sit on your heels with your booty. Stretch your chest forward until it touches the floor. You can put a rolled up towel under your forehead to keep your head from hanging in the air. Move your hands freely. Place your hands on your feet. You can stay in this position for 2 minutes or longer, depending on your condition and mood. The pose relaxes, improves digestion, reduces deposits on a plump belly, calms, relaxes. Baby pose is not suitable for pregnant women. With hypertension, it also needs to be practiced with caution. There is another option. Lie on your back with your knees up to your chest. Relax. You can wiggle a little.

Lie on your stomach with your legs extended. Connect your heels. Hands behind. Chain them into a lock. Sequentially raise your head, shoulders, chest above the floor, bending in the spine. All this slowly, carefully, based on how you feel. Exercise helps to improve posture, makes the spine flexible, and strengthens the muscles of the upper back. This is a good prevention of osteochondrosis. Also, the pose helps the liver and kidneys, eliminates constipation. Sarpasana should not be done in severe and acute conditions - high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, intestinal tuberculosis, heart disease.

You can stretch on a fitball on your back, on your stomach, on your side. Lie down and relax. The ball swaying as you move will help your muscles stretch.

Exercise helps stretch your spine and build abs. To do this, lie on your back with your arms outstretched. Raise your straight legs slowly and low. Hold them on weight, starting from a few seconds and working up to a minute. The option is simpler. Lie beside a chair and lift your legs up onto the seat. Relax and lie down.

Lie on your back. Pull your bent leg to your stomach. Hold your breath. Relax. Pull up the other leg while lowering the first. Another option. Place the leg bent at the knee vertically under the other leg, holding the ankle with the popliteal dimple. Pull both legs towards your chest. Swap your legs.

Lying on your back, throw your right leg to the right, bending it at the knee. Place your back on the floor. Put your right hand on the floor, hold your knee with your left.

The hyperextension is performed on a machine called a Roman chair. It is very effective for building a beautiful figure - a thin waist, toned buttocks, hips without ears, a beautiful tummy. The simulator is an iron frame with two types of rollers. There are larger bolsters to sit and smaller ones for the legs. The simulator can be deployed. The easiest exercise is to lie on your stomach on the seat, securing your legs. We put our hands on the back of the head. Raise the top of the body. But the same can be done on a fitball.

Stretching the erector and square muscles of the back, lie on the fitball. Place your toes on the floor. Hands behind head. Sway on the fitball, massaging your belly. Do 3 passes, 6-7 minutes each. But be attentive to your condition. Nothing through force.

Develops the back muscle of the thigh, strengthens the muscles of the back. Raise a barbell that is suitable for weight, standing with legs straight. Keep the spine straight without bending it. The bar of the bar moves along the legs. When the bar reaches belly level, you need to sit down a little and push the pelvis forward. This is done to keep your back straight.

The exercise is considered the best for the abs. Get on your knees, grab the rope simulator with your hands. Pull the rope down, touching it with your forehead and gradually bending down. Perform the movement while squeezing the press. And the main advice for strengthening the spine. Change position every 15 minutes. We got up from behind the computer, walked, did a few dance steps, changed their occupation. Don't forget about your posture. Be slim and healthy!

Many do not even think about how important it is to maintain their own body and constantly monitor the work of all internal organs and systems. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself in more detail with the structure of the spine. It consists of 24 vertebral bones, which are mobile precisely due to the fact that there are discs-pads between them. It is these discs that take the first blow, as they act as shock absorbers.

The vertebrae and discs are held in place by muscles responsible for keeping the back straight at all times. In the event that one of these elements fails (for example, injury or damage was received), a feeling of pain appears. From time to time, back pain may bother. If the back is in perfect order, unpleasant sensations and discomfort do not appear.

Exercising regularly to strengthen your back muscles is the most important part of keeping your corset in good shape. To do this, you need to constantly play sports, which will help you forget about painful sensations in the back, while there is a significant improvement in overall well-being. These exercises help to get rid of stoop and sagging belly.

To strengthen your back muscles, the following rules must be followed:

  • strength exercises are performed in several approaches;
  • exercises aimed at stretching the muscle corset are performed as slowly as possible;
  • aerobic exercise is essential, which works all muscle groups.
Regardless of which exercise group was chosen to maintain back health, you need to do everything as slowly as possible. The muscles should be exercised gradually to avoid injury.

During the exercise, there should be no discomfort - first of all, this applies to strength training. First, stretching is performed, after which the main block comes, it is necessary to monitor correct breathing. At the moment when the muscles are straining, an exhalation is made, during relaxation, an inhalation is made. At first it will be quite difficult, but soon you will not have to monitor your breathing.

Exercises to strengthen back muscles

Due to the busy work schedule, it is not always possible and free time to visit the gym several times a week. But at the same time, everyone can find 15 minutes to do simple exercises that will not only strengthen the muscles of the back, but also get rid of pain.

Exercise for the spine

  1. This is an easy-to-do exercise designed specifically to strengthen your back muscles.
  2. You need to lie on a yoga mat, legs bend, feet are tightly pressed and placed hip-width apart, arms are along the torso.
  3. The muscles of the buttocks are strained as much as possible, after which the pelvis is slowly torn off the floor, and the hips are lifted up.
  4. Make sure that a straight line forms between the knees and shoulders.
  5. Hold in the position for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  6. Do the exercise 10 times.
This exercise is a great counterbalance to the sitting position, which a person is in most of the day. If done regularly, the muscles in the back and abdomen will be strengthened. In just a few months of training, it will be possible to get rid of a sagging belly.

If desired, the exercise can be slightly complicated by stretching the leg and pulling the toe during the lift. Change legs one at a time, thanks to which the gluteal muscles are trained much more intensively.

Side bar

  1. This exercise is performed on a gymnastic mat in a lying position.
  2. To make the exercise easy, you need to lie on one side and stretch your body into a string.
  3. The emphasis is on the elbow. The abdominal muscles should be strained, while the thighs should be gently torn off the floor.
  4. It is necessary to constantly monitor that the spine and neck create one line.
  5. For the first time, it will be enough to hold out for 20 seconds, after which the time gradually increases.
  6. First, the plank is made for the left side, then for the right.
This exercise is simply invaluable for the back, as it not only helps to strengthen the muscles, but also stabilizes the position of the lower vertebrae. The plank is most beneficial for people who have to spend most of the day on their feet.

After you have mastered the basic exercise, you need to complicate the task. For example, when performing a side plank, the leg is lifted up. In this position, you need to linger for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position. It is important to do the exercise slowly. Remember to monitor your breathing.

Simple exercise

  1. You need to get on all fours, while your knees should be hip-width apart.
  2. It is important to fix the hips and back in this position, the abdominal muscles are as tense as possible.
  3. Being in this position, the left arm is extended forward and the right leg is straightened.
  4. You need to stay in this position for 5 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  5. The exercise is repeated for the right arm and left leg.
  6. For each arm and leg, 6 repetitions are performed.
Doing this exercise regularly helps to tone your back muscles, helping to strengthen them. At the same time, coordination improves, the load is removed from the spine. It is recommended to use this exercise for those who lead an active lifestyle.

Over time, when it will be easy to perform the exercise, you can complicate it a little - you need to learn how to keep balance for at least 15 seconds, due to which a large load is exerted on the muscles.

Lunges to strengthen the muscles of the back

  1. At the end of the mini-charge, it is recommended to do a simple and effective exercise such as lunges.
  2. You need to step so that your back always remains perfectly straight.
  3. The leg is bent at a right angle, the thigh is parallel to the support.
  4. Lunge forward - 10 reps for each leg.
  5. During the exercise, it is necessary to strain the muscles as much as possible.
This exercise helps to simultaneously strengthen the muscles of the back, buttocks and abdomen. To complicate the exercise, a classic lunge is done first, and then diagonally. If even this option seems simple, you can pick up dumbbells and lift them up or cross them behind your head.

To complete this set of exercises, it is quite enough to devote only 20 minutes to training every day. Also, the complex can be performed every other day, due to which the back muscles are effectively strengthened and unpleasant pain sensations are eliminated.

In order not only to strengthen the muscles of the back, but also to acquire a beautiful posture, it is recommended to perform special exercises.

Yoga snake pose

  1. This is a very simple exercise, the main thing is to strictly adhere to the technique of its implementation.
  2. You need to lie on your stomach, legs are brought together.
  3. The upper part of the body comes off the floor, the emphasis is placed on the hands.
  4. The back flexes as much as possible, and all muscle groups are stretched.

Twisting lying on your back

  1. You can do this exercise immediately after waking up in bed.
  2. The main thing is that all movements should be smooth and without sudden jerks.
  3. This is the most effective exercise that chiropractors recommend.
  4. No effort is required, as long as the shoulders remain firmly pressed to the floor.
  5. So, you need to lie on your back, after which the torso is rotated. You should try to touch the opposite side with your knee.
  6. Then the exercise is repeated for the other side.

Baby pose

  1. This exercise helps relieve stress from the lumbar region.
  2. Sit on your knees, pull your legs to your stomach and fix them with your hands.
  3. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, then relax.

Exercise with a stool

  1. This exercise helps relieve stress on the muscles in the legs and back.
  2. You need to put a chair on the floor.
  3. Place your feet on a chair so that a right angle forms at the knees.
  4. Stay in this position for a while until the pain subsides.
This exercise helps relieve pain, tension and improve blood circulation in the lower back.

Stretching on the floor or fitball

Stretching can be done independently at home or using a special simulator in the gym:

  1. You need a speech on the floor, on your back.
  2. Hands are placed at the back of the head.
  3. Legs are brought together.
  4. Alternately or simultaneously, lift your legs and upper body off the floor.

How to strengthen your back muscles at home - tips and tricks

  1. You should always try to keep your back perfectly straight.
  2. Sitting at the table, make sure that your elbows do not hang down, your back remains straight.
  3. If you have to sit for a long time during the day, it is recommended to take a short break every half hour - get up, stretch your muscles a little, squat, or just walk around.
  4. Going on a long journey, you need to take a special seat and pillow. Relatively recently, special back cushions have been on sale, which perfectly support the spine and relieve stress from it.
  5. If you have to constantly carry a backpack, it is worth stopping the choice on lightweight models with a hard back. The backpack should be fixed on the back and not overloaded.
  6. Lift heavy things correctly - legs are placed shoulder-width apart, the weight is taken with two hands, half-squat and we carry only in front of us.
  7. Sleep should be comfortable. For a bed, it is better to choose a hard mattress and a special orthopedic pillow. It is better to give up sleeping on soft corners and folding sofas, since this furniture is not intended for sleeping.
  8. Several times a week, it is helpful to do special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back.
  9. You need to do all the exercises correctly and not forget about the benefits of breathing exercises.
In order to always remain slim and not suffer from unpleasant back pain, you must try to lead an active lifestyle and not forget about the benefits of regular exercise, swimming, jogging and simple walks in the fresh air. This type of exercise is called aerobic.

The above exercises help to train all systems and organs of the body, increase metabolism and metabolism, give a feeling of joy and strength. Also, aerobic exercise allows you to get rid of existing fat deposits and bring the whole body back to normal.

Strengthening the muscles of the back is useful not only to make it look beautiful, slim and fit, but also to prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. To keep your back beautiful and healthy, you need to regularly do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, which do not require much effort and can be performed even at home. But it is important to know how to perform this complex correctly.

Strengthening the spine helps to improve overall well-being, stimulates metabolism, and also helps to improve appearance. But first, it is worth considering that exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine have contraindications, and before starting their implementation, it is important to make sure that there are none. These include the following:

  • severe pain;
  • bleeding;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • spinal injury;
  • kidney or cardiovascular disease;
  • pregnancy.

If you do the exercises incorrectly, then instead of positive results, you can only aggravate the existing problems. To avoid this, adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Gradualness... You need to start doing the exercises calmly. Do not rush to do their entire volume and increase the intensity of the loads carefully.
  • Smoothness... It is important to avoid sudden jerks, twists, lunges.
  • Aiming... It is the weakened muscles that you must purposefully work out, and the overly stressed muscles must be relaxed.
  • Regularity... Doing exercises to strengthen your back at home is recommended 3-4 times a week. Do two sets, resting for a few minutes in between. Increase the number of repetitions several times each time.
  • Correct breathing. Exercise should begin with inhalation and end with exhalation. Breathe smoothly and regularly, do not hold your breath.
  • Constancy... Exercising should become a habit - only when done systematically will it help you achieve results.
  • Hygiene and convenience. The room in which you study should be spacious and well ventilated. It is recommended to practice in light and comfortable clothing.

If you experience back pain, nausea, general weakness, stop exercising and consult a specialist.

Exercises to strengthen your back regularly help to improve the condition of the muscular system, eliminate pain, normalize blood circulation and improve the condition of the body as a whole.

A set of exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back

Exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back are abundant. An effective complex, especially if you have problems with the spine, is best selected together with a specialist. The exercises below can be performed both at home and in the gym.

1. Hip bridge

This exercise helps to reverse the negative effects of constant sitting. It stretches the muscles in the thighs and stabilizes the spine, especially the lumbar spine. It also works great on the abdominal muscles.

To perform the exercise, you need to lie on your back, bend your legs. The feet should be flat on the floor and hip-width apart. Relax your arms, place them along your torso. Tighten your glutes and lift your hips up, lifting your pelvis off the floor. Make sure that your body is in a straight line between your knees and shoulders. In this position, you need to lock in for a few seconds and gently lower to the floor. The exercise is done 12-13 times.

To complicate the exercise, you can raise one leg and stretch it up to the ceiling. The foot should remain in a bent position, there is no need to pull the toe. Keep your thighs level. This is difficult enough. Hold for a few seconds, then gently lower your leg and do the same with the second.

2. Exercise "Dog and Bird"

This exercise, which strengthens the back, maintains muscle tone, improves coordination, and has a beneficial effect on the spine.

You need to start the exercise on all fours, in a doggy position. Knees should be wider than hips, hands with palms should be pressed to the floor, positioned shoulder-width apart. Then, tense your abdominal muscles and draw in your stomach so that your back does not bend and your hips do not move. Now you need to get into the "bird" pose - stretch your right leg and left arm forward. Stay in this position as long as you can, at least for a couple of seconds. Then change your leg and arm. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

3. Side bar

This variation of the plank improves endurance and strengthens the muscles of the back and neck, stabilizes the vertebrae and protects the person from overload.

You need to lie on your side, stretch the body in a straight line. Rest your elbows on the floor. Make sure that your elbow is well under your shoulder. Straining your abdominal muscles, lift your thighs off the floor. Pull your neck in one line of the spine. Hold in this position for 20-40 seconds. Then roll over and repeat the same for the other side. You can hold the body not on the elbow, but on the palm.

4. Lunges

Lunges help improve coordination and stabilize muscles, thereby helping to maintain spine health when walking, running, and other physical activity.

Slightly contracting your abdominal muscles, step forward with your right foot. Place your hands on your hips. The step should be quite large. Bend your leg at a right angle, the thigh should be parallel to the floor. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times. To complicate the load, you can do exercises with dumbbells to strengthen the muscles of the back - this will make the lunges harder and more effective. Also you can alternate between classic forward lunges and diagonal lunges.

5. Hyperextension on fitball

Many fitball exercises help to strengthen the back, and one of them is hyperextension, which requires this gymnastic ball. It's simple. You need to lie on the fitball, put your hands behind your head and bend down, stretching your back muscles. Then you need to go up and repeat the exercise several times.

6. Classical hyperextension

Classic hyperextension is performed in the same way as on a fitball, but the angle of inclination changes slightly, which helps to shift the load. In the gym for hyperextension, a special simulator is presented, at home, you can do the exercise on the floor.

7. Sarpasana (snake pose)

An excellent preventative exercise for working out the back, which comes from yoga. You need to keep your legs together and stretch your shoulders up as much as possible.

8. Lumbar crunches

Lower back crunches are similar to chiropractors, but are safer and less effortless. While doing it, try not to lift your shoulders off the floor, but to touch the opposite side with your knee.

9. Stretching on the fitball

Another exercise that requires a fitball. It is performed quite simply: you need to lie on the fitball with your stomach and relax your back muscles. In this position linger as long as you can.

10. Keeping the legs static

A very simple exercise to strengthen your back. The legs should be placed higher than the back in order to speed up blood circulation in the lower part of the back and relieve any existing pain and tension.

12. Deadlift

This exercise is more suitable for those who visit the gym, have some training and do not have back problems. It helps develop back straighteners and is preventative, not curative, because in the presence of diseases of the spine, it is better to refuse it.

And a few more words should be said about the people who work in a sedentary office job. It is important to take short breaks every hour. Get out of the chair and do a short warm-up. These can be bends, squats with outstretched arms. If this is not possible, try at least just to walk. This will help minimize the negative impact on the spine. Remember that your back is regularly subjected to enormous stress, so you need to do everything to make life easier for it and maintain your own health.

We suggest watching a video with effective exercises to strengthen your back.

Back Exercise Videos