What is a modular painting, how to make it yourself? Creating modular pictures: a master class for beginners How to make a modular picture from wallpaper.

  • 18.11.2021

Even in Ancient Greece, such an art form arose as modular paintings, which differ from the usual ones in their division into parts. This decor has many advantages - it creates a very original and elegant appearance of the room, and also allows you to add volume and visual depth to the image.

Despite the seeming complexity, making interesting modular paintings with your own hands is quite easy - in order to determine all the stages of their creation, you can watch the master class on video or training photos.

First of all, you need to decide on the type of image that you will use for modular paintings. Landscapes, complex still lifes, or other large compositions are best suited. It is better not to use portraits - dividing a face into parts rarely looks aesthetically pleasing, and abstraction will not give the desired effect, since individual paintings will either merge into one whole, or look too scattered. In addition, you can take and realistic images, as in such a photo.

The next stage is incarnation. If you do not know how to draw with your own hands, do not worry, because you have at your service all the achievements of modern technology. Usually, a master class on creating modular pictures involves printing pictures on a regular color printer, but you can order professional printing on film or special paper.

Before printing, decide what size your modular canvases will be. To do this, examine all the details of the interior, and find the most suitable place for decoration. It is worth noting that modular paintings look great as a large decor that serves as a photo wallpaper.

If you are doing DIY drawings, buy matching canvases in advance. In the case of using a computer, simply load the desired image into a graphics editor and divide it into parts.

How to do this, you can see in the special training videos for the software. After that, all that remains is to print the pictures and start making the decor.

Decoration shaping

Depending on which part of the interior you want to use DIY modular paintings, different bases are used.

Usually a master class involves the formation of small decorative elements with a visible volume. In the video on the Internet, you can see that the craftsmen use base materials such as wood or foam. In the first case, a small frame is hammered out of flat slats, as indicated in the photo. In the second, it is enough just to cut out a rectangle of the desired size with your own hands.

If you watch a master class on making such frames and volumetric bases, then you can see that they are also made from the following materials:

  • cardboard;
  • paper;
  • threads and glue;
  • plastic;
  • Chipboard, MDF and other sheet panels.

Different products can be used for different types of interiors. In this case, the basis of a modular picture can act as an independent decorative element. Images are applied to it using ordinary paper glue - it is not the slightest difficulty to do this with your own hands. The result is an exquisite and original decoration for your interior, similar to the one shown in the photo.

In the same case, if you want to make a decor that plays the role of photo wallpaper, you do not need to create large volumetric structures. If you find a corresponding master class on the Internet, you will see that a variety of sheet materials can be used as a basis - from plywood and fiberboard to cardboard and old wallpaper glued in several layers. The image should be applied to them with great care, since placing it outside the base will mean damage to the entire canvas. However, if you manage to do everything carefully, you will get an excellent result, similar to the following photo.

You can also improve the attractiveness of your wallpaper by using a frame that matches the theme of the picture. The master class will tell you how best to attach it to the base, however, you should use strong connections in order to exclude the distortion of the entire decor and violation of the composition in the future. This way, you can create a great spotlight for your interior.

Choosing modular paintings will allow you to create a special style of the interior. A series of several elements merge into one composition - it looks lively and dynamic. By choosing to make modular paintings with your own hands, you can express your individuality. The master class will help you quickly master the basics, and you will become the owner of the original decor element.

What are modular paintings

A modular painting is several canvases that are combined into one composition.

There are many options for the arrangement of elements:

  • symmetrical arrangement in the horizontal plane;
  • horizontal and vertical displacement and asymmetry;
  • mixed vertical-horizontal;

The most popular variations are with symmetrical and asymmetrical offsets - they literally change the space of a room. It's amazing how this design technique can achieve a visual increase in space. This is very important for arranging the interior of a small room.

Depending on how many parts the overall picture consists of, they are distinguished:

  • diptych - 2 canvases;
  • triptych - 3 canvases;
  • polyptych - more than three canvases.

There are no strict rules for decorating an interior with a modular painting. In addition, with the current possibilities of printing, you do not need to be an artist to make such a composition with your own hands. Isn't this a challenge for the real creative nature?

How to do it yourself

The material that can be taken as an image can be selected depending on the availability of finances and wishes.

Options for the canvas with the image:

  • fabric with a bright, crisp print, such as flowers;
  • photo or picture printed on a printer;
  • favorite version of wallpaper with a photo.

The choice of the frame depends on the chosen base. A master class on making such paintings will help you create an interior masterpiece.

Master class made of fabric


  • fabric with a plot or ornament, a printed image or wallpaper with a photo design;
  • base: wooden slats 50x20 and plywood, fiberboard or foam;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil, crayon or soap;
  • centimeter;
  • stapler for furniture.

Step 1. Prepare the base

Depending on the budget you are looking for, you can buy a ready-made base with canvas or make one yourself. The first option is suitable for those who are inspired to paint a picture with paints. For the first experience, it is better to make a triptych - three elements, for which we prepare three bases. From strips and pieces of plywood, you can quickly build a base for a modular picture. To do this, we connect the wooden slats into a frame, cutting off the ends at an angle of 45 degrees. They can be stapled or glued together.

For strength at the corners of the frame from the seamy side, we fasten plywood triangles (with 10 cm legs). As a lining, you can stretch a neutral in color fabric over the frame, fixing it with a stapler.

It is much easier to use pieces of fiberboard as a base, you only need to process the base around the edges. If you have chosen the option of wallpaper or a printed image, then you can choose a very simple and light base - foam.

Step 2. We attach the canvas to the base

Before cutting out the segments, plan well and mark the cuts in a “measure seven times and cut once” principle. The size of the fabric should take into account the folds on the back. We fix the fabric on the stretcher with a furniture stapler, fastening the staples from the wrong side of the work. Here it is important to evenly stretch the canvas without forming folds. First we fix the long side, and then the short one.

Printed versions can even be glued to thin foam ceiling tiles with PVA glue.

Many, instead of wallpaper with a photographic image, order the printing of the picture they like in numerous print services. You do not need to be a master for this, however, when printing, you need to think about how to make several separate elements with overlapping patterns. In this way, you will maintain the integrity of the big picture.

Step 3. Place the paintings

At this stage, you need to come up with a place where you will hang your composition, as well as a way to arrange the paintings relative to each other. For fastening, you can choose the usual small-format furniture hinges. If the paintings are fixed on stretchers, then they can be fixed on screws that are screwed into the dowels and protrude slightly from the wall.

The location options are extremely interesting, where one of the canvases is displaced in an interesting way. The element looks unique, which is deliberately shifted in the "flight" as if from the wind.

The master class will give you an understanding of the main points of creating a modular picture. You can safely experiment with the materials of the canvas itself and the base, choosing what you have in stock. For the first tests, even pieces of drywall or polystyrene, on which pictures from a printer or rectangles from wallpaper are glued, will do. When you practice on simple materials, you can make more complex compositions for interior decoration.

Modular paintings are a generally recognized trend in interior design, which consists of several paintings united by a common idea or image. Today we will talk about being at home.

Modular paintings in the interior

The originality of products such as modular paintings is as follows:

  • they give the room a unique and complete look;
  • emphasize the taste of the owner of the house;
  • attract the eyes of visitors;
  • have high quality color rendering;
  • are a powerful source of energy;
  • create the illusion of movement in the room;
  • hide small surface defects, etc.

Types and schemes of modular paintings

Today there is a wide variety of modular paintings, differing in size and shape. So they can have horizontal, vertical, asymmetric displacement, and also be segmented and divided into several separate images (diptych, triptych, penaptych, etc.).

A special place is occupied by modular paintings on glass, made using special paints and printers.

You don't have to be a talented artist and designer to get a unique piece. It is enough to choose any picture you like and print it using special equipment on fabric, paper or other sheet material. After that, all that remains is to cut the image into the appropriate elements and fix them.

The process of creating a painting from modules
Method # 1

To make a modular picture for the kitchen, it is necessary to prepare several frame wooden structures of various sizes and fix the finished printed image on them using a furniture stapler. In this case, keep in mind that the frame itself must remain on the seamy side.

in the absence of the possibility of printing and independent painting of pictures, a patterned bright fabric can be used as a canvas;

if desired, the frame can be replaced with a piece of chipboard or rectangular plywood.

Method number 2 (Modular painting "Flowers")

1. Prepare oil or other paints that do not fade and are used for writing batik, paintings on canvas.

2. Take several canvases and frame structures of a certain size. In this case, keep in mind that the latter should be slightly smaller than the fabric, otherwise you will not be able to fix the resulting image.

3. Secure the curtain to each frame with a furniture stapler.

If acrylic paints are used, then it is better to work with them on cotton fabric or silk (batik technique). The advantage of this method is that you sketch on a piece of paper first and then place it under the fabric.

DIY modular painting video:

Modular paintings are not a new phenomenon in the art of decoration. Artists were engaged in similar experiments back in the 60s of the past century, when the aesthetics of minimalism in room design came into fashion. Modern interiors with a minimal amount of furniture and large free wall spaces that need to be "filled" with color or original, unusual avant-garde décor elements have revived this way of decorating. modular or segmented paintings? This is a painting or photo panel, divided into several separate modules, which are arranged on the wall so that, as a whole, a single work is created. The picture is divided into segments in different ways: into longitudinal, transverse or diagonal parts, or into both. Then each individual piece is placed on the wall, leaving small gaps between them, parallel or offset. Segmented creations can also be composed of a large number of abstract pieces that together resemble a "patchwork quilt". More often they make modular paintings on canvas, pulling each fragment onto a separate stretcher, while the baguette is not used. Moreover, the modules can be of the same size and shape, or different. Assembled on the wall, they create an additional decorative effect.

Making modular paintings with your own hands is not difficult. To do this, most often they use ready-made wallpaper or large-sized reproductions of paintings, printed on cardboard. You can take any photo you like, enlarge and print it in a specialized company. How to make the most modular picture?

Depending on what is the basis for the segmented creation - photo printing on paper or drawing on canvas - choose its basis. The canvas is pulled onto a special stretcher - this is a frame knocked together from wooden slats (often used by artists) - using Photo printing on thick paper or cardboard, it is glued to a base made, for example, of foam plastic, other lightweight synthetic materials that are easy to pick up in a hardware store. It is important that they have a flat, smooth surface, light weight, can be easily attached to the wall and be voluminous (at least 1.5 cm thick). Then do-it-yourself modular paintings will look more impressive.

After the base is prepared, the stretchers of the required size are knocked together, the foam sheets are purchased, and they proceed to the next stage. The picture is first visually, and then with the help of a pencil, divided into separate segments-modules. The dividing lines are carried out in different ways, the main thing is that after assembly on the wall, an "impressive" work is obtained. Then, along the drawn lines, the picture is cut and glued to the prepared base. In this way, modular is well obtained from photo wallpapers or reproductions printed on paper. The edges of each piece coincide with the edge of the base, so there is no distortion of the whole piece.

Modular paintings made on canvas have a certain specificity. The canvas must be stretched and secured from the back of the stretcher. To do this, each fragment must have a certain margin overlapping the drawing. Consequently, for a modular work, it is necessary to have not one whole canvas, which is divided into parts, but separate segments printed on the canvas with a "margin", from which the whole work is then composed. It is much easier to make do-it-yourself modular paintings from ready-made fabric with a bright abstract pattern that does not require exact alignment of the picture. We cut out pieces of such a size from the fabric so that they can be easily pulled onto a stretcher and fixed on the back side. When choosing a pattern, it should be borne in mind that after being pulled onto the frame, the pattern is slightly deformed, changing its shape. Then we place the finished modules on the wall in the required sequence. The modular picture is ready.

With the development of the means used by man to exchange information, perhaps the main modern value, the speed of its dissemination has increased thousands of times. Many design ideas, not having time to appear in the West or Asia, almost instantly become the property of everyone. One of the latest generally recognized trends in the design of both public and residential premises has become modular paintings, which are several separate canvases united by a common meaning or a common image.

Such an original design of the walls gives the room a unique character, successfully emphasizes the artistic taste of the owners and becomes the object of attention of all visitors. How to make modular paintings with your own will be discussed later.

Immediately before describing the technology for obtaining such an original interior decoration, let us dwell in more detail on their types. Nowadays, it is not at all necessary to master the skill of an artist in order to get a canvas of art. It is enough to pick up the picture you like on the network and print it using specialized equipment on paper, fabric or other sheet materials. After that, it remains only to cut the resulting image into the corresponding parts and fix them.

Of course, if you yourself have artistic abilities, getting ready-made modular paintings that have a common semantic content will not be difficult. It may even be a very profitable business.

It should be noted that both modules made of parts of the same size and paintings with canvases of various shapes and sizes look original in the interior.

The combination of vertical and horizontal modular paintings combined in one module is also advantageous.

Independent production of modular paintings

If you have no idea about the basics of making paintings, let's dwell in more detail on the process of preparing the base. In order to stretch a handwritten or printed canvas, you will need several frame structures made from wooden blocks. Artists call them stretchers. Their size determines the size of the elements you use. It is worth noting that modular paintings, both self-made and industrial, do not have frames.

On sale in specialized stores, you can find many different types of stretchers. As a rule, they are realized with canvases already fixed on them.

In the case of self-writing a tri- or polyptych, you can use the proposed basis for your future paintings. When using printed images, the fabric must be carefully removed from the stretcher.

As a rule, the fastening of the canvas is carried out using the staples of the furniture stapler.

To remove the fabric, just pull it firmly with your hands.

In the absence of the possibility of buying stretchers or unwillingness to spend time and money on this, you can make picture frames yourself. To do this, you need slats with a cross section of 50 × 20, 40 × 20.50 × 25 millimeters. After planing the sides of the workpieces to smoothness, saw off parts of equal length in pairs, saw down the ends at an angle of 45 degrees, and connect with glue or staples 14 millimeters long. To strengthen the corner joints from the inside out, fasten plywood kerchiefs in each corner - right-angled triangles with sides of 10 centimeters.

The next stage of DIY manufacturing is cutting and fixing paintings on stretchers. In the case of printing a picture, it is desirable to make not one common canvas, but several separate ones that have an overlapping pattern. Then, when fixing and positioning the pictures, the integrity of the image will be preserved.

In the absence of the possibility of printing any image and painting, there is another simple, but no less expressive way - using pieces of bright patterned fabric instead of canvas. For cutting, it is necessary to put a stretcher on the fabric and cut a piece so that its edges overlap with the frame base.

After the fabric is cut, it must be secured. For this, it is best to use a furniture or construction stapler. Lay one edge of the web along the long side of the stretcher and secure with staples. Then, pulling the fabric slightly to avoid wrinkling or wrinkling, attach it to the opposite side of the base. The next stage is fastening to the short sides according to the previously described technology.

Pay particular attention to the positioning of the fabric in the corners of the produced paintings. Try to avoid excessive clumping, distribute the fabric evenly, folding it partially to the long and short sides of the stretcher.

In the absence of stretchers for modular paintings, their role can be played by a piece of plywood or chipboard of a rectangular shape. After sawing and edging, place the piece on the fabric and cut it out.

After that, all that remains is to fix the edges of the canvas on a flat base with a stapler. As a result of all the work, you will receive an original do-it-yourself triptych, which will decorate the interior of your room.

The final touch will be the installation of paintings on the wall in the chosen place. And here, use your imagination, since the relative position of the paintings in the module can be different. For fastening, ordinary small furniture hinges are quite suitable. You can hang stretchers with fixed canvas directly on the heads of screws protruding from the wall, screwed into plastic dowels, which are installed in holes of suitable diameter.

An example of creating modular paintings on a printed graphic base:

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