How to start a flower business. Selling flowers: business plan

  • 21.09.2019

Flowers are one of the most popular gifts as they are relevant for any occasion. They can be presented in various types and forms, and there are many unique varieties that differ in appearance and cost. The flower business is considered profitable, stable and interesting, therefore it is of interest to many entrepreneurs. At the first stages, it can be organized even at home, and if you properly promote it, you can receive passive income in the future, since no effort will be invested in the business.

The flower business has both positive and negative sides. It is important to know about all the parameters before starting a business in order to start a profitable business from scratch.

The pluses include:

The disadvantages of work include:

  • sales are uneven because they are seasonal and influenced by different holidays;
  • to get started, you need to create a correct, thoughtful and reliable business plan for a flower shop with calculations, and you can view a sample, but for each store its own individual project must be formed;
  • for high-quality business operation, a cash register is needed, the use of which complicates the accounting procedure for activities and requires registration of equipment with the tax office, and the device itself has a significant cost;
  • flowers are perishable goods that need specific care, therefore, optimal and specific conditions for keeping them must be created;
  • to get started, an entrepreneur must have complex and unusual knowledge and skills in the field of floristry in order for a flower business to be profitable and promising.

Initially, you need to register, and you can choose both an individual entrepreneur and an LLC. The most optimal choice is the organizational and legal form - an individual entrepreneur. For this, the following documents are prepared and submitted to the tax office:

  • a statement that must contain the correct OKVED codes for the selected area of ​​activity;
  • the flower business can operate under a simplified taxation system, which must be switched to immediately after registration;
  • a copy of the citizen's passport and his TIN.

Trade will be reliable and controlled if the cash register is used in the process. Therefore, it is recommended to initially purchase this technique. The device must be registered with the tax office, after which it can be used for its intended purpose. It is also desirable to obtain a seal and open a current bank account.

Choosing a store location

Where to start a flower business? It is important to decide where exactly the activity will be carried out. To do this, it is necessary to carry out marketing research, on the basis of which a special project will be made, and an example of it can be easily found on the Internet. It will contain basic information and nuances of starting and running a business.

You should not completely take a ready-made project, since it will not take into account the specifics of a particular region and store.

The flower business should be favorably located as the location for this particular activity is considered a key point. The premises are considered the best choice:

  • next to the wedding palace;
  • near places of high traffic, which include public transport stops, large supermarkets or universal markets;
  • close to the train station or bus station.

There should be parking spaces near the store so that each client can comfortably drive up to the outlet. It should be possible to place outdoor advertisements that will attract the attention of potential buyers, as a result of which a business from scratch can generate a good income. There should be no competitors nearby that can entice buyers with different promotions or other advantages.

Arrangement of premises

Competent trade assumes that a single and unique concept should be formed inside the store, which will be pleasant and interesting for customers. All costs for these purposes should be included in the business start-up project. An example of an interesting and exclusive design can be found on the Internet or you can walk through the most famous and demanded flower shops.

Styles are considered an excellent choice:

  • Rococo or Provence in case the flower business is intended for clients with a high level of income;
  • high-tech is considered an ideal solution when the store specializes in customers who prefer to constantly purchase unique new items and exquisite items;
  • if not only flowers for bouquets are sold, but also flowers in boxes and pots, then such a store can be decorated in an eco-style, and only natural and safe ingredients should be used here, and such a design will act as an interesting business advertisement.

The store should be well lit, and natural lighting should be combined with artificial lighting, which can favorably emphasize the products presented.

An important aspect of the arrangement is the purchase of equipment and furniture. To do this, buy:

  • showcases and racks for flowers in boxes, pots or other containers;
  • freezers, in which you can prolong the freshness of cut flowers, which will increase the store's income;
  • a table designed for the work of a florist;
  • table and cash register for efficient and correct settlements with clients;
  • It is recommended to arrange a sofa in the store to ensure that customers expect their orders in comfort.

An example of the correct arrangement of all elements in the room can be easily viewed on various sites on the Internet.

Drawing up an assortment of goods

How to start a flower business from scratch, which will bring good income, will be stable, sustainable and promisingly developing? For this, a special project of activities is drawn up with detailed and accurate calculations, which should indicate the nuances of compiling an assortment of goods.

When compiling an assortment, the following elements are taken into account:

  • Cut flowers, the varieties of which should be numerous. The most popular are roses and chrysanthemums, tulips and mimosas, orchids and lilies, and many other varieties.
  • Potted or boxed flowers are highly sought after but less popular than cut products. An example of a great store assumes that there are many varieties of these flowers.
  • Cultivated plants that are interesting to many potential clients. As a rule, they are purchased by retirees or people who like to devote a lot of time to gardening or working with crops in the vegetable garden.
  • Related products that are very profitable to sell due to a good markup. They can significantly increase profits, and this includes fertilizers, pots, flower literature, candles and ribbons, postcards and packaging, coasters and elements for creating a unique landscape design.

If you choose the assortment correctly, then you can count on a good demand for the store, which can bring passive and high income.

How to make your store popular?

It is important to know not only how to start a flower business, but also how to properly promote it. For this, the following methods are used:

  • finding corporate regular customers who will regularly order decoration of various celebrations;
  • design of various portfolios, for which unique flower arrangements are created, and in the future it will be possible to compose original bouquets for weddings, dates, anniversaries or other significant dates;
  • advertising on radio, television or other media;
  • cooperation with holiday agencies, restaurants or other establishments that can become regular customers;
  • formation of your website on the Internet.

Staff recruitment

How to organize a flower business that will be popular with buyers? For this, it is important to find suitable workers who will be professional florists who know how to properly care for flowers and create unique and inimitable compositions from them.

Salaries should be completely dependent on revenue.

The pitfalls in starting a flower business

Starting this business from scratch is not difficult if you preview an example of a successful store in advance. However, for a promising and profitable job, you need to know all the possible difficulties and pitfalls, which include:

  • if you hire non-professionals, they will not be able to make unusual bouquets, so the store will not be able to compete with other establishments;
  • you should not purchase a ready-made store, since a profitable business will never be sold;
  • flowers need to be properly looked after and maintained in optimal conditions, otherwise they will quickly lose their presentation, which will lead to constant write-offs;
  • you should not skimp on creating an original store design, because otherwise it will not differ from standard retail outlets, therefore, it will not attract the attention of buyers;
  • trade must be conducted honestly, therefore, it is unacceptable to make a bouquet of fresh and half-withered flowers, since you can easily lose customers;
  • on holidays, you need to be clearly aware of how many bouquets and flowers can really be sold, so as not to substitute buyers for pre-orders;
  • it is advisable to use a cash register during work, which will simplify control over sellers.

If you know all the pitfalls, then you can expect a successful opening of a profitable and efficient store.

Financial calculations

The project of opening a flower business involves the investment of the following amount of money:

  • creation of a unique design - 150 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment and furniture - 320 thousand rubles;
  • investments in business advertising - 40 thousand rubles;
  • business registration - 1 thousand rubles.

The total initial investment is equal to 1 million 51 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses:

  • rent of premises per month - 40 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of goods for a month - 500 thousand rubles;
  • salary of employees - 105 thousand rubles;
  • business advertising - 5 thousand rubles;
  • taxes and utility bills - 40 thousand rubles.

Total - 690 thousand rubles. With a markup of 80%, you can expect an income of 900 thousand rubles, of which the net profit is 210 thousand rubles. The profitability is at a very high level, since it is - 210/900 * 100 = 23.3%.

Thus, if you start a business competently, pay a lot of attention to its advertising, offer a good assortment and hire professionals, you can get a profitable business that will be stable and developing, so it can bring constant passive income in the future.

If you are thinking about where to start a flower business, first you need to decide what format your future store will be and estimate the amount of investment.

To open a small flower shop from scratch, you need about ten thousand dollars... You may be able to save money, but it is still better to include this amount in expenses.

Calculate all the costs for launching a store and draw up a business plan. Having described the entire financial model of work, you can calculate how much product needs to be sold in order for the store to start making a profit. Evaluate whether sales will be able to reach this level. Consider how you can cut costs and increase your flower sales.

You also need to decide from the very beginning whether you will work as an individual entrepreneur, or open a limited liability company. You can deal with legal paperwork yourself, or you can entrust this matter to professionals. It is better to trust a company that specializes in preparing documents for starting a business, especially since the difference in costs is quite small.

After you have written a business plan and registered your company, you can start looking for suitable premises and suppliers.

How to find a suitable room

When looking for premises, it is important to have a good idea of ​​the so-called map of the trading area. It is preferable to open a store near a large business center, it is better if there are two or three of them nearby. This will attract corporate clients, who often place large orders for a large number of employees. In this case, you do not have to think about how to attract additional customers before the holidays. Several corporate orders can bring in as much profit as you get on average per month.

For a flower salon, a room with an area of ​​eighteen to thirty square meters will be sufficient.

In addition, due to the proximity to the business center, more customers will pass through your store per day. If people order your bouquets and compositions for their companies because they like them, they will start ordering bouquets for themselves, for their wives, relatives, etc.

However, it should be borne in mind that renting a room located near a business center is much more expensive than renting in a residential area. And one more thing: it is always problematic to find a parking place near the business center.

But in any case, if you can rent a room in such a place, it is a great success, because the location of the salon at the intersection of many human streams is most beneficial. Life is in full swing during working hours, people buy more expensive bouquets for reasons related to work, and for themselves, as a rule, they take something cheaper.

Of course, you can open a store in a residential area. You will greatly benefit from renting premises, besides, if the residential area is very large, there will be a certain circle of regular buyers living in your area. But you need to pay special attention to customer flows. The ideal option is to draw a map of the area before choosing a room, see where the school is located, where are large stores, grocery centers, etc.

If there are still some offices nearby, analyze which way people go to work, which way - from work. Even if you have already rented a room, the trade map of the area will still be useful to you. With its help, you need to plan your future work.

Before renting a room, you need to pay attention to one more very important point. Consider how easy it will be for customers to find your store. If you rent a room in the courtyards, most likely you will have problems with the flow of customers. Of course, there will be regular customers, but you should not count on a continuous influx of new visitors. A beautifully decorated showcase on a walk-through street is the best advertisement for a flower shop.

Before opening the salon, the premises need to be repaired. Now there are many magazines about the interior, in which you can get a lot of ideas on how to make repairs with minimal means, even if the room is in a terrible state.

How to choose suppliers

Suppliers now offer a very wide range of products. Flowers that ten years ago could only be seen in catalogs or that were brought only to order are always available for sale today. There are many suppliers, you can choose those whose conditions will be most suitable for you.

When you are just starting your business, it is best to choose suppliers with minimal bulk purchases. This will make it possible to purchase goods more often and in small batches. This way you can avoid buying expensive refrigeration equipment for storing flowers, and you can also determine which flowers are selling better and which are worse.

What equipment is needed

It is desirable to have a refrigerator in a flower shop, therefore, when opening, you need to provide for its average cost in expenses. At first, you can do without a refrigerator, because there are now a lot of flower supplying firms, you can take flowers in small batches. As long as there are few orders, you will not need a refrigerator. But when your business is sufficiently developed, you can already afford a refrigerator, and you will need it.

But if you nevertheless decide to buy a refrigerator, you do not need to place it inside the salon, this makes an unpleasant impression on the buyer.

It is very important to correctly equip a trading place. Even in the arrangement of colors there are many subtleties. You can arrange the flowers so that it will visually seem as if there are a lot of them. It is necessary to be able to select the assortment in such a way that the effect of volume is created in the salon. You will need racks and flower containers.

To organize normal work in the salon, at least one computer is required. A scanner, copier and fax are also needed, but they can be located at the store manager's home, that is, you can use your own resources to the maximum.

How to find staff

The ideal option is to hire four florists who will work in shifts. Two florists working in one shift will be able to serve customers faster and complete more orders. Of course, you can start with two, but working alone is inconvenient. If there is only one florist in the store, he cannot go anywhere during the day. After all, he cannot close the store during his absence, so four employees is the most optimal number.

If it is not possible to hire so many employees at once, you can invite a florist's assistant, his work is paid at least twice as cheap. The assistant can work in the salon not all day, but only during the time when the manager is absent from the store. Students work with pleasure in such positions, they count and process flowers. You can invite assistants for the weekend when the store management is resting.

How to plan an assortment

It is necessary to carefully study the range of your competitors and understand what they are mainly selling. If some flowers are sold, it means that they are in demand, this must be taken into account. At the same time, there is no need to be afraid to bring something new to the business, make original offers to customers, always slightly exceed their expectations, offer more than others.

Walk around the area and see what your competitors are selling. This way you can understand what is in demand.

Each flower has its own lifespan, it costs a certain time. When the salon just opens, you can only guess what flowers will be in demand, even if you have analyzed what they buy from your colleagues in the area. Therefore, in the first months of work, it is better to purchase flowers that are stored for a long time... It will also ensure a good filling of your store, create an impression of abundance, wide assortment. Anthurium retains freshness for a week, orchids stand for a very long time, especially cymbidium and dendrobium, phalaenopsis in pots can generally stand for several months. Flowers in pots can be sold with him, and cut for a bouquet. People willingly buy chrysanthemums both at home and as a gift, so chrysanthemums can also be purchased in large quantities. Also, the assortment must include roses and gerberas.

To start a flower shop, it is better to form the main assortment of flowers that do not lose their presentation for a long time: anthurium, orchids, chrysanthemums.

It is very important to ensure that the assortment is wide, not only in terms of names, but also in terms of color palette. Be sure to buy white flowers. This is a white rose, white chrysanthemums, white gerberas, white orchids. It is more difficult with spring flowers, there must be tulips, daffodils.

Initially, you can sell bouquets in the same range to see what colors will be in demand. It is also useful to come up with standard bouquets, decorated in a certain way, for a given amount, which will constantly be on sale. Gradually, as you build up a customer base, you will study the demand, compare your sales with what competitors are selling, and make adjustments to the cost of your bouquets and colors.

The assortment must include inexpensive indoor plants.

At first, when you are still on a limited budget, you can buy indoor plants that can be sold individually or used in combination with fresh flowers. There are many such plants. For example, variegated begonia looks spectacular in bouquets, a good volume is given by a special phylum, which can stand in a bouquet for several months. Bouquets that combine indoor plants and cuttings always look very voluminous and expensive.

You can organize an exhibition of ready-made bouquets in the salon and make a special markup for design for each bouquet.

It is very important to correctly arrange flowers in the salon. They don't have to be on the same level. In addition, a smooth color transition is of great importance for placement. Next to the red flowers, let the pink ones stand. It is important to give the impression that there are many colors. To do this, you can put additional indoor plants and branches, they give volume and height. The arrangement should be stepped. You should also try to keep roses and any other flowers the same length.

You will learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of the flower business. Is it profitable to sell flowers, how to choose premises for a store and arrange it correctly, what expenses should you prepare for?

Hello, dear Startupoff readers!

The flower business not only brings a stable income, but also brings aesthetic pleasure. Flower bouquets will always be in demand - as long as people celebrate, love and give each other gifts.

Flower business is a goldmine or a waste of time

Among my acquaintances there are two families involved in greenhouse flower cultivation and sale. They began to plant flowers more than 10 years ago. Sell ​​roses, carnations, gladioli, tulips, lilies, oaks. They buy part of the products in their stores for resale.

Analyzing their experience, I concluded that selling flowers is a difficult, laborious, but very profitable business with a properly established sales system and proven cultivation technology.

Confirms my assumptions about the profitability of this type of business forecast of growth in prices for flower products from RBC:

The benefits of the flower business

For the opening of a flower shop with an area of ​​20 sq. meters on average it takes 330,000 rubles. These costs are recouped on average in 5-6 months of the store's operation. The predicted net profit for the year of operation will be 660-680 thousand rubles.

Let's consider the main advantages of this type of activity.

Small start-up capital

The amount of start-up capital required to start a business depends on the scale you are aiming for. Start with a small stall to get a feel for the market conditions.

Ease of starting a business

The procedure for starting a business in this area is simple. Find a suitable place to trade, fill out the necessary paperwork, buy the first batch of goods, make an advertisement for yourself and get started.

It will take you several months to "promote". Create a beautiful showcase, advertising lettering, offer affordable prices to attract buyers and gradually build up your turnover.

If necessary, it is easy to close a business, or rather, to implement. Just offer it to those looking for a ready-made flower business.

Large trade margin

Experts say that the average mark-up for flower products goes up to 150%. On holidays (before March 8, September 1, school last bell), when the demand for bouquets is especially high, it exceeds these figures.

The level of prices for bouquets in different Russian cities, relevant for 2017, confirms the opinion of experts:

Possible difficulties

Every novice businessman on the way is faced with problems and difficulties.

In the "flower business" they are as follows:

  1. Plants are demanding on storage conditions, so you have to make sure that the room has optimal humidity and a comfortable temperature.
  2. Perishable goods. There is a great risk of getting a low-quality batch, which will quickly deteriorate.
  3. Cyclical demand. The maximum demand for bouquets is in March, May and September.

To avoid difficulties, analyze the market (customer demand, the range of competitors), plan purchases in advance, look for reliable suppliers, expand the range of products in order to stabilize sales throughout the year.

How much do Russians spend on flowers per year?

Another forecast for 2018-2019 based on statistics of the past 8 years from RBC:

How to sell flowers - possible ways to sell goods

Well-established sales are the key to the success of any business.

Let's take a look at the pros and cons of 4 ways to implement colors.

Flower pavilion

Such pavilions are located in crowded places: near metro stations, in underground pedestrian crossings, near markets.

A plus- high traffic of buyers, which guarantees a good turnover.

Minus this way there is a lot of competition, a small sales area. Besides you, other entrepreneurs work in the pavilion. To compete with them, select an assortment, come up with original packaging for bouquets.

A pavilion is a great idea if you grow your own plants and have the opportunity to offer fresh cut samples to customers every day. Customers will not ignore the freshness and quality of your products.

Flower boutique

It is distinguished from the pavilion by a large trading area and a more diverse assortment. Here you can display not only freshly cut flowers, but also ready-made bouquets, interesting pots, potted plants, equip a florist's workplace, and also offer customers small souvenirs or gift wrapping services.

pros Is a promising, stable business that brings good income.

Minuses way - high cash costs for opening. Renting a boutique is more expensive than renting a pavilion. He has a longer payback period.

Online store

This method is suitable for a large city, in which the service of flower delivery to the office, to your home, to a restaurant is especially valuable and convenient.

pros way - the presence of a real outlet is not necessary, you can work on the principle of dropshipping.

Minuses- you need experience in real sales, experience in online sales, an established delivery system.

An online store is a great way to promote a real florist boutique. It is also suitable for professional growers involved in greenhouse cultivation of roses, carnations, gerberas and other varieties.

The main thing is to establish internet marketing. Use Instagram, accounts on other social networks, personal acquaintances, as well as ads on online shopping platforms.

Markets of the city

According to the consulting company Eventus Consulting, flower stalls and pavilions account for 66-70% of sales.

pros- high turnover, quick payback. The cost of renting a retail space and purchasing equipment and products will pay off within 3-4 months.

Minuses- small retail space, limiting the range. Selling flowers on the market is almost the same as selling on the street.

The method is convenient for greenhouse owners, as well as for those who do not have a large start-up capital to open a store.

How to start a flower business step by step - where to start?

Have you decided on the format of your flower business from scratch: a pavilion, a stall, a boutique or an online store?

It's time to think over each stage of starting your own business and bring it to life.

Step 1. Business registration

If you are going to make money selling bouquets at the airport, in a park, at a restaurant or in a park from hand, you do not need to register a business. To open a boutique, rent a retail space in the market or in a pavilion near the metro, you cannot do without official registration. To sell flowers, choose an individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system.

According to OKVED, several codes correspond to this type of activity:

  1. 47.76.1 — retail trade of plants, flowers and seeds.
  2. 47.78.3 - trade in handicrafts, souvenirs.
  3. 74.10 - activities in the field of design.
  4. 64.12 — courier activities.
  5. 82.92 — packaging of goods.

If you are planning to expand the activities of the enterprise, indicate the entire list of codes during registration.

Documents required for work:

  • trade permit;
  • sanitary production control program;
  • contracts for pest control, deratization, disinfection;
  • contract for the maintenance of air conditioning and ventilation systems;
  • a contract for the disposal and removal of solid household waste;
  • internal store documentation;
  • permission of the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • quality certificates for each type of product.

Step 2. Choosing premises for the store

The success of the trade depends on the location in which the store is located. Consider crowded, walk-through places: in shopping centers, in pavilions near the metro, at public transport stops, in the central area of ​​the city, in an office center, in the basement of a residential building (on the first line of the road).

The best option to promote your business is a small detached building, but renting such a room is more expensive than renting a "point" in a shopping center or pavilion.

An economical option for the first time is a tonar or a trailer on wheels.

Step 3. Selecting suppliers

Even if you've found the perfect supplier with a flawless product, don't limit yourself to their services. It is advisable to have three trusted suppliers so that in case of force majeure you will not be left without goods.

When choosing suppliers, focus on prices, quality and the range they offer, consider different commercial offers.

Step 4. Purchase of equipment

The minimum set of equipment: tables, showcases, shelves, racks, refrigerators. You will also need inventory: scissors, secateurs, scotch tape, packing materials, materials for floral design. Don't forget the cash register. It is optional for individual entrepreneurs, but its presence increases customer confidence.

For flower products, climatic conditions are extremely important: optimal humidity, temperature and ventilation. It is impossible to create optimal conditions without a good split system, several humidifiers and heating.

Step 5. Decorating the point of sale

Your product gives aesthetic pleasure, so the display case and shelves with it should be appropriately decorated. Never leave withered flowers in sight. They spoil the shop window and the impression of the store.

Pick up the interior in light colors. Order aluminum painted racks for product placement. Install fluorescent lamps so that the colors of the packaging and products are not distorted.

Display bouquets of different plant varieties in the window. Your salon should not only be bright, but also stylish.

Professional florists advice: It takes a few minutes to prepare and decorate a bouquet. So that customers do not toil while waiting for an order and do not leave the store while you are collecting a bouquet, print several crosswords, tasks or logic games on the printer.

Place them on a counter or table. Put on a couple of chairs. Waiting for an order will go unnoticed for the client, and your creative will be appreciated.

Step 6. Placement of advertisements

Make a catchy title sign. Make the most of your showcase. In addition to the displayed flower arrangements, post information on prices or promotions on it. A stopper plate works well, on which every day with chalk you will write an advertising text with the cost of roses, carnations, asters, chrysanthemums or other varieties, or announcements of discounts and promotions.

Use all the possibilities of advertising on the Internet. Place your ad on online trading platforms, use YouTube for video reviews of your product, recommendations for floristry. This will increase your credibility as a specialist in your industry. Don't forget about the possibilities of word of mouth. Such advertising is often more effective than other methods.

Step 7. Purchase of goods and start of sales

For the pavilion, stall, tonar, the optimal assortment is freshly cut chrysanthemums, roses, carnations, gerberas, tulips.

It makes sense to expand the assortment with potted products if the area of ​​the room is more than 30 square meters. In small shops, indoor potted plants, according to experts, are sold poorly, only occupying a useful area.

If the area is more than 30 squares, not only live plants in ceramic or plastic pots are appropriate here, but also soil and fertilizers for growing, as well as a wide range of cut flowers, including rare and exotic ones. Expand your assortment with seedlings of the famous varieties of roses from the nursery.

Complete the showcase with souvenir products: soft toys, balloons, postcards.

Main items of expenditure

Starting a business involves starting up costs: renting premises, purchasing goods, staff salaries, purchasing the necessary equipment.

How much will it cost and how can you save money?

Rent and repair of premises

The rental price depends on the area of ​​the kiosk or store, as well as the location where it is located. The closer the point is to the checkpoints, visited places, the more money will have to be spent. Optimal area: 30-45 squares.

A flower boutique needs an appropriate interior. Get ready to invest in wall painting, beautiful lighting fixtures, showcase lighting, wall decor.

Equipment purchase

Equipment costs also depend on the area of ​​the store and the format of the business. For example, a metro pavilion does not need a cash register, but a large salon does. On average, it will take you up to 160 thousand rubles to buy commercial and climatic equipment.

Employee salary

To work, you need 1-2 florists and 2 salespeople.

If you have chosen this direction of activity, you probably like to make compositions with your own hands, you know a lot about combining colors, choosing packaging. Work as a salesperson or florist yourself. This is a good economy at the start plus a way to feel all the nuances and subtleties of the market.

Purchase of flowers

On average, the initial purchase will take you up to 50,000 rubles. Don't buy large batches from the start. Take a little of each plant variety and arrange with suppliers to deliver a fresh batch if you sell out quickly.

The details of the costs of opening a store are shown in the table:

Name Quantity, Price for 1 piece, rub. Total cost, rub.
Furniture, equipment, tools
Split system for air conditioning 1 16 000, 00 16 000, 00
Refrigerated display case for shop 1 50 000, 00 50 000, 00
Floristry work table 1 7 000, 00 7 000, 00
Chair 1 1 500, 00 1 500, 00
Security and fire-fighting system 1 35 000, 00 35 000, 00
Laptop (computer) 1 25 000, 00 25 000, 00
Plastic vases 40 100, 00 4 000, 00
Tools and means for decorating bouquets 1 15 000, 00 15 000, 00
Legal registration of the enterprise
Fee for registration of individual entrepreneurs 1 800, 00 800, 00
Making a seal, opening a bank account, etc. 1 3 000, 00 3 000, 00
Marketing and advertising
Signboard 1 25 000, 00 25 000, 00
Naming 1 6 000, 00 6 000, 00
Website promotion, groups in social networks 1 30 000, 00 30 000, 00
Working capital
Flowers, plants 1 80 000, 00 80 000, 00
Fixed costs: rent, salary, electricity, water, etc. 1 90 000, 00 90 000, 00
Total: 388 300, 00

How profitable it is to run such a business - reviews of flower businessmen

The flower business owners agree that this is a time consuming but profitable business. The main secret of profitability is careful planning of each action. To promote yourself and achieve success, you need to not only analyze every step, but also be creative, try to surprise and interest the client.

Profitable kiosks and pavilions do not focus on one type of product. Expanding the assortment, offering various services, for example, flower delivery, selling greenhouse plants, gift sets, increase the customer audience.

According to the owners of this business, it is better not to start its organization from scratch, but to buy a ready-made enterprise with an established client base, already prepared premises. Further improvement of the outlet, new products in the assortment, increase in the level of service are the key to stable profits.

An example of an up-to-date business idea in this industry: vending automation of sales or installation of vending machines with bouquets.

For more information about floromats, see the video:


Is it profitable to sell flower products? The experience of my acquaintances shows that yes.

The idea of ​​starting your own business probably visited every person. And flower trade is considered a relatively profitable business, because without them it is difficult to imagine the holidays. What is selling flowers? After all, a business plan should take into account even the smallest details. So how do you start trading and make it profitable?

Selling flowers: business plan

Of course, first you need to figure out some of the little things. In particular, you need to draw up an accurate and detailed business plan:

  • Research the sales market.
  • Choose a place to purchase goods.
  • Draw up the necessary documents.
  • Find a place to rent.
  • Purchase the necessary equipment and goods.
  • Hire staff.
  • Calculate the size of the start-up capital.
  • Carry out an advertising campaign.

If you are wondering how to start selling flowers, then you should know that every little thing is important when starting any business. This is the only way to make it really profitable.

What documents do you need to trade in plants?

It should be noted right away that you do not need a license to sell flowers. Therefore, you just need to register with the tax service either an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. Individual entrepreneurship will suit you if you are going to work exclusively with individuals. This option has some advantages, in particular a simplified accounting system, as well as lower taxes.

If you are not the sole owner of the store, you plan to expand your business and cooperate with different companies, it is better to register a Limited Liability Company.

Where to rent a room?

If you are going to start a flower business, then you should know that the location of your store is extremely important. Therefore, it is best to rent a room somewhere in a busy place, for example, in the central part of the city, in a tourist area, in a shopping center, etc.

Naturally, premises in a busy area will cost more. But an advantageous location largely determines the success of a trade.

Indeed, quite often people buy flowers impulsively, without planning it in advance. Therefore, it is important that your store is on the path of a person who is going to purchase a beautiful bouquet.

As for the store itself, it is desirable that it be spacious. Then customers don't have to hustle in a tiny space.

Try to arrange the flowers so that they are visible from anywhere in the store, so that the client will be able to choose the best plants on his own.

What equipment do you need to get started?

As already mentioned, flowers are a commodity that spoils quickly. Therefore, you need to raise money in advance for the necessary equipment. After all, without it, the sale of flowers is simply impossible. The business plan should include the purchase of the following materials:

  • You will need a refrigerator to get started, as it is important to keep the flowers fresh during the hot season.
  • But in the winter months, the main threat to the goods becomes cold. Therefore, you need to purchase a special thermal curtain.
  • A shop full of flowers must have an air conditioning system that will help create optimal temperature conditions at any time of the year.
  • Do not forget about counters, tables for florists and other furniture needed to create bouquets.
  • In addition to fresh cut flowers, you will most likely be selling some other goods - they will also need furniture, such as shelves and shelves.
  • To preserve flowers, buckets, vases, sprayers and some other devices are needed.
  • By the way, make sure that the store has enough water.
  • You will also need a cash register. By the way, as the business develops, when there are more and more regular customers, you will probably need a computer and special software. They will facilitate the process of tracking sales, as well as simplify the work of an accountant.

This is a basic shopping list. You can buy the rest of the things you need for work after the store opens.

The main consumable: what to buy?

Naturally, the main thing in your business is fresh, freshly cut flowers. Today their market in our country is sufficiently developed, only 45% of products come to us from abroad. You just need to find a company that grows or deliver flowers, and draw up a contract with it. By the way, many organizations use a flower franchise.

Many aspiring businessmen ask which plants to buy. According to statistical studies, roses are the most popular.

The second place is taken by chrysanthemums, and the third - by carnations. Therefore, these flowers must be present in the assortment of your store.

Naturally, you can buy almost any plant that will be useful for creating bouquets. And do not forget about the so-called seasonal - for several weeks (or even days) of the year snowdrops, anemones and tulips become especially popular.

Of course, selling flowers is a profitable business. But in order to increase your income, it is worth considering creating compositions. To this end, it is best to hire an experienced, talented florist. He will create original bouquets from ordinary flowers - compositions are usually more expensive. In this case, you will need some materials: gift wrapping, paper, ribbons, bows, rhinestones and other decorations.

By the way, selling flowers in pots is an interesting and profitable idea. Such plants are more expensive, and with proper care they can be preserved for months. In addition, indoor flowers are popular gifts, because unlike cut flowers, they do not fade.

We hire staff

A flower business can be truly successful, but only with the right approach. It's no secret that the efficiency of trade largely depends on the quality of service. Therefore, when interviewing future employees, first of all, pay attention to such qualities as communication skills and politeness.

To get started, you need a salesperson, and a little later, a florist. If you cannot do accounting, then you will have to hire someone for this position (you can work on a part-time basis). Additional staff may be needed when expanding a business such as selling flowers. The business plan in this case has its own characteristics.

About some of the nuances

As mentioned, the sale of plants is often seasonal. Naturally, people buy bouquets every day, but there are times when flowers are in great demand.

Basically, this is observed on special and holidays, for example, the first and last bell, the graduation party, March 8 (do not forget to buy tulips, snowdrops and other spring flowers), as well as Valentine's Day, etc.

Always be ready for such holidays, buy more flowers, create inexpensive bouquets in advance, offer discounts. In short, do everything to attract customers.

Weddings are another source of good income. Let your florist create bouquets for the bride. Boutonnieres made of fresh flowers for the groom and bridesmaids are becoming more and more popular - offer this service as well.

Ideas for additional income

Selling cut flowers and original bouquets is a lucrative business. But the business, and therefore the profit, can always be raised to a new level. For example, over time you will be able to create a flower delivery service. This service is very popular among people who do not have time to go shopping, as well as among buyers who want to surprise a dear person.

Along with houseplants, you can always sell pots, fertilizers and other little things. Quite often, flower shops offer their customers souvenirs. These can be figurines, boxes, photo frames, paintings, clocks, artificial flowers and other gifts.

Selling flowers: advantages and disadvantages

When starting a new business, it's always a little scary. Therefore, many people are interested in the question of whether it is profitable to sell flowers. Yes, there are a number of significant disadvantages in this business. To begin with, it should be noted that flowers are a commodity that deteriorates relatively quickly, therefore, if trading is not very successful, losses can be quite high. The flower business is also seasonal.

On the other hand, there are also important advantages. In particular, some shops sell flowers with a 200 or even 300% mark-up. In addition, such a business does not require a lot of start-up capital, any specific skills or a lot of experience. With the right approach, selling flowers can be a really profitable business.

If you decide to start your own business, then it is worth considering opening a flower shop.

Such a store does not require a huge start-up capital, but the product has a significant mark-up, which can reach 200-300%. This business also has its drawbacks: seasonality of sales, perishable goods, damage in transit.

The size of the premises is directly proportional to the profit that can be obtained from the sale.

The following formats can be considered:

  • For small flower pavilion an area of ​​up to 10 square meters is quite suitable. m. The first investment will amount to about 500 thousand rubles. The main assortment will be fresh cut flowers.
  • For average store an area of ​​at least 40 sq. m. In such a room, you can significantly diversify the assortment, due to which its profitability will also increase.
  • Opening floristic boutique will cost tens of times more. A flower salon, as a rule, has corporate clients, due to which the main profit goes. The main costs will be spent on interior decoration, which should emphasize the elite character of the establishment. Stable cooperation with customers will allow the salon to develop with good prospects. Over time, it will be possible to open a network of such boutiques around the city and in the nearest regions.
  • The minimum costs will be brought by opening online store... A turnkey website can cost 10-20 thousand rubles. You can create it yourself if you have programming skills. To fill it you will need:
    • photos of goods;
    • texts of their descriptions, prices;
    • information about delivery and payment methods;
    • advertising text on the main page;
    • promotions, bonuses, discounts to attract buyers.

    The creation of groups on social networks will help promote the site. An online store is most often a supplement to a street point of sale.

You can learn a few interesting nuances of this business from the following video:

What can you trade? We form an assortment

If the assortment of a small pavilion, due to the small area, can only include cut flowers and packaging as an additional profit, then a full-fledged store can serve as a place for selling home-made flowers in pots, toys and various souvenirs, humus for plants.

The more varied the types of goods provided, the higher the profit. Additional sold items also help to cover the costs of the establishment.

Compositions made of dried flowers are in demand, so they should also be present in the range.

The most the main flowers will be roses and carnations, since there is always a great demand for them. The rest of the flowers are seasonal and should not be purchased in bulk immediately. The store should have at least 20 floristic items.

Location selection

Correctly selected location of the premises is the key to success in business development. The most successful place for opening will be the city center, since it is there that the flow of people prevails. The presence of nearby public institutions (cinema, park, shopping centers, cafes, metro) is also desirable when choosing a retail point of sale. Renting a room in the center will be much more expensive than on the outskirts of the city, but it will bring greater profits and the likelihood of good development.

The store located in the mall does not require advertising, as there is a good flow of customers. The advantages also include the ability to use the warehouse of the shopping complex.

The purchased premises in a residential building will require a separate entrance. Advertising and the parallel opening of an online store will help increase profitability.

In large cities, it is best to open a flower shop near the metro, since this place is the most profitable for the sale of goods. Parking can also increase business income.


The purchase of equipment is one of the most important points at the start:

  • Refrigerating chambers are the main attribute of a flower room, since it is they that prolong the presentation of cut flowers. The cost of special refrigerators can exceed 100 thousand rubles, so you can use an industrial or conventional refrigerator.
  • You can purchase refrigeration showcases, which are then installed in the store itself. The air conditioner can become an alternative to cooling chambers and display cases.
  • Products also require availability phytolamp, which are installed over light-loving flowers.
  • Furniture purchased from special firms that manufacture goods for such establishments. You will need racks, podiums and stands for products, a table for the seller, chairs or a sofa for customers. For a boutique, furniture is made to order, it must correspond to the design of the room.

Required personnel

  • For trading, first of all, you will need salesman with experience in this field. The employee must be able to sell, treat customers with courtesy and benevolence. The incentive for the seller is the percentage of wages from sales.
  • A flower shop cannot do without the services of a professional florist... He arranges bouquets and advises clients.
  • If a delivery service is provided, then you will need couriers.
  • Delivery will also require services driver.
  • Not to do without manager point of retail. He will be in charge of organizing the purchase and delivery of goods.
  • Every store should have accountant... The best option would be to find a company that provides accounting services.

Find a supplier

When choosing wholesale suppliers, you need to focus on their experience and reputation in this area. You can find them using the Internet and, based on the reviews, choose a good partner for the delivery of products.

Typically, wholesalers supply imported flowers.

It is recommended to cooperate with several importers at once in order to avoid unforeseen circumstances related to delivery. At the initial stage, you can opt for wholesalers from your or neighboring cities.

Delivery of goods should be negotiated several weeks in advance. Before large-scale holidays (September 1, March 8, etc.), the order is made 2-3 months in advance.

Place advertisement

Well-designed advertising and marketing moves will help to promote a point of sale:

  • Correct design and experienced working staff are the best advertising for the outlet.
  • The store should have a cozy, unique interior and a varied assortment of goods.
  • Showcases are filled with the best flower arrangements that can attract customers.
  • Creating a professional signage is also an integral part of marketing.
  • If the room is small, you should visually enlarge it using mirrors.
  • It will be useful to highlight the shelves and podiums. This will allow customers to see the product better and grab their attention.
  • For flower shops, wrought iron furniture is preferable, which is less bulky and will not distract the buyer from the product.
  • In order for as many people as possible to know about your store, it is more expedient to place advertisements on radio and television. Outdoor shields can be used.
  • A website and a group on social networks can be good helpers in promotion.
  • No business is complete without business cards and brochures, which are the main tools of an entrepreneur. Find a specialist who will help you compose and fill in your business card correctly.

Overall costs and profitability

Consider the size of the approximate investment that will be required to open a point.

Start-up capital

In order to start and open a store of 40 sq. m., you will need about 1.1 million rubles... The main costs will be spent on the purchase of the pavilion, which will cost about 500 thousand rubles.

The purchase and installation of refrigeration equipment will take about 200 thousand. The purchase of furniture and other small accessories will require about 100 thousand rubles. The product will require an investment of another 100 thousand.

An approximate range of products for this amount will look like this:

  • 20 types of fresh cut flowers (75%);
  • gifts and souvenirs (15%);
  • home flowers, pots, soil (10%).

Decorating the interior and promoting the establishment with the help of advertising will cost 70,000 rubles. The cost of paperwork for a trade permit will be 30,000 rubles. Other expenses can take up to 100,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses

General the amount of monthly expenses - 200,000 rubles:

  • Payment of taxes and contributions from the salary will be 50 thousand.
  • The employees' salaries will cost 100,000 rubles.
  • Utilities will cost 10,000 rubles.
  • The costs associated with damage to goods will amount to approximately 20 thousand.
  • Transportation and other expenses will cost 20,000 rubles.

Estimated Annual Profit

Taking into account the 200% mark-up on the goods and the average cost of a bouquet of 600 rubles (the estimated market capacity is 150 thousand people), the annual proceeds will amount to 4 million rubles. If you deduct the annual expenses, which amount to 2.4 million, the profit before tax is 1.6 million rubles. The net annual profit will be 1,360,000 rubles.

The payback period for a medium-sized store will be less than a year, provided that the work is properly organized and a competent business plan is drawn up.