Report about tatiana eugene onegin. Characteristic of Tatyana Larina

  • 28.11.2021

The works of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin are imbued with feelings of peacefulness. There is no overwhelming melancholy and hopelessness in them, on the contrary, a positive attitude is felt everywhere, an unshakable faith in the Russian character, in its strength and power.

One of the most significant works of the poet is the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin".

The greatness of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is that it shows a wide panorama of the mores and customs of Russian life in the Pushkin period. So masterfully, in all the fullness and diversity of the picture of Russian life, no one had ever imagined.

On the pages of the novel, we get to know the two main characters - Eugene Onegin and Tatiana Larina.

Eugene Onegin is a young native of St. Petersburg, handsome, aristocrat. He is fluent in the "science of tender passion." His life is a continuous celebration. Theaters, restaurants, entertainment, endless notes with invitations to a ball, to a holiday ... But he quickly got tired of easy successes, endless feasts and masquerades. The aimlessness of social life appeared to him in all its glory. And the notorious "Russian blues" became his eternal companion.

But the circumstances of life are changing. The ailing uncle summons Onegin to the village. One of the neighbors, young Lensky, introduces him to the Larins family. Two daughters of the landowners Larins, Olga and Tatiana, are at the age when the soul is waiting for love.

Olga is in love with the rich and brilliant Lensky. Tatiana is fond of his cold companion. It is in him that she sees the embodiment of the hero she is waiting for.

Let's dwell on the image of Tatiana. There is no nature in the novel more holistic and truthful, graceful and intelligent, passionate and chaste than Tatiana. In the image of Tatyana, Pushkin embodied all the best that he saw in Russian women: naturalness, high moral standards, modesty, correct ideas about life.

... Tatiana writes a letter to Onegin, in which she frankly confesses her love. Onegin politely declares to Tatyana that he does not respond to her feelings and, after reading her morality, retires, very pleased with his behavior.

Why doesn't Onegin respond to the girl's feelings? Why didn't he see a real diamond in Tatiana? Because he lived only an artificial life and saw only skillfully carved images. He was only familiar with the "note coquettes". He was not familiar with natural beauty, with real feelings. They did not fit into his framework.

Meanwhile, Onegin was forced to leave the village. In the relationship between Lensky and Onegin, she found a scythe on a stone, a duel arose, in a duel Onegin killed Lensky.

Onegin spends several years traveling across Russia. He comes back different: less selfish and more serious. Appearing at a big evening in the capital, he notices a young woman who stands out for her beauty and proud bearing.

"Really that same Tatiana,
Which he is alone ...
I once read instructions ... "

Now Tatiana is a socialite, a married lady. She accepts Onegin without any embarrassment. She does not show any pretense or courage, but is polite, amiable, even friendly. She seems calm. Onegin cannot get used to the idea that a provincial woman so quickly turned into a socialite. He begins to regret the former coldness.

Soon Onegin falls in love with Tatiana, but does not meet reciprocal feelings.

The general, Tatiana's husband, is not jealous, he treats his wife with complete confidence. Tatiana is showing chastity. She does not hide from Onegin that she still loves him, but declares:

“… I am given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever. "

Belief in holy ideals, as well as the idea of ​​morality rooted in the popular worldview, Christian morality and the knowledge of the truth: “the happiness of some cannot be built on the misfortunes of others” - that is what kept Tatiana from taking the wrong step.

Did Onegin really love Tatiana? Doubtful. Is such a person like Onegin ("suffering egoist") familiar with such a bright and sunny feeling like love?

Onegin is not the most negative character in our literature. It has a positive beginning and Tatiana speaks about it openly:

“I know your heart has
And pride and outright honor. "

But there is no faith in the sincerity of Evgeny's feelings. Tatiana understands this. The picture is obvious: he is an eternal wanderer who does not have serious occupations, he met a young lady, whose love he rejected with a grin. And now, seeing her at the ball, in the brilliant tinsel of light, he suddenly becomes imbued with feelings for her.

Yes, the scenery has changed. The village girl, whom he once taught a lesson, is now worshiped by the light. And the opinion of the world is an indisputable authority for Onegin. He saw that Tatiana in the world has weight, and "found" in himself the feeling of love.

And Tatiana, as a shrewd and intelligent young lady, realizes this. Most likely, Onegin is in love, but in love only "with his new fantasy."


Pushkin's contemporaries, writers from his closest circle, admired his works, sometimes guessed that some unprecedented literary power was growing in him. And this unprecedented power still amazes the minds of people.

Alexander Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin" is a large, "soulful" work of the poet. From him we know about "good friend" Onegin, and "Russian soul" Tatiana. Their relationship is complex and contradictory, like life itself. And all the more instructive and interesting for the reader to comprehend the characters of the beloved heroes.

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The image of Tatyana Larina from the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" is one of those that evoke a feeling of admiration and pity at the same time. Her life path once again makes one think that a person's happiness depends not only on the honesty of his actions and sincerity of intentions, but also on the actions of other people.

The Larin family

Tatiana Larina is an aristocrat by birth. Her family lives in the rural outback, rarely leaving it, so all communication of the girl is based on communication with the closest relatives, the nanny, who is actually equated with family members and neighbors.

At the time of the narration, Tatyana's family is incomplete - her father died, and his mother took over his responsibilities in managing the estate.

But in the old days everything was different - the Larin family consisted of Dmitry Larin, a foreman in his position, his wife Polina (Praskovya) and two children - girls, the eldest Tatyana and the younger Olga.

Polina, married Larina (her maiden name is not mentioned by Pushkin), was forcibly married to Dmitry Larin. For a long time, the relationship burdened the young girl, but thanks to her husband's calm disposition and good attitude towards her person, Polina was able to discern in her husband a good and decent person, become attached to him and even, subsequently, fall in love. Pushkin does not go into the details of the description of their family life, but it is likely that the spouses' tender attitude towards each other continued until old age. Being already at a considerable age (the author does not name the exact date), Dmitry Larin dies, and the functions of the head of the family are taken over by Polina Larina, his wife.

Tatiana Larina's appearance

At that time nothing is known about Tatiana's childhood and appearance. An adult girl of marriageable age appears before the reader in the novel. Tatyana Larina was not distinguished by traditional beauty - she was not much like girls capturing the hearts of young aristocrats at dinner parties or balls: Tatyana has dark hair and pale skin, her face is devoid of blush, it seems somehow completely colorless. Her figure also does not differ in the sophistication of forms - she is too thin. The gloomy appearance complements the look full of sadness and longing. Against the background of her blonde and ruddy sister, Tatyana looks extremely unattractive, but still she cannot be called ugly. She has a special beauty, different from the generally accepted canons.

Tatyana's favorite activities

Tatiana Larina's unusual appearance does not end with her unusual appearance. Larina also had non-standard ways of spending her leisure time. While the bulk of the girls indulged in needlework at their leisure, Tatyana, on the contrary, tried to avoid needlework and everything that was associated with it - she did not like to embroider, the girl was bored at work. Tatyana loved to spend her free time in the company of books or in the company of her nanny, Filipyevna, which in their content were practically equivalent actions. Her nanny, despite the fact that she was a peasant by birth, was considered a member of the family and lived with the Larins even after the girls grew up and her services as a nanny were no longer in demand. The woman knew many different mystical stories and gladly retold them to curious Tatiana.

In addition, Larina often liked to spend time reading books - mainly the works of authors such as Richardson, Rousseau, Sophie Marie Cotten, Julia Krudener, Madame de Stael and Goethe. In most cases, the girl gave preference to books of romantic content, rather than philosophical works, although they were contained in the literary heritage of the author, as, for example, in the case of Rousseau or Goethe. Tatyana liked to fantasize - in her dreams she was transferred to the pages of the novel she had read and acted in her dreams in the guise of one of the heroines (usually the main one). However, none of the romance novels were Tatyana's favorite books.

Dear Readers! We suggest that you familiarize yourself with which Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote.

The girl was ready to wake up and fall asleep only with Martin Zadeki's dream book. Larina was a very superstitious girl, she was interested in everything unusual and mystical, attached importance to dreams and believed that dreams do not just dream, but contain a certain message, the meaning of which the dream book helped her to decipher.

In addition, the girl could spend hours looking out the window. It is difficult to say at this moment she was watching what was happening outside the window or indulged in daydreams.

Tatiana and Olga

Larina's sisters were significantly different from each other, and this applied not only to the external. As we learn from the novel, Olga was a frivolous girl, she liked to be in the center of attention, she flirts with young people with pleasure, although she already has a fiancé. Olga is a cheerful giggle with classical beauty, according to the canons of high society. Despite such a significant difference, there is no enmity or envy between the girls. Affection and friendship was firmly established between the sisters. The girls enjoy spending time together, guessing on Christmastide. Tatiana does not condemn the behavior of her younger sister, but she does not encourage it either. It is likely that she acts on the principle: I act as I see fit, and my sister as she wants. This does not mean that some of us are right, and someone is wrong - we are different with her and act in different ways - there is nothing wrong with that.

Personality characteristic

At first glance, it seems that Tatiana Larina is Childe Harold in a female form, she is just as dull and sad, but in fact there is a significant difference between her and the hero of Byron's poem - Childe Harold is dissatisfied with the arrangement of the world and society, he is bored because, that he cannot find something to do that would interest him. Tatyana is bored, because her reality is different from the reality of her favorite novels. She wants to experience something that literary heroes have experienced, but there is no reason for such events to be foreseen.

In society, Tatyana was mostly silent and sad. She was not like most young people who enjoyed communicating with each other, flirting.

Tatyana is a dreamy nature, she is ready to spend hours in the world of dreams and dreams.

Tatyana Larina has read a lot of women's novels and has adopted the main character traits and elements of behavior of the main characters, so she is full of novelistic "perfections".

The girl has a calm disposition, she tries to restrain her true feelings and emotions, replacing them with indifferent decency, over time Tatiana learned to do this masterfully.

A girl rarely indulges in self-education - she spends her free time in entertainment or simply while away the hours, wasting time aimlessly. The girl, like all aristocrats of that time, knows foreign languages ​​well and does not know Russian. This state of affairs does not bother her, because in the circles of the aristocracy it was commonplace.

Tatyana lived in solitude for a long time, her social circle was limited by relatives and neighbors, so she is too naive and too open a girl, it seems to her that the whole world should be like that, so when faced with Onegin, she understands how deeply she was mistaken.

Tatiana and Onegin

Soon, Tatyana has the opportunity to fulfill her dream - to transfer one of her women's novels from the plane of the dream world to reality - they have a new neighbor - Eugene Onegin. It is not surprising that Onegin, possessing natural charm and charm, could not fail to attract Tatiana's attention. Soon Larina falls in love with a young neighbor. She is overwhelmed with hitherto unknown feelings of love, different from the one she felt in relation to her family and friends. Under the pressure of emotions, a young girl decides on an unthinkable act - to confess her feelings to Onegin. In this episode, it seems that the girl's love is invented and evoked by the secluded lifestyle and the influence of romance novels. Onegin was so different from all the people around Tatiana that it seems not surprising that he became the hero of her novel. Tatyana turns to her books for help - she cannot entrust the secret of her falling in love to anyone and decides to solve the situation on her own. The influence of romance novels on the development of their relationship is clearly visible in the letter, this is evidenced by the very fact that Tatiana decided to write this letter as a whole.

At that time, such behavior on the part of the girl was indecent and, when her act was made public, it could become disastrous for her future life. What can not be said about the fair sex at the same time living in Europe - for them it was a common occurrence and did not imply something shameful. Since the novels usually read by Tatyana belonged to the pen of European masters of the word, the idea of ​​being able to write a letter first was acceptable and only intensified under Onegin's indifference and strong feelings.

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In her letter, Tatiana defines only two ways of developing their relationship with Onegin. Both paths are inherently cardinal and are clearly opposed to each other, because they contain only polar manifestations, avoiding intermediate ones. In her vision, Onegin was to either provide her with a family idyll, or act as a tempter.

There are no other options for Tatiana. However, the pragmatic and, moreover, not in love with Tatyana Onegin lowers the girl from heaven to earth. In Tatyana's life, this was the first serious lesson that influenced her further personality and character formation.

Eugene does not talk about Tatyana's letter, he understands all its destructive power and does not intend to bring even more grief into the girl's life. At that time, Tatyana was not guided by common sense - she was covered with a wave of emotions that the girl could not, due to her inexperience and naivety, cope with. Despite the disappointment and unsightly reality that Onegin revealed to her, Tatyana's feelings did not run out.

The Yule dream and its symbolism

Tatiana's winter was her favorite season. Perhaps because it was at this time that the Christmas week fell, in which the girls were guessing. Naturally, the superstitious, mystic-loving Tatiana does not miss the opportunity to find out her future. One of the important elements in the girl's life is the Yule Dream, which, according to legend, was prophetic.

In a dream, Tatiana sees what worries her the most - Onegin. However, a dream does not bode well for her. At first, the dream does not bode well - Tatiana walks through a snowy meadow. On her way she meets a stream, which the girl needs to overcome.

An unexpected helper - a bear - helps her to cope with this obstacle, but the girl feels neither joy nor gratitude - she is overwhelmed with fear, which intensifies, as the beast continues to follow the girl. An attempt to escape does not lead to anything either - Tatiana falls into the snow, and the bear overtakes her. Despite Tatyana's foreboding, nothing terrible happens - the bear picks her up and carries her on. Soon they find themselves in front of the hut - here a terrible beast leaves Tatiana, telling her that the girl can warm up here - his relative lives in this hut. Larina enters the vestibule, but is in no hurry to enter the rooms - the noise of fun and feast is heard outside the door.

A curious girl tries to spy on - Onegin turns out to be the owner of the hut. The startled girl freezes, and Eugene notices her - he opens the door and all the guests see her.

It is worth noting that the guests of his feast are not like ordinary people - they are some kind of freaks and monsters. However, this is not what scares the girl most of all - laughter, in relation to her person, worries her more. However, Onegin interrupts him and seats the girl at the table, driving all the guests away. After some time, Lensky and Olga appear in the hut, which displeases Onegin. Eugene kills Lensky. At this, Tatyana's dream ends.

Tatiana's dream is inherently an allusion to several works. First of all, on the fairy tale of A.S. Pushkin's "The Groom", which is an expanded "dream of Tatiana." Also Tatyana's dream is a reference to the work of Zhukovsky "Svetlana". Tatiana Pushkina and Svetlana Zhukovsky contain related traits, but their dreams are significantly different. In Zhukovsky's case, this is just an illusion; in Pushkin's case, it is a prediction of the future. Tatyana's dream really turns out to be prophetic, soon she really finds herself on a wobbly bridge and a certain person who looks like a bear in his appearance helps her to overcome it, moreover, a relative of Onegin. And her lover turns out to be not the ideal person whom Tatyana portrayed in her dreams, but a real demon. He, in reality, becomes the killer of Lensky, shooting him in a duel.

Life after Onegin's departure

The duel between Onegin and Lensky, in essence, occurred because of the most insignificant things - at the celebration of Tatyana's birthday, Onegin was too kind to Olga, which caused a fit of jealousy in Lensky, the reason for which was the duel, which did not end well - Lensky died on location. This event left a sad imprint on the life of all the characters in the novel - Olga lost her fiancé (their wedding was supposed to take place two weeks after Tatyana's name day), however, the girl was not too worried about Lensky's death and soon married another person. The blues and depression of Onegin increased significantly, he was aware of the severity and consequences of his act, being in his estate was already unbearable for him and therefore he went on a journey. However, the death of Lensky made the greatest impact on Tatiana. Despite the fact that nothing connected her with Lensky except companionship, and her position and views were only partially similar, Tatyana had a hard time going through the death of Vladimir, which in its essence became the second significant lesson in her life.

Another unattractive side of Onegin's personality is revealed, but disappointment does not occur, Larina's feelings towards Onegin are still strong.

After Evgeny's departure, the girl's sadness increases significantly, she is looking for solitude more than usual. From time to time Tatiana comes to Onegin's empty house and reads books in the library with the permission of the servants. Onegin's books are not like her favorites - the basis of Onegin's library is Byron. After reading these books, the girl begins to better understand the character traits of Eugene, because he is inherently similar to the main characters of Byron.

Tatyana's marriage

Tatiana's life could not continue to proceed in the same direction. The changes in her life were predictable - she was an adult, and she had to be married off, because otherwise Tatyana had every chance of remaining in the old maidens.

Since no suitable candidates are expected in the vicinity, Tatyana has only one chance - to go to Moscow for a brides fair. Together with her mother, Tatiana comes to the city.

They stay with Alina's aunt. A relative has been suffering from consumption for the fourth year already, but the illness did not prevent her from welcoming visiting relatives. Tatiana herself is unlikely to accept such an event in her life with joy, but, despite the need for marriage, she puts up with her fate. Her mother does not see anything wrong with the fact that her daughter will not be married for love, because at one time she was treated the same way, and this did not become a tragedy in her life, and after a while even allowed her to become a happy mother and wife ...

The trip was not useless for Tatiana: a certain general liked it (his name is not mentioned in the text). Soon the wedding took place. Little is known about the personality of Tatyana's husband: he took part in military events and is essentially a military general. This state of affairs contributed to the question of his age - on the one hand, obtaining such a rank took a lot of time, so the general could already be at a decent age. On the other hand, personal participation in hostilities made it possible for him to move up the career ladder much faster.

Tatiana does not love her husband, but does not protest against marriage. Nothing is known about her family life, moreover, this situation is aggravated by Tatyana's restraint - the girl learned to restrain her emotions and feelings, she did not become a cutesy aristocrat, but she also confidently moved away from the image of a naive country girl.

Meeting with Eugene Onegin

In the end, fate played a cruel joke on the girl - she again meets her first love - Eugene Onegin. The young man returned from a trip and decided to pay a visit to his relative, a certain general N. In his house he meets Larina, she turns out to be the general's wife.

Onegin was amazed at the meeting with Tatyana and her changes - she no longer looked like that girl, overwhelmed with youthful maximalism. Tatiana became wise and balanced. Onegin realizes that all this time he loved Larina. This time he changed the role with Tatiana, but now the situation is complicated by the girl's marriage. Onegin is faced with a choice: suppress his feelings or make them public. Soon, the young man decides to explain himself to the girl in the hope that she has not yet lost her feelings for him. He writes a letter to Tatiana, but, despite all Onegin's expectations, there is no answer. Eugene was seized by even greater excitement - the unknown and indifference only more provoked and agitated him. In the end, Eugene decides to come to the woman and explain himself. He finds Tatiana alone - she looked so much like the girl he met two years ago in the village. Touched Tatyana confesses that she still loves Eugene, but now she cannot be with him - she is tied by the knot, and to be a dishonest wife against her principles.

Thus, Tatiana Larina has the most attractive character traits. The best features are embodied in it. During her youth, Tatiana, like all young people, was not endowed with wisdom and restraint. In view of her inexperience, she makes some mistakes in behavior, but she does this not because she is poorly brought up or depraved, but because she has not yet learned to be guided by her mind and emotions. She is too impulsive, although generally a pious and noble girl.

Tatyana Larina is a psychic from the 15th season of the mystical project on TNT, who has won the attention and sympathy of the audience. The clairvoyant took second place, but interest in the witch from the promoted coven of Natalya Banteeva does not subside. The secrets that the biography of Tatyana Larina hides, how a woman became clairvoyant and how she got to the "Battle of Psychics" - read the article.

In the article:

Psychic Tatiana Larina - biography

The question of how old is Tatyana Larina from the "Battle of Psychics" was asked by many viewers. The clairvoyant looks much younger than the middle age, at which the witch is considered strong enough to participate in the project (the average age of the participants is 35-40 years). There are also very young participants, for example, but these are the exceptions that prove the rule. The date of birth of the psychic is February 21, 1969. The age of the psychic Tatyana Larina is 49 years old. The clairvoyant looks much younger.

Tatyana Larina is not a real name, but a pseudonym borrowed from the work of Pushkin “ Eugene Onegin". The woman took a new name back in the late 90s of the last century, when she was working on a solo album. The real name of the witch is not made public to this day.

Tatiana Larina - hereditary psychic... Paranormal abilities in her family have been passed down from generation to generation for decades. The witch received powers from her grandmother and from childhood she has psychic abilities.

Psychic was born in St. Petersburg... Larina's family was prosperous, with an average income, but Tatyana was a problem teenager because of the awakening psychic gift. The girl is the youngest child in the family. Tatyana has an older brother, Gennady. Father died in the 90s, mother - in 2016.

After school, Larina studied one course at a medical university. After disappointment in mentors indifferent to patients, she interrupted her studies and decided to study as a hairdresser. She did not finish the courses, she entered the Institute of Culture, but this attempt to get an education remained unfinished. The clairvoyant admitted that she quickly lost interest in learning.

The witch loves Peter - this is not a tribute to fashion, but love for the Motherland. For a long time she lived abroad, moving from one European country to another. She worked as a model, calling those times the most carefree and joyful period in her life. The desire to return to Russia defeated the desire to build a modeling career in Europe.

Tatiana worked as a model in Russia, after returning to her homeland. At the same time, she studied vocals and performed in the nightclubs of the cultural capital.

After being recognized as a musician, the Twilight Witch took up the development of psychic and magical talents, having traveled to Israel. Now Tatyana has two citizenships - Israeli and Russian.

The name of the witch's mentor is unknown, but Tatyana spoke about the main subject that her teacher taught - the management of personal energy and the use of natural gifts. The mentor taught the witch spells in Hebrew. Usually, in families where the gift is passed on by inheritance, parents, sometimes a grandmother or grandfather, are involved in teaching descendants. It is not known why the tradition did not touch the Larin family, and a completely stranger was engaged in teaching the clairvoyant.

Personal life of Tatyana Larina

From the biography of the psychic Tatyana Larina, it is known that the woman was married to Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky. The former spouse is a psychic, from the 15th season of the project. He worked in the center of Banteyeva, like Tatyana.

At the time of participation in the project, the couple had just met, but on December 20, at the awards ceremony for the winner of the Battle of Psychics, Julius made an offer to Tatyana. Perhaps this was a planned action - the couple appeared in public in snow-white outfits, and Tatiana prefers black in clothes. The witch happily demonstrated her wedding ring to the fans and accepted congratulations.

Stars of "Battle of Psychics" Daletsky and Larina surprised everyone

Psychic Tatyana Larina got married on July 8, 2015 - on Family Day. The ceremony took place in the Pavlovsk Palace of the Leningrad Region. This is an old building with historical value. Tatyana Larina's wedding was there for the first time in the last 200 years. The bride opted for a bright blue dress over the traditional white, cream and pink designs. The groom chose a classic dark suit.

In 2016, conflicts began in the family, initiated by Tatyana and the mother of Yulia Vyas, who left Yulia at the age of six (the son disappointed the parent). When a wife appeared in the life of a psychic, the mother suddenly appeared to condemn the choice of her son. One of the reasons for the dislike of the mother-in-law is the age of the daughter-in-law (the clairvoyant is 24 years older than Julia), who was her age.

In one of the issues of The Invisible Man, the witch admitted that she had repeatedly terminated the pregnancy, as a result of which, perhaps, the newlyweds could not conceive a child. 12 attempts at artificial insemination have failed. Julius predicted that Tatiana should give birth to a girl who is destined to become a strong witch and play a special role in the history of the world. Abortions performed in the past and a respectable age did not allow the psychic to give birth to a child.

Larina was ready to fight for peace in the family, but Julia's betrayal put an end to the relationship. In April 2017, Tatyana personally found her husband in the company of young girls with whom the former husband was already having a good time. After the divorce, the witch said that there was one more reason - Julius regularly raised his hand to his wife for about a year.

Tatiana bears little resemblance to a person who allows himself to offend. For some time, the psychic wore brass knuckles, was fond of martial arts. In an interview, the clairvoyant admitted that she was ready to repulse a street robber. In 2017, Tatyana planned to write a police report against her ex-husband. After the divorce, the woman announced that she plans to start a new life and wants to forget about past relationships.

Julius is the fourth husband of the witch. The first spouse was a citizen of Israel, to whom the witch moved to him at the age of 21. The marriage lasted 6 years, Tatyana does not cover the reasons for the divorce. The former spouses have maintained friendly relations, which they maintain today.

The next chosen one was a composer from St. Petersburg, with whom Larina worked on soundtracks for films. The relationship was not formalized, but the couple lived together for 12 years. The relationship fell apart due to treason. The psychic's third marriage was not official, but in 2008 the woman gave birth to a son, Gregory. The relationship lasted 9 years. The spouse was associated with esotericism.

Creative career of Tatiana Larina

Music interested Tatyana when the girl was still in school. Over time, interest became a serious goal - to be a popular singer. While studying at school and university, the girl performed in ensembles and dreamed of continuing her performances after completing her studies.

Over time, Tatyana was somewhat disappointed in the fate of the little-known vocalist, decided to leave music, leave the country and become a model. Later, at one of the secular parties, Larina's talent was noticed by the composer Kurashov. It was decided that Tatiana will act as a vocalist and record her own album, titled "A somewhat strange story." The disc was released in 1998.

The music that the psychic likes includes folk and ethnic notes. In 2017, another album will be released, since with the departure from the coven, the witch also had free time for creativity.

Tatyana Larina at the Battle of Psychics and in other projects

Tatiana Larina, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, was remembered by the audience from the first issue. After the first appearance in a hangar with cars, in the trunk of one of which a man was hiding, the witch earned the nickname Lara Croft because of the external resemblance, the similar style of dress and manner of presenting oneself.

Fortitude, willpower and natural talent for magic and extrasensory perception helped Tatiana become a favorite of the public. Without the support of the audience, as the clairvoyant has repeatedly admitted, it would be much more difficult. Tatiana has repeatedly thanked fans for the opportunity to open the gift in front of the cameras, which she had never done before.

Tatiana was persuaded to participate in the project by her mentor, Natalya Banteeva. The potential of the witch allowed Natalya to be confident in the first or second place of the ward. The coven needed to maintain its reputation, which is probably why Banteeva consistently provides the TV show with strong witches.

Starting with the second episode of season 15, Tatyana Larina appeared on the set with crutches or in a wheelchair. The point is a broken leg, which occurred after the filming of the first issue and passing the entrance tests. The presenter expressed suspicions about a magical attack, but Tatiana said that none of those present on the show could do it. The psychic refused to stop participating in the project, saying that she broke her leg, and did not lose her magical powers.

More than once, Larina used spells in Hebrew, which she learned from the first mentor in Israel. The clairvoyant is able to observe the twilight world, which is why Tatyana is often called the twilight witch. The psychic is able to see the past, the hidden present and the future in mirror reflections. A mirror or any other reflective surface for Larina becomes the entrance to the twilight world.

According to the clairvoyant, she is an energy vampire. The psychic used the ability to pass the tests. Tatiana did not hide the fact that she took the strength and calmness from the presenter during the test with the search for a person in the trunk. The witch justified the act with excitement and the need to calm down. Larina hugged the presenter, fueled by his energy.

During the tests of the project, Tatyana showed herself to be a very strong psychic. Viewers and experts expected the witch to take the first place, which she more than deserves. However, Larina had a strong rival - the spirit of Chaos Julia Wang, who took first place, overtaking Larina in the number of votes. Tatyana was not too upset, because her thoughts were occupied with an early marriage. The psychic received the recognition of the fans and the love of the public.

Tatiana is sure that she can be considered one of the best psychics in St. Petersburg, but she considers the gift a real curse, because the witch has to pass all the negativity when working with people through herself. Larina is sure that the separation from one of the sons was due to the development of the gift. In the show "Diary of a Psychic", the clairvoyant spoke about the fateful twists and turns of fate caused by magical abilities.

Tatiana Larina has become one of the most empathic and emotional participants in the project. Viewers noticed that the witch often cried, experiencing the problems of completely strangers. The psychic was upset by his own failures: the witch believed that some tests could pass better.

Show "Diary of a psychic".

"The Battle of Psychics" is not the only television project in which Tatiana took part. There is a show dedicated only to Larina - "The Diary of a Psychic". In the project, the witch decided to slightly open the veil of the secrets of her biography and personal life, to tell the unknown to the general public concerning the life of magicians, mediums, clairvoyants.

Now the witch plans to work on another project - "Battle of Tarologists". The clairvoyant positions the show as a competition between specialists in tarot divination of different levels. The project will be attended by both beginners and professionals. Participants will be given the opportunity to meet with invited experts from various Russian Tarot schools, whose names have not yet been announced. The age limit for participants is 16 years old. The composition of the jury is kept secret by Tatiana and Julius.

Tatyana Larina as a psychic of the clan of Natalia Banteeva

Tatiana Larina

After returning from Israel, Tatiana was noticed by the famous witch, who became the second mentor of the witch. The witch appeared in Tatyana's life when Larina needed her help. Magical abilities progressed rapidly, the witch could not cope with the load, as a result, she suffered from nightmares. Natalia helped to cope with the problem.

Tatyana Larina officially joined one of the most powerful covens in Russia, founded by Natalya Banteeva after winning the "Battle of Psychics", worked in its center. In early 2017, it became known that the witch was leaving the Banteyeva center and breaking off long-term cooperation with the witch. In front of witnesses, Tatyana told Natalya that she would not leave unpunished actions directed against herself: the former girlfriends parted not too peacefully.

The discord in friendship and work relations between witches was noticed by many. Larina said that the reason for leaving the coven was disagreements with Natalia and that “the coven is not what it used to be.” Tatiana's comment on current attitudes towards the coven:

The coven, from the point of view of magic, is doomed, since space will not allow organizations that abuse magic for a long time. Every time you create a society of witches, it must be real, scientific, working! Without this, this is just a set of incomprehensible tricks, posts, events!

Many famous witches left the coven of Natalya Banteyeva: while participating in the "Battle of the Psychics" she said that their paths parted, chose an independent practice, received an invitation to the coven, but refused.

The reasons for the decline in the popularity of Natalia Banteeva in the circles of magicians in Russia can only be guessed at. Tatyana Larina, for example, on her personal page "VKontakte" accuses her of the fact that the witch spoils the plans for the magical work of employees, destroys their reputation with gossip. Larina said that her official group "VKontakte" was trying to take over the coven to remake the community under Evgeniya Skazka, a new favorite of Banteeva.

Psychic Tatyana Larina - how to get an appointment

The main activity of Tatyana Larina - work with fears and phobias... Reviews of people who visited the witch's reception contain information that Larina is the best specialist in the field of magic, who is able to eliminate complex problems. Tatiana takes on even the most difficult cases, she is considered a good diagnostician.

The witch can view the future and correct situations that have not yet happened.
The clairvoyant has access to love and money magic. Tatiana conducts rituals to renew and restore the vitality and energy balance of a person.

The state of the subtle body is an especially common problem for residents of large cities, whose well-being is influenced by numerous stresses and environmental factors.

In early 2017, the witch made an announcement on her personal VKontakte page that she no longer accepts. Now the appointment is made using a different phone number. How to get an appointment with the psychic Tatyana Larina? You can call the manager at the phone number indicated on the website or on the VKontakte profile from 11 am to 7 pm.

Recently, a new project from Tatyana Larina and her husband, Mind & Magic Lab, has appeared on social networks. Under the brand, the married couple plans to conduct seminars, webinars and receptions with a witch. What part in the idea Julius is going to take is still unknown.

From time to time, the witch holds draws, the prize in which is a free face-to-face meeting. The contests are available to Tatyana's subscribers on VKontakte and other social networks. Judging by the reviews, it is difficult to get an appointment with Larina - the queue is scheduled weeks ahead. The impressions of clients confirm that Tatiana has a strong gift, with the help of which the witch helps people to cope with difficult life circumstances. Reviews of the seminars and trainings of the clairvoyant are extremely positive.

Even after the end of the 15th season of the "Battle of Psychics", Tatyana Larina's popularity is growing. The witch's charisma and strong psychic gift helped to win the attention of fans. The clairvoyant has shown herself well on TV shows, and the reviews about the techniques of the twilight witch are positive.

The image of Tatiana Larina has absorbed all the author's dreams of a female ideal. Tatiana remained forever the beloved heroine of the great poet and prose writer. For the first time, the reader meets the heroine in the parental estate, which the mother of the Larin sisters is compassionately watching. Tatyana's father is a "good fellow", a little "lagging behind" the modern race of time. Family life is calm, monotonous, patriarchal.

From a very young age, Tatiana was sharply different from other village children. She did not like simple childish amusements, resembling a "shy doe", which feels good in solitude. The girl was brought up on the traditions of an old nanny and loved to while away the time reading books. The atmosphere of "antiquity" in her native estate instilled in Tatyana faith in ancient customs, girlish fortune-telling, interpretation of dreams. Having matured, Tatiana turned into a dreamy and pensive young lady. Not possessing "screaming" beauty, she attracts people with a rich inner world, naturalness and innocence.

It's time for love. Tatyana, as if she was living in anticipation, when Onegin appeared on her horizon - a mysterious and unknown. And the girl fell in love. Ardent, anxious and with all my soul. Tormented by excitement, Tatiana decides to take a desperate step and writes a letter of recognition to her lover. She hands over real confession and herself with it into the hands of Eugene Onegin. Tatiana hopes for reciprocity, but her chosen one rejects her. Such sincere feelings and impulses were alien to him.

Tatyana, without ceasing, loved Onegin. Even when he became the cause of the death of Lensky, her sister's fiancé. And when he went on a long journey. She visited his empty manor, trying to better understand the person she fell in love with. Two years later, the reader meets again with Tatiana. She is married to a noble prince. Not a trace remained of that inexperienced and outspoken girl. “New” Tatiana has matured spiritually, has become unapproachable, but at the same time has not lost her natural simplicity. The rotation in high society and the nobility of the new position did not spoil it at all. The meeting with Onegin, of course, stirred up a storm of feelings in Tatyana. But she didn't show it. Having received a letter of recognition from him, the heroine sheds tears of sadness, but does not honor her former lover with an answer. Finding herself alone with Onegin, Tatyana does not hide that she still loves him, but at the same time intends to remain faithful to her legal spouse. Tatyana does not hold grudges against Evgeny, but leaves no reason for his hopes.


So, she was called Tatiana.
Not her sister's beauty,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She would not have attracted the eyes.

Dick, sad, silent,
As a forest doe is fearful,
She is in her family
She seemed like a stranger to a girl.

She did not know how to caress
To his father, nor to his mother;
Child herself, in a crowd of children
I didn't want to play and jump
And often all day alone
I sat silently by the window ...

Thoughtfulness, her friend
From the most lullaby days
Rural leisure flow
Decorated her with dreams.

And there were childish pranks
She is alien: scary stories
In the winter in the dark of nights
More captivated her heart ...

She liked novels early;
They replaced everything for her;
She fell in love with deceptions
And Richardson and Russo ...

It has long been her imagination
Burning with bliss and longing,
Alkalo of fatal food;
Long sincere longing
Her young breasts were pressed against her;
The soul was waiting ... for someone ...

The image of Tatiana Larina, created by the great classic, has lived in the souls of girls for many centuries. The characteristics of Tatyana Larina, her romanticism, courage and openness help to survive difficult situations. Poems are addressed in moments of happiness and grief.

Dreaminess of Tatiana

The inner world of a maturing girl was waiting and wishing for love. The author admires the sweet dreamer, calling her his muse. For days, Tatyana immersed herself in the plots of the books she had read and created her own imaginary novels, in which she was the main character. The author says that the girl burns out from bliss and longing, her heart is crowded in her chest, her soul is torn out.

A modest noble family from the hinterland of Russia brought up in the girl a love of nature, literature and people. The image is close to nature - "forest doe". A graceful but fearful animal is a symbol of the female image. Leaving her dreams makes Tatyana silent and wild. She does not like to be fondled, pretended and cunning. By walking in the forest, the girl replaces children's games and pranks, she does not like the usual activities - dolls and torches. Tatiana reads "scary stories", sitting under the light of a dark night. Stories captivate the heart, disturb the soul. The dreaminess of a provincial woman makes her similar to the characters of folk tales. She gives names to trees. Groves, meadows become friends with whom she grows up.

Provincial simplicity of the image

Seventeen-year-old Tatiana is not distinguished by bright beauty, but the author admits her sweet charm. With quotations from the text comes the perception of the image:

  • lovely shoulder;
  • cute leg;
  • light shirt;
  • pale beauties.

The girl does not stand out for fashionable outfits. Her dress is provincial and simple. The author says that Larina lagged behind fashion - "belated outfits."

Gentle soul

The influence of metropolitan rules is felt in the provincial noblewoman. She speaks better French than her native language. Therefore, the French novel is probably becoming her favorite book. The plots of foreign stories have shaped the idea of ​​true love. In the world of a Russian noblewoman, an ideal man came to life, capable of understanding her soul, so closed that even in her family she remains a mystery, a stranger and, as it were, not native.

Onegin appreciated the openness of his soul when he received a love confession. The letter has everything: intelligence, simplicity, sincerity, love, tenderness. Trusting innocence could bring a blow to Tatyana, but the author did not turn the story in this direction. He did not want to describe secular intrigues, gossip. Pushkin loved his heroine and did not give her fate to be torn apart by the predatory natures of secular society. The poem had a different purpose.

Love and disappointment

The girl becomes the wife of an "important general". Her biography is typical of the 19th century. Tatiana becomes a noble secular princess, unapproachable and cold outwardly. A woman knows how to hide her ardent soul under the guise of a socialite. She behaves with dignity, controls herself and teaches Onegin about her behavior. She remains faithful to her husband, restraining the impulses of true feelings.

A beautiful soul, a noblewoman becomes an ideal for women. They set her self-control and courage as an example, trying and doing self-education. It will become easier to write the essay "Tatiana Larina" Eugene Onegin ", having got acquainted with the proposed materials. The information will help determine your opinion about the character.

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