Poster for a teacher. DIY wall newspaper for Teacher's Day on whatman paper: templates and step-by-step photos

  • 22.09.2023

How to do it? There are many ways! The simplest one is to find a ready-made template online, print it and color or decorate it. The template could be, for example, like this:

But if you love to draw and want to create something truly original, use the template only for inspiration. And then take whatman paper and paints and demonstrate your talent as an artist.

In the wall newspaper for Teacher's Day, you can use a variety of techniques - not only drawing with paints, but also with pencils, felt-tip pens or markers. Applique or quilling elements will also look beautiful. Since Teacher's Day is an autumn holiday, yellow leaves are perfect for decorating your creation. You can cut them out of colored paper and stick them on a wall newspaper, or you can try an even more interesting way - attach a maple leaf to the paper and spray spray paint around it.

If you like not only to draw, cut out or glue, but also to write - invent stories or compose poems, be sure to post a congratulation for your teacher on the wall newspaper. You can print it out, write it by hand on colored paper, or arrange it in the form of an open book.

But if you are a young designer and can’t imagine your life without graphic editors, you can make a gift to your teacher using a computer. For example, create a collage of the brightest photographs with the most pleasant moments of school life. The main thing is to turn on your imagination, and then, thanks to You, the holiday of your beloved teacher will be truly unforgettable!

The new school year has just begun, and the first worries are already making themselves felt. Teacher's Day is just around the corner, which means it's time to think about preparing congratulations, gifts and posters for your favorite teachers. Today, like 30 years ago, a wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day is considered an individual and unique gift, imbued with the warmth of children’s hands. An inexpensive, but cute and memorable present will definitely appeal to both primary school teachers and high school class teachers. A DIY wall newspaper on whatman paper is not a relic of the past, but a magnificent handmade product, where every stroke and every line carries something important, kind, and genuine. And the poems, photographs, and pictures on the poster for Teacher’s Day will long remind the “cool mom” of her favorite students. If they, in turn, try hard, using their own imagination or a simple master class!

Beautiful wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day with your own hands on whatman paper, photo

To make a beautiful wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day with your own hands, you only need 8 A4 sheets or a large white Whatman paper and popular stationery. But in order to design the poster in the best possible way, you will have to work a little. To do this, you can use one of three methods for making wall newspapers:

  • print out the necessary elements of the wall newspaper, and then glue them to whatman paper. Alternatively, you can print a large black and white image on several sheets, and then glue the poster together in parts and color it yourself;
  • make the poster completely “handmade” - write all the texts, inscriptions and wishes yourself, draw beautiful illustrations, add decorative elements using different handmade techniques;
  • combine the two previous methods of making wall newspapers. For example, print out photographs of the teacher and students, cut out a suitable plot from colored paper (a tree of wishes, a sun with rays, petals of a large flower), add warm congratulations, etc.

Most often, it is the third method of preparing a beautiful wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day that is used. But even in such a seemingly understandable process, it is worth following the sequence of actions of the master class so as not to waste all the work.

  1. Think over the plot and style of a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day;
  2. Prepare the basis for the poster - buy whatman paper or glue 8-12 sheets of thick A4 paper into a canvas;
  3. Prepare congratulatory texts and wishes, funny stories from school life, a funny horoscope for the teacher for the next year. They can be written in beautiful handwriting, printed on a printer, cut out in parts from postcards, newspapers or magazines;
  4. If necessary, print out a photo of your teacher, class students, interesting moments from the school and extracurricular life of the team;
  5. Design a congratulation headline for the wall newspaper "Happy Teacher's Day." It can also be cut out from a printout or colored paper, or drawn by hand using paints or colored pencils;
  6. Glue previously prepared texts and photographs to the poster according to the planned plot. Outline them with decorative frames;
  7. Fill the remaining space with handmade elements: hand-drawn patterns or funny school-themed characters, voluminous flowers, fabric bows, small compositions made of beads, rhinestones, ribbons, buttons, etc.
  8. A beautiful do-it-yourself wall newspaper on whatman paper for Teacher’s Day is ready. Attach the poster to the wall using push pins.

How to draw a poster for Teacher's Day with your own hands, master class with step-by-step photos

The question of how to draw a poster for Teacher’s Day with your own hands has worried every schoolchild at least once in their life. But if it was very difficult for students of the USSR period (there were few stationery supplies, and materials were in short supply, and no printed preparations), then today’s students have absolutely nothing to worry about. It is enough to stock up on the necessary time, tools, materials and follow the instructions of the master class on making wall newspapers. The lesson provided below is suitable even for younger students, as it is completely devoid of complex processes.

Necessary materials for a DIY poster master class for Teacher's Day

  • whatman
  • shiny self-adhesive yellow (or other) color
  • tinted A4 paper in pale yellow or cream color
  • colored paper in red, orange, green and yellow
  • PVA glue
  • stationery scissors
  • watercolor or gouache paints
  • brushes and glass
  • simple pencil

Step-by-step instructions for a DIY poster master class for Teacher's Day

DIY wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with congratulations and poems

Another master class on making a wall newspaper with congratulations and poems for Teacher’s Day may be useful for today’s talented and well-rounded schoolchildren. Unlike the previous one, this lesson is more suitable for high school students. Creating a poster for our second master class is more difficult, but the result is completely worth all the effort.

Necessary materials for the master class: wall newspapers with congratulations and poems for Teacher's Day

  • Whatman paper white
  • beige paper
  • colored and tinted paper
  • designer decorative paper
  • openwork paper napkins
  • sharpened short pencils
  • ribbons, cords, threads
  • clippings of books, birds, clocks
  • stamps for cardmaking
  • paints
  • black marker or ink
  • foam rubber
  • white cardboard
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • ruler and eraser
  • PVA glue
  • Decorative buttons, paper clips, etc.

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on a poster with congratulations and poems for Teacher's Day

Wall newspaper for Teacher's Day: templates, pictures and photos

If you need a beautiful wall newspaper for Teacher’s Day, but have almost no time left, use ready-made templates and pictures. With their help, you won't get a real handmade product, but the resulting poster will still be quite good. To do this, print out the finished parts of the wall newspaper and carefully glue the edges along the contour. Then paint the image with bright gouache paints and let the poster dry thoroughly.

A teacher is one of the oldest and most responsible professions. After all, they pass on their knowledge, help to develop and find their path in life, sparing neither strength nor energy. Therefore, on the day of their professional holiday, teachers deserve interesting gifts and the most original congratulations.

There are several wonderful ways in which you can surprise your favorite teacher and leave unforgettable memories in his soul. Read and be inspired :)

Congratulations at the door

What could be better than hearing pleasant words addressed to you first thing in the morning? But first, students need to prepare for this important day. Congratulations can be made by students of one or several classes, or even the entire school, if you manage to organize it.

First of all, you need to make small cards with warm words. It will be great if you prepare personal cards with your own hands for each teacher - this will be doubly pleasant for teachers. You also need to buy the main attribute of the school holiday - flowers. Just don’t do it too early - it’s best to go to the store in the evening before the actual holiday. You can also order flowers to your home. It is not necessary to give roses - you can give preference to more non-standard options, such as daisies, marigolds or dahlias. You must first collect money from the students who will participate in the congratulations.

On the day of the holiday, place a beautifully dressed boy and girl at the entrance to the school - they will present gifts to teachers and say kind words. Several children should help them, since the number of teachers can be significant. The entrance to the school can be decorated with a festive poster, on which you can write the standard “Happy Teacher’s Day”, or something cool and unusual, such as “School watch” or “Checkpoint”. Believe me, teachers will remember such a congratulation for a long time. In addition, this way you can congratulate the entire staff for a relatively low cost.

Self-government or “inside-out day”

One of the most pleasant gifts for a teacher is a day off. But not simple, but interesting and unusual. Let your teachers return to your childhood and find yourself back at school. On this day everything will be the other way around - students will become teachers, and teachers will become students. And besides, it's fair!

“Interesting, but how to organize it all,” you ask. Everything is very simple. Make a lesson plan, you can even take the same lessons that you have planned for that day. For the role of teachers, it is necessary to select students or students who know the subjects best. But with this they not only have rights and power, but also responsibility - to prepare an interesting lesson, always with homework!

You can also do lessons in a comic form: copy the behavior and manner of presentation of the teacher, and thereby let him look at himself through the eyes of a student. True, for this the “young teacher” will also need acting skills. The rest of the students will play the role of the school committee, which was invited to an open lesson. Don’t forget to prepare and distribute lesson invitations to all teachers in advance.

Such a congratulation will not only amuse teachers, but will also allow them to see themselves from the outside and, perhaps, some of their mistakes. This is very important so that the teacher can learn what to work on and how to improve their skills. Also, this method of congratulations will bring teachers and students closer together and create a friendly atmosphere.

Congratulations in the hall

If the budget is completely limited, then you can get by with an inexpensive, but very pleasant congratulation. Buy some poster paper and pens or markers and hang them in the hallway. Anyone can congratulate teachers by writing their congratulations. To collect more congratulations, place several students near the poster who will attract children and invite them to congratulate their favorite teachers. In this way you can make an original gift for all teachers at the school.


Now almost every family has the opportunity to make a video thanks to the development of modern technologies - even if it’s unprofessional, it doesn’t matter at all. But where are we leading with all this? The fact is that you can also congratulate your favorite teacher in an original way using a video. To do this, each student needs to say on camera the warm words and wishes that he would like to say to the teacher.

After this, it is necessary for one of the students (or parents, if the children are still small), who has editing skills, to collect the video from everyone else and make a video out of it. If your knowledge allows, you can add special effects and add music using school-themed songs. Burn the finished video onto a CD or DVD. Additionally, you can order a special gift design for the disc to make it even more pleasant for the teacher.

On the day of the holiday, take a laptop or use a projector if your class has one. Play the video as soon as the teacher enters the classroom. Believe me, he will be extremely pleased to hear congratulations addressed to him from each student. After watching it together, solemnly present the teacher with a disc with the recording - for him it will be a valuable gift for life.

Such an original greeting is available to every class, because it is absolutely inexpensive and only requires a video camera (even a phone camera will do) and editing skills.


Flash mobs have become increasingly popular lately. What is it? A flash mob is an unexpected spontaneous action that is performed by a large number of participants. When conducting a flash mob, there is no logical beginning and end of actions, and the element of surprise plays the main role.

How can you use this when congratulating the teaching staff of the school? Let's start with the fact that there are several options for flash mobs:

  • dance;
  • song;
  • flash mob formation.

Let's learn more about each of them.


Dance flash mob is the most popular trend. First, you need to choose a catchy, cheerful song dedicated to teachers or school life, for example, you can take the school anthem, if there is one. Next, you need to select several relaxed students who know how to “wind up” the audience and who have dancing skills - they will show the movements and set the rhythm.

You can make an even more interesting scenario: congratulate the teacher of each subject, expressing this in dance. To do this, you need to come up with specific movements related to school subjects in advance, for example, draw letters in the air with your hands, make movements with your hips, depicting parentheses, draw a figure with your body similar to an integral, etc. Here, give free rein to your imagination.

On the day of the flash mob, one of the ringleaders who will demonstrate the movements must speak loudly into the microphone and show the figures, and everyone will repeat after him. Seeing such a mass gathering, more and more students will join the flash mob, and teachers will understand that this performance is prepared especially for them. Just don’t forget that everything should happen spontaneously, no one should know at what exact moment the dancing will begin. In this way you can make an original congratulation for each teacher.


If the school has its own choir or at least a group of students who sing well, you can organize a song flash mob. You need to prepare a school-themed song in advance. It will be very interesting if you take a well-known composition and specially remake it - it will be even more enjoyable for teachers. The success of a singing flash mob also lies in its spontaneity - you need to start singing at an absolutely unpredictable moment.

Flash mob formation

If it is not possible to use dance or song skills, you can conduct a flash mob formation. Here it is worth proceeding from the number of students - the more students take part in the flash mob, the more complex a figure or inscription can be built. If you are going to hold this type of flash mob, then you should make sure in advance that teachers can see the congratulations from the highest point.

Sweet table

Children should learn from an early age to be hospitable hosts. You can practice this by preparing a sweet table with tea or coffee for the teacher. Each student (with the help of parents or himself) must prepare a sweet surprise in the form of pastries, desserts or other delicacies. Money is collected in advance to buy tea or coffee, as well as disposable tableware.

You also need to take care of decorating the classroom. You can find out how to do this beautifully and unusually by reading our article “Decorating a school and classroom for Teacher’s Day.” It presents several ways to make your classroom feel festive and bright.

Preparing sweet surprises will help develop children's housekeeping and culinary skills, and will also please the teacher.

If you want to congratulate your teacher in an original way, then you should not give him huge bouquets of flowers, most of which will simply fade in the school classroom. It will be much better if you prepare a gift with your soul. One of these is a basket with sweets and wishes.

Each student must decorate one or more candies, wrapping the package in a piece of paper with a wish. It can be beautifully painted or made in an unusual shape. When you make the “second wrapper” for the candy, do not tie it too tightly so as not to damage the wish.

There is also another option - you can make a basket with flowers from candies. In this case, wishes are attached with glue or threads to the stem of a sweet flower. It will be very interesting if children choose different flowers and decorate them in their own individual style.

Believe me, your favorite teacher will remember such a gift for a long time.

Bouquet of balloons with compliments

Each of us loves compliments, and teachers are no exception. We invite you to congratulate your teacher in an original way using balloons. A female teacher will especially like this congratulation.

You need to buy balls of different colors - one for each student. On beautiful pieces of paper (you can first decorate them in an original way), everyone will write compliments to the teacher in their own handwriting, for example, “You are the best teacher in my life,” “You are incredibly smart.” You can also write something cool and humorous, for example, “You are as beautiful as the comments written by your hand in my diary,” etc. After this, the compliments are placed in a balloon, which is subsequently inflated.

After each student has issued his congratulations, the balls are collected into a bouquet, which will be presented to the teacher on the holiday. As you know, over time the balloons will begin to burst - then the teacher will be able to read congratulations. Or the teacher will not be able to stand it and will get congratulations himself. This way you can give your favorite teacher a shower of compliments!

On Teacher's Day, school classrooms, the assembly hall and corridors are traditionally decorated with colorful balloons and congratulatory wall newspapers. Unfortunately, not every class has talented artists who can quickly draw a sketch of a holiday poster. We offer a ready-made template for an original congratulatory wall newspaper for Teacher's Day, with the help of which even small children who cannot draw can create a beautiful thematic picture in just one evening.

The wall newspaper template consists of eight elements, each of which fits on a regular A4 sheet.

Download wall newspaper fragments

How to make a congratulatory wall newspaper for Teacher's Day

  1. First, all fragments must be printed on white paper on any printer. To do this, just click on each picture and send the file for printing or first save all the images to your computer.
  2. Next, the printed pictures need to be combined so that the image conceived by the artist is obtained.
  3. The elements must be glued together or secured with transparent adhesive tape on the reverse side. If desired, the wall newspaper can be glued to thick cardboard or whatman paper.
  4. In conclusion, all that remains is to color the poster with paints or pencils, and inside the books -