Funny riddles for Teacher's Day. Various riddles about teachers

  • 23.09.2019

A short poem or text that describes an object by its characteristics, but does not mention its name, is called a riddle. Such verbal puzzles are developed in children logical thinking and are often used both in preparing preschoolers and in classroom teaching. The topic of school and study may be unpleasant for a student, but riddles about school items and lessons can show children this area from a completely different, interesting perspective.

School riddles are divided into different categories:

  • about school supplies.
  • about teachers and students.
  • about school discipline and daily routine in educational institution.

Education begins with admission to first grade. First-graders with large backpacks and bright bouquets go to school for the first time, receive their first books and begin a difficult but interesting school life.

Riddles about the first day of knowledge in life will be appropriate for school holidays and in kindergarten:

(Knowledge Day - the first of September)

I'm beautiful and cheerful

I'm the happiest

I'm going to school today

Together with my dear... (Mom)

  • They'll take you to school by the hand,
  • New status will give.
  • Yesterday the child was a preschooler,
  • Today he is already... (Schoolboy)

Fascinating riddles about school for children will be the factor that will create a desire to learn. The answers to some puzzles are so unexpected that even parents puzzle over the answer for a long time.

  • Some interesting riddles:
  • There is a beautiful bright house.
  • There are a lot of happy children there.
  • They write and read there,
  • They draw and dream.

The building stands - who will enter it?

He will gain knowledge.

School supplies

At school you cannot do without a diary, a textbook, paints, geographical atlases and pencils. Children will love riddles about school supplies:

  • Pencil case and notebooks live in it
  • And breakfast - everyone knows about it.
  • Books, paints and album
  • Tomorrow the schoolboy will carry it.
  • Its shine is like gloss, -
  • A schoolboy wears it to school... (Satchel)

The first book that gives knowledge,

A first grader carries it in a briefcase.

Always and everywhere, today and in the past

The student really needs... (ABC book)

  • Smart Ivashka -
  • Colored shirt,
  • He walks through the notebook,
  • He leaves his mark everywhere.


Not a bush, but there are leaves.

Not a person, but he talks.

  • There are both checkered and lined,
  • And it’s not easy to write in it.
  • You can also draw in it.
  • It's called... (Notebook)

Stands on one leg,

He turns his head to the sides.

Shows us clearly

Mountains, land, oceans.

Teachers and students

How can you do without riddles about those things in class? who spends time with them? Riddles about a teacher or student can be different - both funny and ironic.

For example, like this:

  • That student is really bad
  • Who doesn't keep a diary
  • He keeps missing classes
  • And instead of going to school, he plays.
  • Tell me what they call him
  • Who's skipping class?


He always gets an "A"

He always knows what to say.

He is not lazy and is ready for lessons.

Tell me, who is he?

(Excellent student)

  • September, autumn day,
  • It's a holiday at school today.
  • Distracted from anxiety
  • Boy-…(First-grader)

I attend school

I'm filling out my diary.

Everyone around me calls me

Schoolboy or... (Student)

School day mode

During lessons, students spend half the day gaining knowledge, communicating with classmates, and taking part in school games. Riddles about routine school day and everything, as for lessons and breaks, they will relax children and distract them a little from the complex process of acquiring new knowledge:

  • Kulik is not big,
  • But he repeats to all the guys:
  • Then sit down and study
  • Then go your separate ways.

The white pebble melted

And he left traces behind him.

  • White on black
  • Everyone writes at school.
  • How about wiping it with a rag?
  • The page will become blank.


I'm sick and I'm home

All my friends are in class.

I miss classes - it’s unusual,

The doctor will issue a certificate... (Sick leave)

  • Olya and Ivan are dancing,
  • Kira and Ruslan are dancing.
  • This is just the dance of the century!
  • At our school... (Disco)

An educational institution cannot do without subjects, which do not directly relate to the educational process, but help students to be more attentive, remember everything, and arouse interest in learning - notebooks, wall newspapers, school discos:

  • I write all the notes in it -
  • I forget - I'll take a look.
  • He reminds me of everything
  • And there are a lot of phones in it.
  • Lives on my table,
  • And his name is... (Notepad)

He manages all my affairs,

By the hour my day is created.

Where to go and what to buy,

What I can’t forget.

It brings me a lot of benefit

Lives on the desk.


  • Just look at him
  • You will find out the days of the week.
  • Take the whole weekend,
  • If you're tired of evil everyday life.
  • And about the month that is in the yard,
  • You will find out in... (Calendar)

IN holidays needs to be decorated

And we can easily find it

Everything is new every day.

Alphabetical tape here,

It would be difficult for us without... (Stand)

We will never get tired of

This school food.

The chefs bake it

They give it to us in the canteen.

And a more pleasant walk,

If there is... (a roll) in your pocket


We go here after classes

And we find hobbies.

Offices of interest:

Dance, modeling and ballet class...

There is a friendly circle of hobbies here.

Of course, we go to... (Club)

Z riddles about school with answers will be a real find for teachers and parents who want to diversify the educational process and sow a love of knowledge and school in the hearts of children. Any holiday at school or kindergarten will be diversified by puzzles that both students and parents will be happy to guess.

Riddles about teachers will definitely appeal to schoolchildren, because those you encounter regularly are the easiest to recognize. However, these riddles can also be given to younger children who are already familiar with some professions that are close to their perception.

The teacher will solve any problem
And it’s easy to distinguish a circle from a square,
A long example will count in your head.
What kind of teacher is he, tell me?

Mathematic teacher

He easily scores balls into the basket,
He always plays volleyball and basketball,
You won’t find him faster in relay races.
What kind of teacher is he? Answer quickly.

Physical education teacher

With white chalk and a pointer
He's teaching us a lesson!
And he talks great
Our favorite...

This teacher owns a computer,
He can work on it and do calculations.
He will compose the program and burn it to a floppy disk.
What kind of teacher is he, do you children know?


As soon as the bell rings
How he comes to class.
He will tell us about the land,
About peace, happiness, goodness.
About letters, numbers and words,
About rivers, oceans, seas.
About sentences, cases,
Lakes, waterfalls, cities.

This teacher plays the flute
He composes the music and songs himself,
He sings wonderfully, I will say, without melting.
What kind of teacher is he, answer me, friends?

Music teacher

He comes to school early
He will tell everyone about Angola,
India, Iran, China,
You study, remember.

Geography teacher

He teaches children at school.
Strict, but forgives everything.
Helps you become smarter
He explains everything.

He will instantly hear a mistake in his speech,
He reads a lot and writes competently,
He would write any dictation with an A.
What kind of teacher is he, try to tell me?

Teacher of Russian language

Riddles about teachers will help preschoolers prepare for school, and students junior classes find out what subjects teachers teach at school. This online section contains the best and most interesting children's riddles about a teacher - not very complicated, many are accessible even to kids.

Nothing will warm you up like a mother’s warm word, nothing will calm you down like a teacher’s confident word. “He led me into the first class solemnly and respectfully. My hand is still in the hand of my teacher” - approximately this is how everyone’s school time begins and ends. This is a time of hope, accomplishment, disappointment and perseverance. This is the time of growing up and becoming new personality. This is the time of first love and mysteries for the future. This is a time that will be remembered as a warm and cozy place for already grown-up, but not yet fully grown children.

Unfortunately, parents are not given the opportunity to go through all the most important stages his life, however, they have the necessary and much needed people to help them - teachers. In elementary school, they try to provide not only knowledge, but also parental care, so that the still “unfledged” student will be as comfortable as possible when crossing the threshold of a new building, the threshold of a new life. Riddles about a teacher at this age will not only develop imagination, the riddle will help the sometimes difficult adaptation to a new regime and requirements.

Sometimes mentors with a capital “M” bring much more wise instructions into the lives of children than even parents and relatives. Of course, perfect option representative of an incredibly responsible and very complex profession. Unfortunately, not all children have a proper attitude towards their teachers and education in general due to their heap of complexes, grievances and life troubles, due to the lack parental love and education, due to simple desire to be needed and important. Such difficulties break the child’s psyche, subjugating the child to resentment, anger, and hatred.

In a situation where biological parents do not want (cannot) take care of their child, the teacher becomes the only person who is able to prevent the confused personality from completely trampling himself. It is he who will lend his shoulder in difficult times, it is he who can come to him with a request and not be refused. “Our everything” begins with teachers of such training for many seemingly devastated boys and girls.

When telling your children about school, reading books and solving intricate riddles, do not forget to mention the importance respectful attitude to teachers, trust and friendship. With this approach, it will be much easier for the child to endure all the difficulties that he will have to face at the new stage of life.

Welcome everyone to the quiz dedicated to Teacher's Day. The teacher is our everything. Teacher's work is honorable and grateful. There is always a special attitude towards a teacher - they trust him and value him.

The Teacher's Day quiz consists of three blocks. The first block consists of serious questions, the second - of humorous ones. The third block is devoted to questions about the school as a whole.
All questions have been answered.

1. At the beginning of our quiz, I want to ask you a riddle. Who are we talking about?

He comes to school early
He has big plans:
Teach children to write,
Think, calculate, decide.
Answer: it's about the teacher

2. What great teachers do you know?
Answer: L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky, A. V. Lunacharsky, A. M. Gorky, S. Ya. Marshak

3. What films, stories, stories dedicated to teachers do you know?
Answer:“French Lessons” - a story by Valentin Rasputin, “The First Teacher” - a story by writer Chingiz Aitmatov, the film “Big Change”

4. Do you think World Teachers' Day is celebrated?
Answer: Yes, this holiday was established under the auspices of UNESCO in 1994. This day is October 5th. Teachers' Day is celebrated in more than a hundred countries around the world.

5. Which student is the teacher’s favorite?
Answer: There are several possible answers. One of the bottom could be like this: “A student who studies well does it in a timely manner. homework. A student with diligent behavior."

II. The second block of the quiz is comic

1. In what case does a student say: “What am I, Pushkin?”
Answer: This is said when the answerer does not know the answer to the question. Most likely, it is believed that Pushkin (he is a genius!) knew everything

2. How does the student answer a question that, in his opinion, was not previously explained by the teacher?
Answer:“We didn’t go through this”

3. In what case do they say: “Play school?”
Answer: we're talking about about a children's game taking place outside the school walls. Both teachers and students in such a school are game characters

4. What little rhyme does the primary school teacher say when the children get too noisy?
Answer:"Chok-chok, teeth on a hook"

5. Name five characters from children's stories, cartoons, counting rhymes, and fairy tales whose names (titles) begin with the letter “C”?
Answer: Cipollino, Chip (and Dale), Siskin-Pyzhik, Chuk (and Huck), Chapaev, “Scarecrow” and others

III. Third block of the quiz - questions about school

1. What does the expression: “Ready for class” mean?
Answer: this means that homework has been completed, rules, theorems have been learned, and the paragraph has been studied

2. Who is a good player and who is a drummer? How are they different from each other?
Answer: practically nothing, this is a student who studies without C grades. His grades for the quarters and for the year are only good and excellent.

3. A spur is one of the elements used to control a horse. What does this word have to do with school?
Answer: so on spoken language means the word "cheat sheet"

Preliminary work:
The guys are cooking musical number from each class (preferably cheerful, humorous).

The progress of the holiday

M. Dunaevsky's song " School years" A group of students meets each teacher at the entrance to the hall and presents holiday cards with congratulations.
Teachers are seated in places of honor in a festively decorated hall.
A student comes on stage primary school with a festive bell (rings).
The roles of presenter and presenter are played by students.

The School Waltz sounds and the presenters take the stage.

1st presenter:

Good afternoon, dear guys and dear teachers! We all know that today professional holiday all teachers. Let me, on behalf of everyone present, congratulate you, our dear mentors, and sincerely wish you success in your hard work, patience, happiness, and health.

2nd presenter:

What kind of trials does a hectic life prepare for a teacher! Lack of money, excess of work, joy from the success of students, tears from undeserved resentment, fatigue from the endless bustle and a “second wind” from a kind word spoken at the right time. And today we want to tell you a lot of kind, sincere words of love, respect, gratitude, because most often we forget to do this every day.

The song is all together

Verse I.

Let me look at the Milky Way,

My star is there somewhere...

How difficult it is to step forward,

To the chick from his nest.

Who will support his flight?

Or will it fall like a stone from the sky?

Or maybe a kind hand

It won't let you fall, for sure!


The teacher is the keeper of the most important sciences,

And like our second parent.

He leads through life from childhood.

Teacher - teach us the main thing in life,

Tell us about truth and lies.

And what awaits you on long journeys?

Verse II.

Everyone comes to class for the first time,

And school is the whole world,

How each of us needs

A cherished guide to dreams.

Like a goal, like a beacon,

Come through storms and thunderstorms,

How to go through the darkness into the light,

For ten years - one answer!


Verse III.

And even after many years

We will need your advice,

So that school windows remember the light

Take us a ticket to childhood!


Behind the outskirts of Indian summer

This day moves us to tears.

Your holiday is at sea yellow color

Half-asleep aspens and birches.

2- Presenter.

Teacher's Day is a special holiday:

No garlands, no sparklers.

Do you carry knowledge so that

The world did not collapse into the abyss of shadows.


Sometimes you sigh: “Teaching councils,

Careless students..."

Your everyday life, alas, is not sung,

But things are so great!


How wonderful it is sometimes to transform

Yellow-faced naive chicks

In young educated geniuses,

In engineers, doctors, salesmen.


Having drawn up the curriculum,

Don't be sad, don't grumble!

Can you imagine how desirable

The fruits that you can give!


You won't be led off the beaten track

Not words, not dreams, not rubles.

Happy Teacher's Day to you, teachers!

We love you! We won't let you down!

For you, dear teachers, the students of our school have prepared their congratulations, somewhat touching and funny. We hope that they will delight you on this autumn day and put you in a great mood.


1st presenter

Today at our school

Big and important holiday!

Vanya and Kolya became quiet

And Mishenka the prankster.


Smart and serious

Everyone in our class became.

For various questions

We answered together!


Didn't jump on desks

Didn't run around the classroom

They read clearly and distinctly.

Still would! It's a holiday at school!


What day is it, tell me

So mysterious?!


Not just anyone, but a teacher

Hero at the party!


For all of us, like mothers

And dads, some!

We'll become like you

As soon as we grow up!


For knowledge about the world,

For the school bright world,

"Thank you" for your kindness

Today we are talking!


Stay like that

Health and happiness to you!

And smile more often

To family, friends and us!

And you. our dear teachers are already in a hurry to congratulate the 10th grade student

Congratulations from 10th grade Kamnev.V

Teacher, the days of your life are like one,

You school family you dedicate.

You are everyone who came to you to study,

You call them your children.

But children grow up, from school days

Walking the roads of life

And your lessons are remembered,

And they keep you in their hearts.

Favorite teacher, dear person,

Be the happiest in the world

Even though sometimes it’s hard for you

Your naughty children.

You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge.

Accept our gratitude!

We remember how you brought us into the public eye

From timid, funny first-graders.

Sketch "Happy Recess"

1st presenter. For you, dear teachers, the bell will now ring for a fun break. We invite you to take part in fun competitions.

Competition "Feel and Guess"

Blindfolded, the teacher guesses objects: chalk, pen, pencil, ruler, magnifying glass, compass, eraser, watch, etc.

2nd host of the Competition is called “Like Malakhov”

To conduct this competition we will need...tongue twisters. For example:
- The bull is blunt-lipped, the bull is blunt-lipped, the bull has a white lip and is blunt.
- From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field, dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves.
“You even stained your neck, even your ears with black mascara.” Get in the shower quickly. Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower. Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower. After your shower, dry yourself off. Dry your neck, dry your ears, and don’t dirty your ears anymore.
- A goat walks with a sideways goat, a goat walks with a barefoot goat, a goat walks with a sideways goat, a goat walks with a barefoot goat.
- The crab made a rake for the crab. The crab gave the rake to the crab: hay, rake the crab with the rake.
The winner is the participant who pronounces the tongue twisters faster and more clearly than the others.

Prize for the winner (the winner is selected by applause in the hall)

1st presenter of “Tasks for an inquisitive mind”

For this competition we will need 3 teachers (preferably mathematicians)

At the beginning of the competition, give each participant a sheet of paper in a box and a pen. Next you distribute to everyone “ test in two versions": sheets on which three tasks are written. Give some participants the first option and others the second option. Everything is like at school. For one correctly solved problem the participant receives a three, for two correctly solved a four, and for all problems a five. Those who achieve A grades become winners of the competition. Here are examples of problems:
1.) Traders and potters.
In one city all the people were traders or potters. Merchants always told lies, but potters always told the truth. When all the people gathered in the square, each of those gathered said to the others: “You are all traders!” How many potters were there in this city?
Answer: The potter was alone, because:
1. If there were no potters, then the traders would have to tell the truth that all the other traders are traders, and this contradicts the conditions of the problem.
2. If there were more than one potter, then each potter would have to lie that the rest were traders.
2.) Five pieces of chain.
There are five pieces of chain with three rings each. Which smallest number rings will have to be unforged and forged in order to connect these pieces into one chain?
Answer: The smallest number is three. You need to completely unforge one piece of the chain and use the three resulting rings to connect the remaining four pieces.
3.) A difficult puzzle.
If the puzzle you solved before you solved this one was harder than the puzzle you solved after you solved the puzzle you solved before you solved this one, then was the puzzle you solved before you solved this one, is it more difficult than this one?
Answer: Yes, it was.

While the teachers are solving problems, please accept congratulations from the 6th grade



2nd Presenter let's sum up the results and reward the winner

IN 1. We all learned a little bit
Something and somehow.

And everyone chose the path
And everyone chose their own path.

And those who were next to us,

Who taught and mentored us,

Today we honor
Thank you, teachers!

AT 2. We hasten to congratulate everyone gathered in this hall on a wonderful holiday - Teacher's Day. Our dear teachers, on this day we have prepared for you the most nice words congratulations and wishes.


IN 1. And now we would like to invite here the head of our friendly team of teachers - the school director.....

(Director's address)

AT 2. We thank you on behalf of everyone present, and, of course, we have not forgotten that this is your holiday too. (give flowers). We sincerely congratulate you on this occasion and wish you, no matter what, to continue to proudly bear the high title of Teacher.

1st B It’s time to relax and solve riddles for 2 willing teachers

Riddle competition "Vovochka"

Here's a little riddle for teachers that will make even the most brilliant teachers scratch their heads a little.
Imagine that Vovochka the good student is returning home from school. Mom asks:
- Are there any threes?
- No.
- Are there any deuces?
- No.
- Any comments?
- No.
- Let me see the diary!
After Vovochka the good guy gave his mother the diary, she got angry and slapped him on the head. What made mom furious if the reason for this was precisely in the diary, and Vovochka answered all the questions with true statements?

The answer is simple: there was a stake in the diary.

2nd Presenter Let's clap for our teachers, they tried hard

IN 1. Once again, it's time to evaluate your students' creativity.

Nhs Meet: …… 9TH GRADE


B-2 Dear teachers, the time has come to hear congratulations from those for whom this year at school will be the last. In just a year, when you meet your former students, you will be proud of their successes, worry about them and rejoice at their victories as if they were your own. In the meantime, welcome.

Nhs 11th grade


Presenter:1 Our teachers are selfless people. I have the impression that they are constantly at school. You come to school in the morning - they are already there, you leave school - they are still there. But each of them has a family, their own children, finally. And how do they manage to educate them?

Presenter:2 What a huge heart you need to have to spend it so generously on us day after day, year after year!

Congratulations from 7th grade


Presenter 2. All good things come to an end sooner or later. Our concert has also quietly come to an end.

Presenter 1. We want to once again congratulate you and sincerely thank you for giving us the most important thing in life - knowledge. With your hard work you make us smart people, ready to enter life path. Happy holiday to you, our dear teachers!

The song is all together

Oh, who’s smiling at us from the audience?
For whom does our song begin?
For whom was the entire hall decorated today?
First graders are surprised in the morning.
Oh leave me, the questions are different
Today the school celebrates teacher's day
so dance and sing more cheerfully
We congratulate our teachers.

We learn everything interesting from them
After all, there is so much unknown around
If you want to know a lot
So we have to take it apart
And quickly run to our class

Prepare different questions
Our teachers here are simply wonderful.
And for our two hundred thousand why
They will definitely answer what's what

Even in childhood, we come to understand
How nice and precious attention is
We say thank you for your patience and strength.
Today we are to our teachers

Chorus (2 times):
Happy holiday again

For us you are the best and simply wonderful
even if you get angry sometimes
anyway, you are always the best for us!