Why is the death of a loved one dreaming? Why dream of the death of a loved one

  • 14.10.2019

Why does the death of a loved one dream in a dream

There are frequent dreams about the death of loved ones and relatives who are alive, but the dream book the death of a loved one should not be interpreted as a literal prediction, with rare exceptions. The dream of someone else's death is scary, but it can become prophetic only in those dreamers who have already seen prophetic dreams more than once in their lives, but simply, in mediums - people who have established contact with the subtle plane. And, as a rule, after waking up, such a person has no doubts about whether a prophetic dream or not.

The keys to the interpretation of sleep - why the death of a relative is dreaming - are symbols of death that may be present in a dream. For example, a stopped clock, a black handkerchief, a broken mirror, potted flowers and black flowers. Only then can you prepare for bad news ... In other cases, you should not worry about what the daddy's death is about or what the mother's death is about, or what the grandmother's death is about, since this is just a reflection of the fear of losing loved ones, the dream book says the same death of a child. Such dreams, on the contrary, hint that the "deceased" will live a long time and quite happily.

If you dreamed about the death of a loved one who is not a relative, then the dream has a slightly different interpretation. For example, what is the dream of the death of a husband, and also what is the dream of the death of a friend for, or what is the dream of the death of a friend? This means that the "deceased" is on the verge of changes in his life, in this case, death symbolizes the changes that will occur with this person. Less often, a dream promises a certain crisis and a cardinal fracture with the "deceased" person, after which a state of inner harmony and balance will follow for several years.

Why is the death of a relative dreaming? The influence of this person on your life will noticeably decrease, you will see him less often, and common topics for conversation will gradually dry out. This may be due to changes in life, changes in worldview, etc.

According to the dream book, the death of a close relative is a reason to rejoice for the good health of this person. From a psychological point of view, sleep reflects causeless anxiety. And a feeling of guilt if in reality the relationship with a relative is far from good.

Why is the death of parents dreaming? In addition to purely psychological reasons (concern about the health of mom and dad, separation from them due to moving, quarrels and conflicts, etc.), there are interpretations of dream books. So, the death of a father seen in a dream is a warning signal: someone in reality wants to deceive you or drag you into a financial fraud. The death of a mother symbolizes significant changes in your life in reality: moving, getting married, having a child, etc.

According to the dream book, the death of the grandmother also symbolizes the most important turning points, but they await not only the dreamer, but the whole family.
The death of a grandfather means that in reality he will live a long time and maintain good health.

The psychological explanation of the dream about the death of a grandmother or grandfather is associated with the dreamer's concern about the health of his relatives, a desire to see them.

Why is your brother's death dreaming? This is a warning about being in your environment of people capable of meanness. The brother himself is not in danger - on the contrary, he will be distinguished by good health.

As the dream book explains, the death of a sister in a dream means that your family members need support, help, or just attention from you. In a situation of quarrel or disagreement, a dream reflects a subconscious desire to make peace with family.

If you dreamed about the death of a friend, this is a warning sign. In the near future, unpleasant news will arrive, which must be treated with cold blood.

The death of a friend is deciphered as follows: in reality you are in stress due to accumulated cases and lack of time.

See death in a dream always brings us the saddest and saddest thoughts. After all, we all want to see our loved ones alive and healthy and often perceive such dreams as a very bad sign and expect what will happen.

After all, dreams do not need to be interpreted literally, very often what you see does not carry anything bad in itself, or, on the contrary, such a vision can protect a person from bad influence or warn.

For a more accurate interpretation, you need to remember all the details of what you saw and find out the meaning by dream book of dreams.

As a rule, seeing the death of a relative or friend does not bode well. Most often, this is a symbol of the fact that there will be changes for the better in your destiny. The departure of a loved one symbolizes purification and a bright spiritual life. This is a sign of renewal, the withering away of old stereotypes, a sign of reincarnation.

Some dream books interpret death as the rebirth of the soul and energetic renewal. Many dream books also interpret death as a sign of great wars and global conflicts.

Death of a man who is alive

Such a dream most often means a big change in the fate of this person: he may suddenly change his place of work or his religious views. If you saw the death of a friend who is seriously ill, then this symbolizes a speedy recovery.

If you dreamed about the death of several people, this is a bad sign that carries global clashes, bloody wars and epidemics.

This video symbolizes your close spiritual connection. If you dreamed of the death of your husband while away, it means that soon he will safely return home. Sometimes such a dream serves as a warning about possible disease.

Such a dream speaks of big changes in personal life or it is possible to receive a large inheritance. If a relative spoke in a dream, then you were under bad influence and took the wrong path.

Take a closer look at your surroundings, maybe your close friends are up to something.

This dream portends the establishment of a good and trusting relationship with her. If a young woman had such a dream, it symbolizes an imminent marriage or pregnancy. If death was accompanied by a car accident or murder, then soon you will face a misunderstanding and you will have a lot of communication problems with relatives.

If your mother's death occurred from a serious illness, you have serious problems in the body. Visit your doctor and get tested.

Death of a man who is dead

If you saw in a dream the death of a person who died long ago, this is a bad sign. A twice deceased loved one tries in this way to warn you of impending danger or illness. If death happened before your eyes, then this portends a major quarrel due to inheritance.

If you dreamed about the death of a close friend or relative, this is a warning of impending trials and heavy losses.

If you saw the death of your father, be careful in your business and carefully weigh every decision you make. If you saw in a dream that your mother died - your relationship with her may worsen through your fault, you need to talk and ask for forgiveness, remember this and follow the advice.

Interpretation of the Chinese and Assyrian dream books

Such a dream means an imminent journey, and big changes for the better await your life. If you saw the death of a relative in a dream, then this symbolizes gold and wealth, a worldwide glory and royal honors.

Seeing the death of a loved one is a slight discomfort. Seeing the death of a young and healthy person is an unpleasant and boring conversation. If you see the death of a long-dead person - empty money chores.

Explanation of dreams of female and oriental dream books

If a woman sees in a dream a dying mother - for an imminent wedding with a rich groom. If your father is your best friend envies you. A dying husband means that she is with him live a long and happy life.

The death of a son or daughter - to a long separation from an old friend. Seeing that they killed your best friend - to the appearance of a healthy child.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

Seeing the death of your family is a sign that a special place has been prepared for you on Earth. If a sick person died, this is a sign of the cunning of enemies and injustice. Weigh each decision carefully to avoid make a fatal mistake.

If in a dream death is accompanied by groans and torment, then the Earth will face a global nuclear war, it will destroy all living things. All countries and continents will be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Such a dream has a philosophical meaning. Through what you see in a dream, you will gain enlightenment and clarity of mind. It's time to travel and reflect on your true destiny.

If you see the death of a close relative, this means spiritual rebirth.

If you clearly heard that the deceased is saying something - be sure to listen to his words, perhaps this is a warning about danger, remember this.

If you saw the departure of all your loved ones, it means that humanity is safe and does not face death for three thousand years.

To see the death of a close relative in a dream - in a year, a cure for all forms of cancer will be invented on Earth. To see a father dying of a serious illness - soon a new one will be born in Europe serial killer or maniac.

Death of a loved one - you have to live in an era of tremendous changes. Son or daughter - soon you will be informed about the plans of ill-wishers. If in a dream you saw a lot of blood - to great wars and destruction.

If a person passed away quietly and calmly, then nothing threatens him and soon his fate will become easy and joyful. If he dies in torment and suffering, then big trouble is to be expected.

He should be careful not to enter into conflicts in the family and at work. If you are in a quarrel with this person, then this is a symbol of the destruction of your relationship.

Perhaps you need to talk and ask each other for forgiveness.

If in a dream you saw a dying child - your undertaking will not be successful, there may be problems at a new place of work.

Seeing death portends the destruction of old relationships and new love. If a girl dreamed of the death of the groom - this is a symbol of his loyalty and self-sacrifice.

With this person you will find your happiness. If a young man dreamed of the death of a beloved girl - soon news from blood relatives. If you see an easy death - be careful, you are playing with fire.

If you dreamed of a dying old man - this is a sign of infidelity and deception, you were mistaken in your chosen one, take a closer look at him. A lot of blood in a dream - passionate and tragic love is on the doorstep.

If you dreamed of a dying blood relative - to longevity and prosperity. If he speaks or whispers words - conflict with relatives because of money or inheritance.

The death of a close friend marks the beginning of a new life. For a girl, this could mean pregnancy and easy labor.

If a man dreamed of his dying father, he will gain strength and all enemies will be defeated. If you dreamed of the death of your mother, you should not count on an easy victory in business, a series of difficulties awaits you.

If in a childless family someone dreamed that a baby died - expect soon additions to the family.

Dreams about the death of a loved one are usually unpleasant and fill the soul with sadness and disappointment. But interpreters of dreams very rarely consider such dreams to be prophetic - on the contrary, they most often predict a long, serene life, full of happy experiences, for a person who “died” in a dream. On the other hand, it is believed that such a dream is a direct indication to give this person maximum attention and care in reality, come to visit him, or at least call and ask about business. It happens that this dream is a direct consequence of your feelings about this person, feelings of guilt in front of him or anxiety. Perhaps you have some unresolved issue with him, an understatement that needs to be resolved, and a dream indicates that this should be done as soon as possible.

The people interpret the dream of the death of a relative in a curious way, believing that he is dreaming of a change in the weather. Perhaps this is so, but nevertheless, it is worth taking a closer look at what you saw, and trying to understand its deep meaning - after all, dreams carry us important information about our present and future, especially those associated with people close to us.

In any case, in order to understand the meaning of such a dream, it is necessary to take into account the degree of kinship with the person you saw and analyze other details of the dream.

What you should pay attention to

  • The dream in which you see the death of a relative is always interpreted depending on the degree of your relationship with this person. There are two main interpretations: a long and happy life of the “deceased” and a complete break in relations with him in the near future. The closer a relative is to you, the more likely the first version of interpretation will be fulfilled.
  • In the event that a relative is distant, and you are in a quarrel with him, such a dream is most likely a symbol that your relationship has been completely exhausted and cannot be restored.
  • A dream in which you see the death of a friend or friend, or a loved one, a spouse, promises quick and profound changes in your life.
  • In the event that in a dream about the death of a relative you noticed such unkind details as broken mirrors, glass or a stopped clock, the person you dreamed is in danger.
  • If the person you dreamed is currently sick, the dream promises him a speedy recovery.
  • How the person "died" also plays an important role. A quick and easy death means that the trouble that threatened you will not touch you. If a relative dies painfully, then the problems will not pass by and you need to be ready for them.
  • Seeing the death of your children - to conflicts in the family or at work.
  • If the mother dies, there is a high probability of becoming seriously ill. Pay attention to your health, undergo a preventive examination and review your regime and habits.
  • Seeing the death of a relative from an accident means in reality a panic fear of loneliness.

Other sleep options

  • If you are walking in a dream in a cemetery where a deceased relative has just been buried, then in reality you need to understand yourself and find answers to important life questions.
  • If you had a dream in which a relative died and immediately after that came to life, then in life you will soon experience a slight shock. Perhaps a pleasant acquaintance awaits you, from which an exceptionally warm mark will remain in your soul.

The loss of a loved one is one of the most dramatic and painful situations in life. Nevertheless, there are many cultures in the world that perceive death as the beginning of a new stage in the development of the soul, and in the event that this event appears to you in a dream, it should not be interpreted as an unambiguous tragedy. Therefore, let's carefully decipher what the death of a loved one who is alive in real life is dreaming of.

Dream about the death of loved ones:

Capturing the death of a relative means suppressing the pangs of conscience, getting rid of painful thoughts and persistent feelings of guilt. The same dream can reflect increased anxiety about the health and well-being of loved ones.

You should not take the dreamed death as an inevitable sign of an impending tragedy - rather, on the contrary, such a dream promises your relatives strong "Siberian" health. In turn, you will need to establish a relationship with them as soon as possible - suppress resentment, discard excessive pride and gain strength for sincere forgiveness. If the mother died in the dream, this should be regarded either as an excellent prospect to return warm communication with the parent, or as a warning against future shameful mistakes.

In the same case, when you had to witness the death of your father, it is likely that intrigues are actively weaving around him. By the way, if you are the owner of your own business, you should definitely reconsider the immediate environment and connections with business partners - it is possible that one of the trusted persons secretly started a money adventure. So, do not be upset if you dream about the death of a mother, child, father, grandmother and other relatives who are alive, do not look for bad signs here. It doesn't matter if it happened from Thursday to Friday, Monday to Tuesday, Friday to Saturday, or any other day.

The death of sisters and brothers is also a vivid indicator of family relationships. Most likely, the dream is designed to draw attention to gaps in communication with those who value you, or to the fact that loved ones are in serious difficulty and in dire need of help.

Anyone who saw the death of the second half in a dream urgently needs to take a closer look at the behavior of the beloved: it is highly likely that he is oppressed by your constant employment and scarce manifestation of care. The death of her husband, who in reality is plagued by a lingering illness, portends a speedy recovery; for a man, the dream of his wife's death indicates a deep fear of censure from society. Do not rush to share your hidden concerns with others!

If a widow had a chance to contemplate the loss of a spouse, deep down she probably feels guilty: subconscious experiences literally break through into her dreams. At the same time, the dream pushes the oppressed woman to stop wearing mourning - it's time to build life according to new rules.

There are plots when the dreamer acts as the savior of a close or completely unfamiliar person: a situation is approaching, the denouement of which will leave an imprint on many destinies. Saving a friend suggests that he needs outside support, but if the character in reality has long left this world, you risk becoming a victim of insidious deception because of your own kind-heartedness and openness.

If you dreamed about the death of a stranger:

The death of a stranger in a dream should be linked to the feelings and emotions that have arisen. If, at that moment, you clearly felt pity and empathy, it will be very difficult to give up the usual ideas, but this is what guarantees life changes for the better.

Feeling deeply satisfied at the sight of a dying person means easily shedding the burden of difficult memories.

A dream associated with the death of a stranger is a harbinger of significant changes in character and personal needs - it is likely that soon you will choose completely different guidelines. To turn the situation to your advantage, you need to show maximum zeal at work, having established yourself as a valuable and hardworking employee.

If in a dream you happened to see the death of a boss, relations with executives are expected to rise rapidly - your ambitions will finally be appreciated. In turn, the death of a colleague is directly linked to the atmosphere in the work collective: a period of harmonious coexistence begins.

The news of the death of a person:

If the news of someone's death shocked or made you experience panic, it will take a lot of effort from you to resolve the accumulated problems. In the event that the dreamer feels clear relief, current affairs will be unconditionally successful.

You can find out why a woman is dreaming of a living fish in water,.

For young ladies who have learned about the death of a loved one, the dream promises a new round in love relationships - perhaps a proposal for marriage. If the situation revolves around the former chosen one, new, even more exciting, romantic events await the girl.

Learning about the death of a distant relative means the prospect of receiving an unexpected inheritance. Well, if the deceased is brought to you by a close relative, you should seriously listen to parental advice. So, in any case, you should not take a dream seriously when the death of a person who is alive is dreaming, nothing bad will happen to him and to you.

Having fully considered the options for interpreting sleep, in which the death of a loved one occurs, one can understand the true reasons for the occurrence of this phenomenon. This proves once again that any dreams should be treated more attentively, as they can convey a lot of information useful to a person.

The interpretation of this dream by psychologists will be interesting. They argue that the death of another person (relative or close) rather indicates that in this way the dreamer simply wanted to distance himself from him for a while or to be alone.

Sleep is rightfully considered the most mysterious part of a person's life, and even modern science cannot fully explain the causes and meaning of dreams. And a modern person, against his will, has to understand on his own what warnings dreams are trying to convey to us.

It happens that with such a dream, death is perceived by the dreamer at the physiological level (lack of control over the body, paralysis, etc.). This state speaks of the helplessness of the owner of the dream in front of life's turns and the difficult choice of life.

A work colleague brings the news of the death of a loved one of mine. Tears rolled in her eyes and she is upset and cannot clearly explain which of my relatives has died in particular ... but she says my last name but does not remember my name ...

    ___li____ In dreams, death appears in different forms - it can be a FEELING OF DEATH or the realization of your desire. Subjectively, death can be both horrible and joyful.
  • ___li____ The feeling of death can be both psychological and physical. The physical sensation occurs in lucid dreaming when you have nightmares. This threat can be quite obvious or simply felt in a dream. If the threat is obvious, then the main subject of reflection should be its source (who, why, how is it threatening your life?).
  • ___li____ You can also talk about the spiritualistic feeling of death. People who actively acquire OUT-OF-THE-BODY EXPERIENCE often feel in their sleep that they cannot return to the body in time. In such dreams, the influence of the cosmos and spiritualistic phenomena on our life is clearly revealed.
  • ___li____ The thought of your own death is always troubling.
  • ___li____ It is possible to see a loved one / loved one dead in a dream for various reasons. Death is symbolic if a feeling of love and suppressed anger towards this person is simultaneously fighting in you.
  • ___li____ And, finally, the death of people dear to you can mark the end of a relationship: for example, if not one of your relatives dies, but the person with whom you had a romantic romantic relationship. The death of strangers is the continuation and transition of different aspects of your Self. Perhaps the central issue is the messyness of your life. The death of strangers also symbolizes stereotypes that are worth rethinking or exploring in order to better understand yourself. Have you encountered a situation where your stereotyped perception of others does not coincide with reality?
      • ___li____ Seeing your own death in a dream is a sign that you will have a long, happy life with your loved one. Such a dream suggests that you are destined for the fate of the messenger of God on Earth.
      • ___li____ If you dreamed that a very important person in the world was dying, then this dream is a great prophecy. He says that soon a wise ruler will come to power in one of the developed countries of the world, who will be able to establish peace and harmony between the inhabitants of different states. People will stop fighting and cursing each other. You will be offered a good deal that will hurt people. The salvation of your soul will depend on the decision you make.
      • ___li____ To see the death of a large number of people in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream prophesies a terrible epidemic, as a result of which millions of the world's inhabitants will die. A person whose opinion is not being listened to will find a cure for this disease.
      • ___li____ To see in a dream a man dying a painful death is a harbinger of a nuclear war, which the future ruler of one of the developed countries of Europe will start. As a result of this war, the great state will be wiped off the face of the earth, and the surviving people will sooner or later die a slow, painful death.
          • ___ li ____ Death is also a symbol of transformation and change. In some dreams, death must be perceived as a process of spiritual transformation, and the signal about the death of someone in a dream does not mean real sad events. Many processes associated with internal development are unexpected for a person, and the realization of this is often alarming, since he does not know what exactly will come to replace his former: how this will affect his life - whether it will get better or only get worse ...

If in a dream the death of a loved one came far from you, then expect career growth and an increase in wages, which is why you dream of an imperceptible departure from life. But for this you will have to make every effort. The dream book recommends postponing the solution of other issues for a while, since now the moment is favorable for promotion.

The dream book considers the death of a sister or brother in a dream as a symbol of problems in relationships. If this happened, then it is important to spend time and energy on restoring friendly relations.

In general, death is a sign of the destruction of pleasures, the delights of life and their loss. And sometimes it indicates a life of contentment and prosperity for someone who is in difficulty and poverty, and also, vice versa. She is also for the one who remembers her in a dream, is a sign of his insight and ingenuity. Sometimes she points to the afterlife and the need to prepare for it by repenting and stocking up on good deeds in this life. And sometimes she is a sign of deep conviction and true knowledge. Multiple deaths are troubles. Death also indicates a father-in-law, i.e. close husbands, and also indicates peace and rest. She sometimes indicates fear, horror and discord. It is also said: death is a journey. If a dead person comes in a dream and says that he is not dead, then he is in the degree of Shahids (martyrs for the faith). And whoever sees in a dream a deceased in good condition and laughing, then this is so (i.e. his soul is in Paradise and his sins are completely forgiven by Allah Almighty). Death is also a sign of goodness for someone who is in fear or sadness. Whoever sees that he has revived the dead, by means of this, a Jew or a Christian or a lost person will accept Islam, and if he sees that he is raising a multitude of the dead, he will guide a whole lost people on the True Path. It is also possible that an innovation will be introduced into the religion if an 'alim dies in a dream. The death of a parent is a life of want, the death of a wife is a loss of vitality and a loss of zest for life. Whoever saw in a dream that the imam of the mosque had died, devastation will occur in his homeland. He who sees someone else's death regrets something important. Seeing your own or someone's death, observing that the deceased is lying naked on damp earth, means that the person who died in a dream will be ruined or will really need something. To die yourself in a dream, to longevity. To die to oneself, and then to come to life, means to commit a sin in life, and then to repent. Anyone who sees that he died, how people gathered, washed him, wrapped him in a shroud, will achieve great success in worldly affairs, but he has faith and religious affairs ...

To understand what the death of a loved one is dreaming of, it is of great importance who exactly died. If the parents passed away in a dream, then the dream book connects this event with the receipt of a large amount of money. It can appear as an unexpected gift, inheritance, or a big win. In the coming month, feel free to buy lottery tickets, participate in promotions: all your actions are accompanied by success and luck.

When the death of a loved one is accompanied in a dream by a large loss of blood, expect small family conflicts. It is important to remain calm and restrained, otherwise a small quarrel threatens to develop into a protracted scandal, which is why flowing blood dreams. In this case, the dream book recommends giving in on unprincipled issues, which will help maintain home comfort and a friendly atmosphere.

If mom is alive, for many, such a dream can cause shock. Nevertheless, such a dream is one of the most auspicious signs. It portends longevity for your mother. If she is sick, then the dream predicts a speedy recovery and a long period of good health. If you dreamed about the death of your mother, this is a symbol of the attention of higher powers to your affairs. Also, perhaps the dream speaks of the need to improve relations with your mother. This is a cause for concern for you, which reflected the subconscious in your dream. In any case, such a dream will cause closer contact with mom.

Despite the unpleasant sensations, seeing the death of a person in a dream is not at all a bad sign. Such a dream does not portend someone's death or serious illness. Most often, a dream of death is a warning that serious changes will soon occur in life. Perhaps your life will change dramatically. But this will be a change for the better.