Ten (and five more) ways to cook vegetables. How to cook stewed vegetables: several recipes Stick vegetables

  • 11.04.2024

We enrich and activate our vocabulary. Consolidating knowledge nouns: salad, soup, juice, cucumber, tomato, potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, turnips, cabbage, radishes, peppers, garlic, eggplant, zucchini, squash, greens, parsley, dill, radish, pumpkin, beans, beans, peas, pods, tops, roots, fruits, seeds, tubers, leaves, heads of cabbage, salad, beetroot, vinaigrette, juice, bag, box, path, harvest, vegetable garden, bed, soil, planting, watering; adjectives: multi-colored, large, long, short, triangular, oval, ripe, unripe, ripe unripe, raw, boiled, hard, soft, bitter, sweet, sour, salty, juicy, healthy, light, heavy, fresh, large, small, red , green, yellow, ripe, unripe, tasty, tasteless, sweet, sour, bitter, salty, pickled, canned, raw, boiled, healthy, large, small, round, oval, elongated, oblong, smooth, ripe, fragrant, aromatic , juicy, vegetable; verbs: plant, care, grow, sow, loosen, ripen, water, ripen, collect, sprinkle, pull out, dig, cut, wash, grate, cook, stew, fry, eat, crunch, prepare, salt, ferment, can, pickle, grow, grow, ripen, water, weed, clean, dig, pluck, pull out, collect, dry, squeeze, rub, treat, clean, share; adverb: high, low, tasty, tasteless, healthy, harmful.

Games and exercises

Game “Greedy” (children 4-8 years old)
To the name of each vegetable we add the word “my”, “mine”, “mine” (my carrots, my cucumber)

Game “One - Many” (children 4-8 years old). Up to 5 years, the version of the game is shortened (without a lot of words).
Tomato - tomatoes - a lot of tomatoes
potatoes - potatoes - a lot of potatoes (potatoes)
eggplant - eggplant - a lot of eggplant
pepper - peppers - a lot of peppers
zucchini - zucchini - a lot of zucchini
pumpkin - pumpkins - a lot of pumpkins
carrots - carrots - a lot of carrots
beets - beets - a lot of beets (beets - meaning “many pieces”)
onion (bulb) - onion (bulbs) - a lot of onion (bulbs)
turnips - turnips - a lot of turnips
radish - radishes - a lot of radishes (radish - meaning “many pieces”)
garlic - garlic - a lot of garlic (many heads of garlic)
parsley - parsley - a lot of parsley
cucumber - cucumbers - a lot of cucumbers
pepper - peppers - a lot of peppers (meaning “many pieces”)
head of cabbage - heads of cabbage - many heads of cabbage
pea - peas - many peas
pod - pods - many pods

Exercise “Call it kindly” (children over 4 years old)
Cucumber - cucumber - cucumbers
tomato - tomato - tomatoes
potatoes - potatoes - potatoes
eggplant - eggplant - eggplants
pepper - pepper - peppers
pumpkin - pumpkin (pumpkin) - pumpkins
radishes - radishes - radishes
carrots - carrots (carrots) - carrots
beets - beets (beets) - beets
onion (onion) - onion (onion) - onions
turnip - turnip (turnip) - turnips
garlic - garlic - garlic
parsley - parsley - parsley
dill - dill - dill
cabbage - cabbage - cabbage
beans - beans - beans

Game “Say the other way around” (children from 5 years old)
The zucchini is big and the cucumber is small
the potatoes are large, and the radishes are ... (small)
the pepper is empty inside, and the carrots are ... (full)
the tomato is soft and the cucumber is ... (hard)

Game “Say the other way around” (children from 6 years old)
A good garden bed -……. bad bed
Old potatoes -…….. new potatoes
Heavy bag -......light bag
Big harvest - ………. small harvest
Clean carrot - ………dirty carrot
Ripe tomato - ...... unripe tomato

Exercise “Complete the sentence” (children from 5 years old)
The tomato is round, and the carrot... (oblong).
The tomato is red and the carrot...
The tomato is soft, and the carrot...
The tomato is sour, and the carrot...
A tomato has a seed inside, and a carrot...
Tomatoes grow on the ground, and carrots... (in the ground).

Game “Names of juices” (children from 5 years old)
Cucumber juice - cucumber juice
Beet juice - beet juice
Onion juice - onion juice
Tomato juice - tomato juice
Cabbage juice - cabbage juice
Pumpkin juice - pumpkin juice
Carrot juice - carrot juice

.We consolidate the ability to coordinate nouns and adjectives denoting color, shape, size, taste.

Development of auditory attention. Corrected sentences must be spoken in their entirety.
Let's make mashed potatoes from carrots.
Let's prepare beetroot salad from garlic.
Let's make carrot juice from onions.
Let's make cabbage pie from zucchini.
Let's make cucumber salad from tomatoes.
Let's make pea soup from radishes.
Let's make pumpkin jam from dill.

Game “Count” (for children from 5 years old)
1 tomato - 2 tomatoes - 5 tomatoes
1 cucumber - 2 cucumbers - 5 cucumbers
1 zucchini - 2 zucchini - 5 zucchini
1 pepper - 2 peppers - 5 peppers
1 beet - 2 beets - 5 beets
1 head of cabbage - 2 heads of cabbage - 5 heads of cabbage
1 head of garlic - 2 heads of garlic - 5 heads of garlic
1 clove of garlic - 2 cloves of garlic - 5 cloves of garlic
1 pea pod - 2 pea pods - 5 pea pods
1 pea – 2 peas – 5 peas

At 6-7 years old, you can complicate this exercise by adding a suitable adjective to the noun.
One crispy cucumber, two crispy cucumbers, etc.

“Harvest” (children from 6 years old)
An adult shows pictures of vegetables and asks the child to answer the question: “How is this vegetable harvested?” The child makes sentences - for example: cabbage is cut, etc.
Carrots, beets, turnips, radishes - ... (pulled)
Cucumbers, tomatoes, peas - ... (plucked)
Cabbage - ... (cut)
Potatoes - ... (dig up)

Classification of concepts “Which words are superfluous and why?”
Onions, turnips, plantain, lettuce (plantain is not a vegetable, but a herb);
garlic, radish, beets, currants
zucchini, strawberries, cucumbers, potatoes
chamomile, pepper, eggplant, pumpkin

Game “Guess the vegetable by its part”.
Head of cabbage – Tops –
Pod - Root –
Slice – Stem –
Cob – Clove –
Tuber – Bunch –

Game "Who can name the most qualities". Goal: agreement of nouns and adjectives denoting color, shape, size, taste.
Color - red, orange, green...
Taste - sour, sweet, bitter...
Shape - round, oval, triangular...
Surface - smooth, rough, uneven...
Tomato (what?) red, round, juicy, sweet, soft...
Beets (what kind?) are burgundy, round, juicy, sweet, firm...

Finger gymnastics

We chop and chop cabbage,
We salt the cabbage, we salt it,
We three - three cabbage,
We press and press cabbage.
(Imitation of movements.)

At the little girl Zinochka's
Vegetables in a basket: Children make their hands into a “basket”.
Here's a pot-bellied zucchini Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb.
Placed it on the side
Pepper and carrot
She laid it down deftly,
Tomato and cucumber.
Our Zina is great! Show thumbs up.

How many beds are there in the garden?
In Fedora's garden
Tomatoes grow in the beds,
And in Filat’s garden
Lots of different salads.
At Grandma Fekla's
Four beds of beets.
At Uncle Boris's
There are a lot of radishes.
At Masha and Antoshka's
Two rows of potatoes.
Alternately bend your fingers for every two lines of text.

Glad, two, three, four, five -
Let us help you reap the harvest.
Repeat the exercise after me. Bend your fingers on each name of the vegetable
In it, the sound T came to the garden.
Here's a pumpkin, and here's a tomato.
Here is cabbage, here is lettuce,
Cumin, potatoes, artichoke
And a parsley root.
Everything we grew Alternately clap your hands and then your fists
We will eat until spring.

Logorhythmic exercises (coordination of speech and movement)

We dug up potatoes
Cucumbers were picked from the ridge,
They pulled out all the carrots,
They cut the cabbage deftly
And in a basket from the ground
They brought it to you as a gift.
(Squats, bends, imitation movements.)

Repeat the exercise after me (Steps in place.)
We came to our garden.
Here's a pumpkin, and here's a tomato. (Extend your arms left, right.)
Here is cabbage, here is lettuce. (Bend over to your left leg, then to your right.)
Cumin, potatoes, artichoke (Straighten up. Hands on your waist, to your shoulders, up.)
And a parsley root. (Hands down.)
Everything that we have grown, (Spread your arms to the sides.)
We will eat until spring. (Hands down, straighten up.)

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and the goosebumps.
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Sometimes you look into the refrigerator or into a box of potatoes and see a sad sight: stale vegetables and fruits that are beginning to spoil. It's like they're waiting to be thrown into the trash can. We waste money on shopping and our time.

So that it won’t be so excruciatingly painful to throw away what’s spoiled, website I have collected the most valuable tips that will allow you to store vegetables and fruits for a long time and in the freshest form.

Do not wash anything before storing

Even perfectionists will have to get used to the fact that it is better not to wash vegetables and fruits before storing.

If the dirt irritates you, you can wipe it with a dry cloth. Otherwise, you risk washing off the protective film that prevents mold and rot.

Fruits and vegetables prefer dryness

Humidity promotes mold growth. It is best to wipe food dry before storing.

You can line the bottom of boxes or containers for storing fruits and vegetables with paper towels. They will absorb excess moisture and prevent rotting.

Place the avocado in a paper bag

Unripe avocados are best stored until ripe at room temperature, wrapped in newspaper or a thick paper bag.

After ripening, store it in the refrigerator in a bag.

Some fruits and vegetables cannot be stored in the refrigerator

Bell peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes are stored only at room temperature. In the refrigerator, peppers will lose their aroma and elasticity, and cucumbers and tomatoes will turn into an unpleasantly slimy substance.

We also do not store any unripe vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator. Only after ripening at room temperature can they be transferred there. Otherwise, they will rot unripe.

Banana petiole film

Bananas in the refrigerator will quickly turn black and lose their taste. They really need moisture, so it is best to store them wrapped Wrap the base of the bunch in cling film.

Water preserves cut and peeled vegetables

Fresh peeled and chopped radishes, carrots and celery can be stored in the refrigerator for an unusually long time.

However, for storage you need to place them in a container with a small amount of water. It is very convenient to use plastic food containers or ordinary jars with lids for these purposes.

Place vegetables and fruits in a warm area of ​​the refrigerator

The lower the storage temperature, the less aroma and freshness are retained. If you want to enjoy them longer, it is better to store vegetables and fruits where the temperature is higher.

We don’t store some vegetables and fruits nearby

Once ripe, some vegetables and fruits begin to emit ethylene gas more actively than others. For example, bananas, apricots, melons, pears, plums, mangoes and tomatoes.

Apples, eggplants, cucumbers, watermelon, potatoes, pumpkins, carrots, and broccoli that are sensitive to its effects, when placed next to the first group, begin to overripe and deteriorate. It is best to keep these two groups away from each other.

Onions and potatoes - in different boxes

If you put onions and potatoes in the same box, then soon enough even the youngest potatoes will begin to sprout and will no longer be suitable for preparing delicious treats.

Garlic and onions love the dark

Darkness is a friend not only of youth, but also of garlic and onions. Our grandmothers kept garlic in “braids”, and the onions are in nylon stockings in the underground.

Now you can buy special containers and place them in any convenient dark and dry place. You can store onions and garlic for a long time in paper bags by making holes in them.

Potatoes spoil in light

It is best to place it in a dry and dark place or in wooden, plastic boxes and baskets.

Add an apple to the potatoes

If you put one or a couple of apples in a box with potatoes, they will retain their freshness and all their properties longer.

We store asparagus as a bouquet

Having brought asparagus from the store, put it in a container of water. This way it will remain juicy and fresh longer.

Broccoli and cauliflower love moisture.

Store the broccoli stalk by dipping it in a container of fresh water and covering the inflorescences with a damp towel. The water is changed regularly and the towel is moistened.

The popularity of oven-cooked dishes is increasing every day. In addition, it is now fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle. This includes giving up bad habits, regular exercise, and proper nutrition. Realizing that baked dishes are much healthier than food prepared in the usual way, young housewives are wondering how to bake vegetables in the oven.

I would like to immediately note that dishes prepared in this way are not only healthy - they have a unique taste and aroma. This treat is perfect for a holiday table and will delight your household on a weekday. The main thing is to prepare it correctly: do not dry it out, and certainly not serve it half-raw.

In addition to meat, fish and poultry, almost any vegetables and most fruits can be baked in the oven. Products processed in this way are an ideal option for those who want to lose weight and at the same time eat deliciously.

Cooking vegetables in the oven requires certain skills and knowledge. Therefore, it is recommended that young and inexperienced housewives first learn how to bake the densest of them - potatoes, eggplants, peppers or zucchini, which will not turn into porridge if they cook longer than usually required.

Basic Rules

How to bake vegetables in the oven - in foil, in pots, in a frying pan, with cheese or in a sleeve - depends on the recipe and skills. But before you move on to cooking, it’s worth remembering the basic rules:

1. For baking, choose only undamaged, clean products of very high quality.
2. Before cooking, root vegetables should be thoroughly washed and dried with a paper towel, but not peeled. It is advisable to bake them on a wire rack set to the middle position in the oven.
3. Wash the peppers and tomatoes well. The baking tray with these vegetables should be placed in the upper part of the oven. Cook them for 10-15 minutes until the skin cracks.
4. Roast kohlrabi cabbage in the same way as root vegetables.
5. Peel and cook the onion whole, but you can cut it into large rings or slices.
6. Eggplants are baked in circles or whole halves. But fine cutting is also an option.
7. Remove the leaves from the cauliflower and divide the head of cabbage into forks, which should be washed and dried before putting into the oven.
8. Vegetables should not be salted before baking, otherwise juice will begin to leak out of them, and the dish itself will turn out limp and without a crust. This can be done before serving.

How to bake vegetables in the oven? In addition to the above basic rules, one more should be added. Many fruits can be prepared not whole, but in pureed form: puree, puddings, potato rolls and various casseroles. Some of them can be stuffed before cooking or after baking.

Cooking in foil

To bake vegetables in foil in the oven correctly, you need to know a few secrets:

1. Potatoes, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes and zucchini are baked in foil.

2. Potatoes should be medium in size, peppers should be fleshy, without damage, eggplants should be mature and firm. It is recommended to take young zucchini, and only large and medium ripe tomatoes.

3. For eggplants, zucchini and peppers, the stalk must be removed.

4. Each potato can be wrapped separately, but red and yellow peppers can only be wrapped together.

5. Eggplants, tomatoes and zucchini, like potatoes, are packaged individually, but so that the foil makes a pouch. Then it will be easy to open it to check the vegetable for readiness.

6. Tomatoes are baked for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. Other vegetables, except potatoes - 30 minutes.

7. To check the readiness of the peppers and tomatoes, you need to try to pierce the skin with a wooden toothpick. If this is easy to do, and the skin itself is separated from the total mass, the vegetables are ready. Potatoes, zucchini and eggplants are checked with a fork. It should fit easily into the finished product.

Most often, whole potatoes are baked in foil. Subsequently, it can be stuffed. Before cooking, potatoes should be salted, rubbed with spices and wrapped in foil. It simmers in the oven for about an hour, then is cut in half and stuffed.

The simplest recipe: baked potatoes with champignons

Products you will need:

  • 2 large potatoes;
  • red bell pepper;
  • bulb;
  • 6 fresh champignons;
  • parsley and dill - 30 grams each;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • soy sauce - 4 tablespoons.

Peel the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into cubes, the pepper into strips, and chop the onion as finely as possible. Wash the mushrooms and cut into four parts. Finely chop the greens and garlic. Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl, season with soy sauce. Cut the foil into squares. Place them on them and wrap them in a knot. Bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees. Determine the readiness of the dish by looking at the potatoes. Cooked vegetables in foil (in the oven) are salted and peppered only before serving. Spicy lovers can add crushed garlic.

Cooking in pots

We suggest you make baked vegetables in pots. They are prepared in the oven in the form of a portioned dish. Moreover, they bake both separately, for example, a lean stew, and with meat - a roast. Vegetables prepared this way are very aromatic and juicy. By following these rules, you can easily prepare a delicious dinner that every family member will enjoy. So, remember:

1. Place vegetables in a pot raw. This way they will steam and become more flavorful.

2. You don’t have to use oil at all.

3. If you have to add water or broth during the cooking process, use only hot liquid, and in small quantities. Otherwise, hot dishes may crack.

4. Pots prepared for baking are placed only in a cold oven.

5. Since the top layer always dries out during cooking, it is better to place vegetables on top that give juice - onions and tomatoes.

6. You should always close the pot tightly with a lid or foil, but best of all with dough. This makes the dish original.

7. The usual temperature regime for vegetables that are baked in clay dishes is 160 degrees.

8. Remove the finished pots from the oven only onto a wooden stand, and under no circumstances onto a burner or cold surface. They may crack.

9. Before serving, the dish should stand for a while. During this time, the vegetables in the pot will reach, and its walls will cool down a little.

Let's move on to practice

One of the best recipes is this summer one. It includes:

  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • cauliflower or any other;
  • pumpkin;
  • greenery;
  • milk - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • oil;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking process

There are no strict proportions in this recipe. It all depends on taste preferences. The main ingredient is potatoes. There should be more of it than other products. You need to add very little pumpkin, carrots and onions. Peel, wash and cut the vegetables into cubes. Place everything in pots, add salt and pepper. Place a few pieces of cheese and butter on top, add milk and cover with lids or foil. Cook for 30-45 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Before serving, sprinkle the stew with herbs.

Cooking in the sleeve

Baked vegetables in the oven - in the sleeve - are more aromatic than boiled or steamed. They can be served as a side dish or as an independent dish. Salads made from these vegetables are very tasty. But there are rules here too:

1. The sleeve may swell during baking, so it should be placed so that it does not come into contact with the walls of the oven.
2. The sleeve should be placed on a baking sheet or other heat-resistant dish with a flat bottom, and under no circumstances on a wire rack.
3. To make the dish with a crust, 10-15 minutes before it’s ready, cut the film on top and push its edges apart. Be careful not to get burned by the steam!

You can prepare an excellent side dish in the sleeve - baked potatoes with mushrooms. Required Products:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 500 grams of champignons;
  • two small zucchini squash (or one pumpkin);
  • large onion.

For the sauce you will need:

  • 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 2 teaspoons paprika;
  • 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 2 teaspoons dried parsley;
  • salt and fresh herbs - to taste.

Cooking process

Wash, peel and cut vegetables. Prepare the sauce in a bowl and add the remaining ingredients. Mix everything carefully and set aside for 25-30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees. transfer to sleeve. Bake for 30-40 minutes. Then turn off the oven and let the dish stand for another 10 minutes. Place the prepared vegetables on a plate and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

The transparent sleeve allows you to observe the cooking process and control the formation of the crust. This is its advantage over baking in pots or in foil.

Cooking with cheese

Oven-cooked vegetables with cheese is a dish that is perfect for vegetarians. It is best to bake this dish in pots or other heat-resistant containers. Basic cooking rules:

1. All vegetables are cut into equal pieces, but not large, and placed in a container for cooking in layers.
2. Do not compact the crushed products, but fold them loosely so that the sauce can penetrate properly into all layers.
3. Sprinkle any dish on top and cover it with pieces of butter.
4. The pot is placed in a preheated oven for 30-45 minutes, temperature setting - 180 degrees.

The most common recipe: baked tomatoes with cheese

For this dish you will need the following products:

  • ripe tomatoes;
  • zucchini;
  • potato;
  • sauce.

Wash and chop all vegetables. Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil. Fold all ingredients in layers. The sauce is chosen to taste. Sprinkle the top of the dish with grated cheese and butter. Bake for 40 minutes over medium heat. As soon as a crust forms, you can turn it off. Decorate the finished dish with sprigs of herbs.

Cooking delicious vegetables in the oven is easy if you follow all the above rules. It only remains to add that baked products can be served as a separate dish or as a side dish. If you choose the second option, then you should consider what they are best suited to. So, potatoes, beans, peas or Brussels sprouts are served with fish, and beets are served with stewed pork.


Knowing how to bake vegetables in the oven, you can significantly diversify your menu and at the same time maintain your figure. But it’s even more pleasant to realize that such food is much healthier than dishes prepared in the traditional way. Bon appetit!

Many people underestimate the potential of vegetables, considering them something secondary, like an optional addition to meat or fish. Almost everything is prepared from the latter, except perhaps desserts; vegetables are destined for the role of a side dish, or, at best, an appetizer before the main course. At the very least, this is not fair. The vegetable fraternity should be respected no less than their more fortunate neighbors in the refrigerator, and the number of different ways in which they can be prepared will be the envy of many other products. Of course, I'm not encouraging anyone to become a vegetarian, but you may end up loving vegetables a little more after reading this article.

They deserve it.

Bake in the oven

Baked vegetables can serve as a main dish or as a side dish. The good news is that you can do this with many, if not most, vegetables. For example, place carrots on a sheet of foil, season with salt, pepper and cumin, seal the foil and bake in the oven until tender. You can bake potatoes, beets, fennel, onions, and so on in various ways.


With this, I believe, there will be no questions. I can only recommend using it instead of a regular frying pan and cooking over high heat so that the vegetables do not lose their color and crispness. The thinner you cut the vegetables, the faster they will cook.


In order to cook vegetables, such as carrots, in this unusual way, you should boil them until soft, then fry them in syrup, stirring constantly. There are a great many variations of this recipe, but the end result should be bright vegetables with a sweet taste, pleasing to the eye with a shiny glaze. You can also glaze beets, turnips, onions, or even sweet potatoes if you can get your hands on them.


Prepare the salad

The salad can be prepared from any vegetables, they seem to be created for this, so you shouldn’t be afraid of experiments. If you serve salad as a side dish, remember that, firstly, it should not be too heavy, and secondly, it should not distract the eater’s attention from the main dish (unless, of course, this was not intended by you from the very beginning).


Blanching is a great method for all vegetables that can be eaten raw. If you plunge vegetables into boiling water for a few moments, they will cook on the outside but will remain fresh and crispy on the inside, enhancing both the flavor and texture. You can also blanch leafy vegetables, from regular lettuce to cabbage. Blanch the leaves, place in a colander to drain, then season with olive oil and salt and garlic.

Cook in batter

Tempura, a battered cooking method invented by the Japanese (or rather, borrowed from the Portuguese), is also suitable for vegetables. Carrots, sweet peppers, pumpkin, zucchini, green beans, broccoli, onions, mushrooms and so on are suitable for it. It's very simple - chopped vegetables are dipped in batter and then deep-fried. Vegetable tempura can be served with sauce as a hot appetizer or main course.

Put out

Stewed vegetables are a dish familiar from childhood, and probably no one needs to learn how to cook it. Well, if at some point it seems to you that stewing vegetables is boring and uninteresting, remember that you can use not only water for this. Give the zucchini a quick boil and then finish cooking in the cream and you won't be disappointed.


Zucchini or peppers with minced meat are familiar to everyone, so if we want to cook something unusual, we’ll have to use our imagination. How about potatoes stuffed with mushrooms or small cherry tomatoes stuffed with cheese as a cold appetizer? Just look at your existing products from an unusual angle and you will have no shortage of ideas!

Cook in

Sous vide is a relatively new cooking method in which food is sealed in vacuum bags and cooked in a water bath at the cooking temperature, and not a degree higher. This allows you to get dishes of amazing taste and texture, which retain a maximum of vitamins and nutrients, and vegetables, fortunately, can also be prepared this way.

Make a casserole

Vegetable casserole with a golden cheese or bread crust is another way to prepare a tasty, satisfying and warming vegetable dish. Grease a baking dish with butter, add chopped vegetables, add liquid (such as cream or wine) if necessary, season well, sprinkle with grated cheese or breadcrumbs, and bake until done.


The grill is the best compromise if you want to cook a tasty dish using a minimum of fat, and many vegetables do well on the grill. In the hot season, it is better to cook vegetables outdoors, but winter is also not a reason to deny yourself a grill: an electric grill for the kitchen will come to the rescue.

Make pancakes

Vegetable pancakes are a wonderful dish that is familiar to everyone since childhood. By the way, it is not at all necessary to prepare pancakes from long-familiar zucchini and potatoes. How do you like the idea of ​​making tender, airy pancakes with leeks or the usual carrots?

— I believe that in a culinary sense, mushrooms can be considered as vegetables.