Types of management depending on the functional orientation. Characteristics of the main types of management

  • 31.03.2022

Lecture 10. The concept and content of various types of management

Types of management - special areas of management activities related to the solution of certain management tasks. On the basis of the object, general and functional management are distinguished (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Objects and types of management

General or general management consists in managing the activities of the organization as a whole or its independent business units (profit centers).

Functional or special management is the management of certain areas of activity of the organization or its units. For example, innovation, personnel, marketing, finance, etc.

On the basis of content, there are normative, strategic and operational management.

Regulatory management provides for the development and implementation of the philosophy of the organization, its entrepreneurial policy, determining the position of the organization in a competitive market niche and the formation of common strategic intentions.

Strategic management involves the development of a set of strategies, their distribution over time, the formation of the organization's success potential and the provision of strategic control over their implementation.

Operational management provides for the development of tactical and operational measures aimed at the practical implementation of the adopted strategies for the development of the organization.

Organizations have certain processes for managing objects. These include personnel management, operations management, etc. However, these are at the same time private types of management that take place in organizations. They have corresponding names: personnel management, operational management, etc.

To achieve goals in any type of management, it is necessary to purposefully influence the teams of departments, individual employees, and coordinate their activities.

Operational management. Operational management has always been one of the main factors determining the efficiency of an enterprise. Various operational management strategies provide a significant improvement in performance indicators, process reliability and competitiveness of the company as a whole. There are several definitions of the concept of "operational management" (operations management):

This is the activity of managing the process of acquiring materials, turning them into a finished product and delivering this product to the buyer;

This is the management of the production of goods and services;

These are activities related to the development, use and improvement of production systems, on the basis of which the main products or services of the company are produced, etc.

Strategic management. A strategic approach to management means the creation of a unified enterprise management system focused on stable activities in the long term, strengthening competitiveness and increasing efficiency. Strategic management- is the management activity associated with setting the goals and objectives of the organization and maintaining a series of relationships between the organization and the environment that enable it to achieve its goals, correspond to its internal capabilities and allow it to remain susceptible to external requirements.

Innovation management. Innovation management (R & D and implementation of their results in production) is one of the main areas of activity of any company. In the world economic literature, "innovation" is interpreted as the transformation of potential scientific and technological progress into real, embodied in new products and technologies. There are many definitions of innovation, for example, I. Schumpeter interprets innovation as a new scientific and organizational combination of production factors motivated by an entrepreneurial spirit. Innovation management- a set of principles, methods and forms of management of innovative processes, innovative activities, organizational structures engaged in this activity and their personnel. Innovation management, like any direction of management, is associated with the implementation of management functions (planning, organization, motivation, control). The subject of innovation management is the innovation management system, covering innovation processes at the level of one organization and on the scale of the state economy.

Personnel management. One of the key factors in the production of any type of goods and services, along with investment capital (fixed assets and working capital), is labor resources. The effective management of labor resources as a special function of activities related to the recruitment of workers, their training, evaluation and payment of their work, is an important prerequisite for the effective functioning of production. Trained and qualified employees who are on the staff of the enterprise are called its personnel, or personnel. The main goal of personnel management is to provide the enterprise with employees that meet the requirements of this enterprise, their professional and social adaptation. personnel management- this is an activity in enterprises (in organizations), aimed at the most efficient use of employees to achieve organizational and personal goals.

Quality management. There is a direct relationship between such management categories as efficiency and quality. The quality of the product produced increases the market share of the enterprise, helps to survive in a competitive environment, leads to cost reduction and, ultimately, improves the efficiency of the entire production. Quality management is a system of measures to ensure the guaranteed quality of a product or service.

Unlike operational management, the concept of production management is already associated only with production activities. However, it should be considered in more detail, because. For manufacturing companies, it is essential. Production management is an activity that relates to the creation of goods.

Activities to create goods and services exist in all organizations. In manufacturing organizations, this is production activity. For such activities, it is best to use the term "production management". In other organizations that do not create physical goods, the production functions are "hidden" from the customer. This could be an activity that takes place in a bank, an airline office, or a university. Such production activity (service) is usually related to operations or operational management.

In production management, economic managers and numerous governing bodies most often act as the subject of management. The objects of management are enterprises, labor collectives, workers, production factors in the form of tools and objects of labor, natural resources, scientific, technical and information potential. Control actions are represented by laws, decrees, plans, programs, resolutions, standards, recommendations, instructions, materials and financial incentives and levers, moral influence. Feedbacks are the results of direct observations and control by the subject of management: documentation, reporting, etc.

The central link in production management is the enterprise. Each enterprise produces products, goods, services, carries out its main activity. This is its main goal and task, the meaning of existence. It follows that the basis of enterprise management is the management of the production process, regardless of whether goods or services, knowledge or information are produced in the organization.

In order to produce any economic product, it is necessary to use factors of production, economic resources: labor, equipment, raw materials, materials, information, money. Consequently, enterprise management includes the management of employees, means of production, production resources, finance, technology.

All of the above is the basis of production management, is its subject. Based on this, production management can be defined as a system of forms and methods of managing the economy of an enterprise, aimed at achieving optimal results in its production, commercial and financial activities.

The main types of management

1. Strategic management- management, which deals with the solution of the most important, global problems of the organization as a whole. Strategic management is aimed at determining the global goals that the organization is striving for. The main object of attention of strategic management are: 1) the mission of the organization; .2) problems with the organization's external environment; 3) setting plans for the long term;

2.Production management is aimed at making decisions regarding the use of certain technologies, equipment loading, volumes and structure of output, in other words, at optimizing the production process. Optimization involves the search for such an organization of production, in which the resources available to the enterprise (materials, equipment, cash, labor) are used most profitably, in such a way that they bring the maximum possible benefit at minimal cost.

3. Personnel management aims to improve the efficiency of the use of personnel. A manager working in this area must resolve issues related to the search, training and advanced training of employees. In addition, the task of the human resources manager is to develop methods for stimulating and rewarding employees, thanks to which their work will be more fruitful. Finally, the HR manager must ensure that the professional level of employees is high enough.

4. Marketing management"responsible" for organizing the relationship of the organization with the market. And this implies, firstly, the organization of effective obtaining of information about the market: about consumers, their desires, about competitors and the goods they offer. Secondly, the tasks of marketing management include managing the most important decisions regarding how an organization presents its product or service on the market, that is, product positioning, advertising, etc. The main goals of marketing are: 1) extracting sustainable (or maximum) profits and 2) gaining advantages over competitors.

5.Innovation management is aimed at creating and introducing new types of goods or services, as well as technologies. To do this, it is necessary to conduct numerous studies, to decide in what form the product will be favorably received on the market, to determine how to make the costs of producing the product minimal. Naturally, innovation management solves issues related to the introduction of new developments into production.

Basic principles and functions of management in modern conditions.

Management principles

Specific features of management, i.e. creativity of managers are implemented using certain principles.

Principles - rules, norms, instructions for action.

The market concept of management required a revision of the principles of management. New principles related to the informal management model were formulated:

loyalty to employees;

responsibility is a prerequisite for successful management;

the atmosphere in the company, conducive to the disclosure of the abilities of employees;

timely response to environmental changes;

establishing the share of each employee in the overall results;

methods of working with people that ensure their satisfaction with their own work;

communications penetrating the company horizontally and vertically;

direct participation of managers in the activities of groups at all stages as a condition for coordinated work;

honesty and trust in people;

the manager's ability to listen to everyone he encounters in his work;

business ethics - the golden rule of management;

the quality of personal work and its continuous improvement;

reliance on the fundamental foundations of management: quality, costs, service, innovation, resource control, personnel.

Management functions

Specific features of management, i.e. creativity of managers are realized through certain functions.

Functions - types of activities with the help of which the subject of management (manager, enterprise management apparatus) influences the managed object (labor collective).

Control functions are:

general - part of the management cycle, characterized by a regular type of activity;

specific - determined by belonging to a specific stage of the production process;

special - a subfunction of a specific function.

At the same time, the objectively necessary functions are:

organizational and technical (harmonization and coordination of activities in the production process);

socio-economic (control over labor, use of machines and mechanisms).

Any enterprise is considered as a complex system for which it is necessary to determine the composition of management functions and take into account the following factors:

resources: material, labor, financial, equipment, buildings, structures, information, production technology, product;

management decision-making cycle: preparation, approval, implementation, evaluation;

product life cycle stages.

Types and levels of management is a topic relevant for any company. There is no enterprise where attempts were not made to build an effective personnel management system and, as a result, an algorithm for achieving the set goals. Competent management of various groups of specialists in conditions of constant development is a complex but necessary process.

What is management

This term is relevant when it comes to managing the activities of various groups of employees both within a particular department and the entire enterprise as a whole.

Accordingly, the people responsible for the organization of quality management are called managers. Their key task is the competent formation of the labor process, its planning, control and motivation of personnel. The result of such efforts should be timely achieved goals of the company.

Therefore, modern management is a constant desire to develop and improve the quality of work. It is worth noting the fact that professional management can produce tangible social change. An example is the growing popularity of quality education driven by the desire to get a good job.

Who is a manager

Without effective leadership, the development of modern companies is not possible.

If we use the actual meaning of the terms, then a manager can be called a manager or leader who has sufficient authority to solve various problems related to specific types of enterprise activities.

  • heads of the enterprise, as well as its divisions (these can be departments, divisions, etc.);
  • organizers of various types of work, acting within the framework of program-target groups or divisions;

  • administrators, regardless of the level of management, whose responsibilities include the organization of the labor process, taking into account modern requirements;
  • leaders of any group of specialists.

Regardless of the profile, the key task of a manager is always to manage employees for the qualitative implementation of the tasks set.

Key features

Based on the above information, we can conclude that the essence of management comes down to planning, motivation, organization of the process and its control. In fact, this is the purpose of management.

Thus, the main functions of the leader have the following structure:

  • planning;
  • organization;
  • motivation;
  • control.

Regarding planning, it should be noted that within the framework of this function, the most relevant goals for the company are determined and a strategy for achieving them is drawn up, up to the formation of an algorithm for the work of employees at all levels.

Enterprise management at this stage includes work with several key issues:

  1. Where is the company currently located?
  2. Where do you need to move?
  3. What exactly will this movement look like (plan, resources, etc.)?

It is thanks to planning that the company's management determines the key areas in which it is necessary to make the main efforts.

The organization of an enterprise is, in fact, the process of creating and developing an existing, as well as a new structure. In this case, the work of managers is focused on taking into account all facets of the company's internal processes in order to ensure their competent interaction. In the presence of a high-quality formation of all processes and a global algorithm for the progress of the enterprise, all employees and managers will contribute to the effective achievement of the goals set.

Also, the management system allows you to accurately determine who and what functions in the enterprise should perform.

Modern management is difficult to imagine without competent motivation. The bottom line is that the algorithm of actions and development will be successful only if all groups of employees are able to perform the functions assigned to them on an ongoing basis. To do this, managers develop a system of staff motivation, which allows you to maintain a high level of interest in the exact achievement of goals.

Management also includes control. The fact is that due to some circumstances, the processes within the company may deviate somewhat from the original algorithm and the fulfillment of the tasks set will be in question. To avoid such processes, managers pay a lot of attention to monitoring the work of their subordinates.

Top management

There are always few managers representing this category in the enterprise. The duties entrusted to them are significant. But they can be reduced to the following concept: competent development and subsequent effective implementation of company development strategies. As part of this process, senior managers make important decisions that require appropriate competence. This group of leaders may be represented, for example, by the rector of an educational institution, the president of a company, or a minister.

Considering the levels of management, it should be understood that the highest segment is responsible for shaping the course of the entire enterprise. That is, these specialists actually choose the direction of development and determine how to effectively move within the designated course. An error at this level can lead to significant financial and structural losses.

For this reason, a high level of management implies active mental activity and a deep analysis of the work of the company as a whole and each of its departments in particular.

middle link

This group of managers controls the managers of the lower category and collects information about the quality and timing of the tasks they set. Managers in the processed form transfer this information to top managers.

The middle levels of management in a company sometimes require the hiring of so many specialists that they are divided into separate groups. Moreover, the latter may belong to different hierarchical levels. For example, some enterprises form both upper and lower levels of middle management.

Such managers usually manage large departments or divisions of the company.

Lowest link

Managers in this category are also called operational managers. This group of employees is always numerous. The lower level of management is focused on monitoring the use of resources (personnel, equipment, raw materials) and the fulfillment of production tasks. At the enterprises, foremen, the head of the laboratory, the head of the workshop and other managers are engaged in such work. At the same time, within the framework of the tasks of the lower link, it is possible to move from one type of activity to another, which adds many additional facets to the work.

According to studies, due to the variety of tasks and the high intensity of work, the lower levels of management are associated with a significant workload. Those who occupy such a position need to constantly move from the effective performance of one task to the solution of another.

In some cases, one stage of work can take a little more than a minute. With such a frequent change in intraday activities, consciousness is in constant tension, which is fraught with protracted stressful conditions.

Such managers do not communicate with higher authorities very often, but they communicate a lot with subordinates.

General management features

This form of management finds its active implementation within the framework of modern capitalist society.

General management is needed when there is a need for management methods and approaches suitable for any area in various socio-economic systems, regardless of the level of leadership.

This category includes various management methods and functions (accounting, organization, planning, analysis, etc.), as well as group dynamics and mechanisms used to develop and subsequently make decisions.

General management levels

There are several levels of this form of management, which are used depending on the situation. They look like this:

  • Operational. The key task in this case is the competent regulation of processes related to the production of a product in conditions of scarcity of resources.
  • Strategic. Within the framework of this direction, promising markets and relevant products are identified, the desired management style is selected, and a tool is selected to regulate the process.
  • Normative. Here, the management of the enterprise is focused on the development of rules, norms and principles of the game, allowing the company to gain a foothold in a particular market and strengthen its position over time.

Functional management structure

This system is necessary for the organization of effective management in certain areas of the company. That is, it, unlike the general one, is not universal and covers various functions separately. This approach includes up-to-date schemes for the implementation of the company's goals, depending on the scope of management tools, type of business and social environment.

The functional management system includes the following areas of management:

  • financial;
  • industrial;
  • investment;
  • information control algorithm;
  • personnel management.

All these areas are more than relevant, since the process of division of labor has led to the emergence of numerous facets of the enterprise as such. In addition, the specifics of each area of ​​business creates its own unique working conditions.

Innovation management

This scheme of management organization should be given special attention. The bottom line is that markets are constantly changing, divided into separate segments and giving life to new directions, there is a need to develop technologies and products that meet today's ever-increasing requirements. This is what this type of management is focused on.

Such a system is needed for effective management of processes related to the creation, dissemination and subsequent application of technologies, as well as products that can meet the needs of a progressive society and will have scientific and technical novelty.

In innovation management, the goal is also to create an environment that allows targeted search, preparation, and implementation of the innovations necessary to maintain competitiveness.


Management levels and their characteristics, as well as various types of management, are an integral part of the modern economy, without which companies simply cannot meet the ever-changing market requirements.

On the one hand, it precedes the analysis and selection of factors important for classification, and on the other hand, it is based on various combinations of these factors for different types of management. This allows us to evaluate the possibility of both theoretical and practical development of a particular type of management through the development of certain factors on which it is based.

The use of this classification allows the manager, when solving practical problems, to choose the most appropriate type of management for the conditions of a particular problem. At the same time, it is possible to drastically reduce the time spent on finding the most suitable management techniques, increasing its efficiency.

Figure 1.4 Classification of types of management

Classification of management types according to the methodology of interaction with the control object:

* t a di ration th. The traditional approach is developing and using the principles and rules of management, suitable for any organization. The traditional approach understands management as a fairly simple one-dimensional interaction of people and (or) organizations. In fact, such management proceeds from the fact that all objects of management are the same and respond in the same way to the same impacts. The systems approach focuses on the interaction of parts in an organization and draws attention to the importance of examining each individual part in the context of the whole. The main elements of the system approach are: entry into the system (incoming resources); the process of converting Receding Resources into a product; logout (product); feedback (knowledge of the result, affecting the chain in the opposite direction);

* systems focuses on the interaction of parts in an organization and draws attention to the importance of studying each individual part in the context of the whole. The main elements of the system approach are: entry into the system (incoming resources), the process of converting retreating resources into a product, exiting the system (product), feedback (knowledge of the result, affecting the chain in the opposite direction);

* situational. The situational approach is based on the fact that in the management of an organization there is not only one set of principles (rules) that could be used in all situations. In systems engineering, a situation is understood as a triple: “state of the control object” - “available control actions” - “consequences of control actions”;

* socio-ethical. Socio-ethical management is aimed at reducing the likelihood of making decisions that can lead to inadmissible damage to the financial, technological, technical, personnel, external and internal ructuram objects falling within the sphere of influence ma solutions. At the same time, the object of activity is chosen as a result of social and ethical marketing, and operations are considered that do not have the purpose of causing unacceptable damage (military, special, etc.). objects, falling within the sphere of influence of the decisions made, at various levels of the hierarchy can be attributed: individuals (consumers, intermediaries and personnel), legal entities (suppliers, intermediaries, consumers), wildlife, society as a whole, if their dependence on these decisions cannot be considered negligible. Goals of management (for example, profit maximization, etc.) in social and ethical management should take into account as a limitation the requirement not to cause unacceptable damage to other elements of the market system. This requirement should also be taken into account when formalizing management goals in the process of synthesizing the criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the decision being made. For example, the criterion can be formulated as follows: “Maximize net profit, while avoiding certain consequences (recognized as unacceptable: changes in market shares of more than 3% in a calendar period, price changes of more than 2% per month, etc.) for certain market participants. Socio-ethical management can be used to manage social processes, ensure life safety, legal regulation and other areas of life;

* moral and ethical. Mor al but- this ches ki m (or Japanese) is called personnel management at paternalistic attitude towards employees (including lifelong employment), with significant use of moral incentives, learning by doing through staff rotation, etc. This type of management is most clearly practiced in Japan. Therefore, it seems possible to call it Japanese. It is practiced only in relation to personnel;

* stabilization is aimed at stabilizing the financial, technological, technical, personnel, external and internal structure of the organization.

The need for correspondence between the types of management and planning is due to the fact that management includes as components: planning, motivation, organization, control. Therefore, management can be considered as a tool for the implementation of relevant plans. And there can be no less types of management than types of plans. Moreover, it seems natural that the type of management, when classified by the time of occurrence of consequences for the control object, should correspond to the type of plan.

Types of management according to the time of occurrence of consequences for the control object and the environment:

* strategic. Strategic planning is a set of actions and decisions taken by management that lead to the development of specific strategies designed to help the organization achieve its goals. Strategic planning is implemented through the allocation of resources, adaptation to the external environment, internal coordination and organizational strategic foresight. Strategic management is the managerial process of creating and maintaining a strategic alignment between a firm's goals, its marketing potential and its chances. The strategic plan of the company determines which areas (programs, productions) it will be engaged in, based on the available resources, and sets out the tasks of these areas;

* prospective (business plan, long-term plan). Perspective management is aimed at the implementation of business - or long-term plans. The goals of business planning are to clarify the goals and objectives of specific areas, taking into account a deeper study of the external environment and the capabilities of the company. The development of a long-term plan of the enterprise is carried out after making decisions on the production of a particular product, production volume, etc. In this case, the object of planning is the production process of the product as a whole.

* operational is a set of actions and concepts aimed at solving problems quickly, by breaking a more complex task into separate components, as a result of which a faster result is achieved;

* current is a set of actions and decisions taken by management that the organization is currently engaged in.

According to the frequency of decision-making, the following types of management can be distinguished:

* Disposable solutions. One-time decision management is applied to large problems when it is not possible to set a date for the next decision on this problem. Examples of such decisions at the country level may be the decision to join NATO or the CIS, and at the level of the NSO - the decision to create or liquidate;

* cyclic solutions. Cyclic decision management is used to solve problems that have a known cycle. An example of cyclic decision management: once a year, decisions are made on the execution of the current year's budget and the adoption of the budget for the next year;

* continuous chain of frequent decisions (process approach). Process management (management as a process) occurs when the need for decision-making arises at random times on unrelated problems so often that the process is considered continuous. The management of large NSOs (country, territory, etc.) can be considered process management in that part of it that cannot be attributed to one-time or cyclic management. This is due to the fact that a certain number of managers independently make decisions that are aggregated (hierarchically combined) into some resulting management with appropriate consequences.

Initially, management began to develop as a theory of production management, and then transformed into a theory of management of people's activity behavior.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts: "management", "management" and "leadership".

Management— goal setting of the organization and management.

The main goal of management- ensuring harmony in development, i.e., the coordinated and effective functioning of all external and internal elements of the organization.

The task of harmonization in relation to the organization has internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous) aspects.

  • development trend of the organization;
  • specific national factors of economic development.

The composition of the main categories of management:

  • objects and subjects of management;
  • management functions;
  • types of management;
  • management methods;
  • management principles.

Subjects of management, managers- managers of various levels, holding a permanent position in the organization and empowered in the field of decision-making in certain areas of the organization.

The category "manager" applies to:
  • leaders of the organization;
  • heads of structural units and profit centers;
  • organizers of certain types of work (administrators).

Types of management- special areas of management activities related to the solution of certain management tasks.

On the basis of the object, they distinguish general and functional management(Fig. 1.1).

General or general management consists in managing the activities of the organization as a whole or its independent business units (profit centers).

Functional or special management is the management of certain areas of the organization or its units. For example, innovation, personnel, marketing, finance, etc.

Rice. 1.1. Objects and types of management

Distinguish according to content regulatory, strategic and operational management.

Regulatory management provides for the development and implementation of the philosophy of the organization, its entrepreneurial policy, determining the position of the organization in a competitive market niche and the formation of common strategic intentions.

Strategic management involves the development of a set of strategies, their distribution over time, the formation of the potential for success of the organization and the provision of strategic control over their implementation.

Operational management provides for the development of tactical and operational measures aimed at the practical implementation of the adopted strategies for the development of the organization.

Management methods is a system of rules and procedures for solving various management problems in order to ensure the effective development of the organization.

Management principles- these are general patterns and stable requirements, subject to which the effective development of the organization is ensured.

The following principles are among the most important principles of effective management:
  • integrity;
  • hierarchical order;
  • target orientation and optimality;
  • combinations of centralization and decentralization;
  • democratization.
There are several management approaches:
  • process approach: management is considered as a process, for example, planning, organization, motivation, control;
  • systems approach: goals, tasks are indicated in exponential form. A goal tree is built, where the system is divided into subsystems, for example, an organization is divided into divisions (Fig. 1.2):

Rice. 1.2. Goal Tree

Systems approach

This is the direction of the methodology of special scientific knowledge and social practice, which is based on the study of objects as systems.

A systematic approach contributes to the adequate formulation of problems in specific sciences and the development of an effective strategy for their study.

System- a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, which forms a certain integrity, unity. When defining the concept of a system, it is necessary to take into account its closest relationship with the concepts of integrity, structure, connection, element, relationship, subsystem, etc.

Basic system principles:
  • integrity(the fundamental irreducibility of the properties of a system to the sum of the properties of its constituent elements and the unbearability of the last properties of the whole; the dependence of each on its place, function, etc. within the whole);
  • structure(the ability to describe the system through the establishment of its structure, i.e., the network of connections and relations of the system; the conditionality of the behavior of the system not only by the behavior of its individual elements, but by the properties of its structure);
  • relationship between structure and environment(the system forms and manifests its properties in the process of interaction with the environment, while being the leading active component of the interaction);
  • hierarchy(each component of the system, in turn, can be considered as a system, and the system under study in this case is one of the components of a wider, global system);
  • multiple descriptions of each system(due to the fundamental complexity of each system, its adequate knowledge requires the construction of many different models, each of which describes only a certain aspect of the system).
The most important principles of the system approach (system analysis) are as follows:
  • the decision-making process should begin with the identification and clear formulation of specific goals;
  • it is necessary to consider the whole problem as a whole, as a single system and to identify all the consequences and relationships of each particular decision;
  • it is necessary to identify and analyze possible alternative ways to achieve the goal;
  • the goals of individual subsystems should not conflict with the goals of the entire system (program);
  • the ascent from the absolute to the concrete;
  • the unity of analysis and synthesis, logical and historical;
  • identification of different-quality links and their interaction in the object, etc.

Consider the elements of the "black box" principle of a systematic approach.

With a systematic approach based on marketing research, first the output parameters are formed - a product or service: what to produce, with what quality indicators, at what cost, for whom, in what time frame, to whom to sell and at what price. These questions are answered at the same time. The output must be competitive in terms of regulations.

Then the login parameters are determined: what resources and information are needed for the process. The need for resources and information is predicted after studying the organizational and technical level of production of the system (the level of technology, technology, organization of production, labor and management) and the parameters of the external environment (political, economic, technological, social, etc.).

Systems are open and closed.

open system is a system that is powered from outside by some kind of energy or resources.

closed system has a source of energy (resources) within itself. Examples of closed systems: a running clock with an internal energy source, a running car, an airplane, automatic production with its own energy source, etc. Examples of open systems: a calculator or a radio with a solar battery (energy comes from outside), an industrial plant, a factory, a firm , company, etc.

It is obvious that economic organizations cannot exist autonomously, for the implementation of their activities, supply, marketing, work with potential buyers, etc. are necessary. That is why they can be legitimately attributed to large open systems.

One variant of the systems approach is the situational approach, which focuses on the fact that the application of various methods and approaches to management is determined by the situation. Since the significant internal and external factors for different organizations are very diverse, there is no single, “best” way to manage an organization. The most effective method for a particular situation is the one that best suits the situation.

The concept and types of management functions

Management functions determine the stable composition of specific types of management activities, characterized by the homogeneity of goals, actions or objects of their application.

They have common tasks and areas of management work, the composition and offer of which to the least extent depends on the specifics of a particular organization (its industry sector, size, legal form, etc.).

Differentiation of management functions allows you to identify individual tasks and types of management activities and regulate rational rules and procedures for their implementation.

Management Considerations as a set of processes of interrelated functions, it provides a synthesis of various schools of scientific management and the possibility of implementing a situational approach in making managerial decisions.

Various management concepts provide for a wide variety of composition and content of management functions.

In a systematic review, three groups of management functions can be distinguished, which are the most common for all types of organizations and any operating conditions (Fig. 1.3):
  • general management functions;
  • socio-psychological functions of management;
  • technological functions of management.

Rice. 1.3. Management function system

General management functions reflect the content of the main stages of the process of managing the organization's activities at all hierarchical levels.

Successful management in any organization should include the following general functions:
  • formation of goals;
  • planning;
  • organization;
  • control.

Often they add functions: motivation, coordination, management.

Socio-psychological management functions are mainly related to the nature of industrial relations in the team. They contain two kinds of functions: delegation and motivation.

Technological management functions define two main activities that make up the content of the labor technology of a manager at any level of the hierarchy: decisions and communications.

General, socio-psychological and technological functions complement each other, create an integral management system that allows you to differentiate the methods and techniques of managerial influence on the activities of the organization, specialize management bodies and the work of individual managers.

In general, the field of activity, called the management of the company, can be divided into separate functions, which are concentrated in three main groups:
  • general management(establishment of regulatory requirements and management policies, innovation policies, planning, organization of work, motivation, coordination, control, responsibility);
  • enterprise structure management(its creation, subject of activity, legal forms, relations with other enterprises, territorial issues, organization, reconstruction, liquidation);
  • specific areas of management(marketing, R&D, production, personnel, finance, fixed assets).

If the structural aspects of the enterprise's activities are defined, then all management functions are divided into general and specific.

Control function- a type of activity based on the division and cooperation of management and characterized by a certain homogeneity, complexity and stability of the impact on the object by the subject of management.

The function of managing and establishing the scope of work for each function is the basis for the formation of the structure of the control system and the interaction of its components.

General functions are allocated according to the stages (stages) of management. In accordance with GOST 24525.0-80, these include:
  • forecasting and planning;
  • work organization;
  • motivation;
  • coordination and regulation;
  • control, accounting, analysis.
Functions allocated by field of activity are called specific. GOST recommends their typical composition:
  • perspective and current economic social planning;
  • organization of work on standardization;
  • accounting and reporting;
  • economic analysis;
  • technical preparation of production;
  • organization of production;
  • process control;
  • operational management of production;
  • metrological support;
  • technological control and testing;
  • sales of products;
  • organization of work with personnel;
  • organization of labor and wages;
  • logistics;
  • capital construction;
  • financial activities

The nature and composition of management functions

General and specific management functions are closely related and represent different sections of the management field (Fig. 1.4).

Rice. 1.4. Control field

If we recall the model of the production process, then the last scheme can be expanded to three-dimensional (Fig. 1.5).

Rice. 1.5. Scope of control

The content of the innovation management process

General Functions reflect the order of management of the organization. They are equally necessary both within the framework of strategic and operational management.

Management process in accordance with the concept of general objective functions, it begins with the formation of a system of goals and objectives of the organization's activities for a certain period of time. Then the planning of activities aimed at achieving the established development goals is carried out. The implementation of the planned activities requires the creation of certain organizational structures, the involvement of performers, the coordination of their work in time and space. The successful implementation of the envisaged activities within the framework of the adopted organizational structures requires accounting, constant monitoring of the progress of ongoing processes and regulation of the organization's activities. Each of a pair of interrelated common functions is a closed loop of managerial decisions, functioning in the cycle "end - means" (Fig. 1.6).

Rice. 1.6. The relationship of general management functions

In the first circuit "goal - planning", the planning process is completed on the condition that the envisaged activities and planned resources, of course, ensure the achievement of the established development goals. Otherwise, it is necessary to correct the originally formulated development goals.

At the second stage, in the "planning - organization" circuit, a search is made for such organizational solutions that would ensure the unconditional and most effective implementation of the established planning targets.

In the third circuit "organization - control" in the accepted organizational conditions, continuous monitoring of the implementation of planned targets and the development of decisions aimed at eliminating the disagreements that arise are carried out.

The composition and content of the socio-psychological functions of management

Socio-psychological functions of management ensure the regulation of relations between people that arise in the process of the functioning of the organization.

Socio-psychological aspects of management in modern conditions often become a decisive specific factor in the success of an organization's entrepreneurial activity.

The socio-psychological functions of management include delegation and motivation.

Both of these functions make it possible to determine the composition of the tasks and powers of each of the participants in the ongoing processes and create the most favorable conditions for its activities, stimulating high results.

Delegation as a function of management means the process of transferring tasks and defining the competence of a person or group of persons who take responsibility for their implementation.

Tasks formulate the final and intermediate results of the activity of the participant or the head of the unit.

Competence means the limited right of an employee or department to use the facilities and resources of the enterprise to perform specified tasks.

A responsibility means the obligation of a person or unit to perform specified tasks within the framework of the presented powers, i.e. rights and resources.

Motivation as a function of management means the process of stimulating all participants in the organization's activities, aimed at achieving the established goals of the organization's development.

Motivation is associated with the use of a number of specific categories and concepts related to both an individual and a group of people, i.e. organizations.

Needs- this is a fundamental category of classical and modern concepts of motivation, meaning a conscious feeling of a lack of something or its absence.

Motivation in the motivational mechanism, this is a manifest desire to satisfy conscious needs, i.e., motives for purposeful activity.

The motives of a person and a team are manifested in motivational behavior, i.e., behavior aimed at the implementation of conscious and accepted motives.

The desire to achieve the goal becomes an incentive for all activities of an employee or team.

Stimulus in the motivational mechanism, this is the result to which the incentive motives of the employee's activity are directed. Evaluation of the achievement of this result by a person is felt through the reward received.

Reward- this is a material or moral (psychological) assessment of the result of satisfying a need, that is, the entire process of motivation. Remuneration as an assessment can be external (on the part of the manager, organization) and internal (as self-assessment of job satisfaction) in nature.

The composition and content of the technological functions of management

Technological functions of management characterize the content of processes and management methods.

They include two main components: communications and solutions.

Communications in management, it is the exchange of information in the preparation and implementation of management decisions.

Communication as a function of management deals with the rational organization of information flows in the enterprise in order to effectively manage innovation processes. The main tasks of communication in management are as follows:
  • determination and planning of the need for information for each link of management in the enterprise;
  • organization of information support of the management system at the enterprise;
  • formation of rational methods and procedures for the preparation and implementation of management decisions;
  • development and implementation of progressive information technologies in the management of innovations at the enterprise;
  • coordination and control of management decisions, ensuring performance discipline at the enterprise;
  • development and implementation of a unified technical policy in the field of information technology in enterprise management.

Management decision is one of the main tools for developing and implementing an effective concept of management in an organization.

Management decision - this is the choice of the state and behavior of the management system that is expedient from the point of view of the accepting variant. The composition of the main decisions on management functions is presented in Table. 1.1.

The main requirements for management decisions are as follows:
  • target orientation (solutions should be aimed at achieving certain development goals);
  • hierarchical subordination (manager's decisions must correspond to the powers delegated to him);
  • validity (decisions must have an objective rationale for rationality);
  • targeting (solutions must be oriented in space and time, i.e. directed to a specific performer and limited in time);
  • security (decisions should provide for the necessary resources and establish the sources of their receipt);
  • directiveness (decisions must be binding on the performer and be planned).
Table 1.1 Composition of the main decisions on management functions

Management function

Typical Management Decisions

Formation of goals

  • Acceptance of the mission of the enterprise
  • Formation of target parameters
  • Adoption of the strategic concept of the enterprise
  • Approval of the target parameters of the project


  • Formation of the thematic R&D plan
  • Approval of the calendar schedule of work on the project
  • Project Cost Estimate Approval
  • Formation of the production program of the enterprise
  • Approval of staffing by departments
  • Loan request for innovation
  • Adoption of the financial plan of the enterprise
  • Approval of the product sales plan


  • Creation of an enterprise
  • The choice of the legal form of the enterprise
  • Adoption of the organizational structure of the enterprise
  • Approval of regulations on enterprise services and job descriptions
  • Creation of new or abolition of existing divisions of the enterprise
  • Opening a branch or subsidiary of the enterprise


  • Evaluation of the status of work on the project
  • Assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise
  • Analysis of the work of services and departments of the enterprise
  • Order to change the timing of the work on the project
  • Establishing the procedure for evaluating the activities of performers
  • Evaluation of the implementation of the strategic concept of the enterprise