Melatonin - what is it: instructions for use, reviews

  • 08.01.2022

Melatonin (Melatonin, international name Melatoninum) is a hormone of sleep, youth and longevity, produced by the pineal gland (pineal gland of the brain). Participating in the regulation of biorhythms, it supports the activity of the endocrine system, has an antitumor, anti-stress, immunostimulating effect.

What is melatonin

With a rapid change in time zones, wakefulness at night or daytime sleep, biorhythms fail, disrupting the secretion of the hormone by the pineal gland. This affects the quality of sleep, well-being. During a good night's rest, a special substance melatonin is produced - everyone needs to know what it is. This hormone of the pineal gland allows the body to restore the work of all systems during sleep.

Melatonin is especially important for sleep: this is the only way a person wakes up rested. Daytime rest, on the contrary, often brings a feeling of being overwhelmed. The main condition under which it is produced, is the absence of light. The main functions of the hormone:

  1. antioxidant effect;
  2. slows down the aging process;
  3. neutralization of free radicals;
  4. regulation of the seasonal rhythm of processes in the body;
  5. supporting the function of the digestive tract;
  6. hypnotic effect;
  7. antitumor effect;
  8. anti-stress effect.

Melatonin - sleep hormone

At night, the pineal gland produces almost 70%melatonin, sleep hormoneand the main regulator of circadian rhythms. After 20.00, the production of the hormone becomes more active, reaching a maximum concentration from 12.00 to 3 in the morning. This clock, when melatonin is produced, should be used for sleeping in total darkness. Its deficiency leads to the development of pathological conditions:

  • insomnia;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • depressive states;
  • rapid aging;
  • dysregulation of weight;
  • accumulation of free radicals;
  • development of tumor processes;
  • disruption of circadian rhythms and sleep.

Where is melatonin produced?

Scientists have found that in addition to the pineal gland,melatonin production happens:

  • in blood cells;
  • renal cortex;
  • cells of the gastrointestinal tract.

In bright light, the synthesis of the hormone is reduced, and in the cellular process of production, it does not depend on light. An additional dose of cellular hormone supports the work of brain cells, the balance of vital systems, and the frequency of sleep. The antioxidant properties of the substance are several times higher than those of vitamin E. Ways of hormone production:

  1. Central (pineal gland is involved) - the synthesis of the hormone depends on the daily rhythm: day / night.
  2. Peripheral (cellular) - hormonal synthesis does not depend on lighting.

How is melatonin produced?

The hormone melatonin is produced by the pineal gland: sunlight converts the amino acid tryptophan into serotonin. At night, the substance is converted into the necessary hormone, which, after being synthesized in the pineal gland, enters the blood and cerebrospinal fluid. The content of the required amount of melatonin starts the processes of adaptation of the body to the change of time zones. Conditions that contribute to the production of the hormone:

  1. you need to fall asleep before midnight;
  2. rest for at least 6-8 hours;
  3. sleep in the dark.

Melatonin - instruction

As a medicine, melatonin is prescribed for age-related changes in hormonal levels, pathological conditions associated with a lack of a substance in the body. The substance is a synthetic analogue of the pineal gland hormone. A doctor should prescribe a medicine, you should not self-medicate. Description of contraindications to the use of the drug specified in the instructions includes:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • individual intolerance;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • leukemia, lymphoma;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diabetes:
  • epilepsy.

Melatonin - action

The effects of melatonin on the human body are varied. This is the normalization of sleep, and the regulation of the daily cycle of "sleep-wakefulness". The use of the drug regulates neuroendocrine functions, sleep becomes sound, with vivid dreams. Awakening is not accompanied by lethargy and weakness, a person feels rested and cheerful. Nervousness, headache disappears, efficiency and mood increase. In cancer patients, there is a lack of synthesis of this hormone. In such cases, doctors use hormone therapy, the benefits of which are obvious. She:

  • dulls pain;
  • prevents metastasis;
  • stimulates the production of cytotoxin;
  • reduces atrophic processes.

Melatonin - indications for use

Pathological conditions associated with sleep disturbance are indications for the use of melatonin. In people who work at night, the risk of developing diseases listed by the instruction increases significantly. The disturbed biological cycle of sleep and awakening shortens the years of life, provokes the occurrence of diseases. Situations in which it is necessary to take a synthetic hormone:

  1. stimulation of the body's immune activity;
  2. normalization of blood pressure;
  3. cancer prevention;
  4. anxiety syndrome, depression.

How to take melatonin tablets

The instructions for the drug contain recommendations on how to take melatonin tablets or capsules. When ingested, the medicine is not chewed, washed down with water. Adults are prescribed 1-2 tablets half an hour before bedtime. The daily dose should not exceed 6 mg. After 12 years, the drug is taken by adolescents one tablet at a time. The course of treatment is individual for each patient and is prescribed by the attending physician.

Melatonin preparations

Melatonin medications can be purchased at a pharmacy or bought in an online store. Information about medicinal analogues, which the online catalog contains, will tell you how to choose and order the right remedy inexpensively, at an affordable cost. Hormonal drugs are available in solutions, tablets. capsules, a new technology of convenient hormonal patches has been developed. Names of drugs, sleep hormone synonyms, which can be selected using the catalog:

  1. Melaxen - tablets containing 3 mg of melatonin of plant origin.
  2. Melapur - capsules and tablets, 3 mg.
  3. Melaton - tablets, 3 mg.
  4. Dorminorm - tablets, 1 mg.
  5. Circadin - tablets of prolonged action, 2 mg.
  6. Yukolin - tablets, 3 mg.

Melatonin price

After reviewing the catalog, you can compare how much Melatonin costs in pharmacies and online stores. The price depends on the number of tablets or capsules in the blister and the content of the active substance in the drug. A bottle containing 100 Melatonin 3 mg tablets costs from 900 rubles, 100 5 mg tablets - from 1,400 rubles. The price of Circadin is from 839 rubles for 21 tablets, Melaxen - from 694 rubles for 24 tablets. Melapur capsules - cost 608 rubles, tablets - 620, the price of Dorminorm is from 580 rubles for 30 tablets. The price for 21 tablets of Circadin is from 854 rubles, Yukalin - 1,100 rubles.
