How old is Elena Malysheva, a TV presenter? Elena Malysheva's husband

  • 22.06.2019

Elena Malysheva- TV presenter or, as she is sometimes called, TV doctor. She hosts medical programs where in simple language explains how diseases arise and how to deal with illnesses.

There are many in her medical shows. illustrative examples and comparisons that gave rise to great amount jokes and memes, and some fragments of the episodes turned into viral videos on the Internet. This influenced Elena Vasilievna’s popularity; thanks to her programs, the number of people who became familiar with medical information in a popular form increased.

Childhood and youth

Malysheva Elena Vasilievna (nee Shabunina) was born on March 13, 1961 in the city of Kemerovo. Father Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin and mother Galina Aleksandrovna Morozova worked as doctors. Elena has a twin brother, who is often called her twin brother in the press, and elder sister. All children followed in the footsteps of their parents, received medical education and in one way or another connected their lives with medicine.

Elena graduated from school with a gold medal and entered Kemerovo medical school to the Faculty of Medicine. In 1984, Shabunina graduated from the university with honors, receiving a red diploma. The girl did not stop there and decided to continue her studies in the capital. In the same year she entered the Moscow Academy's graduate school medical sciences, and after 3 years she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic “Prevention and elimination of cardiac arrhythmias through adaptation to stressors and activation of gamma-aminobutyric acid.”

In her youth, Elena Vasilyevna Malysheva worked as a general practitioner, but then became an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine of the Second Medical Institute in Moscow. Currently he holds the position of professor at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University and works as a TV presenter.

A television

She did not immediately become the main TV doctor in Russia. Television biography Elena Malysheva began in 1992 in her native Kemerovo. The first program called “Recipe” was broadcast on the city TV channel “Kuzbass”. And Elena Vasilievna got on television by accident.

When her youngest son was 10 months old, he became seriously ill. The baby was operated on in Moscow, and the family returned to Kemerovo: it was easier to go through the rehabilitation period in their hometown. Then Malysheva suddenly noticed that there were no good and educational medical programs on air. Elena Vasilievna even called the press service of the Kemerovo administration to complain about this omission.

School friend Elena Vasilievna, German Gandelman, persuaded Malysheva to change the situation herself - to go on local television. He also introduced his friend to the production editor, introducing her and saying: “This is Elena Malysheva. She will host a good program about health.” And the young mother with medical knowledge immediately began broadcasting live on the Kuzbass TV channel.

A year later, Malysheva headed the “Lazaret” program, which aired on the “Northern Crown” TV channel, broadcast on the 6th frequency channel of Russia. The bright TV presenter was quickly noticed and invited to Moscow, where since 1994 Malysheva became the author and host of the daily program “Have you called the doctor?” on RTR. In parallel with her work on television, she improved her medical knowledge and took a training course at the European Center for Health and environment in USA. By the way, only the most prominent journalists involved in health topics were invited to these courses.

In 1997, the ORT channel resumed broadcasting the popular program “Health,” which had previously been hosted by Yulia Belyanchikova. Elena Malysheva became her successor - now she has become the presenter, director and author of the program.

Elena Malysheva in the "Health" program

All the time Malysheva worked as a TV presenter, she did not stop studying. Ten years later, Elena Vasilievna wrote and defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences. In the same 2007, Elena Malysheva became a member of the Academy Russian television.

The popularity of the “Health” program and its presenter grew. Since August 2010, Malysheva has also been hosting the program “Live Healthy!”, which is broadcast daily on weekdays in the morning prime time on Channel One and Radio Russia.

Elena Malysheva in the show "Live Healthy!"

Reviews for the program are controversial nature. A number of TV viewers and Internet users believe that at Elena Vasilievna’s age it is already indecent to host such shows, the program itself is called phantasmagoric, and the actions of Malysheva and her co-hosts are offensive and deliberately stupid.

The chief TV doctor of Russia and her team are not afraid to raise slippery and risky topics in their programs. On federal channel problems with potency or gas formation are discussed. The show sometimes involves puppet performances, models and costumes are used, children participate, spectators bathe in tea, doctors pretend to be internal organs– least of all what happens in the studio resembles a serious medical transmission.

Malysheva's show "Life is great!"

This makes Malysheva’s broadcasts bright and memorable, causing public outcry. Although sometimes this resonance also has a humorous connotation, providing ample food for parodists. “Friendly cartoons” of Malysheva have been made more than once. In 2011, the TV doctor was even awarded the “Silver Galosh” anti-prize in the “Malysheva and Udalysheva” nomination.

Also, ill-wishers accused the TV presenter on the Internet of inadequacy, and sometimes attributed her participation in a global conspiracy, for unclear reasons, often referring to her external resemblance co and supposed Jewish nationality.

Critics of Elena Malysheva also claim that her program “Live Healthy!” is an adaptation of the popular American program Doctor Oz, based on the same themes and uses the same layout.

Despite all this, the television audience loves the program and still watches it with pleasure. Medical professionals recognize this program as useful and express gratitude to the TV presenter for popularizing a simple and obvious, but not popular among the population, idea that in case of illness, one should consult a doctor and turn to official medicine, and not go to healers and not self-medicate.

At the same time, Elena Malysheva does not deny positive influence folk remedies, for example, she speaks positively about the effect of tea on the body, but at the same time repeatedly emphasizes that no matter how herbs improve health and promote metabolism, they cannot replace pharmacological drugs.

Most likely, the shocking and bright format of programs about health was chosen specifically so that the episodes would be remembered and distributed throughout the world. social networks and websites, and doctors’ advice was seen and understood by different age audiences.

Malysheva’s authority in the field of medicine for the mass audience was so great that scammers began to take advantage of it. At the beginning of 2016, the TV presenter included a fragment in one episode of the program where she talks about how she found an advertisement for monastery tea on the Internet on her behalf. Elena Malysheva exposed the deception and stated that not only did she not advertise such a product in the program, but she also found out that the tea had not undergone any research and was unlikely to be medicinal at all. The TV presenter asked her viewers not to believe such advertising.

The TV doctor added points to her popularity with the help of an effective diet she developed. Moreover, Elena Malysheva’s diet became popular even before it was officially presented. Some time ago, the Internet literally exploded with all sorts of slimming recipes “from Malysheva.” While lion's share These recipes were again outright fraud.

Elena Malysheva about diets and weight loss

Elena Malysheva responded to the sudden popularity of her name like a true professional - first she organized a project in which volunteers lose weight in real time, registered Elena Malysheva’s official website, and then launched her own delivery brand dietary nutrition and published a design book about diets. This is how the real and complete effective diet Elena Malysheva. The doctor herself has been keeping her figure in shape for many years: with a height of 168 cm, her weight does not exceed 63 kg.

The TV presenter emphasized simplicity. Malysheva’s diet is not about constant complex recipes and calorie counting; all calculations and preparations are done by professional nutritionists and chefs.

The program participant is delivered ready-made blast-frozen dishes from a varied menu, which includes cereals, dietary soups, as well as desserts and seemingly “unhealthy” foods like spaghetti or chili con carne.

The site also presents suitable dietary programs for both weight maintenance and balanced nutrition with hypertension. Thus, the program makes it possible to simply and without straining follow healthy eating at home, which makes it interesting both for those losing weight and for busy people who do not want to spend money on cooking or sacrifice their health.

Design book "Elena Malysheva's Diet"

Elena Vasilyevna continues to support the work of the project, film programs about health and does not plan to complete educational activities in the near future; Malysheva’s shows, as before, are in prime time in the program schedule.

During professional career Elena Malysheva became the author of more than 50 scientific publications in the field of medicine. And for her contribution to the development of Russian television and radio broadcasting in 2006 she was awarded state award“Order of Friendship” and two government awards: the medal “For Services to Domestic Healthcare” and the badge “Excellence in Healthcare.”

Personal life

Elena Vasilievna is happily married. Her husband is scientist, professor, doctor of medical sciences and molecular biologist Igor Malyshev. Personal life Elena Malysheva was never a top topic for the tabloid press and did not provide food for rumors and gossip.

The Malyshev family raised two sons - Yuri and Vasily. The eldest son Yuri chose the profession of a doctor and works with his mother on television. It is known that he works as a creative producer of the program “Live Healthy!”

At the beginning of 2015, Elena Malysheva became a grandmother: her eldest son had a son.

Elena Malysheva now

In 2017, as part of the “Live Healthy!” program The “Breath of the Motherland” project was launched, the participants of which are offered highly qualified assistance in resolving health problems.

In March of the same year, Elena Malysheva opened a clinic in Moscow “ Medical Center Elena Malysheva”, which offers a wide range of medical services. At the medical institution, consultations are conducted by specialists familiar from the Channel One program - neurologist Dmitry Shubin, cardiologist German Gandelman, anesthesiologist Mark Galperin, gastroenterologist Igor Gorodokin and otorhinolaryngologist Igor Branovan. In your personal account "Instagram" The TV presenter posts short videos from the “Consultation in a Minute” series, in which doctors answer questions from viewers.

Sometimes doctors of Elena Malysheva’s program encounter non-standard problems of patients. In 2018, he was a guest on the program “Live Healthy!” became an Internet star who became famous for his biceps pumped up with a dangerous substance. The young man received the nickname Bazooka Hands.

Synthol injections turned out to be unsafe for the young man’s health; he began to experience severe pain from the inflammatory process occurring in the muscles. At Malysheva’s program, a council of doctors was assembled, who determined that it was not possible to pump out the dangerous substance from the muscles of the Synthol Jock.

In November 2018, I visited Elena Malysheva, who had recently undergone removal of her gallbladder. The TV doctor named the cause of the illness, which led to surgery, as the extreme diets used by the singer. Anita admitted that sometimes she arranged for herself fasting days by limiting fat intake. This, according to the doctor, negatively affected the functioning of the gallbladder.

Anita Tsoi at Elena Malysheva's program in 2018

Malysheva herself uses the fractional nutrition method, which helped her lose 10 kg. The essence of this diet is that each serving does not exceed the volume of one glass. This allows the human stomach not to expand in size, and a feeling of fullness occurs even with a small amount of food.

Thinner TV presenter. Now, in addition to her favorite skirts and dresses, Elena Vasilievna does not refuse elegant trouser suits. Fans of the TV presenter have already appreciated the updated wardrobe, which the doctor shows off in the photo on the microblog.


  • 1992 – “Recipe”
  • 1993 – “Infirmary”
  • 1994 - “Did you call the doctor?”
  • 1997-2014 – “Health”
  • 2003 – “City of Women”
  • 2010 – “Live great!”

This 55-year-old (born in 1961) mother of two children, author of fifty scientific works, therapist and doctor of medical sciences. Having come to TV with a noble goal (creating good educational programs), she became a symbol of popularizing health care, and also created a successful commercial project. By losing weight with Elena Malysheva, you can lose excess weight without harm to your health and earn money (from time to time, “Live Healthy!” holds a weight loss marathon between teams for a cash prize).

All photos 10


The future doctor-journalist was born on March 13 (according to the horoscope - Pisces) in Kemerovo. Her parents - mother, Galina, and father, Vasily - received medical education. The girl’s twin brother became a surgeon, now the chief physician of the city hospital named after S. Botkin in Moscow, and her sister is a neurologist. Elena Malysheva (nee Shabunina) had no idea to do anything else. She will choose a noble profession after graduating with “excellence” from city school No. 19. The girl enters the Kemerovo Medical Institute. Her attention is drawn to the Faculty of Medicine, from which she graduated in 1983.

Later, fate will bring the future TV doctor to the capital. Here Elena Vasilyevna becomes a graduate student, and devotes her PhD thesis to cardiac arrhythmia.

Then workdays as a therapist will begin, but the thirst for new knowledge necessary for professional growth, will win. Almost immediately, the future TV star of medical programs enters the Second Medical Institute of the Russian capital. The Department of Internal Medicine awaits her, where Elena becomes an assistant. Today she skillfully combines the title of professor at the University of Medicine and Dentistry (Moscow) and the activities of a television journalist, although she appeared on the screens by chance. The youngest son of the future celebrity fell seriously ill when he was not even a year old. The boy underwent surgery, but to recover he and his parents moved to his mother’s homeland - Kemerovo, where it was easier to live in harsh times of shortage. Sitting at home with her child, Elena Malysheva complained to the city administration that there were no positive and cheerful programs on air. A school friend will do a favor for a classmate by introducing her to the editor-in-chief of the Kuzbass channel. After the baby’s recovery, the young mother actively takes up live broadcasting. She has enough knowledge and ability to communicate with people.

Only when a doctor gains television experience does he gain popularity because he dispels the medical fears of viewers and proves that one should be afraid not of doctors, but of advanced diseases. Elena made her debut on TV in 1992, when the first episodes of the “Recipe” program appeared. Then it will be the turn of the “Lazaret” program, broadcast by “Northern Crown”. The career of a TV presenter is developing by leaps and bounds - after a couple of years, the face of the TV doctor begins to be recognized from the project “Did you call the doctor?”, broadcast on RTR frequencies. To improve her television skills, she is taking special courses at a health center in the States. The young woman did not miss her chance, because only the best of the best who cover health problems in the media receive an invitation. New horizons for television were not long in coming. In October 1997, a revival of the earlier closed transfer, whose face was Yulia Belyanchikova.

Now Elena Malysheva is fully responsible for the “Health” show. In parallel, the project exists in audio format on Radio Russia.

In 2007, the doctor-journalist defended his doctoral dissertation (on the effect on inflammatory processes) and became a member of the Academy of Rostelevision. Since 2010 in morning broadcast The informational and educational program “Live Healthy!” is released. The co-hosts of the TV doctor are the same specialists in their fields, who are also engaged in an educational mission. These are neurologist Dmitry Shubin, pediatrician and immunologist Andrei Prodeus and cardiologist German Gandelman. The show has undeniable advantages - it explains the causes of illnesses and encourages people to visit the clinic in case of illness, without delaying the visit. The high ratings are explained by the form Elena Malysheva chose for the program - she constantly demonstrates everything on colorful layouts, the action of which is not without humorous aspects. The presenter also involves invited guests from the studio when she dresses them up in costumes human organs. Often this activity becomes the subject of parodies (Maxim Galkin, Alexander Oleshko, Ivan Urgant).

On the Internet, such television moments are often discussed on forums (a suit of testicles on men, a woman in a turtleneck, where the neck of the sweater symbolized the male foreskin).

Elena also showed an experiment on a rat in one of the episodes (the program airs on Channel One). Conservationists rebelled, to which the editors responded: the animal was temporarily euthanized, and there was no threat to its life.

Despite the possible borrowing of the program format from the English-language project “Doctor Oz”, it is extremely popular in the CIS. Even the humorous award “Silver Galosh” confirms this.

Since 2012, the successful journalist, teacher and therapist began conducting a large-scale project - “Lose Weight Together”, which is still popular today.

Personal life

The famous TV doctor on Russian television has been married for a long time. My husband, Igor, is a molecular biologist. The couple has two heirs - Yuri and Vasily. The firstborn is working on the project “Live Healthy!”, so he and his mother are colleagues. In 2015, Elena received a new status - she became a grandmother. In the family, the TV star is an ordinary mother who does not torture her children and husband with diets, but adheres to proper nutrition. From sports activities pays attention to swimming in the pool and going to the gym (several times a week). She listens to her husband’s advice, as well as to critical comments from viewers on forums. Responsibility to the audience obliges.

Elena Vasilievna Malysheva- Russian doctor, TV presenter, director of the programs “Health”, “Live Healthy!”, aired on OJSC “Channel One” and “Radio Russia”. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

Elena Vasilievna Malysheva
Birth name: Elena Vasilievna Shabunina
Occupation: TV presenter, Doctor of Medical Sciences, cardiologist, professor
Date of birth: March 13, 1961
Place of birth: USSR, RSFSR, Kemerovo
Citizenship: USSR, Russia
Father: Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin
Mother: Galina Aleksandrovna Morozova
Spouse: Igor Yuryevich Malyshev
Children: sons Yuri and Vasily

Born Elena Malysheva March 13, 1961 in Kemerovo in a family of doctors. Father of Elena Malysheva- Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin, mother of Elena Malysheva - Galina Aleksandrovna Morozova. U Elena Malysheva there is an older sister and twin brother Alexey, who, like their parents, became doctors (the sister is a neurologist, brother of Elena Malysheva- surgeon, doctor of medical sciences, chief physician of the First City Hospital). Elena Malysheva finished high school No. 19, Kemerovo with a gold medal and entered the Kemerovo Medical Institute at the Faculty of Medicine. Elena Malysheva She completed her studies at the institute with honors in 1983.
In 1984 Elena Malysheva entered graduate school at the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow. In 1987, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic “Prevention and elimination of cardiac arrhythmias through adaptation to stressors and activation of gamma-aminobutyric acid.” After working for some time as a general practitioner, she became an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine at the Second Medical Institute.
Currently Elena Malysheva is a professor at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. In 1992 Elena Malysheva began producing the “Recipe” program on the Kuzbass TV channel (Kemerovo). In 1993 Elena Malysheva was the author and presenter of the “Lazaret” program (Channel 5, TV channel “Northern Crown”).

In 1994 Elena Malysheva began working as an author and host of the daily program “Have you called the doctor?” within the channel " Business Russia"(RTR). In the same year, she completed a training course at the European Center for Health and Environment in the USA. Europe's most prominent health journalists were invited to attend this course. After the revival of the “Health” program on ORT in 1997 Elena Malysheva became the presenter, director and author of this program. The first episode aired on October 3, 1997. The program is also broadcast on Radio Russia.

In 2007, at the MMA named after. I. M. Sechenova Elena Malysheva defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic “Reprogramming cellular responses of macrophages: new strategy control of the inflammatory process." Since 2007 Elena Malysheva- Member of the Academy of Russian Television. Since August 16, 2010, he has hosted the program “Live Healthy!” on the First Television Channel, which is broadcast on weekday mornings. Since January 2012, he has been a member of the “People's Headquarters” (in Moscow) of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin. He is the author of more than 50 scientific publications in the field of medicine. Since 2012 he has been actively promoting commercial project - Diet of Elena Malysheva.
Elena Malysheva's husband- Igor Yurievich Malyshev, Professor of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, specialist in molecular biology, head of the laboratory dealing with the topic “Reprogramming of macrophages as a new strategy for managing the immune response in various diseases.” Married Elena Malysheva two sons were born - Yuri and Vasily.

Awards for Elena Malysheva

Order of Friendship (2006)
Medal "For Merit to Domestic Healthcare"
Badge "Excellence in Healthcare"

Criticism of Elena Malysheva

A series of actions Elena Malysheva have a negative assessment in society:

In one of the programs Elena Malysheva conducted an experiment that led to the death of a rat. This caused great indignation among Channel One viewers. Michael Jackson fans file a complaint against Elena Malysheva, since Malysheva publicly insulted the singer on the air of the “Minute of Fame” program.
In his program of November 25, 2011 Elena Malysheva, discussing the properties of bee honey, she said that it is 100 times more caloric than sugar and called this product a source of carcinogens when certain conditions, which caused a wide public outcry and open protest among beekeepers and people who are partial to honey.
In one of the programs Elena Malysheva raised the topic of passing gas during orgasm, which caused a great public outcry. The amateur video recording, which fully demonstrated the problem under discussion, gave the program a special piquancy. The program caused outrage among the BDSM community. Under pressure from the latter Elena Malysheva was forced to recognize this deviation as the norm.
Tefal filed a complaint against Elena Malysheva.
January 27, 2011 Elena Malysheva, showing in the program “Live Healthy!” the collar of a turtleneck was cut off on a woman, as if circumcision is done (imitation of circumcision of the foreskin of the penis), which caused a great public outcry. In particular, in one of the episodes of the TV show "ProjectorParisHilton", Ivan Urgant, together with a participant in the program, acted out a parody of the circumcision scene, as well as a parody of circumcision with the participation of Elena Malysheva Maxim Galkin played at his benefit performance on December 9, 2011, but alone supporting imaginary things for circumcision, as well as an imaginary sweater collar (penis replacement).
In addition, this episode was shown in the “Let Them Talk” program on Channel One and caused a storm of laughter there. This episode is a popular source of ridicule on the Internet, for example it was featured on the show "+100500". For that Malysheva was awarded the “Silver Galosh” anti-prize 2011 in the category “ Malysheva yes Udalyshev.”

Later, in the broadcast on August 5, 2013, she repeated the experience, this time with a man from Tajikistan.
Evgeny Komarovsky on the website page “Doctor Komarovsky’s Club” criticized the issue dated December 7, 2012, in which Ms. Malysheva gave recommendations on rubbing children with elevated temperatures, since such rubbing can be deadly and has not been practiced for more than half a century.
Issued April 03, 2013 Elena Malysheva voiced an Internet canard that the color markings on toothpaste tubes indicate the presence or absence of synthetic ingredients in the toothpaste, while these markings are present on any tube, even shoe polish, and are needed only for the cutting machine during the production of the tube (and the color of the mark is arbitrarily chosen to contrast with the background color of the tube; as a rule, one of the colors used when printing on the tube is selected).
Broadcast on June 7 in the program “Live Healthy” Elena Malysheva made statements that pharmacy workers considered offensive

Elena Malysheva- an ambiguous character, almost every resident of the post-Soviet space knows her. Some admire this woman even after the program "Live healthy" they immediately run to follow all her advice, for example, eat kiwi skins, poop according to all the rules, placing a small stool under their feet during defecation, and what else has this madam not managed to advise the unfortunate TV viewers for long years the existence of their programs. But other people treat with sarcasm Elena Malysheva, they openly laugh at her and even consider her to be a fool, and some even collect the pearls that she gave out on air Elena Malysheva, by the way, candidate of medical sciences, professor! Look it up, you'll laugh until you cry.

At the time of writing this article Elena Malysheva turned 56 years old, on television she is with 1992 years, although she began her vigorous educational medical activity in her native Kemerovo, where she spent her maternity leave with her parents.

Elena Malysheva happily married for about thirty years, together with her husband Igor Yuryevich Malyshev they gave birth to and raised two sons.

Eldest son Yuri was born in 1988 year, named after his paternal grandfather, trained as a doctor, married, happy father of a son Igor. And here youngest son Elena Malysheva name is Basil, he is named after his maternal grandfather, and is a lawyer by profession.

Interesting story of close acquaintance Elena, back then Shabunina, and her future husband Igor Malyshev. The two attended graduate school together at Moscow, we knew each other casually, but one day we met quite by accident on the street hometown Elena- in beauty Kemerovo. Elena out of politeness, she invited a colleague to come visit her, Igor I was not at a loss and came for dinner that same evening. Elena was a chaste girl, it seemed to her the height of bad manners to accept a girl’s polite, routine invitation and come to her house. To entertain the silent guest, Elena Malysheva began to show him the first book that came to hand, it turned out to be an illustrated album on fine arts. Nudity, kissing scenes, light erotica, Elena I was embarrassed and closed the album, but the ardent young man decided that all this was a hint at the beginning of a relationship. Then bored Elena I decided to turn off the lights and turn on the New Year's, flickering lights on the tree, all this without any intention, but here Igor I almost showered the shy girl Elena kisses, again taking this as a hint, if the parents had not entered and called the guest to the table, he would not have escaped a hot slap in the face. Then events began to develop rapidly, Igor Malyshev Dad liked it Elena, which means the matter remains small, Igor I had to simply give in to the impulse of feelings. Offer Elena Igor did a very original thing, he invited her to become the mother of his two sons, and this request was made on the metro platform, the doors slammed, confused Elena set sail, she didn’t sleep all night and wondered where she got Igor children, and what happened to their mother, and in the morning she replied that she agreed to adopt her beloved’s children, but let him first reveal the secret of what happened to their mother. Igor was confused, as you probably already guessed, he didn’t have any children, we were talking about future ones, joint with Elena children.

In this photo you see Elena Malysheva, her husband Igor Malyshev, their sons Yuri And Vasily.

On this photo Elena Malysheva with my husband Igor.

And like this Elena Malysheva looked like in her youth, in the photo she is on the right.

Family in this photo Elena Malysheva. It turns out that Elena I have a twin brother and his name is Alexey. Sister Marina older than the twins by several years.

Like this Elena Malysheva could now look on air. Several years ago, TV viewers were asked to choose new image For Elena Malysheva or vote for the old one, that is, the presenter of the program "Live healthy" I could take off my glasses, put on contacts and start putting on bright makeup. But the audience did not want changes!

On this children's photo you see from left to right: Elena Malysheva, her sister Marina and twin brother Alexey.

In this photo you see Elena Malysheva in young age.

Elena Malysheva – famous TV presenter, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Her popularity extends to all generations: for older people she is a source useful tips, for young people, her program is a collection of funny videos.

Elena Vasilyevna Malysheva was born on March 13, 1961 in the city of Kemerovo. By the time she was born, the couple already had a daughter, Marina. And now, with the birth of Elena and her brother Alexey, the family becomes large - 5 people.

The Shabunins surround their children with love and care. Elena is growing up as an inquisitive and smart girl. Already at the age of 12, she began working as a nurse during the holidays, bringing her earnings home to her parents.

Elena graduates from Kemerovo secondary school No. 19 with honors. At first, the girl chooses between journalism and medicine, but the Shabunins dissuade her from the frivolous profession of a reporter. And she chooses the specialty of a doctor.

Medical career

In 1984, Elena graduated from the Kemerovo Medical Institute with honors and entered graduate school in Moscow. In 1987 he became a candidate of medical sciences after defending a dissertation on heart rhythms. For the next three years, Elena goes into practical medicine and works as a doctor.

However, the young girl is drawn to research - and in the early 90s she left the office at the clinic and became an assistant at the department of the Moscow RMSU. Here she conducts research and teaches.

Later, in 2007, already famous, she defended her second dissertation and became a Doctor of Medical Sciences.

TV presenter career

In 1991, Elena saves her child: little Vasya has a volvulus. Elena and her mother notice something unhealthy in the child’s whims and take him to the hospital. Soon after this, Elena and her two children have to leave Moscow for Kemerovo. It’s easier to keep an eye on two boys there, the youngest of whom recently had surgery.

This is where her television career begins. Surprised at how few useful and simple programs about health there are, Elena Malysheva addresses her remark to Kemerovo television. She does not receive a direct answer, and her friend suggests that she create the program herself. In 1992, Elena began hosting the “Recipe” program on local television.

Then her career moves rapidly - a year later she hosts the “Lazaret” program, which is broadcast on two all-Russian channels. Another year later, she was noticed by employees of the Moscow channel, and now Elena is hosting “Did you call the doctor?”

In 1997, she, together with the ORT channel, revived the “Health” program. And in 2010, the program “Live Healthy!”, which made her famous throughout the country, appeared. — morning daily program about health.

On air, Elena discusses intimate but important topics in everyday life. She talks about farting, wrinkles, football, so some episodes cause dissatisfaction among viewers.

"Live healthy!" full of visual examples, experiments and enlarged models of internal organs. Many say that due to the skits and style of the program, it becomes like a circus.

Malysheva and animals

One of the last high-profile scandals caused Malysheva’s statement about the need to shoot stray dogs. They began to call her inhumane; a petition was even submitted to Channel One. However, later the TV presenter explained her statement by saying that there are many sick children in Moscow, and it is better to spend time and money on them than on stray animals.

There is another scandal about her attitude towards animals - allegedly, during one of the programs, a rat died in her hands. Elena Malysheva showed on an animal how it paralyzes people during paralysis. The rat resisted and squeaked, but they still gave it an injection, after which it froze and calmed down.

TV viewers raised big scandal about the killer Elena Malysheva, but everything turned out to be, in fact, uninteresting - the rat was injected with a regular sleeping pill, and two hours later it woke up alive and well again.

Complaint against Malysheva for child molestation

In 2014-2015 for Elena Malysheva’s programs “Health” and “Live Healthy!” a complaint was filed with Roskomnadzor. All-Russian Parent meeting claimed that its programs lead to child molestation due to their frankness: stories about masturbation, condoms, erections.

Roskomnadzor did not reveal any violations - and the complaint, after long wanderings from one department to another, was forgotten.

The fight between Elena Malysheva and Artem Sheinin

In one of the “Time will tell” broadcasts, Elena Malysheva was ready to hit Artem Sheinin. There was a dispute between them about the effectiveness of homeopathy: Artem cited his cured son as an example, and Elena argued that small doses of medicine cannot help anyone. As a result, the hosts of the program separated them, asking the other guests to give the floor, but for a long time the video of their fight circulated on the Internet.

After moving to Moscow and entering graduate school, young Elena Malysheva has to rent an apartment overlooking Cemetery Vagankovsky- there are no places anywhere. But this does not prevent the girl from remaining cheerful.

Young Igor Malyshev, a future professor, comes to her university laboratory. Their relationship developed quickly, but incredibly romantically: on the first date, Elena read poetry, and on the second, Igor already kissed her.

When Elena boards the train, right before the doors close, Igor asks for her hand in marriage, offering to become the father of his children. The girl’s thoughts are full of questions: “What children? Where did he get them from?”, but she agrees. Moreover, I simply misunderstood their future children. And now Elena Shabunina becomes Malysheva, and defends her dissertation on last month pregnancy.

Elena and Igor have two children: Yuri and Vasily. Yuri, when he grows up, will become a doctor and will help his mother in “Live Healthy!” Vasily, a restless and playful child as a child, will become a lawyer. Elena transfers her own upbringing to her children: the boys manage to work as janitors.

In the meantime, in the 90s, the family had a hard time: a hostel, little money. Elena works as a doctor on duty, trying to arrange shifts so that her husband can look after the children.

The personal life of Elena Malysheva is almost not covered in the press: no public scandals, quiet family happiness. In 2015, she becomes a grandmother - her eldest son Yuri gives birth to little Igor.

Twin brother

Elena Malysheva's brother Alexey is her twin. He became a surgeon and works as the chief physician at the hospital. Botkin. As a child, Alexey was Elena’s support, her best friend.

Malysheva's diet was at first a myth

The now popular diet from Elena Malysheva was once just a newspaper duck. The recipe was inflated out of nothing, and only later the TV presenter herself developed the program, created a website and a brand. The diet is not only effective, but also tasty: food is delivered to participants frozen, and even sweets are included in the menu.

Award from Silver Rain for artistic cutting of a sweater

In 2011, Malysheva received a Silver Galosh from the Silver Rain radio station. In the “Malysheva and Udalysheva” category, the winner was a video where Elena shows the circumcision procedure on a girl wearing a high-neck sweater: the TV presenter lifts the collar of the girl’s sweater and cuts off the top, demonstrating how this is done during a real operation.

The award is given for dubious achievements in the field of show business, but it is incredibly popular among both stars and viewers.

Elena Malysheva vs Michael Jackson

She reminded her viewers that the pop singer was a drug addict and was convicted of child molestation. The video with this speech was translated into several languages ​​and was condemned even abroad. She also managed to offend pharmacists by saying that they cannot be trusted when choosing medications - pharmacists just want to sell more and more expensive ones.


On her paternal side, the famous TV presenter is Jewish. Her program about circumcision is associated with her nationality. Allegedly, the woman remembered the historical roots and decided to demonstrate the operation.

Malysheva does not age

TV viewers Lately they ask questions: “How old is Elena Malysheva?”, “Why doesn’t she age?” TV presenter for last years does not change and easily reveals his secret, naming products that make you grow old and advising you to use less cosmetics.

Elena Malysheva now – latest news

Now Elena continues to work on television: her day begins with getting up early and watching the news, and continues with filming in Ostankino. Her medical career has not yet come to an end either - Elena periodically publishes scientific articles.

Last June, at one of the awards for Russian doctors, Malysheva fulfilled her dream - to get to know Alexander Rosenbaum better. She fell into his arms, managing to film a video about her acquaintance and post it on Instagram.


Elena Malysheva’s life flows calmly - she continues to tell how to cope with illnesses, exercise scientific activities. Her last name has long become a Russian brand. She has long been talked about as the most famous doctor in the country.