What is the name of the pole training. Pole training - effective sports load

  • 04.03.2020

Most people associate the phrase "pole dancing" with the only association - a striptease in a club. But these people are simply not aware that exercises on a pole, other names - pole dance or pole dance - is a full-fledged sport in which competitions and championships of countries and the world are held. In fact, one of the types of dance gymnastics, like aerobics, rhythmics, acrobatic rock and roll, funk and others, the only difference is that dance movements and tricks to music are performed not on the floor, but at the pole and on it in air. By the way, a man on a pole is also a common phenomenon - the male pole dance is distinguished by its emphasis on acrobatics and the power side of tricks, contains a lot of parkour, and instead of music, rhythmic sounds are often used (drum rolls, the noise of nature, mechanical devices, etc.). Paul dance performed by men is often called pole acrobatics and championships are also held on it - see photos and videos of how beautiful this sport is.

Tricks and twists on the pole include elements of many other sports: acrobatics, choreography, power loads, cardio. Pole dancing has an amazing complex effect:

  • Flexibility, plasticity, artistry develops.
  • Posture is leveled, movements become smooth, graceful.
  • Movement coordination improves.
  • Muscle strength is increased without increasing muscle mass.

And one more advantage, what distinguishes pole training from fitness training is high efficiency in fast weight loss. The result will begin to appear after 6 sessions - one pole workout for beginners burns 1000 calories, and for those who continue to practice, with good physical fitness - up to 1400 calories, especially if you combine pole dance with other workouts -, or.

Pole dance lessons for beginners are recommended to be carried out 2-3 times a week for the first month, and then, when experience comes, physical endurance will increase, and therefore muscle strength, it is advisable to train every other day, alternating the pole with walking or running. This scheme allows you to normalize your weight within 3-4 weeks, tighten your figure and then improve your pole dance skills for health and beauty.

To appreciate all the pros and cons of these activities, two important factors should also be noted:

But, nevertheless, it is best for beginners to start learning pole dancing in a special group, in the gym, under the guidance of a trainer, since video lessons do not allow you to evaluate your own performance of each movement, and an experienced trainer will tell you what and how to pull up.

Another question of interest for beginners: should you install a large mirror next to the pylon in your home gym? Experienced experts do not recommend doing this. The mirror during pole dance practice is a distraction and can cause injury. Moreover, in the process of doing the exercise there is no time and no opportunity to consider yourself in the mirror. Therefore, it is better to abandon this idea, at least until the time of learning the basics of pole dancing.

Who is not allowed to practice on the pole?

Like any other sport, floor dance has contraindications for health reasons:

  • High and low blood pressure (hyper- and hypotension).
  • Obesity above grade 1.
  • Chronic heart disease.
  • Diseases of the joints and spine.
  • Scoliosis of all degrees.
  • Limb injuries.

Disturbances in the work of the vestibular apparatus and dizziness are serious contraindications, since they are dangerous with injury.

What do you need to have for pole practice?

Naturally, in addition to the pylon itself, a girl or a man needs special equipment. The requirements for it are standard - convenience and comfort, natural materials, clothes should not hinder movement, but also not interfere with the performance of complex tricks. There is no special uniform for pole dancing. You can choose from the following items:

  • T-shirt, top, t-shirt. It is accepted that the abdomen, shoulders and arms should be exposed, therefore a gymnastic leotard is not used.
  • Shorts so that the legs are also exposed. This is due to the fact that the fabric of the pants or leggings slides very much along the pole. The use of gaiters is allowed.
  • Shoes - choreographic ballet flats, gymnastic gym shoes, dance shoes, jazz shoes, soft ballroom shoes. Such shoes, like bare feet, provide good grip on the pole, and the leg stretches well in them. But socks are absolutely not to be worn - they will slide. Special shoes with heels - strips, which are used in striptease and exotic dances, are absolutely prohibited for unprepared beginners to wear.
  • Fingerless gloves - they prevent wet hands from slipping and protect the palms from abrasions and calluses.
  • Additional special means for adhesion to the pylon, allowing you to jump on it and perform movements without slipping. The choice is large - magnesia, gels, sprays, creams, waxes and powders.
  • Elastic wrist bandage to prevent sprains.
  • Musical records. The choice of accompaniment is to the taste of the practitioner, but the music should be rhythmic and unobtrusive.

General information

Pole dance has some rules:

  • There are two types of pylons: static (stationary) and mobile - rotating. For beginners, until they have mastered the basic acrobatic exercises, it is possible to practice only on a static apparatus.
  • The pylon is conventionally divided into three levels, each of which has its own purpose. The lower part is for training plasticity, stretching, the middle of the pole is used for twists and turns, and the upper level is for performing acrobatic stunts.
  • Pole dance is divided into three types:
  • Exotic is the most "danceable" variety. The number of choreographic movements is about 70%, power movements - 30%, of which a third is performed on the floor (parterre). There is no undressing in exotic floor dance - that is the difference between it and striptease.
  • Art is the most harmonious direction, where the number of dance and power tricks is 50x50%. It is often called classic pole dance.
  • Sport / Fitness is the most difficult, sports direction, in which 70% of the stunts are strength elements. Most often men are engaged in this type.

Algorithm of classes

Like any other workout, a floor dance lesson, whether with a trainer or at home, should take place according to a certain pattern:

  • ... This is an obligatory stage, lasting at least 15 minutes, during which the muscles and ligaments will prepare for physical activity. The second part of the warm-up must necessarily contain.
  • The second stage is the execution of basic static elements.
  • Only at the third stage can you start performing dynamic exercises - twists, turns, rotations, etc.
  • Next comes the stage of complex stretching, which gives the body and plasticity.
  • After stretching, you can start strength exercises - stands, hangs, supports. A special mat is placed on the power section around the pylon, which protects the athlete from injury in case of accidental falls.
  • The next stretch is again, but softer.
  • The final stage is a hitch. These are standard physical exercises that are done at a slower pace. At the final stage, it is desirable to achieve complete relaxation and rest. The shavasana yoga pose is very suitable for this, which helps the body to fully renew itself after heavy exertion.

The total duration of training for beginners is from 1 to 1.2 hours, and for experienced athletes, the optimal time is 1.5 hours.


For ladies and men who want to have a beautiful fit figure, have unique opportunities and get real pleasure from classes - pole dance is exactly the kind of sport that you need. At the same time, training requires great physical strength and full dedication. But the result will be amazing!

- This is dancing on a pole (a special pole) with elements of acrobatics. Many people confuse this direction with striptease, which is wrong. In fact, Pole dance is a kind of fitness and it can rightly be called even a separate sport.

Pole dance features

During the performance of tricks, a sports equipment called a pylon is used. Pole dance combines the following directions:

  • Pole Art(performing artistic tricks, performing arts, using special costumes);
  • Pole Sport(preoreet is done on complex physical exercises and tricks);
  • Exotic Pole dance(less tricks, more plastics, choreography);
  • Pole Fitness(includes sets of exercises for the development of both muscles and plastics).

The pole exercises are quite hard and challenging. They can be performed only after a long preparation and pumping of muscles. Not every athlete succeeds in acrobatic stunts on a pole, because you need to hang in the air at a level of 1.5-2 m above the floor. Basic elements: ascents to the pylon, twists, dance steps, hanging. Pole dance is constantly being improved, new exercises and tricks appear that need to be mastered, which is why this direction is becoming so popular, because you do not have to stand still, you can improve.

Pole dance championships

Recently, or rather since 2003, whole championships have been held dedicated specifically to Pole dance. The sports program consists of three complexes: tricks on the upper level of the pole, on the middle and on the lower level. The participant's program must include both acrobatics and plastic elements. The transitions between the tricks must be clean, the elements must be interconnected. The jury pays great attention to small details: the curve of the back, straight knees, elongated socks.

In many professional competitions, the use of leather or latex clothing and strip dancers' shoes is prohibited. The costume should not be erotic. It is not recommended to apply glitter moisturizing oils to the skin as it may cause it. It is forbidden to expose the body. Intimate gestures and erotic postures are also prohibited. Such restrictions are introduced in order to separate pole dance from striptease and to place an emphasis not on sexuality, but on athleticism. In most cases, competitions are held among girls, but there are also men's groups.

The passion of many athletes specifically for Pole dance has led to the creation of international organizations that unite lovers of this type of acrobatics. The question of including Pole dance in the list of Olympic sports is now being considered.

Today Pole Dance is one of the most fashionable and popular dance styles. Festivals and competitions are held on it; this direction is present in almost all dance schools. Moreover, floor dance could become an Olympic sport.

Such popularity is due to the fact that floor dance allows you not only to learn how to dance beautifully, but also to get a beautiful fit and flexible figure, that is, to kill two birds with one stone. Now pole dance is a mixture of dance, acrobatics and artistic gymnastics.

It is sometimes difficult to understand what is floor dance - a sport or a choreography, since pole dance numbers are very diverse. In general, half-dance can be divided into three streams.

1) Pole art

Pole Art is a direction towards floor dance, which is characterized by the most harmonious combination of dance and power elements - about 50% to 50%. The emphasis is on artistry, strength techniques and stunts. At competitions, judges pay attention to choreography, grace, the image of the performer.

At the same time, such exciting movements on the pole can be quite easy to perform, the technical complexity of the tricks is not placed here in the first position in terms of importance, but is evaluated on a par with the general presentation and integrity of the image.

The choice of costume and musical accompaniment by the participant is of additional importance. There are some restrictions in the choice of a suit: leather, latex, varnish are prohibited, since these materials facilitate grip with the pole, and strips (shoes with a high platform and heels) and overly sexy looks are also not allowed.

The dancer plays a role, in a few minutes of the dance he tells a whole story with his movements. Pole Art is real art, a weightless performance.

2) Pole sport

Pole Sport is a floor dance area that claims to be included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games.

In this direction, the image is not included in the priority of the performance. Often, the appearance can be quite neutral. Attention is paid to footwear: participants must perform barefoot or in special sports shoes, shoes are excluded.

Priority is given to stunt and strength elements on the pylon. For each competition, mandatory elements and points for them are prescribed.

In pole sport there are additional restrictions to increase the complexity of the category, for example: a restriction on the number of touches of the floor during a performance and a certain number of elements that must be performed in a certain sequence. The ratio of stunts in the room is 70% to 30%.

The performance may contain a dance part, but more often it just dilutes the performance, since dance is not a priority here.

Music requirement: it must be without words.

3) Exotic pole dance

Exotic pole dance is perhaps the most dance direction in pole dance. Exotic floor dance is a combination of two directions: strip plastic and floor dance. The emphasis is not only on acrobatic stunts, but also on dance routines around the pole and in the stalls (on the floor).

Exotic floor dance is rather a state of mind. Body movements here only accompany, shape emotions. Passion, eroticism, exoticism are the meaning of this style.

This style of dance, in turn, has three categories:

Exotic Flow

Exotic Flow - dance of the flow. The plastic elements in the dance smoothly pass from one to the other.

The ratio of stunts and choreography is 20% to 80%. This category does not require the performer to perform difficult tricks on the pole. In this category, tricks are an accent, decoration, they should be as stylized as possible. The main thing in Exotic flow is the choreography around the pylon. Of particular importance is the floorwork (parterre technique).

Exotic Hard

Exotic Hard is the most trick category of exotic floor dance. The ratio of stunt and choreographic parts is 70% to 30%. The main emphasis is on the ability to perform acrobatic elements on a pole in strips. Tricks must be danceable, but not a set of scattered elements on a pole. The image, idea and composition of the dance are also important.

Exotic Old School (Style)

Exotic Old Style is the sexiest category in exotic floor dance. The main focus is on sensuality and femininity, sexuality and passion. The ratio of stunts and choreography is 40% to 60%. Dance in this category must be performed musically, with accents and broaches. Stunts, as a rule, are selected as smooth as possible, with the possibility of transitions from one to another.

This is how pole dance is diverse. This is a unique combination of choreographic, circus and acrobatic art.

The article will reveal all the secrets of pole dance and help you make a choice among the variety of ways to lose weight and tighten the body.

A pole is a pole on which a striptease is danced. This fitness area has a second name half-dance and is directly related to strip plastic. In Russia, this type of fitness has gained popularity recently.

The influence of pole dancing on the figure

Half-dance has a beneficial effect on the female figure. Thanks to acrobatic sketches and, unlike conventional strip plastics, pole dancing effectively tightens the skin, contributes to weight loss,. Thus, dancing for an hour can lose up to 600 calories, as well as become more flexible and learn to move beautifully.

These exercises are similar to gymnastics, only on a vertical bar. It is useful to deal with women who do not know how to keep their posture, with a deformed back. Classes will help you to find a beautiful posture and gait when influencing all muscles and joints, to become more flexible, attentive and coordinated.

When practicing pole dancing, girls lose up to 10 kg per month. It is better to do it 3 times a week, but not every day, alternating workouts with weekends, thereby giving the muscles a rest and preparing for the next loads. Half-dance of your image is a gym without simulators. All exercises take place on the floor or pole.

Where to begin

First you need to decide where and how your classes will take place: at home alone or with a personal trainer, in the fitness room, in group classes or individual. The choice to make on the basis of their capabilities and character. Shy girls will very quickly lose interest in group activities, and some get lost when they are alone with the coach. The best choice would be to begin with one-to-one workout with a master about three to four times, while gaining a basis for group work.

Pole dancing is available to girls between the ages of 18 and 30. It is not necessary to be physically prepared and trained, as all this is acquired in the process of training. This sport helps to gain external beauty and self-confidence.

Interesting fact! Russia has a pole dancing sports federation and it was officially recognized as a sport in 2009.

What is necessary

The following dress code is required for pole dance:

How is the workout going

The whole process in the dance is devoted to the interaction of the dancer with the pole, and the main elements are vertical. In this case, vertical positions are divided into several types:

Warm up is needed for:


  • on the muscles of the arms and legs;
  • easy running;
  • rotation of the body to develop flexibility;
  • main part.

The main part of the lessons includes practicing the elements of pole dance. Tricks, acrobatic elements, unusual connections between tricks. All actions take place on the pylon.

The following elements are being worked out:

These and many other elements make up the bulk of pole training.

Strength exercises- development of new complex elements requiring a large load, taking place on the pylon.

Particular attention is paid to half-dance stretch, since most of the elements and tricks are performed at the expense of it. performed both singly and with the help of a partner.

Where to learn

You can learn this dance technique in specialized dance schools. In fitness clubs. There are also online courses with which you can master pole dance at home. Pay special attention to your choice of location to ensure your future success. When choosing a club, school or coach, read reviews, chat with those who are already doing this.


As in any other sport, there are contraindications in dancing:

  1. body mass index above 32;
  2. infectious diseases;
  3. diseases of a chronic nature during an exacerbation;
  4. mental disorders;
  5. classes after operations;
  6. weak heart;
  7. weak musculoskeletal system;
  8. asthma;
  9. pregnancy.

Immediately it is worth preparing yourself mentally. The first time in the classroom will be very difficult, especially for the physically unprepared. It takes endurance, training will hurt, there will be bruises and setbacks, but it's worth it. The result will not keep you waiting: in 4-5 lessons, endurance will be developed automatically, and after 3 months, complex acrobatic feints are provided.

Problems with loved ones may arise. It is very difficult to explain to many that pole dancing is not a striptease, but a sport. You can introduce family members to half-dance through video or attendance at classes.

Maintain a positive attitude, believe in yourself and you will succeed!

In theory, yes, but in practice ... “Stretching, flexibility and strength are essential for pole training,” says Polina Volchek, two-time world champion in pole dance, ex-soloist of Cirque du Soleil, artist of the Leningrad Center troupe. "That is, of course, you can try to do without them, but the number of elements that you can perform in this case will be significantly reduced."

It is important for beginners to strengthen the muscles of the upper body, since arm strength is important in the initial stages of mastering tricks on the pole. “In the first lessons, we study near-pylon choreography, some basic tricks at the“ lower ”level, the simplest twists,” comments Vera Kefner, teacher of pole dancе, stretching and other fitness directions of the Yaradance dance studio, the author of the complex, which we will show today. - And only then we transfer them to the “upper floors”, to the pylon. With strengthened muscles of the hands, the bark is much easier to work on the pylon: it is easier for a person to pull himself up, to statically hold himself in certain positions on the pylon, without touching the floor. As for good stretching, it makes the muscles more elastic, gives more joint mobility, increases the range of motion, which makes the task easier and reduces the risk of injury. Do not forget about the visual effect - good stretching allows you to perform tricks gracefully and beautifully. "

So if you've wanted to try pole training for a long time, but didn't know where to start, start with strength exercises and stretching. We asked Vera Kefner to compose and show us a suitable set of exercises.

How to build a lesson

* Start your workout with warm-up. 10-15 minutes of simple articular exercises will prepare your muscles, joints and connections for the upcoming stress.

* Exercise consistently.

* Study this program 2-3 times a week, gradually increasing the load. The pace is medium or slow, which will allow you to concentrate on the correct technique for performing the exercises.

To complete the complex, you will need a rug, a chair and dumbbells (weighing 2-3 kg).

Ready to start your class? Then repeat after Vera Kefner.

Push-ups with wide arms

Take an emphasis lying on straight arms (you can support it on your knees). Put your hands wider than your shoulders, fingers look forward and wide apart, distribute the load on a full palm. The neck is an extension of the spine, the gaze is lowered, the abdominal muscles are tense. While inhaling, keeping the body absolutely straight, bend your arms, spreading your elbows to the sides. You should practically reach the floor with your chest. As you exhale, focusing on how the pectoral muscles contract, squeeze out and return to the starting position. While you're a beginner, do as many push-ups as you can. You can start by doing with the support on your knees. 8-10 repetitions v 1-2 sets 10-15 repetitions v 3 sets

Push-ups with narrow arms

Take an emphasis lying on straight arms (you can support it on your knees). Place your palms shoulder-width apart, the fingers of the hands look forward and wide apart, distribute the load over the entire palm, the neck is an extension of the spine, the gaze is lowered, the abdominal muscles are tense. While inhaling, keeping the body absolutely straight and feeding it slightly forward relative to the hands, bend your arms, taking your elbows back. You should also practically reach the floor with your chest. As you exhale, squeeze out and return to the starting position. While you're a beginner, do as many push-ups as you can. You can start by doing with the support on your knees. 8-10 repetitions v 1-2 sets gradually increasing the load to 10-15 repetitions v 3 sets ... Then, without support on your knees, perform the same number of repetitions and approaches with straight legs (feet hip-width apart).


Take an emphasis lying on straight arms, arms shoulder-width apart, hands in line with the shoulder joints, feet together (fingers in line with the heels). Keep the muscles of the legs, buttocks and abs in tension. Do not bend in the lower back and keep the body straight, as a single line from crown to heels, until the end of the exercise. To hold this position, start with 15-30 seconds on 2-3 times gradually increasing this time.

Stand on shoulder blades ("Birch")

Lie with your back on the mat, arms along your torso, palms on the floor, knees bent or straight, knees and feet touching each other. Throw your legs over your head as much as possible. Bend your arms at the elbows, place your palms on the lower back, straighten your legs up. The body should be straightened, stretched up so that the body and legs represent one straight line. Keep your feet and knees together, hips and buttocks tense, palms on the lower back. Breathing during exercise is deep, even, calm. You need to finish the rack in the reverse order, slowly, without jerking, supporting your back with your hands. Hold this position 15-30 seconds ... Repeat 2-3 times ... Option with feet supported on the wall.

Reverse push-ups with a chair

Sit on a chair, place your palms under the shoulder joints shoulder-width apart, hands with your fingers forward. As you inhale, slowly lower your pelvis, bending your elbows to a right angle. Make sure that your forearms are perpendicular to the floor throughout the entire movement. As you exhale, push yourself back to the starting position. Do as many push-ups as you can. The main thing is that each rep is done correctly and in full amplitude. You can start with 8-10 repetitions v 1-2 sets gradually increasing the load to 10-15 repetitions v 3 sets .

Lifting dumbbells for biceps

Sit on a chair, take dumbbells weighing 2-3 kg. Lower your arms with dumbbells along the body. The brushes are turned towards the body. Fix the position of the elbows by pressing them against the body, tighten the press. Bend your elbows slowly. When your forearms are parallel to the floor, begin to turn your hands outward, that is, upward with your wrists. Next, lift the dumbbells to the point where your wrists almost touch your shoulders (at the top of the exercise, there should be a few centimeters between your wrists and shoulders). Hold at the top point for 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position just as slowly.