Gymnast Margarita Mamun: “I would like to be a bright individual. Olympic champion Rita Mamun postponed the wedding due to the death of her father

  • 19.10.2019

The dad of the Olympic champion saw her triumph in Rio, and died a few days later

In her youth, Amina ZARIPOVA was the favorite student of the famous Irina Viner. But the talented and spectacular gymnast never reached the Olympic podium. But already as a coach, she still achieved a big victory. 20-year-old student of Zaripova Margarita MAMUN, who is called the Bengal tigress, returned from Rio de Janeiro with the rank of Olympic champion.

Amina, your husband Alexey Kortnev is a famous musician. Does he know who Margarita Mamun is? Is he even a little interested in rhythmic gymnastics?

My husband saw Rita when he met me at the airport. Of course he knows her. Of course, he was rooting for Rita. But to say that Lesha somehow cares about rhythmic gymnastics ... Well, what are you! He only cares about the music

- Do you often host his friends from the art world at home?

Lesha has many friends. Over time, they became my friends. Tolik White from the Moscow art theatre, Olga Lomonosova, the guys from the Quartet I, Maxim Vitorgan... You can list for a long time. To Andrey Makarevich we are going to visit.

The houses of Alexey KORTNEV and Amina ZARIPOVA are set in a playful way. A photo:

Lucky case

Amina and Alexey met at a concert of the group "Accident". At some point Kortnev noticed that two girls who were sitting not far from the stage were not listening to his songs, but were sleeping sweetly! Both stretched their beautiful legs forward, and the musician managed to notice that the legs of his future wife are longer than those of her friend Yulia. This circumstance played an important role. Kortnev decided to strike just for Amina Zaripova. Their stormy romance led to the fact that in 2002 the couple in love got married.

- Was it your idea to build a country house?

Yes, mine. Lesha did not really want to live outside the city. And I wanted. About ten years ago, I offered to buy a plot in the Moscow suburbs with an area of ​​15 acres. Lesha agreed. But we came across such builders ... To put it mildly, they made a mistake in size. When the foundation of the future house was already poured, it suddenly turned out that there was no more space left on the site, even for parking a car! Lesha and I had to rent additional acres. The shoals continued further - with wiring, with batteries, window openings turned out to be much larger than necessary. They were cut randomly. But in the end everything was fixed, the house is standing and receiving guests. Now my husband likes it, and Lesha does not want to leave there. By the way, for one of my birthdays, my husband gave me a staircase to the second floor. BUT Irina Aleksandrovna Viner- shower.

- So, in a Moscow apartment no longer pulls?

When our first-born Arseny was born, we rented an apartment in Moscow on Tverskaya. But it was almost impossible to live there with a baby. And then Sergei Belogolovtsev and his wife Natasha gave us the keys to their country house in the suburbs. It was a grand gesture on their part. We spent three whole months there. They pushed me to the idea of ​​owning a house.

In general, the Belogolovtsev family fascinates me. Great guys. And before Natasha, I just bow. She came up with and brought to life the Dream Skiing project - for people suffering from cerebral palsy and other health problems. Together with her husband, she finds sponsors, looking for ski instructors throughout Russia. The Belogolovtsevs tested this method of rehabilitation with the help of sports on their son - unfortunately, Zhenya also suffers from cerebral palsy.

- You have three children. Will one of them become an athlete?

The eldest son Arseniy is engaged in golf. He has already entered the national team among children of his age. Now you don't have to pay for it. The second son, Athanasius, will probably be an actor - he loves to play all sorts of scenes. Daughter Asya is still small, she is only five years old. It is not yet clear where it will be taken.

Margarita MAMUN grasps everything on the fly. Photo: RIA Novosti

Panama as a mascot

- Admit it, did you personally believe in the Olympic victory of Margarita Mamun?

To be honest, I did not believe and did not hope. Any place in the top three would absolutely suit Rita and me. The favorite of the Olympic tournament was considered Yana Kudryavtseva, three-time world champion in the all-around. Mamun and Kudryavtseva performed on different carpets, we did not see or hear Yana's assessments. When they found out that at the end of the program she dropped her mace, it was a shock to everyone. And for me as well. But Rita fulfilled her task, she won by right.

How did you celebrate this success?

After the competition, Rita stayed for another two hours at the Sports Palace - she was taken to a doping control. Then we went to the Russian House, where our champions and prize-winners were honored. I enjoyed talking with Evgeny Trefilov, head coach of the Russian women's handball team. He is a very open person - cheerful, loud. We drank a glass of wine with him. When they returned to Moscow, they were next to me on the plane. Yevgeny Vasilyevich continued to spew witticisms. During the flight, I talked with other colleagues - with a mentor of volleyball players Vladimir Alekno and with a boxing trainer Alexander Lebzyak. By the way, he is my good friend.

Did you go to the Mediterranean Sea in Croatia? Usually at the end of the season Wiener invites gymnasts and their coaches there.

Irina Alexandrovna called us, but circumstances intervened. Two days after Rita returned from Rio de Janeiro to Moscow, her father died. We did not advertise this tragedy, but now we can already say. He was seriously ill for a long time. He met his daughter after returning from Rio, held her gold medal in his hands, shed a tear, and two days later he was gone. Probably, God gave him strength so that he could see the Olympic triumph of his daughter. At least on TV. Rita won for her dad.

Shortly after the funeral, we went to competitions in Japan. It was a forced trip, we did not plan it. Rita had to move away from shock, switch brains. She was very worried.

SUHORUKOV gallantly looks after the champion. A photo:

- They say that the young gymnast Amina Zaripova had a very complex character. And what is the character of Rita Mamun?

She has a very intelligent, educated family. Dad is from Bangladesh, mom is from Astrakhan. Abdullah Al Mamun came to study in the Soviet Union, fell in love with the Russian girl Anna, they got married, and then Rita was born. In this family, it is not customary to raise your voice. At first, when I called my student, it seemed to me that I woke her up - Rita spoke so quietly. Fortunately, she does not have to repeat anything twice - she grasps everything at once. But the sports anger, which is so necessary for victory, was often not enough for Rita.

- It turns out that you managed to piss her off at the Olympics?

And most importantly, on time. ( Smiling.) Last year she did not see the white light. Constantly trained, prepared very seriously. Anything happened between us. We fought and made peace. Before the Olympics, spend almost a month at a training camp near Sao Paulo. Rita then fell ill - she caught some kind of virus. Her temperature rose and she began to vomit. Due to illness, we lost a whole week. It was very hard to catch up.

But we made up. Already in Rio on the eve of the competition, I told her: “Rita, make sure that August 20 (the day when the medals were played) you remember as one of the best days in your life. So you don't regret anything later." Exactly 20 years ago, things were different for me. At the Atlanta Olympics, I took fourth place. It was embarrassing to tears.

- Will Margarita Mamun remain in sports?

She must decide for herself. If Rita wants to quit rhythmic gymnastics, I will not persuade her. But if it remains, we will continue to work with it. Rita is resting now. Come to your senses, we'll talk.

- The press reported that Margarita has a fiancé - swimmer Alexander Sukhorukov.

Yes, they have a very good relationship, they love each other. Alexander even hinted that he was already thinking about starting a family. He seemed to be going to propose to Rita. But now, after the death of her dad, this is impossible. Time needs to pass.

- Irina Viner-Usmanova could not come to the Olympics in Rio. Did it create some kind of nervousness?

Previously, Irina Aleksandrovna was with us at all major competitions. And then suddenly she's gone. Of course, it's unusual. But you know, technological progress does not stand still. In Brazil, in the gym where we trained, special large screens were installed. And Irina Alexandrovna, being in another country, at a certain moment got in touch via the Internet and saw all our trainings. She made adjustments from a distance. Her advice to Rita Mamun helped a lot.

- Why did you annoy Wiener so much that one day she almost tore off your ear?

I was 17 years old, my first world championship. It is necessary to go out on the carpet, but I have jitters, stupor. Irina Aleksandrovna realized that she had to act. She took me to the toilet and began to shake my ears. Yes, so much so that he tore his earlobe. There was blood. But Wiener brought me to my senses.

- You yourself, becoming a coach, acted in a similar way?

No. I was a lazy and rather wayward student. I have never come across such gymnasts.

What vacation do you remember the most?

Last four days in Austria. In the ski resort of Zell am See. Everyone goes there in the winter, but my children and I flew there in the summer. The Alps at this time of the year are insanely beautiful. True, there were many Arabs, but this is so, by the way. We went to the zoo, went to the largest waterfall in Europe. In general, the best rest for me is to ride in a car with the whole family, look around and sing children's songs together. Bliss!

- Irina Viner-Usmanova is very fond of women's hats. And you?

Me too. At the Olympics in Rio on the first day there was a strong sun, so I put a panama on my head. It seems to me that it is more suitable for fishing, but Rita had a good workout that day, and I did not take off this panama again. Until the end of the Olympics. Panama was happy.


* On October 12, Alexei Kortnev will turn 50 years old. For his anniversary, he is preparing a concert together with his friend Kamil Larin from the Quartet I.

* At home, Alexei calls his wife affectionately - Musya, and Amina came up with her husband's gentle nickname Kinya (from the word "kinder").

Margarita Mamun won Olympic gold two years ago in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 2017, one of the brightest gymnasts of her generation announced that she was leaving the big sport. Now Margarita has a lot of ordinary things - she is arranging her apartment - last year Mamun married swimmer Alexander Sukhorukov. The girl also participates in charity and advertising campaigns.

Recently, the Polish director Marta Prus presented in Moscow a documentary film about Margarita, about her path to Olympic gold. After watching, the country's head coach in rhythmic gymnastics, Irina Alexandrovna Viner, made an unexpected statement. She said that at the last moment, before the decisive performance of Margarita, she was incredibly cruel to her. Viner reminded Mamun of her dying father.

"Your dad is dying! Show it in your performance!” - said Irina Viner to Margarita Mamut

The coach admitted that this is hardly ready to ever repeat. “I will not repeat such moments in my life. I don't get the chance to tell a girl when her father was dying to perform to cheerful dance music. For him to live. For her to pray. And she really did it, ”said Irina Aleksandrovna.

The fact is that Margarita Mamun's father fell ill long before these important competitions. And when Rita was leaving for Rio for the Olympics, the coaches were informed that the man had a few days left to live. But Margarita's father - Abdullah Al Mamun - waited for his champion. By the way, the athlete herself did not know that the doctors made such a disappointing prognosis.

“When Rita was leaving for the Olympics, they told me: “Dad has two days left.” Rita was in Rio de Janeiro for 21 days. Arrived on the 22nd day. Dad was alive. He picked up her medal and left the next day, ”said Viner.

Margarita Mamun was very upset by the death of her father, but she never tires of repeating how happy he was that he saw her Olympic gold medal.

The gymnast has repeatedly admitted that Wiener is a tough coach who can be very affectionate. And Irina Alexandrovna herself, never embarrassed by the words of criticism addressed to the pupils, also eloquently praises her champions.

“Rita is a star to whom God gave such emotions. See, she is black, and her mother is white? This is how her dad was. On the one hand, she is a tigress, and Rita has tenderness from her mother. These two principles have always fought in it. Therefore, when she came out, I did not tell how to make elements. She said: “Make love during the exercise. Show, tell how cheerful, cheerful and sexy you are. Sometimes she succeeded, and sometimes she thought about the elements, ”the quotes the coach

Russian rhythmic gymnast Margarita Mamun is a multiple winner of the championships of Russia, Europe and the world. Gold medal winner in gymnastics from the Rio 2016 Olympics. The famous Russian athlete combines many roles: a plastic and extraordinary gymnast, a loving and caring wife, as well as an active business woman ready for new heights. The biography of Margarita Mamun is a story about a strong multifaceted personality.


Childhood and family

Margarita's parents were brought together by fate. Her father Abdullah Al Mamun was born and raised in Bangladesh. In his youth, he received the specialty of a marine engineer and went on an exchange to Russia. In Moscow, by distribution, he ended up in Astrakhan at a technical university, the homeland of his future wife Anna. There they met and fell in love, after which they moved to the capital, where on November 1, 1995 they had their daughter, the future Olympic champion, Margarita Abdullaevna Mamun. The Mamun family has always been distinguished by strong and trusting relationships, Margarita has always been very close to her parents.

Thanks to her father, the athlete has dual citizenship, in addition to citizenship, eastern roots awarded her with a special bewitching plasticity and expressiveness. Until the age of 10, the young athlete often visited her father's homeland and learned the Bengali language. With age and an increase in the number of training hours, Margarita visited the country less and less. Today she remembers a few words and counts well, but with the advent of personal time she plans to restore her knowledge. By nationality, Mamun Margarita is half Russian and half Bengali.

Rita's acquaintance with sports began in childhood with figure skating, but she was not associated with him for a long time. Mom was very afraid that her daughter would break on the ice. Soon, the young athlete saw the performances of Chashchina and Kabaeva on television and asked to take her to rhythmic gymnastics classes.

Margarita was brought to the first training quite late, at that time she was already 7 years old. In the gymnastics section, the normal age for the first training is 4-5 years old, but the coaches went to meet the young athlete and did not regret it. Purposeful Margarita quickly overcame the gap in the level of training to peers. The first coach of the future champion was N.V. Kukushkina.

Sports career

Career Mamun in his youth

The decision to do gymnastics professionally was made in 2006. At the age of 11, Margarita moved to coach Amina Zaripova and began to build a career in sports.

Thanks to dual citizenship, young Margarita had a choice of which country to represent in the competition. In her entire life, Margarita Mamun competed for Bangladesh once in 2005 at the Miss Valentine Cup championship. After that, she made an irrevocable decision to participate in competitions only under the flag of the Russian Federation.

The first success came to Margarita in 2011, when she received a gold medal in the all-around at the Russian Championships, as well as in the finals of exercises with a ball, hoop and clubs. This victory allowed the young gymnast to start training at the Novogorsk training center.

At the end of 2011, Margarita climbed the adult podium for the first time. At the World Cup in Montreal, she took 3rd place in the all-around, and also received gold for her performance with the ball.

Season 2012-2013

In 2012, Margarita earned the title of Absolute Champion of the Russian Federation for the first time. At the stage of the World Cup, which was held in the capital of Ukraine, M. Mamun earned 3 bronze medals in exercises with objects.

2013 was marked by another triumph for the champion: the victory in the Russian Championship, according to Irina Viner-Usmanova, made her the leader of the Russian team. In 2013, she first entered the fight at the European Championships, and also made her debut at the World Championships. At all the championships, Margarita showed herself more than worthy. The table shows the main achievements of the athlete in this period.

Season 2014-2015

No less successful for the famous athlete was the 2014-2015 season. She not only confirmed her place on the highest steps of the pedestals, but also conquered new heights of rhythmic gymnastics. The only failure was the performance with the ribbon at the European Championships, where she lost the apparatus and became only fifth in the final. Otherwise, the "Bengal tigress" only succeeded. Immediately after that, she showed a brilliant performance at the 2nd stage of the Grand Prix in Thiers, where she received a gold medal for the exercise with a hoop and clubs, a silver for the exercise with a ball, and also became the winner in the all-around. All the main sports achievements of the athlete are presented in the table:

Year Tournament Place in the overall standings
all-around hoop ball maces ribbon
2014 Grand Prix in Moscow 1 1 1 1 2
Grand Prix in Thier 2 2 1 2
Grand Prix in Holon 1 1 1
Grand Prix Final 1 1 1 1 1
World Cup 2 2 1 2 1
2015 World Cup in Lisbon 2 1 1 1
World Cup in Bucharest 2 2 2
World Cup in Pesaro 2 1 3 2
World Cup in Budapest 2 2 2 1 2
World Cup in Sofia 2 2 2
World Cup 2 1 2 2

Silver at the World Championships helped Margarita take a huge step towards her dream - an Olympic medal. At the end of 2015, the gymnast is licensed to participate in the 2016 Olympic Games.

Olympics in Rio de Janeiro 2016

The apotheosis of the athlete's sports career was the Olympic Games. The 2016 Olympics was not only a triumph for the athlete, but also a huge test.

Traditionally for a gymnast in 2016, she earned countless awards at international competitions and championships, after which she went to conquer the Olympic podium. The gymnast's mentor in the national team was the famous Irina Viner-Usmanova.

Participation in the Olympics was not easy for the girl. While preparing for the competition, Margarita became very ill, due to dehydration and a temperature of about 39 degrees, the athlete had to miss almost a week of training. In addition, her father at that moment was seriously ill. However, nothing broke the fighting spirit of the future Olympic champion, and during the competition she maintained her “Olympic calmness”.

The date 05/20/2016 will forever remain in the heart of Margarita Mamun. On this day, she became in Rio De Janeiro 2016 and forever inscribed her name in history.

At the age of 22, Margarita Mamun announces the end of her sports career.

Death of Margarita Mamun's father

Abdullah Al Mamun, the girl's father, was ill for a long time with a serious and terrible disease - oncology. Before Rita left for Rio, the doctors gave Abdullah a deadline: he had two days to live. However, Margarita's father lived for another two months. He saw his daughter's triumph at the Olympics, though on TV, not in Rio. And also managed to congratulate the girl on the greatest victory when she returned to her homeland. Margarita calls it a miracle. In an interview, she shared that the first thing she did when she returned to her homeland, she ran to her father to show the medal. Rita remembers her father with tenderness and gratitude for everything he did for her.

Margarita Mamun about leaving the sport, the despotism of Wiener and the best date

About leaving the sport

Purposeful and active athlete after leaving the sport and was not going to relax. She spends all her free time on creating a “home” for her family, developing and creating various projects in tandem with the media, traveling and master classes. Margarita is delighted with life, she opens up more and more new horizons for herself. If earlier her world consisted of gyms, training camps and competitions, now her world has no boundaries.

According to Margarita, Wiener is a tough and demanding leader.

The sports loads of the Olympic champion today are limited to touring master classes for young athletes and jogging "on business".

The Forbidden fruit is sweet. Now Margarita is sure of the correctness of this proverb. If earlier she could afford to eat something “wrong” 2 times a month, now she can afford it every day. However, when it is possible, according to Margarita, it is no longer interesting.

About Despotism Wiener

About Irina Viner-Usmanova, Margarita speaks only on the positive side. The period of her sports career, when Viner became her mentor in the Russian national team, Rita recalls with a smile.

According to Margarita, Wiener is a tough and demanding leader, but at certain moments he is very understanding. During the preparation of Margarita for the Olympic Games, Wiener brought up in her the distinguishing traits of character in our gymnasts: firmness, perseverance, willpower and inner core.

Today, the athlete is very grateful to her illustrious coach for the lessons she received during the training process. The character that helped earn her an Olympic gold medal is now helping her reach new heights outside of sports.

About the best date

Margarita considers the date with her future husband in the USA to be the best date in her life, when they met after a four-month separation.

Personal life

Unlike many rhythmic gymnasts, Margarita had time for her personal life even before leaving professional sports. Now peace and idyll reign in the personal life of the athlete.

Love story

For the first time, they met their future husband, swimmer Alexander Sukhorukov, in the canteen of a sports hostel in Kazan in 2013. Alexander is 7 years older than his chosen one. After six months of friendship, their relationship turned into a romantic one.

In the winter of 2016, Alexander proposed to Rita. At the Olympians' ball, in the presence of eminent guests, he knelt down and asked her for her hand and heart.

Initially, Sasha planned to propose to his bride in Rio during the victory at the Olympics, but decided that the Olympic Games should only be associated with the victory of Margarita. Then he planned to make an offer immediately upon arrival in his homeland, but the death of Abdullah Mamun crossed out his plans.

Therefore, he made an offer only on December 8. Margarita Mamun married Alexander Sukhorukov on 09/08/2016. At the wedding, in addition to friends and relatives, there were coaches, choreographers, doctors and everyone who was part of her gymnastic team.

Some online publications spread the news about the pregnancy of Margarita Mamun, but the couple did not make official statements. In the last interview, the girl answered the question about the heirs: "Everything has its time."

Margarita Mamun now

Athletes in rhythmic gymnastics are the ideal of femininity, grace and plasticity. Therefore, many are interested in the parameters of famous gymnasts.

Parameters of Margarita Mamun:

Height: 1 m 70 cm

How old is Margarita Mamun now? Only 22. During this time, she has become one of the most titled gymnasts in the world. Now she is working on new projects:

  • Became an ambassador of the Intimissimi brand, the basis of the brand is swimwear (Margarita Mamun is an ambassador)
  • Signed a contract with the cosmetic company "Inglot"
  • Participates in the filming of films ("Selfie", documentary film "Beyond" / "Beyond")
  • Tries herself as a model, including a fashion model
  • Travels the world
  • Conducts master classes for young athletes
  • At the same time, Margarita shares that she plans to build a coaching career

And that is not all! The girl constantly discovers new ideas in herself and makes extraordinary plans.

Margarita is only 22. During this time, she has become one of the most titled gymnasts in the world.

The main idea of ​​all the plans of the athlete is the popularization of rhythmic gymnastics.

Four-time European champion. Four-time winner of the Universiade in Kazan.
Champion of the I European Games in Baku. Multiple winner of the Grand Prix and World Cup stages.

Margarita Mamun was born on November 1, 1995 in Moscow. The girl is half Russian, half Bengali. Her father, Abdullah Al Mamun, is from Bangladesh and is a marine engineer by profession. Mother, Anna, former gymnast. It is with oriental roots that her coach explains the expressiveness, lyricism and plasticity of Mamun.

Rita at the age of seven began to go to the gymnastics section, where her mother brought her, since the Olympic village is not far from home. Consciously began to prepare for the career of a gymnast from the age of eleven. Trains under the guidance of coach Amina Zaripova. In a specialized children's and youth sports school of the Olympic reserve, she trained under the guidance of Natalya Valentinovna Kukushkina. In the national team, Mamun's mentor is Irina Aleksandrovna Viner-Usmanova.

In 2005, as part of Karolina Sevastyanova's team, she took part in the Miss Valentine Cup, held in the Estonian city of Tartu. Once, at children's competitions that were not held under the auspices of FIG, Margarita played for the Bangladesh team, whose citizenship she has, but in the future she always represented Russia.

Mamun achieved her first big successes in 2011, when she became the champion of Russia in the all-around, as well as in exercises with maces, a ball and a hoop. Margarita began to be involved in training with the national team in Novogorsk. In the same year, she was sent to competitions in Montreal, where the World Cup was held. Mamun, with a score of 106.925 points, took third place in the all-around and for the first time in her career rose to the adult podium. In exercises with the ball, Rita scored 27.025 points and took first place.

In 2012, Margarita began the season with performances at the Grand Prix in Moscow; she placed ninth in the all-around. At the first stage of the World Cup in Kyiv, Mamun, becoming the seventh in the all-around, qualified for three finals and won three bronze medals: in exercises with a ribbon, ball and clubs. At the competitions in Tashkent, Rita stopped a step away from the podium, scoring 113,200 points in the sum of all exercises and taking 4th place.

In October of the same year, Margarita became the absolute champion of Russia, repeating her last year's success. At the end of the season, Mamun made her debut at the annual Aeon Cup Club World Cup finishing fourth in the individual all-around. As part of a team with Daria Dmitrieva and Yulia Bravikova, she became the winner.

The following year, Mamun became the champion of Russia for the third time. On the eve of the first tournament of the Grand Prix series, Irina Viner announced an update in the Russian team and called Margarita the leader of the Russian team.

She opened the season with gold in the all-around at the Grand Prix in Moscow. The first step of the pedestal was submitted to her in the exercises with clubs, ball and hoop, and in the exercises with the ribbon Mamun took the third place. At the next stage of the Grand Prix in Thiers, Margarita won all possible gold medals: in exercises with a ribbon, ball, clubs, hoop and all-around. Rita completed her performance at the second stage of the World Cup in Lisbon identically.

Soon Mamun took part in her first European Championship, which took place in Vienna. As part of the team, together with Daria Svatkovskaya and Yana Kudryavtseva, she won gold medals. In the individual standings, she took first place in the exercises with a ribbon and three times became the second in exercises with clubs, a hoop and a ball.

In July 2013, at the Universiade in Kazan, Margarita won gold in the exercise with a hoop, ribbon, clubs, as well as in the individual all-around, gaining 73.466 points. At the World Cup finals in St. Petersburg, Mamun won gold in the all-around, clubs, hoop and ribbon exercises, and she won silver in the ball exercises.

At her debut World Championships in Kyiv in 2013, she was considered the main favorite. The athlete won two "gold" in exercises with a ball and clubs, "bronze" with a hoop. But in the finals of the exercise with the tape, she made a gross mistake and eventually became the fifth. In the all-around final, Margarita made many mistakes and as a result took only sixth place.

At the Aeon Cup club world championship held in Japan at the end of October 2013, Mamun, together with Yana Kudryavtseva and Yulia Bravikova, representing the Gazprom club, became the winners in the team competition, beating the teams of Belarus and Ukraine. In the individual all-around, Margarita won bronze.

At the first stage of the Grand Prix in Moscow this year, Mamun excelled in the all-around and in three finals: hoop, ball, clubs, and became the second in the ribbon exercise. At the Grand Prix in Thiers, Margarita became the winner three times: “silver” in the all-around and final with a hoop, “gold” for clubs, and in Holon she celebrated victory in the all-around, in the finals with a hoop and ball, along the way taking silver for the exercise with tape. Mamun finished the Grand Prix Final in Innsbruck as an absolute winner, winning gold in all types of the program.

At the world championship in Izmir, Margarita Mamun, together with Yana Kudryavtseva and Alexandra Soldatova, won gold in the team all-around. Having qualified for all the finals, Margarita won a medal in each of the five types of the program: “gold” for the ball and ribbon, “silver” for the hoop, clubs and individual all-around.

In 2015, she took part in all stages of the World Cup: in Lisbon "silver" in the all-around, "gold" for the hoop, ball and ribbon, Bucharest "silver" in the all-around and for hoop and ball, Pesaro "silver" in the all-around and for clubs , "gold" for the hoop, "bronze" for the ball, Budapest "silver" in the all-around and for the hoop, ball and ribbon, "gold" for clubs, Sofia "silver" in the all-around and for the hoop and ribbon. Twice, at the stages in Tashkent and Kazan, she became the absolute winner, winning gold medals in all types of programs.

At the World Championships in Stuttgart, she won gold in team all-around together with Yana Kudryavtseva and Alexandra Soldatova. In the individual all-around, Margarita Mamun became a silver medalist and received a license to participate in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, where she triumphantly won a gold medal.

At the end of the 2016 season, Margarita Mamun decided to suspend her sports career and later, on November 4, 2017, announced her final retirement.

In 2018, the documentary "Beyond the Limit" was released, showing the most important year of Margarita Mamun's sports career, the period of preparation for the Olympic Games.

Margarita Mamun is one of the most talented young rhythmic gymnasts in Russia, she is a member of the national team and has the title of MSMK. She was born on November 1, 1995 in Moscow. Margarita is half Russian, half Bengali. Her father is from Bangladesh. It is the eastern roots that explain the incredible expressiveness, lyricism and plasticity of Mamun.
Rita at the age of seven began to go to the gymnastics section, where her mother brought her. Fortunately, the Olympic Village is not far from her home. Consciously began to prepare for the career of a gymnast from the age of eleven. Trains under the guidance of coach Amina Zaripova. In SDYUSSHOR she trained under the guidance of Natalia Valentinovna Kukushkina. In the national team, Mamun's mentor is Irina Aleksandrovna Viner-Usmanova.
In 2005, as part of Karolina Sevastyanova's team, she took part in the Miss Valentine Cup, held in the Estonian city of Tartu. For a short time, Margarita took part in competitions for the Bangladesh team, but soon she made the final decision to play for Russia.
Mamun achieved her first big successes in 2011, when she became the champion of Russia in clubs, ball and hoop exercises. Margarita also became the champion of Russia in the all-around.
Margarita began to be involved in training with the national team in Novogorsk. In the same year, she was sent to competitions in Montreal, where the World Cup was held. Mamun, with a score of 106.925 points, took third place in the all-around and for the first time in her career rose to the adult podium. In exercises with the ball, Rita scored 27.025 points and took first place.
In 2012, at the World Cup stage in Kyiv, Mamun won three bronze medals: in exercises with a ribbon, ball and clubs. In the same year, Margarita became the absolute champion of Russia, repeating her last year's success a year later. At the competitions in Tashkent, Rita stopped a step away from the podium, scoring 113,200 points in the sum of all exercises and taking 4th place.
In 2013, Mamun became the champion of Russia for the third time. She opened the season with gold in the all-around at the Moscow Grand Prix. The first step of the pedestal was submitted to her in the exercises with clubs, ball and hoop, and in the exercises with the ribbon Mamun took the third place.
At the Thai Grand Prix, Margarita won all possible gold medals: in exercises with a ribbon, ball, clubs, hoop and all-around. Rita completed her performance at the second stage of the World Cup in Lisbon identically.
Soon Mamun took part in her first European Championship, which took place in Vienna. As part of her team, together with Daria Svatkovskaya and Yana Kudryavtseva, she won gold medals. In the individual standings, she took first place in the exercises with a ribbon and three times became the second in exercises with clubs, a hoop and a ball.
In July 2013, at the Universiade in Kazan, Margarita won 2 gold medals. First, Mamun became the champion in the individual all-around, showing a total of 73.466 points. A day later, Margarita with a score of 18,300 points became the first in exercises with a hoop