Deviation from the army due to health reasons. How to avoid military service legally

  • 04.02.2024

If you have already read materials on the Internet on the topic of abandoning the army, then you know: in them the author begins to shame readers and scare them with a criminal article, or indignant people come running in the comments and reproach you for cowardice.

  • Is it possible to slope;
  • is it worth doing?
  • what does this threaten?

There are legal grounds for a temporary or permanent exemption, including obtaining an education, having a PhD degree, not being drafted, or having an illness incompatible with service. I list all the reasons for deferment in this article:

There's a cool infographic there. If you find yourself in the picture, rejoice! For the next year you will be walking around in your native Adidas, and not in camouflage.

In fact, the only way you have a reason for a slope that you don't know about is if you have health problems. It’s unlikely that you have a forgotten candidate of sciences crust lying around, or you forgot that you are a deputy or a happy father of two children. But it’s quite possible to forget – or not even suspect – about a diagnosis that will help you legally get out of the army.

But even here, not everything is simple. Contrary to popular stories, flat feet or high blood pressure alone are not sufficient reasons for you to forget the way to the military registration and enlistment office. You can’t just come to the commission and say that you have flat feet. This is not an Avada Kedavra spell that will defeat the military commissar on the spot. You will have to collect a lot of pieces of paper to convince the commission.

How to legally withdraw from the army due to health reasons

To make your diagnosis sound convincing, start collecting certificates and statements about examinations and treatment. Preferably from kindergarten. I am not kidding! Advanced mothers fold all the papers and carefully preserve them until the time when the child receives the first summons.

And from the age of 14-15, the child, that is, you, is quite capable of collecting certificates on his own. If a conscript has been regularly seeing doctors for his illness over the past few years, has been in the hospital 1-2 times, and all this is confirmed by documents, then the chance of getting a deferment is high.

It’s another matter if you hold a summons in one hand, and with the other you frantically type “schedule of illnesses 2017 army” into the search engine in the hope of finding your illness in this list. Think about it: a person under 18 has never seen a doctor, and at 18 he suddenly gets sick? There are no fools sitting in military registration and enlistment offices.

Read it, and perhaps you will have more fun looking at your upcoming youth in boots.

How to avoid the army in 2017 “on the run”

In the nineties, people massacred “on the run.” That is, they simply flushed the summons down the toilet and did not open the door if they saw strong guys in uniform through the peephole. Now this scenario does not work. If you are on the run, you will not be able to get a job officially, because the employer is required to submit information to the military registration and enlistment office.

You won't get a passport, but that's the least of your worries. It is quite possible to get a fine of up to 200,000 rubles, or even go to prison for two years. Therefore, I warn everyone who is planning to run away from the army in 2017: one rash act will ruin your life, and you will never get anything back.

Read before deciding whether to serve or not.

How to get out of the army for money

I'll be brief: no way. In the best case, your “benefactor” will simply take the money and disappear, and in the worst case, you will go to court for a bribe.

If you read the article and realized that you won’t be able to mow, then start preparing for the service in advance. The better you prepare, the easier it will be for you to serve, and the faster this year will fly by. In this article I share the most valuable information:

It’s a pity that no one told me about this, especially about number 6.

P.S. Do you want to ask me a question, complain about life, or brag about how you served? Write in the comments!

No one will deny that in our time, military service has lost its civic and patriotic meaning, and has become only a source of danger to the lives of young people and a waste of time. Moreover, the current generation of conscripts is not in good health, so it is worth suffering and undergoing a medical examination. The possibility of receiving a “white ticket” or a long delay always exists.

“Schedule of diseases” in the new edition

The list of diseases that are not allowed into the army is constantly updated by the country's military leadership. In 2014, a new edition came into force, which applies to the next years 2015-2019.
Diseases classified as category D are those in which the conscript is completely and completely released from the army.

The official document, which lists all the diseases, is called the “Schedule of Diseases,” of which there are more than two thousand. A complete list of diseases for which you can receive an exemption or temporary deferment can be found below.

In particular, category D includes:

diseases of the musculoskeletal system - severe scoliosis, grade 3 flat feet and others;
- gastrointestinal diseases - all types of ulcers, polyps, etc.;
- heart disease;
- neurological diseases - epilepsy, consequences of severe injuries, paralysis;
- diseases of the urinary system - nephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis;
- tuberculosis;
- endocrine diseases - diabetes, obesity;
— pathologies of the organs of vision;
- insufficient physical development;
- enuresis;
- food allergy.

Having found his illness in the “Schedule”, the conscript can determine whether he will have complete freedom from performing “civic duty” or whether he can receive a deferment.

Below is a more detailed consideration of each item on the illness schedule for conscripts. So, below are broken down into subsections the diseases for which the conscript will either be given a deferment until cured and re-examined, or will not be accepted into the army at all. This is already decided by a medical commission depending on the severity of the disease.

Infectious diseases

  • tuberculosis of the respiratory system and other systems;
  • leprosy;
  • HIV infection;
  • syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections;
  • mycoses.


  • malignant neoplasms;
  • benign formations that interfere with the proper functioning of organs.

Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs

  • all types of anemia;
  • disturbances in the structure of red blood cells or hemoglobin;
  • dysfunction of platelet leukocytes;
  • hemostasis disorders with increased bleeding;
  • leukopenia;
  • thrombophilia;
  • hemophilia;
  • hereditary fragility of capillaries;
  • vascular pseudohemophilia;
  • granulomatosis;

and other diseases of the blood and circulatory organs involving the immune mechanism.

Endocrine system diseases, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders

  • euthyroid goiter;
  • obesity 3 and 4 degrees;
  • diabetes;
  • gout;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diseases of the pituitary gland and adrenal glands;
  • diseases of the parathyroid and gonads;
  • eating disorders;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • body weight deficiency.

Mental disorders

  • schizophrenia;
  • psychoses;
  • addiction;
  • alcoholism;
  • substance abuse;
  • disorders related to sexual orientation;
  • disorders of psychological development;
  • reactive depression;
  • mental retardation;
  • personality disorders

and other mental disorders due to trauma, brain tumors, encephalitis, meningitis and so on.

Nervous system diseases

  • epilepsy;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • paralysis;
  • encephalitis;
  • meningitis;
  • injuries and diseases of the brain and spinal cord with dysfunction;
  • hereditary diseases of the central nervous system (cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, etc.);
  • traumatic arachnoiditis;
  • aphasia;
  • agnosia;
  • polyneuritis;
  • plexite

and other diseases associated with damage to the nervous system.

Eye diseases

  • fusion of the eyelids between each other or the eyeball;
  • inversion and eversion of the eyelids;
  • ulcerative blepharitis;
  • chronic conjunctivitis;
  • diseases of the lacrimal ducts;
  • severe pathology of the eyelids;
  • retinal detachment and rupture;
  • optic nerve atrophy;
  • taperetinal abiotrophies;
  • strabismus in the absence of binocular vision;
  • persistent lagophthalmos;
  • the presence of a foreign body inside the eye,
  • aphakia;
  • pseudophakia;
  • glaucoma;
  • severe myopia or farsightedness;
  • blindness

and other eye diseases, as well as outcomes of injuries and burns of the sclera, cornea, iris, ciliary body, lens, vitreous body, choroid, retina, optic nerve.

Ear diseases

  • congenital absence of the auricle;
  • bilateral microtia;
  • chronic otitis;
  • bilateral persistent perforation of the eardrum;
  • persistent hearing loss;
  • deafness;
  • vestibular disorders.

Diseases of the circulatory system

  • heart failure grades 2,3,4;
  • rheumatic heart disease;
  • congenital and acquired heart defects;
  • atrial septal defect;
  • prolapse of the mitral or other heart valves;
  • myocardial cardiosclerosis;
  • hypertrophic cardiomyopathy;
  • atrioventricular block of the first degree;
  • hypertension with dysfunction of target organs;
  • coronary heart disease with dysfunction;
  • angina pectoris;
  • atherosclerosis and thrombosis;
  • neurocirculatory asthenia;
  • hemorrhoids with prolapse of nodes stage 2-3

and other diseases of the circulatory system.

Respiratory diseases

  • foul runny nose (ozena);
  • chronic purulent sinusitis;
  • persistent respiratory failure with respiratory failure;
  • congenital abnormalities of the respiratory system;
  • mycoses of the lungs;
  • sarcoidosis grade III;
  • bronchial asthma of any degree;
  • damage to the larynx and trachea;
  • alveolar proteinosis;
  • chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary apparatus and pleura.

Diseases of the digestive system, jaw and teeth

  • periodontitis, periodontal disease;
  • diseases of the oral mucosa, salivary glands and tongue;
  • actinomycosis of the maxillofacial region;
  • absence of 10 teeth or more in one jaw;
  • defects of the upper or lower jaws with dysfunction;
  • severe forms of ulcerative enteritis and colitis;
  • esophageal-bronchial fistulas;
  • congenital anomalies of the digestive organs;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • chronic gastritis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis with frequent exacerbations;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • hernias with dysfunction of organs.

Skin diseases

  • chronic eczema;
  • psoriasis, atopic dermatitis;
  • bullous dermatitis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • common forms of alopecia or vitiligo;
  • chronic urticaria;
  • photodermatitis;
  • scleroderma;
  • ichthyosis, lichen;
  • ulcerative pyoderma,
  • multiple conglobate acne

and other recurrent skin diseases, depending on the severity.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

  • chronic rheumatoid and reactive arthritis;
  • seronegative spondyloarthritis;
  • psoriatic arthropathy;
  • systemic vasculitis;
  • giant cell arteritis;
  • polyarteritis nodosa;
  • Kawasaki disease;
  • Wegener's granulomatosis;
  • microscopic polyangiitis;
  • eosinophilic angiitis;
  • cryoglobulinemic vasculitis;
  • bone defects with dysfunction;
  • Kümmel's disease;
  • spondylolisthesis I - IV degrees with pain;
  • scoliosis of degree II or more;
  • flat feet III and IV degrees;
  • shortening of the arm by 2 centimeters or more;
  • shortening of the leg by 5 centimeters or more;
  • missing limb

and other diseases and lesions of bones, joints, cartilage, depending on the complexity of the disease. With severe impairments that interfere with the normal functioning of organs, a conscript will most likely be sent to the reserves.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

  • chronic kidney disease;
  • chronic pyelonephritis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • cystitis and urethritis with frequent exacerbations;
  • chronic glomerulonephritis;
  • shriveled kidney, renal amyloidosis and absent kidney;
  • bilateral nephroptosis stage III;
  • diseases of the male genital organs with dysfunction;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs;
  • endometriosis;
  • genital prolapse;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • disorders of ovarian-menstrual function

and other diseases of the genitourinary system that prevent normal service in the army.

List of additional diseases and conditions

  • defects and deformations of the maxillofacial area;
  • ankylosis of the temporomandibular joints;
  • consequences of fractures of the spine, trunk bones, upper and lower extremities;
  • injuries to the internal organs of the chest, abdomen and pelvis;
  • aneurysm of the heart or aorta;
  • consequences of injuries to the skin and subcutaneous tissue (burns, frostbite, etc.);
  • radiation sickness;
  • insufficient physical development (body weight less than 45 kg, height less than 150 cm);
  • enuresis;
  • speech disorders, stuttering;
  • abnormalities of various organs causing dysfunction of organs;
  • food allergies (to foods that will be given to the army).

If you are the “lucky owner” of an illness that will not allow you to enjoy combat service, take care to document the diagnosis in advance at the clinic at your place of residence. Collect all documents: medical records, tests, x-rays, reports from hospitals and sanatoriums. All this must be presented during a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office.

A little trick: present only copies - the originals can disappear without a trace in the deft hands of military registration and enlistment doctors, and it is almost impossible to restore them. And your disease may simply not be noticed. This is advice from life. Many sick guys were sent to serve precisely because of the “loss” of medical documents. You don't want to come back disabled, do you?

The demographic situation in our country is constantly changing towards fewer male citizens of military age. Will changing demographics affect the actions of police officers? We think not. But the actions of police officers will become tougher. And they will become stricter not because there are fewer conscripts. This is wrong. Now we will share with you insider information from military commissariats. Police actions will become tougher for two reasons.

The first reason is the draft plan. In the previous spring conscription, not all subjects of the Russian Federation fulfilled it. In St. Petersburg, the conscription plan was implemented only on paper. There is evidence that citizens called up in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation are recorded in the statistics of the Ministry of Defense only to create the appearance of fulfilling the plan.

The second reason is the mass emigration of Russian citizens. Brain drain, and indeed of young people of conscription age in large cities, is a fairly pressing problem, and due to the fact that the conscription plan is not being implemented, due to the fact that the conscription resource is becoming smaller, military commissariats will more actively demand from the internal affairs bodies assistance in implementing the conscription plan primarily in large cities, especially St. Petersburg and Moscow. Therefore, be extremely careful. Prepare in advance for a situation when a police officer approaches you and offers to go to the military registration and enlistment office. And either hire a lawyer or issue a notarized power of attorney for one of your relatives with the right to represent your interests in court and the military registration and enlistment office. Check the police officer's credentials. Does it have a definition about the drive. If there is a definition, he must carry out a drive to exactly the place indicated in the definition; the military registration and enlistment office may well be indicated. Or a request for delivery. Look carefully to see if your name is there and what location is indicated as the place of delivery.

Let us immediately note that delivery to the military commissariat is prohibited. Delivery to the military registration and enlistment office may entail criminal liability for the police officer who carried out such delivery. Inform the police officer in a timely manner that he must strictly comply with the requirements of the current legislation, record all violations by calling the 02 service and inform your authorized representative about what is happening, who must be prepared for the fact that as a result of illegal actions they will try to send you to the place of military service , having previously called. Therefore, the authorized representative must use the power of attorney, which we attach to this manual in the archive, and also write a statement to the court, followed by notifying the military registration and enlistment office, thereby challenging the actions of the draft commission.

Algorithm of your actions: copy the sample document, insert the conscript’s personal data, name, address, date. You remove those grounds for appeal that do not correspond to your situation, leave what corresponds to the actual circumstances of the case and submit an application to the court, inform the military registration and enlistment office about the submitted application, and the young man who was detained and taken to the military registration and enlistment office will not end up in the army. As we have already said, it is necessary to notify the military registration and enlistment office in writing about the submitted application to the court.

If you want to prevent an unpleasant situation associated with your detention, delivery and bringing you to the military commissariat, please note that you need to exercise the right to exemption from conscription immediately with the start of the next conscription period. And even a little earlier. Having prepared the ground for the implementation of this right.

So. As you should already know, the right to exemption from conscription for military service is granted to citizens who are recognized as limitedly fit for military service in accordance with the procedure established by law, and citizens recognized as unfit for military service are also exempt from military service.

This is a fairly voluminous document containing 89 articles, each article containing on average 10 diseases that exempt you from conscription. In total there are about 1000 diagnoses. It is very difficult not to find a disease that exempts you from military service. We have been working with conscripts for more than 6 years and practice shows that it is enough to check the basic parameters of a conscript’s health in order to identify the disease that will not allow him to join the army.

First of all, these are diseases of the musculoskeletal system: grade 2 scoliosis is very common, spondylo- and retrolisthesis are also very common, almost every third person has them. All kinds of neoplasms: polyps of the esophagus, polyps of the stomach, gall bladder. On average, every fifth person has it. But it is unlikely that anyone will know that this disease is present unless they set a doctor the task of recording this disease. A normal doctor, of course, will not diagnose you with a polyp even if he sees it. After all, if a doctor diagnoses a polyp, he will need to prescribe treatment for you, and treatment of a polyp is primarily a surgical intervention. But why do this if the polyp does not cause any pain and there is no practical point in treating it. And thanks to such “good” doctors, conscripts will not find out that they have diseases that exempt them from conscription. It's a similar story with scoliosis. Any normal orthopedist should cure the curvature of the spine, but he absolutely does not care what degree it is - it is a curvature.

First, second or third. For him, it does not matter how many degrees in the arc the curvature of the spine is, so the typical diagnosis obtained from the results of radiography is scoliosis. Without specifying the degree. And indicating the degree, nevertheless, is very important for determining the category of fitness for military service.

All kinds of hernias, such as sliding hiatal hernia, are also very common. In the second and third stages, such a hernia provides grounds for exemption from conscription. And how many conscripts we have with dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases, which, according to doctors, are absolutely obvious and have been bothering the conscript for a very long time, but the conscript simply did not go to the doctors and did not suspect about this disease.

From this we conclude: we carefully study the schedule of illnesses.

Yes, you will have to read a lot. But this will give you simply magical results. We study, examine thoroughly and go ahead to the military registration and enlistment office. You can also first consult with lawyers if you have doubts about any diagnosis or procedural issue. This can be done completely free of charge, since many law firms specializing in conscripts, as part of a marketing plan to attract new clients, provide the first consultation in the office completely free of charge.

Let's consider this situation. Let’s say you find yourself with a disease that exempts you from conscription. They came with this disease and records about it to the military registration and enlistment office. But the military registration and enlistment office did not notice this disease and sent me to serve. What to do in this case?

The simplest solution to this problem, if you are sure that you have this disease, is to go to court. Of course, the military commissariat will not explain to you the right to apply to court to challenge the decision of the draft commission. You will be asked to file a complaint with a higher draft board.

Let's tell you stop right away! Stopped! It's useless!

As a rule, a higher draft commission confirms the decision made by a lower draft commission, after which the decision on your conscription comes into force, it is no longer suspended by filing a complaint and you are calmly sent to your place of military service. Don't make this common mistake among conscripts. Always go to court.

Or contact a lawyer who has at least experience working with cases considered under Chapter 25 of the Code of Civil Procedure, that is, with those cases that involve a citizen appealing decisions of government bodies. This is a rather specific sub-branch of civil procedure and not all lawyers have extensive practical experience in this area and, nevertheless, such a specialist can be found in almost any region, and not just in large cities.

So. You are going to court. Please indicate the draft board as an interested party. For residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg, we especially note that draft commissions operate within the territory of a certain municipal district. Despite the fact that all draft commissions, for example, the Admiralteysky and Kirovsky districts of St. Petersburg consist of the same people and meet in the same place at the same time, these are, nevertheless, several different draft commissions, more than a dozen.

Therefore, always check with the decision of which draft commission you were called up for military service.

When filing a lawsuit, please keep this in mind. You have three months to appeal the decision of the draft board, but delaying and waiting until the very end is more expensive. If at the time of sending to the troops the application to the court has not yet been filed, then either you will be sent against your will, or certain problems will arise that will have to be resolved at the level of the investigative committee. They will try to prosecute you on the basis of a statement from officials of the Ministry of Defense.

Judicial practice is constantly changing. It is important to understand that now many courts rule in favor of the conscript, evaluating the medical documents submitted by the conscript and do not order a medical examination. In the event that the diagnosis to which you draw the attention of the court strictly formally corresponds to fitness category “B”, is confirmed by a health examination report received in the direction of the draft commission and is not refuted by anything, then the decision with almost 100% probability will be made in your benefit. Therefore, do not rush to submit a request for a forensic examination; try to resolve the issue related to determining the evidence base and making a court decision with minimal expenditure of time and money.

What to do if the military registration and enlistment office offers to give money to a military registration and enlistment office employee in exchange for a military ID

Of course, you can give money, just don’t forget about the consequences. Quite often both those who give bribes and those who take them are detained. Even employees of military commissariats have already visited places not so remote for similar violations of the law. Therefore, we recommend not to break the law and honestly, observing the letter and spirit of the law, to be exempt from military service.

What to do if your draft deferment has expired?

You contact the draft commission, receive a decision on conscription, and submit an application to the court. Reviewing an application is a long process. And the entry into force of a court decision during an appeal is an even longer procedure. Therefore, you file an appeal against the court’s decision, wait until the end of the conscription, and after the completion of conscription for military service, the decision on your conscription by the higher conscription commission will be canceled as unrealized. That is, exactly the event will occur that prevents any restrictions from being imposed on you.

Where can I find the official text of the Schedule of Diseases?

In Rossiyskaya Gazeta. This is exactly the source of publications in which the authentic texts of regulations are posted. Or Consultant Plus, there are also exact texts.

Will suitability category B affect my future employment?

No. Fitness category “B” received during exemption from conscription will not play any role. In the event that it is necessary to determine contraindications to the implementation of a particular work activity, what will matter is not the fitness category “B” in the military ID, but the current state of health.

Will conscripts be sent to hot spots?

Mothers of citizens who are conscripted to serve in Crimea often contact us. There are no military operations taking place in Crimea. It is known from non-Russian media that there are Russian troops in Novorossiya and in the eastern regions of Ukraine, including conscripts. And we fully assume that conscripts will continue to be sent there in the future.

At what age are you called up for military service?

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 22 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” male citizens aged 18 to 27 years are subject to conscription for military service. In this case, the end of conscription age is the next day after the day of turning 27 years old (and not the day on which the conscript turns 27 or 28 years old, as some people mistakenly believe). That is, if your age is 27 years plus 1 day, you no longer fall under the concept of “under 27 years old”. All attempts to conscript citizens under 18 or over 27 for military service are illegal.

What is the best way to be exempt from conscription?

Practice, and life itself, suggest that the most reliable and safest way not to serve in the army is to be exempt from conscription for health reasons. There are many reasons for deferments from military service related to a citizen’s education, work or family status. But any delay is a temporary solution and it will end sooner or later. Even if the deferment is indefinite, it may end if the circumstances on the basis of which it was granted change and then the issue of exemption from military service will have to be returned to again. Therefore, exemption from conscription for health reasons is many times more effective and reliable; it has no time limits and cannot be canceled due to changed circumstances.

In many cities of Russia, with the possible exception of Moscow and St. Petersburg,
exemption from conscription for health reasons may be difficult due to the lack of necessary medical facilities. Often in such cities there are only one or two clinics that do not have the equipment necessary to examine a conscript’s health, and the doctors may not be qualified enough, and not every conscript can afford to go for an examination to another city. Therefore, the issue of obtaining a deferment may be more pressing for many residents of the regions due to the difficulty of undergoing an independent medical examination.

What categories of fitness for military service are there?

In total, there are five categories of suitability (letter), which in turn are supplemented by an indicator of purpose (number). This indicator determines in which specific branches of the military a conscript with minor health limitations can serve. As you understand, for the final decision on the issue of exemption from military service, the numbers do not matter at all. The main thing is the letters.

“A” - Fit for military service, absolutely healthy, no health problems.

A1 - Fit without restrictions, has no pathologies or deviations in health,
had no serious illnesses.

A2 - Fit with restrictions on the load with subsequent selection, was seriously ill, suffered a serious injury (fracture or concussion). Does not interfere with service in special or special forces.

“B” - fit for military service with minor restrictions. During a medical examination, the conscript was found to have health problems, which, however, do not prevent conscription for military service.

B1 - Special purpose units, marines, airborne, air assault military units, border troops of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation.

B2 - Submarines, surface ships; drivers and crew members
tanks, self-propelled artillery units, engineering vehicles based
tanks and tractors.

B3 - Drivers and crew members of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and missile launchers; other units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, guard units; chemical parts, fuel refueling and storage specialists; anti-aircraft missile units;

B4 - Special structures, security and defense specialists for combat missile systems; communication parts, radio engineering parts; other parts of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies.

“B” - limited fit for military service. The conscript receives an exemption from conscription in peacetime and is enlisted in the reserves.

"G" - temporarily unfit for military service. Any health disorder, usually not very significant, or injury (fracture or obesity, etc.), giving hope for a speedy recovery. A deferment from conscription under this fitness category can be given for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of a year. It happens that after
Several such deferments are assigned category “B”.

"D" - not fit for military service. Even in case of war. This category exempts you from conscription and from military service in general. Conscripts with this category are issued a military ID, which indicates absolute unfitness.

For what diseases will you be exempt from military service?

Here we will talk about the Schedule of Diseases. The list of illnesses is a list of diseases that completely or partially exempt a conscript from military service. It is an integral part of the Appendix to the Regulations on Military Medical Examination, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2003 No. 123. Often conscripts believe that if they have some kind of diagnosis that exempts them from conscription for military service, then this is enough and you don't have to worry about anything. This opinion is wrong. In fact, in order to receive an exemption from military service, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination by doctors of the draft commission of the military registration and enlistment office. Quite often, a situation occurs when doctors of the draft commission recognize young men as absolutely healthy, who under no circumstances should serve in the army due to the presence of a disease that is incompatible with military service. But for the sake of fulfilling the draft plan, the doctors of the draft commission turn a blind eye to this.

What categories of fitness provide grounds for exemption from conscription?

According to paragraphs. “a” clause 1 art. 23 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, citizens recognized as unfit (category “D”) or partially fit (category “B”) for military service due to health reasons are exempt from conscription. It is always advisable to achieve these categories.

Temporarily unfit for military service (category “G”) - the basis for granting a deferment from conscription for a period of 6 to 12 months. This is a temporary delay and does not completely solve the problem. After its expiration, the citizen may be called up for military service.

Does the military registration and enlistment office recognize medical documents from private (paid) medical institutions as reliable?

Employees of military registration and enlistment offices at various levels like to recognize as valid only medical documents from their designated “correct” medical institutions. This practice has no legal basis and is based only on the opinion of private individuals (military registration and enlistment office employees) and is associated with the desire to conscript as many people as possible into the army to fulfill the conscription plan. To do this, conscripts are often sent to medical institutions controlled by the military registration and enlistment office, where they can recognize any disabled person as healthy and fit for military service.

The Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”, following the Federal Law “On Compulsory Medical Insurance in the Russian Federation”, established the right to choose a medical organization and a doctor.

There is clause 3 of Art. 10 of the law “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”
Federation”, which clearly states that any patient has the right to choose a doctor and choose a medical institution.

Current legislation in no way restricts the opportunity to go to paid departments of medical institutions or private clinics that have appropriate accreditation, where a conscript can undergo a health examination at his own expense. All medical documents received in paid clinics or paid departments of polyclinics have the same legal force as any other document issued by the “correct” medical institution in the direction of the military registration and enlistment office.

Thus, you can go to any medical institution for examination that you consider suitable for yourself. The most important thing is that you get a correct and competent diagnosis. This means that the diagnosis must correspond to that article of the Schedule of Diseases that will give you a deferment from military service. It doesn’t matter which clinic will issue this document – ​​the clinic at your place of residence (which we strongly recommend not going to due to the close connection with the military registration and enlistment office) or any other.

At what point should I start working on draft exemption?

Let's look at the current legislation. According to paragraph 1 of Art. 9 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, the initial registration of male citizens for military service is carried out from January 1 to March 31 in the year they reach the age of 17 years. The commission for registering citizens for military registration organizes a medical examination of citizens and determines their suitability for military service for health reasons. When initially registering for military service, it is advisable to already achieve a fitness category that exempts you from conscription for health reasons. This can greatly facilitate the process of exemption from conscription.

If, during your initial military registration, for some reason you were unable to achieve the “B” or “D” fitness category, do not despair, as you will be able to change your fitness category upon conscription. But at the same time, you need to take into account that the sooner you begin to resolve this issue, the fewer problems will arise on your way.

What should I do if I am completely healthy?

The main misconception of all conscripts is that in order to be exempt from military service, a conscript must have a very serious illness, a diagnosis on the verge of life and death, and he must be almost disabled. In fact, it is possible to avoid conscription even with such an almost common and ubiquitous disease as flat feet (Article 68 of the schedule of diseases).

There are no absolutely healthy people. There are only insufficient or poorly examined ones. The new disease schedule contains 89 entries. That's 89 diagnoses. Do you really think that an individual conscript will not have at least one of these 89 diagnoses?

So, let’s assume you don’t consider yourself a healthy person who has no serious illnesses, and you absolutely don’t know where to start getting tested. In this case, it is always worth starting with an examination of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system (feet and spine). It is in these areas that most conscripts have problems.

If you send a written statement to the military registration and enlistment office, won't this make him angry? Maybe
Is it better to come in person, bring all the information and resolve the matter peacefully?

Remember one simple thing: the military registration and enlistment office employees have a plan for conscription and their goal is to draft you into the army, thereby fulfilling this plan. Employees of the military registration and enlistment office initially do not like any conscript who defends his rights and tries to free himself from conscription.

To avoid unnecessary problems, a written application must be submitted not after a conflict situation arises, but before. If you simply come to the military registration and enlistment office with medical certificates, there is a high probability that these certificates will either end up in the trash bin or go unnoticed. And it will be difficult to prove that they even existed. Therefore, we use a small life hack: we send your application by registered mail with acknowledgment of delivery to the military registration and enlistment office and wait for the notification signed by the responsible official who received your letter with the application. A situation often occurs when a conscript appeals against the illegal actions of the draft commission, and its members justify their actions by saying that “the conscript did not complain about anything, did not present medical certificates, what should we do? So we declared him fit for military service.”

So: only sending copies of documents by mail with receipt of receipt!

No other way. Notification of delivery of a registered letter will serve as documentary evidence that your health complaints stated in the application and copies of your medical documents were brought to the attention of the draft committee.

And, if in such a situation, the draft commission of the military registration and enlistment office recognizes you as fit for military service, it will have committed a clear violation of the law, and what is most remarkable is that you can always prove it! Thus, the process of appealing the decision to conscript you for military service, if it is made, is simplified many times over. Military registration and enlistment office employees are often afraid to take responsibility for obviously illegal actions and will prefer to exempt you from conscription.

After all, employees of the military registration and enlistment office and members of the draft commission are well aware that a conscript who is well versed in his rights and knows how to competently draw up applications will be able to competently defend his rights in any instance. And the military registration and enlistment office faces the problem of choice: either immediately release such a conscript from military service, or be drawn into a long-term procedure for appealing his decision. And this despite the fact that in none of the listed situations this citizen will be drafted, but the military registration and enlistment office employees will definitely get a headache associated with the need to respond to numerous complaints and letters, going to the courts and meeting deadlines. Considering the above, the draft commission, being prudent, will most likely prefer to take into account your
medical documents and exemption from conscription.

Why do you even need to send an application by mail with acknowledgment of receipt? Isn't it easier to take him to the military registration and enlistment office yourself?

This is done so that the acceptance of your application by the military registration and enlistment office is documented. Otherwise, there is a possibility that after your personal appearance at the military registration and enlistment office and submission of the application with all the attached documents, they will miraculously disappear and will not be added to your personal file. In this case, proving the very fact of the existence of your application will be very difficult, if not impossible.

Remember: when submitting any application to any government agency:

  • submit it in duplicate
  • require a mark on acceptance of the application on the second version (copy) of the application,
    which you keep

Sometimes it can be difficult to get military registration and enlistment office employees to sign a copy of the application. In this case, you must send the application by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. And then a notification will be returned to you with the signature of a person - an employee of the military registration and enlistment office and this will be proof of the receipt of your application.

The district (city) draft commission does not make a decision regarding me, claiming that I must first undergo a control examination at a higher draft commission (commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, regional, territorial), what should I do?

There are cases when the district (city) draft commission does not make a decision, agreeing to accept it only after the conscript undergoes a medical examination at the draft commission of the subject (regional, territorial). These actions, of course, have no legal basis.

There are cases clearly regulated by law in which a citizen can be examined by doctors of the draft commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. All these cases are imperative, i.e. mandatory and are set out in paragraph 2 of Art. 29 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”. This:

1. medical examination of citizens who are not in the reserve, called up for military service, before sending them to the place of military service;

2. control medical examination of citizens who have received an exemption from conscription for military service due to health reasons;

3. control medical examination of citizens who have declared disagreement with the conclusions about their suitability for military service based on the results of a medical examination.

The listed cases already contain the need for a decision to be made by the first-level draft commission. In case number one, this is a decision on conscription for military service, in the second case, it is a decision on exemption from conscription, in the third case, this is a decision made by a lower draft commission with which the citizen does not agree.

If you refuse to be examined by the district draft commission, you have every reason to file a complaint with a higher draft commission (commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation - regional, territorial, etc.), and demand that the lower draft commission (city, district) be obliged to make a decision regarding you .

What should I do if the draft board found me fit for military service?

Don't get upset under any circumstances. The commission's decision is far from a verdict. You always have the right to appeal the decision of the district conscription commission to the conscription commission of the subject, citing the results of an independent medical examination.

After appealing the decision of the district conscription commission to the conscription commission of the subject, the decision of the lower conscription commission will be suspended until the decision is made by the higher conscription commission, which means that you will not be drafted into the army until your complaint is considered. But even if you are not satisfied with the decision of the subject’s draft commission, you can appeal it to the court. In this case, the decision of the draft commission will again be suspended until the court itself makes a final decision on the case. I think the algorithm is clear to you. If a city or district court makes a decision that for some reason does not suit you, you can appeal it in the court of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (regional, territorial, republican, etc.) and further, right up to the ECHR (European Court of Human Rights ).

I was given category "B". Can I be drafted into the army after my recovery?

No. Can not. They won't call. According to the current legislation, (paragraph “a”, paragraph 1 of Art.
23 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”), citizens recognized at the time of conscription as “B” - limitedly fit for military service are exempt from conscription. In accordance with the third paragraph of paragraph 1 of Art. 52 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, these citizens are enlisted in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

In Russia, citizens of two categories are called up:

1) male citizens aged 18 to 27 years, who are or are required to be registered with the military and are not in the reserves;

2) male citizens aged 18 to 27 years who have graduated from state, municipal or non-state educational institutions of higher professional education with state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) and are enrolled in the reserve with the conferment of the military rank of officer.

In current Russian legislation, there is no possibility of transferring citizens from the reserves back to the category of citizens subject to conscription.

I am studying at a university (lyceum, graduate school, etc.), I have a reason for deferment. Can I be called to the military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination?

Yes they can. Admission to a university (as well as to any other educational institution) does not mean an automatic deferment from military service. Because a deferment from conscription is always granted by decision of the draft commission. To receive it, you must go to the draft commission, go through it and get some kind of decision.

The conscription commission makes a decision regarding a conscript only after determining his category of suitability for military service.

This means that you must undergo a medical examination,
even if you apply for a deferment that is not related to your health condition.

There are cases when a conscript’s personal file is moved from one section of the file cabinet to another, but no decision is made.

You should not think that if you received a certificate from the institute stating that you are a student and gave it to the military registration and enlistment office, and the military registration office sent some lists somewhere, then you can already sleep peacefully. If you do not pass the draft commission and you do not have a decision on paper, a written decision, in this case your deferment will remain unformed and formally you will be subject to conscription, as before.

I have a 100% deferment from conscription due to studies (work, family circumstances). Do I also need to do a health examination?

Necessary! Let's clarify a little. Deferment from the army is a legal temporary exemption from conscription into the army (Article 24 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No.
53-FZ "On military duty and military service"). Liberation, as opposed to
deferment is not temporary, but is a final decision (Article 23

A deferment is not an exemption from conscription. Postponement is a temporary solution to the problem. No deferment will protect against conscription into the army as reliably as release for health reasons. By applying for a deferment, you still remain a citizen subject to conscription for military service, and the circumstances for which you were granted a deferment may change at any time. And then you may be called up to serve in the army.

All deferments (related and not related to health status) are granted only after a medical examination. If at this examination you are found fit for military service, this will greatly complicate your release for health reasons after the deferment ends. That is why it is better to start with exemption from military service for health reasons. Only then will you be included in the reserve. And it is impossible to call you up from the reserves in peacetime (if there is no officially declared war).

In what cases is a deferment from military service granted?

A deferment from military service is granted if you:

  • declared temporarily unfit for military service for health reasons - based on the results of a medical report (for a period of up to one year, then the examination is repeated);
  • constantly care for your father, mother, wife, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent (in the absence of other persons obligated by law to support them), who:
  • are not fully supported by the state;
  • need (according to the conclusion of a medical and social examination) constant outside care (assistance, supervision) (for a period of up to one year, then annually (to be documented);
  • you are a guardian or trustee of a minor brother or minor sister in the absence of other persons obligated by law to support them (until the ward reaches the age of majority);
  • you are raising a child without a mother (in the event of her death, deprivation of her parental rights, separation from her after a divorce) (until the child reaches the age of majority, in fact - until you reach 27 years old);
  • have two or more children (before the children reach adulthood, in fact - until you reach 27 years of age);
  • you have a young (under three years old) disabled child (until the child reaches the age of three);
  • graduated from a specialized university, received higher professional education and a special title and entered service in:
  • internal affairs bodies;
  • State Fire Service;
  • institutions and bodies of the penal system;
  • authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
  • customs authorities of the Russian Federation (for the period of service, documented annually until you reach 27 years of age);
  • have a child and a pregnant wife (whose gestation period is at least 26 weeks) (for the period until the birth of the second child, then until the children reach the age of majority, in fact - until you reach 27
  • elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, a deputy of the legislative (representative) body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a deputy of a representative body or the head of a municipal entity and exercises their powers on a permanent basis (for the term of office) (for the duration of the deputy powers , is documented annually);
  • registered as a candidate for an elective position or for membership in bodies (chambers of bodies) of state power or local government bodies (up to and including the day of official publication of the election results, in case of early retirement up to and including the day of departure).

Pupils and students who are studying full-time in state-accredited educational institutions also have the right to a deferment from conscription:

  • secondary (complete) general education (schools), - for the duration of their studies, but until they reach the age of 20 years (the fact of studying in this educational institution is documented annually);
  • primary or secondary vocational education (schools, technical schools, colleges, lyceums), if they have not received secondary (complete) general education before entering these educational institutions - for the duration of their studies, but not beyond the standard time limits for mastering basic educational programs and until they reach age 20 years (the fact of studying at this educational institution is documented annually);
  • secondary vocational education, if they received secondary (complete) general education before entering these educational institutions and reach conscription age in the last year of study - for the duration of study, but not beyond the standard time frame for mastering basic educational programs (the fact of study in this given year is documented). educational institution);
  • higher professional education (universities) in: bachelor's degree programs, if they do not have a bachelor's degree, specialist's diploma or master's degree - for the duration of training, but not beyond the standard time frame for mastering basic educational programs;
  • specialist training programs, if they do not have a bachelor’s degree, specialist’s diploma or master’s degree, - for the duration of training, but not beyond the standard time frame for mastering basic educational programs;
  • master's programs, if they do not have a specialist's diploma or a master's degree and entered these educational institutions in the year of obtaining the qualification (degree) "bachelor", - for the duration of training, but not beyond the standard time frame for mastering the main educational programs (the fact of studying in this educational institution).

Students are granted a deferment once, unless

  • the first deferment was granted when studying at an institution of secondary (complete) general education (school), - the citizen has the right to a second deferment for studying at a university (the fact of studying at this educational institution is documented annually);
  • The first deferment was granted when studying in a bachelor's program; the student has the right to a deferment to continue studying in a master's program (the fact of studying at a given educational institution is documented annually).

The right to deferment for obtaining vocational education is reserved for the citizen:

  • who received academic leave during their studies or who transferred from one educational program to another educational program of the same level in the same educational institution (annually
    the fact of studying at this educational institution is documented);
  • transferred to another educational institution that has state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) for training in an educational program of the same level (remember that the right to a deferment is retained only on the condition that the total period for which the deferment was granted does not increase or does not increase for more than one year);
  • reinstated in the same educational institution, if the period for which the citizen was granted a deferment for studying at this educational institution does not increase (the fact of studying at this educational institution is documented annually).

Please note that a citizen who has been reinstated in an educational institution after expulsion for violating the charter, internal regulations, or for other unjustified reasons does not retain the right to a deferment.

Citizens who receive full-time postgraduate education at state-accredited universities and scientific institutions that have licenses for such activities also have the right to a deferment - for the duration of their studies, but not beyond the standard time frame for mastering basic educational programs and for the duration of the defense of qualifying work, but no more than one year after completion of training.

Since 2011, a deferment has been provided for graduates of secondary (complete) general education institutions who have received satisfactory results at the mandatory state (final) certification - for the period until October 1 of the year of certification.

Special Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, for example, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2002
No. 817 “On granting the right to receive a deferment from conscription for military service to certain categories of citizens of the Russian Federation”, the right to a deferment from conscription may also be granted to other categories of citizens.

The right to deferment may arise repeatedly and for various reasons. However, a deferment from conscription does not mean exemption from it and, as we have already written, is only temporary.

Remember that a citizen of military age who has lost the grounds for exemption from conscription on the grounds listed above or whose deferment period has expired is subject to conscription for military service on a general basis.

I want to get a deferment from military service, what documents do I need to provide for this?

A citizen declared temporarily unfit for military service due to health reasons (category “G”) provides the following documents:

  • health status examination report with research results and diagnosis;
  • an extract from the medical history, certified by the signatures of the chief physician, the attending physician and a seal;
  • a medical examination sheet with a medical specialist’s conclusion on the category of suitability of a citizen of conscription age for military service and the indicator of destination.

A young man who is constantly caring for his father, mother, wife, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent must submit the following documents:

  • your birth certificate;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • court decision on adoption (if necessary);
  • birth certificates of their parents (when caring for grandparents);
  • conclusion of a medical and social examination on the need for constant outside care (assistance, supervision) for
  • certificate of disability (group I or II) of a relative (when caring for a grandfather or grandmother);
  • pension certificates of relatives;
  • birth certificates of his siblings under 18 years of age.

A single father raising a child without a mother must present:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificate of divorce, or death of the child’s mother, or a court decision depriving her of parental rights.

A young man with two or more children must present:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • children's birth certificates.

A young father with a disabled child under three years of age must submit:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • documents confirming disability.

A young man who graduated from a specialized university, received a special rank and is serving in the internal affairs bodies, the fire service, institutions and bodies of the penal system, authorities for control of the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances or in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation must submit:

  • diploma of higher professional education in the relevant field;
  • a certificate from the place of work (study), certified by the seal and signature of the head and the seal of the institution or body;
  • an extract from the order for the assignment of a special rank.

If the conscript is studying (full-time), then he must submit:

1. At a school (including an accredited non-state one) - a certificate (form
No. 26a);

2. In a college, technical school, university and other educational institutions (including accredited non-state ones) - a certificate (form No. 26). Remember that the certificate must be certified by a seal and signed by the manager or deputy manager. For those undergoing training at the military department, in addition - the head or deputy head of the department.

3. In graduate school (and other forms of postgraduate education):

  • diploma of higher professional education;
  • certificate (form No. 26), certified by the seal and signature of the head or deputy head, with the date and number of the order for admission to graduate school and the date of completion of the training program and defense of the qualifying work.

In addition, the President of the Russian Federation has the right, by special Decrees, to grant certain categories of citizens (no more than 200 people) a deferment from conscription and
exemption from military training (Article 24 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”). For example, a deferment was provided for citizens who are priests (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 12, 2012 No. 969 “On granting clergy the right to receive a deferment from conscription for military service”).

A citizen of military age who has the right to a deferment on the basis of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation must submit a certificate from his place of work, certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the institution (annually - in September).

The decision to defer conscription for military service is made by the draft commission on the basis of documents submitted by the conscript.

Who is exempt from military service and on what grounds?

The following categories of citizens are exempt from conscription for compulsory military service:

  • Those recognized as unfit or partially fit for military service due to health reasons (categories “B”, “D”) (clauses 26–30 of the Regulations on independent military medical examination).
  • Those who are or have completed military service in the Russian Federation, as well as those who have completed alternative civilian service or have completed military service in another state, cannot be called up for military service again. A military ID is a guarantee that you will not be drafted twice. To confirm the fact of previously fulfilling military service duties, it is necessary to submit military registration documents with the mark that is placed on them when
    dismissal from military service.
  • Having an academic degree (the legislation does not specify what kind of academic degree we are talking about, but judging by age and based on practice, in this case it is implied that a candidate of sciences). The supporting document is a Candidate of Sciences (Doctor of Sciences) diploma.
  • Sons, siblings of military personnel who died (died) in connection with the performance of military service duties upon conscription (or during military training) or sons, siblings of military personnel who died as a result of injury or illness received during this period. It is necessary to provide: documents confirming relationship; death certificate (father or brother); notification of the military unit to the military registration and enlistment office about their death (death), indicating its connection with military service.

In connection with the death of a father or sibling due to injury (wounds, trauma, concussion) or illness received in military service, after dismissal from military service or after the end of military training, it is necessary to submit: documents confirming their relationship; death certificate; a certificate of illness drawn up by a military medical commission during military service, with a conclusion on the causal connection of the injury (wound, injury, concussion) or disease with military service; conclusion of a medical and social examination on the causal connection of death with the performance of their military service duties.

The following citizens are also not subject to conscription for military service:

  • serving a sentence in the form of compulsory or correctional labor, restriction of freedom, arrest or imprisonment;
  • having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing a crime;
  • in respect of whom an inquiry or preliminary investigation is underway or a criminal case in respect of which has been transferred to court;
  • reserve officers.

A citizen who is not subject to conscription is not called to a meeting of the draft commission. If, upon reaching the age of 27, he is not subject to conscription, then by decision of the draft commission he is enlisted in the reserves and receives a military ID of the established form.

I am a university student, but at the same time I have grounds for deferment due to family circumstances, work, or I have illnesses that give me an exemption from military service. Can I apply for both a deferment and an exemption due to health reasons at the same time?

No you can not. According to the law, the draft commission can decide either to grant a deferment from conscription or a decision to exempt from conscription for military service. Only one of the possible solutions (Article 28 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”).

If you submit both an application for release for health reasons and an application for a deferment at the same time, you will most likely be given a deferment, because after graduation you will be drafted into the army. You need to determine for yourself from the very beginning what you want to achieve: deferment or liberation.

They call me from the military registration and enlistment office with threats and demand that I appear urgently, what should I do?

According to current legislation, it is impossible to oblige a conscript to appear at the military commissariat or for a medical examination by telephone.

If you are presented with any demands or threatened over the phone, then the best thing that can be recommended to a conscript in this case is not to communicate by phone with military registration and enlistment office employees at all. You need to communicate with them, as with any officials, bureaucrats and government bodies in general, only in writing.

My summons was handed to my parents (neighbors, relatives) against signature. Is this legal?

There is a circle of persons defined by law who are obliged to notify citizens about subpoenas and other summonses to the commissariat. This circle of persons is determined by law (clause 1 of Art.
4 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”). It includes: managers, other officials (employees) of organizations responsible for military registration work, officials of local government bodies responsible for military registration work. This is all. Thus, your parents, neighbors and other relatives are not only not required to receive summonses and sign for them, but also do not have the right to do so by virtue of the law.

Remember, so as not to worry about this again: if none of your parents, neighbors, or relatives inform you about the summons, or they inform you untimely, then neither they nor you will bear any responsibility for it.

It will be better if you explain to family members or neighbors in advance that no one has the right to sign for you, and they can notify you of calls from the military commissariat, but are not obliged. But still, if one of the above persons became aware of the subpoena, this does not mean that you can forget about it. After all, the problem will not solve itself. You need to understand the reasons for the call and act according to a pre-planned plan.

Can they be called up for military service after graduating from the military department?

In a modern university, studying at a military department is not mandatory. Many still believe that if their father graduated from the military department and did not serve, then they will have the same opportunity to avoid military service. Unfortunately, it is not. According to paragraphs. "b" clause 1 art. 22 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, graduates of military departments are subject to conscription.

I heard that a new law has been adopted, a decree, a resolution according to which university students will be drafted, all deferments will be cancelled, the draft age will be changed, and they will be drafted after 27 years. This is true?

Never believe rumors. Check. Be guided only by official information, and not by speculation or someone else’s opinion! If you heard someone’s opinion on TV, read it in a newspaper, etc., remember that only the Russian Federation has the right to officially publish laws and other regulations
newspaper" and several other official publications.

Maybe it would be easier to hide from the military registration and enlistment office until you turn 27?

The method is quite common among citizens of military age, but has a number of serious disadvantages.

Firstly, such a draft dodger will be brought to administrative responsibility due to violation of military registration rules.

Secondly, he may be held criminally liable for draft evasion.

Often, draft dodgers become victims of repression by military registration and enlistment offices, when they are put on the wanted list and subsequently taken to a collection point by force with the help of the police, locked up for a day in the military registration and enlistment office (and this happens) and then sent to a collection point.

In addition, draft dodgers often face problems when getting a job,
obtaining a foreign passport, replacing the old passport with a new one and traveling abroad.

Conscripts who hid from the army until the age of 27 now receive a military ID with the note “did not serve for unexcusable reasons.” From now on, such conscripts
access to state and municipal services is closed. Therefore, if you want to receive a military ID without negative marks that will affect your future life, then you should not hide from the military registration and enlistment office and you must have the right to a deferment until you turn 27 years old. In addition, if by the age of 27 you do not have the right to a deferment, then a criminal case may be brought against such a conscript for evasion. This amendment to law enforcement practice was adopted in 2008 by a resolution of the plenum of the Supreme Court. This resolution states that it is necessary for a conscript to have a deferment until he reaches 27 years of age. If there is one, the conscript will easily receive a military ID at the age of 27, but if not, then he will be recognized as having evaded military service and may be subject to criminal liability. This is also important to know in order to avoid problems in the future when communicating with the investigative committee upon the initiation of a criminal case.

Now about the positive aspects. Every conscript in our time can find himself with a disease that will give him the right to exemption from the army or a deferment on medical grounds. Our work experience allows us to assert that any conscript can have such a right and he is guaranteed to be freed from the army.

It is always more profitable to protect your rights by legal means, without entering into conflict with government agencies.

Is it true that there is criminal liability for evading military service?

Yes, unfortunately, this is true. Having received a summons, a citizen is obliged to appear at the military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination, a meeting of the draft commission, or to be sent
to the place of service within the prescribed period. The basis for initiating a criminal case against a citizen evading military or alternative civil service may be:

  • failure to attend events related to the performance of military duty;
  • unauthorized leaving of a collection point in order to evade service;
  • fraudulently obtaining exemption from service as a result of feigning illness or causing any injury to oneself (self-mutilation);
  • falsification of documents or other deception in order to evade service.

The liability of a citizen who evades conscription for military service is regulated by Part 1 of Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. He may be fined, sentenced to arrest or imprisonment.

The amount of the fine is up to 200 thousand rubles. or the wages of the convicted person for a period of up to 18 months.

The term of arrest is from 3 to 6 months. The term of imprisonment is up to 2 years.

The liability of a citizen who evades alternative civil service is regulated by Part 2 of Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. He may be fined, sentenced to forced labor or imprisonment.

The amount of the fine is up to 80 thousand rubles. or salary for a period of up to 6 months. The period of compulsory work is from 180 to 240 hours.

The term of arrest is from 3 to 6 months.

In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 151 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation and paragraph 2 of Art.
28 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, a criminal case for evasion from military or alternative civil service can only be initiated by the prosecutor’s office at the citizen’s place of residence. The widespread opinion among some conscripts that criminal cases of evasion from military service are initiated by the military prosecutor's office is erroneous.

Is there an “expiration date” for medical documents?

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for expiration dates for medical documents. It turns out that if a conscript has submitted recently received medical documents to the draft commission, the draft commission can decide on his suitability for military service based on these documents. If the documents were received quite a long time ago, then determining the citizen’s fitness for health reasons on the basis of these documents is considered impossible, since changes may have occurred in the citizen’s health status over the past period of time. In this case, the draft commission sends the citizen for a new medical examination to determine his current health status.

Thus, a natural question arises: what does the concept of “long ago” and “recently” mean? How long should medical documents be considered suitable for determining a citizen’s fitness for military service for health reasons?

According to established practice, medical documents that allow military
medical commission to assess the current state of health of the conscript, must be no older than 6 months. If less than six months have passed since your last medical examination, you will most likely not be referred for a new medical examination, and the decision will be made on the basis of available medical documents. Otherwise, you will be sent for these examinations again, and you will have to again receive the corresponding certificates for examining your health.

How to use the Illness Schedule?

Very simple. On January 1, 2014, the new Regulations on military
medical examination. Please note that, despite the fact that the Schedule of Diseases is quite voluminous, many diagnoses and formulations are not indicated in it. In this case, it is better to seek advice.

How can I determine whether I am fit or not to serve in the army, taking into account my height and weight?

To check your BMI in the schedule of illnesses, there is a Table

You might get confused at first, so let’s just give the evaluation criteria. For citizens from 18 to 25 years of age (inclusive):

For citizens from 26 years to 45 years (inclusive):

I have malnutrition. Is it possible to be exempt from military conscription on this basis?

Theoretically, this is possible on the basis of paragraph “c” of Article 13 of the Schedule of Diseases, but in practice this requires a combination of conditions, the fulfillment of which can be difficult.

Let's explain with an example. The justification for the application of Article 13 of the disease schedule states:

“If there is malnutrition, citizens are subject to examination and
(or) treatment in a hospital setting. At the same time, citizens upon conscription for military service (military training) are recognized as temporarily unfit for military service for 6 months. If, according to the results of the examination, no diseases causing weight loss are detected in citizens, then they are subject to examination under point “d”. If diseases that cause low nutrition or malnutrition are detected, citizens are subject to examination according to the relevant items of the disease schedule.

Body mass index (BMI) is used to assess nutritional status

Thus, if a conscript is diagnosed with malnutrition for the first time, he should be given a deferment of 6 months, i.e., assigned a fitness category of “G”. After the end of the deferment, he is again subject to examination and, most likely, will be re-examined under paragraph “d” of Article 13, that is, he will be assigned a fitness category of “B-3” (reduced nutrition), that is, he will be declared fit for military service with minor restrictions.

In theory, it is also possible to undergo an examination under paragraph “c” of Article 13 of the Schedule of Diseases, with the assignment of fitness category “B”, but this requires a difficult combination of three conditions. Firstly, “a citizen should not be diagnosed with diseases that cause weight loss. Otherwise, he must be examined according to the corresponding article of the disease schedule,” secondly, “the citizen must have a negative trend in body mass index. That is, BMI should decrease according to monthly examinations” and thirdly, “the citizen should have reduced physical performance”

I found my diagnosis in the Disease Schedule table. How do you understand that it gives you the right to be exempt from military service?

First you need to understand how the Illness Schedule table is formed.

Let's open it. I think the column “Name of diseases, degree of dysfunction” is clear. All the diseases you are looking for are contained here. On the right side of the table there are four columns. Each column refers to a different category of citizens.

Column I - citizens upon initial registration for military service, conscription for military service (this is the same column where we look for our fitness category, comparing it with the existing diagnosis).

II column - military personnel who do not have the military rank of officer and are undergoing military service upon conscription.

Column III - military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, reserve officers who have not undergone military service when they are called up for military service and military training, officers undergoing military service by conscription.

Column IV - citizens intended for military service on submarines and undergoing military service on submarines.

Thus, we are only interested in the first column of the disease schedule; here we are looking for our category. Absolutely all articles in the list of illnesses for conscripts contain a comment - it allows specialist doctors to navigate and points to the item in the article that should be applied for a particular disease.

If you find yourself with a disease indicated in the schedule of illnesses and which exempts you from conscription, you should under no circumstances relax. This still needs to be proven to the draft commission and presented correctly. And if your rights are violated, then provide documents to a higher military commissariat or to the court.

If you haven’t found the disease you need in the table, don’t despair either. You can almost always find it if you try hard.

Often young people are not even aware of their real rights and opportunities that are given to them by law. This is actually why they think that it is extremely difficult or impossible to avoid military service. Following this opinion, they resort to various not entirely legal methods, only thereby bringing upon themselves even more troubles. Therefore, is it worth risking your freedom?

There are rumors that new recruitment rules will come into effect in 2019

How to avoid the army if you are healthy?

If there are no reasons, then they will have to be found. The main thing is to search well. Having a strong desire, 95% of conscripts find a wide variety of reasons that will allow them to avoid the army in the future.

In general, medicine is familiar with more than 2,000 non-conscription diseases, with which any conscript can be considered limitedly fit, released from service and enlisted in the reserves. In addition, it should be noted that all these diseases have completely different degrees of severity. Thus, any conscript has the potential to find at least one non-conscript illness in himself. And with an existing diagnosis, the possibility of officially leaving the army will arise.

Many conscripts are interested in: “Why do some people think that leaving the army has not been possible lately?” This opinion is formed for three main reasons:

  • Most conscripts are unaware of their legal options, or, as is often the case, are in awe of asserting these legal rights;
  • Young people consider themselves completely healthy. The situation may be aggravated by the fact that many of them have never bothered to undergo at least one comprehensive and in-depth medical examination. But there is even a deviation from the army in terms of vision;
  • All military registration and enlistment office employees, by hook or by crook, encourage the legal ignorance of civilians. It often happens that conscripts are subjected to misinformation or psychological pressure. For this reason, young people do not even know what to really do and how to act correctly.

Consequently, the question of how one can legally leave the army does not even arise in young heads.

However, based on all of the above, you can learn about a certain algorithm with the help of which anyone can try to find reasons to legally reject the army, and with legal evidence of this for members of the draft commission.

  • It is advisable to undergo a comprehensive medical examination from seven main medical areas, which include surgery, dentistry, therapy, otorhinolaryngology, psychiatry, ophthalmology, and neurology. And this must be done because these areas themselves are considered the main ones during examination by medical specialists of the military registration and enlistment medical commission;
  • It is necessary to take care of the correct execution of all medical documents in accordance with the requirements of the law. This means that all you have to do is to bring the formulation of your diagnoses into line with the formulation of those with which the disease schedule is filled. And this must be taken very seriously, since doctors at the military registration and enlistment office do not look for any diseases in conscripts. They are just engaged in comparing existing medical indications and documents with the schedule of diseases. So, if a conscript’s document indicates an illness that may correspond to fitness category “B,” then he may be considered limitedly fit and completely exempt from military service. Thus, it is possible to realize, for example, a deviation from the army in terms of vision;
  • It is necessary to start attaching all the materials available to conscripts to their personal files at the military registration and enlistment office. How it's done? When summoned by summons to the military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination, you will have to take with you copies of all the documents that are available, as well as a special statement of fitness. When passing through one of the doctors, who could specialize in this diagnosis, bring to him information about the discovery of a non-renewable disease. After this, the doctor will require some kind of documentary evidence. It is at this moment that you will need to give him all available copies of documents and be sure to make sure that the doctor has attached all this to the conscript’s personal file.

Following this, conscripts are required to be sent for additional examination. Moreover, military registration and enlistment offices should send such young people to state hospitals. In the event that the specified diagnosis is confirmed during this examination, the conscript must be assigned the desired category “B”.

The objective reality is that diagnoses can be deliberately ignored, or they disappear under some “mysterious” circumstances, so experts recommend acting like this:

  1. Wait until the draft commission makes a decision on conscription and immediately appeal it in court;
  2. The basis for appeal may be that medical grounds are not treated with due care;
  3. Thanks to this, the current conscription will be suspended quickly and effectively;
  4. Although it is possible that the court will oblige the draft commission to make a confession about the unfitness of the conscript.

Military service 2019

It is no secret that the conscript service of young citizens of the Russian Federation in the Russian armed forces is considered an honorable duty. The foundations for this are laid down in the Russian Basic Law, and the procedure and rules are determined by the relevant federal laws and many other regulatory documents. All plans for the total number of young people who should be drafted are approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation twice a year, and are carried out much earlier than the specified deadlines. And this, in turn, may indicate the increasing popularity of military service among young people, an increase in the status of military personnel, and a significant improvement in the conditions for military service.

Statistics show that in 2019, the majority of young people want to independently apply to military registration and enlistment offices to serve in the army. Moreover, the motivation of each of them can be completely different. For some, this is an improvement in their physical fitness, for others it is an opportunity to gain skills in using the latest types of weapons, but neither one nor the other even thinks about how to “switch off” from the army. Despite all the positive changes that have occurred in military development in recent years, some young people are still trying to evade service. For such unfortunate conscripts and their unfortunate parents, it would not be out of place to be reminded of criminal liability for such evasion.

Criminal liability for deviation from the army

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation specifically provides for a separate article for conscript draft dodgers number 328. This article provides for the following types of punishments:

  • Collection of a large fine, ranging from 170,000 to 200,00 rubles;
  • Short-term imprisonment (arrest) of a young person for up to six months;
  • Imprisonment of an already convicted conscript for up to two years.

However, the above article makes room for the extremely vague formulation “evasion of conscription for military service.” To clarify this formulation, the plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation specifically issued a resolution that clarified the term “evasion.” In particular, faking some kind of illness in order not to serve in the army is considered pure draft evasion.

Fines and administrative penalties have been introduced for evading service

In addition, situations when young people do not come to the military commissariat several times can be regarded as a crime. And this despite the fact that they received the corresponding summons before this, but this can only be applied in the case where the purpose of non-appearance was the conscript’s desire not to serve in the army. It should be noted that it is unlikely that young people will be able to prove that they ignored all the agendas for some other purpose.

Legal experts draw special attention to conscripts, as well as their parents, to the fact that in relations with military registration and enlistment office employees, it is extremely undesirable to be inactive or act carelessly. It is best to control all these stages yourself, or use the services of legal support from relevant organizations or individuals. Some organizations offer free consultation. Experts recommend not to forget that carelessness or childish pranks in such rather serious matters can result in considerable prison sentences for someone.

Who is exempt from conscription according to federal law?

Federal legislation provides for certain categories of young conscripts who may be exempt from conscription. This is something worth especially focusing on. Actually, to be released in accordance with the law, and not “to be released from the army in accordance with the law,” which can be considered evasion from the army, and therefore a criminal offense. Another significant category that often receives legal exemption from the army are conscripts with a “limitedly fit” health condition or category “B”. Official statistics from the Ministry of Defense indicate that 27.4% of conscripts are exempt from military service for health reasons. According to the statistics of some experts, of all the young conscripts who turned to them, more than 70% of them had “non-conscription” diseases after the very first examinations.

Avoid the army due to health reasons

There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland

It is advisable not to forget that conscripts have the right to appeal decisions declaring them fit for military service, as well as the opportunity to conduct independent medical examinations. Before doing anything illegal, it is best to contact a lawyer. Such specialists will provide professional legal support at all stages, including the direct receipt of a military ID, and, in addition, they can provide absolutely free advice by phone numbers that they indicate on their websites. Legal experts remind those who are interested in how to avoid the army by any means that in 2019, conscripts may face real criminal punishment for feigning symptoms of illness at the military registration and enlistment office. They recommend that it is better to conduct a thorough medical examination to look for diseases, and as the practical experience of such experts shows, most young men were not even aware of their legal exemption from the army.

The Ministry of Defense plans to put 150 thousand people aged 18 to 27 under arms in these three months. The military assures that fulfilling the conscription plan will not be difficult: in recent years, the prestige of military service has grown significantly. However, human rights activists paint the opposite picture. In their opinion, the number of people willing to wear military uniforms has decreased threefold.

Become gay, psycho or trans

Mikhail is in a psychiatric hospital. Hospital ward for 20 people. Gray walls, broken furniture and a collapsed bed net. The gloomy environment does not frighten the guy. “What,” he says into the phone. “Just be patient for two weeks and that’s it - you’re free for the rest of your life.”

Mikhail is 24 years old. A psychiatric hospital is the last hope for a young man to avoid the army. Mikhail lost his desire to repay his debt to his homeland at the age of 16. After he found out that his athlete friend was discharged from the army with a severe traumatic brain injury and was registered in a psychiatric hospital. Not wanting to serve his homeland, Mikhail entered college. After university, I tried to get into graduate school for an academic degree (according to the law, scientists are not conscripted). However, the attempt was unsuccessful. Then Mikhail moved to St. Petersburg: it’s easier to get lost in a big city. Military commissars caught the fugitive when he arrived home on vacation. Before the military commission, Mikhail writhed in pain and moaned heavily, pretending to be sick. However, doctors who had seen a lot immediately saw through the malingerer. There was no money for bribery in the family. The further fate of the young man depended on the psychiatrist's conclusion. And then the guy made up his mind: “I went to a psychiatrist and said that I was gay and that I had grandiose plans to change my sex.” The psychiatrist wrote a referral for examination to a psychiatric hospital. Where does a young man hope to come out with a certificate and be declared unfit for the army?

According to the draft board doctor Irina Konashenko, out of a hundred conscripts today, every 20th one tries to pretend to be a psycho or a homosexual.

They read information on the Internet and act out whole comedies: they beat their heads on the floor, yell, and swear. Sometimes they come with cut hands or cut off ears,” says Irina Konoshenko. - Some immediately declare: I have a non-traditional sexual orientation and demonstrate hysterical behavior.

What do you do with these?

Most often we send you to a psychoneurological clinic for examination. And then, as the doctors decide.

There are 12 of us in the ward from the military registration and enlistment office, and everyone is like gay or crazy,” says Mikhail.

And if you are not recognized mentally, what then?

I still have a deferment. And then we'll come up with something. Or maybe you really can change your gender; we don’t hire girls yet,” Mikhail laughs.

Echo of Donbass

The number of young people leaving the army is growing every year. If we compare similar calls in 2013 and 2014, then, according to human rights activists, the number of “throwbacks” has approximately tripled. Military commissars are looking for about 200 thousand draft dodgers aged 18-27. Human rights activists include the Ukrainian conflict among the well-known reasons for refusal to serve: “they don’t want to serve,” “hazing,” and “army crime.”

In total, military investigators received more than 28 thousand reports of crimes in 2014, which exceeds the same figure in 2013. These figures were announced by the head of the Main Military Investigation Department Alexander Sorochkin. According to Sorochkin’s report, in the past year, cases of “hazing” between military personnel decreased by 16 percent, and 15 percent fewer cases of assault by superiors against subordinates were recorded.

Human rights activists question these data. “Soldiers mostly complain only through relatives: they call, write letters. And mom goes to the unit and makes a fuss. Believe me, a beaten soldier will not call a prosecutor to appear. They won’t,” says the lawyer. Konstantin Bychkov. According to him, crimes in the army in most cases are latent in nature. Bychkov is sure that order in the barracks is still dictated by fraternities (national minorities), who are paid money for peace.

Another problem is the army contingent. “Our army is a workers’ and peasants’ army. And they recruit everyone there who doesn’t have the intelligence to go to university or the money to pay off. Very often those who have a choice: prison or army end up in it,” says Konstantin Bychkov. The lawyer is convinced that today the main backbone of the army consists of young people from low-income families and remote areas of the country where they could not receive the necessary medical care. Therefore, they suffer from advanced nervous disorders, to which army doctors turn a blind eye in order to carry out the plan. “Such people are classified in the fourth group of neuropsychic stability, which implies a high probability of breakdowns. Such people absolutely cannot be trusted with weapons. If a young man cannot solve his problems peacefully, he will take up arms,” sums up Konstantin Bychkov.

“Their children do not serve in the army,” the draft dodger’s mother, Vera Ilyinichna, is indignant, and raises her head upward, as if indicating whose children she is talking about. - Why should my son win back their ambitions? Our guys are dying in Donbass. For what? ... And in general, they will recruit psychos and drug addicts into the army. And that my son, whom I raised as normal, should live for a year amid all this? My son ran away and let life suit him.” (At the moment, only volunteers from Russia are participating in the conflict in Donbass. Conscripts are not sent from the ranks of the Russian army without their consent and release - ed.)

Currently, according to the law, draft dodgers face both administrative (in the form of a warning or a fine of up to 500 rubles) and criminal liability (a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles or imprisonment for up to two years). “After reaching the age of 27, only persons who committed this crime before the specified age may be subject to criminal prosecution for draft evasion, provided that the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution under this article has not yet expired,” comments lawyer Konstantin Bychkov. – The statute of limitations for this crime is 2 years. 27+2 = 29. This means that at the age of 29, if the draft dodger has not committed another crime and is not wanted, he cannot be punished.”

"Credit Excuse"

“Under no circumstances should you mow down or evade the army. You need to find out your right, declare it and get it. And without violence, with the help of the law or pre-trial protection, or judicial protection,” says the chairman of the human rights organization “Soldiers’ Mothers of St. Petersburg” Ella Polyakova.

Today, many companies offer conscripts to find out their legal rights. The Internet is replete with advertisements of this kind: “help for conscripts”, “military ID”, “representation in court”. Business on conscripts is profitable. For three months of conscription, such companies earn an average of 5 million rubles. The cost of legal services varies from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles. Those who cannot pay immediately are offered a loan at minimal (8-13) interest.

The General Military Prosecutor's Office has repeatedly threatened to audit companies that help conscripts. According to military prosecutors, many of them use illegal methods of evading service.

“What kind of check? What are we talking about - indignant Alexander Mishin, owner of a law firm that has been providing services to conscripts for three years. - The Main Military Prosecutor's Office has the right to check people in uniform - Article 46, paragraph 4 of the law on the activities of the Prosecutor's Office. They do not have the right to check websites, legal entities and interview individuals.”

Mishin speaks briefly about his activities: we mow within the bounds of the law. He does not rule out the presence of scammers in business, but he assures that most companies that help conscripts do not break laws.

Chairman of the Soldiers' Mothers of St. Petersburg Ella Polyakova:

“I am surprised how tolerant the authorities are of numerous companies. I have repeatedly asked the top military leadership a question: who sells documents of national importance - military ID cards? Who has access to these documents? We are not receiving an answer."

There is no alternative

Dmitry Rykov carefully carries the elderly woman from the bunk to the bed. Grandma strokes his head and laments: “Thank you, son.” Two-meter, stocky Dmitry is undergoing alternative service in a boarding school for the elderly. A year ago, instead of tarpaulin boots, he chose a medical gown.

There are few alternatives among conscripts. However, if we compare similar calls in 2013-2014, we can see that their number is growing. According to Rostrud, in 2014, 397 Russians expressed a desire to replace military service with civil service, of which 388 people received a positive conclusion from the commission. For comparison, in the spring of 2013, Russians submitted 314 applications to undergo the AGS, of which 302 applications were approved. Mostly, the guys serve in medical institutions, as boiler room operators...

Human rights activists identify two reasons why the alternative service is developing so slowly: the first is the length of service (AGS is longer, lasts 21 months), the second is that military registration and enlistment offices do not often approve the application of alternative soldiers. “Conscription commissions first of all strive to fulfill the draft plan, therefore they issue prohibitory decisions to alternative workers,” says lawyer Alexander Mishin. “The law requires substantiation of beliefs, and military registration and enlistment offices take advantage of this.”

Dmitry Rykov is cleaning the floors in the corridor.

Aren't you offended?

What's the difference? Why wash them in the barracks? What's here? Although there is a difference, they won’t kill me here. I will save face and not call myself crazy or gay.

By the way

This year, alternative service will be available in 61 blue-collar professions and 65 white-collar positions. The Ministry of Labor has developed a list of vacancies for alternative workers. It included both familiar professions and new ones: topographers, computer operators, aircraft mechanics.

Doctor of the draft commission Irina Konashenko

Sexual orientation in itself is not a basis for exemption from conscription. Therefore, trying to get a “slope” by declaring your sexual preferences at the military registration and enlistment office, and thinking that you will be released from service for this is a delusion. As well as hoping that you will immediately receive a referral for examination to a mental hospital. The psychiatrist will send you to a dispensary if he sees the prerequisites for personality disorders in the conscript’s behavior and communication. A survey is a standard set of tests, observations, etc. And the doctors at the dispensary diagnose the conscript. If there are contraindications, the conscript receives a deferment and is sent for treatment; if not, he goes into the army.