The relationship between the bull and the dragon in love and friendship. Eastern compatibility horoscope: Dragon and Ox

  • 19.01.2024

If you follow the recommendations of the Chinese horoscope, you are unlikely to suffer from a broken heart in the future. The Chinese horoscope will determine your compatibility with a potential partner and help you avoid possible problems in your relationship.

If you are an Ox, then you are one of the most responsible representatives of the Chinese Zodiac signs. Most likely, you started reading this article only after you finished your work planned for today and double-checked your schedule for tomorrow. You like to act slowly and consistently, so before starting a new relationship you will definitely conduct a diligent and scrupulous analysis of the situation. Your emotions are measured and logical. Feelings arise in your soul gradually - this applies to both love and anger - so most people around you consider you a reserved and cold-blooded individual. When an Ox falls in love, he completely devotes himself to his partner, and if someone still manages to anger a representative of this sign, the culprit of the attack of anger is unlikely to want to be nearby at the moment when the Ox becomes enraged!

You always get things done. Before taking any action, you always conduct a thorough investigation and make a detailed plan. You will become an ideal partner for that woman who is calm and balanced enough to appreciate these features of your character. More lively and impatient ladies may find you boring and uninteresting. This disdain for methodical planning leaves you puzzled and confused, but at the same time you admire the energy and liveliness of these "lighters" and their ability to readily open their arms to life.

It is impossible not to fall in love with a Dragon woman, and if you are attracted to a representative of this sign, then this is quite understandable and understandable. Dragons have incredible natural magnetism; they literally hypnotize those around them. As soon as this woman enters the room, she becomes the center of everyone's attention. As a rule, Dragons are surrounded by crowds of admirers, so you should not be offended if she does not immediately notice your presence or accept your signs of attention. The Dragon Woman is a real hurricane of energy. She enthusiastically takes on various projects, or devotes herself entirely to the fight against something. The dragon loves life in general and loves to solve interesting and difficult problems. These women have incredible self-confidence. As a result, she may bite off more than she can chew and risk choking. However, in most cases, the Dragon manages to get out of such situations.

The Ox and the Dragon are very different people, and at some points this relationship can be quite unpleasant for both of you. The dragon is trying to establish her own rules, and you are shocked by the thought that someone could, in principle, challenge your expectations. Most likely, you will not be able to keep the Dragon's attention on yourself for long - you simply will not seem interesting enough to her - but she really admires your ability to work hard and your habit of thinking carefully about everything before taking on any business. You can establish wonderful business relationships - the Dragon is able to take risks, and the Ox can take care of the details - but a long-term and harmonious love relationship is unlikely to develop between you.

If you truly love each other and sincerely admire your partner's strengths, then you can build a happy romantic relationship - of course, if you are both willing to make compromises and make some sacrifices. In fact, you both have incredible strength and a number of different ones. You can keep the Dragon from making rash decisions and doing stupid things, and she will tell you when you should take a break and escape from your daily routine. To build a harmonious and happy relationship, both partners will have to make a lot of effort, and you can easily do this, because perseverance and hard work are the main characteristics of any Ox.

The compatibility of a Dragon man and an Ox woman is not very successful, since she needs a more serious and reliable partner. balance your life and bring stability into it. But for a Dragon man, stability is not needed. He needs variety.

Both spouses have a rigid value system and do not want to make concessions and change for the sake of the chosen one. But you can’t build a happy relationship in such positions. The different interests and stubbornness of both make this partnership unstable.

The romance between a Dragon man and an Ox woman is always exciting and completely absorbing. No one will ever forget this passionate relationship. Often, both drop everything and enjoy their feelings for each other. They just need to be together every minute. This is a real holiday with a storm of emotions and sensual pleasures. But, to the surprise of others, this stormy and passionate romance very often ends in nothing. The couple simply runs away, realizing that they cannot stand a serious relationship.

Dragon Man and Ox Woman – Compatibility

And for those who still decide to start a family, they have to work hard on themselves. Married and Ox women cannot be called ideal. It often happens that these two sometimes break up, then get back together, then break up again. Their relationship is undulating. But in order to build a strong, harmonious family, they need to communicate on equal terms and not interfere in each other’s affairs, but always come to help when needed. In general, how long their family ties will be depends only on themselves, on their ability to negotiate and adapt, as well as on the character of a particular Dragon man and Ox woman. She will wait for some time until her lover calms down and “comes to his senses,” but, nevertheless, having lost patience, she will begin to remake him. He will have to accept her terms or just leave. If the spouses can come to an agreement and stop changing each other, then their union can be happy.

A woman married to a Dragon man really has a hard time. Firstly, he is very emotional, and secondly, he has a wild attraction for women. He is like fire, bright, cheerful, sociable, interesting. Women are drawn to him like bees to honey, despite even the huge engagement ring on his finger. It is worth noting that such a man, if he has a low level of spiritual development, can succumb to temptations and cheat even on the one he loves. And the Ox woman will never forgive betrayal. Suspecting, she will quietly remain silent until she finds direct evidence. Then that's it - divorce is guaranteed.

The pair of Dragon man and Ox woman really have a hard time, because they cannot even unite their relatives and friends, they cannot make joint decisions, each other’s behavior causes protests, they have few common interests and do not have joint leisure time. Due to different temperaments, they have different groups of friends, so they also relax separately from each other. Because of this, misunderstanding and resentment towards each other accumulate. But, even after all this, they fall asleep together, hugging each other. Both want to preserve their love, to protect it from themselves. This happens when difficult signs fall in love.

Very often, everyone in this couple focuses more on their own feelings and joys. It is difficult for them to achieve mutual understanding, but many do not need this. They can live for quite a long time, together creating a real fountain of feelings without internal content. In order for the relationship to be harmonious, the Ox woman should accept the role in the life of the Dragon man that he will assign to her.

The down-to-earth and conservative Ox woman is attracted to the Dragon man by his spontaneity and eternal thirst for adventure. After all, this is exactly what she lacks. But, due to their characters, the Dragon man gets tired of sitting behind a reliable stone wall, and the Ox woman gets tired of all kinds of adventures, and at these moments a crack forms between the spouses. After some time, the Dragon man will again want the silence and comfort that the Ox woman can so easily organize, and then again their relationship is close to ideal.

Both the Dragon man and the Ox woman are disciplined, know how to set goals and achieve them. But the problem is that their goals are different. The Dragon man always tries to be in sight and does everything for the sake of his own glory and recognition of his talents, and the Ox woman does it only for the sake of material well-being and gaining authority. And if there is a significant increase in the family budget, then the Ox woman begins to grumble, his character rapidly deteriorates, she becomes stern and dissatisfied with the whole world.

It is difficult for the Ox woman, who has a conservative outlook and an opportunistic worldview, to understand and accept the excessive excitement and extroversion of the Dragon man. She always tries to create for herself a reliable system of life activity, in which she will be in harmony with herself, and at the same time will not need money. And the Dragon man never organizes his life, since variety comes first for him. The Ox woman loves the system, everything is orderly. She doesn't like an active social life because she doesn't waste her energy. She is focused on the main tasks and makes serious plans for her life. Therefore, she cannot understand the Dragon man, who has no system at all. He strives for everything new, starts things and does not finish them, and quickly loses interest in them.

Of course, a rational Ox woman will want to reason with a Dragon man, and this will be her main mistake, since she is faced with a strong personality with specific beliefs who will not allow “violence” against himself. To prevent relationships from falling apart, it is very important not to try to change each other, and not even try to understand if this does not work out, but simply accept. After all, each of the partners can learn something from each other: the Dragon will give a gift on the topic of personal development, and in return the chosen one will help put things in order. Moreover, it is worth remembering that it was precisely the spontaneity and thirst for adventure, which the Dragon man has in abundance, that so attracted the Ox woman, who is sorely lacking in this.

Dragon man and Ox woman - compatibility in love

In the intimate sphere, in a pair of a Dragon man and an Ox woman, everything is simply perfect. Both feel so good here that sometimes they mistake this closeness for love. In bed, despite the difference in character and communication problems, spouses experience the most vivid and unusual emotions. They tend to revel in every moment when they are next to each other.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the Dragon Man and Ox Woman couple

For a stable and long-lasting marriage, both spouses will have to put in a lot of effort, find common goals and interests, and the pride that both have in their own achievements will become a reliable foundation for family happiness.

It is difficult for an Ox woman to understand the motives of a Dragon man, and accordingly accept him for who he is. But if family happiness is important to her, she will have to learn it. Next to this man, the main lesson for her, which will most likely last a lifetime, is learning flexibility and gentleness. Every woman needs to develop these qualities, and even more so for those who live with a Dragon man. The Ox woman must immediately give up hopes that her man will someday come to his senses and get down to business. It is important to accept him as he is and not try to remake him for yourself. Moreover, you can learn a lot from the Dragon man, for example, his flexibility and ease in relation to life.

It is also very important for these spouses to find common interests and activities that can bring them even closer together. They need to go somewhere together more. This union can become bright, interesting and full of pleasant impressions, the main thing is not to put pressure on each other, not to show selfishness and to make joint concessions.

The compatibility of the Dragon and the Ox is determined by their characters and the ability to find a common language. Compatibility by year is determined by date of birth and element affiliation. So, Ox and Dragon: what awaits lovers?

General characteristics of the Dragon

Intellectual, diversified, smart, knowing his worth - qualities that perfectly describe a person born according to the horoscope in the year of the Dragon. He has many hobbies and is ready to conquer more and more heights. He is the best in any business, thanks to his erudition and curiosity. Belonging to one of the 5 elements by year only increases creative potential.

  1. The Wooden representative of the zodiac (1904, 1964) is a person with enormous creative potential. His pursuit of knowledge leads to success and once again emphasizes his aristocratic character and ability to behave in society.
  2. Those born under the sign of the fire element (1916, 1976) have an ardent character. He completes all the tasks he undertakes. He loves to be in the center of attention and events; not a single social event would be complete without him. Sometimes he is quick-tempered and picky.
  3. The Earth sign representative (1928, 1988) is quiet and calm, loving to think alone. Any business is taken on only after a thorough analysis of all risks. Such people are innovators and inventors, they work tirelessly.
  4. Dragon of the metal element (1940, 2000) - fighter for rights and freedom. Such a person is capable of agitating people and leading them. Such a person is straightforward, always talking about everything straight to the point. He is tirelessly ready to pursue his goal and defend his views even alone. Love always comes first for him.
  5. The White or Water sign representative (1952, 2012) is prudent, quiet and calm. He makes thoughtful and balanced decisions, he always patiently waits for the best moment. He is very talented by nature, he is capable of all types of art.

General characteristics of the Ox

Personalities born in the year of the Ox are very different in character. They can be sensitive and gentle, vulnerable and forgiving, and a minute later become irritable and aggressive, defending their territory. At work, they are always in the forefront of fulfilling the plan, but no more.

The Ox is content with little, he just completes the assigned task and does not strive for more, although, thanks to his hardworking nature, such people are financially secure. Love actually plays an important role in life for them. Belonging to different years and elements determines his status, recognition, and behavior in society.

  1. The representative of the wooden element (1925, 1985) possesses such qualities as perseverance and perseverance and demonstrates them fully in all matters. He loves to work to fulfill his dreams and clearly follows the intended path. We respect him in society, everyone loves him and looks up to him.
  2. White Bull (1913, 1973) is sensitive and gentle, he is capable of creating masterpieces. He always listens to people's requests and is ready to provide all possible assistance to everyone. Often such people volunteer.
  3. The fiery representative of the symbol (1937, 1997) is hot-tempered and aggressive. Such qualities help him in business, but not in relationships. Due to his bad character, he can harm his loved ones.
  4. Those born in the year of the metal element (1901, 1961) are often nervous and slightly unbalanced individuals. They find it difficult to adapt to new things. They do not know at all what politeness and sincerity are. They strive to become speakers, but they have no talent in this matter.
  5. Earthen Bull (1949, 2009) is very pragmatic, all his affairs go according to schedule. He is punctual and does not like sloppy and sloppy people. Hard work helps him achieve his goals.

Ox Man and Dragon Woman

The Ox man and the Dragon woman are a rare combination of signs in marriage. More often, the love between them remains on a platonic level, and if it comes to creating a family, the union is very fragile and rests solely on strong mutual feelings.

The Dragon woman is naturally beautiful and sexy, enjoys the attention of men, and can afford to flirt lightly with a stranger. You shouldn’t think that she is frivolous: on the contrary, she is a lady who knows her worth. Smart and well-read, such a woman puts career and personal growth first.

The Ox sign man loves family comfort and children. He strives to provide the house with everything necessary, so he will restrain his wife’s potential.

Love relationship

The Ox and the Dragon are signs whose compatibility can become a reality if lovers learn to hear and yield to each other. A man must understand that his wife is also a person, and not a simple housewife. The woman, in turn, must learn to smooth out rough edges and avoid conflicts; she must see and understand that the Ox needs the care and obedience of his soulmate.

The compatibility of the signs of the Dragon and the Ox according to the horoscope suggests that such people can live in marriage and love only with mutual desire, because the temperaments of the signs will not be able to get along, the partners’ views on life are too different.

Intimate relationships

In sex, this couple is dominated by animal passion and no romance. They are ready to enjoy each other for hours. Thanks to sex, such couples are formed.

Friendship and work

On the work front, these two signs can work wonders. Ox and Dragon are an excellent working tandem. The mind and talent of the Dragon girl, combined with the perseverance and hard work of the Ox, bear fruit. If they manage a project or run a business together, they manage to do successful and profitable things.

They know how to be friends with each other, but only on the condition that they rarely see each other. It’s nice for these two to sit at a table in a cafe and talk about problems.

Dragon Man and Ox Woman

Will the Dragon man and the Ox woman be able to build a strong union? Compatibility of the signs is unlikely; love in their life, of course, exists, but does not affect their character in any way. The Dragon man is partly selfish and narcissistic, sometimes he does not notice anything or anyone around him. He likes to pay attention to the ladies, he loves to conquer and break hearts.

The Ox woman is very passionate and quick-tempered, but at the same time she loves family comfort and children. She really likes to please a man in the form of a deliciously prepared lunch or a romantic dinner. A good housewife, she strives to create comfort in the house.

The compatibility of the Ox man and the Dragon woman is quite complex due to the different characters of the partners. The Ox man creates for himself a certain life scheme that will allow him to live comfortably in complete balance with himself, while the Dragon girl does not organize her life at all. A constant change of impressions and bright events is more important to her than the most effective life plan.


The Ox man and the Dragon woman are self-sufficient and strong in spirit, because each of them clearly sets goals and goes towards them no matter what. Each of them creates peace of mind for themselves, which is a guarantee of personal success in life. It is very difficult for such people to unite in creating a family, because they may not want to adjust their value system to suit their partner.

Sexual and love relationships between these signs are like an extravaganza filled with emotions and feelings. Love in such a union pierces the lovers through and through, and they begin to live by it. They dissolve not in each other, but in their deep feeling, which absorbs them entirely. The passionate love of the Dragon and the Ox promises to turn into an unforgettable romance.

To develop and build strong, long-term relationships, partners will need to agree to interact as equals and not interfere in the affairs of the other half, while providing support at the right time. Mutual respect and acceptance of their role in marriage will give them the opportunity to build a symbiotic relationship for the long term.


Most likely, the Ox man will want his Dragon wife to spend more time on the family and less on outside activities and hanging out with friends. They will have to find a compromise on this issue, and the sooner the better, since conflicts are very likely.

If she cancels her trip to her friend's, and he can cook dinner, at least sometimes. By putting the relationship above their ego, the couple will build a strong union. The Dragon woman and the Dog man are able to give and take a lot from each other, the main thing is to want it, then everyday issues will not be so important.

In a couple, it will be more difficult for the Dragon girl to accept the rigid system and conditions of the Ox man than for him to become the one she wants to see next to her. Nevertheless, this man is more organized, has a strong character, and has a large supply of vitality. But he lives in the existing reality and does not run away from problems, but, on the contrary, even foresees them and builds a competent defense.

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The eastern horoscope tells people about their inner hidden qualities. He can predict the fate of any sign, and also bring together completely opposite personalities. The compatibility of the Dragon and the Ox is exactly what many call love at first sight. They are completely different, but can be happy together.

Characteristics of the Dragon

Dragon people love open relationships and this applies not only to love. They do not need control from their parents; they like to be independent. But at the same time, they are quite well-mannered individuals, they know how to speak beautifully and control their behavior. People born this year are very talented and decent.

They know how to be friends, they will always come to help in difficult times, but they themselves refuse it. They are not conservative, as they love to discover something new and do it with ease. The qualities that people endowed with the years of this sign possess are:

  • confidence;
  • reliability;
  • emotionality;
  • generosity;
  • activity.

Characteristics of the Ox

Such people always control themselves and do not despair in difficult moments. They are always responsible for their words and adhere to their personal point of view. They prefer to achieve their goals and know what they want from life.

If the Ox is forced to do something against his will, he will be quite stubborn and may lose his temper. He never takes risks, does not like to borrow money and compete. But, basically, such people are sociable and always make contact. They love to relax with pleasant company. The qualities that people endowed with the years of this sign possess are:

  • stubbornness;
  • accuracy;
  • calmness.

Compatibility of a Dragon woman and an Ox man

The Ox man is strong and courageous. He always achieves what he wants, and no obstacle can stop him. He is also endowed with bad qualities - stubbornness and inability to find a common language with people.

A woman belonging to the years of this sign is beautiful, she obeys all her desires. She is quite bright and mysterious. It is with these qualities that she lures the opposite sex. It’s a pity, but after a while a man gets tired of such relationships and constant quarrels. He wants peace, quiet and home comfort, but a woman does not have such aspects of character and is not very suitable for family relationships.

Love relationship

Ox man and Dragon woman – their love story begins very romantically. Passion, strong feelings and vivid emotions are what connect them. If a woman loves, then she is ready to do anything for her lover. But not everything is as good as it started. The first quarrel will cool their feelings, and they will understand that they cannot live together and will separate.

A man will show his leadership and set his own rules, but the girl will not like this attitude. She loves to be free and does not want to take a step forward. If a woman and a man are at a fairly mature age, and this is not their first marriage, then their love will be strong. They understand that they have already stumbled once and will not allow this to happen again.

It will be most difficult for these signs to reconcile in marriage, since they do not know how to make concessions. Such individuals are accustomed to being independent and not depending on anyone. To maintain relationships, this family needs to learn to hear each other and negotiate with each other. Respect, trust and understanding are all this relationship needs to be happy.

Friendship between signs

The Ox and Dragon couple will often not understand their halves. The girl will not be able to understand the meaning of her chosen one’s life. Therefore, it is better for them not to see each other or remain just friends. Due to the fact that a man looks at life realistically and does not like to run from problems, he resolves any issue quickly. If an Ox man loves a Dragon woman, he will make concessions to her and put up with her difficult character. If there is no love, it will be easier for him to end this relationship and remain just friends. A girl loves when a lot of attention is paid to her, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a love relationship or just a friendly one.

In order for the friendship of these two signs not to end, they need to learn to hear each other and come to an agreement. Don’t meddle in the life of your other half, but just communicate like friends. If everyone behaves correctly, their friendship can last a long time.

Compatibility of a Dragon man and an Ox woman

The combination of a Dragon man and an Ox woman is not ideal. The Ox and Dragon union is completely incompatible in this case. A man is more emotional, and a woman is persistent, but too stubborn. It can be very difficult for a girl to express her feelings and experiences, but if she loves, then for a long time. It often happens that a guy born in the year of the Dragon does not want to reciprocate his sympathy and thereby rejects the girl without even giving her any chance.

The compatibility of the Ox and the Dragon in this pair is poor, as frequent quarrels and betrayals are possible. A married man is constantly surrounded by girls, so his wife often makes scenes of jealousy. Marriage compatibility does not show the desired result and as a result the couple separates.

Love relationship

The compatibility of the Ox and the Dragon according to the love horoscope is strong. People born in these years experience strong passion. But in everyday life it is difficult for them to find a common language, so only sex keeps them together. Since the signs have completely different temperaments, they spend little time together. Everyone has their own social circle and this increases their misunderstanding. Quarrels are repeated day after day, and the couple simply cannot find a common language.

It is very difficult for a woman in such a situation, since due to her experiences she can accuse her lover of infidelity. Beloved must learn to hear and understand each other. If this does not happen, such a marriage will not last long. Therefore, the compatibility of Dragon and Ox in marriage is not very good.