Causes of drowsiness and fatigue

  • 14.01.2022

A sleep disorder characterized by a desire to fall asleep is referred to as excessive sleepiness. Moreover, the desire to sleep most often occurs periodically, but may be present and constantly. Such a syndrome can, of course, indicate that a person just needs to fully relax. But there are a lot of pathologies that have increased drowsiness in the list of symptoms.

If a person experiences constant or periodic drowsiness, and chronic fatigue syndrome can be excluded, you should immediately consult a doctor - only a complete examination of the body will enable specialists to find out the true cause of the condition in question. Since there are many such reasons, it will be necessary to differentiate possible pathological conditions - this will help to conduct effective treatment.

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Most often, the syndrome in question accompanies diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, but it can also be present in narcolepsy, Kleine-Levin syndrome, sleep apnea syndrome - these are neuropsychiatric diseases that always proceed hard, radically change the patient's lifestyle.

Often, increased drowsiness is noted by those who are forced to take certain medicines for a long period - this affects their side effects on the body. As a rule, with such a development of events, the attending physician will either adjust the dosage of the medication taken, or completely replace it.

Drowsiness is almost always associated with the lack of daylight. Pay attention to how the psycho-emotional background changes during cloudy weather, prolonged rains. In principle, such a condition cannot be considered as a pathology, but it is possible to help the body enter the normal rhythm of life. To increase daylight hours and make up for the lack of sun, fluorescent lamps are installed in the premises - this helps to restore the body's strength in just a couple of days.

And of course, one cannot ignore and, in which a person simply “goes” to sleep - in this way he “hides” from problems and troubles. If increased drowsiness arose precisely against the background of such a disorder of the psycho-emotional background and the nervous system, then you just need to solve the problem or seek help from a psychologist.

Note:all of the listed conditions that lead to increased drowsiness, in principle, can be overcome on their own (with rare exceptions), and drowsiness in the cases described will be considered practically the norm. But there are a number of serious diseases that are accompanied by increased drowsiness - in this case, professional medical care is simply indispensable.

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Doctors distinguish a number of diseases, the course of which is accompanied by increased drowsiness:

  1. . With such a disease, the level of iron in the body decreases, and if the pathology remains “without attention” and the patient does not undergo treatment, then a lack of hemoglobin can be detected even in blood cells. In addition to increased drowsiness, iron deficiency anemia is accompanied by fragility of the nail plates and hair, general weakness, changes in taste preferences, and dizziness.

Note:it is impossible to normalize and stabilize the level of iron in the body exclusively by folk remedies. With these symptoms, it is imperative to consult a doctor who, after examination, will prescribe an effective treatment with iron preparations.

There are a number of symptoms that, coupled with increased drowsiness, may be the basis for a preliminary diagnosis. Of course, each doctor will conduct the necessary examinations, but assumptions will already be made.

, drowsiness and weakness - vegetovascular dystonia

The mechanism of development of increased drowsiness in this disease is very simple:

  • any factor affects the vessels - for example, stress, smoking;
  • against the background of such an impact, neuroendocrine shifts occur - this condition generally underlies vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • in the vessels of the brain there is a violation of blood flow (dystonia).

The treatment of increased drowsiness in the pathology under consideration is to combat the factors that actually provoke the general disease. Psychotherapy, reflexology, acupuncture and activities aimed at general strengthening of the whole organism will help the patient.

If the disease is severe, then doctors will prescribe specific medications that will save the patient from drowsiness.

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, headache and drowsiness - intoxication of the nervous system

In this condition, toxic damage to the cerebral cortex occurs due to the influence of internal or external factors. Exogenous intoxication can occur against the background of the use of a large amount of alcoholic beverages, chemicals, poisons of plant or bacterial origin (food poisoning). Endogenous intoxication can occur against the background of severe pathologies of the liver (cirrhosis, hepatitis) and kidneys.

Intoxication of the nervous system is always accompanied by increased drowsiness, nausea and headache - according to these signs, doctors will be able to make a diagnosis and provide professional assistance in time.

Vomiting, nausea, dizziness and drowsiness - traumatic brain injury

With such an injury, several factors begin to affect the central nervous system at once:

  • direct impact - bruise, destruction of brain tissue;
  • violation of the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • cerebral edema.

Note:in the first few hours after a traumatic brain injury, the patient may feel fine, there are no symptoms. That is why even with minor blows to the head, a person must definitely undergo an examination in a medical institution.

Irritability, loss of strength and drowsiness - endocrine disruptions in women

Very often, drowsiness in women is associated with and. In addition to the syndrome under consideration, in such cases there will be other pronounced symptoms:

With endocrine disruptions, you can cope with increased drowsiness with herbal medicine or reflexology, but in especially severe cases, doctors may prescribe hormonal medications.

How to get rid of sleepiness on your own

Of course, first of all, you will need to consult a doctor and undergo a preventive examination - you need to make sure that there are no serious pathologies. If increased drowsiness is a symptom of chronic diseases or is caused by psycho-emotional disorders, then you can try to get rid of the syndrome in question on your own.