Dream of holding hands with a loved one. Why did you dream about hand in hand? Dream interpretation

  • 24.03.2024

Dreams have a variety of meanings, which indicate upcoming events in life and certain circumstances that the sleeper will have to face in real life. The dream interpretation of holding someone's hand has a variety of meanings and can be interpreted in different ways.

What if you dream of holding?

If in a dream the sleeping person holds the hand of a complete stranger, then this means that in real real life the person experiences an irresistible desire to trust someone with his deepest secrets, or he needs serious support. If a girl dreams that she is holding a man’s hand directly, then this may mean that in reality she will not have the best and not entirely decent offer.

If a young girl dreams that she is tightly holding the hand of the guy she likes and she enjoys this touch, it means that in reality in real life she will have a warm relationship with this person, which can develop into a rather serious relationship. If a girl finds it unpleasant to hold a guy’s hand, then this means that naturally in her personal life she certainly needs to exercise some caution and be more prudent, because such a relationship may not end very well. The dream in a certain way warns the sleeping girl about the upcoming danger and possible deception on the part of this particular young man.

A dream of holding the hand of a close friend, or a loved one, can mean that the sleeper in real life will face a huge number of different problems that he will certainly have to cope with and overcome all the difficulties and troubles that await him. The dreamer will certainly solve all problems together with the one in his dream, and at the same time they will help each other in every possible way and will certainly support each other in the most difficult moment.

If the sleeping person holds the enemy’s hand in a dream, this means that in real life, in reality, a very quick reconciliation awaits them.

In addition, there are some other, in some sense not quite ordinary dreams, in which the person himself holds a certain object.

The designation of such dreams can be very different, however, when solving a dream, it is imperative to take into account the day of the week on which the dream naturally occurred, as well as the general emotional state of the sleeper and the intensity of the dream itself. All these factors indicate upcoming events and their impact on the life of the sleeper.

If a person dreams that he is holding a tree branch in his hands, then this means that very soon the sleeper will face very serious changes in life and business. If the tree branch is a palm tree, then the dream denotes upcoming joy and complete harmony in life and in relationships with loved ones. If the branch is laurel, then this means that the sleeper will certainly experience success and glory in life and in all his endeavors.

If a person dreams that he is holding an eagle owl in his hands, this means that in real life, in reality, the sleeping person will have to host and entertain an unusually boring and unpleasant person who absolutely does not understand humor. If the sleeping person holds the horse by the bridle, then this means that the sleeping person faces serious danger in real life.

Holding a person’s hand by force in a dream means that it is necessary to take appropriate measures so that you can change your life, undoubtedly for the better, because he needs a certain kind of change. If a person dreams that he is holding a snake in his hands in a dream, then in real life he will have to meet a difficult and stubborn person whom he will have to re-educate by any available means.

What does it portend?

If a young unmarried girl dreamed that she was holding a small cat or kitten in her arms, then this means that in reality she will be involved in some not entirely good and favorable affairs, which can have a rather negative impact on her life and future. .

If you dream of holding a banner in your hands, then this means that the sleeper occupies a rather false and incorrect position in society. When a person in a dream holds his own horoscope, compiled by a professional astrologer, this means that the sleeping person will experience absolutely unexpected and rather strange changes in life, and can also mean a long trip, which will be accompanied by meetings with famous personalities. If a girl is holding some food in her hands, and then he unexpectedly drops it, this means that the lover will find another girl, and the sleeping girl herself will very much regret her rather unreasonable behavior.

When a sleeping person dreams that he is holding an icicle in his hands, then in reality he may get sick, and this can happen without any specific apparent reason. If a young girl dreamed that she was holding something in her arms, then in real life she will certainly be subjected to rather harsh condemnation from those around her, who will refuse to understand her actions.

If you dreamed of holding a cross, it means that a person will receive a pleasant gift given to him by fate itself, which will be unusually favorable to him and generous with gifts.

When a person dreams that he is holding a thermometer under his arm, this means that in reality the sleeping person is experiencing certain family troubles and some difficulties. Holding a pan on the fire in a dream means that a rather serious and unpleasant skirmish with an opponent is expected, which can even develop into a big scandal.

Holding on to the railing means that the sleeper will use any attempt to hold on to his loved one, who will try to free himself from a relationship that is boring to him, which does not make any sense. If a person dreams that he is holding a fairly large amount of money in his hands, then this means that in reality he may lose his power.

Experts involved in the interpretation of dreams say that if you dream of hand in hand, this indicates important changes and events in the real life of the sleeping person. Hand in hand is a source of strong vital energy that can be given or taken away. Perhaps someone is trying to influence the dreamer’s fate, or in the near future he will let someone new into his life, but whether it is a good person or a bad one, everything will depend on the dream itself. What awaits us after all if we dreamed of hand in hand? Let's look into it in more detail.

What does touching hands in a dream mean?

So, what does the dream book tell us? Holding hands in a dream with a representative of the opposite sex means that the dreamer is in a close, trusting relationship with this person.

It is important here to remember the emotions you are experiencing. If they were negative, it means that your friend, colleague, relative is preparing some kind of meanness. Therefore, you should stay away from him so as not to become a victim of his insidious plans.

When a person in a dream experiences a surge of strength when shaking hands and the touch brings only a positive charge, this indicates that the dreamer will receive pleasant news, a happy event.

If in a dream a girl is held by the hand by a representative of the stronger sex, then she may meet her betrothed or things are heading towards a wedding with her chosen one.

A man holding a woman’s hand symbolizes an attempt to establish contact with the young lady. But whether it will be successful will be determined by the sensations from these touches.

Let's listen to feelings

Let's look further through the dream book. Holding hands in a dream - in reality this means that people are close and dear to each other. Perhaps fate will depend on this touch, or the one who holds the dreamer’s hand can somehow influence his life.

Here, again, a lot depends on what sensations were present during the dream and the first time after awakening.

So, let's explain:

  • The touch of hands is pleasant: expect a surprise or someone will pleasantly surprise you soon.
  • A damp palm, covered with warts, crooked fingers, a rough hand - bad luck in business, perhaps gossip at work, troubles in your personal life.
  • Feel cold when touched. Perhaps the dreamer will feel a cooling towards the one in whose hand his hand was or, on the contrary, a close person or friend will distance himself from him.
  • Not experiencing any feelings will only mean that the dream does not carry any information.
  • Experience comfort. It is worth taking on any undertaking, it will bring success and good luck.

Touch of a Stranger

The touch of a stranger's hands is a wonderful sign for those who are waiting for their career to develop. If in a dream the dreamer’s hand ends up in the hand of a stranger, you should wait for a patron at work who has prepared a “warm” place for you.

Things are a little different for those who hold the hand of a deceased person. Most likely, the dreamer may receive an inheritance from a distant relative whom he did not know.

Lonely people whose hand is in the hand of a stranger should expect to meet a person with whom they are likely to develop a romantic connection.

Guy and girl: touching hands in a dream

What will a dream tell us about where a guy and a girl are holding hands? Everything will depend on the sensations experienced, as well as on who they are to each other.

If in a dream a couple knows each other well, then this promises the dreamer a happy future with his chosen one, perhaps things will go well at work, and career growth awaits him.

If a handshake does not evoke positive emotions, a person experiences some discomfort in a dream, one can expect troubles and deception.

Miller's dream book interprets this dream in its own way. If a guy and a girl hold hands and at the same time kiss, then the one who sees the dream should be careful, behave with restraint, and not compromise with rash actions.

Did you dream that the girl herself took the guy’s hand? Most likely, it will be the representative of the fair sex who will take the initiative in the relationship and talk about her feelings. This is especially true of the dream where the lady experienced pleasant feelings, a surge of strength and energy.

If a person experienced hostility when their hands touched each other, perhaps their other half is having a secret affair. A loved one betrays the dreamer's trust.

A dream in which the hand is separated from the body

Agree, it’s a rather strange dream. What does the dream book say about this? A hand, one’s own hand in a dream, which for some reason is separated from the body and at the same time holds another, speaks of a bad omen. Most likely, there is a risk of losing a loved one.

Losing one's own hand is a bad omen. Perhaps the one whose hand he saw or shook will bring trouble to the dreamer. Other dream books say that there is a risk of illness with loss of a limb due to injury.

If in a dream you shake hands with a colleague with a hand separated from your body, then there is the possibility of encountering intrigue on his part.

In general, such a dream does not promise anything good, so you should behave with extreme caution, avoid conflict situations, and protect yourself from rash actions.

If a person dreams of someone else’s hand, separated from the body, which he holds in his palm, expect material benefits. A salary increase or bonus is likely, but most likely this will be done to the detriment of another person who will try to harm you. Expect cash flows, but try not to cross anyone's path for your own benefit. This will not bring you satisfaction.

Dream: hand in a man's hand

If your hands are strong, beautiful and well-groomed, then you should trust your immediate environment, as well as the person who is next to you, he will be a reliable protection and support.

A man’s hands tightly squeeze a woman’s hands, which means they are ready to take care of and help her. This also means that a representative of the stronger sex will patronize you.

If a woman herself tightly squeezes a man’s hand, she wants to receive tenderness and care, and is also looking for a reliable partner for herself.

When a woman’s hand is in a man’s hand and they are heading somewhere, this means that you can trust your partner. The dream also promises success in business and endeavors.

A woman's hand in the hand of a former lover

Why do you dream of a hand in your ex’s hand? Here everything will depend on which hand is left or right.

A former dear friend holds his girlfriend by the left hand, this means that in reality the one who saw the dream will meet a dishonest person who will deceive or is already plotting behind his back, lying.

In the right hand - a meeting with a faithful friend. Perhaps the former lover is a good person and wants to renew the relationship.

Also, the interpretation of the dream depends on whether the ex’s hands are clean. If yes, then the dreamer will have success in business; an old acquaintance will help him with this.

Dirty hands mean treason, deceit, slander and other troubles.

Children holding hands

If they are small, it means that the one who saw the dream will have troubles, vanity, and unnecessary worries.

If the kids are older, then expect unexpected troubles. If boys hold hands, troubles will soon befall you; if girls, your efforts are in vain, your affairs, unfortunately, will not end in success.

If children are of different sexes - vain hopes, destroyed dreams.

Decoding a dream according to the French dream book

It talks about how the dream is interpreted depending on the person’s temperament.

Hand in hand in a loving person means passionate love, stormy relationships, devotion and fidelity.

If one arm is broken, illness and family troubles are possible.

A swollen hand or palm is a symbol of enrichment, unexpected profit.

Hairy hands - a person who has a dream will be happy, rich, and will also have joy and luck.

Holding a cut, bloody palm - expect trouble, but the black streak will pass and a white streak will come.

Explanations of the English dream book

Why did you see one hand in the other? Prim and strict Englishmen give an accurate transcript of what they saw. This dream indicates that you will soon make peace with your best friend, even if you had huge differences.

Try to be condescending and friendly, do not push away good people, go towards your comrades and friends.

To get dirty by hand means to experience pressure on yourself, humiliation. The person will probably force you to take part in committing an ugly act that humiliates someone else’s dignity. It is better to protect yourself in advance and abandon the adventure.

Explaining a dream according to Miller

He will decipher the dream in a special way. If the hand is in the hand of a man, then this indicates that the person who saw the dream is experiencing sexual attraction.

The dream book advises paying close attention to your palm. Dirty, ugly - troubles in love.

The beautiful palms that the dreamer holds in his hands promise mutual feelings, devotion and a long relationship.

A bad symbol is if you see blood on your palms. This means separation, separation of partners. Most likely, a quarrel will arise due to unfair accusations or slander from enemies. It pays to be careful, patient and wise. Then everything will work out.

Hand in hand: explanation according to Tsvetkova’s dream book

Did you dream of hand in hand? It is worth preparing for troubles and obstacles. This is how you can decipher this dream according to Tsvetkova. If your hands are clean, then there will be quarrels and scandals in your personal life, but lovers will be able to overcome all this, going through all the tests “hand in hand.”

If you dreamed of a hand in the hand of an enemy, you should not be afraid of him. Feel free to make contact. This dream is an omen of your imminent reconciliation.

What else can this famous dream book tell? Hand in hand with a stranger - in the near future there is a possibility of participating in charity, helping someone in need.

Closed hands are a symbol of not only a strong union, but also of confrontation. Be careful if you shake hands with an unpleasant person, beware of gossip, try not to let it affect you. Don’t bring your personal life into public court, and then everything will be fine. Stay as far away from evil and envious people as possible.

We tried to list all the main interpretations of sleep when a person dreams of hand in hand. Dream books often disagree, so sometimes you should trust your intuition and not rely only on a dream. Perhaps someone does not believe that a dream can warn or forewarn, or perhaps predict good luck. This is a personal matter for everyone, but caution does not hurt. The main thing is to be happy, no matter what. Let only good dreams come to you!

In order to answer the question of why you dream of holding hands, it is necessary to analyze in detail other passages of the dream. However, in general, we can say that holding hands in a dream is a sign that a person is surrounded by reliable people.

Holding hands in a dream means intimacy with the person whose hands you dreamed of. Most likely, this person is the most reliable support in life and you should start appreciating him. If you continue to treat this person with disdain, you can lose his favor and subsequently greatly regret it.

It is also important which parts of the hands are in contact and how tightly they are pressed against each other.

If in a dream a person (most often a woman) holds on to the elbow of another person, then most likely in the near future he will propose some kind of joint business or hobby, which in the future will bring significant profit to both.

If in a dream a person holds the palm of another person, then most likely he is preparing a pleasant surprise or a valuable gift for the person seeing the dream.

It is also important where the dream action takes place. If the situation is familiar, pleasant or simply neutral, then you should trust the person who came in such a dream. If the events take place in a scary place (for example, in a cemetery or in a basement), then on the contrary, you should trust the person’s innermost secrets and plans less.

If a person hugs or supports you in a dream with a sign, then you should start treating him better. He will help in the very near future when necessary. If you don’t know the person, then most likely you should expect help and advice from a stranger. Such a person may be, for example, an acquaintance or colleague from whom help is unexpected.

If in a dream a person holds a child by the leg or arm, then in the near future he will solve a problem that many cannot cope with. Activity and diligence will be appreciated and you should expect a promotion or bonus. If the task concerns your personal life, then recognition from loved ones and gratitude will not keep you waiting. In any case, if a person leads a child in a dream, he should prepare for hard work, which will be highly appreciated.

When a person sees hands in a dream, it is always a harbinger of work. The more tense your hands are in a dream, the stronger the handshakes, the more strength you will need to complete life tasks, work responsibilities or other matters. However, such a dream is a harbinger of a good reward that awaits a person after completion, and also predicts the accompanying ease, success, enthusiasm and good luck.

A handshake is a harbinger of the help that can be expected from a person.

If you don’t want to let go of the other person’s hand or for some reason this cannot be done, then you should expect joint trials with a happy ending.

Hand temperature is no less important. Warm hands portend short work and great success. The colder the hands, the more likely it is that there will be a lot of work, and the success will not be very loud.

To interpret a dream in which a person sees his own hands or the hands of another person, it is important to pay attention to all the details. The location of the action, the characteristics of the people who are present in the dream and any others can help in correctly understanding the sign of fate.

Only the person who dreamed it can accurately understand the content of a dream. Dream books can help you unravel the signs of fate. Sometimes it is enough for a person to read that his hands dream of working, and he immediately understands what his dream portends.

Dream Interpretation The guy you like

Why do you dream about a guy you like in a dream according to the dream book?

Felomena's dream book regards the guy she likes as a harbinger of a fateful meeting, as well as upcoming changes in her personal life.

If you were visited in a dream by a young man whom you previously liked, you miss the object of the dream and are not averse to entering into a romantic relationship with him.

Who dreamed of a guy they like? How often do you dream about a guy you like? What did the guy look like in the dream? Who did you see the guy you like with in your dream?

Who dreamed of a guy they like?

The girl dreamed of a guy she liked

A girl dreams of a guy she likes - the dream warns of the need to be careful in communicating with him in reality, otherwise conflict cannot be avoided.

How often do you dream about a guy you like?

I constantly dream about the guy I like

Constantly seeing a guy you like in a dream means that in reality this young man is also attractive to you, but he cannot show decisiveness and talk about his feelings. There is no need to rush things; fate has its own plan for you.

I often dream about the guy I like

Do you often dream about a guy you like? You show considerable interest in this person. Subconsciously you want to take part in his life, you are interested in any detail of his biography.

Every night I dream about the guy I like

If a dream about a guy you like is repeated every night, they have mutual feelings for you. Do not discard obvious signs of fate that say that this suitor is an excellent match for you.

What did the guy look like in the dream?

I dream about a drunk guy I like

If you dreamed that the guy you like was drunk, you should take a closer look at your current companion, perhaps he is not who he wants to seem. Difficult times await you in your future together, think about it.

Why do you dream about a naked guy you like?

A dream about a naked guy you like indicates that your boyfriend has serious problems. He feels his own powerlessness, while being unable to do anything to avoid the blow of fate.

Who did you see the guy you like with in your dream?

Seeing a guy you like in a dream with another girl

Why do you dream about the guy you like with another girl? In reality, you are tormented by doubts about the fidelity of your significant other, as well as the sincerity of the feelings he experiences towards you. Perhaps the unrest is unfounded, but it will still be present.

Dream Interpretation “walking by the hand” in a dream

Why do you dream of “walking by the hand?” Dream interpretation

A dream in which you are walking hand in hand with someone has different interpretations. If someone accompanies you in this way, then be prepared for the fact that this person will try to impose his will on you. Be careful and careful with the details, and you will be able to avoid becoming addicted. If you are walking hand in hand with your loved one, the dream symbolizes a tender and sincere relationship between you. Your loved one may not always be ready to show you his feelings in reality, but you can trust him. If you are walking hand in hand with a person and notice that your hands are dirty, the dream means that in real life you need to be more sensitive to your loved ones and not offend them. If your companion has dirty hands, then in reality you can expect such an attitude towards yourself.

In our dream book you can find out not only about what dreams about “walking by the hand” mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to walk by the hand in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Mysteries of dreams: why do you dream about the guy you like?

Some dreams are difficult to explain, but still, if you carefully think about everything that happened in your subconscious, you can “catch” some prerequisites for real life.

Everyone has experienced times of constant falling in love. And therefore, the question of why the guy they like is dreamed of was asked by almost all girls, young women and women. It will be quite problematic to answer this question unambiguously, since many factors can influence this. One of the versions that explains why the guy she likes dreams about is as follows: the girl herself very often thinks about him, and real thoughts and experiences are transferred to the dream. After all, it is in a dream that we see what we want, isn’t it? There, in this second reality, you hug him, kiss him, hold his hand... Your most secret desires come true in a dream. And, waking up, you begin to think about this dream, devoting your free time to thinking about what it might mean to you. These thoughts further cement in you the image of the person you like, after which you begin to dream about him with increasing frequency.

There is another explanation for why the guy you like dreams about. Some believe that such dreams can be caused by the fact that it is not you who are thinking about the person you like, but he is thinking about you. You can find out whether this is true or not only by asking the guy himself, and for many this is problematic to do. To stop these dreams, you just need to spend some time with the object of your adoration. Get to know him (if this has not already been done), and then it is likely that you will stop dreaming about him. Yes, and why these dreams, if your communication becomes real - this is much better, isn’t it?

In some cases, the explanation of what the guy you like is dreaming about is not as rosy as the previous ones. These can be so-called “prophetic dreams”, which can warn you about some event, and perhaps danger awaiting your loved one. So in some cases you need to listen to dreams. It's better to be safe, as they say.

There are also separate interpretations, or rather, their unique “schedule”. The reasons why your beloved guy appeared in your dream are explained depending on when he appeared in your dream (but the veracity of this “schedule” is still in question). So, if this happened on the night from Monday to Tuesday, then this indicates that the dreamer has a feeling of deepest respect for you. If the guy you like dreamed on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, then this means that he is thinking about you, if from Wednesday to Thursday, it means you also came into his dream. If you dream of a guy from Thursday to Friday, then you can be congratulated - you won his heart, and if from Friday to Saturday, then you also made him experience an unpleasant feeling of jealousy. A dream involving a loved one from Saturday to Sunday indicates that this person is offended by you for something, and from Sunday to Monday - that the object of your dreams dreams of meeting you.

Dreams are a mysterious and still unsolved area of ​​our consciousness that can show the future, remind you of the past, or guide you along the right path in the present, and the main thing here is to learn to understand them.

Holding hands with a guy in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols appear Holding hands with a guy. By clicking on the Dream Interpretation link under the text of a specific dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by dream interpreters on our website. If you are interested in the interpretation of a dream according to the dream book, follow the Dream Book link and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream into the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what dreams of Holding hands with a guy mean, or what it means in a dream to see Holding hands with a guy.

Ex-boyfriend's parents in a dream

I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend's parents.

I don’t remember specifically, but they did something for me. It was somewhere in the country. They shared something saying take take... My ex-boyfriend was there too, he surprised me with flowers and gave me a car...

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend's parents in a dream? Thanks in advance for your interpretation.

Meeting with an ex-boyfriend in a dream

I met my ex-boyfriend. At first we communicated normally, sat in a cafe. Then his girlfriend came, who turned out to be a witch. They wanted to take revenge on me, to tell my current boyfriend about my secrets.

Cheating on a guy in a dream

Happy holiday to you! Please help me understand what my dreams mean. Very often I dream that I am cheating on my boyfriend with strangers and with people I know. And at the end of each dream, I think why I did it, and how I will continue to live with it, and it becomes terribly ashamed and offensive and I wake up.

I don’t understand why I’m dreaming about this, in real life I love my boyfriend and could never cheat on him, and I don’t have such thoughts.

Reconciliation with an ex-boyfriend in a dream

I decided to break up with my boyfriend because of his coldness. Now he blames me and says that I changed him. I miss him very much, because K. This is my first love, true...

But now he doesn’t want to put up with it. Everyone says that our next breakup is not serious, that we will make peace. But I can’t believe it... I dreamed that we actually made peace, hung out with his younger brother and sisters. Could this be a sign? How can I try to get him back?

The wife of a beloved guy who is not in real life in a dream

I dreamed that my beloved had a wife and three children - two girls and a very small boy, although in reality he was not married and had no children. In a dream, he somehow keeps aloof from them and they don’t interest him at all. Then I see him as a seller at a kiosk, and I buy something from him.

At the end of the dream, he leaves his wife and children for me. He and I stand silently together and I’m shocked that he left his family, but on the other hand I’m calm that he’s with me. Clarification - in real life, he and I are now at odds and our future together is unclear. Can this dream somehow clarify the situation, and how will you interpret it?

Kissing an ex-boyfriend in a dream

I had several dreams last night, but he was in all my dreams. He came back to me in a dream and said that he wanted to be with me. Kissed me. I felt every kiss as if it was really reality... I don’t understand what this is for.. After all, I just gathered my thoughts to forget him and then there was such a setup =(... What did my dream mean, please tell me...

Dream about a guy

I have a dream... My boyfriend Sasha is standing and calling me, I go and take his hand, he leads me to the place where he died and says, look at the sun, because you want to know the truth...

I see him walking with a friend along the side of the road and suddenly his friend pushes him, he turns around, and I keep shouting Sasha, move away... But he doesn’t hear me and he gets hit by a car... And then some dark spot appears and says you next comes the numbers...

Dating a guy in a dream

I dreamed that I was walking with a young man with whom I was in love, but we were not dating. I dream that we are meeting him, and so on.

The fact is that I had this dream not just once, but several times... 12 times already... Approximately.... Why is this?

P.S. My friend also dreamed that we were dating.

Call from a guy in a dream

Last night I dreamed that while I was sleeping (in a dream), a guy with whom we have mutual sympathy and are planning a relationship tried to call me, but everything happens very slowly, then when I woke up and don’t remember how we got in touch (like on the Internet), he He told me that he called and asked why I didn’t answer the phone. Then I found the phone and either the sound was off, or he was far away... That’s where the dream ended... Usually I don’t remember dreams AT ALL, but for some reason this and the previous one (in the previous one I was met by my ex, He began to hug me and kiss me, but without hesitation I told him that nothing could happen and on the same day after this dream he wrote to my friend and asked if someone had appeared with me) I remembered... Etc. I also remember the last dream and one might say it became prophetic. I’m very interested in what this dream means...

My boyfriend's dead mother in a dream

The first dream was: I ran to the ruins, his mother runs up to me and says “Olenka. I’m very sorry that I didn’t get to know you during my lifetime, this is very important to me, please take care of my boys” (the boys are her husband , my boyfriend and his little one-year-old brother)

The rest of the dreams were similar to ordinary conversations in unusual places or conditions. I always dreamed of her as cheerful and cheerful.

But today I dreamed about how she looked during her illness (emaciated, tired, bones were visible), I don’t remember what she said, but she was sad. Then in the same dream I found my cross, which was stolen from me a long time ago, I was glad that I found it. And suddenly in the same dream I dream about how I am punishing some man with someone (I don’t remember how I punish, only the essence of what the punishment was)

Dream about a guy you used to like

In my dream I dreamed of this guy, as if I saw him at a crossing, why this dream? The main thing is that I just dreamed of such a fleeting meeting, but in reality what happened is that after a while this guy adds me as a friend on VKontakte and starts communicating, now he is in the army, I’m wondering what this dream means, that he remembered me or something else ? It’s not for nothing that I first dreamed about him, and then he appeared in my life again and started communicating.

Dream about a guy

In my dream, I dream that the guy I like deletes him from VKontakte friends, what could this mean? That I'm afraid of losing communication with him or something else? The most important thing is that when I woke up, I immediately went to his page and saw that he had deleted about 20 of his friends and left me as friends, this made me happy, maybe it was some kind of premonition in a dream, it was just somehow unusual, I wake up and really see that my friends have been deleted.

Dream about a double guy

But after, I see such a picture as if his double comes out and he is already with another girl, with his girlfriend, as he tells me in real life, what is this dream for?

Dream about a guy you like

In a dream, I see myself at a graduation, or at some party, I can’t say exactly where, but my mother and a guy I like are present there. So, I dream that in a dream a guy is dancing at an evening with my mother. Help me figure out what this dream means?

Made peace with a guy in a dream

I broke up with my loved one. I had a strange dream. It's like I'm trying to get him back in every possible way. And he runs away from all this. Then I receive a message on my phone from him with the following content: “Yes, we have made peace. Everything is fine)) ***”... Then I pretend that I did not see this message. As if in a dream I wanted him to say this to my eyes. And then I woke up.

I dreamed of a guy I like holding his hand



you received a note, this is for reciprocity

Nikolai Magikov

the dream says that you will have a relationship with him

Alexey Revenkov

If young people often dream of each other and in a dream they are a couple, then they should be together all their lives, they are narrowed by the invisible world. The Adult Mind gives us feelings in order to bring the people it needs closer together, but also to test their minds, you must control all your feelings in life with your mind, not do any stupid things under their influence, do the right thing. The narrowed ones are, first of all, the business of the adult mind, its material interest in the union of these people. But whether you will be together depends only on you


think about your lessons!!! a dream about your desires that will never come true)))


you think about him a lot, but you dream about your fantasy.

Katya Lanskaya

He's thinking about having you as his girlfriend.

I dreamed that a guy I liked was holding my hand. How to arrange a dream.


Alexander Rasputin

fuscova ointment


Prokhorina Olga



You just think about him a lot)

I had a dream today. It's like there's a party at my house, and my ex-MCH is also present.

And so he comes up to me, says something pleasant... And then we sit with him, holding hands, it turns out that my right palm is in his right, my left is in his left and... How can I explain this? I know, fingers in fingers... Or what)))

And I tell him, “You can’t hold on like this, we’ll fight,” and I try to remove my palm, but he doesn’t let me and says, “We won’t fight, we won’t fight anymore, even if we hold on like this.”

After some time, he leaves, and as I saw him off, I had the thought “I need to sprinkle sugar on him after. He’ll come back then” (at the moment we’re not together, he’s with someone else...)

And in the end, he leaves and I sprinkle sugar after him.... Why do you dream of holding hands in a dream?

Holding hands in a dream

Today I had a dream. I'm in a country house with a man. (In reality, our relationship with him ended 3 months ago). In the dream, we hold hands all the time, and then he confesses his feelings to me, says that he committed a great stupidity, that he allowed us to cut off all contacts, that he wants us to be together. I am incredibly happy, I feel like an incredible wave of happiness is sweeping me more and more. At the same time, there is a constant emphasis on the fact that we are holding hands, then we kiss and I wake up

Holding hands in a dream

In general, I had a dream about how I was holding the hand of a girl whom I had loved for a long time at school (but she didn’t seem to know about it). In reality, she said that I am not the guy of her heart, she does not love me in general. And I love her, but not so much after she offended me.

And the dream was like this: the two of us on the roof of some tower of a medieval castle, watching the sunrise or sunset together... She first put her hand on my right hand, then I put my hand on her other hand... The feeling is unforgettable.. My heart was literally ready to jump out of my chest...

P.S. I looked in the dream book but didn’t find an answer - it only said about hairy, dirty or wounded hands. I decided to contact here. And if details are required, then no one’s hands are hairy, dirty, or wounded... On the contrary, they are beautiful, both mine and hers)))

Holding hands in a dream

I was holding hands with the guy I love, but we can't be together. At night we walked along the street and I showed him my grandmother’s house. Then we met my mother, I was a little embarrassed that we were holding hands. But he behaved confidently, said hello, we talked and I woke up.

Why would you dream about holding hands in a dream??

Holding hands in a dream

I had a dream with a young man whom I really like, we walked with him and held hands, while in life we ​​hardly communicate with him now, but in the dream he did not want to let go of my hand, he smiled and we we talked... And always when I dream about him, we hold hands.

Holding hands in a dream

I dreamed that I took the hand of a guy I like (in real life we ​​are very good friends). From the beginning of the dream, I took him by the hand, then he took me.

We walked holding hands. The dream was filled with pleasant emotions. The dream was so real that for some time I believed that it was real, until I remembered that I had such a dream.

Holding hands subway escalator in a dream

Today I dreamed that I was going down an escalator with a guy I knew and we were talking. Since he is tall, he stands in front of me, I don’t remember exactly who takes whom first by the hand, but we walk off the escalator holding hands as a couple. I feel that his hands are cold. We walk along the metro station platform. He accidentally touches a man who is familiar to him in a dream. But he doesn’t pay attention to him because K. This man starts saying all sorts of nasty things. I look at my friend and see that he is sad and thoughtful. We both understand that this man is telling the unpleasant truth (the past) about my friend, who didn’t want me to know about it and that’s why he’s sad. I also understand that my friend wants to be better with me, as in the quote: I love you not for who you are, but for who I am when I’m with you - Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Why do you dream of walking hand in hand with a man? The dream book interprets the plot according to who it was, as well as taking into account other details. So, a dream can mean: mutual understanding and harmony reign between the sleeping woman and her lover; they have a wonderful future together. However, what is seen in a dream sometimes warns of a friend’s desire to manipulate the dreamer or of the onset of a difficult time.

Who did you dream about?

The interpretation of the dream depends on who it was:

  • an acquaintance will make you a piquant proposal;
  • relative - you need to help your relatives;
  • stranger - perhaps some situation will mislead you;
  • colleague - common work with close cooperation;
  • beloved - mutual understanding between lovers;
  • husband - support in the family, long, prosperous marriage.

Miller's Dream Book: a test ahead

Did you dream of walking hand in hand with a man? In reality, a joint test awaits you, where you will support each other.

New stage in relationships

If in a dream your chosen one holds your hand while walking, this indicates his sincere tenderness, which the young man is not always ready to show.

A dream about the touch of a young man you know who you like and a walk with him promises the girl a new stage in their relationship. It will lead to reciprocity of feelings.

Joint business, patronage

Did you dream of walking hand in hand with a man? Start a business where you can participate together. Moreover, the success of the enterprise depends on how well you interact.

Why do you dream that you don’t see who exactly is supporting you? The dream book explains: someone will provide secret protection.

Heed the warnings

When you dreamed that your companion stopped and kissed your palm, the dream book warns: they want to manipulate you by resorting to flattery.

For a woman to see in a dream how she herself takes her companion’s hand means: she will have a close relationship with a spineless man. The chosen one will not be able to achieve anything worthwhile in life and will not live up to the dreamer’s hopes for a strong male shoulder and support.

Why dream of wandering with your lover in the middle of complete darkness? According to the dream book, they both made a mistake in their choice.

Try to avoid other people's influence

In a dream, walking holding hands means: this person will have a significant influence on the dreamer; you should be careful.

Have you seen how someone you know sees off in a dream in this way? The dream book warns: a person wants to impose his will on the sleeping woman. You need to pay attention to details - then you will be able to avoid addiction.

Love, relationships

Why does a girl dream about a plot where she is walking hand in hand with a man - an attractive stranger? Soon she will have a fan.