Under what conditions should maternity capital be used? What can you spend maternity capital on - opportunities to use the certificate

  • 23.03.2024

Maternity capital is material support from the state for families with two or more children. Since 2007, it has been issued in the form of a certificate and has a specific purpose. That is, formally it is impossible to use money at personal discretion. Accordingly, many parents have a question: “What can you spend maternity capital on?”

What it is

First of all, this is financial support from the state for a family with two or more children. It is issued in the form of a certificate; it can only be used for specific purposes, more on that below.

The program came into force on January 1, 2007, and its end date is December 2016, although a decision to extend it until 2025 is being considered. In 2015, the amount of maternity capital amounted to 453,026 rubles, and in 2016 it was not indexed.

So, despite the fact that the certificate is issued only to those parents who have two or more children, it does not belong to a specific child, but is a family one. That is, it should be used taking into account the interests of the whole family.

Who is eligible for the certificate

Next, we should consider how to receive and spend maternal family capital and who has the right to it. The recipient of the certificate can only be a citizen of the Russian Federation or a person who has and lives abroad.

So, a certificate can be issued by a mother who has had a second or third child since January 2007, as well as a father in the absence of the mother, for example, due to death, loss of legal capacity or deprivation of parental rights. A certificate can be issued by a minor child or a full-time student, a teenager, a young person under the age of 23, if state support measures have been terminated for his parents.

Registration of the certificate

Before determining where to spend maternity capital, you need to register it at the territorial representative office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. To do this, you should prepare a package of documents:

  • passport or other identification document of the applicant;
  • birth and adoption certificates of all children;
  • SNILS of the applicant and children;
  • document confirming citizenship;
  • statement.

Documents should be sent for consideration at the place of residence or stay. The period for their consideration is 1 month after acceptance. The pension fund notifies the applicant of the decision by registered mail. After which you should go to the territorial representative office and receive a certificate.

Intended use

Now you should indicate for what purposes maternity capital can be spent. Funds allocated by the state can be spent on:

  • Purchase or construction of residential premises, repayment of a housing loan, as a down payment for the purchase of housing with a mortgage.
  • For the education of children in state and non-state, but who have passed the state
  • For the funded part of the labor pension, both in the state Pension Fund and in the non-state one.

As of today, nothing has changed, and this list (what maternity capital can be spent on) remains relevant.

How to implement a certificate for improving housing conditions

It is worth carefully considering how maternity capital can be spent on families. Firstly, the rule here is that funds can only be sold when the child turns three years old. Secondly, the interests of all family members must be taken into account.

How can you spend maternity capital to improve your living conditions:

  • For the purchase of an apartment, house or other premises recognized as residential, country houses cannot be purchased.
  • For a down payment for obtaining a mortgage loan to purchase a home.
  • To repay a mortgage or other housing loan. Can be paid off as debt or mortgage interest.
  • To invest in shared construction of a residential building. That is, you can buy an apartment in a building under construction.
  • For the reconstruction of a house, for example, to increase the area of ​​a private house, build an extension or an attic.
  • For the construction of a private house.

The latter option has several nuances. Firstly, the house must be habitable and suitable for living in all year round. Secondly, when buying a house on a land plot, purchase and sale agreements for housing and land must be drawn up separately, since only residential premises can be paid for using the certificate. And lastly, the family can carry out construction work at their own expense, while keeping all payment documents, and after 3 years submit an application for compensation of costs.

What documents should I prepare to use the certificate for improving housing conditions?

It is necessary to prepare the relevant documents and contact the Pension Fund office at your place of residence. List of required documents:

  • passport and registration of the certificate holder;
  • certificate;
  • statement;
  • SNILS;
  • a written obligation, notarized, on registration of the built or purchased housing as the property of all family members.

Next, you need to provide an agreement with a credit institution for a housing loan or a bank statement about the balance of the principal debt and interest on the mortgage, a purchase and sale agreement for a house or apartment, a permit for the construction or reconstruction of a residential building.

How to spend maternity capital on studying at a university

Due to the fact that education at universities today is quite expensive, maternity capital can be used for these purposes. What you can spend the money on:

  • to study at universities located on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • to receive education in an educational institution that must be accredited;
  • for the education of a child if he is under 25 years of age.

You can pay for your studies in full or spend the funds partially. It does not matter which child will study - first, second or third.

What documents are needed to spend maternity capital on education?

In addition to the applicant’s passport, certificate, SNILS and application, you need the original agreement with the educational institution on the provision of services on a commercial basis and a copy of the university accreditation certificate. In addition, with the help of maternity capital you can pay not only for education, but also for accommodation in a dormitory; for this you need an agreement

If a student is expelled from an educational institution, then you need to submit an application to the Pension Fund to withdraw the funds and return them to the certificate account. The remaining funds can be spent in the future for purposes provided for by law.

How to spend maternity capital funds on the funded part of a pension

It is worth noting that this is a less polar way of selling funds at the expense of maternity capital. Less than 1% of certificate holders use it. Nevertheless, the mother can transfer funds to the account of the funded part of the labor pension. Moreover, the transfer can be made both to the state Pension Fund and to the non-state one.

In any case, if a woman has written an application and transferred money to the account of the funded part of her labor pension, she can change her mind at any time and redirect the funds for other purposes. In the event that a woman does not live to see retirement, then close relatives, that is, her husband and children, will inherit the maternity capital funds.

Is it possible to spend money on a car?

Many families are interested in this question: is it possible to spend maternity capital on buying a car? Unfortunately, it is impossible to buy a car with these funds, although the issue was discussed several times in the State Duma, but the bill was rejected.

Although for many families, buying a car would make their life easier. But at the same time, it is called into question how the interests of children will be taken into account. Firstly, the purchased car can be sold and thus receive cash from maternity capital. Secondly, the wear and tear period of housing is quite long, which cannot be said about a vehicle; accordingly, it is not advisable to spend money on its purchase using maternity capital.

On the other hand, some families have their own housing and do not need funds to purchase it. Spending money on children’s education or transferring it towards the mother’s future pension are rather “vague” and long-term prospects. Therefore, for them, buying a car would be an ideal option. But the list of what maternity capital can be spent on has not changed.

Is it possible to get cash

Every certificate holder probably asked this question. That is, is it possible to receive money in exchange for a certificate for maternity capital? It is already known what the allocated funds can be spent on within the framework of the law, but not every family needs such support, which cannot be said about “real” money.

It is impossible to definitely receive money, that is, the law does not provide for the issuance of cash to certificate holders. There is only one exception, when the family built or reconstructed housing at its own expense. In all other cases, the money is transferred to the account of construction organizations, sellers or banks in which the owner of the certificates issued a housing loan.

Responsibility for misuse of funds

Receiving cash from maternity capital is regarded as theft of state property. Therefore, you need to think carefully before deciding how to spend maternity capital contrary to the laws of our country.

In addition, persons who were directly involved in the implementation of the fraudulent scheme are criminally liable for the crime. For example, if the money was cashed by a construction company or a relative of the certificate owner, then they are accomplices.

It is worth noting that government agencies carefully monitor the use of funds from the state budget. Therefore, realizing maternity capital is not so easy.

This is, perhaps, all that maternity capital can be spent on. No changes regarding the intended use of funds are expected in the near future.

In 2007, the state launched a global program to support motherhood and childhood. It was this year that many families received their first maternity capital. Spouses who decide to have a second, third and subsequent children can count on government support in the form of a certain amount of money. Many were interested in questions about when you can use maternity capital and what you can buy with it. Note that initially the amount was 250 thousand rubles, but every year it grows and is indexed in proportion to inflation.

Who can apply for maternity capital

According to the law, maternity capital can receive:

  • A woman with Russian citizenship who adopted or gave birth to a second and subsequent children later than the date specified in the law.
  • A man with Russian citizenship who acts as the sole adoptive parent of a second child (or subsequent children), and the adoption occurred later than the date specified in the law.
  • Father or legal adoptive parent in the event of the death of a woman (mother of the child/children) or in the case when she is deprived of parental rights. In this case, citizenship does not matter.
  • Minor children (child) or a child studying full-time until he reaches 23 years of age, and the right of the father (adoptive parent) or mother to receive additional support is terminated.

How to obtain a certificate

To use it, you must contact the Pension Fund at your place of registration or place of actual residence and write an application in the proposed form. Copies of the following documents must be attached to the application:

  • Passport.
  • Birth certificate for each child (or
  • Certificate of marriage or divorce.
  • SNILS of the applicant.
  • SNILS for each child.
  • In case of adoption of a child, a certificate of the court decision on adoption will be required.
  • If one of the parents does not have Russian citizenship, a certificate confirming that the children have such citizenship is required (the document can be obtained through the passport and visa service).

Important! According to the law, only copies of the listed documents are attached to the application; the originals must remain in the applicant’s hands.

In the event of the death of parents or their loss of parental rights, maternity capital, the amount of which is indexed every year, can be received by a minor child or children of the same family in equal shares. Also, an adult child who is a student and studying full-time until he reaches 23 years of age can use the funds.

How long does it take to process an application?

The application with all attached documents, which was received by the Pension Fund of Russia department, is considered within a month from the date of its receipt. Within 5 days after registration of documents, the applicant must receive a notification of the decision (refusal or positive response). Payments of maternity capital are possible only in case of a positive decision. The certificate is issued at the same branch of the Pension Fund. If it is not possible to pick up the document in person, the Pension Fund can send it by mail. If the certificate is lost, a duplicate is issued; you can obtain it at the same Pension Fund office.

In the event that the applicant is outside the Russian Federation, documents can be sent to the Pension Fund by mail. In this case, only copies certified by a notary are sent. Papers are sent by registered mail with return receipt requested. The date of acceptance will be considered the date when the application was registered in the Pension Fund department.

Deadlines for receiving funds

It is not specified when you can use maternity capital. Therefore, if a child was born or adopted no earlier than the date specified in the law, and the parents or adoptive parents have the right to receive “mother’s money,” then they can submit an application at any time.

In what cases is a certificate refused?

You can lose maternity capital payments in the following cases:

1. Maternity capital has already been used.

2. False information was provided.

3. Termination of the law.

What can you use the money for?

A certificate for maternal capital is issued not specifically to one child, at whose birth the right to state assistance arose, but to the whole family and children in equal shares. Many, of course, are interested in what can be purchased with maternity capital.

Let us immediately note that the law prohibits cashing out certificate funds. They can be used to improve the living conditions of the family. It could be:

1. Down payment when applying for a mortgage loan for the purchase of living space.

2. Repayment of a previously issued mortgage (or interest on it) for the purchase of an apartment.

3. Repayment of a mortgage loan for individual house construction. In this case, it is also possible to compensate for the costs associated with the purchase of building materials. It is possible to build on your own, without involving contractors, which is much cheaper.

4. Participate in shared construction of a new apartment building.

The state allows the use of maternity capital funds to pay for the education of children in institutions that have the right to provide educational services. This can be either a kindergarten or a higher education institution. To pay for training, you must contact the Pension Fund with a corresponding application. It is worth remembering that there should be no cash transactions; all transfers are made only through the Pension Fund. This is necessary to ensure that maternal capital funds are used for their intended purpose.

The Maternity Capital program, in addition to all of the above, allows you to use funds to increase the future pension (funded part) of the child’s mother. To do this, you need to contact the Pension Fund employees. When interest accrues, the applicant has the right to revoke the mother certificate, the amount of which is indicated below, at any time and use the funds provided for by it in any of the above ways.

Thus, the funds provided by the certificate can be spent on purchasing housing or improving living conditions, paying for children’s education, or increasing the funded part of the applicant’s pension. The government is considering expanding the use of funds. For example, to pay for the treatment of children, the purchase of a new car (domestic production) and the education of the mother herself. Some regions of our country additionally allocate funds for regional maternity capital as a measure to support families. It can be used to purchase an apartment/house, improve living conditions, pay for children’s education and treatment, and can also purchase a car or land.

When can you use the funds?

The Maternity Capital program allows you to spend money only after the child reaches the age of three. But there are exceptions when you can use maternity capital earlier. This is buying an apartment or building your own residential building. To do this, you just need to contact the Pension Fund and write a statement about the disposal of the money. If the family has not spent the maternity capital funds before the child reaches 18 years of age, then the right to use passes to the adult child, with whose birth the family was issued a certificate for the measure of state assistance. It is necessary to clarify that the state has not yet provided for second maternity capital, and you can receive it once after the birth of a second or subsequent child in the family (or upon adoption).

Certificate amount

In Russia, the number of families receiving maternity capital is growing every year. Its amount was initially 250 thousand rubles in 2007. Every year it is indexed taking into account the level of inflation, the amount grows. So, in 2015 it amounted to 453,026 rubles, and next year, according to forecasts, 477,942 rubles are expected.

Validity period and possibility of extension

The law stipulates the duration of the program. Time period is limited. It ends at the end of December 2016. But the government is considering issues related to extending the law. Perhaps it will be extended until the end of December 2025. But this does not mean that the funds need to be used before the end of 2016. If the family has received a certificate, its funds can be spent at any convenient time. For example, if he was born in 2010, his mother can apply to the Pension Fund ten or fifteen years later. Then the amount will already be indexed.

It should be noted that more than 4 million families have already been awarded maternity capital certificates. Basically, “mother’s money” is used to purchase new housing, improve living conditions, or individually build a house. Also relevant is the option of using certificate funds as an initial amount when applying for a mortgage loan.

Federal law provides only three opportunities to spend maternity capital. Each of them is specific and requires a special package of documents for disposal.

In order to take advantage of family capital, You must contact the Pension Fund with an application and all prepared documents.

The period for consideration of the application and verification of documents takes at least 1 month. After this, the money will be transferred for its intended purpose, and the certificate holder will receive documents indicating the disposal of the state subsidy funds.

So, where and how can you spend maternity capital?

Buying an apartment or building a house

Improving living conditions. This laconic formulation hides a whole host of possibilities. Indeed, statistics show that most married couples take advantage of the opportunity to either pay off an already taken loan.

So, maternity capital is primarily spent on building and renovating a house and buying an apartment. It does not matter whether the apartment is purchased in a new building or on the secondary market. An important point: use maternity capital for a down payment when taking out a mortgage or to purchase building materials when building a house This is possible only after the child for whom the subsidy has been received reaches three years of age.

Exception: if at the time of receiving maternity capital a mortgage has already been taken out. Then you can use the capital for an extraordinary payment. In practice, there is often a case when they take out a mortgage just for the amount of maternity capital, for example, if a family sells an old apartment and takes a new one with an increased area. The difference in price is precisely covered by a mortgage, actually paid at the expense of the state.

In order to purchase an apartment with a mortgage using maternal capital, you must take the following steps:

  • contact the bank and find out if they work under the maternity capital program;
  • draw up a certificate and, while it is being drawn up, look for suitable housing and formalize with a notary an obligation to allocate a share in the purchased property to the children;
  • after receiving the certificate and finishing the search for an apartment, you need to submit documents to the bank (which ones will be indicated by the loan specialist);
  • wait for bank approval;
  • After receiving approval, start applying for a mortgage;
  • after receiving the funds, an apartment is purchased and ownership is registered (minimum for one parent and two children);
  • documents for the apartment, an agreement with the bank and a payment schedule are transferred to the Pension Fund;
  • a month after checking all the submitted papers, the Pension Fund settles with the bank.

For buying a house or part of a house, the algorithm is similar.

If you need to use matkapital to pay off an existing mortgage, you just need to submit documents to the Pension Fund. Important: the subsidy can only be used to repay the principal and interest, and fines and penalties, if any, will have to be paid independently.

If a family plans to build a private house, then there are two options:

  • Builders are involved in the work (team contract);
  • construction is carried out independently.
  • In any case, a package of documents is submitted to the Pension Fund:
  • certificate of registration of land rights;
  • building permit;
  • obligation to allocate a share in the house to children;
  • agreement with builders (if available).

The pension fund pays the construction organization by bank transfer. If the family builds a house themselves, then 50% of the requested amount is first transferred to their account, and after submitting a report on where the money was spent, the rest is transferred.

Home renovation as such cannot be produced at the expense of maternal capital. But it is possible to carry out repairs and reconstruction of housing if expansion of the area is a prerequisite. Such requirements are unlikely to apply to apartments, so the house is usually rebuilt: a floor, a veranda, an adjoining room are added, and so on. The package of documents submitted to the Pension Fund is similar to the package for construction.

For studies and meals

Maternal capital for a child’s education is possible, and in a broad sense. That is, money is spent not only on paying the teacher, but also on food, additional classes in kindergarten or clubs, and at school. It is important that the institution providing educational services has state accreditation and a license to operate. what is the amount of maternity capital? What size of maternity capital will you find out?

That is, private tutors do not fit this definition unless they are representatives of some licensed educational center. You can also spend money on your child’s accommodation in a dormitory if it is provided by a university or technical school.

Family capital can be spent on the education of any child. For example, if the eldest child has already entered the university and lives in a dormitory, you can pay for his accommodation using maternity capital. And “sponsor” the baby for meals in kindergarten and payment for additional classes.

In order to use the subsidy to pay for kindergarten, you need to submit the following documents to the Pension Fund:

  • passport and SNILS of the person for whom the certificate is issued;
  • the certificate itself;
  • an agreement with a kindergarten for the provision of services;
  • payment agreement and payment schedule;
  • a certified copy of the kindergarten license;
  • documents on the birth or adoption of children.

For my mother's future retirement

According to statistics, only 2% of families who received maternity capital take advantage of this opportunity. As a rule, these are fairly wealthy families who do not need an apartment and who do not need to spend money on their child’s education, or the child is studying abroad and paying for his studies with maternal capital is difficult.

Material capital funds will be used to form the funded part of the pension. Their can be received in the future in the form of a significant increase in pension or as a lump sum payment– this possibility is also provided.

To register the service you will need the following documents:

  • certificate and passport;
  • SNILS;
  • statement.

The procedure is extremely simple, given that the funds will be at the disposal of the Pension Fund, which, in fact, is involved in the distribution of “family” money.

Important: in the event of the death of the certificate holder before her retirement, all accumulated funds are transferred to the heirs, but not to all, but only to the husband or children. Want to know more about or what will happen to? Click on the highlighted phrases.

When can you use maternity capital and how? This is also discussed in the video.

Maternity capital for a car

Federal legislation does not provide for the possibility of spending maternity capital on a car. Although deputies have already voiced proposals to expand the scope of use of family funds more than once. However, such an initiative does not find support from the Government.

In particular, it is believed that purchasing a car is not an urgent family necessity, and it’s difficult to call this investment an investment.

Investing in maternity capital still implies a foundation for the future: this is either housing that will last a long time, or education, the quality of which will affect the child’s entire life, or a high mother’s pension, that is, a decent life in old age.

On the other hand, it is rare that a family, especially a large one, can now do without personal transport. In a number of Russian regions, regional maternity capital is issued. In the Kaliningrad region, for example, it is directly stated that these funds can be spent on purchasing a car. In other regions, the subsidy is simply given in cash, and the family can spend it anywhere - including buying a car.


The disposal of maternal capital funds is strictly regulated by the state. At the federal level, there are three opportunities to use the subsidy: for the purchase or construction of housing, or for the reconstruction of existing housing with an increase in living space, for payment of educational services, and for the formation of a mother’s pension.

In each case, you need to write an application to the Pension Fund and submit documents so that the fund’s specialists, after verification, can make a non-cash transfer of funds.

Federal family capital cannot be spent on a car. But in a number of regions there are local subsidies, and some entities provide the opportunity to purchase a car with this money.

Where to spend maternity capital? Find out more in the video.

In recent years, the Russian Federation has had a positive birth rate trend, surpassing almost all European countries, and even Italy, which is known for its high demographic indicators. The establishment of maternity (family) capital in 2007 had a positive impact on the birth rate. This program provides government support to parents for having two children in the family (at birth or as a result of adoption). A birth certificate is a state document that indicates the right to financial assistance. Families with a third or more minor child are also entitled to receive it, if the certificate has not been received before. Maternity capital began to be paid as a result of the entry into force of the law “On additional measures of state support for families with children.” The idea of ​​the project is to stimulate the birth rate and provide financial assistance to large families. A birth certificate can be used to purchase housing, pay for children’s education, or increase a mother’s pension.

The state project was initially terminated in 2016, but a decision was made to extend the maternity capital program until the end of 2018. At the same time, representatives of the legislative branch propose to extend the validity of the relevant law until 2025. They motivate this by the fact that maternal capital is an effective reason for increasing the birth rate and reducing the number of orphans in the Russian Federation, and has already proven its productivity in practice.

Who can receive a maternity capital certificate

After the birth or as a result of the adoption of a child who has Russian citizenship, the following groups of citizens of the Russian Federation can receive a birth certificate:

  • women who have had (at birth or by adoption) a second child since 2007
  • women who have had a third or subsequent child since 2007, if they have not previously received a birth certificate
  • men who adopted a second or subsequent child, starting in 2007, if the payment was not made before
  • a minor child or a full-time student whose age does not exceed 23 years, if the parents’ rights to maternity capital have been suspended

Conditions for receiving maternity capital

To obtain a certificate, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Issue a birth or adoption certificate for a child.
  2. Submit an application to receive a certificate for family maternity capital at the branch of the Pension Fund (PF) of the Russian Federation.
  3. Along with the application, you must submit copies of the following documents:
  • Birth or adoption certificates for all minor children in the family
  • Applicant's passport
  • Any document indicating that the children have Russian citizenship

Within a month after submitting the application, the Pension Fund will inform about its decision. If the outcome is positive, you can receive a certificate.

Russian citizens who do not have a residence permit in the Russian Federation and live abroad can also receive a payment, but housing can only be purchased with this money on the territory of the Russian Federation.

To restore a certificate after loss, you must apply for a duplicate.

Payment amount

An annual indexation of the size of maternity capital and the unused balance is carried out taking into account inflation. The payment is not subject to personal income tax (NDFL).

Year Maternal capital size
2007 RUB 250,000.0
2008 RUB 276,250.0
2009 RUB 312,162.5
2010 RUB 343,378.8
2011 RUB 365,698.4
2012 RUB 387,640.3
2013 RUB 408,960.5
2014 RUB 429,408.5
2015 RUB 453,026.0
2016 RUB 453,026.0

Ways to sell maternity capital

According to 2016 data, maternity capital can be used only for the following purposes:

  • Improving living conditions (purchase of any type of real estate: apartment, house, room or share in property; partial or complete liquidation of a mortgage loan or other loan received for the purchase of real estate; renovation or repair of a house with the expansion of the home; compensation for the construction of a house; repair and construction houses on their own; share construction or membership in a housing cooperative).
  • Payment of expenses for obtaining education (reimbursement of the cost of living of a child in a dormitory of an educational institution, payment for services of an educational institution, reimbursement of kindergarten fees).
  • Increase in funded pension for the mother of a child.
  • Rehabilitation of disabled children.

In order to sell residential property that was purchased using family maternity capital, a number of requirements must be met. One of the most important conditions is the need to obtain permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities to conduct a transaction.

In general, maternity capital can be realized after the child turns three years old, except in situations where the payment is used immediately after receiving the birth certificate:

  • For the down payment or liquidation of principal and interest payments on loans or borrowings for the purchase or construction of residential real estate, including mortgage loans.
  • To reimburse expenses for services and technical means for the social adaptation of children with disabilities (from the beginning of 2016).

In these situations, you can use maternity capital until the child’s third birthday.

It is important that maternity capital cannot be used to replenish a bank deposit or spent, for example, on buying a car or liquidating existing consumer loans and utility debts. In order to protect maternity capital from inappropriate waste by parents, it is prohibited to cash out funds using a certificate.

Using maternity capital for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities

In 2015, the President of the Russian Federation initiated an order to use funds to provide social conditions for children with disabilities. In November 2015, changes to the state law were approved, according to which it becomes possible to use maternity capital for the rehabilitation of a disabled child immediately after his birth or adoption. This bill has been in effect since the beginning of 2016.

Now you don’t have to wait until your child’s third birthday to receive government financial assistance. At the same time, maternity capital for children with limited health can be used to pay for the needs of any child in a family with a disability.

Within the framework of this program, it is allowed to spend the funds provided on the rehabilitation of children who have certain physical disabilities. Expenses related to the acquisition of various mechanisms or payment for services for the socialization of a child with a disability will be reimbursed. An exception to compensation will be positions that can be paid from funds provided from the budget of the Russian Federation. This list includes the following mechanisms:

  • Technical devices (ramps, rail systems with ceiling mounting, specialized chairs and beds and other technological devices that allow children with disabilities to move fully).
  • Mechanisms to improve maneuverability (tactile displays and Braille keyboards and other devices for full use of computer technology).
  • Exercise machines and various sports equipment (adaptive sports equipment, treadmills, wheelchairs).
  • Cutlery and hygiene devices (tables, chairs, dishes specially made for children with disabilities).
  • Means of communication and mechanisms for quick adaptation in society (watches, voice recorders, personal computers, magnifying glasses, mobile phones).
  • Recovery procedures (speech therapist and psychologist sessions, various creative activities).

In order to reimburse expenses, parents must provide documents confirming the purchase of goods and payment for services. Only after this will parents be reimbursed for expenses from the amount of family maternity capital. Each purchase must be approved by a document from a specialized body that is responsible for this section.

Latest changes in the maternity capital program

Changes regarding maternity capital are aimed at increasing the birth rate and providing effective assistance to parents. Active action is being taken to support parents in the current context of deteriorating social and economic conditions.

Since April 2016, a new anti-crisis bill has been in force, according to which a one-time payment is determined from the amount of maternity capital for the current expenses of the family. In this case, a payment in the amount of twenty-five thousand rubles is transferred to the account of the certificate holder, and the final amount of maternity capital is reduced by this amount. It is important that this service is available to citizens who live only in the Russian Federation. If the balance of maternity capital does not exceed twenty-five thousand rubles, then the applicant has the right to receive the entire remaining amount as a one-time assistance.

Regional maternity capital

You should know that in addition to federal maternity capital, for most regions of the Russian Federation, regional maternity capital is also available to citizens. It is provided, for the most part, after the birth of a third or more child in a family, and not when a second child appears, as indicated in the project of the same name at the federal level. Thus, when a second child is born, you can receive a certificate for federal maternity capital, and when a third child appears, the same family can claim the right to participate in a regional program, if it is represented in a given region. An individual family can resort to regional capital only once. The basic requirements for obtaining regional family maternity capital vary significantly in different regions. Among the overlapping requirements are the following:

  • The third or further child in the family must be born or adopted during the validity of the bill on regional maternity capital.
  • Parents must live in the region for a specified amount of time.
  • The amount of assistance is approximately 100-200 thousand rubles.
  • Funds from the regional maternity capital can be used for certain purposes after a specified time has passed after the birth of the child, and not immediately after birth/adoption.

Regional maternity capital can be used for the following purposes, which should be agreed upon in advance with the local administration, since they vary depending on the territory:

  • improvement of living conditions
  • payment of educational expenses for children
  • purchasing a car
  • compensation for treatment of children
  • acquisition of land
  • home renovation

In order to implement territorial maternity capital, first of all it is necessary to approve a certificate for regional maternity capital, and after the expiration of the period prescribed by local legislation and if there is a need to use capital funds for certain needs, it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

  • passport
  • application for the sale of maternal capital
  • birth certificate
  • all documents related to a specific method of using territorial capital

An application to local social security authorities for obtaining the right to regional capital, as well as for spending funds, can be sent to the local administration in person, or also sent in the form of an electronic document.

Regional maternity capital for Moscow and the region

Since the launch of the program for providing regional maternity capital for residents of Moscow and the region, more than 500 thousand families have already received a birth certificate for state family assistance. Most of them preferred the purchase of housing in the region, as well as the liquidation of credits and loans that were provided for this purpose. It is important that the debt repayment option can be implemented before the child’s third birthday. The main requirement for participation in the project is the birth of a second or further children in the family before the end of 2016. The state benefit can be spent to provide quality education to children, as well as to increase the size of the mother's pension.

To date, there is no separate regional government assistance program for capital residents. The absence of such benefits is covered by the presence of five other payments. Please note that these funds can be cashed out to purchase a variety of goods and services. Since April 2011, thousands of families from the Moscow region have sold additional family maternity capital. The main conditions are the birth or adoption of a second or further child from the beginning of 2011 to the end of 2016, as well as registration in the Moscow region.

  • Women who gave birth to or adopted a second or more child, if they have not exercised their right to receive maternity capital earlier.
  • Men who have adopted a second or more child, if they have not exercised their right to receive maternity capital earlier.
  • The child or children in equal shares if the parents have lost opportunities or the right to receive benefits.

You can receive state benefits after your child’s third birthday. But, to eliminate bank debts for housing, this age threshold may be lowered. It is important that maternity capital from the Moscow region can be used to purchase housing exclusively in the Moscow region. Additionally, each family can take part in the long-term Housing program.

The amount of maternity capital to help residents of the Moscow region is one hundred thousand rubles. There are the following ways to implement it:

  • The purchase of housing in the Moscow region is allowed, and compensation is also provided for the construction and reconstruction of the house. Also, in the Moscow region, it is possible to liquidate the principal debt and pay interest on loans, including a mortgage loan, using maternity capital funds.
  • Help can be used to pay for educational services in any institution in the Russian Federation. At the same time, the child must be under 26 years of age upon admission.
  • Increase in maternal pension.

For all questions regarding obtaining financial assistance for maternity capital or other types of benefits, you should contact the social security office at your place of residence.