Idle reviews htm. Institutional economy

  • 19.03.2024

“Idleness, or withdrawal from work,” writes Saint Tikhon, “is in itself a sin, for it is contrary to the commandment of God, which commands us to eat our bread in the sweat of our brow (Gen. 3:19). Consequently, those who live in idleness and feed on the labors of others will not stop sinning until they devote themselves to blessed labors” (3, 172; 27, 759).

Idleness is sinful not only in itself, but also “the cause of many evils,” for “the enemy the devil conveniently approaches an idle heart, and nothing less than an idle house, marked and decorated. Hence drunkenness, fornication, evil conversations, condemnation, ridicule, slander, blasphemy, gambling, deceit, quarrels, fights, excessive luxury, as Solomon says: in lusts there is every one who is idle(Proverbs 13:4)" (27:759). Idleness harms not only the soul, but also the body. “Those who live in idleness are subject to all sorts of illnesses and infirmities, just as water is corrupted and has no flow. A person who does not work cannot take sweet food, and sleep is restless without labor.” Those who do not want to work from the lower strata “are subject to the ridicule and censure of people” and “are forced to live in poverty and misery (Proverbs 6:11)” (3:173). “The infirm, the elderly, and those in prison, whom Christians are obliged to nourish together, are excluded from this vice” (4, 226).

To avoid idleness and its consequences, we must remember that time is more valuable than any treasure, especially for a Christian, as it provides the opportunity (sometimes the last) of repentance, which will be impossible to bring after the end of earthly life. “Then the time will be judgment, not repentance, severity, not pardon. You should certainly give an answer in the very time that was wasted. For the present time is bargaining (Matthew 26:14-30)” (3:173).

“Just as not all work is useful, so not all idleness is vicious,” says the saint. The works of those who do injustice are not salutary and are downright sinful: those who steal and take away the property of others, insidious and envious flatterers, and merciless usurers. On the contrary, “since there is blessed peace when the mind is free from evil and harmful thoughts, the heart is at peace from evil lusts, the eyes do not look at anything, the ears do not listen to anything, the tongue and lips do not speak anything, the hands do not do anything that is contrary to God’s holy law.” (3, 174; 27, 758). But such peace in reality is work, to which the saint calls. “Always be engaged in good works, that is: either read books, or pray, or be contemplative of God, or do some manual work. The enemy approaches no one more easily than one who lives in idleness” (27, 759).

Idleness will inevitably be followed by despondency. “Fierce is this passion,” writes the saint. “She also fights those people who have bread and everything else ready, and especially those who live in solitude” (2, 237). As “inflicted” by the enemy of our salvation with the goal of turning a Christian back to the “world,” despondency hinders prayer, closes the heart, preventing it from accepting the word of God, and then God especially expects feat from a person (27, 1057). In the fight against this passion, “I advise you to do the following,” the saint writes to one monk. - 1. Convince yourself and force yourself to pray and do every good deed, even though you don’t want to. 2. Diligence will bring change: now pray, now do something with your hands, now read a book, now talk about your soul and eternal salvation, and so on. 3. The memory of death, which comes unexpectedly, the memory of the Judgment of Christ, eternal torment and eternal bliss drives away despondency. 4. Pray and sigh to the Lord. He helps those who work, and not those who lie down and doze” (2, 237). “When you succumb to despondency and boredom,” the saint writes in another place, “then greater despondency will rise upon you and with shame will drive you out of the monastery. And when you stand against him and win in the prescribed manner, then victory will always be followed by joy, consolation and great spiritual strength; and those who strive always experience either sorrow or joy” (27, 1057-1058).

Sadness is related to despondency, and in the works of the saint they are used as synonyms. Christians should not grieve “that they do not have prosperity in this world, that they do not have wealth, glory, or honor, that the world hates, persecutes and embitters them. They must resist this sadness and give it no place in their hearts. Above all, rejoice that the children of this world, but those of God, are known.” “Worldly sorrow” is useless, because it cannot return or give anything of what it grieves over.

The saint identifies laziness with both idleness and despondency. It is adjacent to the first as not doing what one should do (working both externally and in the soul); to the second - as relaxation, increasing despondency. To show the harmfulness of laziness, the saint uses the following example. “Lazy farmers living in idleness,” he writes, “having seen their brethren gathering the fruits of their labors and rejoicing, they grieve, grieve, grieve and reproach themselves for not working in the summer and so not having fruits: so careless Christians, seeing others for the feat of faith and labors, raised in piety, blessed and glorified by the Lord, they will weep and sob inconsolably, and will repent of themselves for not wanting to work in a temporary life.” Coming from unrepentant sins and the devil, relaxation of the soul is cured by resisting temptations allowed by God to those falling into laziness (27, 792, 447).

If not treated in a timely manner, sadness and despondency can lead to despair, which the saint speaks of as an inevitable consequence of a sinful life and a grave sin against God’s mercy (27, 639). But it is precisely with the hope of God’s mercy that the saint exhorts, first of all, to resist thoughts of despair, this “heavy and final blow of the devil.” Christian hope is like an anchor that holds a ship in a storm and keeps it from sinking. “When you think about your sins,” says the saint, “think about the mercy of God, which, when you lived in sins and angered God with your sins, led you to repentance; Will he now desire to destroy you when you have ceased from your sins? In many places of Holy Scripture the sinner striving for repentance is encouraged: For the Son of man came to seek and save the lost(Luke 19:10); For God did not send His Son into the world to judge the world, but may the world be saved by Him(John 3:17).” “God himself teaches us how we should repent,” the saint continues, recalling the penitential passages of the Psalter. “How could he not hear the repentant, Who gave the image of how to repent, ask and pray?” On the contrary, Judas, “having known the majesty of sin, but not knowing the majesty of God’s mercy, hanged himself” (27, 640).

Knowing from experience how dangerous the temptation of despair is, the saint again and again calls to resist it. “The fear of despair,” he says, “although it comes from the devil, is nevertheless allowed by God’s advice and permission” for the benefit of the person himself, so that “he knows the power of sin, the wrath of God against sin and sees how strong the torment of the devil is.” Further, such “frequent temptation of the devil creates the most dangerous and skillful (more cautious and experienced - I.N.) Christian” who resists him. One should not despair because “such thoughts occur not by will, but against our will; For this reason, they are not considered a sin to us” and cannot harm the soul. They “humble and crush the heart, turn away from the world, its vanity and charms, move to heartfelt and fervent prayer”, encourage “to ask for help and deliverance from God.” Why “the longer” such a temptation continues, “the greater the benefit it will bring to the soul” (2, 196-197; 4, 284-285; 6, 325).

He who feels thoughts of despair in salvation and fights against them should not only not lose heart, but rejoice and thank God. “There is a sign,” writes the saint, “that such a person is in faith and grace. For the enemy does not fight those who obey him and work.” “Indeed, everyone complains about these thoughts that seek salvation. Woe to unrepentant sinners. But those who repent and seek their salvation through prayer and faith must expect God’s mercy” (4, 276-284; 6, 319-320; 27, 638-644).

"The Fundamentals of Scientific Atheism is an extraordinary book that requires the reader to have inner honesty and courage. The author does not encourage us to take his word for it, he only invites us to solve the fascinating task of determining the real role of religion, its influence on eras, countries and humanity. You can do this without work, since the book is written easily and witty, despite the crushing facts and conclusions. With each chapter, your thinking will become stronger and clearer, and you will not only be able to clearly understand your attitude towards God, but also look at many things differently things in your life" - Evgenia Zakharova, book reader, Orekhovo-Zuyevo

“Thank you for such a useful book! Hurray! The book should be bought and promoted among the population in every possible way. And we should insist that this wonderful textbook be included in the secondary school curriculum.” - reader of the book Svetlaya K. (

"Chashikhin Ustin, you are great, your article is worthy as a decent citizen and patriot of Russia." - reader under the nickname "stove maker" (

“Ustin Valervich, thank you for the book, I have already read it letter by letter, and to my surprise I found a lot of interesting things for myself. I even contributed something to my new work, which I will soon post on the internet.
Your book will become a reference book for my grandchildren. Let them be enlightened with useful knowledge.
The simple language with which you describe complex issues of the scientific approach to reality is, I think, a great merit of yours not only as a writer, but also as a thinker.

The book is very useful for the current state of mind of our society, because... will promote insight blinded by religious ignorance and obscurantism. People need to be educated, starting from an early age. And only science can do this, but not religion. But for this, science must become a priority first and foremost for the state. The first place should be the natural science education of young people, as it was under Soviet rule.
In your book, I really liked your emphasis on the importance of reason in the life of every person, what is given to us by nature itself and what religion so stubbornly and categorically tries to take away from us. Your book also made us pay more attention to the negative role of Christianity in the history of many peoples and their cultures: we need to study it more deeply.
Thank you. Sincerely, Khmelevskaya Tatyana. All the best."

Dear friends! During the first days after the Congress, more than two dozen reviews came to the Movement's mailbox, and they continue to arrive. We thank from the bottom of our hearts all the participants whose hearts responded with such love and warmth! Now, feeling this unity, we can not only unite, but also expand our ranks, so that other people can feel at least a particle of the love and unity that you and I experienced, and try to ensure that they also choose the Movement “FOR MORALITY!” "

Feedback from guests of the convention:

“I have never felt such a strong and deep impression from so many people gathered together at the congress. The light coming from faces, eyes, voices, even, calm, filled everything around. Everything breathed with joy, friendliness, and friendliness. The organizers of the convention, no matter what anyone was doing, fulfilled their roles with inspiration and dedication. And I clearly understood that this was not a momentary state of mind, but the result of conscious inner work and willingness to serve. And the fact that the audience in a single impulse welcomed and participated in everything that was happening evoked tears of joy, gratitude and a feeling of deep unity. I hug you with love."

Alla, Novosibirsk

“It was such a wonderful day, a wonderful day! One of those rare days when EVERYTHING is fine. I have only met good, kind, sympathetic people. How could it be otherwise - after all, I arrived in Moscow for the congress of the Fashion Association “FOR MORALITY!” And how wonderful it was - I probably won’t be able to convey these feelings in words. But I met wonderful people not only at the congress, but generally everywhere along the way, as if someone had deliberately set everything up (or maybe that was the case, they were just invisible helpers).

I must say that I did not have the best opinion about Moscow. It was my first time here, but I hadn’t heard anything good about Moscow from others. Only that everyone here is evil and steals. But this is not so - everyone here is good, everyone is wonderful! I love Moscow! So, here's the congress. I definitely want to write about this incomprehensible phenomenon of the Russian soul.

There was a moment at the congress when participants from other countries (not from Russia) were presented with flags of the Movement. And when it was Ukraine’s turn to receive the flag, the entire hall, without saying a word, without preparing, simply STANDED up in advance and clapped while standing louder and longer than everyone else! I started to cry. In general, I am very worried about Ukraine in connection with the latest events there, and I often cry about this. For some reason, they somehow appear on their own, they come from the depths of my being, and it is very difficult for me to hold them back; these tears are practically beyond my control. But today in the hall there were both those and not those tears. They are also from the depths, but there was joy in them, not pain!

And then we all sang the song “Go, my friend, along the path of goodness.” It was wonderful, it was a unity of souls in a rush for something bright and good! FOR MORALITY!

Many thanks and low bow to all the organizers of this wonderful holiday! It was more than good – it was great!”

Christina, Bremen, Germany

“The congress was held in a warm atmosphere of like-minded people. I believe that it was organized at a high international level!

My only wish is that questions for Tatyana Nikolaevna or other speakers should be prepared and submitted to the organizers during breaks, then more questions could be answered and more relevant ones could be selected. With gratitude for organizing the Congress.”

Lilia, Moscow

"It was unforgettable! So many people who think like you are a holiday. The whole world is gathered - a world that wishes you and everyone the best. A world that gives, and does not hate you because you can find out about its self-interest... When I feel sad, I will begin to remember how we greeted Tatyana Nikolaevna standing, and everyone applauded, declaring their love and adoration for her... and then, that people from Ukraine were able to come and the audience greeted them standing. Everyone seems to look normal, but their relatives are all human. I really liked the children's song - it is in tune with the desire for happiness and goodness. Many thanks to the organizers!”

Maria, Moscow

“I sincerely thank the people who worked day and night to prepare for the congress.

The organization and conduct of the congress is at a very high level. Everyone is so joyful and friendly! It was like being in a circle of dear friends.

It's very good that we saw each other. We realized how many of us there are. In how many countries and cities there are people who will continue to work on the goals of the Movement! And we ourselves have taken upon ourselves the obligation to follow the Movement Code.

There is no going back - only forward, to better changes in our lives, our countries!

I sincerely thank all the organizers and sponsors who made the congress possible. Until we meet again – with a summary.”

Irina, Moscow

“Personally, I liked everything. Even the venue was chosen with meaning. In the conference room of the hotel with the self-explanatory name "Cosmos". It was my first time here and I was a little worried how I would be able to navigate such an impressive structure. But already at the VDNH metro station I saw a sign. Then, already approaching the hotel, I saw a man with a poster of the congress. This made me pleasantly happy. And I felt a state of touching care... I was glad that the first congress took place in one of the most beautiful and clean places in Moscow, where the wind of change blows, where the bustle and noise of the metropolis is not felt. Everything inside the building turned out to be just as beautiful and harmonious. I saw a lot of people who came from all over the country and the world. And I bow to their aspiration on the Path to God.

Then there was a congress. Overall I liked his program. But it seemed to me that its underlying tone could have been more soulful and heartfelt. Still, I would like the appeal to not be based on a piece of paper...”

Best regards, Maria, Nizhny Novgorod

“My friends, huge gratitude for everything you did, and the Congress took place.

The only thing I regretted was that we did not read the common prayer for Peace. There were many participants from Ukraine at the Congress, and a common prayer would be a wonderful ending to the Congress.

Many thanks to everyone for the Congress, for the meeting with Tatyana Nikolaevna, for the books that I bought, for the meeting with strangers and such dear people.

Lyudmila Mikhailovna

“The entire congress passed with a smile on my face and joy in my heart. Everything was fine: the presenters, the speakers, the President, Albina and Zhanna, the participants, many of whom we became friends with at the time of registration. The hall was light from light clothes and light people.

After the end of the Congress, people came up, we talked, and with some we exchanged email addresses and phone numbers. The warmest reviews were expressed, people said that they didn’t want to leave.

Tatyana Nikolaevna united us. Thanks to her for everything and for the happiness of being among like-minded people.

There were people with whom they did not speak, but only met their eyes and smiled at each other. That was good. What beautiful faces there were, I wanted to hug everyone, I felt the most tender feelings.

About the workers. Everything was thought out to the smallest detail. Lights, music, pictures on the screen... everything is perfect. After all, people stood and worked behind it all. Thank you. Decorating the hall, organizing the work of the Congress staff - what a job it is! And the result is excellent.

The confidence that our Movement will develop and expand became even stronger, people talked about the need to spread the Movement, about its urgent need and offered their help. Thanks everyone."

With love, Lyudmila, Moscow

“I congratulate all the organizers and participants on the successfully held first congress of our Movement! The wonderful thing is that this significant event took place in the center of the capital of our Motherland. I would like to thank all the participants who came from abroad. Thanks to you, our Movement is rightfully international! Looking at the flags of the states that took part in the congress, I remembered the old dream that lives in my heart... The dream of a World in which there will be no wars, terrorism, hypocrisy... where relations between states will not be built on the principle “might is right”, where all countries and peoples will have the opportunity to speak about their aspirations and expect to be heard. I would like to believe that on May 24 we took a small step towards the New World. It is great that the congress received coverage in reputable news agencies. The main task of any public organization is to be heard by society. I believe and I hope that we will be heard. I believe because I have to believe, and because although the Voice of God in a person can be drowned out, even in this case we remain His children and yearn for the Father’s House... I look forward to the continuation, I look forward to new events. Only active work will help us close ranks and resist negativity from the outside. Always until Victory! Good luck, friends!”

Dmitry, Voronezh

“My impressions from the congress of FASHION FOR MORALITY are the brightest and most pleasant! But the most memorable moments were the following:

1. It was amazing for the whole audience to sing a song about goodness! I rarely sing in my life, and, to be honest, I’m embarrassed to sing in public. But in the hall there was no trace of my feeling of embarrassment! This is how the voices of the participants briefly united into a chorus. And it was nice to realize that not only our voices were united, but also our hearts! At such moments, you realize that you are not alone, that there are like-minded people around you - people who care about the future of humanity, who care about the life around them.

2. The entire audience gave a standing ovation when the delegation from Ukraine came on stage!!! Just think that despite everything, no matter what sad events or obstacles, the Ukrainian delegation was with us at the congress. Everyone present in the hall understood this, and therefore I wanted to support people with all my heart. The example of our Ukrainian brothers has once again shown that if a person is aspiring with all his heart and this aspiration is aimed at a good cause, then no obstacles can be a hindrance. The goal will be achieved!

3. The organizers of the convention managed to do the most important thing - create an atmosphere of UNITY! For this I bow to them. After all, for how many decades in a row has an atmosphere of disunity been imposed on us from the outside in all spheres of life. The hearts of people yearned not only for goodness, love, honor, morality, but also for unity. When the boundaries of conventions and everything that separates are erased in the consciousness, then the awareness of greatness and personal responsibility for everything that happens on our planet Earth comes! And how symbolic it was that Tatyana Nikolaevna presented a small gift to the people on stage - beads from a necklace. Every person is that bead, that pearl. Scattered pearls are of little use, and only by uniting under the flag of morality and spirituality can we create the most beautiful necklace that will decorate our planet Earth.”

Marina, Moscow

“The impression is simply amazing!

At first I didn’t notice anything special, but then a feeling of celebration, celebration, joy appeared, and in the company of loved ones!

There were tears in our eyes when the Ukrainian delegation took the stage. People found it necessary to come, despite the current situation. I was surprised by the ease and naturalness of communication during breaks with complete strangers, the commonality of views, it was very strange and joyful...

I remember the last phrase of Tatyana Nikolaevna’s speech – “you won’t be able to sit out”....”

Sincerely, Galina, Fryazino, Moscow region.

“The feeling of joy accompanied me in the morning and throughout this wonderful day. It was truly a holiday. Holiday of the soul.

Throughout the day there was such a rise that a day without sleep, covering more than 4000 km in one day was not felt at all. With my difficulty in tolerating long distances, after four types of transport, this really surprised me!

At the very beginning, upon entering the concert hall building, I already felt “at ease”, in a circle of people in tune with their consciousness. I already saw many of them at Tatyana Nikolaevna’s seminar last year. Some people are in photographs and videos in Sirius issues. I saw someone for the first time. But there was joy in meeting everyone, as if I had known these people for a long time.

Endless gratitude to all the organizers of the congress. You are the very courageous and responsible knights of the Spirit whom we need to look up to, from whom we need to take an example.

The way you were diligent and diligent in your preparation, how the responsibility exceeded your human limits, and seeing the result of your work, I bow deeply to you.

Tatyana Nikolaevna! I bow to your invaluable great work, your feat and service to the world. You are forever in my heart! Peace, Light and Love to you!”

Natalya, Chelyabinsk

“I am very glad that I became a participant in the First International Congress of the Morality Movement. It was truly a joyful event for me. The congress was held in a friendly and warm atmosphere, everything was organized with Love at the highest level. The revival of Morality in the speeches of the congress participants touched the strings of my soul. We need to unite and start acting for the common good and goodness! God bless us!".

Elena, Satka

“It is very difficult to describe what happened to me during the congress. The most exciting moments were when cities and countries were named, when representatives of cities and countries stood up from their seats, when they looked around, hoping that there would be someone else, and suddenly found each other with their eyes, then Love manifested itself in all its beauty and completeness. People with such views cannot be defeated! In these moments they were truly themselves. I think this is how we should look at each other! Thanks for the Congress! Thanks for the experience! Thank you for Vera! Thanks for the love! Thank you for Nadezhda!!!"

Dmitry, Chelyabinsk

“3 days have already passed since the 1st congress of the IPM “For Morality” ended. I still remember the atmosphere of the congress, the community and unity with everyone who was present, the feeling that relatives and long-time acquaintances had met, who understood everything the same way as I did, there was no need to explain anything - everything was clear without words! The energy of Love that poured out from heart to heart of everyone present was felt almost physically; the powerful support of the Higher Powers was very felt, which was perceived differently by everyone: chills, tears of joy, an elevated state, and someone literally “passed out”, falling out of reality on for some time... Many things are remembered; how the hall greeted literally everyone who came to this significant congress, the presentation of flags to all regions, representatives of all countries, even the singing by the whole hall of what seemed like a children's song, but with such a deep meaning, is remembered with Love.

But the most unforgettable and joyful thing for me was meeting Tatyana Nikolaevna. Such a feeling of Love, Gratitude, tenderness and desire to protect our Teacher permeated me throughout her presence, and after her speech everyone did not want to leave the hall and disperse for a long time. Low bow to her for her great work. And the fact that I am involved in this endeavor fills me with Joy, Responsibility and an understanding of how much remains to be done. Lord, give us wisdom to fulfill our destiny!”

Natalia, Zlatoust

“It’s difficult for me to express in words my impressions of the congress of the Fashion Movement “FOR MORALITY!” in Moscow on May 24, 2014. Truly it was a holiday of the Spirit, a holiday of the Unity of us all! I felt everyone present was close to me and family, it was as if I had absorbed the whole room into my heart and felt Love for everyone! Everything: the solemn music, the joyful participants, the lovingly created atmosphere of the congress - left in my heart a firm conviction that when we are United, we can overcome EVERYTHING! I took home with me Infinite Love and Joy in my heart, and great gratitude to Tatyana Nikolaevna for her work for the Common Good.”

Tatyana, Chelyabinsk

“The impressions from the congress are very strong! Many thanks to the people from the organizing committee for being able to organize such an amazing event in such a short time!

First, I want to note that throughout my entire life, I have never participated in any parties, social movements, etc., they did not receive any response in my soul. But the International Social Movement “FOR MORALITY!”, whose goal is to uphold the highest moral principles in all areas of life, received it immediately. Perhaps because recently I have clearly begun to understand that the morality of not only foreign, but also Russian society is falling, and falling very noticeably. And at the same time, no matter how offensive it is to admit, many people simply do not see this. It’s also a shame because my hometown, the city in which I was lucky enough to be born and live, St. Petersburg, has rightfully held the title “Cultural Capital of Russia” for many decades. But even here we can see much of what is unworthy not only of this great city, but also of the inhabitants themselves in particular.

This may seem pretentious to some, but morality is truly the fundamental principle of life. And I completely agree with the words of T.N. Mikushina that the only thing that can save all of humanity at the present stage is Spirituality. And as the President of the Movement A.V. noted in his speech. Bychkov, until each of us changes, our society will not change. The state can write as many correct laws as it wants, but if we ourselves, within ourselves, do not make the right choices, then no good laws from the outside will make our lives better. Therefore, I believe that the first congress of the Fashion Model “FOR MORALITY!” - this is the first step taken by humanity towards saving our countries in particular, and planet Earth in general. And, probably, we all needed to come to Moscow from different cities, different countries, in order to understand the importance of the moment and that the time had come to act.

In conclusion, I would like to note the following: when the Ukrainian delegation entered the stage, the entire hall (and there were representatives from 16 countries of the world), without hesitation for a second, stood up and there was a flurry of applause. And what unity there was, what love there was at that moment! This showed us all that, despite any political conflicts, all people living on planet Earth are brothers and sisters. Everyone felt it, that people loved each other, and all questions, any misunderstandings disappeared by themselves. Thanks to the Ukrainian delegation for coming! This is important both for them and for us. To experience such a moment of universal unity is worth a lot!”

Irina, St. Petersburg

“- Living in Moscow, knowing it from the inside, I am very grateful for the comprehensive preparation and holding of the congress.

I personally associated the format of the performances, its style and presentation with the patriotic performances on Seliger. This is not very good for me.

The very language of the speech, of conducting the congress, is extremely literate and in the style of official events, which makes it lifeless, just how tenacious and understandable is Mikushina’s language from the same stage.

The most important thing is that all responses like mine (remote, from the familiar and comfortable home environment) are only a hundredth part important compared to the work YOU have done. THANK YOU".

Igor, Moscow

There are many different groups in the world that follow different paths and strive to bring the Light of truth, the Light of reality. Movement "For Morality!" – a place where we can all unite. After all, no matter what path we take, what religions we profess, the result should be a harmony of our life with the principles that we profess. And these principles are the same for everyone. These are the principles of morality in everyday life.

Many thanks to our organizing angels! Thank you everybody! Thanks to Tatyana Nikolaevna for the example of action.

It was very joyful to see and feel Tatyana Nikolaevna so closely for the first time. A huge example of manifestations from the heart.

With gratitude to all participants of the congress! I kneel before all of you, hug and love!”

Anatoly, Kostroma

“Dear organizers of the congress!

And the feeling of unity grew, culminating in a simple children's song that we sang in chorus. She was very moved.

The sages say: “Be like children.” Young children are morally pure, which means that we, adults, should strive for morality.

And one more thing: my soul felt light and good, because I didn’t have to hide my thoughts and feelings...

Thanks to the organizing committee for the excellent organization of the congress.”

Sincerely, S. Yu., Cherepovets, Vologda region.

“The whole day of May 24 was special. This morning, when I boarded the plane, I felt inspired and light. I was expecting something very important that was going to happen to me and to all of humanity. During the convention, everything seemed to be saturated with love, joy and a sense of unity. It’s one thing when in your homeland you encounter misunderstanding and unwillingness to listen, and another when you see so many people with an open heart, ready to help, listen, support and give a piece of their love. This is cool!

Thank you very much to the organizers and participants of the congress for this holiday of the soul!”

Alexander, Ekaterinburg

Reviews published June 5, 2014

For me, the congress was a celebration of the soul. My whole being rejoiced with joy and happiness, feeling the love of everyone present. It was a holiday of Light, Peace and Goodness. We all enjoyed each other's presence. Everyone's gaze was filled with warmth and love. This congress was simply a gift from Heaven for all of us, so that we could all feel our unity and manifest our Divine nature. How nice it was to swim in this ocean of love!
The culmination of the congress was the meeting with Tatyana Nikolaevna. I bow to this man. Thanks to the great mercy of heaven and the personal achievements of Tatyana Nikolaevna, we all have a unique opportunity to touch the Divine Truth. For me, Tatyana Nikolaevna is an example of living ethics and the highest moral standards.
And of course, I would like to sincerely thank all the organizers of the congress. All these people showed Divine care. Only Divine hearts can care in this way. Your work was an example of work for the common good.

With Love to all of you, Olga, Taganrog

Unity of hearts, unity of all of us... In a single impulse, many people gathered at this congress, and everyone glowed with joy, was inspired and inspired. Of course, this event was very clearly organized, our speakers gave us a lot of interesting and useful information - perhaps information that many of us did not know about before. It’s time to think and unite, if we care what happens to our country and our world. And such a unification happened!
It is very important to see people's faces, it is very important to communicate directly. This communication is a hundred times stronger than communication over the Internet or telephone. When we see each other’s faces, we can exchange something sometimes non-verbal, it gives us the feeling of a friend’s shoulder nearby - a friend, a like-minded person, and, in the end, we understand that we are not alone in our aspirations and can realize something together, shoulder to shoulder to the shoulder. This is how the unity of people from different cities and even countries is felt, when everyone understands the need for positive changes in many areas of life. Those changes that would be made based on moral principles, on mutual assistance and support, on a feeling of unconditional Love. It was Love that awakened and poured out from every heart in a bright sparkling stream.
A lot needs to be done, a lot needs to be changed. The congress made it clear how deep and serious the problems are, which cannot be solved by one person alone, but can be solved by everyone together. Several topics were identified that, first of all, are worth paying attention to: the topic of educating the younger generation, the topic of food purity, the topic of the influence of different types of music on humans, as well as the general principles of morality in our lives.
It seems to us that this congress marked the beginning of many similar events, which I hope will take place, where each of the issues facing us will be discussed more specifically and deeply. The main thing is not to weaken and stick together, support each other, be attentive to each other - just like at the congress, treat everyone with respect and love. It is very important to stick together because the future depends on it. Each of us knows and can do something special and can help all people in some way. Let's share our knowledge, skills, creativity, enthusiasm - what can revive our fragmented world.

Love and Light, Anna and Alexey, Moscow

I was really looking forward to this wonderful event and was worried how everything would go, how people would perceive what we wanted to convey. It was truly a Bright and Joyful Day! Day of unity of all peoples of the Earth. This is the starting point to the Future of both Russia and the Planet! Yes, we start with ourselves. I belong to the older generation, and we have a huge responsibility towards our children and grandchildren. The kind of example we show them of our Morality, Spirituality and Honor, this is how their consciousness will be formed. We are obliged to teach the younger generation love for our Earth and respect for grandfathers and fathers. At this stage, this is precisely what our society lacks, and this is very important.
I am very grateful to everyone who was able to come to our congress "FOR MORALITY!" People brought their Love and warmth. The hall literally glowed with smiles and the pure energy that poured out from the hearts of those gathered. I wish all participants of the International Social Movement "FOR MORALITY!" good luck in all your endeavors, endurance and perseverance, Love and Light!

Zhanna Nikolaevna, Moscow

The time for the congress came, and it took place and was successful. When you realize what an important event this happened, in which you were lucky enough to participate, tears well up in your eyes. An amazing atmosphere was present in the hall even before registration began, during and after. A lot of joyful people gathered in this place. I felt some special uplift, some kind of fullness and some kind of liberation. The atmosphere of joyful goodwill and mutual interest was maintained from the beginning to the end of the event. It was surprising and exciting to meet for the first time those people with whom I had been corresponding for a long time or seen in photos and videos. Many people at this congress became closer and dearer to me. Olga from Moscow told me absolutely correctly that between us, between our hearts, a connection should arise and strengthen, which will help us feel our unity and help in our further joint actions. And it was felt, and it happened.

And it was no coincidence that there was such a rush of greeting in the hall when the roll call was being held, when a large delegation from Ukraine took the stage. This greeting, this ovation expressed our support, our approval, the help of our hearts and our love for these people! And this is no coincidence, because they, the few, have to maintain balance in their country, in their cities and, most importantly, in their people, where everything is so turbulent. That’s why they needed our support and our cohesion and our unity.
And here at the congress I realized that unity in spirit - it exists, it grows, and this is our Path.
The clear (and sensitive) and coordinated actions with complete dedication of the organizers of the congress did not surprise me at all. Because if I correctly understood the essence of the Path along which we have to move further, then this is how it should have been.
I liked all the reports at this congress; the skill of the speakers pleased me and helped me absorb the information. The information turned out to be interesting and necessary for me, and very timely. I also liked the speech of the President of the Movement and the way the Appeal to the UN was written - simply, decisively, boldly, and directly.
Once again I want to express my gratitude to God - the congress took place and went great!

Mikhail, Irkutsk. With brotherly love to you

The decision to go to the congress in Moscow came from within, and I began to take active action. I tried to feel and analyze whether I was ready, whether I myself was fulfilling moral principles in my life? Can I be an example for my family, for my friends and acquaintances? Of course, there is always room for improvement, but if you don’t start acting now, then you can spend a long time thinking about your imperfections. The realization came that only in the process can you realize what you are doing right, what is working and what you still need to work on.
Moscow greeted us very friendly and warmly. For the first time I found myself in the heart of our Motherland, and in connection with this there was some kind of reverent and grateful feeling, a premonition of something significant and important.
And this significant event for all of us was the 1st Congress of the International Social Movement “For Morality!”, which took place on May 24, 2014 in Moscow. The feelings from the congress were the most inspired: delight, joy from the fact that there are already many of us, people who think about the future, about spirituality and morality; that we live with a single goal, we think and develop in the same direction. And this congress symbolized the fact that we had finally matured internally and began to unite as a whole world to make important decisions. Just being present among people who are striving to change an entire society by changing themselves is worth a lot.
Many questions about our future excited me very much, including the foresight project “Childhood 2030” and the report on the impact of GMOs on human health, which I had never heard of or thought about before. But how can I remain indifferent to the future of my loved ones?
It became obvious to me that the participants of the Movement “For Morals”, who came from 16 countries of the world, are sincere people who believe that it is possible to change society, ready to work and improve themselves, to do everything in their power and capabilities for the sake of the future of children, for the sake of the world in the country, for the sake of happiness in the family...
“I am eternally grateful to everyone who believes, to everyone who brings hope that, united, we can accomplish what seemed impossible: change people’s consciousness, awaken society, give knowledge, return faith and hope to our lives.”

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Olivera Djurkovic Majic, Helena Majic Magazine “Practical Marketing”, No. 2 for 2012

Veblen's theory has not lost any of its significance even a century after its first publication. The reason for this is contained in the theory itself. Veblen noticed patterns of idle behavior even in primitive societies and made the statement that they developed simultaneously with the development of civilization. Thanks to such changes in the modern world as globalization, integration, higher mobility and interconnectedness, the development of new media, information and communication technologies, the factors of idle behavior explained by human psychology are further intensified. Moreover, modern consumer behavior research, marketing and sales management rely on this theory as an indisputable basis. However, many marketing and sales management experts gravitate towards other interpretations of the Veblen effect, mainly in accordance with market research and analysis. Under their influence, modern interpreters of Veblen in the fields of sociology, psychology and consumer behavior are constantly redefining their interpretations. However, due to the fact that constant threats of change are an integral part of the modern economy, some of these interpretations lose their solid basis, becoming relics of past years.

The relationship between conspicuous consumption and copying behavior patterns in complete interpretations of Veblen’s theory

Vertical diversification strategy

Veblen concluded that the copying of behavior patterns by members of the middle and lower classes reinforced their status as consumers among members of the leisure class. In theory, this fact is irrefutable on the basis of a system of actions and reactions, therefore both of these models of behavior are essentially the same phenomenon with the only difference being that their sources are different stimuli. As far as this analysis is concerned, for luxury goods manufacturers, using theory applied to practice appears to be a winning situation where losing seems impossible.

Manufacturers of luxury goods first reduce the market segment that is attractive to them only to the leisure consumer class. Moreover, market segmentation becomes more complex when one considers the middle and lower classes, which emulate the behavior of the leisure class. Some luxury goods manufacturers are not trying to penetrate this consumer segment. Some, confident that the risk is insignificant, penetrate it through vertical diversification of the market. Even if there is a certain risk, the normal position in the market is not endangered, since the main market segment consists of the leisure consumption class. There is much controversy regarding this assumption. As early as 1949, James Dusenberry concluded that consumer behavior is interconnected with interpersonal interaction, especially among the middle class. Moreover, Leibenstein associated this phenomenon with the "craze" effect, leading luxury goods manufacturers to believe that there is no real possibility of a serious decline in demand. Contemporary writers believe that the middle class' desire for status-seeking consumption is ever-increasing, and that luxury goods manufacturers stand to benefit from this trend.

Since capital accumulation by the middle class is insufficient to sustain conspicuous consumption in the long term, a counterfeit submarket aimed at those who would prefer to emulate the leisure class but lack the means to do so is booming. Recognizing the threat posed by the middle-class luxury submarket, contemporary experts such as Takeyama and Barnett advocate a vertical diversification strategy.

Accordingly, manufacturers of luxury goods should act as follows: 1) preserve luxury and expensive goods for consumption by the leisure class; 2) simultaneously introduce product lines that resemble luxury and highly exclusive products, but with lower costs and prices more affordable for the middle class. As a tool for maximizing profits at optimal costs, the strategy has received widespread approval among luxury goods manufacturers. Moreover, this strategy benefits further from social changes brought about by globalization processes in lagging markets such as Asia or Latin America, where the middle-class consumer segment is constantly expanding.

In fact, this theory has not been updated much since then, as it follows in the footsteps of Dusenberry's theories of the snob effect and the craze effect. However, Dusenberry rightly noted the problem of brand cycles - when a product is consumed by a large number of those joining the majority, then consumption of the product decreases among snobs. For this reason, the cycle threatens the market position of luxury goods manufacturers in their traditional market segment, the leisure class.

Since conspicuous consumption stems from idle consumption by those consumers who seek to demonstrate their higher social status, brands included in a vertical diversification strategy, such as those aimed at consumers with lower purchasing power, can no longer satisfy this need. The reason for this lies in the function of the status of limiting the penetration of representatives of other classes by establishing expensive measures. If such an expensive event or luxury product is offered at comparatively lower prices to other consumers, then this degrades its exclusivity among the leisure class - the essence of the brand becomes diluted. Thus, authors objecting to this concept conclude that traders are forced to maintain product exclusivity because some consumers may consider the product less valuable if it becomes widely available.

The issue of brand dilution became apparent to Barnett, who believed that a short-term differentiation strategy was at least adequate to support the mid-market segment in the short term. However, Barnett's other, more interesting idea, which this article disagrees with, is that manufacturers should do nothing to protect against submarkets and counterfeits. An example of vertical diversification is shown in Figure 1.

Selective Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Strategy

The most common legal instruments that seek to protect luxury brands or other product features or designs from unauthorized copying are trademark, industrial aesthetics, and copyright (in the US also trade dress). Manufacturers of luxury goods have more alternatives and freedom when setting the pricing policy for their products. Since the essence of intellectual property rights is the monopolization of specific characteristics of a product, manufacturers receive additional benefits from this by charging higher prices, due to which they receive additional profits. Additional profit is not the only incentive to legally protect a product.

The incentive for a new investment cycle leading to the creation of new original products is higher than among competitors.

However, in the case of expensive brands, counterfeiting is characterized by a high degree of persistence. Although manufacturers have always strived to achieve legislative support, the task of effectively protecting intellectual property seems almost impossible. In attempting to suppress submarkets, manufacturers are forced to contend with their unpredictability, the problem of identifying their source, and the unlikely possibility of compensating for the damage caused by their activities. How is it possible to compete with them and prevent their spread in the absence of effective legal tools? When some authors proposed a vertical diversification strategy, this idea was met with strong support in the luxury goods industry and criticism at the same time that it threatened to weaken the brand's image. As an alternative to these disputes, Barnett advised against taking any action against counterfeits. What are the arguments in favor of this, at first glance, strange proposal?

The submarket creates imperfect copies of luxury originals. Any imperfection should be obvious to the consumer who is truly interested in the status of the product being purchased, so that he cannot satisfy his expectations and needs for a luxury item by buying a product of inferior quality. Status aspirations also cannot be satisfied when purchasing counterfeit items due to the lack of service or special rituals corresponding to an expensive brand at the time of purchase. In addition, the submarket seriously lacks elements of exclusivity in the distribution network, as well as elements of exclusivity in customer relationship management. For example, a kiosk salesperson does not supply a catalog of next season's products to regular customers around the world. When exclusivity disappears and counterfeits are widely consumed, especially among the middle and lower classes, status aspirations cannot be satisfied. Therefore, established brands decided not to compete with the submarket, simply concluding that status-oriented consumers do not buy in the submarket. In fact, they began to believe that consumption in the submarket increased the demand for their original products. The more fakes are offered on the market, the greater the incentive becomes for consumers aimed at confirming their status by buying more expensive and exclusive originals. Barnett refers to 3 conditions that lead to the desired result: 1) the original increases social status; 2) illegal counterfeits are imperfect; 3) a manufacturer of a well-known brand cannot carry out vertical diversification without reducing the costs of maintaining the brand.

From this point of view, it can be concluded that luxury brand manufacturers should adopt a special market price positioning strategy. First registered intellectual property rights and now the submarket allowed them to earn additional profits based on high prices. Some empirical models have proven that “when the snob effect is large enough, a product may become more popular among a segment of the population as its price rises.” These models even reduce Barnett's conditions to two, as they did not find a strong relationship between product quality and snobbish consumption, but did find a strong correlation between the snob effect and high prices. This strategy, which emerged from the effects above, is actually the opposite of the diversification strategy. Other advantages are generated by the absence of additional costs for introducing a line of products of “inferior quality” and, accordingly, risks in the traditional segment of the leisure and recreation market. This strategy also does not seek to identify a target group.

A submarket can also be defined as the promotion of luxury goods without any costs. In addition, the submarket has shortened the life cycle of original and counterfeit goods consumed. As a result, consumer demand for new innovative products is increasing. Some industries are reducing product supply specifically to increase demand for a new generation of products or eye-catching styles. Consequently, non-resistance to the illegal submarket has become a dominant trend in the luxury goods industry.

Luxury goods manufacturers use both vertical and horizontal diversification strategies, as well as a selective approach to intellectual property protection. However, a study of the following example showed that something in the strategies interpreting Veblen may lead to error.

Example: GUCCI AMERICA, INC. v. GUESS, INC. – failure of brand strategies based on Veblen’s interpretations


In May 2009, Gucci filed a complaint against Guess in the Southern District Court of New York for trademark, packaging and industrial design infringement, as well as a separate lawsuit in Milan, Italy. The Gucci brand sought injunctive and compensatory relief under the Lanham Act, the New York General Business Law, and common law. The charges against the defendants related to the unauthorized copying and imitation of Gucci's registered design features, such as the interlocking G motif, the stylized G, the font in which Gucci is written in the registered trademark, and the Diamond packaging motif most commonly used in Gucci's accessory lines. In addition, Gucci accuses Guess of labeling the same product line based on Gucci's industrial design, as well as distributing it not only in Guess retail stores and online stores, but also through the wholesale distribution channel (Fig. 2, 3).

Rice. 2. Registered trademark of Gucci.

Rice. 3. GUESS The most common logo for wallets and bags ()

Gucci products are among the most copied and imitated luxury items in the submarket. However, the Gucci brand has never taken any serious or planned action against it. In addition to selectively strengthening its intellectual property protection strategies, Gucci has been a leader in its vertical diversification strategy, as already stated. It seemed that Gucci voluntarily ignored imitations and counterfeits, but somehow the company came to the conclusion that it could no longer remain silent. The best way to explain the sudden reaction is to quote Gucci's arguments against the accused:

But Gucci was attacked by the submarket in a very similar style decades ago. What bothered Gucci was the result of Guess' strategy. According to Guess's 2010 annual earnings report, the company generated net income of over $2.1 billion, showing steady growth since 2005. According to Gucci's official financial statements for 2009, the Gucci brand earned 2.2 billion euros in revenue, marginally more than Guess when taking into account Gucci's tradition and timeless brand.

What's behind Guess's success?

Regardless of the outcome of the hearing and the court's ruling as to whether copyright infringement occurred or not, the issue of Guess' imitation of the distinctive features of the Gucci brand remains controversial from a consumer perspective. Let's conclude that Guess developed its brand based on an important characteristic of the submarket - copying and imitation. But what happens if a submarket competitor does not behave in the manner traditionally expected of it?

First, Guess identified itself as a corporation. This is not at all a seller in a kiosk in an incomprehensible market, somewhere on the outskirts of the city. This is not a smuggler who is afraid of customs control when crossing the state border. It is a company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, creating a strong corporate image and building communication channels to the capital market, investors, suppliers, consumers, as well as a formal distribution network for its products.

Secondly, Guess products may be copies or imitations, but they are not flawed products as some authors suggest. Guess has invested in achieving a certain level of quality in its products. Even if this quality cannot be equated to that of Gucci, it still satisfies the demands and needs of the upper middle class consumer. Moreover, an attempt at imitation does not necessarily mean that the buyer will perceive the product as a failed attempt to sell a counterfeit product instead of a Gucci branded product. The imitation is designed to remind the consumer of the exclusivity and status orientation associated with luxury. To be completely honest, this degree of imitation is common among well-known brands.

Combined with the level of quality, the third surprise is the pricing policy. Guess does not price products based on marginal cost. In proportion to the good quality during the initial placement period, the price is higher than the submarket, even higher than that subject to middle class consumption. It is very possible that Guess' IPO products and vertically diversified luxury products sell for approximately the same price. But Guess is willing to reduce its price very quickly after the initial placement so that it can shorten its turnover cycle more efficiently than luxury brands (Figures 4, 5).

Rice. 4. Men's footwear. Gucci. $370

Rice. 5. Guess Men's Shoes, $98. ()

Fourth, Guess plans its distribution network down to the last detail, has an online store like many luxury brands, and opens retail stores. However, Guess is not afraid to encroach on the wholesale portion of the distribution system occupied by some well-known brands. Although they do not openly admit it, luxury brands are entering these distribution channels through vertical diversification. But compared to a competitor like Guess, their efforts are quite modest.

Fifth, the Guess brand has a brand strategy that combines submarket elements with its own distinctive brand. For them, imitation is not a long-term strategy. This is only a tool for increasing initial demand to such an extent as to confuse the consumer: what is the original and what is a cheaper imitation. After this, Guess introduced its already developed original design to the acquired market segment. For example, in the new 2011 collection there is almost nothing that copies Gucci's design.

By combining all of the above elements, Guess has succeeded in positioning itself in a way that no other submarket has ever done. He considered the middle class as his target audience and conquered the upper middle class, the most interesting market segment for luxury brand manufacturers.

Concluding remarks on the implications of current brand building strategies

The study proved that the vertical diversification strategy failed in several elements while appealing to the conspicuous consumption of the middle class. Established brands win market competition for middle-class loyalty only if:

  1. counterfeits are obvious, low quality and cheap;
  2. the submarket cannot be institutionalized;
  3. the submarket lacks a formal distribution network;
  4. The pricing policy of the submarket follows the principle of marginal cost.
  5. the submarket is reluctant to invest as an imitation;
  6. the submarket lacks the ability to clarify organization and strategies.

Therefore, they are not threatened by any traditional forms of submarket. What was seen as a traditional submarket is now evolving into new, aggressive and more advanced planned forms of attack on luxury brands disguised as legitimate manufacturers. Building capacity to compete for the middle class also threatens the assumption of selective intellectual property amplification that there is no real competition between original luxury goods producers and dishonest imitations. If the market has signaled the presence of competition between those who will never be perceived as real competitors, even the snob effect may become less intense.

The middle class of consumers benefits from this situation. They satisfy the need for status consumption, as they buy, without any embarrassment, quality comparable to the diversified luxury of a luxury product, only at more reasonable prices in the well-appointed interior of an official distributor. This ritual confuses the “snobs” - they are no longer sure whether the middle class is just demonstrating its current state or is actually somehow catching up with them, albeit at lower costs. Through this paradoxical situation, the Gucci brand realized that following the “paradigm of inaction” had become dangerous to its market share and profits. We would say, unfortunately, it's too late. What was a submarket was able to take advantage of their inertia and became a competitor worthy of concern, attention and response. The challenge becomes even greater when we consider two growing trends in middle-class consumption - unpredictability and elasticity of demand caused by periodic income declines and economic cycles.


The purpose of this work was not to criticize Veblen’s theory, since practice has shown that this theory has not yet had any precise alternatives or arguments rejecting it. The intention was to point out the weakness of theory interpretation in contemporary brand strategy. In addition, we would like to warn that traditional submarkets have come to a new form and are evolving faster than brand strategy can adapt. We suggest that the strategy of selective enforcement of intellectual property rights may need to be reconsidered in practice. Vertical diversification strategies need to find new solutions to combat unfair competition for middle-class consumers.

(Translation from English was carried out at the Faculty of Marketing of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov)