When is silence killing your romantic relationship? Aphorisms and quotes about silence.

  • 23.09.2019

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) says in a hadith narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with them): “ Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day speak good or remain silent!” (Imams Bukhari and Muslim).

The Almighty created us with two ears so that we listen more and one mouth so that we speak less. Prophet Suleiman (peace be upon him) said: “If speech is considered silver, then silence is gold.” Knowing this wisdom, a person still prefers chatter.

It often happens that we regret what we said. This problem can arise for any of us. And a word spoken without thinking can play a cruel joke on us and turn against us. At that time, a word not spoken at the right time can play a greater role than an unnecessary one accidentally thrown out.

So what can be achieved by silence?

Silence creates many meanings. It can shed light on the essence of a conversation or cover it with a veil of darkness. Proper Use silence is greatest art, a talent not given to everyone.

It was not for nothing that the Favorite of the Almighty (peace and blessings be upon him) spoke little and preferred silence. His silence was reflection.

Silence can serve as evidence that we are deeply interested in what the other person is saying. The ability to listen wins over your interlocutor.

It can also show that we have good self-control and will not engage in a conversation that could have negative consequences.

Silence helps us understand more deep meaning what we are talking about. The master of his position is the one who hears and knows how to shut up in time.

Silence distances us from sin

Let us note the fact that when going to communicate, people very rarely talk about objects, the weather or religion, for example. For the most part the conversation concerns individuals and their circumstances. We often strive to judge others and not notice what is happening in ourselves. As they say, we are judges to judge others, but lawyers are ourselves.

Allah Almighty said: “ ...and don't speak evil of each other! Would any of you want to eat the meat of your deceased brother?! (After all) you feel disgusted by this! »(Surah Al-Hujurat, verse 12).

Maintaining such a conversation is not only bad form, but also one of the great sins.

In the hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), transmitted by Jabir, it is said: “ Beware of blasphemy. Verily, the sin of blasphemy is greater than the sin of adultery "(Ibn Abi ad-Dunya).

It would be best for a person in such situations to tactfully remain silent, showing with a gesture or facial expression that the topic is not interesting.

Chatterbox - Satan's favorite

People who have nothing to say are always looking for ways to learn how to speak. You rarely meet a person who knows how to learn to remain silent - more often we simply do not ask this question. Meanwhile, silence can help us avoid many troubles in our lives.

A person with an unrestrained tongue deceives, boasts, is a hypocrite, speaks obscene words, argues, extols his own self, scandalizes, distorts reality, etc.

Numerous troubles come from the tongue. And Satan encourages a person to do this. And those who are excessively verbose cannot hold their tongue and often, without thinking, say anything.

The Koran says (meaning):

﴿ لا خَيْرَ فِي كَثِيرٍ مِنْ نَجْوَاهُمْ إِلا مَنْ أَمَرَ بِصَدَقَةٍ أَوْ مَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ إِصْلاحٍ بَيْنَ النَّاسِ وَمَنْ يَفْعَلْ ذَلِكَ ابْتِغَاءَ مَرْضَاةِ اللَّهِ فَسَوْفَ نُؤْتِيهِ أَجْرًا عَظِيمًا ﴾

« And in most secret conversations of people, conversations and hidden thoughts there is no good, because evil grows in secret. But if their secret conversations are devoted to good deeds: almsgiving, reconciliation between people - then this is good deed. And whoever does it in order to receive the favor of Allah and His mercy, to him Allah - glory to Him Almighty! - gives great reward in the near life and in the future ». (Meaning: Surah an-Nisa, verse 114).

Silence is a barrier from everything bad

Every time we criticize or condemn someone, we automatically give our good deeds to the person we are talking about, taking away his sins.

Long silence is a person’s safety from many unnecessary situations into which he may find himself.

Silence protects us from disputes and bickering, from curses and ridicule, from divulging secrets, from false promises, deception and much more.

Silence indicates absence of stupidity

Silence is reasoning, showing respect, freeing thoughts for reflection and remembrance of Allah, and also preserving oneself from unnecessary conversations. This is a sign of seriousness and wisdom. How much longer person shows silence, the more wisdom increases in his heart. Note that the most reasonable people always silent. The hadith states that " Silence is wisdom. But few people follow it "(Al-Bayhaqi).

And if someone says that silence is not always a sign of intelligence, then let him know that silence is at least a sign of the absence of stupidity!

Danger of words

The source of all rumors is a person. And he, having said just one word, can rise before the Almighty to many degrees, as well as fall, causing the terrible wrath of Allah. Therefore, a person needs to weigh his words.

One man came to the sage and asked:

- Do you know what your friend told me about you?

“Wait,” the sage stopped him, “First sift what you are going to say through three sieves.”

- Three sieves?

- Before you say anything, you need to sift it three times. First, through the sieve of truth. Are you sure what you say is true?

- No. I just heard...

- Very good. So you don't know if it's true or not. Then we will sift through the second sieve - the sieve of kindness. Do you want to say something good about my friend?

- No! Against!

“So,” the sage continued, “you are going to say something bad about him, but you’re not even sure that it’s true.” Let's try the third sieve - the sieve of benefit. Do I really need to hear what you have to say?

- No, this is not necessary.

“So,” the sage concluded, “there is no kindness, no benefit, no necessity in what you want to say.” Why talk then?

1. If you have planned to do something and talked about it, the likelihood of successful completion of things decreases. A person without iman has envy, self-interest, and the evil eye in his heart. Think about who you are telling it to or be completely silent.

2. From the time of night prayer to morning prayer comes the time of ignorance: about the words spoken at this time and decisions taken You might really regret it the next morning. At this time, it is recommended to especially monitor your speech or remain silent. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) strongly recommended going to bed immediately after night prayer, without getting into conversations.

3. A wonderful practice to test whether your speech is harmful to yourself is to open your mouth only for thanksgiving. Every time you want to express negativity, complaints, criticism, etc., either remain silent or reformulate this thought into a positive one - into gratitude.

4. Mindfulness in speech will help significantly improve the quality of your life. Speak in such a way that both you and those around you benefit from it. At first it is difficult, so you will have to learn to remain silent - not to express negativity out loud - this is the first step. The second is to see the positive in the negative. The third is to say something positive about it.

I wrote this article, first of all, for myself and chatterboxes like me, to warn against many mistakes. The above does not imply absolute silence. Being always silent and giving monosyllabic answers can show us as a limited person. On the contrary, you need to talk, communicate with people, but be able to shut up IN TIME.

We draw conclusions and reflect.

Remaining silent is much better than saying nothing.
- Nosir Khisrow

Silence is not a sign of soullessness at all. Only that which is empty from within rattles.
- William Shakespeare

Where there are few words, they have weight.
- William Shakespeare

Don't make the furnace too hot for your enemies, otherwise you will burn yourself in it.
- William Shakespeare

The success of a witty word depends more on the ear of the listener than on the tongue of the speaker.
- William Shakespeare

The most important thing in communication is to hear what was not said.
-Peter Drucker

The sage keeps his mouth closed, he knows that even a candle burns out with his tongue.
- Chuang Tzu

You can walk thousands of kilometers, read many books, hear countless words, and not find what you are looking for. Or you can stop searching, “stop,” and listen to the Heart. Having heard it, you find everything you were looking for in your own sigh.
- Amu Mom

Why do people tend to avoid loneliness? Because when alone, only a few enjoy pleasant company.
- Carlo Dossi

Truly he is glorious and great who holds his tongue in anger.
- Rasul Gamzatov

What makes a man a man is to a greater extent what he is silent about is more than what he says.
- Albert Camus

Fearing ridicule, I buried my best feelings in the depths of my heart: they died there.
-Mikhail Lermontov

With humility and silence we overcome anger... if someone offends you with a word, do not respond. By silence you disarm a person.
- Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

Remember, silence is sometimes the best answer to questions.
- Dalai Lama XIV

Be in silence more often to hear yourself...

The quieter you become, the more you hear...
- Ram Dass

I love silence. Silence is special condition peace and soul. Without silence, beauty cannot be understood. Everything great happened in silence.
- Evgeny Leonov

- Confucius

You will never complete your journey if you stop to throw a stone at every yapping dog.

- R. A. Narushevich

Be able to understand what is said without sound.
Hearing with your eyes is the science of love...
- Shakespeare, Sonnet 23

Don’t judge what you don’t know, the rule is simple:
Remaining silent is much better than saying nothing.
- Nosir Khisrow

The true strength of a person is not in impulses, but in unshakable calm.
- Lev Tolstoy

I love simple things - books, solitude, or being with someone who understands you...
- Daphne du Maurier

Anyone who has something to say is always silent.

Smart people do not so much seek solitude as they avoid the fuss created by fools.
- Arthur Schopenhauer

Leave cloudy water alone and it will become clear and clear.
- Ancient wisdom

Your home is where your thoughts are calm.
- Confucius

I have heard a lot in my life - vows, promises, compliments, but the best thing I have heard is silence. There are no lies in it.

Sometimes it’s better to leave everything as it is, walking in faceless solitude, among empty streets, wherever your eyes look... Envy the free wind, lonely stars, the wise sun and the silent moon.
- Coelho

I feel bad with people because they prevent me from listening to my soul or just silence.
- Marina Tsvetaeva

With my views on life, the first thing is to avoid communicating with people. The fewer of them I come across, the better I feel.
- Charles Bukowski

My Friend, sometimes you can say much more without words than with them. Inner silence does not mean silence. Inner silence is harmony within...
- Universe

Be quiet. Be silent until you are able to say something that will be more useful than your silence.
- Archimedes

A man's tongue is small, but how many lives has he ruined?
- Omar Khayyam

In the end we will see for ourselves that the best thing for us is to remain silent...
~ Ramana Maharshi

A short mind has a long tongue.
- Aristophanes

The deepest rivers flow with the least noise.
- Curtius

Deep rivers flow silently...
- Japanese proverb.

Anyone who does not understand your silence is unlikely to understand your words.

The quietest and most serene place where a person can retire is his soul... Allow yourself such solitude more often and draw new strength from it.
- Marcus Aurelius

Silence is the language of God, everything else is a poor translation.

Go into silence and you will see who needs you.

Anyone who can be happy alone is a real person. If your happiness depends on others, then you are a slave, you are not free, you are in bondage.
- Osho

God gave man two ears and one mouth so that he would listen more and talk less.

More people repent for words than for silence.

If you knew how rarely we are understood correctly, you would remain silent more often.
- Goethe

When you feel bad, listen to nature. The silence of the world is more soothing than millions of unnecessary words.
- Confucius

Privacy - the best place where you can find your true self...

If you were answered with silence, this does not mean that you were not answered.
- Socrates

The best thing you can do to help the world is to calm your mind.
- Ajahn Chaa

Strength never manifests itself in noise and shouting - it is at rest.
- Cauman

There is great strength in a person who can remain silent, even if he is right.
- Oscar Wilde

Don’t trust someone who speaks beautifully, there is always a game in his words. Trust the one who silently does beautiful things.
- Omar Khayyam.

Don't speak unless it changes the silence for the better.
- Chinese wisdom

... every word, every action ... is said and done either in the name of Good or in the name of Evil. Before you say or do anything, you should definitely know the price you will pay for it!
- Ursula Le Guin

Mutts bark the loudest; silence and restraint are a sign of the breed.

- Chinese wisdom

Human life is loneliness. Everyone has only their own task, and everyone must solve it themselves. You are all alone, understand this once and for all. Alone in the Universe.
- Ray Bradbury. "Dandelion wine"

Contempt must be the most silent of all our feelings.
- A. Rivarol

If you feel that your strength has been spent beyond what you should have and your balance has been disturbed, retreat into the silence of your silence. inner world and in it, having separated from the external bustle, you will again draw strength, and restore balance, and you will feel strong again. For there, in the depths of the spirit, the source of fiery power is hidden. Draw from him and learn.
- Agni yoga

Prayer without words, but with feelings, is the most powerful thing in the world that can change any circumstances.
- Amu Mom

If you remain silent for a long time, people simply stop noticing you. Stop talking and you will become an invisible man. People around us notice not us, but our reactions to them. If you don’t react in any way to their actions or words, you will disappear.
- Matsuo Monroe

Learn to see where everything is dark and hear where everything is quiet. In darkness you will see light, in silence you will hear harmony.
- Chuang Tzu

Whose heart is full of silence is not at all the same as the one whose heart is full of silence
- Milorad Pavic

Sometimes holding back for a minute means avoiding repentance for a hundred days.
- Chinese wisdom

The Vedas say that the most terrible type of weapon, the arrows that deeply wound, are words. Because time cannot even help, our memory is so susceptible to vibrations. We heard, and it is very difficult to pull out these arrows. They have a tip like an arrow. It goes in there easily, but you can’t pull it back out. Therefore, in relationships, the most important asceticism or limitation is the asceticism of speech.
- R. A. Narushevich, from the lecture “Secrets of well-being in the family”

You should never explain anything to anyone. Those who do not want to listen will not hear, but those who listen and understand do not need explanations.

The Vedas say that the most terrible type of weapon, the arrows that deeply wound, are words. Because time cannot even help, our memory is so susceptible to vibrations. We heard, and it is very difficult to pull out these arrows. They have a tip like an arrow. It goes in there easily, but you can’t pull it back out. Therefore, in relationships, the most important asceticism or limitation is the asceticism of speech.
- R. A. Narushevich, from the lecture “Secrets of well-being in the family”

Any rude word once spoken, even if you manage to say forgiveness, will still lead to a reaction.
- Srila Radhanatha Swami

It's amazing how different people are: some don't hear what you say, while others hear what you think.

Silence is not a sign of soullessness at all,
Only that which is empty from within rattles.
- William Shakespeare

The best answer to a madman is silence. Every word of the answer will bounce back from the madman at you. Responding with insult to insult is like adding wood to the fire.
- Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

- Chinese proverb

Yes, everything that is great in the world lives in silence. And he speaks in silence.
- I. Ilyin

To be able to endure solitude and enjoy it is a great gift.
- Bernard Show

When you feel bad, listen to nature. The silence of the world is more soothing than millions of unnecessary words.
- Confucius

Temperance is the first stage of virtue, which is the beginning of moral perfection.
- Lao Tzu

He who talks a lot often fails.
- Lao Tzu

The big river flows quietly clever man doesn't raise his voice.
- Chinese proverb

If you remain silent, there is no need to be afraid of words,
Which you might have said wrongly.
Geoffrey Chaucer

...The Lord punishes him,
Whoever talks at the wrong time,
When it would behoove him to remain silent...
Geoffrey Chaucer

Speech is slander. Silence is a lie.
Hong Zicheng

We sin with words both when we are silent, but we should speak, and when we speak, but we should be silent.

Silence is golden... unless, of course, it is meanness.
Absalom Underwater

Only then is silence golden when there is something to say.
Boris Krutier

Silence is a sign of agreement between those who disagree.
Gennady Malkin

Silence is a sign of consent... of the lambs.
Evgeniy Kashcheev

It is difficult to remain silent, even more difficult to remain silent.
L. Bushma

Compared to words, sighs are difficult to contain.
Srba Pavlovic

Great power belongs to the person who knows how to remain silent, even though he is right.
Cato the Elder

Those who obey their tongue usually remain silent.
Jerzy Lec

People would rather agree to denigrate themselves than to remain silent about themselves.
Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The desire to speak out is almost always stronger than the desire to learn something.
Dmitry Pisarev

Silence must be heard in its context.
Jerzy Lec

We learn to speak from people, to remain silent from the gods.

Oh, if only you would be silent! it would be counted to you as wisdom.
Book of Job, 13, 5

You know how not to speak, but you are not able to remain silent.

He who does not know how to speak cannot be silent.
Publilius Syrus

Everyone hears your cry; your whisper is only for those closest to you; your silence is only your best friend.
Linda McFarlane

Silence is the adornment of women.

Silence is a woman's best ornament, but unfortunately, it is almost never used.
Thomas Fuller

Silent women have a reputation for mastering the art of conversation.
Magdalena the Impostor

The principle of “silence is golden” was invented by blackmailers.

He who does not understand your silence will hardly understand your words.
Elbert Hubbard

In love, we are more concerned about the meaning of silence than the meaning of words.
Mason Cooley

Silence can be the most monstrous lie.
Robert Louis Stevenson

Be quiet like that. so that we can hear what you are keeping silent about.
Dominik Opolski

It's a shame to say, but there's nothing to keep silent about.
Gennady Malkin

Silence is the continuation of a dispute by other means.
Attributed to Ernesto Che Guevara

Silence is an unbearable response.
Gilbert Chesterton

Taciturn people always impress. Hard to believe. that a person has nothing to hide except his insignificance.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

He has glimpses of silence that make conversation with him interesting.
Sydney Smith

I know enough to remain silent.
Thomas Fuller

Silence is not only the absence of sound, but also the stillness of the mind.
author unknown

Silence is the style of wisdom.
F. Bacon

Silence is a figure of speech that does not require an answer, short, cold, but terribly harsh.
T. Parker

It is better to remain intelligently silent than to speak stupidly.
Publilius Syrus

Silence is the wisdom of a fool.
Publilius Syrus

Silence is the virtue of fools.
F. Bacon

Silence is the only way for an ignoramus to at least prove that he is not a fool.
P. Decourcel

G. Shaw

Silence is one of the great arts of conversation.
W. Gaslitt

Silence is the most perfect expression of contempt.
B. Shaw

Silence is the most reliable answer to any contradictions dictated by insolence, vulgarity or envy.
I. Zimmerman

Silence is an argument that is almost impossible to refute.
G. Böll

Silence is the only acceptable substitute for brains.
M. Samuel

Silence is an extremely witty response.
G. Chesterton

Silence is more eloquent than words.
T. Carlyle

A woman is graced by silence.

Silence seals speech, and timing seals silence.

Be silent or say something better than silence.
Pythagoras of Samos

He who does not know how to be silent is not able to speak.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)

People stand out from the animal world with their ability to speak; The ability to remain silent distinguishes a person from the world of people.
Grigory Landau

Silence is golden, but sometimes it is also silver.
Zbigniew Zemecki

Silence is gold, which buys the silence of others.
Lech Konopiński

Silence is like that interesting subject that you can talk about him for hours.
Jules Romain

Silence is one of the most difficult arguments to refute.
Henry Wheeler Shaw

I don’t like interlocutors who continually interrupt my reasoning with their silence.
Leszek Kumor

Thoughtlessness is rarely silent.
Howard W. Newton

He knows how to remain silent so interestingly that everyone is waiting for him to finally speak.
Slavian Trotsky

You are silent better than you speak.

How difficult it is to remain silent when you are not asked.
Mikhail Genin

A silent person rarely makes mistakes. Only if he speaks.
Vladislav Grzeszczyk

And a fool, when silent, may seem wise.
King Solomon – Proverbs 17, 28

First, think three times, and then remain silent.
Henri Renier

Their silence is a loud cry.

A woman suffers in silence because she has no one to talk to.

Women are sometimes silent, but not when they have nothing to say.
Paul Saudet

Women love silent men. They think that they are listening to them.
Sasha Guitry

Don't say anything more often.

How to understand a man - the psychology of men. Features of the behavior of men in love - how to recognize body language signals. Phrases that no representative of the stronger sex will say out loud.

What's on a man's mind? How can you understand his aspirations and goals? What happens in his head when he is silent? But the average man extremely rarely voices his thoughts out loud, and unlike the fair sex, who happily discuss everything in the world over a cup of coffee, men are much more reserved. But such silence does not cause any special reaction on the part of the woman until something concerns her personally.

Psychology of men - how they behave in relationships

Any relationship goes through a number of stages. And at any of them, the woman is almost always left bewildered. She has already drawn a picture of their wedding, visualized appearance future children and already imagines how she will sit in a rocking chair and knit booties for her grandchildren, and he, a loving aging husband, comes up and kisses her on the cheek. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with the fact that the couple hardly know each other. A man, in turn, does not build castles in the air and does not harbor any illusions in terms of relationships. They are more specific, but not all at once! Therefore, they will remain silent until they understand themselves and make up their minds.

Unlike women, men are in no hurry to make predictions

Interesting: of course, there are individuals who quite quickly understand that a woman who met on life path- this is “the same one”. But there are very few of them. Plus, even if the realization of this fact occurred to them, the vast majority are frankly afraid to admit it to themselves.

Therefore, the most difficult period in a relationship with a man for a woman is the very beginning of the relationship. When she cannot understand: does a man feel something, does he love, and why is he silent if he loves.

Why is a man silent?

Expectations... So many in appearance ideal relationship It's expectations that are crushed! And how unfortunate is the fact that many of them remain only in the mind of each of the couple... So, for example, a woman who dreams of getting married soon quietly hopes that the man will figure out to propose to her. Meanwhile, her lover is thinking over a shocking strategy on how to make the lady of his heart his wife. And everything would be fine... Everything would be fine if people in a couple could share their plans with each other. Then everything would be much simpler: she knows that he loves her and wants to get married, and he calmly thinks about some of his thoughts and, voicing his potential actions out loud, gradually implements them in life.

But as for silence, each representative of the stronger sex has his own reason to remain silent. Quite often a man is silent about what he loves. Thus, many of them are afraid that a woman in her mind will take their relationship to a more serious level - and this is scary because it claims his personal space and freedom. Silly ones! After all, women do it this way, and without further ado =) Someone is silent about their interests, someone does not voice their plans, someone will never tell their beloved that a new hairstyle clearly does not suit her. But why do they do this?

  • It's their nature! And you need to come to terms with this. A man will not just babble in order to say something. And this should be appreciated. After all, if he voiced some thought, it means it was carefully thought out and weighed.
  • Most men, no matter how strange it may sound, they just don't know how to express themselves. And here the point is not that they speak poorly or have a beggarly lexicon. Not at all. It's just that somewhere on an unconscious level they are wonderfully aware of the fact that men and women speak different languages. And choosing your words so that it is pleasing to women’s ears is not so easy.

A man can't always find the words

  • Some representatives of the stronger sex are silent only because it is elementary don't know what to answer. For example, women’s favorite questions are whether her dress makes her look fat, whether the color of her lipstick matches the color of her nail polish, or what is best to cook for dinner - such questions simply put almost every second person into a state of stupor. Not only do men not understand this, but, by and large, they also absolutely don’t care about such trifles.
  • One should not discount the possibility that silence may be a signal that indicates that he simply doesn't want to lie. Well, let’s say a question from a woman in the category: “Darling, tell me that my mother is the best?” Of course, it’s easier for him to abstract himself and nod politely than to say something and run into a conflict on a universal scale. And you can hear dozens of such questions from a woman’s lips (a day!).
  • But the last option on the list, but far from being among men’s priorities, is silence as an admission that there's really nothing to say. Having asked a man some insidious question, stating some fact - the absence of a verbal reaction does not mean that he wants to hide something. Here the principle comes into play: “What can I say when everything is already clear?” There is, of course, the opposite idea: “What to say when nothing is clear?”

It is worth noting that if a man is silent, for example, after a quarrel or after sex, a good dinner and other circumstances, it is far from a fact that he is guided by any of the above reasons. But if you really want to understand what he is thinking, you should resort to studying non-verbal means of communication and try to understand what is on their mind by observing body language.

What is body language and how to understand it

IN modern world It’s quite important to pay attention not only (and not so much) to words, but to actions, actions and... And body language! Even when watching some of the easiest-to-consider TV programs, many people pay attention to the gesticulation of the speakers - from this we can draw quite reasonable conclusions. Experienced speakers know how to control their body not only thanks to natural inclinations, but also often resort to the help of professional psychologists. After all, oddly enough, the body can tell much more about a person than the person himself realizes.

Now there are a lot useful literature about nonverbal means of communication. It is studied with pleasure not only by lovers of “everyday psychology”, but also by those who strive to know more about people. And here it’s worth making a reservation: of course, facial expressions and gestures play a vital role in the communication process, but this can also be controlled. Therefore, the task of everyone who is trying to understand the interlocutor in this way is to look as closely as possible at those aspects that are practically beyond control.

As for the body language of lovers, this is a completely separate topic. Especially if we're talking about about men: in the case of them, everything is either too simple and clear, or, on the contrary, so incomprehensible that it becomes impossible to compare theoretical knowledge with practical aspects behavior.

What to pay attention to - how a man presents himself

A person expresses any emotions not only verbally, but also non-verbally. Relationship psychology is obviously one of the most difficult areas of psychology in general. After all, we are not talking about a specific individual and his individual psychological characteristics. The point is that in any relationship it is worth considering the compatibility of certain characterological features. And if there is a need to understand a man’s body language, then a woman simply must know what she should pay attention to, and what will give him away: eyes, hands, face, body (in particular, postures). Therefore, it is worth paying more attention to each of these aspects.

Look - how to understand it...

Here, for example, is a common dialogue between two women:

    Have you seen the way he looks at you?

Women understand very well on an instinctive level that a man’s gaze almost always reflects his attitude towards her. And here no facial additions are needed, since even the look itself is capable of expressing a certain degree of interest.

A look can be clearer than words

And if you remember some children's cartoons in which the male protagonist sees some lady and his eyes jump out of their sockets. Of course, in life everything happens a little differently, but it is quite possible to notice such a reaction.

And in the eyes of a man it is worth taking a closer look at the following points:

  • The way he looks– if a man is really interested in a woman, his pupils clearly dilate (of course, if he is not “under something”). This is a natural reaction that seriously indicates at least sexual arousal. Many men involuntarily open their eyes wide, as if they are trying to take in everything that concerns the woman they like. And if he begins to squint, this may mean that he is listening to what she says and is trying to delve more into her words and thoughts.
  • Where is he looking?– this is a very significant factor. If he only looks into your eyes, this may indicate the seriousness of his intentions. If he often looks away, the man may either be embarrassed or simply afraid that he may be caught in a lie. If a man from time to time breaks away from a woman’s eyes and looks at her (at her chest, arms, legs...) – he experiences sexual desire.

Eyebrows also play a role. So, for example, if a man raises one eyebrow, this may mean skepticism. If he suddenly raises two eyebrows, it could be surprise or interest.

Hands are an indicator of emotions

It is the hands that often give away absolutely all unconscious information, and the gestures of men always reveal their intentions, which are based on emotions. So, for example, if a man:

  • Touches his face- such men can boast that they listen with all sincerity to what a woman is saying. Moreover, they are trying to understand her, her train of thought and understand everything she says.
  • Touches a woman as if by chance- this indicates that the man wants (most often unconsciously) to make his lady understand that he is laying claim to her. Much depends on what specific place is touched. For example, by touching and holding a woman by the elbow, a man can make it clear that he is ready to support her if he touches her hand - this can be interpreted as a question about permission to be near her.

Take a closer look at your man's gestures

  • Corrects something on yourself– this gesture is observed quite often among those men who really want to please. Often these are men who do not have the highest self-esteem and they are constantly worried that something is wrong - that’s why they try to fix everything, from their hair to almost their shoelaces.
  • If a man actively gestures with his hands- you can almost be sure that this man is trying his best to produce good impression. Moreover, he is already emotionally captured and involuntarily tries to express all his emotions and achieve the same emotions from the woman.

What will the face say?

Everything you need to know about a person is written on his face. If a man often experiences certain emotions, he will have characteristic facial wrinkles. Experienced women expression lines can even determine greedy men, vulnerable and impressionable.

In addition to a glance, a man’s face can express dozens of emotions that can only be understood if there is theoretical knowledge or rich experience of communicating with the opposite sex. Even a smile, in fact, can be very deceptive. Therefore, you should pay special attention to your face and you need to do this in a comprehensive manner.

Facial expressions can tell a lot

The psychologist's secret: the degree of sincerity of a smile can be determined using one little popular, but very interesting and effective way. Let’s say when a man smiles, you should concentrate your attention separately on his smile and separately on his gaze. If the emotions expressed by the eyes and smile coincide, then everything is fine. If they enter into a certain dissonance, it’s worth thinking about it.

In the case of the face, you should be especially careful, since the most serious emotions are expressed literally in a split second.

Body position

Obviously, when communicating with a woman, a man physically cannot for a long time be in the same position. And the position of the body can say a lot:

  • if he stands on two legs and maintains an even posture- this indicates his self-confidence;
  • If leans on one leg– perhaps he doubts something. Some psychologists interpret this pose as a certain femininity;
  • if a man sits with his legs spread wide apart– most likely he seeks to emphasize his sexuality. Moreover, this can be a feigned pose - that is, the man does this in order to specifically focus the woman’s attention on his genitals. Or maybe an unconscious urge that betrays his temperament and genuine sexuality;
  • If sitting cross-legged– may speak of a certain isolation or fear that he will not be perceived as he wishes;

You should panic when a man cannot find a place for himself - he does not know how it is more convenient for him to sit or stand. Either he’s completely smitten, or he’s just kind of uncollected and can’t control his emotions.

What you shouldn’t talk about with a man or what he will remain silent about

Men are not much more complex creatures than women, but as for the peculiarities of their thinking, there are many nuances that it is advisable to take into account. So, in order not to receive awkward silence or a banal lie in response, you should never broach the following topics with a man:

  1. Number of sexual partners. This question will confuse any man. Given modern stereotypes, some men may simply be afraid to understate or exaggerate the real figure. And for some reason, few of them think that honesty is important for women. That's why this topic It's better not to raise it at all.
  2. About previous relationships. A man is frankly annoyed by questions about the past, especially when it concerns previous relationships. Every woman, of course, is interested in knowing something about this. But it is hardly possible to obtain objective answers from representatives of the stronger sex.
  3. About the amount of his income. This is also an awkward topic for men. Moreover, no matter how much they earned, she would not want to voice this figure. Some don’t even let their wives know about their financial matters.
  4. About plans for the future. Often similar topic creates in a man’s mind the fear that he may be deprived of his right to freedom and personal space. Any sane man, no matter how much he wants to start a family and have children sooner or later, will always be frightened by the thought that this needs to be done now. In his imagination there appear terrible pictures, how instead of going out with friends for a beer, he will have to sit at home with his wife, who has recovered from childbirth, and play with a small child. Some people simply prefer “living for today” and simply do not want to let others in on their plans.

Silence is one of the main advantages wise man. As a spiritual practice, silence has existed since ancient times, and in its most extreme form was the lot of hermits and monks.

Silence and Buddhism

Quotes about silence help to better understand the essence of this phenomenon. Ideally, it should not be just physical. Among Buddhist monks, silence of the spirit is primarily practiced, the consequence of which is their physical taciturnity. Long and intense spiritual practices lead them to this state. In Buddhism it is believed that unnecessary conversations take away a large number of internal energy in a person, which could go towards self-development.

For example, here is what the modern sage Osho says about silence:

In the silence of an enlightened Buddha there is no noise and there is no absence of noise. Buddha is silent not because he forces himself to be silent, his calmness is not the fruit of any effort; he is silent simply because there is no need to say or do anything.

In the Buddhist worldview, silence is one of the main virtues. And it does not mean passivity or laziness at all. If there is no need for conversation, it is useful to refrain from unnecessary words, Osho teaches his followers.

Short sayings about silence

Everyone knows famous quote: "Silence is gold". What other ones exist? short phrases, dedicated to the importance of silence?

Listen and be silent. (Lucian)

Silence is a great talent. (F. M. Dostoevsky)

Silence cannot be shouted down. (Rinat Valiullin)

These short phrases succinctly demonstrate the value of silence. Lucian hints discreetly at the value of silence in gaining life experience and training. After all, only if you shut up and allow someone else to speak, does a person have a chance to hear other people’s ideas and feel their meaning.

The Russian classic F. M. Dostoevsky also considers silence to be a considerable talent. R. Valiullin emphasizes that silence speaks more eloquently than any words. And the Japanese folk proverb using a pictorial metaphor, compares silence with beautiful flower.

Words by Baltasar Gracian

The quotation about silence from the Spanish prose writer who wrote:

Silence is the altar of caution.

A silent person will never stupidly blab about an important secret or something that his interlocutor simply should not know. In addition, those who refrain from verbiage are more attentive to the words of their interlocutor and to the phenomena of the surrounding reality. That is why silence is the real “altar” or the basis for careful and prudent behavior.

Is silence always good in speech?

But some quotes about silence show that it is not always a virtue. For example, this is what Francis Bacon said about this phenomenon:

Silence is the virtue of fools.

What can silence say?

Quotes about silence show that sometimes it can be very eloquent. For example, Cicero said this:

Their silence is a loud cry.

Behind external silence there can be hidden a real cry from the soul. It is not difficult to recognize him. He may not say a single word about the most important things for a person. However, this will not make them any less significant to him.

Women's silence

Quotes about women's silence are of particular interest. Everyone knows the desire of the fairer sex for gossip and empty talk. What do the sages say about women's silence?

The ancient Roman comedian Menander speaks about this as follows:

It is not the beauty of every woman that is gold, but intelligence and silence.

For Menander, beauty lies not in external attractiveness, but, above all, in the ability to maintain silence. Even if she has extraordinary beauty, a woman who constantly chats can become a real punishment for those around her, especially for men. Therefore, in order to become attractive, the fair sex should understand the truth of Menander: beauty is created both through appearance and through the nobility of the soul, expressed in silence. There is also a well-known quote about Homer’s silence, which has a similar meaning:

A woman is graced by silence.

Many representatives of the fair sex would do well to listen to the wise thoughts of Homer. After all, it is silence that is so desirable for men who deal with natural talkers and gossips.

The role of silence

Conversation always breaks the silence - one of the most pleasant phenomena for the human ear. Quotes about silence and silence help to refrain from unnecessary conversations that could disrupt the harmony and peace of silence. For example, this is what it says:

Don't speak unless it changes the silence for the better.

Chinese wisdom teaches: before you say anything, you should think about the appropriateness of your words. If the silence does not improve after what has been said, it is better to abstain from them.

The following quote belongs to the Russian poet of the era of symbolism B. Pasternak:

The best thing I heard was silence.

Paul Claudel, a French poet and playwright, also agrees with the poet:

The only thing more beautiful than music is silence.

Phrases of philosophers

Statuses and quotes about silence help to better understand the meaning of this phenomenon, and the statements of ancient philosophers are especially useful in this regard. For example, Aristotle spoke about silence as follows:

For two years a person learns to speak, and then for the rest of his life to remain silent.

Silence is a special art that is not so easy to learn. This was noticed by Aristotle. Having overcome the temptation to say something unnecessary, a person learns to control himself. And it is not always possible to learn to remain silent quickly - for many people it takes almost their entire life, as the philosopher rightly noted.

The right idea was also noted by another ancient sage, Socrates:

If you were answered with silence, this does not mean that you were not answered.

Sometimes there can be much more meaning in silence than in a flow of speech. And therefore, in every situation, it is necessary to understand what a person’s silence in response means, what words, desires, emotions and feelings really stand behind it.