Do they give a second deferment for studies? Deferment from the army for study How many deferments

  • 04.02.2024

A deferment is a temporary exemption from military service, which can be obtained while studying at a university or college, due to family circumstances or health reasons. As soon as the circumstance that caused the deferment no longer applies, you may be called up to serve in the army.

Liberation is permanent and is usually associated with a serious chronic illness or scientific activity.

2. Who can get a deferment from the army for studies?

Full-time students:

  • in schools and other educational institutions, according to secondary general education programs that have state accreditation;
  • in colleges and other educational institutions, in secondary vocational education programs that have state accreditation;
  • in preparatory groups of universities with state accreditation;
  • in universities, under specialty, bachelor's and master's programs that have state accreditation;
  • in scientific organizations, in postgraduate (adjunct) programs, residency and assistantship-internship programs that have state accreditation.

A deferment from military service for the duration of training can be obtained only once. If you are entering a university after having already taken advantage of a deferment in college, are receiving a second diploma, or have previously been expelled from the university, you will not be able to take advantage of the deferment during your studies.

You can use the deferment again only if you have received a bachelor's degree and entered a master's degree in the same year.

You can extend or restore the deferment if:

  • you took an academic leave, changed your program of study, or transferred to another university or college that also has state accreditation, and the total period of study will increase by no more than a year;
  • you have been reinstated at the same university or college after expulsion not on the initiative of the educational organization, and your period of study will not increase.

You can see the full list of grounds for obtaining a deferment from military service during training in paragraphs “a” - “e” of Part 2 of Article 24 of Federal Law No. 53 of March 28, 1998.

3. Who can get a deferment for family reasons?

You can get a deferment from the army for family reasons if:

  • are constantly caring for a father, mother, wife, sibling, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent who requires constant care, assistance or supervision for health reasons. An opinion on this should be given by the federal medical and social examination institution at your place of residence. You must also be the only family member who is legally obligated to support a relative in need of care, and the relative himself must not be fully supported by the state;
  • you already have a child and your wife is 26 weeks or more pregnant, and your marriage is officially registered;
  • you are the guardian or trustee of a minor sibling and there are no other persons obligated by law to support them;
  • you are a single father;
  • you have two or more children;
  • your child has a disability and is under 3 years old.

If the basis for deferment ceases to apply, for example, your relative no longer needs care, you are subject to conscription on a general basis.

4. Who can get a deferment for health reasons?

Deferment from military service for medical reasons is granted for a period of 6 months to 1 year. It is received by conscripts who, during a medical examination, were assigned Category G - temporarily unfit for military service. The conscript is given a deferment from service for no more than a year

">category G. After the end of the deferment, they must undergo a medical examination again to determine the category of suitability for military service.">category B, they are enlisted in the reserve without undergoing military service - they can be called up only in case of war. Conscripts who received Category D - not fit for military service. A conscript who has received this category is released from service.">fitness category D, cannot serve in the army.

You can see the list of diseases and the corresponding fitness categories in the appendix to the Regulations on military medical examination, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 565 of July 4, 2013.

5. In what other cases can you get a deferment?

You can receive a deferment from military service in connection with your position or participation in elections in the following cases:

  • you entered the service of the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penal system or customs authorities of the Russian Federation immediately after successfully graduating from universities of these bodies or institutions and received a special title - for example, if you studied at the university of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and after that went to serve in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The deferment is provided for the duration of your service in these bodies and institutions, but is not provided if you go to work there;
  • you entered service in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation immediately after successfully graduating from a university and you were awarded a special rank - a deferment is granted for the duration of your service;
  • you are registered as a candidate for directly elected positions or for membership in state authorities (or their chambers) or local government. The deferment is granted until the results of the elections are announced or until the day of your early withdrawal from them;
  • you were elected as a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, a legislative body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a representative body of a municipal entity or the head of a municipal entity and you exercise your powers on an ongoing basis - a deferment is granted while you hold this position.
  • have completed military service in another state;
  • undergoing or have completed alternative civilian service.
  • The following have the right to refuse military service:

    • citizens with an academic degree;
    • sons or siblings of conscripted military personnel who died or died in connection with the performance of their duties; citizens who died or died in connection with the performance of their duties at military training; as well as citizens who died after completing military service or military training due to wounds, trauma, concussion or illness received in connection with the performance of their duties.

    The following citizens are not subject to conscription for military service:

    • those serving sentences in the form of compulsory labor, correctional labor, restriction of freedom, arrest or imprisonment;
    • having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for committing a crime;
    • those under investigation, as well as citizens against whom an investigation is underway or a criminal case against whom has been transferred to court.

    A second deferment from the army is what many citizens of the Russian Federation want to get. After all, with its help, a person will be able to legally postpone military service. And sometimes even avoid such responsibility altogether. But who has the right to a deferment? How to get it? All this will be discussed below. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. And if you carefully study the current legislation, there will be no unpleasant moments with receiving another deferment from conscription.

    About conscripts

    First, a few words about who is drafted into the army. It is important to answer this question. After all, not everyone is taken to serve.

    According to current legislation, adult male citizens are called up for military service. Women can also join the country's armed forces if they wish. But they are not entitled to either a second deferment from the army or the first. Their “call” is a personal desire.

    Conscription age

    When exactly can a person be drafted into the army? In Russia there is a so-called conscription age. At a certain point, a person may be given a deferment from the army. Second, first or third - it doesn’t matter.

    They can be drafted into the army at the age of 18 to 27 inclusive. But, as we have already said, for certain reasons not everyone is called up for military service. And some are allowed to go to serve a little later than the allotted time (but no later than the person turns 27).

    Right to deferment

    Do they give a second deferment from the army? And the first?

    In Russia, it is indeed possible to postpone conscription for military service for some time. And completely according to the law.

    The legislation of the Russian Federation prescribes the possibility of granting an infinite number of deferments from service. The main thing is to have reasons for this. The circumstances under which a second deferment from the army is offered will be discussed below.

    Types of deferments

    It is also worth paying attention to the fact that postponing military service varies. Is a second deferment from the army given? Yes, but first you will have to get your first “exemption” from service.

    Regardless of the number of deferments, the following types should be distinguished:

    • for family reasons;
    • in connection with training;
    • for work.

    In addition, deferments for health reasons can be distinguished. They cause the least amount of problems. Thanks to such postponements of service, some people do not join the army at all. And all this without violating the legal system of the Russian Federation.

    Training and the army

    A deferment from the army for the second time (including the first) is granted if a person decides to take up his education. What exactly are we talking about?

    Typically, you can apply for a deferment if:

    • a person studies at school;
    • the citizen decided to go to technical school;
    • the future conscript goes to study at a university after school;
    • planning to enroll in graduate school or a religious educational institution.

    Accordingly, in all of the above situations, a person has the right to temporary release from the army. But here, too, everything is not as simple as it seems. Especially if a second deferment from the army is required.

    Features of educational exemptions

    Why? What should every modern conscript pay attention to?

    Are you planning to get a second higher education? There is no deferment from the army. Only a person who has decided to get his first education at a university can be exempted (temporarily) from conscription. As soon as he completes his studies and does not continue it, the young man will be called up for service.

    The second exemption from conscription is granted upon admission to graduate school, residency, or master's degree. That is, while continuing the existing education.

    Is a deferment from the army given a second time if a person decides to enter a university after technical school? Unfortunately no. In this case, there is no exemption from conscription. Although, there are exceptions.

    Military department and studies

    What exactly are we talking about? About universities with a military department.

    If a person enters such institutions, he may even be completely exempt from military service. This is quite normal.

    Accordingly, if a citizen wants to enter a university after technical school and receive a second deferment from the army, he will have to submit an application in the prescribed form to an institution with a military department.

    Work and service

    We've sorted out the training. What else should you know about temporary exemption from urgent conscription?

    You can get it by building a career. Today, a deferment from the army (second, first, third, and so on) is offered to all employees of internal affairs bodies, customs, drug control, and the fire service. By working in the listed places, a person will be able to avoid the army.

    But that is not all! Employees of the State Duma, municipal assemblies, deputies (and candidates) are also entitled to exemption from service. As long as a person is busy in the listed areas, he need not worry about conscription.

    Family influence

    The second deferment from the army for studies is granted without much difficulty. But only if a person decides to devote his life to education not after graduating from technical schools.

    As we have already said, a person can receive a temporary exemption from service in the country’s armed forces for family reasons. What is highlighted here?

    The second deferment from the army, like the first (and subsequent ones), is offered when a conscript citizen takes care of a sick relative. For example, a disabled person of group 1 or 2. To do this, the person in need of care should not have other loved ones who could look after him.

    Exemption from the army is provided for guardianship of minor brothers and sisters. The main thing is that they are relatives of the conscript.

    Raising a child without a mother, by a single father, is another reason for a citizen to be temporarily released from service. Both for the first time and subsequent times. A second deferment from the army will be granted upon presentation of appropriate evidence of one's status.

    Pregnancy, children, wives

    The listed situations are not exceptional. Life is multifaceted. It includes many different situations. And family circumstances often force people to postpone certain plans.

    Military service is something from which people can be excused for a time due to family reasons. We have already studied several common phenomena. What else can be considered reasons for temporary exemption from conscription?

    For example, the wife's pregnancy. If the legal spouse is in the later stages of an “interesting situation,” the future conscript father may be given a temporary exemption from conscription.

    In addition, if there is a second child, a deferment from the army is provided until the children reach at least three years of age. Fathers with many children can be completely exempted from conscription for military service. This is a completely normal and common occurrence.

    Breadwinner status

    But as a rule, women often complain that their husbands are drafted into the army both when their spouses are pregnant and when they have small children. What to do if the conscript is the only breadwinner?

    Prepare to see off to the army. The status of the sole breadwinner does not exempt you from military service. Not just once, not several times. But the wives of such people are entitled to some compensation. In particular, if there are small children in the family or the wife’s pregnancy is discovered.

    Health and the army

    Do they give you a second deferment from the army? Yes. You can get an infinite number of deferments throughout your life. The main thing is to have reasons for this.

    Quite often, conscripts face deferments due to health reasons. There are a number of diseases that can be cured. But only at the time of conscription the person is still sick.

    During the medical examination, the conscript is assigned a fitness category. Doctors examine the man's health and then say whether the young man is ready for service or not.

    A second deferment from the army is granted in the presence of certain diseases. Their list should be checked with your doctor. The main thing is that such exemption is granted for a maximum of one year. The person is then examined again and their health is checked. Has the disease gone away? You can apply for a deferment again and again. It is in this case that a citizen often receives exemption before the end of conscription age.

    What is needed

    Now a few words about how the second deferment from the army is granted. Is the second child in the family still small? To obtain exemption from conscription, you will have to prove your rights.

    It is necessary to come to the military registration and enlistment office for a commission with documents confirming certain grounds. For example, the following may be useful:

    • marriage certificates;
    • birth certificates;
    • health certificates;
    • documents confirming relationship with the citizen for whom care is required;
    • an extract indicating the status of a single father.

    Any other evidence will do. But the main thing to remember is that the draft commission does not always act according to the law. And sometimes a second deferment from the army is not granted. There is no need to panic. The citizen will have to prove his rights. For example, through the court.


    Now it is clear whether a second deferment from the army is given in one case or another.

    In reality, getting it can be more difficult than it seems in reality. After all, the draft commission often relies on the ignorance of conscripts. Despite the illegality of their actions, they are still drafted into the army.

    Some people prefer to contact military lawyers. They help to avoid illegal conscription and obtain a second deferment from the army. The legislation allows such a situation. And every person is often able to use it.

    Obtaining a deferment from military service is the goal of a large number of conscripts who have certain plans for life. The reasons can be very different: from a banal desire to avoid military service to the exercise of the right to receive an education. The methods also vary: from illegal, immoral and short-sighted (for example, giving a bribe), to absolutely legitimate ones, which we will consider in detail.

    Who has the opportunity not to join the army?

    Federal Law No. 53 of March 28, 1998 “On Military Duty and Military Service” is the main legislative act regulating the procedure for granting various types of deferments.

    For that, in order not to be called up for military service, you need to be classified in a certain category young people below:

    Citizens who will be recognized limited fit for service in the armed forces. However, at the age of 18, they will receive a document - a military ID. A citizen can only be recognized as partially fit military medical commission, which reflects its decision in the relevant medical documents. To undergo a medical examination, the conscript must have in his hands: a medical card, as well as certificates that reflect information about existing chronic diseases. Such diseases may include: diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, lack of weight, lack of a certain number of teeth. The list of all diseases for which they can be considered limitedly fit is indicated in the “Regulations on military medical examination” (Government Decree No. 123 of February 25, 2003). It would be better if the certificate was obtained not from a private doctor, but from a public clinic.

    Young people, those who chose alternative service . In this case, it is necessary to submit a corresponding application to the military commissariat at the place of registration. It must be written in clear language why this particular type of service was chosen, and provide compelling arguments why service in the armed forces is not suitable for the conscript. Such reasons may be: religious considerations, moral principles of a person. Alternative service can last from 18 to 21 months and can take place far from the young citizen’s permanent place of residence. For this period, he is employed in one of the working specialties under an employment contract. Yes, they pay money for it. But you will have to perform low-paid and far from prestigious work: an orderly in a clinic, various low-skilled specialties at industrial sites. If you have a higher education, you can be employed as a clerk, librarian, etc.

    Young people who served in the armed forces of a foreign state with which the Russian Federation has an international treaty.

    Also, on absolutely legal grounds they may not go to serve brothers and sons of conscripts who died during service or military training. Having an academic degree (candidate and doctor of science) gives its holders the opportunity to be exempt from military service. Not allowed for military service persons in prison , under investigation, with an outstanding criminal record.

    The procedure for obtaining a deferment from the army

    It is very likely that a young citizen, before giving back to his homeland, will want to get an education or start a family. In this case, the provision of a deferment from military service is regulated by the Federal Law “On Military Service”. Article 24 lists categories of conscripts eligible for deferment:

    Young people who have temporary illness . They may be granted a deferment of up to 1 year.

    Faces, caregivers close relatives. Taking into account the fact that the citizen is the only breadwinner in the family.

    Citizens raising children without a mother , or who are guardians or trustees.

    Conscripts who are the head of a family in which, in addition to the existing child, the spouse is in a situation with a term of 26 or more weeks

    Persons of military age who serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations etc.

    Citizens elected to the legislative bodies of the Russian Federation or a subject of the federation, as well as registered as candidates for elective positions, are also granted a deferment from conscription.

    Those wishing to obtain higher education can take advantage of the corresponding deferment. True, this applies only to students studying on a budgetary or commercial full-time basis, at a university with state accreditation . The deferment is provided for up to 5 (in medical universities up to 6) years, for a master's degree - 2 years, for a graduate student - 3 years.

    In case of illness of a conscript, the following documents will be required to grant a deferment How:

    extract from medical record

    doctor's report

    If questions arise during the medical examination, the young man may be sent to a military hospital to undergo a medical examination.

    In case of legal rights on deferment from the army , the young man must provide to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration all documents confirming this right:

    Certificate from educational institution

    Certificate of family composition, if you are dependent on a pregnant wife, two or more children, or disabled relatives

    Conclusion of social protection authorities, in the case of a dependent pregnant spouse, two or more children, disabled relatives.

    How to get a deferment when transferring, going on academic leave, expulsion

    If a conscript student is transferred within an educational institution , or to another university, changing your specialty to another, then a deferment will be provided if the levels of training programs in both specialties match. More detailed information can be found in the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Education". It also takes into account the fact that training should not be extended for more than a year.
    In case of reinstatement of a citizen after expulsion from an educational institution, a deferment can be granted only if the total deferment period has not increased. If the deduction occurred for negative reasons, then a deferment cannot be granted.

    Sometimes the completion of education is delayed for a long time and by the time it is completed, the young man reaches the age of 27, which is the maximum age for conscription. In this case, he is automatically exempt from conscription for military service.

    According to paragraphs. "a" st. 24 Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service", a deferment may be granted in the event of expulsion from an educational institution and subsequent reinstatement only in the case if the expulsion occurred for a valid reason(for example, moving to another city). Unexcused reasons include:

    Violation of the charter of an educational institution or internal regulations;

    Academic failure.

    A deferment can be provided for students of vocational schools, various colleges, lyceums, if they do not have secondary education and they reach conscription age in the last year of study. Here list of grounds for obtaining a deferment in college education:

    • failure to complete secondary education;
    • Full-time training only;
    • age up to 20 years;
    • if the deferment is granted to the conscript for the first time;
    • The educational institution is accredited by the state.

    Providing a secondary deferment from military service

    This type of deferment may be granted if the following grounds are met:

    if the conscript took advantage of the first deferment to obtain secondary education (to complete 11 grades of the school curriculum). Then he has the right to receive a second deferment for admission to a higher educational institution;

    if the conscript used the first deferment to obtain education Bachelor's program . If the young person wishes to pursue a master's program, he may be granted a deferment one more time;

    if a young man is studying in graduate school.

    There are no other grounds for granting a deferment a second time.

    Deferment from military service while studying in a religious institution

    A similar deferment may be provided to young citizens studying full-time secondary or higher education in educational programs for training ministers and religious personnel of religious organizations for the entire duration of their studies. This rule applies if the institution has a license to carry out educational activities.

    Providing a deferment from the army when studying for master's programs

    If a young person is studying for a master's degree, then A deferment may be granted subject to the following conditions:

    full-time education

    If you have not previously been issued a master's or specialist's diploma (Please note that when entering a master's program after studying in a specialty program, a deferment is not granted. However, you will be given a deferment if you decide to continue your studies in graduate school)

    If the conscript student entered the master's program in the same year he graduated from the bachelor's degree. (If you decide to take a break for more than 1 year and then start studying for a master’s degree, you will lose the right to a deferment)

    How to get a deferment while studying in graduate school

    It is possible to obtain this type of deferment subject to the following conditions:

    Continuation of full-time postgraduate studies in educational and scientific institutions that have state accreditation until the defense of the qualifying work. When studying in graduate school, the number of deferments is unlimited.

    In order to correctly formalize a deferment from military service, you must provide the following documents to the military registration and enlistment office:

    Diploma of Higher Education

    Certificate indicating the number of the order for enrollment in graduate school

    A copy of the license of the educational institution where the citizen is studying in graduate school

    What not to do to get a deferment

    Feign illness or any of your “deviations” (for example, mental abnormality, homosexuality, etc.): psychologists at the military registration and enlistment office are able to recognize deception at the first signs of inappropriate behavior.

    Worry about when the deferment will end. During the period of passing exams and defending diplomas, a conscript may receive a summons. You need to know that the call to the military commissariat should take place no earlier than the day the order on completion of training and assignment of a specialty is issued, and not on the day of the last exam, as this may be interpreted by members of the draft commission.

    It is unnecessary to worry and enter into unnecessary disputes with members of the draft commission if the conscript has documents confirming the right to a deferment or exemption from military service, and the specialists of the regional military registration and enlistment office make a diametrically opposite decision on fitness for service. You can appeal their actions to the regional military commissariat or in court. You will probably have to use the services of an experienced lawyer, but it is possible to resort to the help of human rights organizations that work free of charge and rely in their work, including on wide publicity of cases of violation of the rights of conscripts.

    Respond to advertisements on the Internet that promise to give you a deferment for money. Such actions, the purpose of which is to evade military service, are subject to Part 2 of Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which will lead to a fine of up to 200 rubles, or imprisonment for up to 2 years. And also to initiate a criminal case for violation of Art. 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (giving a bribe).

    In Russia, young men who have reached the age of majority, that is, 18 years old, and who have no contraindications for health reasons, confirmed by a medical report, are subject to conscription for military service.

    Many young people, after graduating from school, plan to continue their education in secondary specialized and higher vocational educational institutions; for them, the law provides for a number of privileges in the form of a deferment from service in the Russian army for the entire period of study.

    The legislative framework

    The main law regulating the procedure for conscription, military service and deferment from the army is Federal Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 “On military duty and military service”, as amended.

    The rules for deferment from military conscription for studies are provided for in Article No. 24, paragraph 2 of this law. Changes and amendments are made to the document annually.

    Thus, in the current year 2019, a number of changes to Article 24, paragraph 2 are already in force, which entered into force on January 1, 2017; they provide a number of advantages to full-time students.

    Innovations in legislation 2019

    In 2019, students of secondary specialized educational institutions (secondary educational institutions) will be able to continue their studies full-time until they complete it and receive a diploma. This deferment applies to young men if they have not previously received special education, as well as if the period of study does not exceed the average period of study at a college or technical school according to the state standard or until they reach 20 years of age.

    Previously, students of secondary educational institutions were subject to conscription on the sole basis of reaching the age of 20, regardless of the stage of study, so a student could be called up to serve in the armed forces a few days before graduation.

    Now college and technical school students have a little more privileges, and young people have the opportunity to get a diploma before being drafted.

    Federal legislation exempts certain categories of citizens from the obligation to perform compulsory military service. This list should include:

    1. Men of military age who have pathologies of the blood vessels, heart and central nervous system, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
    2. Citizens who are underweight.
    3. Men who are missing a certain number of teeth in their mouth.
    4. Citizens who, instead of military service, undergo alternative service, the duration of which varies in the range of 18-21 months.
    5. Foreigners who can document the fact of serving in their country.
    6. Relatives of deceased servicemen (death occurred in hot spots or during military training).
    7. Citizens who have a scientific degree, for example, associate professor or doctor.
    8. Persons who have been convicted, are under investigation, or have an outstanding criminal record.

    To whom and in what situations can a deferment be granted?

    The state supports the desire of young people to obtain a specialty after finishing school.

    Thus there is several reasons for granting a deferment from the army in connection with training, which can be used by the following categories of citizens:

    • who have been diagnosed with a curable disease (for no more than one year);
    • being the sole breadwinners in the family and caring for sick relatives;
    • having spouses who are pregnant (pregnancy period from 26 weeks);
    • undergoing training in institutions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, fire safety, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
    • having two or more children; one child with disabilities; raising children without a spouse;
    • who are guardians of their own sisters and brothers who have not reached the age of majority.

    School students

    If a young person is already 18 years old before graduating from school, he is given the opportunity to receive a deferment from conscription until graduation. Students are subject to the next conscription in the autumn conscription campaign, which begins on October 1.

    This provides an additional opportunity for the future recruit to enroll full-time at the university during this time. Thus, a repeated deferment is possible only if one enters a university; a repeated deferment from conscription upon admission to a college or other secondary specialized educational institution, unfortunately, is not provided.

    Future conscripts can legally receive another deferment from the army if the chosen educational institution and form of training comply following requirements:

    1. An educational institution must have state accreditation.
    2. Form of study – full-time or full-time.
    3. If the period for completing the program does not exceed the standard period of study according to the state standard.

    Students of secondary educational institutions (colleges and technical schools)

    Students of secondary educational institutions have the opportunity to receive a deferment from conscription if the young man turns 18 during the period of study; the deferment from 01/01/2017 applies to students until they complete their studies and upon reaching the age of 20. Which also makes it possible for recruits to complete their training and receive a diploma. However, after graduating from secondary school, it is not possible to enter the university with a further deferment, so here students can only get a deferment once.

    Previously, there were more restrictions applied to college students. Thus, deferment until the end of their studies applied to students who entered secondary school after completing 9 grades of school, and young men who entered after 11 grades had the opportunity to receive a deferment only until they reached the age of twenty and, regardless of the course, were subject to conscription.

    Now the situation has improved a little and college students, regardless of the grade at which they entered the educational institution, are given a deferment until they graduate and reach the age of 20.

    University students

    Students of accredited universities have more privileges than secondary school students. The main difference is that a full-time student at an institute or university has the right to a secondary deferment from the army if he took advantage of such conditions for the first time when graduating from school. Young men have the right to military deferment, regardless of their age at the time of granting a second deferment until they complete university and receive a diploma.

    It is worth noting that students of higher educational institutions can count on the following deferment:

    • three years – graduate students;
    • two years – masters;
    • four years – bachelors;
    • five years - specialists.

    Graduate students, interns, residency students

    The greatest number of advantages belong to the young scientific staff of universities. Thus, full-time (full-time) students of graduate school, residency and internship have the right to a repeated deferment from conscription. It does not matter here how many deferments from military conscription were used by the student. Postgraduate students (interns and residency students) receive a deferment, regardless of age and other restrictions, for the entire period of study, including the defense of a dissertation. However, the period for defending a scientific work should not exceed 1 year from the date of completion of studies.

    Thus, graduate students, interns and residency students have the opportunity to be completely exempt from military service by reaching the maximum conscription age - 28 years. Since the right of this category of students to a triple deferment from the army and a multi-year period of study and defense of a dissertation may require about 10 years from the moment the conscript reaches 18 years of age.

    There are a few important aspects, which must be taken into account when using the right to a deferment from the army to study in higher educational institutions and when studying in graduate school.

    So, the period of military deferment extended based on:

    1. Transfer to another educational institution (meeting the requirements of state accreditation) while maintaining full-time education.
    2. Transfer to study in another specialty of the same university or another accredited educational institution.
    3. For a one-time application, provided that the period of study is increased by no more than one year.

    Nuances of the registration procedure

    There are many nuances in providing a deferment from the army for future conscripts planning to continue their studies after school.

    This is how a deferment can be granted:

    1. For graduate students, interns and residency students – maximum number of times in total three until the end of training and defense of the dissertation.
    2. For full-time students of accredited universities - twice(if the student took advantage of the deferment once while still at school, before graduation).
    3. For full-time students of secondary educational institutions – once until the moment of graduation and the young man reaches 20 years of age, if earlier deferments were not applied.
    4. For schoolchildren - once, if the conscript did not take advantage of the opportunity to re-defer when entering a university.

    Postponement is not provided:

    1. Students of non-accredited educational institutions
    2. Students of evening, correspondence and distance learning.
    3. Full-time secondary school students, if they use the initial deferment at school for the period of graduation.
    4. Upon receipt of the 2nd higher education.
    5. Full-time students, if the date of their admission to the master's program is more than one year from the date of receiving a bachelor's degree at the university.
    6. Students of universities and colleges expelled for poor academic performance or for other reasons on the initiative of representatives of the educational institution.

    Registration procedure

    To obtain the right to a deferment from military service for study purposes for a conscript must be provided:

    According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, there are still many grounds for granting exemption from the army, which in turn can arise during the training period of a young person. There are several such reasons:

    1. Health deterioration, so upon repeated medical examination, a young man may be declared unfit for military service.
    2. Birth of children. So, if there are 2 children or if there is one child and the conscript’s wife is pregnant with the second for more than 26 weeks, an exemption from military service is also granted.
    3. Having dependent or sick relatives requiring care, etc.

    Legal advice on the issue of granting exemption from the army is presented in the following video: