Whose will it be next year? Main characteristics

  • 25.09.2019

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Rooster- Sharp, neat, meticulous, organized, self-confident, decisive, conservative, critical, perfectionist, cautionary, zealous, practical, scientific, responsible. May be too zealous and critical, puritanical, selfish, rude, proud, self-confident, speaking empty bravado.

About people born in the year of the Rooster.

Positive character traits: straightforward, loyal to others, hardworking, enterprising, practical and at the same time generous.

Negative character traits: Roosters can be self-centered, overly fanatical, pretentious, self-willed, and sometimes withdraw into themselves.

Most suitable professions and occupations for the Rooster: announcer, businessman, restaurant owner, teacher, surgeon.

Horoscope for people born in the year of the Rooster.

People born in the year of the Rooster are often extremely sensitive to how they look externally and even more so to how they appear in society. They may seem conservative, but engrossed in their dressing, they can spend hours standing in front of the mirror and, without even blinking, they are able to spend huge sums on any accessory for their outfit. However, this does not mean that they do not care about money, they love to compare prices and are willing to spend a lot of time looking for a better deal, in any case, even if the price difference is insignificant, they will still be satisfied with the purchase.

It is practically useless to try to force people born in the year of the Rooster to make a decision by first imposing on them certain conditions. People born this year are able to think clearly, based on logical conclusions, and usually do not accept external pressure.

If they are allowed to work in relative independence, not forced into constant competition to fulfill a plan and the like, they are usually more than capable of achieving any heights in their careers. When these people have time to think quietly and the opportunity to use their imagination, they are more likely to devote it to generating profitable and creative ideas that will benefit the common good.

A negative feature of such people is the inability to perceive various ways solutions to the same problem, and if they are managed by other people, there is always a danger that they will feel trapped. Also, it is very important to remember that when these people achieve some financial independence, they must avoid the temptation to squander their accumulated savings quickly and carelessly - this is another of their weak side, and they need to learn to spend cash with the same pedantic approach that they apply in their work.

Oddly enough, usually love for these people is a different, completely different type of responsibility, a challenge of fate that they have to face face to face. These people are likely to have a lot of love and romance in their lives, as these types of people enjoy courtship and are always the center of attention from the opposite sex. However, those born in the year of the Rooster will be exclusively devoted to their loved ones. And in light of the fact that these people have good taste and love good clothes, socializing and campaigning, they will be able to create a romantic atmosphere and care for their loved ones. In other words, they can both show off their irresistible appearance and amaze their interlocutor with their extraordinary mental acuity.

However, there remains a danger that such a person, not being able to correctly recognize his partner, may be traumatized and disappointed, both in love and in life in general. IN love relationships with the Rooster you should be open and honest, encourage them with praise and share their enthusiasm, of course, if your partner is committed to a long-term relationship.

On the other hand, if existing relationships last too long, many born in the year of the Rooster show a tendency towards freedom, often they lose all interest in their permanent partner, and sooner or later they decide to look for a new relationship. However, if, while in a long-term relationship, their partner constantly maintains the Rooster's interest, then sooner or later his wanderings will stop, and he will realize that he has met exactly the kind of person he does not want to lose.

Celebrities born in the year of the Rooster: Alexander Suvorov, Alexander I, Ivan Konev, Ivan Bagramyan, Vladimir Dal, Vyacheslav Shishkov, Mikhail Prishvin, Ivan Pavlov, Yakov Sverdlov, Alexander Kolchak, Andrei Gromyko, Konstantin Zaslonov, Socrates, Enrico Caruso, Richard Wagner , Richelieu, Eric Clapton, James Fenimore Cooper, Joan Collins, Elton John, Alisher Navoi, Michelle Pfeiffer, Roman Polanski.

When determining which animal the coming year belongs to on the eastern calendar, they try to understand what the next 365 days promise to be like. We suggest you read this article to find out what animal year 2017 is and how to celebrate it New Year in accordance with the preferences of the symbol of the next year.

Host Preferences of the Year

The owner of 2017 according to the eastern calendar will be the Red Fire Rooster. Like all known roosters who live in chicken coops, the zodiac Rooster loves comfort and order in his habitat. Therefore, if you want to earn the sign’s favor, maintain complete order both in your home and in your workplace throughout the year. For this reason, it is better to celebrate the coming year within your own walls, surrounding yourself with relatives and close friends. It is preferable if you think through all the nuances of the holiday in advance. Make plans, buy groceries, think about decorating your home.

Surround ourselves with beauty

Considering that the owner of next year will be a representative of the fire element, it is worth using the colors of flames when decorating the interior. Hang red curtains, lay down an orange tablecloth, add yellow napkins and gilded glasses. Here everything depends only on imagination.

Choosing festive attire

Concerning appearance, then here the Rooster puts aside all his modesty and will be glad if you wear an outfit that will allow you to stand out, because the rooster himself is a very spectacular and bright bird. For female image V New Year's Eve Bright shades of red, red, blue, green and gold are suitable - all colors found in the bird’s plumage. But the Rooster will not find fault with the length and style of the dress, so every fashionista can choose a dress to suit her taste: from a short fitted dress to a spacious and flowy floor-length dress. Of course, let's not forget about.

Note! Jewelry should match the main outfit.

Men also have their own rules. The Rooster, the symbol of 2017 according to the horoscope, will be extremely grateful to those who prefer a business-like and sophisticated formal suit with a classic cut. However, those who are used to celebrating the New Year in cozy jeans should not despair. In this case, you can earn the favor of the bird of the year with a shirt, jumper or T-shirt in shades of the fire element.

Everything in the oven...

Particular attention should be paid to the festive table. In order not to upset the Rooster, it is better to forget about poultry and egg dishes. The most appropriate on festive table there will be canned and fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs, because they are not only healthy, nutritious and, proper preparation, delicious food, but also a treasured treat for the symbol of the year. Vegetables are best used in different forms, that is, not only as side dishes, but also as decorations for other dishes. Note that the Rooster will not express any dissatisfaction if meat or seafood appears on the table. Meat, regardless of whether you choose beef, lamb or pork, is best served not in portions, but whole. Believe me, the Rooster will not appreciate this complexity.

Note! Oddly enough, seafood is one of the favorite treats of the zodiac Rooster, so to his delight, take the trouble to serve at least a small plate of shrimp, mussels or squid. By the way, they are very diverse in preparation.

For those with a sweet tooth to be happy in the coming year, they need to remember the rooster’s love for grains and cereals, so decorate your table with purchased or, better yet, home-baked cookies, cakes, and pastries with added grains. Traditional champagne and wine receive the approval of the owner of the year, but it is better to stay away from anything stronger.

Remember, the Rooster will be the master of the year for a whole 12 months, so take your time and greet him in a befitting manner.

On January 28, 2017, the Fire Monkey will lose ground. To answer the question: whose year is coming, that is, the year of which animal begins in 2017, ─ let’s look into the annals of Japanese and Chinese astrology. All the animals came to Buddha in turn and received gifts ─ guidance for years. He himself decided which animal’s year would be next. The list was opened by the Rat and completed by the Pig. The rooster was tenth. Each animal brings something of its own to the characteristics of the year.

At the beginning of 2017, the Rooster is already pacing importantly, waiting for his turn and ready to replace the departing Monkey. His tail bristles, his eyes sparkle. He wants to see you in red outfits, “Louboutins and amazing pants.” Add spurs to your boots, and the owner of the year is delighted with your image, more bright colors and stones such as topaz or ruby.

60 years ago

The largest planet solar system─ Jupiter. In 12 years, this giant makes its full revolution around our main star. The nomadic peoples of Asia divided this path into equal parts and created a 12-year calendar cycle, which is part of a 60-year one. And since each animal ─ the patron of the year will meet us five times in 60 years, we also designated the color of the year. What's the matter? The Chinese distinguished five elements in nature: fire (red), wood (green or blue), metal (yellow), water (white) and earth (black).

If we ask ourselves whose year is 2017, we will find the answer that it is Tsuchinoto-tori, i.e. Year of the Rooster. Red belonged to this year 60 years ago, last time The Fire Rooster came to Earth in 1957.

What do the people of our country remember about him? First to be launched into orbit artificial satellite Lands, virgin lands are being developed, the people are confidently building communism, promised by 1980.

How to please the owner of the year

When the Sun connects with the Moon in the sign of Aquarius, the stars announce to us the coming of the next astrological year according to the eastern calendar. In 2017, there will be a merger of two luminaries in the ninth degree of Aquarius.

The Year of the Rooster is always an odd-numbered year. And odd-numbered years are considered female. The Rooster is friends with people born in women's years. Calculating which animal year is favorable for the Rooster is quite simple. These are the years following four - the Buffalo and the Snake enter into a friendly alliance with the Rooster, and another group of odd years - the Cat, the Goat, the Boar - opposes them. By analogy, relationships between even years are built. Tiger, Dog, Horse are good for each other, and Monkey, Rat and Dragon get along with each other. Between even and odd years the relationship is neutral.

Luck is not inclined to appear in an untidy house, so spring cleaning with a magical load will not hurt. Stomp and clap, tie bells to your work (or body). After household chores, it’s time to clean up your person. Before the New Year, treat yourself and your loved ones to some new clothes.

The Rooster advises planting beans and eating them. The owner of the year will like it summer rest on South. Make the Peacock your mascot, fall in love with the bitter taste, undergo fluorography. If necessary, you can worship Mars, and prefer 7 among the magic numbers.

The Moon will rule the year in tandem with Mercury, don’t forget to bless them too. For the Moon, take care of your neighbor, and Mercury will like any small things, and even crack some seeds on New Year’s Eve. The rooster respects them too.

If on New Year's Eve you dream of a trip by sea or the sun rising, then the year is expected to be happy. On this night, even a snake, knives or swords will be a good omen in your dreams. Ice in a dream on New Year's Eve speaks of an imminent marriage. It’s good to see snow ─ fortunately, the Moon ─ to glory. Only rain is unfavorable, ─ trouble will fall.

Under the wing of the Fire Rooster

The year promises new inventions and improvements. Deep thinkers and workaholics will be born. Such people are sometimes somewhat eccentric, stand their ground and, usually, are really right.

Self-confident individuals will demonstrate “without hesitation” an original lifestyle. Society will be taken aback. Some will be inclined to be overweight, however, quite moderate. Volume will not spoil it, it will just add charm. A smile, no doubt, will enliven the faces of many Russians, even those who have forgotten that they can do it. You will want to teach others or choose the path of a missionary.

On the path you will find a magnificent sparkling shield, which will come in handy in battle more than once. Ambitions will be satisfied. Reward received. The housewife will feed you grain for your efforts. The Rooster will become widely known in certain circles and people will point fingers at it. Fame and fame will be taken for granted. An impeccable reputation will be created. It is not enough to see, you need to create.

A year of heroes ready for self-sacrifice awaits us. Shakespearean passions will flare up. Not excluded straitjackets. The struggle for an idea, restlessness and lack of self-preservation instinct will appear all the time. Orders to reward those who have distinguished themselves will pour in in droves.

Cockfighting among citizens will be a reality in many in public places. Politicians will not want to leave the squares, stands and TV channels; their crowing will be heard from morning to evening. One should be wary of waywardness and self-will. It was in 1957 that Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was named “man of the year” by the American magazine TIME. Subsequently, Khrushchev was sent into retirement for voluntaristic attempts in politics.

If you're tired of everything, go travel. Amazing, inarticulate adventures await you there, which will not only dispel congestion in your circulatory system and add a blush to your cheeks, but will also cause revolutionary changes in your life. Just remember that revolutions are not always good. Do not lean towards alcohol, drugs and immorality, you can guess what the consequences will be.

The Year of the Rooster is characterized by stupid enterprise, which causes various complications with loved ones. The humiliated and insulted will be taken under wing Fire Rooster.

Don't get stuck in your coop, strive to rise higher!

One of the most important issues For many people, on the eve of the New Year, it is who the coming year represents. Many of us carefully study information about the eastern calendar, try on the descriptions of the zodiac symbols, and look forward to changes for the better every New Year's Eve. What animal is in 2017 and how will it affect ordinary people?

By Chinese calendar starting January 28, 2017, the Fire Rooster will take power into its own hands. What kind of year will this year be, according to astrologers? And why will the Rooster be red? Let's try to figure it out.

As you know, the eastern calendar has 12 symbols and 5 elements. Every year a new animal takes over and the elements change. However, if you dig deeper, you will notice that the elements rule not for one year, but for two. That is, the element of fire rules for two years in a row, then the earth takes over for the same period, followed by water, metal and wood.

The primacy of the elements determines what kind of character one will be endowed with. ruling symbol. So, for example, the Rooster in the element of fire can cause a lot of trouble. The Rooster itself is a restless person, and in combination with fire it can show aggression towards those who do not show it due respect.

Whom does the Fiery Kochet love?

As you know, fire is an element strong people. The rooster is Chinese horoscope, is a symbol of order and diligence. Thus, we can assume that in the new year 2017, when the zodiac sign is the Red Rooster, everything turned out well for people who are purposeful, strong, persistent and easy to change.

The year will be successful for those who are not afraid of changing jobs, for people who want to advance in career ladder, as well as for those who strive to achieve something special in life, despite the criticism of others.

Of course, in order for your goals and desires to come true, you will need to work hard on yourself. The rooster is a hard worker by nature and does not tolerate laziness and bliss. You should also pay attention to your appearance. This year we will also have to work on it. Rooster loves extraordinary people who take care of themselves.

How to celebrate the year 2017

You need to salute the rooster and gain his favor on New Year's Eve. Despite the fact that he will gain full power only on January 28, respect for him must be shown in advance.

First of all, you need to carefully think through your New Year's outfit. As already mentioned, the symbol of the year does not like mediocrity and wants to see enchanting and unusual outfits in his honor. The outfit must include red, gold, orange or yellow. Try to choose an unusual and beautiful outfit, in this case the symbol will definitely give you its favor in the new 2017.

Celebrate 2017 Year of the Rooster according to the Chinese horoscope better at home in the circle of family and friends. The Rooster loves the hearth and family warmth. It is important for him that the whole family is together, like in a “chicken coop.” Gifts this New Year's Eve should be useful and beautiful. These could be interior items, kitchen utensils or Appliances. There is no need to give money on this holiday.

How to behave throughout the year

The Red Rooster is an emotional person and perhaps under his influence it will be difficult for you to restrain your emotions. However, so that your life is not burdened with scandals and conflicts, you need to control yourself; for those who cannot do this, it is very important in the new 2017 to strengthen their nervous system and look for as many positive moments in life as possible.

Sports activities, hardening and frequent trips to nature will be beneficial this year. Yoga is an excellent way to find peace of mind. If you are prone to manifestations negative emotions, this year is the time to engage with this Eastern philosophy.

How will people born under the sign of the Rooster feel?

For people born under this sign, the year promises to be incredibly fruitful and successful in all areas of life. Roosters are very hardworking and consistent. They go step by step towards their goal and always achieve it. It seems to others that sometimes everything is easy and simple for them, but this is not so. Behind the success of people of this sign lies hard daily work. These people just have incredible optimism and strong vital energy, and therefore you will not hear complaints about difficulties from them.

So, taking into account these character traits of people born in the year of the Rooster, we can say with confidence - this is who we will see on horseback in the coming year. Changes in their lives can happen in any area. All wishes will be fulfilled, and your goals will be achieved. If you are one of the people born under this sign, feel free to implement the most incredible ideas in the new year and you will definitely succeed.

World situation in 2017

The characteristics of the Rooster symbol according to the eastern calendar predict many difficulties in the world. A redivision of world domination is possible, with new leaders entering the arena. Time will tell who we will see in this arena, but all people need to take note that they need to be wiser, calmer and kinder. In this case, humanity will be able to avoid global conflicts.

For all zodiac signs, this year will be associated with hard work and a rigid rhythm of life. Only those who work hard and diligently will achieve success.

The year will be especially favorable for the zodiac signs Taurus - Rooster, Cancer - Rooster, Leo - Rooster and Sagittarius - Rooster.

However, other zodiac signs will also have good luck when they show hard work. This also applies to world powers. If the leaders of countries find peace and begin to work hard for the benefit of the people, their countries will definitely gain stability and prosperity.

Who will the Rooster choose as his favorite? Maybe you will be one of his favorites? The New Year promises wealth and prosperity only to those who deserve these benefits. You shouldn’t hope that the symbol of the year will give you something for nothing. You need to greet the year 2017 with joy and hope, and spend it with perseverance and work. The characteristics of the symbol according to the eastern calendar indicate that only those who walk will get there. So meet the Rooster cheerfully, and then start working on yourself first.

All inhabitants of our planet are accustomed to the fact that each coming year corresponds to a certain sign of the Eastern calendar. It has long been customary for an admirer of the ruler of the year to present him with all sorts of gifts, and in general, try to please.

Those people who liked the “master” will receive his blessing for whole year. New Year 2017 will be held under the auspices Fire Rooster . This bright bird has difficult character and habits. We will talk about all this below.

Features and characteristics of the Fire Rooster

The rooster is a bird that has a clear voice, bright plumage and exudes cheerfulness. This symbol marks the beginning of something new, because the rooster is one of the first to wake up at dawn and notify people that a new day has arrived.

People born in the year of the Fire Rooster are distinguished by their indestructible willpower. This type of rooster has all the makings of a leader and often uses all these qualities. They make excellent leaders and managers. Nature has endowed such people with a strong, proactive character, thanks to which they do not give up on their plans halfway, but always achieve their goals. Another characteristic characteristic of Roosters is straightforwardness.

They tell a person to his face everything they think about him. Of course, some people don’t like this behavior and stop being friends with the Rooster. That is why representatives of this sign do not have many friends.

Due to the fact that The element of the symbol of 2017 is Fire, they are extremely energetic and purposeful. Their temperament will be the envy of many; it is rare to see a Rooster exhausted or tired. They literally emit waves of energy that are transmitted to those around them.

This sign is valued for hard work, assertiveness and ambition. There is an opinion that such people are not afraid of problems - they are ready to endure and overcome everything.

Roosters are excellent competitors, they are passionate and ready to win at any cost. It is worth noting that the love of victory manifests itself not only in the professional sphere, but also in love! Although in love, representatives of this bird show too much selfishness, which prevents them from building normal long-term relationships.

Color, element and compatibility with other signs of the Rooster

As the ancient Chinese believed, each year has its own animal, which corresponds to a certain color and element. If you turn to Eastern calendar, then it will become clear that 2017 will be the year of the Fire Rooster. From this we can conclude that the favorite color will be Red, and the element, naturally, will be Fire.

The Fire Rooster will become a full-fledged ruler 28 January, and until this moment the Fire Monkey will “see out” his last days on his significant “throne”.

The Rooster is extremely incompatible with such signs as the Tiger, Rat, Rabbit and Horse. But with the Ox, Snake and Dragon, long-term friendships and love relationships are possible.

Horoscope for people born in the year of the Fire Rooster

Most people who were lucky enough to be born during the “reign” of the Fire Rooster are too fixated on their appearance, on the impression they make on others. At first glance, they seem to be quite thrifty, but once you have the opportunity to get to know them better, it becomes clear that Roosters are ready to spend a fortune on their wardrobe.

But this should not be taken as waste. No, people of this sign can spend hours wandering around stores, looking for a product with a better price. They know all the dates of sales held in the city. In any case, no matter how much money they spend, they will still get the maximum pleasure from the purchase.

Roosters never follow the lead of a friend or loved one. It’s rare that someone can make him “dance” to his tune. These self-sufficient individuals decide for themselves which side to take and with whom to make friends. Fire Roosters are distinguished by an extremely sharp mind, which helps them build logical conclusions without external pressure.

If the Rooster is left alone and given the right to decide for himself what to do and in what direction to move, they very often achieve heights in life and career. Such people need time to think about everything and build a plan of action. Having received what he wants, the Fire Rooster is able to produce great amount useful ideas that will be useful not only to him, but also to society.

But there is also the other side of character Petukhov. Under the influence of others, they get lost, begin to worry and lose clarity of thinking. Many problems throw Roosters into a stupor - they can even withdraw into themselves. Representatives of this sign have another unpleasant trait - irrepressible wastefulness, which can worsen in cases where a certain financial height is reached. Therefore, it is necessary to pull them in time and control them. Roosters should be reminded that they need to be pedantic not only in their work, but also when planning their personal budget.

It just so happens that Roosters perceive love as a kind of test that must be passed. They believe that only real feelings are able to overcome all the tricks of fate, grow stronger and develop into strong point. If these people are not confident in their partner, they will easily let him go. There are always enough Roosters in life romance novels and passions, but they rarely show their emotions and love to their significant other.

Most often, the opposite happens - they are loved and admired. However, Roosters are distinguished by their devotion and romanticism. With them you will never feel the ordinariness of gray everyday life, because a developed imagination helps such people arrange sweet and heart-warming surprises. In other words, those born under this star can both stun and conquer with their behavior!

However, there is a danger that the wrong choice of a partner can completely disappoint the Rooster and deprive him of the ability to love. Then such people often become inveterate bachelors. There is no need to lie and prevaricate in relationships, because a bright bird will not tolerate a lying person around it. If the chosen one is honest with the Rooster, he will soon realize that he has found his soul mate.

What to expect in 2017

In 2017, the Rooster will begin to treat all people on Earth favorably, so many pleasant things can happen in the coming year:

  • In career- some people will receive a long-awaited promotion, which they have dreamed of for so long and for which they worked hard.
  • In health- you will have to think about your lifestyle and if there are any flaws, you will have to say goodbye to them. After all, health is a happy life.
  • Married— the year of the Fire Rooster will please all newlyweds with stability and prosperity, so everyone who wants to create a strong marriage should definitely get married this year.


Roosters should be wary of letting people near them who can manipulate them. Also, don't get too carried away alcoholic drinks. It is better to spend time on your health, especially if you have had problems with it. Excessive emotionality, selfishness and permissiveness very often prevent Roosters from living happily. In this case, it is recommended to maintain constant control over yourself, monitor your speech, and stop yourself in time.

Adhering to all these simple rules, the Roosters will spend 2017 with joy in their hearts, will exude goodness and good mood. And if it’s good for the Roosters, then it’s good for everyone around them.