Immersion in water in a dream according to Wallace's dream book. Dive into the water in a dream: interpretation of night vision in a dream book

  • 14.10.2019

In esotericism, it is considered a favorable sign to have a dream in which the sleeper dives into the water. As a rule, a dream with such a plot is seen by extraordinary individuals who have their own view of the world. The process of immersion itself symbolizes the search for solutions to the problem. In reality, the dreamer will be able to successfully overcome all obstacles in his path if the immersion in a dream was successful. A negative interpretation takes place if you had to dive into dirty muddy water.

General interpretation of the dream

If the dreamer plunged into a deep pond with scuba gear, then in reality he will have to make an interesting discovery. A person will go on a journey and learn a lot of useful information about an exotic country. What you see will bring a lot of positive emotions and inspire you to new achievements.

Diving into the hole is a favorable sign. Ice water has a beneficial effect on the human body. If the sleeper is sick, then soon his health will improve. The dream also portends a long-awaited meeting with loved ones. Immersion in water with your head symbolizes changes in a person’s personal life. When interpreting, it is important to take into account the emotions experienced by the sleeper. If he felt euphoria, then in reality a passionate romance awaits him. The feeling of fear in a dream personifies a person's self-doubt. He is afraid to take the first step and confess his feelings.

Watching a person who dives into the water - to meet friends

A lover immersing himself in clear water from a great height dreams of harmony in relations with his chosen one. If a girl who has a boyfriend sees a dream, then she should not doubt his love and devotion. It is likely that the couple will soon legalize their relationship.

Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

Where did the dreamer dive?

Diving into the water in a dream to the bottom is the personification of a person’s courage and confidence. When interpreting, it is necessary to take into account where the sleeper dived. Dream plot options:

  • If you dreamed of diving into a warm sea, then the sleeper will receive a well-deserved reward for his labors. Diving into the water symbolizes the successful completion of affairs. The dreamer has worked very hard in the process of work, so it's time to reap the fruits of his efforts.
  • Immersion in the lake is a subconscious warning. Impulsive actions will lead to bad consequences. The sleeper should be careful in his words and actions, there is a great risk of involuntarily offending a loved one.
  • Dive into a river with a strong current - to a change in life. A dream promises the fulfillment of the dreamer's cherished desires, luck will be on his side. The dream portends the successful completion of a difficult task, in which a lot of time and effort has been invested.
  • Immerse yourself in the cold water of the pool - to implement a long-conceived project. The subconscious tells the dreamer that the time has come for decisive action.

Water condition

Water is a reflection of the dreamer's internal state. Therefore, it is important to remember what she was like in a dream. If the sleeper saw clean water, then he is in harmony with the outside world. Nothing worries him, he is confident in himself and is not afraid of change. People appreciate and love him for his honesty and kindness. There is no malice and hypocrisy in the dreamer, he sincerely enjoys his life and enjoys the little things. Only good things await him in the future.

In Miller's dream book, muddy water portends experiences. An unexpected event will occur in the dreamer's life, which will deprive him of his usual calmness. But do not be upset because of the prediction. You will be able to cope with all negative emotions thanks to the support of loved ones. A dirty pond reflects the sleeper's insecurity, a feeling of discomfort and loss of vitality. A person needs rest, feels tired from the daily routine, it weighs him down. The dream book advises to take a break from work and devote time to rest.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Dream Interpretation Dive

  • Dive - get into a quandary, but if necessary, you should dive deep under the water to "cool" the heat burning in your chest.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Interpretation

In a dream to see Dive

  • A dream in which you dive into clean clear water portends a successful resolution of a complicated case. Dive into dirty or muddy water - to the anxiety associated with an undesirable turn of events. I dreamed about others diving, which means you will be able to establish business relationships with reliable and profitable partners. For lovers, such a dream promises the fulfillment of the most secret desires.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Why dream of diving

  • Diving in clear water - to the successful completion of some difficult task. If the water is cloudy, you will suffer from anxiety, anticipating a change in business.
  • If in a dream you watch others dive in clear water, a journey awaits you with very pleasant fellow travelers.
  • For those who love this dream promises a happy fulfillment of cherished desires.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

In a dream to see Dive

  • preparing to dive is a risky business, a quick temptation.

In a dream to see Dive

  • from a great height - an extraordinary thing will turn out.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

In a dream to see Dive

  • If in a dream you dive into clean clear water, then in reality you will be able to achieve a successful resolution of complicated cases. Dive into dirty or muddy water - anxiety associated with an undesirable turn of events. If you dreamed about how others dive, then you will be able to establish business relationships with reliable and profitable partners. For lovers, such a dream promises the fulfillment of the most frank desires.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Dive

  • Extraordinary solutions, ways to achieve your goal.
  • In clean water - methods are illegal, but not dangerous.
  • Dirty - there can be unpleasant consequences.
  • Choking when diving - success is doubtful, the consequences are tragic.

The site’s dream book, the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: a lunar dream book, a dream book for women, a culinary dream book, a mirror dream book of psychological states, an old English dream book (Zedkiel’s dream book), Vanga’s dream book, a gypsy dream book, a dream book of Tarot symbols, Freud’s dream book, popular dream book of beliefs and will accept (folklore), Aesop's dream book, new family dream book, Jung's dream book, children's dream book, women's dream book, Yellow Emperor's dream book, Wanderer's dream book, Shuvalova's dream book, Azar's dream book, N. Grishina's noble dream book, Tsvetkov's dream book, esoteric dream book, dream book of Health, Italian psychoanalytic dream book of A. Roberti, and others.

Jumping from a tower into the sea or a river in summer is one of the deepest pleasures not only for children, but also for adults. But there are those who are afraid of such fun, considering it a very dangerous and risky undertaking. Why dream of diving into the water, we will find out in proven dream books.

Diving into water in a dream is a symbol of extraordinary deeds and significant changes in life. This may reflect the dreamer's bold, persistent, and fearless nature, who knows what he wants, but does not have a specific plan to achieve the desired result.

In the fate of such a person, much is not determined and is in limbo. But at this stage, he does not strive for stability and comfort, he does not need a warm, familiar place where wages are paid on time. He longs for freedom from everyday routine duties, adherence to the regime of the day and schedule. Such individuals often have an irregular work schedule, are not burdened by a family and always agree to any adventure.

For a person with a stable marital status, diving into cold water in dreams is a sign that he wants to be alone. This does not mean that he wants to part with the second half. It's just that the dreamer needs a moment of silence, peace. The moment when he needs to think, weigh possible solutions on the eve of an important meeting. It's time to organize a short-term business trip away from the household in order to put your thoughts, feelings in order and decide on plans for the future.

The condition and purity of water is very important for a positive value. Water marks flexibility, variability, it can be very insidious and frightening for the sleeper, but it can also contribute to the sleeper's blessed events. A dirty and muddy river is a harbinger of problem situations. Such visions always warn of the danger that lies in wait for a person.

The clear sea, washing the legs with a warm wave, personifies the period of the thaw. Many pleasant changes are waiting for you. For older people, jumping from a tower into such water means finding an ocean of health, a surge of new stunning energy. For those who have suffered from a serious illness, this scenario promises that the disease will let go. You will not be tormented by chronic exacerbations, general malaise and lack of strength. It's time to do what you previously lacked the energy to do.

In Buddhism, water represents the constant flow of the material world. Diving into a transparent source in a dream, you are trying to break your usual daily routine. You are not ready to put up with the current situation. Changes can affect all areas of activity: family, work, personal life, friends, hobbies.

In Christianity, to plunge or dive into the river means to cleanse, restore strength, gain a new faith and hope for the best. To the dreamer, this can promise a new source of inspiration, positive emotions, muses for a masterpiece creation.

Dive into the water - what else to expect from such a dream

  • found themselves in a muddy pond - to envious people among colleagues or dangerous opponents among business competitors;
  • rushed into the pool from the tower - expect an excellent result that you can be proud of for many years to come;
  • slip and fall into a dirty swamp - difficult life circumstances will cancel your current plans, bringing additional costs and losses;
  • trying to see something in a muddy source - being afraid of change in reality, even if they promise good opportunities;
  • prepare for the jump - calculate the options for participating in a risky event. The second time there may not be a chance. Be bolder and more courageous;
  • dive and choke - get into a very difficult situation, a faithful comrade and friend will help you get out of it. If you have no one to rely on, get ready for serious consequences.

Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

Jumping into the water is a symbol of female or male orgasm. Water at the same time personifies the amniotic fluid of the mother, the conception of a child, the fertility of the female body and the fertility of the male.

Diving into a waterfall in a dream is a sign of profuse ejaculation. For a man, such a dream can be a direct allusion to the upcoming act of copulation. For a woman, this reflects her keen desire to have a child conceived by a particular young man. The dreamer experiences some internal instability and excitement, not understanding how her lover will react to this.

A virgin to jump from a tower into a turbulent stream - to experience an irreconcilable desire to part with innocence. You want to know firsthand all the delights of sex, experiment with positions and reveal your preferences. For you, this is a kind of game that promises to bring a lot of fun.

For a lonely lady to save a man who has fallen from a high cliff into the bay - in reality, show a fair amount of activity and seduce the one you have been dreaming about for a long time. Your sexual persistence will amaze and stun a stranger. But it turns out that this object of desire does not correspond to your intimate needs.

For a man to do somersaults into the water and leave a lot of splashes - strive for frequent sexual intercourse. Your hyperactivity and temperament can repel a girl who is looking for stable and unobtrusive contacts. It's time for you to think about the offspring. The child will take up a lot of unspent energy and time.

Gustov Miller

Diving into the water is a symbol that you will be able to successfully cope with the upcoming business. The events that will take place in the coming days will be very unexpected and pleasant. You should be prepared for a move associated with a promotion. It is also likely to receive an offer and take a leading position in a competing company.

Dive sharply into muddy water drains - a sign of your anxiety and doubt about upcoming decisions. Fate can be very treacherous during this period. Seemingly pleasant opportunities can turn into serious problems. To avoid trouble, it is better not to try to make sudden movements now. Engage in current affairs that do not require large financial costs and physical strength.

For an elderly person to jump into troubled waters - worsen their health due to their indiscretion and frivolity. Such a sign will become a warning to those who are going on a long hike or trip. It is better to postpone the trip until better times, when a sudden weather element does not take you by surprise.

Watching others frolic, diving into the lake - to the fulfillment of an old dream. But for this you need to be bolder, more agile and more self-confident. Do not put artificial barriers on the way to what you want.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Dream Interpretation Dive

  • Dive - get into a quandary, but if necessary, you should dive deep under the water to "cool" the heat burning in your chest.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Interpretation

In a dream to see Dive

  • A dream in which you dive into clean clear water portends a successful resolution of a complicated case. Dive into dirty or muddy water - to the anxiety associated with an undesirable turn of events. I dreamed about others diving, which means you will be able to establish business relationships with reliable and profitable partners. For lovers, such a dream promises the fulfillment of the most secret desires.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Why dream of diving

  • Diving in clear water - to the successful completion of some difficult task. If the water is cloudy, you will suffer from anxiety, anticipating a change in business.
  • If in a dream you watch others dive in clear water, a journey awaits you with very pleasant fellow travelers.
  • For those who love this dream promises a happy fulfillment of cherished desires.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

In a dream to see Dive

  • preparing to dive is a risky business, a quick temptation.

In a dream to see Dive

  • from a great height - an extraordinary thing will turn out.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

In a dream to see Dive

  • If in a dream you dive into clean clear water, then in reality you will be able to achieve a successful resolution of complicated cases. Dive into dirty or muddy water - anxiety associated with an undesirable turn of events. If you dreamed about how others dive, then you will be able to establish business relationships with reliable and profitable partners. For lovers, such a dream promises the fulfillment of the most frank desires.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Dive

  • Extraordinary solutions, ways to achieve your goal.
  • In clean water - methods are illegal, but not dangerous.
  • Dirty - there can be unpleasant consequences.
  • Choking when diving - success is doubtful, the consequences are tragic.

The site’s dream book, the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: a lunar dream book, a dream book for women, a culinary dream book, a mirror dream book of psychological states, an old English dream book (Zedkiel’s dream book), Vanga’s dream book, a gypsy dream book, a dream book of Tarot symbols, Freud’s dream book, popular dream book of beliefs and will accept (folklore), Aesop's dream book, new family dream book, Jung's dream book, children's dream book, women's dream book, Yellow Emperor's dream book, Wanderer's dream book, Shuvalova's dream book, Azar's dream book, N. Grishina's noble dream book, Tsvetkov's dream book, esoteric dream book, dream book of Health, Italian psychoanalytic dream book of A. Roberti, and others.

If you suddenly happened to dive into the water in a dream, then in this case you need to remember what kind of water it was. If it was transparent, then this dream portends well-being. If it was dirty and muddy, then most likely this is a clear sign for concern.

What if you dream of diving?

So, why dream of diving into the water? In fact, diving means that in reality a person is in a difficult situation with which he cannot cope on his own. Sometimes such a vision means that in this way he wants to throw off the problems hanging over him, and as if he wants to hide, hide from failures. If in a dream you dive into clear river and warm water, then the dream promises a successful completion of all affairs, a successful resolution of problems. If, having dived under water, a person cannot emerge back, and feels that he is drowning, then the dream warns him against committing rash acts. Also, such a dream predicts further trials on the path of life, which will be quite difficult and difficult to overcome.

Watching in a dream how others dive, then the dream portends that this person will be able to find the right way out of this situation. For young people to see such a dream is a harbinger of a new acquaintance, which will later develop into mutual love.

Often, thanks to similar dreams, the most secret desires of lovers were fulfilled. I dreamed that a person who sees a dream is only going to dive, but something stops him.

This dream says that in fact, he has some kind of risky business, and he doubts the correctness of the decision. Thus, the matter is best left for better times. Although, of course, many people believe that risk is a noble cause, but in this case, if there are any doubts, it would still be better not to risk it. It is worth remembering whether a person dived in a dream or not.

If a woman dreamed about how she dives and swims underwater in a transparent sea, while watching the fish, then such a dream portends her an early pregnancy.

What portends?

If in a dream under water she saw dead fish, then such a dream could be tragic. Because in fact, she plans to have an abortion. Before resorting to such a procedure, it is recommended to think carefully about everything.

If a man sees a dream where, having dived, he experiences satisfaction and pleasure from swimming under water, then the dream tells him that he will receive a profitable offer in business or that his material well-being will noticeably improve.

To see in a dream how others dive, and at the same time the person who sees the dream is overcome by a feeling of anxiety, then in this case someone will ask him for help. Seeing carefree children diving means that soon this person will have a long-awaited trip, it is possible that this will be a long-awaited vacation with the family.

If the water was muddy and dirty, and it was difficult to see anything, then in this case it is necessary to be more careful, prudent. Since such a dream often warns that you need to prepare in advance for possible troubles.

Considering the meanings of dreams, it is also worth paying attention to what the water was like in a dream. If it is clean, transparent, in which pebbles, fish, algae were visible, then this dream predicts a pleasant development of events in reality. Therefore, dreams should be interpreted in conjunction with other meanings.