The holiday of people who save lives is International Doctor's Day. International Doctor's Day When is International Doctor's Day celebrated?

  • 09.08.2023

Happy International Doctor's Day
I congratulate you today
Serve your profession
I sincerely wish.

Let there be strength and patience
To give a severe fight to diseases,
After all, a strong health warrior
Trusted by fate itself.

I wish you good and happiness
So that the family brings you joy,
Give warmth to all patients
I wish you sincerely.

Without doctors we are nowhere:
We go to them when trouble
We trust them with our lives.
We respect their work very much.

We congratulate doctors today.
We wish them good health and happiness.
Let everything be fine in life -
Both at work and in private!

Congratulations on International Doctor's Day. From the bottom of my heart, I wish not only to save people's health, but also to take care of my own, I wish you to work without interference, respect, demand, gratitude from others, personal well-being and happiness, prosperity and love. I wish that even in the most difficult situations there is always a way out and a solution to any problem.

You, just a wonderful doctor,
I wish you much success!
I wish that your treatment is always
Give people relief
Let the patients be grateful
And give more compliments
After all, you can easily heal everyone around,
And any ailment will go away forever!

May this day
Leave you worries.
Health to you!
Yes, less work for you.
See relatives more often
And in business - success.
Always be an optimist
charm, laughter,
The strongest health!
Joy, love!
Good luck, let your dreams be colorful!

honorary medical profession,
In all irreplaceable, curative!
Where would we be without our doctors!
Today everyone is ready to tell you

Thank you for your endless work!
And if we ever could
Enough to thank you
Even so, words may not be enough!

We wish you peace of mind
Live happily, do not cry, do not rush!
We wish you firm hands and keen eyes,
Be happy every hour of God!

Let the family love you, protect you,
Let the world sing about you today!
Good luck, health and warmth,
So that life is beautiful, bright!

Helping patients can be difficult
We wish you strength and patience in growth.
We wish you solutions that have been sought for so long,
And after - the results in the work are significant.

We wish you health, a decent salary,
Accurate diagnoses, calmer duty,
Keep your hand firmly on the pulse of discovery.
Doctors, congratulations today accept.

international day of the doctor
You celebrate, laughing!
And let the work wait
And the burden of worries will go away forever!

We wish to live and not grieve,
Be friends with a funny joke
Have good luck and success
Be the best of all!

International Doctor's Day
I am pleased to congratulate you
Let sadness pass by
And life will leave only the best.

Make everyone happy with your enthusiasm
Be the best of specialists
May success await at work
And at home - the laughter of relatives and friends.

Doctor - a title of honor!
Happy holiday! Let you work
Everyone is friendly, everyone is respectful.
Success follows you.

And let the disease be afraid
To not dare to expand.
Your glorious skills
For people will be salvation.

Appreciates your honorable work
Every. Prizes give
Let more often leadership.
Luck will smile on you.

While everything is bad often remember!
About those who can help us in trouble
But then ... we don't seem to know ...
Is there such a day? Or maybe it's night?
Work hard and often for nothing
But the world is different!
In Russia, a doctor can become old
It is only for the country is completely insignificant!
When to say "Help!"
... do not remember Hippocrates
Russian doctor, excuse me...
He knows how to expel the disease without oaths!

There are professions without which the existence of humanity itself would be practically impossible - at least in modern conditions. One of these specialties is the medical profession. It is to the doctor that we turn in case of malfunctions in our body. Of course, representatives of such an important specialty have a professional holiday. It is called International Doctor's Day and is celebrated annually on the first Monday of October, which falls on the 1st day of 2018.

Holiday information

The English name for the celebration is International Doctor's Day. This holiday, remarkable in all respects, was created on the initiative of two of the most authoritative medical organizations in the world: the humanitarian association "Doctors Without Borders" and the World Health Organization. The purpose of the establishment of the celebration was to develop and promote the solidarity of doctors around the globe. Members of the medical association "Doctors Without Borders" today are making every effort to ensure that their actions correspond to the achievement of the goal set before the holiday. They provide assistance to the sick, regardless of what religion the victims of ailments profess or what nationality they belong to.

Employees of a humanitarian organization become guardian angels for people whose health has been damaged by natural disasters, man-made disasters, armed conflicts, and epidemics. Association "Doctors Without Borders" operates on the territory of different states. Every year, about a thousand medical workers extend a helping hand to people who have received a crushing blow to their health due to unfavorable circumstances. Volunteers are engaged in educational work and the implementation of preventive measures, especially in relation to HIV, AIDS, and cancer.

is a professional holiday, first of all, for the employees of Doctors Without Borders and organizations like this one. Here it is worth mentioning the workers of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent. But in general, all doctors, regardless of where they live and work, can consider the October celebration their own, if only they are doctors at the behest of the soul, by vocation. It should be noted that at present there are fewer and fewer such medical workers. One of the reasons for such an unfavorable situation is the need to pay tuition fees when getting an education at an appropriate higher educational institution, because for many truly talented people, endowed with the talent and sensitivity of a doctor by nature, this is too expensive a pleasure.

There is no fixed date for International Doctor's Day. As mentioned above, the holiday falls on the first Monday in October.

Specialty doctor

The specialty "doctor" has its roots in ancient times. Their doctors existed even in primitive society. In principle, almost every member of the community who had at least a little experience in the field of first aid performed the functions of a physician. Such skills were required to prevent death from injuries sustained by victims during hunting and in everyday life. Our primitive ancestors quickly found contact with Mother Nature: they learned to recognize medicinal plants and even "design" primitive medical instruments. There is historical evidence that Neanderthals sewed up wounds without any problems, tried to fight dental diseases and eliminated abscesses.

In the future, doctors stood out in a separate caste. They began to be treated like magicians - with reverence and awe. Yes, they were associated with a kind of magic, because often the function of a doctor was performed by shamans and healers, who had good powers of observation and powerful intuition. The profession of a doctor has become a vocation, a specialty for those chosen by the Higher Powers.

Hippocrates is considered the most famous healer of antiquity. This ancient physician, who used a scientific approach in his work, is now called the "father of medicine." He worked for the benefit of human health in the IV century. BC. The time of birth of Hippocrates is 460 BC, the place of birth is the island of Kos. The healer practically made a revolution in the minds of people, because thanks to his actions, the stereotype of the connection between diseases and religion that existed for a long time was destroyed - the latter replaced the rational approach. Hippocrates describes many diseases and their symptoms.

A significant contribution to the development of medicine was made by the Greek physician Galen. His name is known to a smaller circle of people, but the merits were very significant. This researcher was engaged in the study of animal and human anatomy and wrote the first textbook in this discipline, which became very popular.

It is impossible not to mention the greatest physician of the East - Avicenna. He was born near Bukhara on August 16, 980, and was not only a healer, but also a philosopher. Peru Avicenna owns hundreds of works in dozens of scientific disciplines. If we talk directly about medicine, then in this area he created the Book of Healings, the Canon of Medical Science, the volumes Medicines, Treatise on the Pulse, Blood Vessels for Bloodletting, etc.

It is also worth saying a few words about a doctor who lived even in a later time - about Michel de Nostrdam. Today we know about him as Nostradamus. This wonderful astrologer and alchemist, it turns out, was also an excellent physician and pharmacist. Michel did a lot to fight the plague that claimed the lives of his family.

Without the above-mentioned and many other outstanding minds, modern medicine would hardly have become what we know it, and even more so would not have been able to accumulate a huge potential that opens up further ways for its progressive development.

What to give a doctor?

This question is also asked by those who have relatives, friends, a loved one with a medical education, and those who feel gratitude to some doctor for the timely assistance provided or for the work done competently, professionally. At the same time, it is best to surprise the doctor on International Doctor's Day - this way you will demonstrate not only your gratitude and love, but sincere, deep respect for a particular person.

You should not go the easy way and give a medical worker a banal box of chocolates, coffee, cognac or champagne. If the honored person is a representative of the fair sex, it is appropriate to present a beautiful bouquet of flowers for the holiday. Very favorably, any doctor will perceive the presentation of a gift that will help him relax and take a break from the hustle and bustle. It can be a miniature fountain or a fireplace, a panel or a picture on the wall. As for the latter, show originality: give the hero of the occasion a canvas by a little-known artist, whose plot is really permeated with inspiration, light and awakens all the best and most beautiful in the soul. Another option: present the doctor with a hand-embroidered picture or a tapestry woven by you.

Medic's Day in 2018, which date will be celebrated in Russia on June 17 on the third Sunday of summer. It is on the third Sunday of June that the professional holiday of physicians has been celebrated since 1980, when it was established at the official level in the USSR.

A doctor and a teacher are the two most important professions for our society, and they thought so even in Ancient Greece, they think so now. People who choose their professional path as a doctor play an important role in the life of every person. Needless to say, but we expect from doctors professionalism, understanding, efficiency, a sufficient level of moral and spiritual purity, and just support. The Hippocratic oath, which is still recited today by doctors, graduating from a higher educational institution, says: "I will spend my life and my art purely, immaculately."

It is clear that in the modern calendar, like many years ago, back in 1980, there was a place for a professional holiday not only for doctors, but for all medical workers. We are talking about June 17, 2018, the third Sunday of summer, when the Day of the Medic or the Day of the Medical Worker is celebrated.

Interesting! On the third Sunday of June, all people who are in one way or another connected with medicine are congratulated. also needs to be emphasized. That May 12 is International Nurse's Day, February 9 is International Dentist's Day, veterinarians have their own professional holiday, which falls on April 25. Midwives celebrate their professional day on May 5th.

About celebrating an event

But this material is about exactly when in 2018, what date in Russia. The exact date of the celebration, and not the number, was established back in the days of the USSR in 1980. Since then, in many countries of the former Soviet Union, the Day of the Medical Worker is still celebrated on the third Sunday of summer, which means that in 2018 this holiday will be celebrated on June 17.

On this day, solemn events are held, which are timed to coincide with such an important event. It must be said that, as a rule, there are no special traditions, but during this period the best in their profession are awarded, festive concerts are held. By the way, in our country, a doctor has two state awards that he can receive for his work - this is the Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation or the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.

Both awards are a recognition of the talent and dedication of a person who gives his life to the hard work of saving people. But for every doctor, and this is absolutely indisputable, the main reward is the health of patients and precisely their gratitude. So, on Medical Day on June 18, do not forget to congratulate those people who are representatives of the medical profession and are not indifferent to you.

It is clear that the most magnificent Day of the Medic is celebrated in our country among colleagues, as well as relatives and friends. Like any solemn event, the holiday is bright and cheerful, in nature or at the festive table.

Interesting! Doctors have their own specific humor, as well as examples. For example, patients with red hair are considered to have a low pain threshold, which means that they require a different dosage of anesthesia and drugs than other people. If a girl is born on New Year's Eve, this will be a good omen for an obstetrician-gynecologist, which ensures good luck for the year ahead. Happy Medic Day.

military doctors

It so happened that on the Day of the Medic in 2018, on what date in Russia this holiday has already been established in this material (06/17/2018), military doctors who worked at the front are remembered. More than seven hundred thousand medical workers without rest and sleep worked in the rear and at the front day and night, saving people's lives in a variety of situations. About 12% of medical workers died during the war years. By the way, this is the highest percentage of losses among a single military unit. So, on the third Sunday of June, be sure to remember these people at the festive table.

Also for modern physicians, an important figure is the father and mother of medicine - the Greek philosopher and physician Hippocrates. It is the oath of this person that all doctors solemnly pronounce when they embark on their difficult, but so important and necessary professional path.

About the date of the Day of the medical worker

It has already been written several times in this material that the official year for setting the date for the celebration of the Day of the Medic was 1980. In fact, this is so, and it was then that the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR signed a decree that the Day of the Medic from now on will be celebrated in the country on the third Sunday summer. After the collapse of the Union in many countries, including Russia and Ukraine, the holiday date has survived to this day. And so it happened that in 2018 Medic's Day is celebrated on June 17th.

On this day, not only doctors are congratulated, and this is extremely important to understand. On this day, you need to congratulate people whose professional activities are somehow connected with the medical field. On this day, traditionally, doctors gather for picnics, sing songs around the fire and have fun. But, of course, not those who had hours of duty even on that day - medical posts are never empty.

Note! It is customary to congratulate your attending physicians or other people who are related to medicine and are important to you on the Friday before the professional holiday. If it was not possible to do this at the end of the week, then you can safely transfer everything to the beginning of the week, Monday, which immediately follows the Sunday Medic's Day.

Do I need to talk about the fact that the profession of a doctor is considered one of the most stressful in the world. After all, the lives and destinies of people are in the hands of doctors. Under any circumstances, a doctor, it is his professional duty, must save sick and dying people, and often at the cost of his own health or even life. By the way, statistics show that families where one or both spouses are doctors break up quite often. To be a doctor is to risk life and health, not sparing your time and effort to save people's lives, not for every person such a burden will be feasible.

So, Medic's Day in 2018, what date is June 17 in Russia, on this day it is necessary to send greeting cards or just text messages to relatives, friends or just acquaintances who are somehow connected with medical activities by their profession. Physicians who went through the heat of the war years deserve special attention. At the festive table, doctors always remember these people and what contribution they made to the great cause of victory. In honor of the holiday, you can cook.

Once again about the importance of the profession

So, congratulations to everyone involved in medicine on the third Sunday of summer, June 17, 2018, on Medic's Day. When specific congratulations are chosen, you should always remember how important and difficult this profession is. On the other hand, it is difficult and impossible to live without medical care in modern society. At the moment of mortal danger, people forget about everything and only think about how to call an ambulance.

I must say that the modern Medic's Day has long gone beyond just a professional holiday. On this day, tribute, honor and respect are paid to people who, to the detriment of their health and often even personal happiness, help ordinary people.

Two honorary titles, which have already been mentioned in this material, can be awarded to doctors at the end of each year. Both titles are of national importance and can be given to those who have served in the country's medicine for at least 20 years and made a significant contribution to the development of medicine and healthcare in Russia as a whole. We remind you that in 2018 the Day of the Medical Worker in our country, as well as in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, is celebrated on June 17. Every year the date is different, you need to focus on the third Sunday of summer.

The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates argued that three of the professions on earth are given by God: a judge, a teacher and a doctor. According to the sage, these people receive their gift from above. at all times in any society was on a special account - as the most honorable and respected. A huge responsibility has been placed on the shoulders of doctors, because a human life can be the price of their mistake.

The international established by the UN WHO is just a fraction of gratitude to the representatives of this humane and noble profession. The holiday is celebrated annually on the first Monday in October.

The meaning of the holiday

International is undoubtedly of global importance, because it is celebrated by all the people of the world, regardless of nationality, citizenship, religious beliefs. In some states, it is carried out on a grand scale, celebrating this date with solemn ceremonies and awarding outstanding representatives of the profession, in others the Doctor's Day is still very modestly celebrated.

The number of countries where the holiday acquires a truly national significance is increasing year by year. Any unite all people, erase the boundaries of cultural differences and give positive emotions, and Doctor's Day is no exception, because only this profession has neither citizenship nor nationality when it comes to saving human lives.

Unity of all doctors of the world

But it is not so much the International Day of the Doctor, but professional duty and a deep sense of responsibility for the health and lives of people that unite medical workers all over the Earth. The profession of a doctor knows neither ethnic strife. In the difficult days of trials that fall to the lot of mankind, doctors from all over the world join their efforts to provide assistance to victims of catastrophes, epidemics, natural disasters, and armed conflicts.

An example of this is the international non-governmental organization Doctors Without Borders, founded in 1971, which annually sends thousands of volunteer doctors to the planets. In addition, the volunteers of the organization carry out educational and preventive activities to combat AIDS and drug addiction. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of their activities. On International Doctor's Day, they are the first among those who deserve the most sincere gratitude and bow to the ground.

Day of medical workers in our country

In our country, Medic's Day, a professional holiday for Russian healthcare workers, is more popular. On this day, according to the already established tradition, the results of the competition "The Best Doctor of the Year" are summed up in medical institutions, solemn and entertaining events are held. But Russia adequately meets the International Doctor's Day. 2013, for example, was marked by the presentation of the Vocation Award in several categories. Medical workers received well-deserved awards for the highest professionalism, selfless work and devotion to medical duty. On this holiday, we must thank those doctors who are nearby for their work and invaluable help, empathy, participation and kind heart.

A doctor is one of the two most unusual professions. The second is a teacher. Both of them play an important role in our life. The mistake of each of them can be fatal for the body or spirit. Therefore, we expect from representatives of these professions not only professionalism, but also a special level of morality and spiritual purity.

“I will conduct my life and my art purely and blamelessly,” the Hippocratic oath sounds, sealing the official document on medical education with the seal of conscience. Of course, there was a place in the calendar to express gratitude and gratitude to the doctors.
Doctor's Day is not the only holiday date for doctors. Almost every medical specialty has its own professional holiday.

So, May 12 is International Nurses Day.
February 9 is International Dentist Day.
On April 25, veterinarians celebrate their professional day.
May 5 - Day of the midwife.

And there is also the Day of the cardiologist, psychologist, otolaryngologist and so on.

There are no common traditions in celebrating the Day of the Medical Worker. As a rule, solemn meetings, awards, holiday concerts are timed to coincide with this date. By the way, doctors have two state awards: "Honored Health Worker of the Russian Federation" and "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation".

Both of them are a recognition of the talent and dedication of a person who has devoted his whole life to this difficult task. But still, the most important reward for any real doctor is the health of his patients and their gratitude.

Of course, doctors celebrate this day with colleagues and friends cheerfully and with humor, as it is appropriate to celebrate any holiday. And doctors have an excellent sense of humor, although it seems specific to an uninitiated person. And what are the signs of doctors! For example, all doctors are afraid of red-haired patients, especially anesthesiologists are “superstitious” in this sense.

But there is a completely scientific explanation for this - redheads do not have the same pain threshold as most other people, so they need a different dosage of anesthesia and drugs. But the girl who decided to be born on New Year's Eve is a good sign for obstetricians and gynecologists, promising good luck for the whole year.

Separately, I would like to recall the doctors who worked at the front. More than 700 thousand medical workers without fear and rest, day and night, on the front line and in the rear, saved millions of people in the most extreme situations. More than 12% of them died. And these losses are the highest among each individual military unit. Let's not forget to remember these people, sitting at the festive table on the third Sunday of June.

It is impossible to ignore on this day the father of medicine - the Greek philosopher, physician and reformer Hippocrates. He owns the famous oath that all doctors take when embarking on a professional path. “I direct the regimen of the sick for their benefit, according to my strength and my understanding, refraining from causing any harm and injustice.

I will not give to anyone the lethal agent asked of me, nor show the way for such a design; in the same way, I will not give any woman an abortion pessary ”- of course, the modern oath of doctors is somewhat different from this original text, but the principle of high morality and responsibility inherent in it remains unchanged to this day.

And finally, a small and, at first glance, not at all medical advice from Hippocrates the philosopher: “Idleness and doing nothing entail depravity and ill health - on the contrary, the aspiration of the mind to something brings cheerfulness, eternally directed towards strengthening life.”
May our mind be directed every moment of life towards good and lofty goals!