Scenario for the New Year's sports festival - "What will we take for the New Year." Party at a workout: how fitness clubs turn sports into an attraction And now - about gifts

  • 04.10.2023

Holding a holiday in a fitness club is quite an unusual event for many clients. Let's figure out how to organize an unforgettable holiday and not go into the red in terms of expenses.

The first thing you need to start with is defining your main goal! As for me, the main goal is to attract new customers, collect cash and loyalty of old customers (all in order of importance). Let's take a closer look at attracting clients. Many clubs have serious problems with this point. Managers often hold holidays for existing clients and give a good discount. Of course, people buy, but they would have extended it anyway), why cut the branch you’re sitting on?! It seems to me that it is more interesting and promising to work for new people during such events. So, the important question is where to get new clients?

The answer is obvious! You need to advertise so that everyone knows about your event! Notice I didn't say expensive advertising, I left out that word. Advertising is certainly expensive, but not all of it! And there is always the opportunity to agree on mutual cooperation. Only after you tell the whole city about your event and people generally know about you will the calls begin. As for notifying existing clients, everything is simple and not at all expensive. Personal calls and social media work well. networks, website and SMS. With paid advertising it’s more difficult, you need to choose it wisely, but that’s where new clients will come from!

What do we do next? We decide on the price of club cards. I won’t teach you what discount to give to clients, this is all sorted out individually, based on your capabilities. The only thing I will say is that you need to have the coolest sale on New Year’s Day, not necessarily on all other holidays. BUT be careful, you can’t give an 80% discount and then serve customers who don’t buy extras all year long. services. After we have decided on the price, we move on to the next point.

We calculate the revenue. A very important point that cannot be missed and work as best you can. It is important to display numbers, indicators, the number of cards purchased and the number of renewals. You need to calculate the capacity of the hall. You can't sell to everyone at the cheapest price. There may be an issue with overcrowding and card returns! It's all mathematics, deep analysis of all indicators.

So, prices are ready, expected revenue has been calculated, and advertising sources have been decided. It's time to write a holiday script. What do you want to see at the event? Who will be in the main role? Who your employees will be and what function they perform. The easiest way is to invite a professional host who will host the holiday and write the script. But it is important not just to hold a holiday, it is important to sell your services at this holiday, and so quietly that clients do not understand that this is a sale, but view everything as a game.

In general, I want to tell you the following. Whatever scenario you have in mind: the standard Snow Maiden and Santa Claus, pajama party, rock party, 80s party, etc. It is IMPORTANT that the holiday ends up being zero rubles! You can't spend a lot of money on a celebration. And if necessary, then they must definitely pay off from the holiday. Exactly from the holiday and not from the sale!

As for the employees. Another important point. You don't have to spend the holiday alone. Colleagues, without exception, must be involved. Some decorate the hall, some sell cards, some give master classes, some organize competitions. In general, everything is in order. Otherwise there is no team and no cohesion. After all, such a holiday is your holiday too!

I sincerely wish to wish you a big number and be sure to fulfill it on New Year’s Eve at your fitness club. I will be glad to help you in calculating the price and value, determining all the key indicators and, of course, in the matter of holding the holiday itself. After all, I once managed to hold mega unprofitable events and faced many problems and questions. Only a few years later, through experience, was I able to understand the simple formula for holding an extremely profitable holiday in a fitness club. But how much lost profit... Now I am increasing my momentum and with each new project I am breaking sales records, changing the client segment. Revenue is getting higher, but there are fewer clients)) Paradox!

If you are interested in my offer, write me an email. mail [email protected] with the theme “New Year at the fitness club.”

Location: school assembly hall on New Year's Eve.

Inventory: tape measure, whistle, stopwatch, spirometer, music.

Participants: students in grades 5-6.

Jury: Storyteller, Storyteller, New Year, Old Year, Petya, Healthy Woman, Whistle, Ball, Stopwatch, Rackets, Dumbbells, Skates, Spikes, Cigarette Butt, Datura, Glass, Toxic.

(In the assembly hall with the Storyteller and the Storyteller.)


The seconds are ticking, time is flying, The New Year is rushing to us from the east again.

The heart skips a beat and waits for something. The New Year, perhaps, will bring a miracle.

Adults and children are waiting for him with hope. Among them is a boy, fifth-grader Petya. Petya is looking forward to the holiday with impatience. The holiday coincides with his birthday.


Oh, what joyful days at school! The quarter is over, rest is ahead. In the school hall, the Christmas tree likes its outfit, All its needles shine joyfully. The long-awaited hour is coming - Petya's fifth grade is celebrating the New Year!


As always, Snow Maiden, white Santa Claus... He brought his gifts to everyone in a bag. And at the request, the Christmas tree lit up merrily, and Yaga took off with a broom in a mortar. Competitions, riddles, noisy round dance... Ah! What a wonderful New Year holiday!


Petya didn’t want to leave the tree,

And our Petya decided to extend the miracles,

He hid secretly behind a large curtain.

The school was empty, everything around was quiet,

In the twilight the tree is a miracle.

Petya came out of the hiding place slowly.

Here is a sad boy under the Christmas tree

New Year:

Hello, hello, Petya!

I'm very, very happy.

How good it is in the world

Meet guys like this

Which adventures

And miracles attract

And good aspirations

They live in their souls.

(The Old Year appears from behind the tree.)

Old year:

Oh, it's time for me to retire, the New Year is coming for me. Soon, soon I will change And I will rush into history. I'm a little tired from what I've seen. How many different technologies, all kinds of cybernetics! I watched everything and had fun, I did little sports. Oh, I wish I could turn back time! I would like to observe the regime. Oh! Dear guys! Don't follow me, let others lead your hobbies.

(Music is heard, New Year listens and speaks.)

New Year:

Excuse me, what kind of singing can I hear from the gym?

Old year:

Then Healthy's friends rush to the show.

(Zdoroveyka and his friends appear, walk around the Christmas tree and sing a song to the tune of “Correspondent’s Table.” Lyrics by A. Maltsev.)

Love everything in the world

Adults and children,

Spend your time with us,

It's interesting with us

It's so wonderful with us!

It's more fun in the world to live with us!


Be healthy everyone!

We are always ready

Make your friends happy with their movement.

Wonderful moments

Lots of mood!

This makes my soul brighter!

We are the enemies of disease

More useful than all the potions,

If you are friends with us every day.

We give sweetness to the body,

Muscular joy

We drive away sadness and laziness.


Year after year goes by.

Smooth round dance

Time circles over the planet.

In this round dance

We find friends

Sports will never be forgotten!


Be healthy everyone!

We are always ready

Make your friends happy with their movement.

Wonderful moments

Lots of mood!

This makes my soul brighter!

(They stop and start the performance.)


I'm an athlete Healthy! Movement is my life! I have been an athlete in spirit since birth, my friends are always with me!


I Whistle! Sports whistle. In competitions I am a judge, Fair, objective, My trill will judge everyone. I am the law of sports rules, I urge you to respect them, I will never allow anyone to break them.


I am the Ball, cheerful and perky! I love to jump and fly. In a skillful game I am submissive, ready to play without rest. ABOUT! Games! There are so many of them in the world! And I am the soul of any game. Like a small planet I have been flying above the earth for a long time.


We are two girlfriends, two rackets and a ball, meeting at the net.

Large racket:

I love tennis.

Small racket:

And I respect the desktop one.

Large racket:

The ball plays on my strings. Oh, how beautifully he flies!

Small racket:

A I meet the ball with the rubber and see it off on its way back.


We lie without players, we get bored, and in their hands we come to life.


And we, twin dumbbells, are great in our hands! We are strength, strength and pressure! We conquer weakness and illness. So that your muscles do not become decrepit, do not forget about dumbbells!


I am cold-blooded, impartial! Stopwatch is calling me. I am the master of seconds, and in sports my role is important. From start to finish they strive to stop me as quickly as possible. Oh, how quickly the seconds fly by! Their run cannot be slowed down.

Spikes(sing ditties): We are little sisters, We are track and field athletes. We fly by like birds, finishing squares. Having pushed off, we take off and fly over the pit, and we struggle with earthly gravity.


We are two brothers, two skates, skates with a sharp blade. Pieces of ice are cut

And they shine like lights. We are ice kings, We create miracles on the ice. We will treat you, dear guys, to this miracle.

New year:

I liked you, friends. It’s clear that I can’t live without you. Without you, my days will wither, my weeks will turn sour with melancholy. The vices are waiting for this, They are guarding the prey.

Old year:

Yes, that's for sure, I know where boredom, laziness and vices belong. There is a Cigarette Butt outside the window and a friend with him around the corner, His name is Toxicomashka. His girlfriend is with him - Ryumashka. Datura crawls out of the urn. Ugh! They stink far away.


Yes, it’s better not to meet with them. Or maybe at least once we can compete with them? Let's find out who is stronger among us.

Old year:

Well, we'll arrange it. I always love to get weird.

I will connect darkness with light. Whistle, you are the referee then.

(Addresses Cigarette Butt and his company.)

Hey! How are you there? Come here!

(To the side, quieter.)

I would never see you again! Look at our Christmas tree, Do no harm for at least an hour.

(In appropriate costumes, groaning and puffing, the Vices come out and stand next to Healthy and his friends.)

Old year:

Well, just like on KaVeeNe, like two teams you are on stage. We will hold competitions, Your tasks will be simple. Let's measure your lung capacity...

(Gives Ball a device for measuring the vital capacity of the lungs.)

Come on, Ball, start! (The ball blows into the tube.)

It’s just like you’re in training, make sure you don’t break the device. Now, Cigarette Butt, try it, blow your germs in there.

(The cigarette butt, straining, blows with all his might into the device, falls to the floor, they bring him to life: they spray him with water, etc. The old year examines the device.)

Yes, I see you are a hero. The device is all yellow from nicotine. Now we will test our strength, We are now lifting pounds.

(Points to fake weights.)

Well, dumbbells, your word. Two weights are already ready for you.

(Two dumbbells lift the weights ten times. The whistle blows.)

Enough is enough, everything is clear to us. You are filled with strength perfectly!

(Addresses the Vices.)

And who is from you?

(Looks around at them and nods to Durman.)

Datura, get started! Try and lift the weight.

(Datura tries to lift the weight, but no matter what he does, he fails and falls exhausted.)

Old year (examines the weight): Yes, it would be better if the weight turned yellow, Otherwise, like a devil, it turned blue.

I don’t even know what to give. Perhaps Petya can tell me?


Long, but you can jump from a standing position. That's how I am. Not difficult at all!

Old year:

Thank you, Petya. Fine! You completed the task in no time!

(Spike girls raise their hands.)

The spikes are burning with desire to improve this distance. Well, sisters, your jump. Let's test the strength of your legs. (The Spikes jump further than Petya.)

Well done! The jump is excellent, and the jumpers are cute.

(Addresses the Vices.) Who will show you the jump? I hope he doesn't end up dead. (Ryumashka comes out, swaying, and says in a slurred voice.)


Let me risk my health. I wasn't always like this. Once upon a time cow's milk

Perhaps I drank too. Then I switched to this.

(Shows the bottle. He does a half-squat, swings his arms back, loses his balance, falls, gets up, somehow makes a small jump, goes to his company.)

Old year:

Yes, she worked very hard and was clearly very tired. However, what else can you come up with, So that without falls and without noise. Yeah! There is some nice fun, you will like it.

(Addresses the Vices.)

Hey, gop-company, let's get ready to pull the rope.

(Addresses Zdoroveyka and his friends.)

And who will go from you guys, from the other rope?

(The big man and his friends are conferring.)


I asked my friends, So that I am alone, I have enough strength.

(He takes hold of the rope, the whistle blows, there is a tug-of-war with varying success. The action lasts 3-4 minutes. In the end, Zdoro-veyka wins, his friends congratulate him.)

Old year:

Here's another task...

(Cigarette butt and company shout.)

Vices in chorus:

No! We are no longer able to!

Cigarette butt:

Enough, stop mocking! We won't compete.


Jumping and running hurt me. I would like aerosol air.


I would like some vodka, some wine,

Otherwise, look, jump. It too.


What games? You, in nature, When your gut desires dope.

(Addresses his company.)

We drove in, but not there. It's time for us to get away, bro.


Yes, we won’t get any buzz here. It's time to get the claws out of here.


Of course, you can’t take a sip here, but you can stretch your legs.

Cigarette butt:

Let's go there, my family, Where Healthy can't reach you.

(They walk around the Christmas tree, supporting each other, and sing a song to the tune of “Fried Chicken.” Lyrics by A. Maltsev.)

Fried chicken,

Steamed chicken.

We're not chickens, let me tell you.

We're all serious

The vices are terrible,

And we have half the health.


And I'm Ryumashechka,

And I am Cigarette Butt, I am Datura.

We are always looking for a buzz

Without high we are in trouble.

Smoke, breathe, pour a glass.

Oh, you'll get sick!

Oh, you'll go crazy!

There is no need to scare us with this.

And let us poison ourselves

But let's have fun,

We don't care about health!

(The vices go away.)

Old year:

You see, my friend, New Year,

What I left you.

Last year gave them to me,

And I didn't fix them.

From year to year, from century to century

Vices pass.

O poor, weak man!

They are harassing him.

I wish you, young friend,

Strengthen your healthy spirit.

New Year:

From the very first days I will be friends with Healthy, Support his friends - Sport helps you become stronger, more spiritual, better and smarter! No to vices! - I speak. I'm not on my way with them. They lead the whole world into darkness, The Devil is proud of them.

Old year:

There are a few hours left, and you are replacing me. I see you're ready

You are walking around the country.

All! Get to your places, friends, it's time.

Everyone has their own worries.

Petya's family is waiting at home

To celebrate the New Year.

Let's join hands

And we'll walk around the Christmas tree.

(They walk around the Christmas tree and sing a song to the tune of “Blue Car”, music by V. Shainsky, music by A. Maltsev.)

The horse is an energetic, freedom-loving and kind creature. She loves space, open space. The horse is a lover of crowded places, gambling companies and fun entertainment.

But she also values ​​home, where there is a cozy place to relax, where close people are nearby and there is material abundance.

Considering all this, you need to manage and combine these priorities inherent in choosing such a noble animal as a horse. To do this, it is best to gather your closest people and unite in friendly, pleasant companies.

Choosing a place to celebrate

To celebrate the New Year, it is advisable to choose the most spacious room: hall, living room, dining room.
An excellent choice – spacious halls of cafes, restaurants, discos.

An equally good choice is outside the city, at your spacious dacha or in a rented cottage, where you can light a fire in the fireplace, or simply make a fire in the open air.

You can celebrate the New Year where it’s fun and crowded: on the square near the city Christmas tree. The only condition: avoid too noisy fireworks, and, of course, drunken brawls. Everything should be cultural, beautiful, within the bounds of decency, and everything should bring positive emotions.

We implement scenario ideas

The scenario for the New Year's celebration should be dynamic, and the plot must have a happy ending. Despite the fact that the Blue Horse is a character from the Chinese horoscope, the outline for the script could well be the script of a Russian folk tale.

For example, Sivka the Burka, or the Little Humpbacked Horse, who at the end of the fairy tale turns into a beautiful horse. Ilya Muromets with his mighty horse, or Ruslan, who goes in search of Lyudmila, are also wonderful characters for the script.

Or you can call for help from characters from foreign literature, for example, Don Quixote, the knight errant. Only on New Year's Eve, may he be lucky and strong, and may his Rocinante be an elegant and beautiful horse.

The main plot line is overcoming obstacles, fighting evil forces, freeing good characters.

Competition ideas

Competitions can be of various types, both mobile and table-based.

Table competitions include popular re-covers. The company sitting at the table is divided into 2 groups. One tries to outsing the other, alternately voicing the verses of theme songs. In our case, these will, of course, be songs about horses and horses, from “Three White Horses,” for example, to “Black-Eyed Cossack Woman.” The competition will be very exciting, you can be sure of that.

On New Year's Eve 2014 you can’t do without active competitive competitions. The famous chair marathon, when competitors rush to sit on a chair when the music is interrupted, can easily be adapted to a “horse” theme by giving participants each a children’s toy “horse on a pole.”

Competition Decorate the horse's mane. The presenter invites several participants, each of whom must decorate the mane of his imaginary horse using improvised means. As “manes” you can use loose threads, knitted scarves and scarves, wigs and even long hair of your partners. It all depends on the activity and mood of the company.

Have a good mood and happy holidays!

New Year's Eve at the club, at school, at home

New Year At school– a bright and memorable holiday for all children. The emphasis must be placed on an interesting New Year's scenario. It could be a theatrical performance or a festive carnival. The main thing is to involve students in the action taking place as much as possible. You can organize a competition for the best Christmas tree, made with your own hands from available materials.

If you decide to spend New Year's Eve in club, you need to carefully choose an outfit. In order not to go unnoticed, it is best to choose a bright carnival costume. Undoubtedly, celebrating in a club involves a large crowd of people. Therefore, to create the mood, it is necessary to hold competitions and games with the participation of as many people present as possible. You can arrange a competition for the best couple “Father Frost and Snow Maiden” or divide the guests into several teams that will participate in the New Year’s quiz.

New Year at home– is by no means a reason to get bored watching television programs with a glass of champagne in hand. A mini dance floor in the middle of the room will certainly create a festive mood. And if you have karaoke, then singing New Year’s songs by the whole company will be a wonderful addition to an unforgettable home party.


themed interactive party

“The beginning of the world with fitness club “N”


The idea of ​​the holiday is based on the incredibly popular revelation over the last couple of thousand years about the coming apocalypse and possible ways to overcome it.

Seers, astrologers and other figures urge humanity to live in anticipation of the end of the world. The media keep up with the hype, increasing panic and instilling decadent moods in people. The next social or economic crisis is always stamped with a stamp - “the worst” and “the last in the history of mankind.”

But will the end of the world necessarily be marked by some kind of climatic, cosmic or, in extreme cases, socio-economic cataclysms?

According to fitness club "N", this is not entirely true. First of all, in order not to disappear as a species, humanity needs to get rid of laziness, immense gluttony and deadly habits.

Taking this thesis into account, Club “N” offers party guests a simple and at the same time effective option to escape from Armageddon: sports and a healthy lifestyle! This is the key to the successful salvation of every person during the destruction of our civilization, the society of consumption and absorption.

Preliminary involvement of party participants

Direct mailing of VIP invitations to regular clients of the club. The invitation is designed taking into account the theme of the event: the planet in the form of a fatty hamburger is torn into pieces and the inscription “We will not be here! We will be in a different place...” (“You and I are in a better reality. And the address”, “The fat clan wants to destroy the Earth. Join the ranks of the fighters against the forces of fat!”, “Have you signed up for the “N” club?” ( in this case, a pair of fit, athletic people are also depicted, fully armed, dumbbells to the advantage and other sports paraphernalia).

Entourage and scheme of the holiday

The main leitmotif of the evening, proclaimed by the hosts of the evening: “Fitness center “N” defeats the harbingers of the apocalypse!”

The role of harbingers of the end of the world will be Laziness, Gluttony, Vice (in this case, vice is tobacco, alcohol, drugs). The images of the antipodes should be repulsive, but funny. The actors are only trying to scare the guests with their appearance and actions.

Throughout the entire action, the antipodes of a healthy lifestyle will use all sorts of ways to lead guests astray, seduce them, and try to impose their own rules on them.

However, their insidious plan is doomed to failure. The monsters of vice will be opposed by the forces of Good - close-knit groups of fitness athletes, demonstrating to guests all the delights of a healthy lifestyle.

Staging scheme

Guests will immediately feel the spirit of Life, and, despite the apocalyptic surroundings of the “Bunker” site, will believe in the inevitable victory of humanity over the destructive forces of Evil. Even if it was within the same party, but still a victory!

In the lobby, guests will be greeted by positive characters of popular sports symbols (life-size dolls). For example, Olympic Bear, Cheburashka, White Bear, Leopard, Snowflake and Ray.

These characters will accompany guests to the venue of the holiday. They will take part in a photo shoot against the background of a banner in 3-D format depicting the club logo. Guests will be given special offers from the club (discount cards, booklets about new fitness programs, etc.).

However, their attacks are successfully repelled by the forces of Life (fitness club instructors, gymnasts, dancers), who captivate guests with sports and plastic performances.

After the guests gather in the banquet hall, the evening will be opened by fitness-style hosts. For example: a famous media person (woman) and a young, athletic man. In this way, the hosts of the holiday will not intrusively tell the audience (which includes mostly women) that the path to personal happiness is possible through going to a fitness club.

The concert program includes pre-prepared performances by activists and fitness club trainers. The incendiary numbers of the hosts of the evening will be diluted by invited groups, describing the machinations of vices in action. The neon show will look ominous and at the same time impressive in this context.

The entertainment part of the evening may also include competitions. As a result of which the most active and respected persons of the club will be awarded with memorable prizes and diplomas. Suggested nominations: Miss Copernicus, Mrs. Copernicus, Mister Copernicus, Fitness family, Swimmer of the year, Miss plastic (grace), Dancer of the century, Winner of Armageddon, etc.

The most diligent and attentive guests can take part in fitness quizzes. For correct answers, participants will receive memorable souvenirs from the “N” club.

In the intervals between theatrical performances and sports performances, it is possible to broadcast a corporate film. The plot is based on footage from famous disaster films: tornadoes, collapsing houses, the elements of water and fire, sweeping away everything in their path. The video sequence alternates with images of chewing, frighteningly overfed citizens who are literally torn apart from their own weight.

The entertainment program ends with a life-affirming dance performed by the “Mayan Indians”. The voice behind the scene comments on what is happening approximately as follows: “The prophecy of the Mayan Indians about the winter solstice in 2012 and the subsequent end of the world may not come true. Remember, the fate of humanity depends only on each of us. Survive or perish! Choose for yourself. Life is only possible if we are strong, healthy, determined. Join the ranks of active, beautiful people and fight destructive vices. Fitness club "N" will help you cope with weakness and laziness. Let's defeat Evil together!"

"Mayan Indians" involve guests in a ritual dance that pushes back the date of the apocalypse indefinitely.

Over the past ten years, a healthy lifestyle has become not just a fashion trend, but truly a way of life for millions of people of all ages. A sports party for a birthday, corporate event, or just as a way to get friends together is a great way to relax not only fun, but also usefully.


Of course, fresh air and an area equipped with horizontal bars in a picturesque park are the best option within this theme. Or a country house with a spacious yard, gazebo, and play area. Hang up the garlands, set up a picnic area, put out a trash container - you're done!

Is the weather not conducive to outdoor recreation? A party in a sports club or gym will be no less emotional. You will have to spend a little more time on the design, but there is plenty of space for competitions. Plus all the amenities are at hand, which is important for both children and adults.

And even a sports party organized at home will certainly leave vivid impressions if you pay close attention to the scenario. Yes, it won’t be possible to organize serious competitions in a cramped space, but is it necessary? After all, this is a holiday, not the Olympic Games!

If the meeting will take place in a club or at home, remove everything unnecessary, clear the “field” for games, and decide on the dining area. When there is not too much space, it is better to place the table in another room, and only drinks and light snacks in the entertainment room. Or you can bring in treats after the game portion of the scenario.


Even a children's sports party will resemble school physics classes if you don't decorate the space in any way. But clutter doesn’t fit too well into the theme, stick to the golden mean - enough for a festive atmosphere, but nothing prevents you from running and jumping.

  • skittles, bats, helmets, gloves and any sports equipment. The real one can be laid out on shelves and on the floor, the cardboard fake one can be hung on the walls, small pictures can be assembled into garlands. To decorate some attributes, copy the autographs of champions;
  • photos of athletes in moments of triumph and dynamic, in the game. With humor - instead of real ones, using FS, substitute the faces of friends receiving cups, climbing on a pedestal, fighting off fans;
  • posters with thematic slogans, mottos. Much on this topic can be gleaned from the printed heritage of the USSR;

  • hang a banner in a sports style at the entrance - if it’s a birthday party, then with congratulations, if the occasion is different - “Physical education - hello!”, “Faster, higher, stronger!”, “We are the pulse of the planet, the fire of victory burns in us!” and so on. With the help of FS, you can make a word from pictures - letters inside T-shirts, gates, or held by athletes;
  • cheerleader pom-poms – bright, voluminous decor that doesn’t require any expenses. They are easy to make from corrugated paper or multi-colored bags cut into ribbons;

  • Glue pictures onto the balloons or paint them using a stencil. Buy foil balloons shaped/with a picture to match the theme;
  • In addition to paper “inventory”, sneakers and T-shirts, Olympic rings, club emblems, multi-colored flags, red and yellow “penalty cards” are perfect for garlands. Of course, also paper ones - print or draw;
  • if the themed sports party is dedicated to the girl, use flowers in the decoration. Instead of vases/baskets, bouquets in sneakers, helmets, and cups will look atmospheric. Flowers can be made from paper on which the texture of the playing field, soccer or basketball ball, or shape is printed.

If the “hodgepodge” team is not your thing, stick to one sport, using the appropriate attributes in the design. This option is ideal when the hero of the occasion is an athlete himself or a fan of basketball, football, etc.

Organize a photo zone - a pedestal of boxes (glue 1-2-3 places, hang serpentine and garlands), a poster with a view of the field and a crowd of enthusiastic fans is ideal as a photo. Here you can not only take funny pictures, but also present awards upon completion of the scenario. Accessories for photos: huge cardboard weights, barbells, cups.


If you don’t have time for creative delights, print out a thematic picture and glue it onto a thick base (blanks in the scrapbooking department). Or in FS, put together a bright flyer from a bunch of associative images - modern, on a friendly note.

It’s easy to make an original invitation to a party in a sports style with your own hands:

  • Bend the long rectangle on both sides to make a vest card. Print on the front side of the fans' stand, court or field, text inside;
  • stick the invitation on the label of the water bottle, sign “Start date, time”;

  • fake ticket for a match, personalized invitation to the 30th (age) All-Russian competitions, sports games, Olympics;
  • write the text in the center of the postcard - bat, helmet, sneaker.


The level of the event partly dictates the choice of clothing. If this is a children's sports party at home, you can limit yourself to accessories prepared in advance for guests - neckerchiefs, badges or armbands with team symbols. This option is also suitable for the sports family (team-family) format.

Headbands, etc. are easy to make with your own hands: stencil and acrylic, appliques, print on self-adhesive film. There are many similar MKs on the network that fit into the most modest budget.

Another easy solution for guests is T-shirts of a certain color plus any bottom. The main thing is that clothes do not hinder movement, because the scenario of a sports party involves active competitions. The T-shirt is also easy to “modernize” into a holiday theme using the same stickers/designs.

For a meeting at a club, an elegant suit or a dress in a sporty style is more suitable - comfortable, fashionable and bright. You can wear closed underwear under the dress, and it is advisable to do without heels. A playful look – leg warmers, wristbands, bow braids. Original - a costume for a cheerleader, a judge, a fan, or even a soccer ball!

Menu, serving

It is better to exclude ketchup, mayonnaise, chips, fatty/fried foods and other harmful foods from the menu. Otherwise, at a themed sports party for children and adults, any food is appropriate. Of course, healthy food is a priority - salads from fresh vegetables and fruits, milkshakes, freshly squeezed juices.

Serving: green tablecloth “lawn”, drawings on dishes (you can buy a stylized paper set), pictures on toothpicks for decorating dishes, figurines of athletes, miniature equipment (for example, from kinders and other toys).

Alcohol at a party for adults, regardless of the theme, is rather necessary. Of course, at the discretion of the organizer, but it is better to give preference to light drinks - beer, wine, low-alcohol cocktails. And be sure to supply regular water, it’s more convenient in 0.5 liter bottles.

Desserts are also as usual - muffins, biscuits, cookies, ice cream, fruit. Some sweets can be decorated with icing and mastic - draw a ball, bat, etc.. The forms are very simple, no special skills are required. Print themed cones, skirts, dessert boxes, decorate jars and other transparent containers.


There are a lot of entertainment options in nature, from team races and relay races to overcoming obstacle courses, archery and pneumatic shooting, strength competitions, etc. Dodgeball, basketball and other ball games will not let guests get bored even after the main part of the scenario. The main thing is to prepare the required number of props, and fresh air and a festive mood will do the rest for the presenter!

Coming up with a scenario for an indoor sports party is somewhat more difficult - many competitions are not possible due to limited space. In this case, it is better to focus on the word “party” and simplify the sport to active games.

If you plan to compete, fight for first place, etc., come up with additional nominations so that there are no losers at your holiday. For awards, prepare cups and/or medals - you can buy them, but it’s much cheaper to make them yourself. There is MK online - made from bottles, cardboard and other improvised materials, coated with gold spray paint.

Glue gold cups or stars onto the board to record your earned points, it will look atmospheric. At the start, ask to choose captains, voice the name and your physical education greetings to your opponents, chant or motto. Do a little warm-up - dance of champions (let them fantasize) or do exercises to the tune of a funny children's song.

The sports competitions described below are suitable for parties both at home and outdoors. You can play everyone together, everyone for themselves, or without any competitive moment at all - just fool around.

Relay races (number of “tracks” = number of teams or timed)

  • on a gymnastic ball with ear holders, ride to the finish line, take the flag, jump to the start, pass the props to the next one;

  • overcome the “track”, standing with their backs to each other, clasping their arms bent at the elbows. The next pair from the team starts when the previous one finished;
  • move tennis balls from one basket to another. The ball is on the racket, hold the racket above your head. When you get there, pass the details down the chain;
  • jump in a figure eight in a bag, going around chairs and jumping backwards. Take turns, one after another;

  • also a “queue” - jump with a ball clamped between your legs, stepping only into the rings: cut out of cardboard, brightly colored, scattered on the floor in a “path”.

With humor (a moment of rest)

  • draw or show with gestures everything related to the topic (cards, random selection). Prepare interesting problems - water polo, knockout, penalty kick, etc.

  • traditional team joke - in a general formation with tied legs, hobble to the finish line (check the time if the party is indoors);
  • with your eyes closed, stick a protective shell in a known place (drawing on whatman paper).

Mental stress: quiz with multiple-choice answers in a sports style, make up a word (anything on the topic) from letters on cards before your opponents, puzzles.

Dexterity, coordination

  • walk the path while simultaneously spinning a gymnastics hoop and hitting a ball with a racket (difficult and very funny);
  • “transfer” the sandbags (stand in a chain) to the finish line, throwing them to each other in cups;
  • two triangles opposite each other (the greater the distance, the larger the figures), divided into three sectors - the near and far sectors of 10 points each, the middle 20. Teams/players at their “gates”. The goal is to roll the ball so that it stops in a triangle (one at a time).

Shapes can be drawn on the ground with a stick, on the floor with chalk, or marked on the floor/table with electrical tape. The game continues until one of the teams scores a given number of points (for example, if it’s 5 on 5, then the win is a score of 100 points).


  • cardboard rings for skittles, water bottles, cones(far target – max. number of points);
  • shield with holes of different diameters(the less, the more points per hit);

  • sandbags in baskets of different sizes, standing at different distances from the starting line;
  • hang a weight on a rope/bar with an elastic band, place a pyramid of cans or skittles at the bottom. The goal is to shoot down as many targets as possible by pulling the rubber band to the marked line (to be fair, otherwise they will stand next to each other and shoot into the pyramid from the spot).

For men at a sports party, competitions that require physical effort are appropriate. For example, arrange a mini-tournament in arm wrestling, tug of war, do push-ups, hold dumbbells with outstretched arms (whoever does it longer). Although girls can also take part, competing with each other.

Prizes: for girls - bright leg warmers or headbands, sports-style accessories, for everyone - wristbands or bracelets, themed souvenirs, sports bottles.

Read more competition ideas.