How to cook dough for manti so that it does not tear during cooking and the mats turn out tender and tasty. Cooking manti according to the best classic recipes Recipe dense dough for manti

  • 28.12.2021

Manti is a simple and tasty dish that is prepared quickly and does not require much culinary experience. To please yourself and your loved ones with truly delicious manti, you need to choose only high-quality meat and, of course, prepare the dough correctly. In the article you will find useful tips for preparing the base for manti, and we will also look at several step-by-step instructions.

Manti is a simple, tasty and high-calorie dish that came to us from Central Asia. There are a huge number of them. The usual manti from pork, beef or lamb, manti from other meat, such as goat meat, and even diet potato manti. However, the dough is no less important than the filling. For manti, it should be rough, tight and elastic.

The simplest base for manti can be quickly prepared from what is in the refrigerator. However, there is a huge variety of ways to prepare such a dough - some of them go well with one or another filling, and some are almost universal. Regardless of which one you prefer, these tips will help you create delicious dough:

  • To achieve the best consistency of the dough, it must be thoroughly kneaded. It is best to spend about 20 minutes on this. This is perhaps the most difficult part of preparing the dough - in addition to this, you only have to mix a few simple ingredients and let the dough brew.
  • For more elasticity, choose recipes with eggs. One egg is usually enough for three cups of flour.
  • Adding milk will make the dough especially tender.
  • If you are cooking according to a recipe that uses vegetable oil, it is best to take olive oil instead of sunflower oil. It will add a spicy flavor to the dough, which will even better set off the taste of meat.
  • Turmeric can be added to any test. You need to do this from the very beginning, mixing the seasoning with dry flour, and only then pouring water, otherwise it will not be distributed very evenly over the dough. Turmeric gives almost no taste, but it will give the dough a nice golden hue.
  • Add ketchup to the dough if you want the manti to turn reddish.
  • After cooking, it is extremely important to allow the dough to rest - the time may vary, but in general, it should take about 15 minutes or more, depending on the ingredients chosen. Thanks to this, your base for manti will be elastic and you can give them a beautiful shape.
  • For the basis of most test options, you do not need to take too cold water. Let it stand for a while so that it is at room temperature - this will be ideal. The exception is the recipe for custard dough, which involves the use of boiling water.

Recipe for classic manti dough

This option for manti is used most often. The dough turns out to be similar to dumplings - it melts in your mouth and perfectly sets off the taste of meat and spices. Moreover, this dough can be quickly prepared from the products that you have in the refrigerator. You only need four ingredients:

  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 chicken egg
  • a pinch of salt

How to make dough:

  1. Mix flour and salt in a deep bowl.
  2. Make an indentation in the center. Pour water into it. Break the egg.
  3. Thoroughly mix everything together so that the mass is soft, smooth and uniform. Avoid lumps.
  4. At the end, the dough should easily separate from the bowl. Take it out, roll it into a thin layer.
  5. Wrap the dough in cling film and wait half an hour. Now it remains only to blind the manti.

Recipe for choux pastry for manti

This is another possible base for your dish. Choux pastry is very easy to prepare. It is similar to the classic dough, only with the addition of butter. As a result, the taste is a little different. This dough is well suited for fragrant manti and goes well with any meat filling. Also, this dough is lean and is perfect for potato filling. So you can cook a tasty and low-calorie lean meal. You will need:

  • Two glasses of flour
  • 100 g vegetable oil
  • a teaspoon of salt
  • 500 ml hot water

Choux pastry of four ingredients step by step:

  1. Boil water. Dissolve the salt in it, pour the oil.
  2. Pour half the flour into the water. Start whipping the mixture with a mixer or stir vigorously with a whisk. You need to continue this until the mixture is homogeneous and elastic.
  3. Gradually add all the remaining flour to the dough, stirring constantly. As a result, the dough should turn out quite steep and plastic.
  4. Remove the dough from the bowl, wrap in plastic and leave for half an hour. After that, you can sculpt manti. However, the dough is also suitable for other similar dishes - for example, for khinkali, dumplings or dumplings.

The same dough can be made with the addition of eggs - they will need to be mixed into the mass after you add the first portion of flour. If you decide to do this, keep in mind that the mass must cool slightly before adding the eggs so that the protein does not curdle.

Dough recipe for manti without eggs and butter

The dough can be made simply on the basis of flour and water. This dietary option may be slightly inferior in taste to classic and choux pastry, but it is also suitable for manti. To prepare the simplest dough, you will need:

  • three glasses of flour
  • half a glass of water
  • a pinch of salt

How to make dough with three ingredients:

  1. Sift all the available flour into a tall bowl.
  2. Sprinkle salt and pour water.
  3. Knead the dough until the desired consistency is obtained. The dough needs to be pretty tight and dense.
  4. Let the dough brew for some time under the film, and then start sculpting the manti.

Recipe for dough for manti on a mineral water with sour cream

The dough on mineral water comes out more airy, does not tear during cooking and tolerates freezing well. It can be made in the same way as usual on water - from mineral water, flour and salt. A more interesting recipe will turn out if you add sour cream. Such a dough will turn out soft, tender and elastic. It is suitable for any meat or potato filling. Prepare for this test:

  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 glass of sparkling water
  • 1 egg
  • 100 ml sour cream
  • salt to taste

How to cook dough on mineral water with sour cream:

  1. Break one egg into a deep plate. Add salt and sour cream to it. Mix everything together.
  2. Pour the mineral water into the resulting mass.
  3. Gradually pour in the flour, constantly stirring the dough to avoid lumps.
  4. The dough will be quite sticky. Do not worry - cover the dishes and leave the dough for an hour. When you see that it has become tight and slightly increased in volume, you can start sculpting manti.

Dough recipe for manti in milk

Another way is to knead the dough with milk. Milk, unlike water, will make the dough more saturated. This option is suitable for any filling. To make dough in milk, you will need:

  • Three glasses of flour
  • One glass of milk
  • A pinch of salt

How to prepare dough:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Pour salt and two cups of flour into hot milk. Mix thoroughly.
  3. The mass should be thick, but soft and sticky. Slowly continue to add flour from the third glass and stir until the lump of dough easily separates from the bowl.
  4. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes or 1 hour. Then you can start rolling out the dough and creating manti.

Dough recipe for manti on kefir

Kefir dough is another popular version of the base for manti, which is best suited for lamb filling. The sour taste of such a dough perfectly complements fatty meat and harmoniously combines with seasonings and spices. You need the following products:

  • 3 cups flour
  • half a liter of kefir
  • a teaspoon of soda
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • some salt

How to cook dough for manti on kefir:

  1. Pour the flour into a bowl or bowl.
  2. Add salt, soda and oil.
  3. Pour kefir into the dough - in this recipe it is used instead of water. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Make sure the dough is free of lumps. Cover the finished dough and leave for an hour. Now you can proceed to the next step.

Cooking manti

After preparing the dough, it's time to move on to sculpting manti. To do this, prepare a table covered with parchment, sprinkle a little flour on it so that it sticks to the manti and lay out the dough. It needs to be rolled out with a rolling pin to make the layer thin enough. Then, using a special mold or a regular glass, start cutting out circles from the dough. In between, there will be excess dough that can be rolled out again and used.

Don't make the dough too thick. But, at the same time, you should not roll it too thin either, otherwise it may tear. The ideal thickness is approximately 1-2 mm. When you have cut enough circles from the dough, place the filling in the middle of each circle so that the edges remain free. As a filling, potatoes, pork, beef or lamb mince with onions and seasonings are suitable.

Manti can be shaped in different ways and it is not necessary to achieve the ideal shape. But, if you want to make a beautiful traditional dish, you can use the instructions in the picture.

Manti can be boiled on the stove or cooked in the oven, but it is best to steam them - this will require a double boiler or slow cooker. Manty is cooked for 10-15 minutes. Do not keep them on fire for too long so that the dough does not soften.

Video: How to cook traditional manti?

Do you want to know how to cook dough for manti? If you follow simple rules and tips, choose the right manti dough recipe with a photo, the result will please you. Always start with food preparation: take eggs, milk, kefir, sour cream, butter out of the refrigerator in advance - everything you need for your recipe. Let them lie down to take room temperature. Prepare a workplace and convenient utensils for kneading the dough.

The five most commonly used ingredients in manti dough recipes are:

Whatever the ingredients are, remember that you first mix the wet ones, then add the sifted flour in small portions to them. Stir with a spatula or whisk until the dough is liquid, clockwise. As soon as it starts to thicken, you work with oiled hands, collecting your dough for manti from the edges to the center. A recipe with a photo will explain the process step by step in more detail.

Be sure to knead the dough with your hands for fifteen minutes, no less. It will turn out more tender, pliable and elastic. It will be easier and more pleasant to sculpt manti from this. When finished, wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for half an hour. Then once again knead it for five minutes. Now you can start sculpting. Keep in mind that you need to roll out the dough thinly, no more than 2 mm thick.

The five lowest calorie dough recipes for manti:

Another way to make dough for manti: sift flour on a work surface. Make a hole in it and pour in liquid products (for example, water with an egg diluted in it). The rest of the process is the same.

By the way, the word “manti” in Chinese means something like “head with stuffing”.

To make delicious dough for manti - recipes with photos from will help you.

Recipes for Manti and Khinkali

32-40 pcs.

1 hour 30 minutes

230 kcal

5/5 (1)

Many people love manti, but I'm sure that not everyone cooked this dish on their own - most likely the main reason was the difficulty in preparing the dough. There is an opinion that the dough for manti can only be prepared with a culinary education.

This is an erroneous opinion! Today I want to debunk this myth and offer you several recipes for a delicious manti dough with step-by-step photos and videos at once. Sit down comfortably, we are starting to learn how to cook dough for manti.

Recipe for making dough for manti in Uzbek

Did you know? The classic Uzbek manti dough is considered lean, as it is prepared without eggs and exclusively on water. However, if you wish, no one will stop you from using quick ingredients during its preparation. For example, water can be replaced with milk - products from such a dough are more tender.

kitchen utensils

  • A capacious large dish will be needed for convenient kneading of the dough.
  • Measuring accessories will help with the correct determination of the amount of necessary products.
  • A sieve is necessary for sifting wheat flour.
  • A plastic bag or cling film will come in handy during the preparation of the dough.

Required Ingredients

Video recipe for making the best manti dough

Below is a video, after reading which you will see a step-by-step classic recipe for making manti dough, which is described above.

Recipe for choux pastry for manti

The dough prepared according to the recipe described below is ideal not only for sculpting manti, but also for dumplings, pasties, and dumplings. Its main advantage is that it turns out to be very elastic, which makes it easy to sculpt products of any shape. In addition, manti are more elastic and less sticky during cooking.

  • Cooking time: approximately twelve minutes.
  • Number of manti: from 34 to 40 pieces.

kitchen utensils

  • A blender will greatly facilitate the task of kneading the dough, but you can knead the dough by hand.
  • Measuring accessories are needed to accurately measure the number of required components.
  • Equally important is the presence of a sieve.

Required Ingredients

Step by step dough preparation

Video recipe for choux pastry

Watch the video below and learn how to make custard elastic dough for manti.

Recipe for making dough for manti on a mineral water

I liked this dough recipe because its kneading does not take much free time, and the finished mass is ideal for manti stuffed with meat - the dough does not stick to hands, does not require additional flour during rolling, it adheres well and the meat does not fall out during cooking.

  • Cooking time: approximately forty-five minutes.
  • Number of manti: from 18 to 27 pieces.

kitchen utensils

  • Measuring accessories will help not to make mistakes when measuring the amount of ingredients.
  • Spacious bowl is useful for convenient kneading dough.
  • It is also necessary to prepare a regular fork or whisk for whipping some components.

Required Ingredients

Step by step dough preparation

Video recipe for making dough on mineral water

Do not forget to check out the video below, which shows the complete sequence of steps required to prepare the mineral water dough according to the recipe described above.

Recipe for making dough for manti in a bread machine

  • Cooking time: Approximately 15-20 minutes, depending on the model of the bread machine.
  • Number of manti: from 20 to 23 pieces.

kitchen utensils

  • Without a doubt, you will definitely need a bread maker.
  • It is equally important to prepare measuring accessories for accurately measuring the required amount of food.
  • A sieve is useful for sifting wheat flour.

Required Ingredients

lazy dumplings.
  • Be a little smart and cook. A stunningly delicious masterpiece will not go unnoticed even on the festive table.
  • Please and pleasantly surprise your family with unusually tasty and very appetizing. This delicious dish does not require special culinary skills. Moreover, dumplings in pots will certainly not be lost on the festive table and will amaze all guests with their originality and great aroma.
  • Bon appetit and new culinary victories! If you are preparing dough for manti according to other recipes, tell us about them, we will discuss them together. Share also your own dough recipes! What kind of fillings do you usually use for manti? What ingredients do you make them with? How do you serve such a popular dish on the table? What are your family's favorite pastry dishes? I look forward to any comments and impressions from you, I'm ready for criticism!

    Manty is cooked for a relatively long time, so be prepared to constantly drive away relatives who suddenly come into the kitchen from the double boiler. But it's worth it".


    What do you need:

    4.5 art. flour
    250-300 ml water
    1 egg
    1 tsp salt

    900 g lamb or beef
    200 g fat tail fat (for lack of fat, you can choose more fatty parts of the meat and take it a little more)
    600 g onion
    1 tsp zira with a slide (it is advisable not to use already ground spices)
    1 tsp coriander
    0.5 tsp black pepper (those who like it spicy can use a little more pepper)
    1 tsp salt


    How to cook manti:

    1. For the dough, sift the flour into a large bowl.

    2. Dissolve salt in cold water (you can put it in the refrigerator for a while).

    3. Make a well in the flour, add a raw egg and cold water with salt.

    Photo: site It should be elastic and should not stick to your hands. If necessary, you can add a little flour. Roll the dough into a ball and leave under a towel for 2 hours.

    4. For the filling, the meat should be, armed with a sharp knife and a fair amount of patience, cut into as small as possible, identical cubes. Do the same with the kurdyuk.

    5. Cut the onion into thin small strips. I have a wonderful sharp shredder for this purpose, so if you have something similar, use it. This is a great time saver. Lightly salt the onion and knead well with your hands.

    6. Mix meat, fat with onions and spices, previously ground in a mortar. Mix thoroughly again. Alternatively, you can add some fresh cilantro to the meat. But for starters, you can try without it. I advise you to experiment a second time.

    7. Roll out the dough to a translucent state and cut into circles.

    8. Now you can sculpt: first pinch the middle.

    Photo: site Then unfold the workpiece with the other side and again make two tucks. It remains only to connect the tucks together and carefully clamp.

    9. Time to cook. Many sources suggest lubricating the levels of the mantle or steamer with oil. I'm used to doing the opposite. I pour a small bowl of oil and, taking the manti by the top seam, I simply dip the bottom into the oil. Never stuck.

    10. Manty is prepared for about 45-55 minutes. Much here depends on the thickness of the dough that you have obtained and on the size of the manti themselves.

    11. After 50 minutes, you can open and take a sample. Manti are easy to get. If the manti just rises, just lift it, if not, then you can pick them up with a silicone spatula. Checked - it works. Or slightly shake each level.

    Manti must be served exclusively with the right sauce. The colorful host of the program Lara Katsova shared her favorite recipes with us.


    Manti must be served with sauce. Photo:

    Lara Katsova: “The mother of my close friend from Tbilisi taught me this sauce.”

    What do you need:
    500 g canned tomatoes in their own juice
    2 garlic cloves
    50 g cilantro
    50 dill greens
    1 tbsp hops-suneli
    1 tbsp coriander
    half a chili pepper
    ground red pepper - optional
    1 tsp Sahara
    1 tsp salt

    How to make herb spicy sauce:

    Rub the tomatoes through a sieve, finely chop the garlic. Mix garlic and tomatoes, add salt and sugar, put the mixture on a small fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Add suneli hops, coriander, finely chopped chili pepper and simmer for another 3 minutes. If you want more spiciness, add red ground pepper. Remove from heat, put finely chopped cilantro and dill, close the lid and let cool.


    Lara Katsova: “I understand that I will not discover America, everyone knows about the classic sour cream sauce for khinkali. But my recipe is still different - saturated with herbs and spiciness.

    What do you need:
    1 st. sour cream 20%
    2-3 garlic cloves
    small chili pepper
    enough cilantro and dill

    How to make sour cream sauce:

    Finely chop the garlic and chilli, removing the seeds. Chop greens, mix everything. Salt. The whole point is that there should be a lot of greens, it's more greens with sour cream, and not sour cream with herbs.

    Hello again!! Most recently, I published an article about a very tasty and juicy dish - manti. And if you missed it, be sure to read it. After all, I told you in detail all the secrets of preparing this meat dish: how to make a thin dough, and what is the best filling to choose, as well as how to mold our product and the nuances of cooking so that the dough does not tear and the contents remain intact.

    But today I want to continue this topic and talk about the most important thing - the test for manti. And as you already understood, this is the most important component of an oriental dish, because if the dough is not elastic and soft, then when cooking you risk being left without broth.

    Dough for manti according to the classic recipe so that it does not tear during cooking

    We will start with the recipe that I described in the previous article. But I will repeat again, as this is my favorite way. This dough is considered universal and a lot can be prepared from it, and almost no one has problems with its manufacture.


    • Warm water - 1 tbsp.;
    • Egg - 1 pc.;
    • Salt - 1 tsp;
    • Flour - 2 tbsp.

    Cooking method:

    1. Take a deep bowl. Sift flour through a sieve into it.

    Advice!! Be sure to sift the flour only through a fine sieve to remove lumps and saturate it with oxygen.

    2. Inside we make a small indentation and carefully drive an egg into it and add water, salt.

    The optimum test temperature for manti is up to 40 degrees.

    3. We start kneading the dough from the middle so that the water gradually absorbs more and more flour.

    4. Knead our consistency for 15 minutes. The mass should be homogeneous and steep. Next, wrap everything with cling film or a bag, and leave it alone for an hour.

    If the dough turns out to be watery, then add a little more flour during the kneading process.

    Step-by-step dough recipe in Uzbek

    And this method differs in that the kneading sequence is slightly different. Try this option, for many, thanks to this recipe, it’s much better to cope with the dough.


    • Flour - 500 gr.;
    • Egg - 1 pc.;
    • Salt - 1 tablespoon;
    • Water - 1 tbsp.;
    • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp.

    Cooking method:

    1. In a deep bowl, combine water, egg and salt. Add some vegetable oil.

    2. Now, using a fork, beat the mixture thoroughly until smooth.

    Water can be replaced with low-fat fresh homemade milk.

    3. Gradually introduce the sifted flour into the mass, kneading the dough with your hands for 15 minutes.

    Important!! Under no circumstances should you use a mixer!

    4. Now cover the dough with a bowl and leave it alone.

    How to cook dough for manti in a bread machine

    I want to show you a video plot of making mass for sculpting our pies using a bread machine. I do not have such a kitchen appliance, and I always start the dough by hand, but if you have such an accessory, then use it, it will facilitate the whole process.

    Mineral water dough recipe

    Well, this is a very cool way. We will use mineral water. The advantage of this consistency is that it is easily kneaded and without lumps.

    Be sure to use a new mineral water from an unopened bottle so that all gases are saved.


    • Egg - 2 pcs.;
    • Mineral water - 0.7 l;
    • Milk - 0.3 l;
    • Salt - ½ tsp ;
    • Sifted flour - 3-4 tbsp.

    Cooking method:

    1. We take a deep plate and drive eggs into it.

    2. Using a spoon, stir the whites and yolks until smooth.

    3. Add some salt. We mix everything well.

    4. Gradually pour in mineral water and milk. Mix everything thoroughly again.

    5. Now add flour in portions.

    6. Stir with a whisk so that the consistency becomes thick.

    8. Then we spread the mass on the table and continue kneading by hand.

    The finished dough is lush, elastic and moderately thick. You can immediately sculpt from such a mass.

    Cooking choux pastry in boiling water for manti at home

    I love the next option because it is very easy to work with and you can mold whatever you want. However, keep in mind that not everyone can cook such a custard mass.

    I hope my photo recipe will help you avoid problems and you will succeed.


    • Eggs - 1 pc.;
    • Flour - 3 tbsp.;
    • Boiling water - 1 tbsp.;
    • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
    • Salt - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. Break an egg into a bowl, add salt and beat everything with a whisk until smooth.

    2. We take another deep cup, pour flour into it and add a little vegetable. Mix with a spoon.

    3. Now pour a glass of boiling water into the flour, while stirring everything as quickly as possible with a spoon.

    It is better to boil water in a kettle in advance so that it is ready at the right time.

    5. After that, we put the finished choux pastry in a plastic bag and leave it for 20-30 minutes, and only then we start sculpting manti.

    The best eggless dough recipe

    Here's another simple way to disgrace. There is a minimum of products in it, since we will do without eggs. I know that many cooks prefer this particular type for kneading dough. Can you rate it too?


    • Flour - 500 gr.;
    • Water - 1 tbsp.;
    • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Salt - 1 tsp.

    Cooking method:

    1. In a deep cup, mix water, salt and vegetable oil.

    2. Sift the flour on the table and make a deepening in the middle.

    3. Carefully pour the mixture into this recess and quickly add the flour to the center.

    4. Knead the dough with your hands, while beating it against the work surface, dropping it from a small height.

    This is a prerequisite, since we cook without eggs, such a trick is needed for the elasticity of the dough.

    Video recipe on how to make juicy and tasty dough for manti

    And of course, watch the video with a step-by-step explanation of preparing the base for manti. Have questions?? - write, we will discuss.

    Once you have chosen and prepared your perfect pastry, make the filling for the dish using different types of meat and vegetables. Remember that the most juicy manti is obtained from minced meat with a large amount of finely chopped onion. Next is a matter of technology: we sculpt and send to steam. Then enjoy the juicy broth and thin dough. Good appetite.

    How to cook dough for manti so that it does not tear during cooking and the mats turn out tender and tasty

    Good day, my dear subscribers! Today I will tell you how to cook dough for manti. I am sure that among the readers of my blog there are many real culinary pros. But still, you see, sometimes even a real master can make a mistake. Before, this often happened to me when I undertook to cook this meat dish! And all because it is not so easy to prepare. This is due to the dough, which often breaks during the cooking process.

    Until recently, every time I put a dish in a double boiler, I myself wondered whether they would tear this time or cook successfully. And almost every time the manti dispersed, the filling crumbled and all its juice (the most delicious!) poured out. It looks like a kind of "pancake lumpy" from a negligent hostess, despite all efforts. It is especially annoying when the dish needs to be served on the festive table, at which the guests are sitting.

    But I will not indulge in unnecessary modesty and say that now my dish always turns out excellent! At the same time, as I was convinced, there is no single secret and everyone should find something of their own, trying various cooking options. In my case, the magic key that helped me achieve an elastic and durable dough was the following rules:

    First, the mass must be kneaded for a long time and thoroughly. Secondly, she needs to be allowed to settle for at least half an hour (and I often neglected this rule).

    But maybe you will discover some other trick for yourself. And today I have prepared for you a selection of a variety of recipes. By the way, all of them are suitable not only for manti, but for dumplings and dumplings.

    Delicious dough for manti - a classic recipe for tender dough

    Let's start with the most common, classic cooking option. It is recommended to use an egg in it, but you can cook without it, limiting yourself to only flour, water and salt. Cooking is as simple and affordable as possible.


    • 1 glass of water;
    • 500 g flour;
    • 1 egg;
    • a pinch of salt.

    Step by step cooking recipe:

    A prerequisite: before starting cooking, be sure to sift the flour. So you can not only weed out garbage, but avoid the formation of lumps.

    1. Pour the flour into a bowl. Make a well in the center and crack an egg into it. Salt to taste.

    2. In small portions, start adding water to the center and knead with a fork in one direction, gradually capturing more flour. Do not rush, otherwise lumps will form.

    3. When the mixture becomes thick enough that it is no longer convenient to work with a fork, continue kneading with your hands. And when all the flour is gone, knead the mass on the table for at least 10-15 minutes. Bend the edges towards the center all the time.


    Remember: the more thoroughly and longer you knead, the better the result will be.

    4. Before you start wrapping the filling with meat, the cooked dough must be allowed to stand and swell for at least 20 minutes. After that, you need to roll it out (the thickness should be about 2 mm) and you can start sculpting manti.

    If you did everything right, you can make sure that the dough turned out soft, tender and at the same time strong. It will not tear during cooking and will hold not only the filling, but also all the juice that has come out of it.

    You can prepare the mixture not only with water, but also with milk. Then, as a result, the dish turns out to be especially juicy and tender, so many people prefer this particular cooking method.

    The right dough for manti in Uzbek - video recipe

    The selection of recipes will be incomplete if you do not talk about the traditional Uzbek way of making dough. If in the classic version, flour is first poured into the container, and then water is poured into it. Here the opposite is done: flour is added to the water. Yes, and the mixture is kneaded by hand from the very beginning.

    Let it not bother you that at the end of kneading the dough turns out to be “ugly” and continues to stick to your hands a little. It must be left to settle for a while, then it will become more elastic.

    Thin choux pastry for manti in boiling water with an egg that does not tear

    In this recipe, you need to use water not at normal room temperature, but hot. This, as well as vegetable oil among the ingredients, is one of the "tricks" of the elasticity and strength of the finished dish.

    Required products:

    • 1 kg of flour;
    • 2 cups of hot, boiled water;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
    • 1 st. l. salt.

    Cooking steps with photo:

    1. Pour the flour into a mixing bowl and make a well in it.

    2. Add salt and vegetable oil to hot water, mix.

    3. Start gradually adding water to the recess. Whisk 2 eggs in there as well. Mix everything with a spoon and then with your hands.

    Leave the dough to stand for 30 minutes before sculpting, so that it swells and the gluten in it disperses. After that, you can start rolling and wrapping the filling.

    How to make dough for manti without eggs with vegetable oil?

    In this version, the meat dish will turn out to be lean, light, but no less tasty. Manti will be thin, juicy and, of course, your household will like it. You can use any filling - cook with meat or make vegetables with pumpkin.

    Prepare for the recipe:

    • 500 g flour;
    • 0.5 tsp salt;
    • 300 ml of water;
    • 3 art. l. vegetable oil.

    How to do:

    1. Pour the sifted flour into a bowl and add salt to it, mix.

    2. Gradually pour the hot water into the bowl while stirring. Add vegetable oil there. Knead first with a spoon and then with your hands. This will take 5-7 minutes.

    3. Place the bun formed from the mass in a bag or cling film and leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes at room temperature. This will allow all components to communicate with each other. The mass will swell, become elastic and easy to work with. And when rolling, you can use the minimum amount of flour.

    Dough for juicy manti on mineral water - the best recipe

    Everyone knows the health benefits of mineral water. Then why not enrich our dish with this benefit? In addition, it will give an unusual flavor - and may become your favorite cooking method.

    To prepare, take:

    • 1 glass of carbonated mineral water;
    • 500-650 g flour (how much dough will take);
    • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
    • 1 egg;
    • 0.5 tsp salt;
    • 0.5 tsp Sahara.

    Cooking process with photos:

    1. Beat the egg with a whisk. Add salt, sugar, mix. Pour vegetable oil into it.

    2. Pour mineral water, mix.

    3. Pour the flour in parts, constantly kneading. First stir with a spoon, and then put the mass on the table and continue to knead with your hands. Sprinkle the table with flour before laying out.

    Such a dough on carbonated mineral water can be used to make manti and dumplings, as well as dumplings. It is soft, flexible and works great.

    Cooking dough for manti and dumplings at home in a bread machine

    If you don't have time for long kneading by hand, use a bread maker. She will do all the main work for you, and you just have to knead lightly with your hands.


    • 4-4.5 cups of flour;
    • 1 st. l. salt;
    • 1.5 glasses of water;
    • 1 chicken egg;
    • 2-3 tbsp vegetable oil.

    How to cook

    1. Add sugar and salt to water, stir until dissolved. Add flour, stir a little.

    2. Put the mass in the bread machine, pour in the vegetable oil and turn on the unit. Alternatively, you can use a food processor for this. However, it is designed for kneading liquid dough, and it can cope worse with tight dough.

    3. After the mass has kneaded in the bread machine until smooth, remove it. Be sure to knead a little with your hands at the end. After that, cover the dough with a bowl and let it stand for 20-30 minutes. When you begin to wrap the stuffing, you will see that it is soft and elastic. And sculpting from it is a pleasure!

    How to cook soft dough on kefir at home?

    In previous recipes, I told you how to cook manti dough with ordinary water, carbonated mineral water, and milk. And now another interesting option - on kefir. The recipe is as simple as possible, because we need to take only three ingredients.

    Required products:

    • 1.5 cups (300 ml) kefir;
    • 450 g of sifted flour;
    • 1 tsp salt.

    How to do:

    1. Add salt to kefir and stir. It is convenient to use an electric whisk with interchangeable nozzles for this. Add a third of the flour and mix until smooth.

    2. Then change the whisk attachment to the one designed for thick dough. Gradually add the rest of the flour and mix well.

    3. Form a bun, place it in a bag and set aside for 30-40 minutes. During this time, the gluten in the flour will disperse, and the dough will become elastic and elastic. Just the way we need to sculpt a meat dish.

    How to sculpt manti: 7 best ways to sculpt

    And now, dear friends, it's time to think about how to make the finished dish beautiful. There are many options for how to wrap the filling. Usually, a square-shaped dough is taken and the corners are glued differently in it. So you can form an "envelope", "basket", "pouch". You can even make rose-shaped manti. To do this, the filling is laid out on a rectangular strip of dough, which is then pinched and wrapped in the shape of a flower.

    Don't be afraid to be creative and experiment. Watch this step by step video and maybe you will find a new and unique way to impress your family and guests!

    Manti recipe from Stalik Khankishiev

    In conclusion, I will supplement the selection of recipes with a few more options. The well-known culinary specialist and TV presenter Stalik Khankishiyev advises using Durum durum wheat flour in cooking. It is used in addition to the usual.

    Durum flour is unique in that it contains more gluten than ordinary flour. This makes the cooked dough viscous, almost "rubber".

    Try it, and perhaps this option will become your favorite. And also try 4 types of toppings. So you can choose the option you like and make it your signature recipe.

    It's time to say goodbye to you, dear readers! Surely you are already burning with impatience to try those cooking methods that you did not know about yet.

    I am sure that soon you will delight your loved ones and guests with a wonderful oriental dish with juicy meat. And perhaps one of the above recipes will become your calling card among friends! In the meantime, I will prepare for you a selection of other interesting recipes and little tricks. Bon appetit and see you soon!

    The classic dough for manti: tasty, tender, custard, without eggs, so as not to tear. TOP 4 best step by step recipes with PHOTOS

    Manty is a national dish in many Asian countries, as well as in the East. They are steamed, minced meat with onions and spices. It is wrapped in the form of a rose in unleavened or yeast dough. There are many recipes for this dish. It is very important to properly prepare the dough so that the manti turns out to be tender and tasty.

    Dough for manti, classic recipe

    A very simple and affordable recipe for manti dough. It cooks quickly and does not contain yeast, so you don't have to wait for the dough to come up. This dough keeps well, so you can put it in the refrigerator or freezer for the next batch of manti.

    • 1 kg wheat flour
    • 1 pc Egg
    • 1 glass Water
    • 2 tsp Salt

    Take a deep plate or bowl, pour a glass of warm boiled water into it. Beat in a raw egg and a sufficient amount of table salt to the water.

    Using a fork or whisk, beat the egg with water and salt until the mass in the bowl is homogeneous.

    Take another deep dry bowl, sift the premium wheat flour through a sieve into it. This way you will be able to get rid of lumps and debris that sometimes come across in flour. It is better to sift it twice so that the flour is saturated with oxygen, and the dough is soft and elastic.

    Make a small well in the center of the sifted flour and pour the egg mixture from the bowl into it.

    Gently, using a wooden spatula or an ordinary tablespoon, begin to mix the liquid ingredients with flour.

    Continue kneading until the dough is thick enough but sticky.

    Once the dough has thickened, turn it out of the bowl onto a work surface dusted with flour. Now knead the dough with your hands, adding flour if necessary.

    The batch must last at least fifteen minutes so that gluten begins to stand out from the flour. Flatten the dough into a patty, then fold in half. Knead the dough and repeat the procedure again. The finished dough should not stick to your hands. It is flexible and pleasant to work with.

    Roll the dough into a ball, wrap with cling film and leave warm for forty minutes. Let the dough rest and start forming manti. Leftovers can be refrigerated or frozen.

    Ideal dough for manti

    Have you tried such an oriental dish as manti? If not, then be sure to prepare it. This is a great alternative to all the boring dumplings and khinkali. According to this recipe, the dough is very tender and thin. It is easy to work with, does not stick to your hands, elastic, so you can easily roll it into a thin layer, and the manti will turn out like in the classic correct recipe.

    • 2.5 cups flour
    • 1 glass Water
    • 1 pc Egg
    • 1 tsp Salt

    Take a clean, dry and deep bowl. Sift the premium wheat flour into it through a sieve. It should be of high quality, since the result of your dish depends on the flour. Sifting will saturate it with oxygen and get rid of lumps. Make a small well in the flour and add a teaspoon of salt into it.

    Pour clean boiled water at room temperature into the same recess in the flour.

    Whisk a raw chicken egg into the flour and salt. Start kneading the dough with a fork. Mix thoroughly until it becomes viscous and homogeneous, without flour lumps.

    Dust your work surface with flour. Then put the dough from the bowl on it. Then start kneading with your hands. Knead the dough for about ten minutes, rolling it out and folding it in half. Sprinkle flour as needed to keep the dough from sticking to your hands. But, be careful not to overdo it. If you add too much flour, the dough will be too hard and will not roll out well. Roll the finished dough into a ball, cover it with a kitchen towel and set aside so that it rests and the flour separates the gluten. The dough will be ready to work in half an hour.

    After the dough has rested for half an hour, turn it out onto a floured work surface. Using a rolling pin, roll it into the thinnest layer, but so that the dough does not tear.

    Roll the dough into a roll. Use a rolling pin for this, as if winding it on a tree.

    Pull the rolling pin out of the resulting roll, press the dough with your hands and cut it into portioned squares of the same size.

    You should get a large number of such squares from which you will form manti.

    The filling for manti can be prepared according to any of the recipes. Most often, it includes chopped pork or lamb, mixed with pieces of lard, generously seasoned with onions and herbs. Spread the filling on each square and pinch its edges as shown in the picture. Then you can immediately send the manti to the steam bath or put them in the freezer to be used later as semi-finished products.

    Choux pastry for manti

    Do you want your manti to be mega-tasty and tender? Then prepare choux pastry for their base! This is very easy to do, but boiling water simply transforms the dough. It becomes much easier to work with it, it rolls beautifully and does not tear. Be sure to try this recipe, it will become your favorite!

    • 1 glass Water
    • 1/2 tsp Salt
    • 3 art. l. Vegetable oil
    • 2 cups flour

    Pour water into a saucepan or saucepan. Then put it on the stove, turn on a strong fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Pour three tablespoons of oil into it and add salt. Stir thoroughly to dissolve the salt crystals in the water.

    Remove a saucepan of boiling water from the stove and pour a glass of sifted premium wheat flour into it. Thoroughly mix the ingredients with a fork so that the dough "brews".

    Now pour another glass of flour into a bowl or saucepan and mix everything thoroughly again. Once the dough is thick enough, turn it out onto your work surface and start kneading it. If you feel like it's not firm enough or if it's still sticky to your hands, add more flour as you knead. The finished dough does not stick to your hands, but remains elastic and soft. Roll it into a ball, wrap it with cling film and send it to the refrigerator to rest for half an hour. In the meantime, you can do stuffing for manti.

    When the dough has rested in the refrigerator for a sufficient amount of time, remove the cling film, put it on a floured work surface and roll it out as thinly as possible with a rolling pin. Then cut it into squares of the same size (about five by five centimeters) with a sharp knife and stuff them with minced meat.

    Dough for manti - a classic recipe with a photo step by step

    Manti is a very tasty and satisfying dish that is very popular among Turks, Asians, Koreans and Mongols. In appearance, they are very similar to dumplings, but these two dishes should not be confused. Translated into Russian, "manty" means "stuffed head." Their filling can be completely different: pumpkin, meat, mushrooms, potatoes with bacon, herbs, fish, and even berries or fruits. Dough can also be prepared in different ways - a very important component of the whole dish. Some believe that it is better obtained from water and eggs, others think that from salt, water and flour. Our classic recipes will help you choose the best dough, as well as cook the best manti.

    Dough for manti classic recipe

    Cooking time - 1 hour.

    Servings - 10-12 pcs.

    With the help of this classic recipe, you can cook delicious, elastic and not tearing dough for manti during cooking. This cooking method is very simple, and it does not require much effort and any complex ingredients. All you need is salt, water, flour and an egg. You can be sure that the most delicious and beautiful manti will come out of such a dough!

    • Chicken egg 1 pc.
    • Flour 1 kg.
    • Salt 2 tsp
    • Water 1 glass

    Dough for manti is ready! Now you can cook a tasty and satisfying meal from it! Sculpt and cook with pleasure!

    Classic choux pastry in boiling water for manti

    The prepared classic choux pastry for manti is very convenient to sculpt, but you should try a little to cook it correctly. Since the dough is brewed in boiling water, it is better to prepare it immediately so that it is at hand at the right time. With proper observance of all stages of the culinary process, you will get an excellent dough, from which the same wonderful manti will come out.


    • Flour - 3 tbsp.
    • Eggs - 1 pc.
    • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
    • Boiling water - 1 tbsp.
    • Salt - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. Break one egg into a deep bowl, add salt to it and beat the ingredients thoroughly with a whisk until they become a homogeneous liquid.
    2. Sift the flour into a separate deep bowl or cup using a sieve or a special glass. Then add the required amount of vegetable oil to it, after which we mix everything well with a tablespoon.
    3. Pour a pre-prepared glass of boiling water into the flour and immediately stir the mass intensively with a spoon.
    4. Add a mixture of eggs and salt to the prepared flour mass. We start kneading the dough with our hands, adding a little flour if it sticks.
    5. When the dough is ready, wrap it in a plastic bag so that it does not dry out, and let it “rest” for 20-30 minutes.

    After the time has passed, you can safely proceed to the preparation of a delicious and beautiful dish. Good luck and have a delicious lunch!

    The classic recipe for making dough for manti with mineral water

    Many housewives like the classic version of making dough for manti on mineral water. Firstly, it does not stick to your hands and the table during kneading, even if you do not add flour to the main mass. Secondly, it holds together well during cooking and the filling does not fall out during cooking. To make sure the dough turns out the way it should be, use the exact amount of ingredients that are indicated in the recipe.


    • Flour - 500-600 g.
    • Eggs - 1 pc.
    • Mineral water - 200-220 ml.
    • Sugar - 5 g.
    • Salt - 5 g.
    • Vegetable oil - 60-75 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. We take a clean and deep dish, where we break the egg. Whisk vigorously with a fork.
    2. Add salt, sugar to the egg and mix everything well again until the crumbly ingredients are completely dissolved.
    3. Pour in the right amount of vegetable oil and mineral water.
    4. Intensively stir the added ingredients with the previous ones until we get a homogeneous mass.
    5. In a separate bowl, sift the flour with a special glass or sieve, after which we add portionwise to the bulk. After each addition of the ingredient, mix the dough well to break up any lumps.
    6. When the dough becomes difficult to knead in the bowl, transfer it to a clean and pre-floured table. We continue to knead with our hands.
    7. As soon as the dough stops sticking to the surface of the table and hands, it is ready.

    The prepared dough for manti on mineral water can be used immediately for modeling, as it does not require time to infuse. Good luck with your cooking!

    Classic puff pastry for manti

    To cook delicious and beautiful manti, it is not necessary to prepare dough for them, which contains only flour, water, eggs and salt. An appetizing dish can also be made from a puff base. So, the manti are so crispy that it is simply impossible to resist such a temptation! Try to cook the dough according to our classic recipe - and you will see for yourself!


    • Flour - 500 g.
    • Egg - 1 pc.
    • Butter - 200 g.
    • Salt - 1-2 pinches.
    • Vinegar 9% - 1.5 tbsp. l.
    • Vodka - 2 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method:

    1. Break the egg into a deep bowl, and add the required amount of vodka and water to it.

    Tip: If possible, use enamelware.

    1. Add a little salt and vinegar to the cooked egg mass. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
    2. Sift the flour into a separate dry bowl using a chintz or a special glass, after which we add it in portions to the bulk. Let's start the test.

    Tip: knead the dough by hand for at least 5 minutes. The longer it warms up, the better and tastier the manti will be.

    1. When the dough is ready, roll it into a ball, wrap it in a plastic bag or cling film, and then send it to the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.
    2. While the dough is in the refrigerator, cut the unfrozen butter into medium pieces and mix it with 100 g of flour. To make this easier, you can use a food processor.
    3. We place the mass prepared from flour and butter between two sheets of baking paper and roll it into a layer so that the thickness is about 3-4 mm, after which we also send it to the refrigerator so that the butter hardens.
    4. When the dough is ready, roll it out on a clean table so that its thickness becomes about 6 mm.
    5. We lay out another one on the rolled out layer, which we prepared from flour and butter. The latter should occupy half the area of ​​the first.
    6. Randomly fold the dough and roll it out again. We repeat these steps 5 or 6 times.
    7. When the dough has been rolled out enough times, send it back to the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes.

    Puff pastry for manti is ready to use! We assure you that you have not tried such manti yet! Eat healthy and with appetite!

    Dough for manti on kefir - a classic recipe

    The recipe for such a dough can be useful not only for making manti, but also for pizza or pies. It turns out very elastic, delicate in texture and slightly sour in taste. Any filling against the background of such a test will look juicy and incredibly tasty. Eggs are not required to prepare the base for manti, but you should stock up on a small amount of kefir.


    • Flour - 3 tbsp.
    • Kefir - 500 ml.
    • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
    • Soda - 0.5 tsp
    • Salt - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. Before proceeding with the preparation of the dough for manti, it is necessary to take the kefir out of the refrigerator in advance and bring it to room temperature under natural conditions. Then pour it into a deep bowl.
    2. Add a little soda and salt to the dairy product, and also pour in the required amount of vegetable oil.

    Tip: the type of oil does not matter, you can use both olive and sunflower. The main thing is that it is odorless.

    1. Sift the flour into a bowl with the main mass using a fine sieve or a special glass and at the same time knead the dough for at least 10 minutes. The dough should be lump-free and homogeneous. If necessary, you can add a little flour.
    2. When the dough is elastic and stops sticking, cover it with cling film and let it “rest” for about 20-30 minutes to make it easier to roll out.

    After the time has passed, you can start working with the dough and cook delicious manti from it. Enjoy your modeling and delicious meal!