Halloween Scenario: A fun Halloween program for kids. Halloween Extracurricular Scenario Scary Halloween Scenario

  • 21.02.2022

This cheerful and creepy holiday, thanks to its mysterious atmosphere, managed to fall in love with both adults and children. If you have managed to keep a childish spontaneity and a love of adventure in your soul, Halloween is exactly the holiday that you just need to include in your family traditions. Having come to us from afar, it will introduce you and your children to the festive culture of other countries, and joint preparation for it will give you many pleasant moments of creativity and communication.

Children's Halloween Party: Pleasant Chores

How to decorate a house for Halloween? Lots of options! And given that all children are initially talented, there will be no end to interesting solutions.

Here are a few ideas you can take on board:

1. Decorate the walls and doors with funny signs and posters, drawn together with the children, of course. The content of the plates may be as follows: “Door to the fifth dimension”, “Beware of hungry mosquitoes”, “No biting!”, “Do not scare away bats”, “Scary room”, etc.

2. Charming ghosts, cut out of a piece of drawing paper, will be happy to hang on the walls and ceilings of your house.

3. Thematic figurines - bats, spiders, pumpkins, etc. you can also cut it out of colored paper and hang it around the apartment, or you can decorate windows with them. By the way, such themed stickers can be purchased at almost any stationery store.

4. Cut autumn branches will help create a magical holiday atmosphere.

5. A variety of Halloween figurines, bought in the store (very cute figurines are sold in the Red Cube chain of stores) or molded by oneself, will decorate window sills and bookshelves.

6. Pumpkins! The more of them there are at the festival, the better. From a couple of large pumpkins, you can make holiday lamps with funny faces, and use the rest to decorate the room.

7. It's hard to imagine Halloween without the mysterious flickering of candles. Candles create an amazing atmosphere, but be careful - fire safety measures must be observed at a children's holiday.

8. Autumn leaves, straw and other natural materials are the best things you can think of for decorating your home and holiday table.

9. Terribly cute tantamaresques depicting all sorts of monsters and ghosts, you can easily draw yourself on a sheet of whatman paper, and then cut out holes for the face and hands. The main thing here is not artistic skill, but the love and care that you put into your creations!

10. Decide in advance how many fun kids your home can handle, and make cute invitations in the form of pumpkins or autumn leaves for all guests.

Children's Halloween Party: Holiday Table

“Cheap and cheerful” - a festive table draped with black and orange mesh, which can be purchased at any fabric store, will look very impressive. Do the same, and fasten all the knots and folds with decorative spiders. It is good to additionally decorate the table with a natural composition of pumpkins, leaves and candles and other Halloween paraphernalia.

The festive menu should consist of healthy dishes of children's cuisine. , decorated and named in accordance with the holiday theme. For example: all kinds of pumpkin dishes - stew served in a hollowed-out pumpkin, golden pancakes, pumpkin pie; juices and compotes are mostly red, but you should always have an alternative option for kids who do not want to eat red foods due to allergies; salads, decorated in the form of shapeless cranks with eyes made of olives or peas; vegetable and fruit cuts in the form of eyes, smiling jaws, etc. - there are no limits to fantasy. Sandwiches, pies, cookies can also be decorated in the most amazing way.

Kids Halloween Party: Costumes

Any themed holiday involves costumes, and Halloween is no exception. You can buy ready-made costumes, or you can make a costume yourself. Anything that resonates with our theme in any way will be a good option: a vampire robe, a pirate outfit, a witch or ghost costume - all this is on point.
Take care of the outfits for the guests. Of course, for sure, they themselves will not come empty-handed, but just in case, prepare some elements of costumes for invited children and adults - walk like that!

Children's holiday Halloween: games and contests

1. Test. When opening a Halloween party, arrange a "test" for the kids to know the habits of otherworldly inhabitants:
- the most terrible howl;
- to the loudest clatter;
- for knowledge of the traditional scary dance (dance competition for attentiveness when repeating movements).

These "tests" will help to involve children in the festive process and activate their attention.

2. Scary repeater. Now the guys move in single file behind the leader, repeating the words and movements after him:

We enter the dark forest take a few stalking steps forward),
Where are the trees to the sky pull your hands up)!
Let's walk along the path ( a few more steps),
Let's wander into the thicket of the forest ( we spread our fingers so that it looks like tree branches).
We reach the ravine ( sneaking around),
Oh, we will suffer fear ( trembling):
Rumble everywhere, howl everywhere stomp and make scary sounds) –
It's time for us to run home children run in all directions and hide in all directions, and the leader tries to catch them)!

3. Hungry monster. This charming monster with an open mouth must be drawn in advance on a piece of drawing paper and glued onto a cardboard base. The mouth of the monster is cut off, and a stand is glued to the back of this structure so that the cardboard can stand on the floor. You can also use a tall box, on one of the wide sides of which a monster is drawn and its mouth is cut out. The task of the children is to “feed” the monster by throwing tennis or plastic balls into the open mouth. The one who hits the target more times wins.

4. Crossing the swamp. For this competition, prepare bumps cut out of paper or from the remnants of linoleum. Children will need to "go through the swamp", stepping only on saving bumps. One participant is given three bumps, after a perfect step, he must shift one bump forward and take the next step, etc. The game is a relay. The fastest participant (or team) wins.

5. "Take care of your eyes!". Another relay game. We will need a tablespoon and a tennis ball painted under the eyeball. Participants need to quickly and very carefully carry the “eye” in the spoon to their destination. The team that can complete the task faster and more accurately wins.

6. Dinner for the witch. Under the guidance of the facilitator, the children will need to find the dinner ingredients scattered and hung around the room in advance: rubber snakes, lizards, various insects, bats and spiders. The host reads the recipe, for example: we need 15 bats, 2 cockroaches, 10 caterpillars, etc. for the roast, and the guys look around the room for the ingredients in the right amount. A small snack after such a competition suggests itself!

7. Path of horror. While the children are busy in the hall, quietly place in the hall or corridor several cardboard boxes with various fillers that are unpleasant to the touch: wet moss, crumpled newspaper, rustling bags, a damp rag, a heating pad with warm water. When everything is ready, invite the guys to go one by one along this terrible path. The main condition: the eyes of the participants must be closed, and you need to step barefoot.

8. Vampires. Before the start of the competition, tell the legend that we have entered the domain of a vampire lord and are required to follow the rules of the vampire daily routine. Together with the guys we remember at what time of the day they sleep, and at what time they are awake. We select the "victim" and put it by the window. And the "vampires" - all the other children, are located on the opposite side of the room in their "vault". The task of the children is to move only when the host announces the onset of night, and freeze in place at the word “day”, try to catch the victim as quickly as possible. Whoever catches it wins.

9. Little artists. The children are given orange balloons and black permanent (others may “smear”) markers. On the ball you need to draw a Halloween monster. The funniest face wins.

10. Night halt. Do you remember what indescribable delight and horror various scary stories caused in your childhood? Light a candle, seat the kids around it, and announce a scary story contest. The candle is carefully passed from one to the other participants, and the one near whom the candle stops must tell his “horror story”. The main thing here is not to overdo it and end too creepy stories on an optimistic note, causing smiles and laughter. Believe me, the amazing atmosphere, fascinating stories and the opportunity to dream a little will bring a lot of pleasure to both storytellers and listeners.

Do not forget about the festive disco with funny dance competitions: with balls sandwiched between the bellies - for the friendliest couple, with a mop in hand - to the most cheerful and agile witch, with repetition of movements - for attention and accuracy and etc.

And complete the competitive part at the festively laid table, “planting” in the center of the table a pumpkin cleaned in advance with all kinds of sweets suitable for the theme - licorice sweets in the form of worms, “terrible” chewing marmalade and curly cookies.

Interesting ideas and happy holidays!

©2011 Attention! The script was developed specifically for the site Prazdnodar: an encyclopedia of holidays. Full or partial reprinting of the material and its publication on other websites are possible only with the written consent of its author and the editors of the website site. Attempts to make unauthorized use of the material for commercial purposes are illegal and subject to prosecution.

An interesting and detailed Halloween script for school students.

Halloween. Scenario for school

Goals: to acquaint students with the holiday and its traditions; develop creative abilities.


Imp, host of the evening.

Isabella, heiress of Lucifer.

Lestat, the vampire.

Jack, the pumpkin king.

Whooperi, the sea witch.

Dick Turpin, ghost of Heathrow.

Event progress

Imp. Haha! Hello, vampires, witches, ghouls and other not quite pure power. Today there will be a grand Sabbath, which you will remember for the number of perfect nasty things, troubles and other dirty tricks !!!

An eerie laugh is heard. Isabella flashes. She walks surrounded by her retinue.

Imp. Vivat young, beautiful and terrible Isabella! Vivat the most beautiful and most unpredictable!

The vampire bows before Isabella in a respectful bow.

Lestat. Greetings Isabella! You, as always, are beautiful, like a true child of darkness.

Isabel. Thanks Lestat! I knew that you would not let me down and come to our Sabbath. Help me complete the mission: my uncle asked me to choose the king and queen of the evening.

Lestat. With great pleasure I will choose a candidate for the title of "Our Royal Majesty".

Flashing light. Lestat comes to the fore, two demons choose participants in the hall.

Lestat. First, all applicants must drink fresh blood!

The children are brought a glass of tomato juice.

Lestat. And now I want to know if you know how to scare someone. So, demons, don't be shy - let's demonstrate!

A musical excerpt from some horror movie is included.

Lestat. And now you, dear participants.

There is a competition. Three winners are given medals.

Isabel. Yes, they make great villains! Thank you Lestat, you truly are a horror genius.

Lestat. That's not all, but I'll probably save the next contest until we choose a queen...

Imp. Mistress Isabella, it's Jack!

Jack. Hello! Sorry for being late!

Isabel. Oh, Jack, you will choose us the queen of our coven.

Jack. My most favorite activity!

The hall is completely dark, only candles are burning, which the contestants need to blow out. The first three who blow out all their candles become winners.

Lestat. The conclusion to choosing a couple of the evening will be dancing! Cavaliers invite ladies!

Lestat invites Isabella to the dance, dropping to one knee, Jack - a gallant bow.

Isabel. It was impressive! Musicians, play! I dance with both!

The boys invite the finalists to dance, how they do it is taken into account.

Classical music sounds, the dance itself is evaluated.

Lestat. I'm having a hard time choosing...

Imp. The most famous ghost of the British Isles!

A ghost appears above the stage, giggling eeriely.

Dick(in a whisper). Hello!

Isabel. New guest!!! (Claps his hands.) Dick, we need to choose a couple of evenings from the remaining applicants.

Dick. I'll be happy to help you choose! I really love to play! Here, in England, everyone loves the game "Find Me". But, as a rule, we find only parts: hands, feet, ears and other parts of the body. And you have to collect all the parts that are in the hall. All clear? On the search! Our couples support groups help them.

Participants collect paper bones that are pasted in the hall. By counting, one pair is determined as the winner.

The sea witch Wuperi enters.

Whooperi. Good evening, most beautiful witch! My father apologizes that he cannot appear at today's Sabbath, he is all dry.

Isabel. I am glad to see you! Bring someone a rag, we have water on the parquet!

Whooperi. You don't have enough water, there are no marshes around. So I brought water with me. She is the best, from the distant marsh reserves.

Imp. I'm sorry to interrupt, but we have... everything in moderation, and water...

He does not have time to finish, one of the demons closes his mouth and drags him backstage.

Imp(from behind the scenes). Let me go, I have to perform the coronation ceremony...

Isabel. He's already worn me out! Perhaps my dear guest will conduct the ceremony today. Whoopee, do you agree?

Whooperi. Of course yes! Lestat, Jack and the Imp, it's your job to get everyone in this room to swear allegiance to our royal couple.

The guys are divided into three teams. They take out three empty and three filled soda bottles, three glasses. The competition consists in the fact that each team member takes turns pouring water from a full bottle into a glass and runs to fill an empty one. The amount of water, the speed of the team is taken into account. According to the results of the competition, the winner is announced.

Isabel. I like it! Amazing ceremony!

Imp. Oh my lady! With the coronation ceremony, we completely forgot about your birthday!

Lestat. Have a terrible birthday, Isabella!

Jack. All the evil spirits of our coven have prepared a gift for you!

Imp. Premiere of "Halloween Night"

Music sounds, a screen is taken out onto the stage: a shadowy horror film that shows evil spirits. Next, the guys show their performances. The children are given tasks - horror stories pre-written on cards. It takes 5-10 minutes to prepare the miniature.

Whooperi. Happy birthday again, Mrs. Isabella!

Isabel. Thank you, my terrible ones! I want a real coven!

Dick. Then it's time for some real Halloween fun!

Jack. I love yellow! All the same three teams participate, your task is to find yellow bows in the hall, which are made of ribbons and tied in remote corners or attached in a conspicuous place. The one who finds the most bows the fastest wins.

A competition is being held.

Lestat. I propose the following game "Voice quiet, mysterious." Everyone sits down at the table again. A player is selected by lot, he sits away from the table with his back to everyone. Going clockwise, one by one, each says the word "Halloween". The driver must guess who said it. For each correct vote, he receives a point. The game continues until everyone is in the role of the driver. The points are then summed up and the team's total points are compared.

A competition is being held.

Whooperi. Based on the name of the holiday - Halloween - let's guess the letter "X" as the main one in such a game. I ask one of the teams the question: “Who?” Members of this team must answer with the letter "X". For example, a hamster. The next question to the other team is: "Which one?" Answer: "Skinny". Question: What does it do? Answer: "Want." Etc.

The game develops a fast reaction. The team is given 15-20 seconds to think.

Dick. We, ghosts, love dark and gloomy places very much... From each team, I will ask two people to come here to me. Now Lestat, Imp and Jack will help me attach clothespins to the clothes of the remaining participants. Those who came to me blindfolded must remove all clothespins from the clothes of their team members.

A competition is being held.

Imp. Now we are expelling one player from the team from the room, we will lay out the items on the table, each team has its own, but all the items are together. The team comes up with an action with the proposed items. The player does what the blindfolded team has in mind. All his actions are controlled by the participants. When he does the right thing, they shout "hot", if he does it wrong - "cold".

For example, we put a ball, a spoon, a plate, a sugar bowl with sugar on the table. Now we make a task (for example, you need to take a spoon, collect sugar from a sugar bowl with it, put it on a plate and throw a ball). The player is blindfolded. Not knowing the task, he approaches the table, tries to determine first what is there, tastes sugar on his tongue. Then he performs various actions with objects. For example, he takes a ball, puts it on a plate, pours sugar with a spoon into a plate next to the ball. The team with the least amount of time to complete wins.

Besenok's cell phone rings.

Imp. The boss is calling! Ma'am, it's time for us to go home!

Lestat. And that's right! See you soon!

Isabel. We say goodbye to you and leave on your Bald Mountain to command the king and queen of Halloween. Sabbat! Ball!

All other heroes of the evening say goodbye to the guys.

The party disco begins.

Extra-curricular event for students dedicated to the holiday "Halloween"

Shamigulova Ilyuza Sagadeevna, lecturer at the State Educational Institution of Education of the Republic of Belarus "Sibai Medical College"
Description: I propose a methodological development of an extracurricular event, which is intended for a group of 1st year students. This development - the Halloween holiday, is recommended to be used when conducting extra-curricular activities, as well as within the framework of foreign language classes on the topic "Country Studies".
Purpose of the event:
1. Educational: deepen students' knowledge about the history, culture, customs and traditions of English-speaking countries.
2. Developing: development of memory, attention, imagination and listening skills.
3. Educational: to promote the perception of tolerance among students, respect for the carriers of the English-speaking culture.
Interdisciplinary connections: history
1. Presentation in Power Point
2. festive decoration of the hall: a poster on the theme "Halloween"; Balloons.
1. I. Walsh "Great Britain: customs and traditions" "Karo" 2013
2. Internet resources


Event progress
Dance "Terrible dream"
(Joyful music sounds. Two presenters come out.)

Presenter 1.:Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we are glad to see you at our Halloween party.
Lead 2.: Only on this night, Halloween night, there is no past and no future. Only today we enjoy the mystical "now" that does not exist.
Lead 1.: Only on this night, the gates of time are open in both directions. Halloween is approaching, the hour of transition is coming.
Lead 2.: And we will start by telling you a little about the history of this holiday, you need to listen and remember everything.
Presenter 1: Halloween is a modern holiday, dating back to the traditions of the ancient Celts of Ireland and Scotland, whose history began on the territory of modern Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is celebrated on October 31, the eve of All Saints' Day.
Lead 2: Halloween is traditionally celebrated in English-speaking countries, although it is not an official holiday. Halloween is celebrated informally in some other countries with close cultural ties to the US and UK. The tradition of making gourds originates from the Celtic custom of making lanterns to help souls find their way to purgatory. In Scotland, the turnip was the symbol of Halloween, but in North America it was quickly replaced by the pumpkin as a cheaper and more accessible vegetable.
Presenter 1: Popular costumes from classic horror movies such as Mummies and Frankenstein's monster. Symbols of autumn, such as village scarecrows, play an important role in the festive decoration of houses. The main themes of Halloween are death, evil, the occult and monsters. Traditional colors are black and orange.
Lead 2: In a word, the whole underworld arranged a grand Sabbath that night.
And today we invite you to participate in this Sabbath. Please take an active part in competitions.
Presenter 1: And now let's welcome the jury:
They will rate each team depending on the competition.
Lead 2: So, we begin!
Competition I


(you need to answer the questions, for each correct answer a sweet prize is given!)
5 points are given for each correct answer.
1.Where did the story of Halloween begin?
UK, France
2. What is the symbol of Halloween?
3. The main phrase of Halloween?
"Candies or life"
4. What date is Halloween celebrated?
On the night of October 31 to November 1
5.Where is Halloween most popular?
6. The most important character of Halloween?
7.What do you agree with? Halloween is a holiday
a) the gates of winter b) the end of the harvest c) evil spirits
8. On Halloween it is accepted:
a) scare everyone b) make fun of everyone c) put up with everyone
9. Choose the superfluous - something that does not correlate with the holiday:
a) spirits and the dead b) evil spirits c) brownies and goblin
10. Which of the following colors is not the symbolic color of Halloween? a) blue b) orange c) black Competition 1.(improvisation_)
The jury evaluates the dance on a scale of 5b who will improvise better.
Each team will need 1 person, the task of the participants is to dance to the music that will be given and present themselves as interesting as possible.
Competition 2.(forfeits)
On a 5b scale, depending on who will carry out orders more original.
All participants, one by one, will take forfeits from the box and carry out orders.
For example: scream like a victim from the movie "Scream",
pretend to be a hungry zombie
show cast
perform a ritual dance
cast a spell to transform
show Harry Potter
howl like a wolf at the moon
show how a vampire sucks blood
show how to transform into a werewolf
make a sinister laugh
Competition 3.(quatrain)
Four words are given, that is, 2 pairs that rhyme with each other. Participants need to come up with a meaningful quatrain as soon as possible - with humor and creativity.
Examples of rhymes for the task:
blood-eyebrow, class-eye
egg-sorceress, glass-cockroach
Competition 4.(ritual)
Invite two girls from each team. Before each girl there are ritual bowls with blood. The task of the participants is to drink the contents as soon as possible. The one who completes the ritual the fastest wins.
Competition 5.(flying on a broomstick)
Arrange a broom flying contest among the girls.

Presenter 1: Well, now let's summarize. In the meantime, the jury calculates the results, let's watch the video.

1st place: Diploma of the best witch and black eye shadow (for a witchy look)
2nd place: Witch diploma and black nail polish (for sleight of hand during witchcraft)
3rd place: Witch diploma and black lipstick (for better spellcasting)
4th place: Diploma of the witch and comb (for a fresh head)
The head witch congratulates the young witches on passing the exam and gaining the status of witches and the right to cast spells.
Prizes for the audience for the best costumes - lanterns and garlic to scare away all evil spirits!
Main Witch: Thank you all for coming to our Sabbath. And it's time for us to fly to our forest. See you next year!

October is almost over, which means that the most terribly interesting night of the year is approaching - the eve of All Saints' Day - Halloween. More recently, the holiday was celebrated only in Britain and America, and today the whole world is looking forward to October 30, it is on this night that Halloween is celebrated. Everyone, from children to adults, wants to try on the images and costumes of witches, devils, goblin, demons, vampires, zombies and other evil spirits. Leaving such an occasion without everyone's attention is a huge sin, so we decided to provide you with an interesting and scary Halloween scenario for young people, students, teenagers, and children. At school, at a university or at work - it does not matter at all where you are going to celebrate such a many-sided holiday. The main thing is that you are ready for new unusual and non-standard ideas for celebrating Halloween!

An interesting children's Halloween scenario at school

Halloween is a great scary-fun holiday, and there are dozens of ways to have fun at school. The celebration of the eve of All Saints' Day is considered a good way to diversify school everyday life and defuse the atmosphere in the team. And since today's educators simply have to keep up with the times, an interesting children's Halloween scenario at school should be suitable for today's students.

Ideas for a Children's Halloween Script at School

Leading the Halloween holiday at school can be:

  • Devil and Dracula
  • Good fairy and evil witch
  • Vodyanoy and Goblin
  • Baba Yaga and Kikimora
  • Two features
  • Zombie and Tooth Fairy

Everything else depends on the imagination of the organizer. The main thing is not to forget about the most important things without which Halloween is impossible:

Unusual Halloween scenario for high school students and teenagers

In spite of the fact that the triumph of cheerful evil spirits came to us recently, it managed to gather a huge staff of young fans. An unusual Halloween scenario for high school students and teenagers is prepared in advance so that the holiday is memorable and unique every year. The scenario of an event that is both scary and fun at the school requires the patience of the teachers and the free time of the participants. After all, the organization of a holiday dedicated to all evil spirits is not an easy task. Everything - from the scenery and makeup to the opening speech and pranks - should be thoughtful and harmoniously combined.

Ideas for an unusual Halloween scenario at school for teenagers

First of all, the participants of the holiday gather on Halloween in a decorated assembly hall to demonstrate and protect their costumes. The winners, determined by audience voting, receive prizes and "terrible" titles. Then the hosts in the images of Woland and Azazello appear on the stage to conduct various competitions, magic tricks, dances, and games. Woland, according to the episodes of the book and film, sits in his throne on the stage and announces the numbers of the program, while his assistant performs secondary functions at the school's Halloween party.

  • "Damn tail". Each participant is tied with a rope-tail with a pencil at the end. With the tip of a pencil, you need to get into the neck of the bottle as quickly as possible;
  • "Sweet Treasures" All participants need to collect sweets and goodies in the auditorium. Whose booty is the largest, he is the winner;
  • "Witch Bones" Previously, the bones are laid out in the assembly hall, which the participants must find in the minimum amount of time.

An unusual Halloween scenario for teenagers and high school students based on "The Master and Margarita" ends with a ball at Satan's with a creepy waltz of evil spirits and dancing to terrifying music. Woland at the end of the holiday chooses the king and queen of the dark forces and rewards them with terrible decorative crowns of bones and nails with spiders and bats.

Scary Halloween Scenario for Students and Youth

The scary Halloween scenario for students and youth consists of several important nuances. Weird surroundings, creepy costumes and themed entertainment are among them. At the mention of the Halloween holiday, each person has the same association - a pumpkin lantern "Jack O'Lantern". Making it is not difficult at all, having a sharp knife and minimal skill. It is important to create several such symbolic attributes for the holiday and place them at the entrance, in the corridors, on the stage and on the tables. You can also attach other decorative elements to them: artificial fog, scarecrow, cobwebs, figures of ghosts and ghosts, etc.

A suitable musical accompaniment plays an important role in preparing a scary Halloween scenario for young people. The tracklist should certainly include dark compositions ("Requiem", "Satan's Ball"), Celtic music, some crazy driving tracks for wild dances. In no case should you forget about the outfits. At the festival of dark forces, face control is important. Without creepy costumes of witches, demons, gnomes, devils and other evil spirits, the holiday will be incomplete.

Scary Halloween Scenario Ideas for Youth and Students

Any scary Halloween party should include some contests and lots of fun games. Most often, the script includes competitions for the most original costume, the funniest performance, the most terrible image, the funniest character, etc. The winners can be presented with souvenir bats, ghost-shaped lollipops, tickets to an unusual room of fear. By the way, such a room can be a good attraction. In a separate corner, you need to arrange tables in the form of a labyrinth, on which nasty exhibits will be located:

  • Dead Jack's heart is a sluggish tomato in its juice;
  • Dead Jack's Blood - thick tomato juice;
  • Dead Jack's eyes - boiled quail eggs with a painted pupil;
  • Dead Jack's tongue - raw beef liver;
  • Dead Jack's hair is a tousled wig on a ball or ball;
  • Dead Jack's intestines - raw pork intestines;
  • Dead Jack's teeth are white hard candies;
  1. "Worms and Witch's Eyes"
  2. "Pharaoh"
  3. "Horror film"
  4. "Death Walks Between Us"

A special place in the scary scenario for young people and students is assigned to the dance block. The theme of the dances is the coven of witches. Girls are encouraged to dance with brooms, guys - with dummies of axes, knives, scissors, saws. Yes, so that the mood is enough until the next Halloween.

The scariest Halloween scenario at school or university - the best ideas

Today, only a set of amusing and fascinating traditions remains from the ancient pagan celebration. On the eve of All Saints' Day, young people try on the images of unclean forces, dress up their homes and public places in creepy scenery, perform the rites "Dirty or a gift", "Treat or be sorry", and also organize parties according to the most terrible Halloween scenarios. Unlike the Celtic sacrifices, although today's holiday claims to be the most nightmarish of the year, it still remains cheerful and reckless.

Top Scariest Halloween Scenario Ideas:

  1. vampire party
  2. haunted house
  3. Rise of the Dead
  4. Scary Tales for Adults
  5. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  6. Visiting the surgeon
  7. "Viy"
  8. werewolf time
  9. All circles of hell
  10. Sabbat: witch, goblin, water

Taking one of these themes as an idea and supplementing it with creepy dramatizations, dull music and nightmarish trials, you can create the most terrible Halloween scenario.

A Halloween script for kids, teens, students, and young people doesn't have to be the scariest, but it does have to be interesting. A high-quality scenario for a good holiday at school for children consists of a lot of important nuances that are important to remember at all stages of preliminary preparation!

“Recently, very often people began to draw attention to holidays that have nothing to do with our country: Valentine's Day, Halloween and more.

"This year our school decided to arrange halloween evening. I am not a supporter of such events, but as a class teacher, I had to prepare a small scene with the students. Any educational event should set educational goals.

“Unfortunately, I did not see these goals in this event. This scene is of neutral content, tells a little about the traditions of the Halloween holiday and the storyline is tied to school life, that is, it completely excludes scenes of violence that are offered in materials posted on the Internet.

""Many thanks for the help in creating this sketch to the social teacher of the Yantar support center Kolopetsinna A.P.

"Scene for Halloween.

“Around the children depict oak trees, a fire is burning in the center, a Druid and a Gingerbread Man are sitting by the fire.

"Hello, dear guests, old and young!
I will tell my story about ancient times, about Celtic tribes, about holidays, in those great days.
And one of them has come down to our days, it is celebrated with us now.
Yes Yes! You guessed it - Halloween! Previously, it was called differently, but our author did not go into such subtle details.

"So the story begins:
- Grandfather Druid is sitting by the fire,
He wants to make a sacrifice
The knife, of course, sharpens,
The bun will most likely get wet.

"The gingerbread man says to him:
- I left my grandmother, and I left my grandfather, and I left the hare, and the druid will leave you even more so.

- Judge for yourself, my friend, people are pursued by hard rock.

- We need help
There is one tradition
To light fires this night, to make sacrifices,
Save people.
Distribute the coals of these fires to people,
Protect housing from dark spirits

-Mission, of course, grandfather is important!
But why was I chosen?
In the world there is an alternative and not one.
Animals and people themselves
There are countless candidates in this hall.
And hooligans and losers, of course, there are ...
And I'm the only one in the world
I will not repeat and we will not win!
I can redeem myself,
Whatever you want, I will!

- You offer sweets and sweets, for all the kids!
Redeem yourself, won't you? Do you have enough candy?

- Sweets give friends, take it, because I'm not greedy.

- This is a rogue
Candy will save your life
But what are we to do
Druids - sorcerers.
Victims are needed
They must save us
From evil spirits.

- There is a way out - we can make another sacrifice.
When I went here, I found one thing, but not a very simple one!
Takes out a diary from his bosom

- Here it is, the little thing.
It's called a diary!
Ivanova Dima.
Among you there is such, al is not present.
- There are none, well
After all, he is terribly lucky that he is not among you now.

- Do you want to offer him as a sacrifice?

No, of course you are, this is a victim, not a victim.
Look what I found in this diary!
Pours a deuce on the floor.

- We will sacrifice them to the dark force, saving the world doubly.

Well, the idea is not new, but I like it.
We do not need deuces in diaries. It is so?

"Druid walks around the fire
- We are druids, sorcerers, very strong sorcerers. We will save the world now from the dark forces, from the evil and superfluous deuces. We will distribute the coals of our fire so that they help us protect houses and diaries!
They hand out small red fives together with Kolobok.

"Thank you for your attention, we hope for recognition.