Where the sea blooms Why the sea blooms in Anapa

  • 30.06.2023

So what is this misfortune that frightens people and where does it come from? Why does the sea bloom in Anapa? The whole reason for "damask" is seaweed, which also has its own scientific name - stray cladophora. In 2013, more than 500 spacious trucks were taken from the Anapa coast. And last summer broke all records in general - the equipment worked on the beaches so as not to interfere with vacationers during the day, all night long! And yet, the Central Beach from mid-August to early September resembled a swamp, and was almost empty. Coastal catering outlets suffered losses: vacationers categorically did not want to breathe hydrogen sulfide.

By the way, we note that damask is not found in coastal waters in winter. The sea cools to such an extent (about ten degrees) that it is absolutely not to her taste. In addition, wild storms rage on it for weeks, headlong covering the beaches up to high dunes and even overflowing them. The sea is self-cleaning, if it were not for this natural phenomenon, it is still unknown what would be on its shores in the high season. And after the off-season comes spring. Near the sandy beaches, the sea is shallow, warms up quickly, and already in April, damask appears near its shores. There is not enough of her yet, and no one pays attention to her.

Then May comes, followed by June, the hot month of July, and a green mass appears off the coast. It is pleasant and even useful for the legs to walk on it - we will say more about this later. And suddenly a storm. Kamka is thrown ashore in abundance. But they are unable to take it out. The high summer temperature for her is the most buzz, it multiplies with amazing speed. However, in fairness it must be said that such phenomena are observed not only in our country.

In that Turkey and other Black Sea countries, too. Another thing is that there are more effective ways to deal with it and less of the human factor of its appearance. Yes, of course, the abundance of damask in August is largely affected by high temperatures (almost forty) and winds north of them, northeast, which drove a lot of algae to the Central Beach. He just became a huge reservoir of her accumulation. And where was the stone to go? The pier of the sea station, other structures on the water are built in one piece. But what if on stilts?! Then the algae would have carried away the rest. Let's not forget about the sewer drainage system, which was built three kilometers long, but quite recently, and earlier the city's sewage was an excellent nutrient medium for kamka. The matter was further aggravated by the fact that earlier clean sand was brought to the Central Beach. And suddenly it occurred to someone to use the one taken out earlier with damask. This added pace to the reproduction of algae. And what an amazing picture was observed a few years ago? Kamka in huge quantities was raked into huge heaps at a distance from the Central Beach right at the edge of the sea, and storms in the off-season carried it into the boundless distance, though after a while returning it in ever-increasing numbers. But she was not removed, but instructed to do this by the elements. That's what she did. Martyshkin's work! And look at some cleaners at sanatoriums and boarding houses. Instead of storing the accumulated damask on the shore in heaps and then taking it out, they dump it with a rake into coastal waters. Again - monkey work! And the volumes of kamka, with such a benevolent attitude towards it, are constantly growing. Therefore, it would be necessary to develop and implement a technical system for combating damask. Come up with watercraft to collect it in the early stages of reproduction and its subsequent processing. Such a task has been set by the city and the region for decades, but it has not been brought to practice. Because we are very wasteful!

Take a look at the heaps of damask mixed with sand and stored behind the dunes, right at some of the gates of sanatoriums and boarding houses! Yes, they are overgrown with weeds just in human growth! Therefore, Kamka is an effective organic fertilizer. Here it would be properly processed for fields, vineyards and other plantations, and the cleaned sand back to the beaches. Direct benefit! But our hands do not reach a good deed.

Many tourists planning a trip to the resort are concerned about the question: when does the sea bloom in Anapa? To choose other dates for vacation. However, not everyone knows that algae blooms in Anapa can be seen mainly only in shallow areas of the coast with a weak current - the water is unable to cope with the pressure of flowering flora, as a result, the green mass of sea mud accumulates in the water and on the shore. However, on beaches with a deeper bottom, the water almost always remains clear.

The beaches in the area are free from algae throughout the season. In resort villages, sea mud also appears, as well as in the city. In, as well as on sections of the coast that lead away and algae are less common.

Most of the beaches are equipped no worse than the central one, they have all the entertainment infrastructure, cafes and rental shops, so you can relax no worse than in the resort center.

The blooming of the sea begins in Anapa in mid-June and lasts until August, either meeting guests with inhospitable algal mountains, or greeting them with overflows of transparent, perfectly clean waves. This happens when the water temperature reaches 24-26 degrees - the most favorable conditions for active reproduction, there is no exact date for the beginning or end of flowering.

However, one should not think that having dressed in algae at the beginning of summer, the sea continues to bloom continuously until autumn. Not at all, the sea blooms in Anapa in short periods of several days, so if on the first day of your vacation you stumble upon a green disgrace, you should not say goodbye to your vacation, it is quite possible that the next morning you will find beautiful seascapes and nothing “extra”.

In addition, you can always rent or sail away from the coast, where the water is always clear, or spend this day in one of the local ones.

But even areas attacked by flowering should not be ignored in principle. Basically, you get a free and unlimited thalassotherapy session. Where else can you take advantage of the healing power of algae without visiting salons and sanatoriums, if not in Anapa?

The masses occupying the seashores are a kind of seaweed - damask. It has many beneficial effects, including the treatment of rheumatism, bronchitis, sciatica, disorders of the musculoskeletal system, skin and other diseases. And in tandem with sea water and the southern sun, a truly magical healing complex is obtained. So the flowering of the sea in Anapa is not at all a reason for frustration, but rather an opportunity to dilute the rest with natural healing.

Usually, currents, like waves, are formed by winds - where the wind blows, there the water moves. Near land, the currents rush along the coast, which is why they are called along the coast. It is the physics of these currents that explains why the sea blooms.

Winds and currents

South-westerly winds dominate our coast. Do you see the cape to our left - the high bank in Anapa?

Anapa Cape

Most of the time, the wind blows from there, and the alongshore current near the Dzhemete beach is directed to the north - from Anapa to the beaches, in the same direction as the main Black Sea current. It is this coastal current that supplies the green sea mud with mineral supplements, which we find everywhere - both on the beach and in the waves of the surf, you will see it on the sandy bottom when we dive underwater together.

blooming sea water

Cladophora vagrant

This algae is called stray cladophora. Under a microscope, it can be seen that the cladophora has a very simple structure - these are threads of identical cells. Such a device is the first, primitive stage of the multicellular organization of plants; it provides the largest exchange surface with the environment - after all, algae do not feed on roots, which they do not have, but on the entire surface of their body, which is called the thallus, or thallus. Therefore, filamentous algae grows very quickly. It is she who grows here, because other algae, firstly, cannot grow so quickly, and, secondly, they all need to be attached to something solid, on the sand it is impossible. But the wandering cladophore does not need to be strengthened - it lies in a tangled ball at the bottom and grows, the current carries it, it continues to grow in a new place - indeed, a tramp.

Cladophora vagrant under a microscope

We find a mass of the Anapa cladophora near Taman - it is carried away by the alongshore current for 70 kilometers. Branches break off from the main thallus and give rise to new thalli. This is vegetative reproduction, and cladophora rarely resorts to sexual reproduction. When the male and female cells merge, single-celled children are formed, which can grow immediately, or can become covered with a thick wall and hibernate in the sand; they will sprout next year - in the spring, and mud will appear again near the beach. However, there is nothing wrong with cladophore, or just mud, on the contrary, a lot of interesting life develops in it. In its green mass, fry of almost all types of coastal fish, such as horse mackerel, mullet. And under a microscope, we can find tiny orange sponges on the threads of cladophores - the most primitive multicellular animals that parasitize algae.

Summer holidays at sea should leave only positive impressions. After all, the sea is, first of all, clean air, pleasant sand and a magnificent landscape. All this can be found in Anapa. However, there is a period famous for the presence of an unpleasant smell and swamp slurry right on the shore - the so-called flowering period. If you want to know when the sea blooms in Anapa, read on.

Anapa rightfully bears the title of a children's resort, as snow-white sand and mild climate are ideal for families with kids. But the presence of a period when the sea blooms within the city brings its own fly in the ointment to a huge barrel of honey. Sea bloom occurs in Anapa mainly from mid-August to early September. Unfortunately, the most favorable time for swimming is fraught with such difficulties.

What is this phenomenon? The coast is almost completely strewn with algae thrown ashore by the wave. Hot weather does the second half of the job, makes the algae in Anapa exude an extremely unpleasant smell of hydrogen sulfide, which makes you feel like you are not on the beach, but near the gutter.

When the sea begins to bloom in Anapa, local residents refrain from swimming, as the prospect of swimming on the surface of the swamp slurry is, to put it mildly, repulsive. Only desperate tourists are not afraid of this fact and boldly climb to swim.

Healing properties or a fairy tale for tourists?

“The sea is blooming in Anapa, which means that there is a chance to heal your health,” such a phrase can often be heard from those interested in attracting a stream of vacationers to the resort. But is this true and where did the story come from that algae in Anapa have healing properties.

In fact, the swamp mass, exuding an unpleasant odor, does not have healing properties, except perhaps magical ones. Magic is what stupefies gullible tourists into believing the nonsense that applying a smelly substance to the face will "smooth out all the wrinkles in an instant." Forget, this procedure will cause nothing but smiles of others and sincere laughter of local residents. If you are an ardent supporter of mud therapy, go to a mud bath and get as young as you like, but do not use rotting algae.

When the Black Sea blooms in Anapa, nothing but disgust arises, but where did the statement about the miraculous effect of this slurry come from? Everything is very simple indeed, these algae are useful, but not in this form. They are collected and processed according to a special technique and used in the manufacture of many drugs.

The collection of algae data does not begin when the sea begins to bloom in Anapa, but much earlier. There is no collection during the flowering period.

What is the reason

So, why does the sea bloom in Anapa? It's all about special algae - called kavka. This plant loves warm, heated water and at a temperature of 24-26 degrees begins active growth and reproduction, which causes a large number of it on the beaches of the resort.

In addition to warm water, the formation of marsh slurry is facilitated by a shallow depth and a small current.

It is believed that the answer to the question why the sea blooms in Anapa is hidden in the distant Soviet past. So, the trawling of the seabed, which was carried out here in the 70-80s, is to blame for everything. This was the formation of changes and a similar phenomenon began to form in the sea. But this is just a guess, not supported by documentary materials.


But what to do if you have already planned your vacation, arrived, and the sea is blooming in Anapa? The answer is obvious, find a place where you will be comfortable to rest.

Several places can be classified as such:

  1. High coast area.
  2. Blagoveshchenskaya.
  3. Dzhemete.

The place called the “high coast” is a rocky beach and a rocky sea, in which, by definition, there are no such plants, and when the sea begins to bloom in Anapa, the “high coast” compares favorably with other areas of the city. True, here your child will not be able to tinker in the sand, but only compete with other children in the distance of throwing stones.

Blagoveshchenskaya and Dzhemete are areas where algae do not bloom and where the sea does not exude the unpleasant smell of "rotten eggs". True, the infrastructure here is somewhat poorer than the resort city.

But, although the sea blooms in the midst of the season, flowering does not continue continuously. Usually this happens in short periods, three to four days, after which everything becomes as before for a week, and again a period when the sea turns into a swamp.

The local authorities do their best to clean up the beaches, but it is obvious that they can not cope. As a rule, algae are raked into heaps that are not taken out for several days, and even though the sea is relatively clean, the smell coming from the heaps is sometimes simply unbearable.

The sea blooms when you feel good, and this is the main law of meanness that can happen. You should not spoil your vacation with bad thoughts, and if you encounter a similar phenomenon, just change your usual bathing place for something new or wait a couple of days. Walk around the center, go to the water park, dolphinarium or horseback riding.

If there is no desire to swim in such water, you can drive a few kilometers from Anapa to the nearest settlement. To do this, we recommend using the popular service for traveling around Russia Bla-Bla Car.

Many tourists who come to rest in Anapa are shocked when they see an overgrown green swamp instead of a clear blue sea. This means that the sea has blossomed. Everything, the rest of which people have been waiting for a whole year, is ruined. Is everything lost? Let's figure it out...

When and why does the sea bloom?

There are no specific dates when the sea begins to bloom. It happens at different times every year. The peak usually occurs in August, when the water turns into a green porridge.

This happens due to the temperature of the water when it warms up to 24 degrees and above. At this time, all places where there is a weak current and shallow depth begin to overgrow with green algae. Thus, Anapa becomes an ideal place for their flowering.

During flowering, they try to clean the beach, but to no avail ...

Can you swim when the water is blooming?

Swimming is not only possible, but also useful! Despite the fact that for many it is not very pleasant and does not look aesthetically pleasing, blooming water has healing properties. More precisely, not the water itself, but algae. They make ointments and gels. Algae is also used to treat bronchitis, rheumatism, sciatica and disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

What to do if you are in a period of blooming sea

There is always a way out. The sea blooms most strongly in Anapa in the area of ​​​​the central beach, there is a very shallow and weakly flowing area. Many tourists think that this happens everywhere and how zombies continue to go to the “central swamp”.

Anapa, central beach (August 2014)

Firstly, you can go to the pebble-stone. There the water does not stagnate and there is almost no algae.

Secondly, if you are by car, feel free to go to the beaches in the Vityazevo or Blagoveshchenskaya area. There will be clean and comfortable water for swimming. The sea is deep and well washed. And the beach is landscaped and no less comfortable than in Anapa.

Vityazevsky beach (August 2014)

In short, if you got to a seaside resort during flowering - do not be discouraged. Know that somewhere nearby there are probably beaches with clear water. Ask the locals, they will probably tell you where there are such places.