Dr. Lisa, thank you! “We are changing the scale.

  • 28.06.2023

“Just don’t put things in the closet, otherwise I might accidentally give them to the homeless,” a dark-haired woman tells us, sorting out clothes. Here, in the famous basement on Pyatnitskaya, everything is the same as it was under Elizabeth Glinka. Now the foundation she founded is called "Doctor Lisa's Fair Aid". He, just as with her, helps those who are not helped by anyone - the homeless and the most disadvantaged people. And just like in the last years of her life, she takes children out of hot spots.

“If all people were like her, this world would be heaven on earth,” says Ksenia Sokolova, president of the foundation, who was friends with Dr. Lisa and led the foundation after her death. Ksenia told TASS about trips to hot spots, talking with the homeless, and invited Russian President Vladimir Putin to go to the basement on Pyatnitskaya.

"In Donbass they think: "This is Russia, they will help"

- Having headed the fund, you said that you would go to Donetsk and Syria. Go?

Yes, I went to Donetsk in March. I talked to doctors, visited hospitals. It was psychologically important for people in the Donbass to see the person who, after the death of Liza, headed the fund. They were tense and afraid that our help would end. They rely a lot on us. They say: "This is Russia, they will help."

It was not possible to fly to Syria. And now, as you know, our troops are being withdrawn from there. But we still need humanitarian assistance, we recently received a new request. We will send.

- Do people in Donbass remember Doctor Lisa?

Very good. She is an absolute legend for them. I do not like to associate Lisa with some kind of holiness, but according to the stories of ordinary people, you can write her life. For example, there was a cook in the hotel, her husband is a diabetic. And Lisa gave her medicines for him every time, she did not forget. This woman came up to me and said, "She saved my husband."

- In 2014, you already went to Donbass as a volunteer together with Dr. Lisa. What has changed during this time?

A lot has changed. Then we still rode the train, which was called "Donbass". But he did not go to Donetsk, but to Konstantinovka, because the further paths were already bombed, they simply broke off. From there we went to Donetsk in a minibus through several checkpoints. People at these checkpoints were in different camouflage, without shoulder straps. Who it was - it was impossible to understand at all. And what they can do - was unpredictable. And in Donetsk, when we were there, there was serious shooting at night.

And this year we calmly flew to Rostov, got into the car and crossed the border. No one was shooting anywhere. But there are no fewer children who are waiting for help. There were fewer wounded. This year we have evacuated 77 children from there. And Liza took out 500 in two and a half years.

- You traveled to hot spots both as a journalist and as a philanthropist. How were the sensations different?

I can clearly answer this question, because in my youth I dreamed of becoming a war correspondent. In 1993, I first went to war - to Nagorno-Karabakh. And there I realized that I would not be a war correspondent. Because a journalist must be indifferent enough in a good way to do his job. And I couldn’t watch what was happening to these people and just pass on the news. I'm not built for it.

When I am in a hot spot as a philanthropist, this is a closer role for me. I can somehow help these people.

Former president of the Doctor Liza Fair Help Foundation and journalist Ksenia Sokolova told Zoya Svetova how they tried to destroy her reputation, force her to step down from the presidency, about the raider seizure of the foundation, and about who is interested in initiating a criminal case against her.

August 6 agency "Moscow" reported that the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case on abuse of power in the charitable foundation "Fair Help", created by Elizaveta Glinka. Glinka died in December 2016 in the crash of a Defense Ministry plane flying to Syria on a humanitarian mission. After her death, the fund was headed by the well-known journalist Ksenia Sokolova, a close friend of Glinka.

“Lisa’s employees and associates were completely confused”

- When were you offered to head the Fair Aid Foundation?

Just a few days after Lisa's death, her husband Gleb and her staff contacted me. They asked me to save the fund and lead it. I officially became the president of the foundation on February 14, 2017 and remained so until June 29, 2018, when I was removed at the general meeting of the organization. Lisa's death was an extraordinary event for me. If it was about anyone but her, of course, I would not have signed up for such an offer. Friendship with Lisa was very personal and special. Lisa was of great importance to me and when the conflict around her happened in 2014, I supported her and because of this I quarreled with a number of my influential acquaintances. Lisa was not only a friend, but in a sense, even my "Doctor Lisa", and after her death, I thought that since the circumstances were like this and her close people asked me to save the fund, I would do it for Lisa. On these people her light fell in my eyes.

What were your duties as president?

My presidency should be divided into three parts.The first is real crisis management, that is, simply saving the fund. The second is the development of a new fund strategy, and the third is its implementation, we planned to turn the small Dr. Lisa Foundation into one of the largest charitable foundations in Russia.

- And why was it necessary to save the fund?

Lisa's employees and associates were completely confused and could not work out any coherent program on how this fund would exist, who would head it, and I, as a well-known media person, suited them very much in this sense. I was going to be a media person, planning to solve PR tasks and engage in fundraising. But it immediately became clear that the fund was in an absolute mess with papers, it was not even clear how to appoint me president, because the procedure itself was not clear. It became obvious that a lawyer was needed who would handle a huge amount of paperwork. And then I invited lawyer Anna Agranovich. Anna did an excellent job with her task.

- How did it happen that you were expelled from the fund?

Everything was fine until last summer. Everything worked, we did not close any of the projects and programs that worked under Lisa, put the papers in order, and I slowly began to formulate a new strategy. But unexpectedly, I had a conflict with an employee of the fund, Natalya Avilova. At that time, she was one of the three members of the board - we ourselves elected her there, she led the Donetsk project, flew to Donetsk on the planes of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and brought sick and wounded children from there. Natalia wrote me a letter. She said that she was actually Lisa's personal PR manager, "made her a reputation" and offered to "make a reputation" for me. I answered rather harshly that I did not need such services. This happened last summer, in July, and then, somewhere in September, Major General of the Investigative Committee, Bastrykin's senior assistant Igor Komissarov, entered the scene.

Igor Komisarov. Photo: Valery Sharifulin / TASS

“We have completely different views on charity”

- Is he the customer of your persecution?

I have every reason to believe that this is so.

What is his interest?

We have completely different views on charity. For example, he believes that a philanthropist should not receive money for his activities. I think that it can and should, and it is necessary for people to pay normal money, because this is work. Apparently, General Komissarov considers me his worst ideological enemy. We met at Lisa's wake, and at first we worked quite fruitfully for ourselves and everything was fine.

- And what did the general of the UK have to do with the Lisa Glinka fund?

In 2014, when Lisa was a member of the Human Rights Council, the President signed Decree No. 1134, thanks to which her personal project for the removal of sick and wounded children from Donetsk actually became a state one. Several departments were involved in this project: the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and including the Investigative Committee. The general said that in some critical situations, Lisa simply called him and he resolved issues. He respected her very much, she perfectly matched his idea of ​​​​what a philanthropist should be, and after her death he decided to continue helping the foundation. At first, I perceived him as a very friendly person, and shared my plans with him.

- What?

When I began to develop a new fund strategy, I had the idea to create a children's center named after Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka in Moscow.The Fair Help Foundation has a House of Mercy, which is located on the territory of the former City Hospital No. 11 on Novaya Basmannaya Street. There are 2 hectares of land and 11 buildings that are empty, collapsing, including the city estate of the 18th century. And I thought, it would be good if the city helped to restore at least part of this complex. And on the map of Moscow there would be a children's hospital named after Lisa Glinka. Further, not wanting to spend the fund's money on so far vague projects, I simply called various acquaintances who, one way or another, were related to the creation and construction of medical facilities, and asked me to sketch out some ideas for me - what kind of children's institution is missing in Moscow. One of these ideas was to create a children's rehabilitation center with a commercial and non-profit department. The point was that a non-profit exists on the income from the commercial branch. We later dismissed this idea, but at the moment when it appeared, I went to the general on some completely extraneous matter. And then there was a tragic coincidence. A few days before the visit to the general, the devil managed to give me an interview with a glossy magazine and they asked me, among other things, why I did not fly to Syria (the foundation had a project to provide humanitarian assistance to Syrian children's hospitals). In fact, I did not have the opportunity to fly there, but jokingly I replied that I would not fly there, because there are no toilets in Russian military aircraft - which is true. After that, I found out that the most touchy people in the world are the Russian military, because soon a ten-minute story was aired on some central channel, how good Dr. Liza was, and now bad glamorous Ksenia Sokolova, she does not want to fly on our military planes , but others fly. Then they showed for a long time how the bladder works in an airplane, etc.And this General Komissarov said to me: “Listen, if this is shown, then there is a signal to kill you.”I say, come on, anything can happen, I am a new person in this topic and did not know that people were so offended, but there really are no toilets! And then I told him about our plan for the Glinka hospital. Then I even sent it to him. He answered me that he showed the plan to specialists and they believe that he is unprofessional. I explained to him that this is only one of the ideas, we have more than ten such options. In the end, we sent them all to the basket and settled on the option of a children's treatment and patronage center.

But the general had already decided for himself that Ksenia Sokolova wanted to chop off 2 hectares of Moscow real estate with an estate, open some kind of meaningless commercial center there and cash in on children.

And, apparently, as I understand it, he began to develop such a negative image of me, because before that he told me about Pavel Astakhov, who also chopped off some kind of mansion, supposedly for children.

"You'll get in trouble, the general doesn't like you"

- That is, he suspected you of wanting to earn money from charity?

Exactly. He did not understand my motives, did not believe that my work in the fund was just a tribute to friendship. Looking for profit. As a result, she and Mrs. Avilova formed a tandem, and quite effective. I realized this when I came to the next meeting of the Avilova Foundation with a black folder with gold embossing "Investigative Committee". She told all those gathered that she did not trust me, and they would soon be imprisoned. After the meeting, we talked to her alone, and she openly told me: “Go away. I'll do everything myself, and you leave." I say: “Why should I leave?” Her: "You'll be in big trouble, the general doesn't like you." The funny thing is that if these people came to me and said: “Ksyusha, you were our crisis manager, thank you, we will continue on our own,” I would leave with great relief. But they began to put pressure on me.

Elizaveta Glinka and Ksenia Sokolova. Photo: personal Facebook page

- But you were going to leave after you put the affairs of the fund in order? And then you decided to take it seriously?

I literally got hooked. There is a very clear boundary, when I got involved and realized that the prospects opened up, and I know how to develop the fund.

- Did someone help you from the government?

Mikhail Alexandrovich Fedotov helped from the very beginning - together with Anna Agranovich they made a new charter, a regulation on the board of trustees, etc. I myself did not call or impose on any of the high patrons of the fund, they called me from Volodin, then from Mironov, etc. e. I met with everyone who invited me. At one of the meetings with Volodin, I honestly said that such a moment had come that I had to decide whether to leave or stay and implement a new strategy. We put everything in order, and if the fund will work in the volumes in which it works, then I'm simply not needed there, they will do just fine on their own. But there is a strategic plan: to make a treatment and patronage center, to make other projects, we came up with “Doctor Liza’s vans” for Moscow pensioners, projects for the homeless, etc. We started hiring new people, we had to rent an office, since the new team had to work just nowhere.

- Could you recruit people yourself or did you have to consult with the board?

There were three of us on the board: myself, Avilova, and Andrey Makeev, a trustee and long-term donor to the foundation. Everything was decided in the board by a simple majority. At the same time, the operational management was carried out by director Maxim Agranovich. For example, the director comes to me and says: we need an accountant, a secretary. And we hired the necessary people, but did not inflate the staff.

“Putin instructed: “to review, work through and express an opinion”

- And who gave money to the fund?

When I arrived, there were about 40 million rubles in the accounts. Basically, it was money for statutory activities. I have attracted several donors. For example, a donor appeared who brought about 15 million. 5 million a year was traditionally donated personally by Volodin, etc. Small donations were constantly coming from people, as is usually the case with foundations. But our potential was much higher, it is obvious that with such fame we could attract much more funds. A clear professional structure was needed, including retail fundraising. From a small fund, the center of which was Lisa, who was gone, we had to move to the system, and last summer we made such a glass bridge to the future structure. And when some money was already invested in this, but there were no concrete results yet, they hit us.

I felt that something was being plotted against me, but I was so engrossed in what we came up with that I just didn't pay attention to the negativity.

We created plans, came up with projects, went to strategic sessions, etc. At the end of the year, I brought the idea of ​​the Glinka Treatment and Patronage Center, described on two pieces of paper, to Sergei Mironov. As he later told me, he gave it, along with his cover letter, to Vladimir Putin personally. And Putin instructed Sobyanin - "to review, work out and express his opinion" (the document is at the disposal of the editors. - "MBKh media"). I was very inspired by this paper and immediately showed it to all the employees. Almost at the same time, Lyudmila Mikhailovna Alekseeva, a member of our board of trustees, at the ceremony of presenting her with the State Prize, asked Putin for personal patronage for the Fair Help of Doctor Lisa Foundation. The President seems to have reacted favorably to this. And that's when we got into serious trouble.

Letter from Deputy Sergei Mironov to Vladimir Putin with Vladimir Putin's resolution and instructions to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin on supporting the Fair Aid Foundation project. Photo from the archive of Ksenia Sokolova

- Namely?

As I understand it, General Komissarov and his allies realized that something was starting to work out for me. And the general sent me a letter addressed to someone else: “I told you what Ksenia Sokolova is doing and showed you the plan of the commercial clinic that she is going to open and I will do everything possible and impossible to protect the honor of my friend Dr. Liza.” I wrote to him in response that, probably, this letter came to me by accident. The general replied that he had specially sent this letter to me for review.

Letter from Igor Komissarov forwarded to Ksenia Sokolova

- This is all happening in December 2017?

Yes. We received support from Putin, Mr. Volodin went with me to Sobyanin, introduced me and told the mayor about our idea. Sergey Semyonovich asked, maybe you don't need a large estate right away, maybe we will give you an old orphanage and you will make this center there? I assured him that the orphanage would suit us perfectly. Then the deputy called me. Mayor of Moscow Leonid Pechatnikov, approved the idea of ​​the center, and we agreed to create a working group. In the same December, the Foundation received an RBC award. December 25 was the anniversary of Liza's death. Dozens of journalists began to come to us, and the REN TV channel also came. They did a great interview with me. And then they asked to take them again - to finish something. The correspondent handed me a paper - it was an internal audit ordered by me, which the members of the general meeting of our organization received the day before: “And here it is written that your administrative expenses exceeded your expenses for medicines. Comment! This, of course, was nonsense. I asked the correspondent where he got this document from, he did not answer. I sent them off.

It became clear that REN TV was filming dirty tricks, and that someone had leaked our confidential internal documents to them.

This was not the first time. The day before, several journalists approached me for an interview, directly referring to a letter describing my malicious activities and a copy of this audit, which Natalya Avilova sent to representatives of various charitable organizations. I realized that REN TV wants to show its story just on the anniversary of Lisa's death in the Good on Air program, and I wrote to the channel's management so that they show this story not on that day, but at least later, out of respect for Lisa's memory. They didn't answer me. Then Mikhail Aleksandrovich Fedotov somehow prevented the showing of the “revealing” story on December 25th. The story came out later.

“Under Lisa, the main money of the fund was black”

- What was in the plot?

It was said that I increased my salary five times, rented an office, raised the salaries of employees, I spend more on lawyers than on medicines, the wards cannot get into the new office because there are stairs, etc. The correspondent quoted the rehabilitation project center, which I sent to Komissarov, and said that I was going to open a commercial clinic. They showed some photos of me from glamorous parties, and the conclusion was: there was a good Lisa, she received 30 thousand rubles, and here is a bad Ksenia, who raised her salary five times and is wasting money.

- And under Lisa Glinka, did the employees really receive a very small salary?

I think now it is already possible to reveal the open secret, which everyone knows about: under Lisa, the main money of the fund was black. The salaries of people were partially paid white, and everything else was paid in cash. Lisa was being carried cash in large quantities. They absolutely trusted her, she spent money on her wards, on trips to Donetsk, etc. The donors did not doubt her honesty and did the right thing - I testify, as a person who had known her for a long time and helped her. When Lisa died, the fund's cash desk disappeared without a trace - so I was told by several of her closest employees.

Custom broadcasts on REN TV, forwarding internal documents, dissatisfaction with you of the general of the Investigative Committee, who was the curator of the fund, what was the purpose of all these actions?

The goal is for me not to be in the fund. This was clearly indicated by Avilova, who was my antagonist, and this was made clear by General Komissarov. He wrote to me that the support of those in power for me is a temporary phenomenon. And I wrote to him in response that he has the right to express his opinion, but I am against dirty methods, leaks, denunciations, fabricated plots, etc. By the way, he himself admitted at the meeting that the leaks on REN TV were his doing board of trustees, saying that his "friend Volodya Tyulin", the general director of REN TV, is ready for a lot. I remember this, because in response, the shocked Marianna Maksimovskaya asked the general why he was leaking his friend like that. As shown later, the general considered it possible to achieve his goal by any means, up to the most cynical and harsh.

- That is, in December 2017 you entered the "warpath"?

Yes, it became clear that I could not stay in the fund together with Avilova. It became clear that General Komissarov would not stop. And I didn't want to give up. They didn't ruin my reputation. Although REN TV released two more stories, completely mediocre, I must say. None of the influential people or opinion leaders paid any attention to them. Firstly, I had some kind of reputation, and everyone understood that I would not steal money, and certainly not 170 thousand rubles of salary in Lisa's basement. Secondly, I worked for the first 8 months in the fund for free and, in fact, I was assigned a salary when we moved on to implementing a new strategy and when it became clear that I was working full-time. Of course, all administrative expenses occurred strictly within the framework of the law.

- Avilova left the fund?

There were two meetings of the board of trustees, at which, despite the statements of Avilova and Komissarov against me, the members of the board took my side, and Avilova was forced to leave. But then Liza's widower, Gleb Glinka, who asked me to save the fund a year ago, stepped in. I think the general did the work, Gleb realized that they wouldn’t let me live anyway, and it’s better to stay closer to the more influential side. And Gleb Glinka, the heir to the brand, together with Avilova, submitted an application to the Ministry of Justice for the creation of the Elizaveta Glinka Doctor Liza Foundation. Thus, the Foundation "Fair Help of Dr. Lisa" has a double to the point of confusion. The brand has faded. It was another powerful blow. And then I began to understand that our strategic plans were at least postponed. In addition, I was terribly tired of this senseless undercover fuss instead of creative activity, all these squabbles, plums, denunciations and conversations behind my back.

This is not how I envisioned charity.

And I decided that until September, until everything settles down, we freeze all strategic projects and simply carry out those that already exist. We took away my salary, the nominal one remained - 20 thousand rubles. Andrey Makeev was appointed director of the MBOO with a salary of 1 ruble. Alexander Kulikovsky took over the Donetsk project. And I decided to take a break. But it was not there.

“Four times the investigator refused to initiate a criminal case”

Further, my opponents realized that they had not succeeded in destroying my reputation and began to destroy my life. Natalya Avilova wrote a statement, although it would be more correct to say a denunciation, to the UK about my "abuses" and sent it by e-mail to Bastrykin. And pre-investigation checks began, of which there were five within five months.

- Were you removed from the presidency at a meeting of the board of trustees when you were in the hospital?

Yes, June 29th. Before that, I successfully repelled all attacks. And at that time, when I was not there, the director of the fund Andrey Makeev spoke. He spoke about our work during the reporting period, to which he was told that we asked for written reports and plans, but you did not provide them, so we recommend changing the president, changing the board, accepting new members to the organization, etc. That is, they had everything prepared in advance. It was decided to appoint Tatyana Konstantinova as the President.

- Who is she?

This is a fairly well-known woman in the charitable movement, she works at the Connection Foundation for the Support of the Deaf and Blind. The problem of my opponents was that, according to our charter, the decisions of the Board of Trustees are advisory in nature, they had to be implemented. To do this, an initiative group led by Gleb Glinka announced a general meeting to change the government. But for the legitimacy of the general meeting, they needed a quorum, and they did not have a quorum. Then they resorted to forgery: Ms. Avilova left the organization on February 12, 2018 (the statement is at the disposal of the editors. - MBKh Media). And they pretended that she did not leave the organization. Thanks to her "presence" they received a quorum to legalize the general meeting of the members of the organization.

Natalia Avilova's statement about her withdrawal from the Fair Aid Foundation. Photo: from the archive of Ksenia Sokolova

- Bottom line: you are no longer the president of the Doctor Liza's Fair Help Foundation, there is another foundation named after Elizabeth Glinka, a criminal case has been initiated. So?

Four times the investigator refused to open a criminal case. A fifth inspection was carried out, which led to the initiation of a case. I believe this happened because we did not agree to recognize the forgery and Alexander Kulikovsky wrote a statement to the prosecutor's office and the Ministry of Justice about the raider seizure of the fund. After four checks, we “did not get lost”, they conducted the fifth check and filed a case. And at first they tried to accuse me of allegedly paying employees inflated salaries and they returned part of these salaries to me in the form of cash. But then, when the story of embezzlement of funds through fraud was not confirmed, a strange construction of abuse of authority arose: an allegedly unidentified group of people misused money by hiring two lawyers. And one of the lawyers was assigned a large salary, from the point of view of the investigation. And thus the fund was damaged, because the lawyer Anna Agranovich received a million and something rubles for the entire time of the contract. During the inspections, employees were called in, testimonies were collected, then financial activities were checked, etc. All this under the strict guidance of interested parties and unrelenting pressure. Then they did one very nasty thing. We convinced the mothers of sick children, whom the foundation brought for treatment from Donetsk and prepared documents for them in order to treat them in Russia under compulsory medical insurance, to write a carbon copy statement that we are forcing them to apply for refugee status, but they really don’t want to do it. The statements of the mothers immediately got to the HRC to Fedotov and to the investigator Semenov on the table. That is, these unfortunate women were manipulated, promising to cure their children for a fee if they write such statements. But even this was not enough. In the end, the investigation decided to open a case that the fund's management hired two lawyers allegedly to do the same thing, although this is not the case. Alexander Kulikovsky is not a lawyer, he is a human rights activist, he took care of children who were brought from Donetsk, processed documents, received people several times a week on various human rights issues. And Anna Agranovich is a lawyer, a lawyer, she completely created all the legal documents of the Foundation, and as soon as she finished all this, the contract with her was terminated. And by the way, until June 2017, she worked for free.

“It became clear that the fund is no longer a basement with homeless people”

And yet, what, in your opinion, guided the general of the Investigative Committee, who, in fact, together with Avilova, as you said, initiated this persecution against you? Just because you're the wrong benefactor?

There is a second version, less "romantic". All my pragmatic friends express it: when it became clear that this fund was no longer a basement with homeless people and not a small charity house, but could receive huge resources, a manor in the center, etc., that there was presidential patronage, promised multimillion-dollar grants, and Putin supported, or at least saw, the Glinka Center project, they realized that it was urgent to seize these potential resources. This version is supported by the fact that the seizure began precisely in December 2017, when it was the anniversary of Liza's death and when good events for us took place one after another. In fact, it was then that attempts began to take over the Foundation. As for my personal situation, I can say what these people did.

When they realized that I would not just leave under their pressure, they began to destroy my reputation, when this reputation stood, they began to destroy my life.

Now a criminal case has been opened. And we all know perfectly well what to do in such cases: we must leave. I don't really want to leave.

- Are you afraid of a criminal case?

I don't believe one iota in any kind of justice in Russia. I am absolutely sure that if the people who work in the Investigative Committee want this criminal case to be promoted, it will be promoted. I'm not afraid of it, I'm ready for it. The main emotion that I experience: the deepest disgust. As Shalamov wrote, the camp is an invaluable human experience, but I am convinced that no one needs this experience. So, I got invaluable experience and I can say that it would be better if I never saw these people and did not know about their existence.

- But you know very influential people. Have you contacted them for help?

First, I don't like to complain. Secondly, I realized that these people who fought against me manage to run around all the offices they can in a very short time and tell an incredible amount of horrors about me. I began to turn to someone at the last moment - after the fourth or during the fifth pre-investigation check. I said: here, some strange people are doing something against me. And in the same vein, my influential friends answered me that, of course, they were digging something there, but it would not come to the initiation of a criminal case. And, for example, Mr. Fedotov assured me that you just need to do your job, not paying attention to the general.I said - well, what, the fund has been in an emergency situation for more than six months, people are being dragged for interrogations, they are not allowed to work normally, people are intimidated, demoralized.To which the head of the Human Rights Council answered me - it's nothing, work, Ksenia, write reports, apply for state grants. I was absolutely amazed that he considered this situation normal and did not even try to protect us as head of the board of trustees. Or rather tried. But he couldn't. In general, it was "Russian folk Kafka" in its purest form.

- That is, no one believed that all this was serious?

Yes, no one believed. This means that we are writing to the general in plus sign, he turned out to be a stubborn guy.

- Could a criminal case have been initiated without the knowledge of Bastrykin?

I don't know their cuisine. I saw that the investigator of the Investigative Committee for the Central Administrative District of Moscow, Denis Semenov, who conducted the checks, is a fairly decent person. He told me a couple of times in plain text that he did not want to get into these small-town showdowns. Four times he refused to initiate a criminal case based on a delusional denunciation; the case was returned to him by his immediate superior, who was obviously under pressure.

“These people should not be allowed to go to charity for a cannon shot”

Lisa Glinka's husband Gleb asked you to head the fund, Mikhail Fedotov, the head of the Board of Trustees, supported you. What is the role of these people in this whole story now?

Gleb Glinka has not been on my side for a long time, he is a cunning person and quickly figured everything out. Mikhail Alexandrovich Fedotov, I think, was subjected to serious pressure. Fedotov is a very cautious person, and it is not clear to me why he decided to cover up the obvious forgery that occurred during the general meeting of the organization on June 29th. But in general, the situation is as follows: all of them - Fedotov, and influential patrons, and the general, and even Avilova represent a system, and I am outside this system. I am a stranger. Obviously, they interact with me as long as I am beneficial to them in some capacity, as long as I behave as a systemic player. And being a systemic player means, for example, recognizing the situation when the Investigative Committee opens a case against you as normal. And somehow humbly groaning, to experience it.

In your opinion, some people who work in the foundation and provide patronage to it do not meet the moral criteria that are usually imposed on philanthropists?

I am quite sure that the scammer cannot be a benefactor. A person (by the way, a man) who, on the basis of denunciations and trumped-up charges, wants to prosecute the mother of a minor child (this is me about myself) cannot be a benefactor, no matter how much he quotes the Bible. The moral qualities that these people have demonstrated mean only one thing: they should not be allowed to go to charity for a cannon shot. Their hypocrisy and lies are deeply disgusting.

- If Lisa Glinka were alive, how would she react to this situation?

I think she would say: “Sokolova, you are a fool!”

- Why?

The history of Lisa and the history of her relationship with people in power is not easy. At some point, when she contacted them, I think she realized that she needed to behave like a player in the system, which she was by nature not at all.

- How exactly to behave?

Compromise. And I absolutely justify her, because there were children on the scales whom she could pull out and save from death, thanks to influential patrons.

- And you were not offered such a choice?

Yes, I was not offered. I just looked at some of them and I didn't like them. And they realized that I would not play by their rules.

- You repeated several times that they disliked you. For what?

In general, in the eyes of the charitable community, I am such a young lady in Chanel from some kind of glamour, I am a stranger.

People don't like foreignness. But it was possible to mimic. For example, the general sent me a book about Dr. Haas he was trying to convert me to his faith. But I stubbornly did not apply. I never stopped wearing my fur coat. I said: “Here I am as I am, but here is what I want to do. Look, approve or disapprove. And I never resorted to intrigues, denunciations, undercover methods. I have always acted directly. And this set of qualities turned out to be completely unsuitable for doing business with the system. Or I had to adapt to them, which was obviously technically correct, because you cannot rebuild for yourself a huge system that functioned for many decades before you. You must enter it. I didn't, I admit it. But according to the "Hamburg account", the fact that Lisa got on that plane is a consequence of the fact that she became part of the system. It was her choice, and I think, pardon the pathos, that the Russian state is in her debt. And so I thought that if they made the Glinka Children's Hospital, which would remain in Moscow for centuries, like the Sklifosovsky Clinic, they would at least partially pay off this debt.

- If you roll everything back, would you agree to lead this fund?

Never and under no circumstances.

On December 25, 2016, a Tu-154 aircraft of the Russian Ministry of Defense, heading for Syria, crashed in the vicinity of Sochi. As a result of the disaster, everyone on board died, including a social activist, founder of the Fair Aid Foundation, Elizaveta Petrovna Glinka, better known as Doctor Lisa. She escorted humanitarian cargo for the Tishrin University Hospital in Latakia.

In November 2017, the AST publishing house presented the book “Dr. Liza Glinka: I am always on the side of the weak”, dedicated to the memory of the human rights activist. This book consists of several parts - a preface by Glinka's friend and colleague Ksenia Sokolova, entries from Doctor Liza's diary in LiveJournal, an interview with her and a memoir essay by her husband Gleb Glinka.


Most of the publication is made up of the activist's diary entries, but Dr. Lisa hardly talks about her personal life. After reading two hundred pages, we learn only a little about her: Dr. Lisa did not like social events, but she liked to drive a car at high speed and skydive. She missed her uncle and blamed herself for his death, with a difference of nine months she buried her mother and father - and only after the death of both did she realize that she had finally matured. We learn that her father, when Lisa was little, carved a stamp out of a potato that said "Dr. Lisa". Let's read that she did not understand where cruelty comes from and why people lie.

Reach out to others

Sokolova, describing her acquaintance with Glinka, admits that at first she was ambivalent about her, she perceived her as a “philanthropist-whoops”, but quickly changed her mind: soon Dr. Lisa in her eyes became a saint, for whom helping others was the same basic need as food and sleep.

“The natural instinct for a person to experience fear, disgust, the desire to move away at the sight of someone else’s misfortune, illness, death was replaced in her with the exact opposite: the deeper and more terrible the wounds, the stronger and more irresistible the desire to heal them,” the journalist writes.

Doctor Liza also had other bright character traits that she was remembered by others. She stood up for people who, in the opinion of many, do not have the right to compassion and care. Fragile on the outside, she went to great lengths to help her wards, waking up officials in the middle of the night and getting the minister to call the hospice to inquire about the conditions for a homeless person there. Elizaveta Glinka, Sokolova notes, managed to reach the hearts of officials and oligarchs - after some time they not only stopped refusing help, but also began to offer it themselves. Even the military stopped the shooting when the bus with the children left the conflict zone in Donbass.

  • Vladimir Fedorenko/RIA Novosti

Truth on the patient's side

“It is also indicative that in her LiveJournal she wrote very little about herself. But the way she spoke about others helps to better understand and see her herself, ”writes Sokolova.

Glinka spoke about other people with love and did not wish harm even to those who stole the money allocated to the hospice, and this happened more than once. What can we say about the patients!

Among her wards there were not only cute children and intellectuals. On the contrary, Dr. Lisa's patients were most often homeless people, and sometimes criminals wanted by law enforcement agencies. Surprisingly, Glinka knew how to find a common language with everyone - even with those who spoke exclusively obscenities, were rude and rudely rejected any help.

“My truth is on the side of the patient. Whether he is right or not,” Dr. Lisa wrote.

In her eyes, all patients, whether a wealthy person or a homeless person living at the station, were equal.

From the life of the hospice

“There are eight hospices in Moscow, there is someone to deal with them, but there was not a single one in Kyiv. Therefore, I opened the very first one there, ”Elizaveta Glinka answered the child’s question why she needed a free hospice for the terminally ill in the Ukrainian capital.

Dr. Lisa talked a lot about working in this hospice. Both she and other employees became witnesses of real dramas, personal and family: before their eyes, sons and fathers met who had not seen each other for thirty years; husbands forgot sick wives and found new ones; long-awaited guests came to the dying, but it was too late. Others came to collect a debt.

Some of her stories are extremely touching: a rich patient could order anything, and he asked to bring a goat - playing with a goat was his brightest childhood memory. Many of them, like Zoshchenko's stories, are sad and funny at the same time - the patient was offended by the question of whether he had drunk antibiotics: "What am I, the last bastard - to drink medicines?"

Among Glinka's notes there are also small political sketches. Dr. Lisa tells how homeless people from the hospice behave before the parliamentary elections in Ukraine: they get acquainted with election speeches, read newspapers aloud, and discuss. Letters addressed to deputies were found in two patients after death.

Another episode: a woman with four children receives Viktor Yushchenko, who came to the hospice.

“She was lying “for social reasons”. Translated into human terms, this is when it is impossible to lie in two adjacent rooms at home, and the children are starving, because there is no money for chemotherapy drugs, only debts remain. And they repaid their debts. Almost all of her disability pension. He entered the room and said hello. And the woman said: “Viktor Andreevich, and I voted for you ...” And she smiled at him, ”Glinka wrote.

"She loved beyond words..."

During one of the interviews, Dr. Lisa said that all people die in different ways. One is scared, they want to be held by the hand. Others leave quietly, as if falling asleep. Glinka said about her attitude to death: “I don’t know death. Probably, I'm afraid, like everything unknown.

It is all the more surprising that her notes help not to be afraid of death. Reading Glinka's diary, one can realize that death lives among people. And because of this, it becomes less terrible: is it possible to be afraid of death when there is love?

“Sometimes in families with sick people I see so much love that the concept of its infinity becomes really tangible,” Dr. Lisa explained. - This is not a corrected pillow or a patient turned on his side in time, not a bowl of broth, not caviar and not flowers. Not clean clothes, not washed hands. Not fashionable drugs, doctors and nurses. It is devotion, forgiveness, patience and affection. One that cannot be separated. The impossibility of falling out of love under any circumstances. There are no resentments and omissions, no sighs, no complaints either. There is a given. Love".

After the death of Elizabeth Glinka, her husband Gleb will write that Doctor Lisa had an inexhaustible supply of such love.

“Her heart was huge, all-encompassing, all-encompassing. She loved not in words, but in deeds, ”he will tell.

Elizaveta Glinka, who died in the crash of TU-154 - Dr. Lisa, was a controversial figure in Russian politics and public life. She has been involved in charity work since USA where she emigrated in the early nineties. Returning to Russia American citizen opened a hospice in Moscow, and then in Kyiv. After that, she did charity work in Russia. During the years of active protests, Elizabeth became one of the " icons» of the Russian opposition, but with the beginning of the events in the Donbass, unexpectedly for the comrades-in-arms, Glinka engaged in humanitarian aid to Donetsk and Lugansk and the evacuation of children from the territory of the unrecognized republics. Her words are known: “As a person who regularly visits Donetsk, I did not see Russian troops there,” which other oppositionists could not forgive her. But Doctor Lisa went even further and took an active part in humanitarian missions in Syria..

Elizabeth Glinka about how to live and relate to other people:

« The most important thing is treat other people the way you would like others to treat you, to your grandmother, to your mother, to your child. Then there would be peace on earth, and officials would change.

Because now we see only revelations, scandals ...

Reading some dialogues or correspondence, I am horrified and think: can this person turn on himself what he writes or wishes to another person? That's hate. And when hate moves, it destroys. A creativity is only love

Dr. Lisa about what she would change in Russia:

« I would do it first free and affordable medical and social assistance for those who cannot pay it, would help the poor

Full video interview with Elizabeth Glinka:

Elizabeth Glinka about what Russia and the United States can learn from each other:

« We need to learn from their social policy - caring for the sick, the poor, the work of non-profit public organizations, how this work is organized, the presence of a large number of volunteers who voluntarily and free of charge help clinics as cleaners, receptionists and other non-medical specialties. Unfortunately, this is not achievable for us.

What can America learn from us? I I believe in the concept of "Russian spirituality" and believe in mercy- not according to fashion, not according to trend, but according to the dictates of the soul.

Patriotism, but not pseudo-patriotism with hanging flags on every balcony, but true - devotion to one's duty, devotion to one's Motherland.

I lived there for twenty years (in the USA, - site editor). And now I look at those who return here - these are by no means those people who "didn't take place". These are the ones that "didn't take root". For some reason we are drawn here. And it's not just the language, not just the culture.

including traditional and love for the roots they need to learn from us

Full video interview with Elizabeth Glinka:

Elizaveta Glinka about what will happen to Russia:

« My conviction is that our country is developing in its own way, going its own way whether someone likes it or not.

A scandal flares up around the successor of "Doctor Liza".

It all started with a REN-TV article titled "After the death of Dr. Lisa, the new head of her fund raised her salary five times."

In the investigation of the journalists of the TV channel, it was said that " After the death of Elizabeth Glinka in a plane crash a year ago, almost everything related to finances has changed in her Fair Aid Foundation. And these changes affected, first of all, not ordinary employees, but management"According to REN-TV, the salary of the head of the fund has increased 5 times (now it is 173 thousand rubles), the staff has increased and by no means unmercenary volunteers have been added - a secretary, a fundraiser, an executive director, a new chief accountant have been hired," spending on legal services almost caught up with medical expenses", a new office was rented in the center of Moscow for 172.5 thousand rubles a month, where it is very problematic for those in need of help to get.

The TV channel cites the words of the new president of the foundation, the "glamorous philanthropist" Ksenia Sokolova: " You need to be present in the public as a well-known brand, talk about yourself. Now this is a very popular direction - charity. Someone asked "how are you with the lifestyle in the basement." In a fur coat. I didn't come here to make my life worse.".

Glinka ("Doctor Lisa") and Sokolova

Journalists refer to Sokolova's project, a copy of which is available in the editorial office. With the stated purpose perpetuate the name of Dr. Lisa", Sokolova plans at the expense of the state" build an elite medical complex for the poor"on the territory of the architectural complex of the XVIII century (object of cultural heritage), and" land is of particular value: almost 2 hectares in the very center of Moscow". For preferential categories of patients, only 30 beds out of 150 will be allocated. REN-TV quotes a lawyer working with charitable foundations, who does not see any differences in the project from" conventional commercial clinic". But the project says " amount of profit for 5 years 1.5 billion", emphasizes the channel.

It is also said about the upcoming dismissal from the fund of a member of its board, the head of the direction of assistance to children affected by hostilities and disasters, Natalia Avilova, who " the only one after the death of Elizabeth Glinka continued to carry humanitarian aid to the Donbass". She publicly expressed her negative attitude towards innovations in the fund. " After new management came in, our doctor, who worked with Lisa for 10 years, quit. We have been working for a year without a health worker who could help children. I don’t understand why you can have 3 accountants, secretaries, but we are a foundation, we provide assistance, but we don’t have a doctor", - REN-TV quotes the words of Avilova.

Donetsk: Natalia Avilova receives an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker as a gift from parents whose children have already been helped

In an interview with the liberal Meduza, Sokolova called the REN-TV material a hoax aimed at discrediting the "Fair Aid of Dr. Lisa" and her personally, in fact threatened with a lawsuit, but confirmed a 5-fold increase in the salary of the head of the fund (" Yes, I do receive a salary from August 14, 2017") and renting a new office - " all this was done in order to implement the new strategy scheduled for 2018". Sokolova refused to answer the question about the conflict with Avilova.

Former press secretary of Mikhail Prokhorov Tatiana Kosobokova, a colleague of Sokolova at his campaign headquarters, confirmed on the Facebook page Avilova's dismissal and the transformation of the Fair Aid Foundation into a business project: " The Lisa Foundation, under new management, has become a business project. The person who dared to speak openly about this was suspended from work today and all means of communication were turned off. So far, Natalia Avilova can only be contacted on Facebook"(referring to corporate means of communication: telephone and mail - Note). In the comments on the entry, Kosobokova clarifies that" now the person whom Liza called her closest associate and who passed on all her contacts to her was suspended from work. Her opinion, I believe, should take precedence. Not what Sokolova decided to introduce, but what the person who was Lisa's right hand considers the right way"and assumes that" a non-profit foundation, using the appropriate privileges, will tear down monumental buildings and run a COMMERCIAL clinic"(Author's spelling retained - Note).

The whole handshake army instantly stood up to protect Sokolova. Journalist and homosexual Mitya Aleshkovsky called her actions " perfectly normal global practice". In his opinion, " Sokolova is absolutely right about everything. And that he receives a market salary, and that he optimizes expenses and creates effective programs, and, of course, that she removed Avilova". Member of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation "Fair Help of Dr. Lisa", crooked defender Lyudmila Alekseeva published an open letter in the newspaper "Kommersant" in which she names Sokolova " spiritually the closest person to Dr. Liza and her constant assistant, a talented journalist, a very active person, an excellent organizer". Alekseev explains her activities as president of the fund with a desire" expand, diversify".

46-year-old Ksenia Yanisovna Sokolova is the star of the glamorous-liberal segment of Russian journalism. She graduated from the faculty of literary translation of the Literary Institute. Gorky. She headed the department of special projects in the Russian-language version of the GQ magazine, together with Ksenia Sobchak led the column "Philosophy in the boudoir". She published a collection of articles "Revolutionary Glamour", a collection of interviews "Philosophy in the Boudoir" (co-authored with Sobchak). Was the vice-president of the media group "ZhiVi!" and columnist, Deputy Project Manager of the Snob Project; her interview with Mikhail Khodorkovsky in Berlin (immediately after his release from prison) and an exclusive conversation with Marina Litvinenko, the widow of Alexander Litvinenko poisoned by polonium, gained fame. One of the key members of the election headquarters of the oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov in the 2012 presidential election.
On May 1, 2016, she published in "Snob" a heartfelt text "My Bukovsky", dedicated to her idol - dissident Vladimir Bukovsky (when he went on a hunger strike after searches and initiation of a criminal case by British law enforcement agencies on the manufacture and possession of child pornography): " Dear VK! I not only admire you, I feel great gratitude, appreciate, learn from you, support, etc. I love you very sincerely and dearly. Like many of your friends, I would also like to ask you to take care of yourself and stop the hunger strike, but I know that you will not stop. Do what you think is right. I have no doubt that you will win.".
In August-September 2016, she was the editor-in-chief of the Russian-language version of the American "magazine for successful gentlemen" Esquire. In September 2016, she ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation from the Party of Growth of Boris Titov, on the federal list under No. 5 and as a single-mandate (took 7th place in the Central Administrative District of Moscow). In January 2017, she headed - without relevant experience and medical education - the Fair Help Foundation, later renamed Doctor Liza's Fair Help. An old girlfriend of Ksyushadi, Khakamada, Prokhorov, Uskov, Venediktov, Krasovsky, Sindeeva and other wonderful individuals knows a lot about financial flows.