Glucose: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. The first and only husband of Natalia ionova Glucose singer personal life children

  • 26.06.2019

In childhood, the loss of a pet is perhaps one of the most difficult trials in life. The daughter of the singer Glucose recently also experienced grief.

Loss of the singer's daughter

Glucose's eldest daughter Lydia witnessed the death of her beloved guinea pig named Coco: the pet died in the girl's arms. Of course, this is a very difficult test for her, filled with negative emotions and experiences.

Glucose wrote about this on Instagram: “I don’t even know why I am writing this here, but, to be honest, I just don’t know why this could have happened. Coco was well looked after and conditions were favorable. Moreover, we tried to give everything to our baby. We didn’t overcool her, we didn’t take her outside, but three days ago Coco seemed to catch a cold, and now she’s gone. Lydia is very bored. We talk with her about death, explain that loss is always insanely difficult, and it is not we who decide who lives and who dies. This is the first such tragic loss for my daughter. "

The story of another loss

The singer herself tells a similar story from her childhood.

Then Natasha and her parents were at the dacha in the summer, where they took the girl's pet, the hamster Kuzya. The future celebrity went outside and took her furry pet with her. She decided to let him go to run on the grass, but then a cat noticed Kuzyu.

The hamster ran, trying to hide, Natasha tried to drive away the predator, but did not have time: she touched Kuzya with her paw. Natasha's pet survived that fight, but then fell ill for three days and eventually died. So the future singer learned what the pain of loss is. Now she is trying with all her might to morally support her daughter.

Russian singer, actress, TV presenter, fashion model. Multiple winner of the Golden Gramophone award.

Glucose. Biography

Natalia Ilyinichna Ionova, known by her stage name Glucose(often styled like Gluck'oZa), was born on June 7, 1986 in Syzran, in a family of programmers. As a child, she was a regular at various circles - from art to chess. She devoted only a year of her life to studying at a music school.

The future star of domestic show business spent days and nights on the street, in the company of boys - she shot from slingshots and fought with other girls. She was her own in their company, so she easily played a "kid" girl in the children's comedy show "Yeralash" .

Natalya Ionova: I grew up on the street. And it was mostly on its own. I wanted adrenaline and an explosion of emotions all the time. Then I was friends with the guys with whom I got into different troubles. We once robbed an animal pharmacy. Why - I don't know. Probably, I just wanted to be funny. I am still ashamed of that act.

Glucose. Creative way

In 2000, Natalia appeared in the film "Triumph"... Her soundtrack, by Maxim Fadeev, amazed so much Natasha that she, with the help of friends and a cassette recorder, recorded her own song "Suga" and posted an MP3 version of it on the Internet. Once on the group's unofficial fan site "Total" the following message appeared: “Maxim, hello! My name is Natasha. I starred in the movie Triumph. Come on the pleated link. There is my song. "

Soon, contradictory information was found on the network that Max Fadeev himself noticed Natasha in the Yeralash video and offered cooperation. But none of the versions was officially confirmed.

In 2002 the project was born "Glucose" the soloist of which was the young Natalia Ionova... A special feature was that instead of the singer, her cartoon image flashed in the video clips, and the audience wondered - who was hiding on the other side of the screen? Glucose became the first female singer to literally live online and become the symbol of the NEXT generation.

The singer invented her 3D image personally, paying special attention to the drawing of her pet, a Doberman named Doc.

Debut appearance Natalia Ionova took place on stage in June 2003, at the final concert of the "Star Factory-2" show under the direction of producer Maxim Fadeev. At the end of the year, she presented her first album, titled "Glukoza nostra"... Two years later, the girl released her second album. "Moscow".

In 2006, viewers saw Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova in the project of the First Channel "Stars on Ice", where her mentor was the famous figure skater Anton Sikharulidze. True, the singer had to leave the ice arena several issues before the semifinals, since she was in an interesting position, and the doctors recommended that she refrain from further participation in the show.

After a break in the stage activities associated with marriage and the birth of a child, at the end of 2007 Natalia returned to music and opened the company " Glucose production"Together with Maxim Fadeev. In the winter of 2008, the singer presented the composition "Butterflies" and acted as the host of the "Children's Pranks" program on STS. In the spring she released a video clip for a single "Dance, Russia!" and took part in the New Wave festival with the song "Sicily".

Another hit in creativity Glucose became a clip for the song "Daughter"... The video shows the usual cartoon image of the singer and her small copy named Glu, the prototype of the singer's daughter - Leads... The plot of the video also featured another character who fought against alien invaders - an animated version of his stepson Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova.

Soon, the singer radically changed her image - dresses and heels took the place of jeans and sneakers. Many glossy publications have recognized the new image Glucose one of the most stylish in modern domestic show business. The singer herself said that she was just keeping up with the times. In the summer of 2010, she presented the single "Sweep". The text for the English version of this song, High sign, was written by her husband, businessman Alexander Chistyakov. He also became the author of the song "I want a man", which the singer's fans heard in April 2011.

Glucose: To be honest, it was a discovery for me that Sasha began to write poetry. He is not one of those men who sing serenades, can speak floridly, make compliments. Sometimes I can even jokingly remind him that he hasn’t told me for a long time that he loves me. It's just that Sasha is such a person by nature: he does not throw words to the wind, he is used to expressing his attitude in deed. Believe me, he does a lot for me, my family and the people he loves. But as a woman, of course, sometimes I do not have enough laudatory odes. And since I believe that marriage is an everyday jewelry work on each other, I took and came up with the following solution: I asked Sasha to write me a letter for my birthday. I reasoned this way: since he cannot speak, then he should try to pour out his feelings on paper. And now every birthday, when I receive a letter from my husband, I cry. Every year these letters are getting longer and longer ...

Spring 2011 Glucose made another splash on the stage - the presentation of her NOW Boy concert with show elements in 3D format took place in the B2 club. The new composer was Artem Fadeev, the brother of her producer, therefore in music Glucose there is more electronics and trance.

Autumn 2011 Glucose presented her song "Traces of Tears", personally composing lyrics for it, and also recorded the third studio album - "Trans-FORM", which opens up other facets of the singer and includes both absolutely new songs of the performer and compositions already loved by fans. Including "Sweep", "This is such love", "Traces of tears", "Dance, Russia", etc.

Natalia: From now on, the old glucose will no longer be there. I am changing - I am transforming, and so is the music ... I started with a cartoon and I can't live without a friend. That girl was an expression of me and my character back then. We have completely coincided with a cartoon-like lover for all 10 years of our life together. And we call the updated robot Cyber ​​Glu. This is not a robot housewife, but the girl of today - cocky, sexy, electrified. Strong forms, iron nerves, connection with the "web" and an open gaze ... All this is quite to my liking and coincides with my feelings and the way I want to see myself. I think every young woman wants to feel that way.

In early 2012, a scandalous video appeared on the network Glucose to the song "My Vice", which has become one of the most provocative works
Natalia and, despite the performer's fears, the main music TV channels of Russia and Ukraine got into the rotation. Then the singles "Ko $ ka" and "Take me by the hand" appeared in her work. The last song, according to the performer herself, became very personal for her. In January 2013, the video of the same name was presented, the text and music for the composition were written by the singer's constant mentor Max Fadeev.

The song "Take My Hand" lasted 27 weeks in the main music chart of Russia and became a laureate of the "Golden Gramophone" award.

Autumn 2012 Glucose took part in the seventh season of the show of the channel "Russia 1" "Dancing with the Stars", where her partner was Evgeny Papunaishvili. The couple eventually took first place in the project. And in 2013 Natalya took part in the famous game Fort Boyard, in which her team "Strong Ligaments" reached the final, losing the championship to the "Handyman".

In the spring of 2013, as part of the program "Evening Urgant" Glucose and Smoky Mo presented their joint track "Butterflies", and in the summer the singer presented her next release - the song "Do you want to hurt me?" In June 2014, the premiere of Natalia's song "Why", released on her birthday, took place.

Glucose: For me, “Why” is more than just a novelty. This song is associated with both creative and personal changes in my life.

In 2015, a creative piggy bank Glucose replenished with the songs "Sing to me, wind" and "Warm". In the summer of 2016, she released the single "I will be a secret", dedicating it to every woman who knows that a real woman can fight for her love, give the world tenderness, charm and remain a mystery for her only and beloved man. In the fall of the same year, fans heard the pop star's song "Without You".

In 2017, the Russia 1 channel released the melodramatic film Petal of Brilliant Life, which became the actor's debut directorial work Alexey Myasnikov... In this tape, where Antonina Divina, Dmitry Kalyazin, Artur Sopelnik, Valery Grishko, Anastasia Nemets and other actors starred, Glucose played one of the key roles. The singer was also involved in the filming of the comedy film "Transformer" by Marius Weisberg with the participation of Alexander Revva, Svetlana Nemolyaeva, Inna Churikova, Vladimir Tolokonnikov, Oleg Basilashvili, Philip Kirkorov and others.

Glucose also pays great attention to charity. So, under her leadership there are two projects, one of which is the Russian branch of the international organization Best Buddies Internetional, which deals with the problems of people with developmental disabilities. Natalia is an active participant in various television projects and photo shoots.

Glucose. Personal life

In 2005 Natalia Ionova flew in a plane from Moscow to Chechnya, preparing for a performance at a charity concert under the leadership of the former top manager of RAO UES of Russia Alexander Chistyakov. He immediately attracted the girl with his nobility and modest behavior. According to the singer, it was she who initiated their first kiss and even their engagement. In turn, the businessman liked the spontaneity and openness of the young artist.

Their couple is often called one of the most exemplary in Russian show business. According to Natalia, the secret of their family happiness is in the freedom of choice, which the spouses give to each other. Among other things, Alexander is thirteen years older than her and fully provides for the family, which, according to the singer, is a prerequisite for a strong relationship.

Natalya Chistyakova-Ionova: The longer I live with my husband, the more I understand how lucky I am! There are only a few people like him. Now in general, good men are in short supply. There are few people who respect a woman, who are confident in themselves, who have achieved something. The shortage of men without complexes, men who want children, a family who can love one woman ... There are practically no such men, this is some kind of endangered species! But I found his representative.

In the summer of 2006, the lovers staged a magnificent wedding ceremony, and on May 8, 2007, their daughter Lydia Chistyakova was born in Spain. On September 8, 2011, Natalia became a mother again. She gave birth to a baby girl in the Spanish city of Marbella Faith.

Both girls are named after their great-grandmothers. Lydia - on the maternal side, Vera - on the paternal side.

Son of Alexander Chistyakov from his first marriage, Alexander, lives with her father from an early age, so Natalya is raising him like her child.

Natalya Chistyakova-Ionova: As for the return to form, you know, my husband has a favorite saying, which has become my favorite: "The walker will master the road." After the first birth, I went in for sports four hours a day for three months. I do not have a tendency to be overweight, but any woman, if she does not control herself after hormonal changes, will never be able to return to her previous shape. Therefore, when my friends who have given birth call me and ask for the phone number of my yoga coach, I immediately warn them: neither yoga nor Pilates will help. Only a treadmill, body pump, bicycles, drains, massages ... And the most important thing is to gather your will into a fist and work hard. There are no magic drugs, no pills, and even liposuction is bullshit. Only sports, sports and more sports.

Natalia believes that at the moment he is doing the main thing in his life: "Work is wonderful, but there is nothing more beautiful in the world than motherhood."

Glucose. Discography

  • Studio albums
    2003 - Glitch "oZa Nostra
    2005 - Moscow
    2011 - Trans-FORM

    2007- Gluck'oZa
    2008 - Best Songs

    2002 - I Hate
    2003 - Bride; Baby
    2004 - Karina; The groom wanted (feat. Verka Serduchka); Oh-oh; Snowing
    2005 - Schweine; Yura; Moscow
    2006 - Wedding; Sashak
    2007 - Butterflies;
    2008 - Dance, Russia !; Daughter;
    2009 - Money

    2012 - My vice; Ko $ ka (Cat); Take my hand
    2013 - Butterflies (feat. Smokey Mo); Do you want to hurt me?
    2014 - Why?
    2015 - Sing to me, wind; Warm up
    2016 - I will be a secret; Without you

    2002 - I Hate
    2003 - Bride
    2004 - Oh-oh; Snowing
    2005 - Schweine; Moscow
    2006 - Wedding
    2008 - Butterflies; Dance, Russia !; Daughter
    2009 - Money
    2010 - This is such love; As in childhood
    2011 - Sweep; I want a man; Traces of tears
    2012 - My vice; Ko $ ka
    2013 - Take my hand; Butterflies; Do you want to hurt me?
    2014 - Why
    2015 - Sing to me, wind
    2016 - Warm; I will be a secret; Without you

Glucose. Filmography

  • Actress
    Transformer (2017)
    Brilliant Life Petal (2016)
    Princess War (2013)
    Russian Hollywood: The Diamond Arm 2 (documentary, 2010)
    Endless Jumble (documentary, 2009)
    1st Fast (2006) ("Marilyn Monroe")
    Rood and Sam (2007) (Masha)
    Caution, modern! 2004 (TV, 2004)
    Triumph (2000) (Tina)
    Yeralash (TV series 1974 - ...)

    Savva. Warrior's Heart (2015)
    Monsters vs. Aliens (2009) / Monsters vs. Aliens (Reese Witherspoon - Susan Murphy / Ginormica)

Glucose (Natalya Ionova) is a Russian pop singer who became famous after the release of the songs "Bride" and "I Hate". She is also a TV presenter and actress.

Childhood and adolescence

The childhood of the future pop singer fell on the dashing 90s, which could not but affect the formation of her personality. Prior to this, a relatively financially stable family began to experience serious material difficulties. Parents from morning to evening were busy at work, and Natasha and her older sister Sasha were raised by their grandmother, Lidia Mikhailovna.

Most of the time, the girls were left to themselves, and if the older sister was a homebody, then Natasha spent whole days in the yard in the company of neighboring boys. She attended school reluctantly, although she liked to take part in a variety of extracurricular activities. The girl attended all kinds of circles, was fond of drafts, played tennis and ballet, and even tried to master the piano.

At the age of twelve, Natasha got into "Yeralash". Boris Grachevsky was initially going to take her for a secondary role, but in the process of filming he changed his mind and made the main character of the series. In 2000, she starred in the movie "Triumph", thanks to which she met Max Fadeev.

Release of "Yeralash" with Natasha Ionova

Musical career

The aspiring producer worked on the musical design of this picture and immediately drew attention to the lively charismatic girl. He offered her cooperation, and Natasha did not miss her chance. True, in order to become an artist, she had to work a lot on herself and give up bad habits (by the age of fourteen she had already dabbled in alcohol and cigarettes). Soon, all her efforts were more than compensated for by the frenzied popularity and ardent love of the public.

At first, Fadeev intrigued the audience without showing them the new artist. The songs "Suga" and "I Hate" firmly occupied the top lines of the charts, and a cartoon character in the style of Gorillaz with the funny name Glucose and a faithful companion, a Doberman, appeared on the screens.

Glucose- "I Hate"

It was only in 2003 that the first public appearance of the singer took place within the framework of the Star Factory project. In the same year, the debut album "Gluk'oZa Nostra" was released, which sold 1.5 million copies.

Four years later, the second disc of the singer "Moscow" saw the light, which was greeted by the public with no less enthusiasm.

In 2007, the singer and producer organized a joint company "Glucose Production" and became its full-fledged partners. The result of their successful creative tandem was new hits - "Butterflies", "Dance, Russia", "Daughter", touring tours in Russia and abroad, numerous awards at prestigious music festivals.

Glucose - Dance, Russia!

In 2011, Glucose presented to the audience her third studio album "Trans-FORM", and in 2013 she recorded a joint track "Butterflies" with Smoky Mo.

Other activities

In the wake of success, Glucose became a frequent guest on television, in 2006 she appeared in the first season of the popular show "Stars on Ice" on Channel One, where she skated with Anton Sikharulidze.

In 2008, viewers of the STS channel were able to see her as the host of the author's program "Children's pranks".

In 2009, Glucose voiced the character Reese Witherspoon in the cartoon "Monsters vs. Aliens", as well as the computer game character Nancy Drew. Ionova also participated in the project "Dancing with the Stars" in 2012 on the channel "Russia".

Natasha did not forget about cinema either - she periodically appears on screens in films of the entertainment and comedy genre, mainly in the role of herself. Natalia Ionova is a volunteer of the Best Friends charitable foundation, which helps people with developmental and intellectual disabilities adapt to life in modern society.

Personal life of Natalia Ionova

The love story of Natasha Ionova resembles a fairy tale about Cinderella. A girl from a simple family accidentally met on a plane with a rich and influential businessman Alexander Chistyakov, who turned her life into a bright holiday. The St. Petersburg millionaire surrounded the girl with care and attention literally from the first meeting, so Natasha had no doubts about the seriousness of his intentions.

In 2006, they played a luxurious wedding, and a year later the couple had a girl named after their beloved grandmother Glucose - Lida. Four years later, she had a younger sister, Vera. Despite some difference in age (12 years), the spouses are incredibly happy and do not get tired of thanking their mutual friend

Natalya Ilyinichna Chistyakova-Ionova - singer, film actress, TV presenter.

Natalia Ionova was born in the city of Syzran on June 7, 1986. Father - Ilya Efimovich Ionov, programmer. Mother - Tatiana Mikhailovna Ionova, programmer.

In 1993, 7-year-old Natasha entered a music school, which she dropped out exactly one year later.

During her school years, the addicted Natasha Ionova manages to change many different circles: from ballet to chess.

In 1997, 11-year-old Natasha made her debut as an actress, starring in several episodes of the humorous television magazine "Yeralash".

A little later, Ionova starred in the video "Childhood" by Yura Shatunov.

In 1998-99, the young actress managed to appear in several episodes of Yeralash, as well as in the film The War of the Princess.

In 2000, Ionova starred in the film "Triumph", the music for which was written by Max Fadeev.

After the release of the picture on the screens, Natasha looked at it several times and literally fell in love with the soundtrack. She really wanted to meet the author of the music. Ionova composed the song "Suga", having recorded it on a cassette tape recorder. And the record was posted on the Internet.

Max Fadeev at that time was the producer of the groups "Monokini" and "Total", and Natasha posted a link to her song in the guest book of the groups, introduced herself and asked Fadeev to listen to it. This is how Ionova and Max Fadeev met.

In 2002 Max Fadeev organized the "Gluk'aZa" project, in which Natalya Ionova appeared as a soloist. All the musical material of the project and the direction of Gluk'oZ's videos are the work of Fadeev himself.

Ionova did not want to flicker on screens and on the covers of magazines, she considered all this to be tinsel. Therefore, it was decided to draw it. Natasha said that she was very similar to Masyanya and portrayed herself. The only thing left for the artists to do is to correct the image a little.

The debut video "I Hate", and then the whole series that followed, became at that time a real benefit of advanced 3D technologies. There was no information about the performer, so the public's interest grew more and more.

The Gluck'oZa project is extremely popular. The singer performs in the style of pop-retro-punk and none of her compositions passes by the ears of the public, everyone sang them and knew them by heart.

In 2003 the audience was able to see Gluk'oZa "live" when she appeared on stage for the first time at the final concert of "Star Factory - 2". It's just that this "Factory" was produced by Max Fadeev.

Glucose tracks by this time occupied the first lines of the charts, and the performer herself was awarded many different awards. On the Internet portal "Rambler", the animated Glucose becomes the character of the year, in addition, she becomes the character of a computer game.

In 2003, Gluk'oZa's first album was "Gluk'oZa Nostra".

2005 - the album "Moscow". These two first albums are wildly successful, and some compositions from them are still being played by domestic radio stations.

In 2006, 20-year-old Natalya Ionova married a successful businessman Alexander Chistyakov. The singer's career calmed down for a whole year.

In 2007, Gluk'oZa returned to music, opening the Glucose Production company together with Max Fadeev.

In 2008, Ionova tries herself as a TV presenter. She hosts the program "Children's pranks on the channel" STS.

This year, Gluk'oZa has new songs: "Butterflies", "Sicily", but the song "Dance, Russia" is becoming a real explosive hit, which blew up national charts and is sold out at concerts.

The official website of Gluk'oZa is also being created -

At the end of the year, a new video of the singer "Daughter" appears in rotation, where two blondes - she and little Glyu, her daughter Lidochka, save the earth from alien aliens.

In 2009, Ionova takes part in the voice acting of the cartoon "Monsters against Aliens", where Gigantika speaks in her voice.

In the same year, Gluk'oZa, according to her, put a bold comma in her work, having recorded the single "Money". The singer openly announced her change of image. In the past, there were jeans with old songs, now Gluk'oZа is feminine, exciting, matured. Several glossy publications call Ionova one of the stylish, bright and beautiful singers of the Russian show business in 2009

In 2010, the song "This is such love" was released, the provocative text of which and the new sounding immediately attract the attention of the public. The video clips "As in Childhood" and "Swing" are being shot, the Russian-language version of which was written for Natalia by her own husband, Alexander Chistyakov.

In 2011, Chistyakov writes the song "I Want a Man (Bitch Gaga)" for his wife. In the song, according to Ionova, they make fun of metrosexuals.

In November - the presentation of the new album of the singer - "Trans-FORM".

In 2012, at the beginning of the year, an extremely scandalous clip of Ionova - "My vice" was released. The TV channels did not take the clip into rotation due to its content, so its presentation took place on YouTube, on the largest video channel ELLO.

Seeing the frenzied Internet - the success of the video, some channels in Ukraine and Russia, nevertheless, take the clip into rotation.

Natalia Ionova spent her childhood in Moscow, she was born into a family of engineers. She has an older sister who works as a pastry chef. At the age of 11, Natasha entered the casting of the Yeralash children's television project on Channel One. She has successfully passed a rigorous selection process and has appeared in several comedy stories.

Childhood and youth

In 1999, the aspiring actress was invited to shoot the dramatic film "War of the Princess". The story of modern Romeo and Juliet was released only in 2013. For 14 years, many performers of roles in the film have become popular actors, for example, Lyanka Gryu, Artur Smolyaninov, Natalya Ionova herself. The actors remember filming with great respect and believe that the project helped them in their future careers.

Ionova also starred in several music videos: "Young Winds" by the "7B" group (2001), "Childhood" by Yuri Shatunov (2002).

In 2001, on the set of the film "Triumph", The 13-year-old actress was noticed by music producer Maxim Fadeev... From that moment on, a long collaboration began, which made Natalia Ionova a real star.

Musical career

Maxim Fadeev spoke about his acquaintance with his ward with a grain of irony, according to him, at that time the girl was a difficult teenager and happily entered bad companies. He gave her the opportunity to become a professional artist and not make mistakes that would cost her a happy life.

In 2001, the first music track "Suga" was recorded, preparations for the release of the debut album began.

A new song by an unknown singer Glucose was launched on the air of several radio stations in Moscow, and also entered the top 10 tracks of Our Radio in Kiev. The music label "Monolith Records" became interested in the project, which went to Maxim Fadeev and offered him and Glucose a contract.

From 2002 to 2003, listeners did not know the performer of hits by sight. The Glucose project has become completely drawn. The video clips of the cartoon character attracted attention and raised a lot of questions. The musicians and the singer performed pop music without giving interviews or taking pictures for magazines. It was a common decision of the team and Maxim Fadeev.

For the first time, Glucose showed itself at a concert of the Star Factory-2 show, which was directed by Fadeev.

From 2003 to 2005, Glucose released two albums, more than 10 songs and several video clips. She has repeatedly become the leader of the charts, the owner of music awards.

Until 2007, little was known about the singer., she devoted 2 years to a quiet family life. In January 2008, Glucose returned to show business with the song “Butterflies”, and then blew up the charts with the incendiary track “Dance, Russia!”.

Interesting notes:

In 2011, the premiere of the album "Trans-FORM" took place, as well as the concert program "NOWBOY". The unusual show included live performance in conjunction with the 3D format. The program included Natalia's hits, already familiar to the listeners, and new tracks "Freak", "Played enough". In the album, the singer tried herself in an unfamiliar hip-hop genre., showing himself to the viewer from a new side.

Currently, the singer continues to delight fans by releasing memorable compositions and takes part in concert programs. She can be considered one of the most successful singers in Russia.

To the cinema

Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova left her acting career in the background, completely devoting herself to music. But sometimes she still accepts the proposals of the directors of Russian cinema, appearing in the role of herself in small episodes. Among the film works of Natalia comedy "Disco Night" (2004), "Rood and Sam" (2007), TV series (2017).

In 2018, the TV-3 channel will present a new mystical series. Natalya Chistyakova-Ionova also took part in the filming of the detective story.


Year Movie Role
1997-2000 Yeralash different roles
2000 Triumph Tina
2003 Caution, modern! 2004

Natalie (voiceover)

2004 Gluck'oZa. Encyclopedia cameo
2004 Disco Night cameo
2005 Childhood Night cameo
2006 1st Fast Marilyn Monroe
2007 Rood and Sam Masha
2007 Soap Opera Phantom cameo
2009 Monsters versus Aliens

A family

In 2005, on a Moscow-Chechnya plane, the singer met businessman Alexander Chistyakov. Young people immediately liked each other and since then have not parted. In 2006, the lovers got married, in 2007 their first daughter Lydia was born. In 2011, Natalya became a mother for the second time - she gave birth to her second daughter, Vera. The names for the daughters were not chosen by chance - both are named after the grandmothers Natalia and Alexander.

The Chistyakov family is rightfully considered one of the strongest in Russian show business. Natalia emphasizes in an interview how much she respects her man and is grateful to him for the calmness and confidence that he gives to their family.